United States Navy Cruise Book Collection
The United States Navy produces Cruise Books that document the daily life of officers and crew members on voyages or deployments. Primarily a photographic record, the Cruise Books often exceed 500 pages and produce one of the best accounts of their voyages available to the public. Our collection focuses on United States Aircraft Carriers.
CVA-9 USS Essex
USS Essex CVA-9 Third Far East Cruise 1953-1954
on January 25, 1953, the USS ESSEX sailed from Yokosuka Harbor, bound for home after seven months in Korean waters fighting a war that would never bring victory. Includes Complete Rosters in separate pages (See below).
§ 1 Rosters, USS Essex CVA-9 Third Far East Cruise 1953-1954
Rosters for the Third Far East Cruise of the USS Essex Aircraft Carrier, 1953-1954. Section 3 Includes Commander Carrier Division Three, Chief of Staff, Carrier Division Three, Commanding Officers, Executive Officer, Administrative Department Officers, X Division, Operations Department Officers, OA Division, OE Division, Ol Division, OL Division, OR Division, OS Division, Navigation Department Officers, N Division, Medical Department Officers, H Division, Dental Department Officers, D Division, Air Department Officers, V-1 Division, V-2 Division, V-3 Division, V-4 Division, V-6 Division, and V-7 Division.
§ 2 Rosters, USS Essex CVA-9 Third Far East Cruise 1953-1954
Rosters for the Third Far East Cruise of the USS Essex Aircraft Carrier, 1953-1954. Section 3 Includes Helicopter Unit on Detachment Officer-in-Charge, Helicopter Unit One Detachment, Engineering Department Officers, A Division, B Division, E Division, M Division, R Division, Gunnery Department Officers, G-1 Division, G-2 Division, G-3 Division, G-4 Division, and G-5 Division.
§ 3 Rosters, USS Essex CVA-9 Third Far East Cruise 1953-1954
Rosters for the Third Far East Cruise of the USS Essex Aircraft Carrier, 1953-1954. Section 3 Includes F Division, Marine Detachment Officers, Marine Detachment, Special Weapons Unit Officers, Special Weapons Unit, Supply Detachment Officers, S-1 Division, S-2 Division, S-3 Division, S-4 Division, Commander Air Task Group Two, Fighter Squadron One Hundred Forty-Three, Attack Squadron Fifty Five, Fighter Squadron Twenty Three, Fighter Squadron One Hundred Twenty Three, Composite Squadron Thirty Five Detachment, Composite Squadron Eleven Unit, Composite Squadron Three Team, Composite Squadron Sixty One Photo Detachment, and Honorary Members.
CVA-38 USS Shangri-La
USS Shangri-La and Carrier Group 11 Far East Cruise - March-October 1958
But lo the plague of the liberty-loving sailor was upon them, and it was called Underway Training, and they labored hard that they might win over the plague. And they held man overboard drills, general quarters, inspections, flight operations, administrative inspections, gunnery drills, and a multitude of others. Then ComTra-Pac, son of CinCPacFlt who knew all sayeth unto them, "Ye are ready. Get thou shots and thou gear aboard." And it was so.
USS Shangri-La CVA-38 Far East Cruise - 1959
This is the story of one cruise in the history of a proud ship. It is a story that covers many thousands of miles and many foreign lands. It is a story of the men who make her a proud ship.
CVA-43 USS Coral Sea
1956 Cruise Book USS Coral Sea
Forming a vital part of the Atlantic and Sixth Fleet, she has become a familiar sight in the various ports of the Mediterranean. Her primary peacetime missions are that of training and goodwill.
Carrier Air Group Fifteen Com Car Div Five Western Pacific Cruise 1960-61. The roster of Officers and Crew Members is also available.
CVA-60 USS Saratoga
First Deployment for this vessel. The book documents their Mediterranean Cruise.
CVA-61 USS Ranger
Third Deployment for this vessel. The book documents their Western Pacific Cruise.
CVN-65 USS Enterprise
1996 Crise Book USS Enterprise
On June 28, 1996, Enterprise began its 15th overseas Deployment. The Big E enforced no-fly zones in two of the world's most critical areas, Bosnia-Herzegovina (Operation Joint Endeavor) and Iraq (Operation Southern Watch), flying nearly 5,000 missions.
1998-1999 Cruise Book USS Enterprise
Seventh Deployment for this the USS Enterprise. The book documents their Mediterranean Cruise 98-99 - A visual Record of this Enterprise-Class Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier deployment. 696 Pages.
CVN-68 USS Nimitz
1982-1983 Cruise Book USS Nimitz
Sixth Deployment for this Vessel. The book documents their Mediterranean Cruise 1982-1983. It also includes photographs of crew members along with crew activities on and off the carrier.
2002-2003 Cruise Book USS Nimitz
Ninth? Deployment for this vessel. Book documents their Operation Iraqi Freedom cruise from 2002 - 2003. A visual record of this Deployment of this Nuclear-powered Aircraft Carrier. 496 Pages.
CVN-71 USS Theodore Roosevelt
2003 Cruise Book USS Theodore Roosevelt
Eighth? Deployment for this vessel. Carrier Air Wing Eight (CVW 8) Operation Iraqi Freedom 2003 Cruise Book 544 Pages - Similar to an expanded version of the high school yearbook, it provides a visual record of this aircraft carrier's Deployment in 2003. (Two Copies)