RMS Athenia Dinner Menu Card - 24 August 1930
Illustration of the Edinburgh Castle and Art Galleries Adorn the Front Cover of This Vintage Dinner Menu Card From Sunday, 24 August 1930 Onboard the RMS Athenia of the Anchor-Donaldson Line. Menu Selections Featured Prime Ribs & Sirloin of Beef — Yorkshire Pudding, Quarters of Lamb - Mint Sauce, and Plum Pudding-Brandy & Hard Sauce for Dessert. GGA Image ID # 155b66d135
Menu Items
- Hors d'Œuvres Variés
- Consommé Royale
- Crème d’Orge
- Boiled Salmon—Cucumber Tartare
- Bouchées de Homard
- Cali's Head en Tortue
- Quarters of Lamb - Mint Sauce
- Prime Ribs & Sirloin of Beef — Yorkshire Pudding
- Braised York Ham—Sweet Corn
- Cauliflower à la Crème
- Boiled Java Rice
- Fried Celery
- Roast, Mashed, or Boiled New Potatoes
- Salade de Saison
- Roast Chicken—Bacon—Bread Sauce
- Braised Boar’s Head
- Raised Pie
- Roast Mutton
- Plum Pudding-Brandy & Hard Sauce
- Compote of Fruit
- Pâtisserie Varies
- Ice Cream & Wafers
- Smyrna Dates
- Salted Peanuts
- Dessert
- Coffee