Women's Blouses 1880s-1930s

Blouses, also known as "Waist," or "Shirt-Waist," are a loose-fitting upper garment primarily worn by women and children. Traditionally, the term has been used to refer to a shirt which blouses out or has an unmistakably feminine appearance.

Ladies House Jacket 350 L - 1890

Ladies House Jacket 350 L - 1890

In the present instance the jacket is shown made of geranium-red and cream-white Surah, with point de Gène lace and cord-edged ribbon for decoration.


Two Attractive Bodices

Ladies Attractive Bodices 182 T & 183 T - 1900

The fancy Court sleeves give a distinctive touch to this novel jacket-basque, for which black velvet was here used in connection with white and light-blue silk.


Waists For Afternoon Wear

Ladies Blouses For Afternoon Wear 200 T & 201 T - 1900

Garibaldi sleeves are the predominating feature of the blouse here shown in a stylish combination of light and dark silk in harmonizing shades, and effective garniture is contributed by white all-over applique lace and sections cut from the applique.


Stylish BlusesStylish Bluses

Ladies Stylish Blouses 202 T & 203 T - 1900

This blouse illustrates the fashionable Juno bust effect, which is now the popular fancy of the hour. It is here shown made of light silk, and machine-stitching and groups of tiny buttons contribute much to the effectiveness of the mode.


Ladies Blouses and Sleeves 7430 7395 7411 - 1904

Ladies Blouses and Sleeves 7430 7395 7411 - 1904

The new tuck shirrings are employed on this evening waist of crêpe de chine grisaile, the design, No. 7430, being developed without other decorations. This dainty tucked blouse of white peau de cygne was made from No. 7411, and is trimmed with Viennese all-over lace, cord and ribbon pendants. The charming "1830” effect is observed in this design, No. 7396, reproduced in ivory canton crepe, trimmed with lace, velvet, pearl beads and puffings of the crêpe.


Ladies’ Shirt-Waists and Sleeves 7381 7380 7429

Ladies’ Shirt-Waists and Sleeves 7381 7380 7429 - 1904

No. 7380 is here illustrated in Russian-blue liberty satin, stitched panne velvet of a slightly darker shade being used for elaboration. An “1830” tab yoke is the salient feature of this pretty shirt-waist, No. 7381; Ciel-blue peau de soie, velvet, buttons and fancy ornaments were used. Feather-stitched tucks adorn this shirt-waist, No. 7429, of oyster-white Louisine, crocheted rings and a brown kid belt adding to the effect.


Ladies Blouses, Shirt-Waists and Sleeves 7402 7416 7421 - 1904

Ladies Blouses, Shirt-Waists and Sleeves 7402 7416 7421 - 1904

This smart military shirt-waist is a representation of No. 7416 in a development of burgundy-red French flannel, trimmed with gold soutache braid over silk. And brass bullet buttons arranged in groups. Elaboration for this dressy tucked bodice of black peau de cygne is provided by chiffon velvet, filet all-over lace and metal ornaments, the tucks also contributing ornamentation; No. 7402 was employed.


Blouses of French Elaboration - January 1922

Blouses of French Elaboration - January 1922

The blouse of elaboration actually designed for Southland wear offers distinctive service for numerous occasions and is a style feature of importance to those who concern themselves with fashion's vagaries in the matter of informal dress.


The Trend in Luxurious and Practical Blouses 1922

Trend in Luxurious and Practical Blouses 1922

In the domestic blouse of practicality the sports blouse is of first consideration. The slip-over in its many practical interpretations ranges from ivory crêpe satin to cotton prints.


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