Ladies Travel Outfits 1880s-1930s

For traveling costumes short dresses are universally adopted, and skirts are often simulated by trimming, as it is a saving of trouble, material, and expense, and is decidedly more comfortable. There are attractive colorings in all materials, and the traveling dress may be both becoming and stylish.

Visiting and Travelling Toilettes

Ladies Visiting and Travelling Outfits 150 T and 151 T - 1900

The costume is appropriate for dressy semi-formal occasions. The blouse is a new design sans revers, and in the present instance is shown developed in figured silk in combination with dark panne velvet and plain tucked silk, and a unique arrangement of lace decorates the mode stylishly.


Summer Holiday Fashions for 1912

Ladies' Summer Holiday Fashions for 1912

A very becoming gown can be made from the first design on this page. Supposing that muslin or marquisette has been the material is chosen—a colored background with white dots—the bottoms of the skirt and sleeves are bound with a plain green or blue to match.


Helen Herendeen  wearing a Stein & Blaine Frock

Ladies Fine Fashions for Ocean Liner Travel - 1921

Clothes may not make the man, but they do go a long way toward creating a favorable impression for a woman. First impressions count heavily in this busy, hypocritical, mundane world where ships pass so often in the night.


Brown and white tweed three-piece suit from DeVega

Ladies Wraps on Board the Steamships - 1921

At this season of the year, a woman preparing to travel abroad must consider with a capital C her comfort. To be adequately outfitted for the trip the warmest of outer wraps are essential.


A Luxurious Fur Wrap

Ladies First Class Fashions for Days at Sea - 1922

For the days when the winds race along the water and sky and sea make a lovely symphony of grays and stern blues, the designers have planned wraps that have not only charm but a cozy and delicious amount of warmth and protection.


Dress for the Gaieties On Board

The Wave of Fashion on Steamships - 1924

Pictorial on what the fashionable First-Class and Cabin-Class Women were wearing during their voyages across the Atlantic as reported in the Cunarder Magazine.


An Ideal Coat for Travel and Sport Wear

The Wave of Fashion on Steamships - 1925

Pictorial on what fashionable First-Class and Cabin-Class Women were wearing in early 1925 during their voyages across the Atlantic and trips to the continent of Europe as reported in the Cunarder Magazine.


Lady Duff-Gordon’s Famous 'Curate' Costume

Lady Duff-Gordon’s Famous Curate Costume - 1917

Almost austere in its beautiful simplicity, “The Curate” is my favorite among all the designs I have ever made. It is the costume I am recommending to the women of America as a standard style of street dress, just as men have simple, plain street clothes that every man can wear.


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