Vintage Fashion Advertisements
The GG Archives has curated a considerable number of vintage fashion advertisements from the 1800s through the 1930s. We have selected advertisements that represent styles and types of clothing worn by passengers on steamships during that era.
A G Hyde And Sons Heatherbloom Petticoat™
Heatherbloom Petticoat™ The trend of gift-giving today is decidedly toward the more practical—toward presents that combine utility and luxury at a reasonable outlay.
Mclean hat frames of quality materials, excellently crafted in smart, original shapes, are truly termed the foundation of good hats. Not only do they prove a valuable aid in the production of distinctive millinery, but they also help you to gain the goodwill and lasting satisfaction of your customers.
Felts: Smartly trimmed outdoor hats of velour-wool-fur-felt. Velvets: In turbans of silk velvet ready to be worn. Satins and fancy novelties for which we are well known.
The Arch Preserver Shoe has revolutionized woman's idea of footwear because it provides the correct foundation for the continuous weight-carrying structure of the foot from heel to ball. Its concealed built-in bridge supports the foot so that the arch cannot sag and become strained.
NO advertisement we could write can speak half as strongly for Sue sine Silk as the praise of these hundreds of thousands of fastidious women, and good judges of value, who know Suesine Silk by their own experience, — and who buy it again and again every season.
Our handsome illustrated Spring and Summer Fashion Catalogue is now ready, and it is yours FREE if you ask for it. This beautiful book contains 278 pages showing all the latest style developments in high class wearing apparel for ladies, misses and children. Every new style development for the coming season to be seen in New York's best shops will be found in this book Write for it at once, and we will be glad to send it to you FREE by return mail.
Benj. Stearns & Co. present herewith a few examples of Smart Styles in Trimmed Hats. Popularly priced to harmonize with the spirit of economy now prevalent. Our large assortments contain many other styles, and we solicit your patronage with the assurance that "WE SELL GOODS THAT WON'T COME BACK, TO CUSTOMERS THAT WILL"
The Youthful Lines of Betty Wales Dresses. The charm of simplicity combined with real smartness accounts for the immense popularity of Betty Wales Dresses among High School and College girls. But with older women, a more important quality enters in—the fact that Betty Wales Dresses give a youthfulness of line that frequently makes the wearer look five to ten years younger.
D & A correct-form corsets are luxurious to wear and delightfully easy to put on. They fit comfortably to the figure and assist to secure the ideal figure by tapering the waist line and grace the curve over the hips.
Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary Woollen System
The "Jaeger" System of clothing is the natural and, therefore, the most comfortable and hygienic clothing for the human body. Pure Jaeger Wool is the ideal garment for all sports; on steamships or as country wear. Jaeger of London specialized in fine Women's Fashion Clothing.
Fenwick of London - Women's Fashion
A FENWICK Coat and Skirt, as shown is a Coat lined Ivory Duchesse Satin, for the nominal price of 6 1/2 Guineas, Other sketches, patterns, and self-measurement forms are made on application/demand.
The Very Latest in "Fiskhats" describes the service that Fiskhat dealers offer. New models constantly reach them, shipped the very day they were created. The label "Fiskhats" means"Style and Quality Assured." Your Fiskhat Dealer is Style Leader in your community. Kept in intimate touch through us with the latest trend of the styles—always ready to assist you in a wise and becoming selections.
Gage Brothers & Co., have, since 1856, conducted continuously in Chicago a millinery business, which has grown until, at the present time (1913), in addition to our twelve-story building in Chicago, and our New York headquarters, we occupy two factories which manufacture "Gage" products exclusively.
The International Fur Store Hudson Bay House
Vintage Fashion advertisement for The International Fur Store of London offered Sound skins and correct descriptions - Guaranteed. Renowned for the Finest Furs the World Produces.
Irish Industries Hand-made Lace and Crochet
Intricate Lace Blouse from Irish Industries of Dublin Ireland are the focus of this advertisement in the Cunard Daily Bulletin published on board the RMS Mauretania on Saturday, June 17, 1911 on page 4. An excellent example of women's fashions for steamship travel.
Irish Warehouse Lace, Linen and Other Peasant Industries
Lace Gowns, Theatre Coats, Blouses, Berthes, Flounces, Jabots, Carrick-ma-cross, Limerick, New Ross, Youghal Point, also Baby Irish Lace and Insertion, the production of our own workers.
Jays' Ltd. of London Tasteful Dress
Jay's Limited of London offered Women's Fashions that might have been worn by passengers in Cabin Class for Transatlantic Journeys at the turn of the century. From the Fashion & Pleasure Resort Supplement to the Cunard Daily Bulletin of 1907.
John Wilson & Son Ltd of Belfast
John Wilson & Son, Ltd of Belfast offered Damask and Handkerchief goods for Women. This advertisement form 1907 featured Irish Crochet Yoke that were worn by women of class.
John Wilsons' Successors, Ltd. of London
Carrying on with the tradition, John Wilsons' Successors of London manufactured high-end Irish Lace for fashionable women of the early twentieth century. Fine lace dresses and damasks were their specialty.
Parisian Hat Co. London - Hats For Every Occasion
Photograph Inset of woman modeling an exquisite Parisian Hat of Violet Straw with Cerise Velvet Round the Crown and Bunches of Violets under the Brim at one side.
Peter Robinson's Tailor-Made Garments
Peter Robinson's establishment on Oxford Street, London offered exquisite Blouses for the discriminating woman of means. Fine Women's fashions in lace, for evening and day wear in the early 1900s.
Priestley's "Huguenot" Cloth Fashions
"Huguenot" Cloth contains all the durability and close texture of the old-time serge, with the soft, rich, draping qualities of French cashmere.
R. H. Macy & Co (Macy's) New York City
Apart from the splendid displays of merchandise within over ninety departments of this great store, visitors will find much more interesting in the way of store conveniences: Parlors, Writing Rooms, Public Telephones and one of the largest Restaurants in the world. Store hours: 8 a. m. to 6 p.m.
Robinson & Cleaver Lace & Linen - Belfast
On the subject of Linen, I may also add Irish Laces and refer you to the great House of Robinson & Cleaver, whose London Showrooms are at 156-170, Regent Street, W. I believe there was no more Popular House among leading Americans in London.
Royal Irish Industries Association Hand Embroideries
Exquisite lace dresses for formal engagements - Fine Women's Fashions from the early 1900's featuring authentic and highly sought after Irish Lace and hand embroideries. Fit for Fine dining in a first cabin dining saloon aboard a luxurious steamship of the day.
The West End Clothiers Co., Ltd. - London
The West End Clothiers Company of London offered high-end tailored clothing for the sophisticated gentleman - Fashions for Men who would typically travel Saloon or First Class aboard the transatlantic steamships.
Cheney Silks - Zantine: The All-Becoming Silk
It is the spirit of inspired artistry that expresses itself naturally and thoroughly in designing and in rare, lustrous coloring. Cheney Silks are real art—and have been known and loved by women of taste for generations.
Our corsets reduce a too high abdomen from four to six inches without harm or discomfort and are the only corsets that reduce as much or as little as may be necessary.
Kenyon Coats and Weatherproofs
Kenyon Coats and Ken-Reign Weatherproofs are made in every variety and combination of wool, silk or rubber, for all conditions of weather and for any and all occasions.
Weingarten Bros Erect Form Corset
The “W. B. Erect Form” corset gives a long, low and full effect from shoulder to bust. It is the only correct model for the new straight-front styles in costumes. It is a health corset. It is a surpassingly beautiful corset.