Ladies Tailored Suits 1880s-1930s

The innate longing to look one's best is, at the changes of the seasons, most satisfactorily answered by the tailored suit. With a well-cut tailored suit and a becoming hat, a woman can enjoy the supreme satisfaction of knowing that she is well dressed for any occasion.


Effective Tailor Women's Suits

Ladies Accomplished Tailored Suits 142 T & 143 T - 1900

This simple but extremely fashionable costume will prove admirable for general wear in either city or country. It is serviceably developed in dark plaid cheviot with velvet of a harmonizing hue.


Newest Effects in Tailor Modes

Ladies Tailored Suits 186 T & 187 T - 1900

The smart coat used dark-green broadcloth, with machine-stitching for the finish. Mixed red and black Cheviot was used in developing the skirt, which is decorated with strappings of plain fabric. For shopping, touring, etc., this tailored suit will prove particularly acceptable. English suiting and dark velvet are used in the development, with stitching giving a tailor-like finish.


The Tailor Made Suits for Autumn - 1909

Tailor Made Suits for Autumn - 1909

It is a matter open to conjecture and speculation as to what potential influence has been brought to bear on trotteurs and tailor-made suits during the last few months. That they have departed in many instances from the masculine simplicity that has heretofore characterized them is patent to the least observant.


Tailor-Made Suits 1922

The Suit Arrives at a New Point of Development - 1922

The entire world knows that the crisp line trotting horse is edging not only to the center of the stage but well down to the footlights. When voices are raised to a high pitch concerning the virtues of common sense tweeds and their proper handling, one collides suddenly, unpreparedly, with its evolution — the "soft-line" tailored tweed.


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