Kabo Form-Reducing Corsets

KABO Form-Reducing CORSETS - 1900

Our corsets reduce a too high abdomen from four to six inches without harm or discomfort and are the only corsets that reduce as much or as little as may be necessary.

The Proper Thing with large figures is to wear the Hose Supporters at the extreme front of the corset, where they aid materially in straightening the carriage and make the fashionable straight front figure possible.

Kabo Form-Reducing Corsets have attachments at the front to engage the Hose Supporters and are the only corsets with this valuable improvement.

Price: White, Drab or Black, $2.50.
Write for Free Booklet.
Chicago Corset Co.
Chicago: 215 Monroe St. 
New York: 386 Broadway

“Kabo Form-Reducing Corsets - Chicago Corset Company,” in The Delineator: An Illustrated Magazine of Literature and Fashion, Paris-London-New York-Toronto: The Butterick Publishing Co. Ltd., Vol. LXI, No. 5, November 1900.

Kabo Bust Perfector

Kabo Bust Perfector - 1900

Something New for Delineator Readers
Kabo Bust Perfector

Worn over the corset, gives a perfection of bust outline to either tailor-made gowns or shirt-waists, to be obtained in no other way.

The Kabo Bust Perfector is worn without a corset, it is efficient bust support and will be hailed with delight by the athletic woman who wants the waist entirely free. It is light, inexpensive, easily adjusted and delightfully comfortable.

Indispensable to ladies who lack perfect proportions, as it supplies every deficiency, conceals every imperfection.

  • No. 1.—Jean, white, black or drab, $1.00
  • No. 2.—Batiste, white, drab, black, pink, blue, heliotrope, 1.50
  • No. 3.—Satin, white, drab, black, pink, blue, scarlet, 2.50
  • No. 4.—Net, for Summer wear, white only, 1.00
  • No. 5.—Linen, for surf bathing, gray only, 1.00

Tailors and Dressmakers are delighted with it because it enables them to give their patrons a perfect fit and a perfect bust. Recommended by exclusive tailors and modistes.

If you cannot get The Kabo Bust Perfector at your dealers, it will be sent postpaid on receipt of price. State size and style desired. Order same size as your corset.

Kabo Corsets are celebrated for style, fit and comfort and have no brass eyelets to soil undergarments. Soft loop eyelets never show through the gown. Neither corrode nor stain and will not rust.

60 Different Styles
Price $1.00 to $3.00
Some Style Kabo Will Surely Fit Perfectly.
Sold Everywhere.
Our “Book of Styles ” Sent Free.

Chicago Corset Co.
Chicago: 215 Monroe St.
New York: 386 Broadway

"Kabo Bust Perfector," in The Delineator: An Illustrated Magazine of Literature and Fashion, Paris-London-New York: The Butterick Publishing Co. Ltd., Vol. LVI, No. 4, October 1900.

Note: We have edited this text to correct grammatical errors and improve word choice to clarify the article for today’s readers. Changes made are typically minor, and we often left passive text “as is.” Those who need to quote the article directly should verify any changes by reviewing the original material.


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