Weingarten Bros Erect Form Corset

Weingarten Bros Erect Form Corset

The “W. B. Erect Form” corset gives a long, low and full effect from shoulder to bust. It is the only correct model for the new straight-front styles in costumes. It is a health corset. It is a surpassingly beautiful corset.

It throws the shoulders back into a fine military poise. It inflicts no strain upon bust or abdomen and thus does away with those faults of corset construction which often lead to indigestion, short-breathing and sometimes even more serious troubles.

The “Erect Form” does not strain the figure—all the pressure of lacing is upon the hips and back muscles which are most capable of sustaining it.

  • Erect Form Style 701 made of white and drab Jean and black Sateen, with hip gore and extra heavy 13-in. front steel. Price, $1.00
  • Erect Form Style 702 made of Imported Diamond Sateen in white, drab and black, with hip gore and extra heavy 13-in. front steel. Price, $1.50
  • Erect Form Style 959 made of fine French Contil in white and drab, full gored and bias cut. Price, $1.75
  • Erect Form Style 960 made of extra heavy French Coutil in white and drab, and in black Sateen, full gored and bias cut. Price, $2.50

These corsets are on sale in every part of the United States. If your dealer does not carry the corset you desire, send us his name and the price of the model you want, and we will forward the corset, prepaying all charges.

A Gibson Picture Free with every pair of Erect Form Corsets. Send us the tab end of the corset box with your name on the back and your dealer’s sale slip and we will forward, absolutely free, a picture by Charles Dana Gibson, which “Life” is now selling at $2.00.

Weingarten Bros., Dept. E., 377 Broadway, New York.

“Weingarten Bros Erect Form Corset,” in The Delineator: An Illustrated Magazine of Literature and Fashion, Paris-London-New York-Toronto: The Butterick Publishing Co. Ltd., Vol. LXI, No. 5, November 1900.


Coutil is a Twill or Canvas material

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