Betty Wales Dressmakers
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses: The Most Important Thing in the World. The Ladies' Home Journal, January 1917. GGA Image ID # 165a78fb28
The Most Important Thing in the World for a Party Dress of any kind, is that intangible something known as STYLE. Without style a social frock is as hopeless as Cinderella without a fairy godmother. But With style one may win the whole social world —including the Prince! To assure your new frock really having style, see that it bears this label: Betty Wales, B. A., is a master designer. She specializes in school dresses, shopping dresses, business dresses, afternoon dresses and social frocks—for girls and youthful women. Models are youthfully simple, sweet, ^ charming, quality to the last stitch, but the thing that makes them distinctly "Betty Wales" is their style-superiority. Let Us Send You "Ploshkin" The Household God of Good Luck. Send 20c (stamps or coin) for one of these funny little plaster statuettes.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Sport Dresses from Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York. The Ladies' Home Journal, February 1917. GGA Image ID # 165acdc949
Sport Dresses In addition to Social Frocks, School, Street and Afternoon Dresses. Why not drop into the exclusive Betty Wales Agency in your town and see for yourself just how ravishing the new Sport Dresses are? Sweet and charming, yet — oh, so smart ! And like all Betty Wales creations, they can be identified as genuine by the Ploshkin on the label. Always insist on seeing Ploshkin—the good luck sign of Quality and Style-Superiority.
Write us if you need help in locating our nearest authorized agent. The Story of Betty Wales in Business written by Margaret Warde, the author of the fascinating Betty Wales series, will serve as an inspiration for girls who, after Commencement, do not want to stay at home or teach school. A dainty little volume, handbag size, value 50c, sent on receipt of only 15c, stamps or coin. BETTY WALES DRESSMAKERS In association with Goldman Costume Co. 105 Waldorf Bldg. New York.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Wedding Gowns from Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York. The Ladies' Home Journal. GGA Image ID # 165af85ef8
CHARMING Bride's Gown, Maid of Honor and Bridesmaid's costumes designed by Betty Wales, Dressmaker, are quite the latest thing. Sweet and simple, yet stamped with style-superiority. The loveliest and finest of fabrics exquisitely put together in Betty Wales' inimitable way. Don't wear yourself out before the "day of days'' with worry of fittings—for every occasion buy Betty Wales Dresses, Social Frocks, Street and Afternoon Dresses, Sport Clothes.
But be sure the lucky, fashionable Ploshkin is on the label of each and every gown, or you are not getting a genuine Betty Wales. One store only in each town is authorized to sell Betty Wales Dresses. Let us help locate your nearest dealer. Send ten 2c stamps for statuette Ploshkin, who, 'tis raid, will make your Honeymoon lasting. BETTY WALES DRESSMAKERS, 105 Waldorf Building, New York In Association with Goldman Costume Co.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Graduation Gowns For the Class of 1917. The Ladies' Home Journal, April 1917. GGA Image ID # 165b21099c
SCHOOL days nearly over! But no tire- I some fittings to interfere with the last few precious weeks. No worry whether the gown of gowns will be finished on time or will come up to expectations or not. No sweeter, more charming, more individual styles could be designed than the adorable "Betty Wales" creations that are ready-to-wear even to the dainty Kleinert Gem Dress Shields under arms. The Betty Wales label, with its "lucky Ploshkin," assures you absolute satisfaction with style, materials, workmanship. A Betty Wales Graduation Gown, whatever model you choose, will prove a delight. One dealer in your town handles Betty Wales Dresses™
If you don't know just what to do after commencement, by all means read "Betty Wales, Business Woman," the inspiring story of a young college graduate. A 50c book for only 15c in stamps or coin. Send today! BETTY WALES DRESSMAKERS 105 Waldorf Building New York In association with Goldman Costume Co.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Summer Wear from Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York. The Ladies' Home Journal, May 1917. GGA Image ID # 165b2c9da1
INIMITABLE Betty Wales models in many fascinating warm' weather fabrics for all the happy occasions that summertime brings —what more could one wish? Smart, simple, charming, becoming, they possess the style attributes every critical girl or young woman demands. And with this Betty Wales label attached— you don't need to bother at all about quality or anything else. Betty Wales Dresses, whether for Sports, Street, School or Social occasions, are always "right." That's why Betty Wales so frequently signs "Y. F. P. C." after her name. Only one dealer in your town carries genuine Betty Wales Dresses. Ask us his name. BETTY WALES DRESSMAKERS In association with Goldman Costume Co. 105 Waldorf Bldg. New York.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty White Dresses On A Summer's Day From Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York. The Ladies' Home Journal, June 1917. GGA Image ID # 165b941de0
In a "Betty Wales" On a Summer's Day. Double the delights of vacation days by knowing "certain sure" that your Sport Dresses are just right. The Betty Wales label will guide you. Look for it before you buy, for only a genuine Betty Wales will satisfy.
Betty Wales Dresses for practically every occasion, ready-to-wear even to the dainty Kleinert Gem Dress Shields sewed in place, are for sale by one dealer only, in your town. Ask us his name if you do not know him. Fashion's God of Good Luck! Take Ploshkin with you as your mascot to the shore or mountains. Sent for only 20c in stamps or coin. 20c additional will also bring you an entertaining little book— "Betty Wales, Business Woman."
Betty Wales Dressmakers In association with Goldman Costume Company 105 Waldorf Bldg. New York.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales - Your Next Dress Campaign by Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York. The Ladies' Home Journal, July 1917. GGA Image ID # 165bad749b
Let Your Next Dress Be a "Betty Wales" And assure yourself of youthful charm For almost every occasion, from school to formal social wear, there are fascinating Betty Wales models from which to make your happy choice. Whatever your age, you'll find the youthful lines of a "Betty Wales" appropriate and becoming, while the Betty Wales label is your guarantee covering style, quality and satisfaction in general. Catalog and name of your nearest dealer sent on request—a postcard will bring it. Write today. Or send a letter enclosing 20c if you'd like us also to send you "Ploshkin," the Household God of Good Luck.
BETTY WALES DRESSMAKERS 105 Waldorf Bldg. New York.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty White Dresses - Youthful Lines Campagn by Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York City. The Ladies' Home Journal, August 1917. GGA Image ID # 165bb2d845
The Youthful Lines of Betty Wales Dresses. The charm of simplicity combined with real smartness accounts for the immense popularity of Betty Wales Dresses among High School and College girls. But with older women, a more important quality enters in—the fact that Betty Wales Dresses give a youthfulness of line that frequently makes the wearer look five to ten years younger. New Betty Wales styles are constantly appearing in delightful models for practically every occasion. See them at the one exclusive Betty Wales dealer in your town. If you do not know his name, drop us a line. Enclosing 20c in stamps or coin will bring you a Betty Wales Ploshkin in statuette form. See this symbol of Good Luck on the label of the dress you buy to insure lasting satisfaction.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses -- Just The Dress For College by Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York. The Ladies' Home Journal, September 1917. GGA Image ID # 165bbae69f
Just the Dress for College! If you can have but one Betty Wales Dress, let that one be the adorable model—the "Antigua"—here shown. Mannish French serge in navy or black, cut on the smart, youthful lines that make Betty Wales Dresses so delightful. But the touch| of touches is the belt with its trimming of 1700 natural beads in black and scarlet, woven by native women of the tropics —hence the special name, Betty Wales "Antigua." Sizes 14 to 42. Price $18.50.
But one exclusive store in a city carries Betty Wales Dresses. You'll find there many other models for school or street,also lovely dresses for semi-formal and evening wear, each a delight to the girl or woman who wants superiority in style, material and workmanship combined with youthful charm, refinement, good taste, and all at a most moderate price. Look for the Betty Wales label before you buy. If there is no Betty Wales Agent in your city, your order and remittance for this dress should be sent direct to us. Delivery free of charge from nearest agent. Catalog free. Enclose 20c for statuette of Betty Wales jolly, lucky Ploshkin. Betty Wales Dressmakers 105 Waldorf Bldg. New York.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses: Picture Yourself in This Girlish Dress Campaign by Betty Wales Dressmakers. The Ladies' Home Journal, October 1917. GGA Image ID # 165bf6ea7b
Picture Yourself in This Girlish Dress Of all the adorable Betty Wales Dresses, this is one of the sweetest. Box-plaited, button-trimmed, with wide belt slightly raised, it is smart, simple, and youthful. Ready-to-wear with Kleineres Gem Dress Shields in place — and think of it—imported collar and cuffs that are real hand-drawn work.
Only one store in each city can carry Betty Wales Dresses, so before you buy, look for the label with its Good Luck Ploshkin. Quality, style, individuality in models for school, street, business, afternoon or evening wear—for youthful women and those who want to look young. If there is no Betty Wales agency as yet in your city, order direct of us. Delivery from nearest agent, free. Catalog on request. For 20c a jolly little statuette of Ploshkin will he sent you postpaid. Betty Wales Dressmakers 105 Waldorf Building, New York
Seal of the ADM on Bottom Left of Advertisement. "The Ideal Conditions Under Which This Garment is Made Are Endorsed by The Associated Dress Mfrs. of New York.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses -- A Dress You'll Love Campaign by Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York. The Ladies' Home Journal, November 1917. GGA Image ID # 165c3d0387
A Dress You'll Love It's satin, this charming Betty Wales afternoon dress — Puppy Skin Satin, soft and lustrous yet ever so serviceable. The season's best shades — Oregon green, Annapolis blue, navy, mushroom. Sizes 16 to 42. Price only $29.50. At one exclusive shop in your city where you will see other delightful Betty Wales Dresses for all occasions, full of style, refinement and youthful charm yet so practical that their purchase is true economy. Where no agency exists orders will be filled direct, delivery free, on receipt of price. Catalog on request. Jolly, lucky Ploshkin statuette, 20c. Betty Wales Dressmakers 105 Waldorf Building New York.
1917 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses -- For Dance, Dinner, Theatre, or Party from Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York. The Ladies' Home Journal, December 1917. GGA Image ID # 165c6cfc5e
1919 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dressmakers of Goldman Costume Co., Inc., New York. The American Cloak and Suit Review, January 1919. GGA Image ID # 165904acb5
With our manufacturing capacity increased. we are now in position to take on an additional number of representative merchants in cities where Betty Wales Dresses arc not already being sold.
Betty Wales Dresses are the only ones that are nationally advertised in a big way. In support of this advertising, Betty Wales Dresses are manufactured with greater care than any others sold at popular prices, and are unconditionally guaranteed.
The franchise for the exclusive sale of Betty Wales Dresses is a real asset to any progressive merchant. Our agent automatically secures all of the Betty Wales Dress business created in his territory by our national advertising and sales plans.
We suggest the thought that these advantages are worthy of your investigation.
Betty Wales Dressmakers
Goldman Costume Co., Inc.
Waldorf Building, 2-16 West 33rd Street
New York City
1921 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses: The First House Party from Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York City. Woman's Home Companion, March 1921. GGA Image ID # 16592ed2df
The First House Party: Though her tender age prohibits her appearance at strictly formal gatherings, the girl in her early teens does not lack joyous social affairs of her own.
And this Spring, for the first time, Betty Wales provides a charming collection of frocks for that important member of the family, the younger girl, frocks that rival in style and quality the Betty Wales dresses worn by Mother and older Sister.
Betty Wales Dresses are uncoditionally guaranteed, and are sold only by one dealer in each vicinity.
Betty Wales Dressmakers, 203 Waldorf Building, New York City
1921 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses: On Easter Morn~ From Betty Wales Dressmakers, NYC. Woman's Home Companion, April 1921. GGA Image ID # 16599a4ad3
On Easter Morn~ -- and on every other occasion demanding loveliness and refinement in frocks, Betty Wlakes Dresses find the utmost favor. This year Betty Wales Junior Dresses place the younger girl on a style equality with the older members of her family.
Betty Wales Dresses are uncoditionally Guaranteed and are sold by only one store in each vicinity.
Betty Wales Dressmakers, 204 Waldorf Building, NYC.
1921 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses: Youth's Estate from Betty Wales Dressmakers, NYC. Woman's Home Companion, May 1921. GGA Image ID # 16599a4b76
Every Betty Wales dress holds in its graceful lines and appealing colors the allurement of youth—charming when it enhances the prettiness of youth itself, and fascinating when it adorns the more mature beauty of the older woman. And now, with the advent of Betty Wales junior Dresses, the girl in her 'teens is placed on a style equality with Big Sister.
Belly Wales Dresses are sold by only one dealer in each vicinity and are fully guaranteed. If you cannot locate your dealer, write us.
1921 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses, New York City. Woman's Home Companion, September 1921. GGA Image ID # 1659e1e67a
For inception, the first Betty Wales Dress was created to express a very definite purpose—to reflect the individual personality of the one for whom it was designed. And, so today, each Betty Wales Dress is the result of the same exquisite artistry, the same purpose to create a style to fit the individual. Pre-eminent, now, Betty Wales Dresses are recognized for their styles of personality and their perfection of workmanship, the result and expression of a purpose.
1921 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses: Any Time, Anywhere from Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York City. Woman's Home Companion, October 1921. GGA Image ID # 165a40d0ad
MINGLED in the ultra gathering at tea hour, on the Bois of the famed fashion centre of the world— or on The Avenue of the great metropolis — or, perhaps, strolling along Main Street, Somewhere you'll see women wearing Betty Wales Dresses. You'll know them by that indefinable, intangible something that distinguishes perfect grooming and by the illusive charm and gracious dignity with which the dress fits the personality of the wearer. A Betty Wales label in a dress means so much! It's the unconditional guarantee of the makers that the style is correct, the fabric of the finer quality and that the workmanship is unfailingly perfect. If you are Betty Wales gowned you know that you're well-groomed.
1920 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses For Mother and Daughter from Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York City. Good Housekeeping Magazine, February 1920. GGA Image ID # 165c87a593
MERIT and desirability in a product can be most convincingly measured by its popularity. Betty Wales Dresses, originated for girls, have made an equally strong appeal to women. For the matron who resents the inroads of time, (and the category is universal), Betty Wales Dresses have proved a bridge back to the fascinations of the "early twenties". To meet this demand this year, Betty Wales Dresses, while retaining all their smartness, will include larger sizes and more mature designs for woman. The sale of Betty Wales Dresses is restricted to one dealer in each city If you lack the name and location in your city, we will gladly furnish the information. At the same time we will take the liberty of sending the new Betty Wales Style Book, illustrating the most recent tendencies of fashion. EVERY BETTY WALES DRESS IS UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED.
1920 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses For Women and Girls by Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York City. Good Housekeeping Magazine, April 1920. GGA Image ID # 165c9647c8
"YOU look years younger, Mother! I knew that BETTY WALES' designs for women would just suit you. She has the happiest faculty of making a woman appear youthful without being at all conspicuous.
"Best of all. Mother, in every BETTY WALES dress you can get the same effect. She creates exclusive designs for all occasions. After this we can buy our frocks and gowns together."
Sizes: Misses' 14 to 20; Women's 34 to 44 Betty Wales Dresses are sold by only one store in each vicinity and are absolutely guaranteed to give satisfaction. 304 Waldorf Building New York City
1920 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses. "She never looked more lovely, Mother. "Betty Wales Dresses are so stylish and becoming. And none of her vacation wasted with dressmakers, either. "Our Betty Wales Dresses are just what we wanted, too. Really, I feel as though we should be starting back to school with her." Good Housekeeping Magazine, September 1920. GGA Image ID # 165d13cc2e
1920 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses. "Here you are now, and on time! You'll be amused when we tell you that after coming all the way to New York to shop for frocks we have decided to buy Betty Wales Dresses that we could just as well have purchased back home." Betty Wales Dresses, made in sizes for women and girls, are unconditionally guaranteed, and are sold by only one store in each vicinity. Betty Wales Dressmakers, New York City. Good Housekeeping Magazine, October 1920. GGA Image ID # 165d259ccd
1920 Print Advertisement for Betty Wales Dresses. How appropriate for the prize winner to look the part. I know I played wretchedly several times because 1 was studying that adorable gown. "That's a Betty Wales Dress and so are the others. It's hard to decide which is the smartest. That individual air about a Betty Wales Dress would almost lead a person to believe that each is an exclusive design." Good Housekeeping Magazine, November 1920. GGA Image ID # 165d652d3c
"BETTY WALES" HOLDS HER THIRD BIRTHDAY PARTY IN NEW YORK, DECEMBER 27, 1918 Party Attended by a Large Circle of Friends and Admirers, Who Enjoy the Festivities Pre sided Over by J. J. Goldman.
"BETTY WALES" third birthday party was a real party, with a host of her friends in attendance, and a general air of festivity and joy prevailing. "Betty Wales," the young hostess, is developing a greater personality with each succeeding year, and as a result, on her third birthday, she really seemed to be the center of all of the enjoyment, the entertainment and the general air of joy which marked this festive occasion.
It is just now three years since J. J. Goldman adopted the "idea," now known to the young girls of the entire country as the charming "Betty Wales." The idea, carefully fostered by this great merchant manufacturer, has developed so wonderfully in three years through Mr. Goldman's efforts, that one wonders if his greatest expectations have not been surpassed.
Our readers perhaps know, or if not, we will tell them, that "Betty Wales" is the consumer-advertising trade name of the line of dresses manufactured by J. J. Goldman.
Around this name "Betty Wales" has been created a real personality, a personality such as any business presided over by J. J. Goldman naturally would acquire and develop, for he himself is a man of great personality, and individuality with a gift for executive efficiency which is best expressed by his marked degree of success as a dress manufacturer and a pioneer along new publicity lines.
"Betty Wales" is an idea, personified, just as truly as the Gods of Olympus, as Jupiter, Diana or Psyche were personified, only "Betty Wales" is a practical Twentieth Century personification of an idea, with the power to materialize to the modern girl or young woman in the form of a dress, a smart, refined, wearable and original dress, more dear to the heart of a girl than any legendary Goddess.
It is remarkable what a hold "Betty Wales" has upon the affections of the college girl, the boarding school girl, and hundreds of other American girls, who have passed school age, or who are engaged in various vocations requiring the donning of smart, individual frocks, wearable at all times and distinctive and characterful always, as are the "Betty Wales" frocks.
Through wide-spread consumer advertising, of his own inspiration, J. J. Goldman has established the name "Betty Wales" as the American girl's watch word, her first thought when the word "frock" is mentioned.
Retailers everywhere feel the effect of the consumer advertising, through a constant demand for "Betty Wales" dresses, and in this way the endless chain is welded by J. J. Goldman, the father of a great idea.
If we had the space to devote to so lengthy a subject, we would give a minute account of just how "Betty Wales" has developed since her last birthday and just how much she should develop during the coming year, but sufficient be it that as a personality, "Betty Wales" is making great strides, thanks to J. J. Goldman's executive ability, and is daily gaining a new host of friends.
"'Betty Wales' Holds Her Third Birthday Party in New York, December 27 Party Attended by a Large Circle of Friends and Admirers, Who Enjoy the Festivities Presided Over by J. J. Goldman." In The American Cloak and Suit Review: Devoted to the Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear Trades, New York: John M. O'Connor & Co., Vol. XVII, No. 1, January 1919, p. 164.