Children's Fashions 1880s-1930s

Children's Fashion trends in the late 1800s and early 1900s were often made in a unisex dress for the very young boys and girls, and as they aged, the children gained more fashionable modes distinctive to each gender.

Late Winter Styles for Young People February 1904

Late Winter Styles for Young People February 1904

STYLES for children are designed with an eye to simple effects and individual becomingness, and in details only are novelties introduced. There are odd collars which take lines entirely new, and different ways of putting on trimmings.


Girls Dresses and Costumes 7372 7405 7378 7428 - 1904

Girls Dresses and Costumes 7372 7405 7378 7428 - 1904

Baby-blue viyella was used to reproduce No. 7372 in this figure, and black velvet and Cluny lace provide contrast. Dress No. 7405 was developed in ecru French flannel, as here portrayed, with burnt orange taffeta bands. This stylish costume, No. 7378, was constructed of green-and-white plaid with accessories of white. Cream rep granite is shown in this smart little frock of Russian design, the number of which is 7428.


Girls Dresses, Costumes Etc 7384 7425 7436 7373 - 1904

Girls Dresses, Costumes Etc 7384 7425 7436 7373 - 1904

This costume reproduces No. 7425 in wine-red storm serge, with no decoration save small buttons. A Russian mode, No. 7384, is here pictured in green cheviot with almond-green shield and emblems. This smart coat pictures No.7373 in a plain make-up of tan covert and shows the popular military closing. Another coat in military style, No. 7436, is here portrayed in gray zibeline, contrast being afforded by black braid.


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