John Wilson & Son Ltd of Belfast

John Wilson & Son, Ltd of Belfast offered Damask and Handkerchief goods for Women. This advertisement form 1907 featured Irish Crochet Yoke that was worn by women of class.

John Wilson & Son, 85 Royal Avenue, Belfast,

Damask and Handkerchief Manufacturers.

Our collection of Real Irish Lace Goods cannot be surpassed.

We have the most Beautiful Examples of these Fascinating and useful articles at the most attractive prices.

John Wilson & Son, Belfast - 1907 Fashion Advertisement

Selected Parcels of Irish Laces, etc., sent on approval.

Lace Handkerchiefs and Lace Scarfs, suitable for those who prefer a single article and like that article good.

Real Irish Applique Plastron Set, as illustrated, 27 6.

Our other designs are up to 45/- per set.

  • Irish Point Lace, 50 - to 100 - per yard; also
  • Limerick Lace, 4/6 to 18/6 per yd.
  • Flouncings, 40 - to 140/- per yard.
  • Irish Applique Lace, 10 to 60/- per yard.
  • Flouncings, 150/- to 500 - per yard.
  • Irish Guipure Lace, 15/- to 70- per yard.
  • Flouncings, 250/- to 500 - per yard.

Real Irish Point Lace Collar, as illustrated, £10 each. Our other designs run up to £20 each. Irish Point Lace Band Set, 52 - per set.

Irish Crochet Yoke, as illustrated, 37 6 each. Other designs, up to 60/- each.

Cunard Daily Bulletin, Liverpool: Cunard Steam Ship Company, Ltd., 1907.

Note: We have edited this text to correct grammatical errors and improve word choice to clarify the article for today’s readers. Changes made are typically minor, and we often left passive text “as is.” Those who need to quote the article directly should verify any changes by reviewing the original material.

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