Ladies' Lingerie 1880s-1930s
Lingerie Shop in Minneapolis circa 1921
Lingerie—too long considered a staple-is bought today more freely through its novelty appeal. Out-of-the-ordinary garments are outselling their staid sisters ten to one. In our fashion collections, lingerie includes undergarments of all types, sizes, and materials.
Lingerie and Undergarments included Chemises, Bloomers, Petticoats, Brassieres, Camisoles, Bandeaux, Corsets, Girdles, and many related items.
Ladies’ Combination Corset-Cover and Under-Skirt - 1890
The garment is fashioned with a high neck and long coat-sleeves, but the pattern also supports a V neck and a low, round neck, perforations showing how to shape both styles.
Ladies' Corset-Cover No. 3393 - 1900
This corset-cover is illustrated made of white cambric and trimmed with Hamburg edging. The close, smooth adjustment is performed by single bust darts, under-arm and side-back gores and a curving center seam.
Ladies' Negligée on the left illustrates a Ladies' dressing-sack or matinée. The lavish use of lace edging and insertion gives an elegant appearance to the straightforward design here illustrated made of pale-yellow silk.
Ladies' Basque-Waist or Bodice on the right unites a Ladies' tea-jacket and petticoat-skirt. An attractive matinee, known as the Louis XV tea-jacket, and a petticoat-skirt of graceful shaping are pictured at this figure.
As has been the case for some time and especially in all the fashions this spring, handwork is preferred to ornate machine-embroideries for rich laces on lingerie. Lace is used of course—it always is—but when real lace cannot be obtained, or an excellent imitation, then pretty stitching is greatly preferred.
Ladies Underwear Fashions - 1904
February 1904 underwear fashions feature corset covers (shown above), ladies’ closed umbrella drawers and a ladies’ square-yoke night-gown.
Dainty Designs in Negligees for Spring 1911
This design will appeal to every woman who likes to look neat and trim, even when in negligee attire. The front is gathered to a square yoke, which fits perfectly across the upper part of the chest, and hangs thence to the bottom in unbroken graceful lines, although it may be drawn in at the waistline if desired.
The number of pieces which a bride may consider she needs are limited to tile amount she may be able to afford. It is hardly necessary to have underclothes by the dozen. A half-dozen of the various articles are enough for a modest trousseau.
Ladies Embroidered Lingerie Blouses - 1911
In the make-up of one of these elegant blouses, the first thing to be considered is the embroidery, which is done upon the flat material before setting in the lace insertions or doing other needlework.
This design may be used as a separate waist or for a lingerie dress in combination with a skirt which should be attached in one-piece style. To help you carry out this idea, I am going to describe in the next lesson a skirt of the lingerie type.
One of the daintiest of the season’s sets of underwear made by a spring bride, including only a gown and a combination of drawers and corset-cover, is made of white crêpe de Chine. This was purchased at a sale early in the year while everything was being marked down.
Novelties and Negligee Christmas Gifts - 1912
Simple and Dainty. Negligees for Christmas Gifts featuring a three-quarter negligee with flounces of lace or plaitings of the material headed with lace bands. Christmas Novelties for the Intimate Friend models are also included.
Styles in Lingerie and Kindred Lines April 1915
Many exceedingly beautiful displays of French hand-made lingerie marked the month just past. New York specialty and retail stores have been able, regardless of the contingencies of the present unusual mercantile situation, to buy vast quantities of exquisitely hand-wrought lingerie.
Styles in Lingerie and Kindred Lines for June 1915
The popularity of the envelope chemise is directly responsible for a large number of the sales in the underwear departments of New York's stores at present. It is surprising to note the lasting popularity of this unique garment, which at present is far outselling the combination.
Corset Characteristics for Spring and Summer 1916
The most attractive feature of the Spring line of corsets is the variety of beautiful materials used in their construction. Where hitherto there has been a few good broché corsets in every line, now there are numbers of them, of choice figure designs and in several shades of pink as well as white.
Novelties Abound in Exotic Lingerie Showing 1921
The lingerie displays of January were marked by two highly contrasted types of creative design. There were, at the smartest specialty shops, lavish exhibitions which stressed exotic color or novel treatment as their strong points of attraction.