US Army Archival Collections
Historical materials covering the United States Army including books, brochures, selective service system, BCT yearbooks, and more.
US Army Basic Training Yearbooks
Our collection of US Army Basic Training Yearbooks include Fort Benning, Georgia, Fort Campbell, Kentucky, Fort Dix, New Jersey, Fort Jackson, South Carolina, and Fort Knox, Kentucky, and Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.
Army Books are available at the GG Archives, primarily from the World War I era. Please note that Training Center Graduation Books, World War I and II Books, and Army Unit Histories are listed elsewhere on this website.
Soldier's Life: United States Army (1939)
There are certain features connected with the Army that are outstanding. HEALTH comes first. The outdoor life, bracing drills, wholesome food, and regular hours induce this blessing of health.
Our Army Magazine collection is primarily of the Army Digest and Yank Magazine, printed during World War II.