Ladies Stylish Blouses 202 T & 203 T - 1900

Stylish BlusesStylish Bluses

Ladies' Blouse No. 202 T

This blouse illustrates the fashionable Juno bust effect, which is now the popular fancy of the hour. It is here shown made of light silk, and machine-stitching and groups of tiny buttons contribute much to the effectiveness of the mode.

The front of the garment shows fashionable fulness at the neck and waist, and the overlapping front is cut in a series of points that increase the good style of the design.

A high stock, also pointed to harmonize with the front, tops the blouse, which has slight fulness at the bottom of the broad hack. Pointed, sectional flare cuffs complete the close two-seam sleeves, and the blouse is fashioned with the Marie Antoinette dip, which may be conventional or decided as liked.

Dressmaker Options

All sorts of woolen and silken goods are adaptable to the mode, and, if liked, the overlapping edge of the front may be faced with silk or panne of a contrasting color and covered with rows of stitching, the effect being exceedingly effective. The mode is also suited to the development of cotton fabrics.

Pattern Information

The pattern, which is No. 4526 and costs 9d. or 20 cents, is in nine sizes for ladies from thirty to forty-six inches, bust measure, and is differently portrayed on page 607 of this magazine.

Ladies' Blouse No. 203 T

Stylish BlusesStylish Bluses

The blouse illustrated at this figure incorporates all the fashionable features depicted in the one just described and is in pretty contrast with it, showing the front and back tucked.

Black taffeta was selected for the present development of the mode, which may be made with plain fronts and back, if the tucks be not liked.

Stylish gathered fulness appears at the lower part of the blouse, and a pointed revers joined to the edge of the right front is a very pretty feature.

The stock is plain and high and shows a scalloped upper edge, and flare cuffs falling over the hand finish the close two-seam sleeves.

A stitched silk belt, closed at the front with a gold buckle completes the blouse, which is decorated with an embroidery design.

Dressmaker Options

There is such a large variety of fabrics adapted to the development of shirt-waists that the most particular woman can readily be suited, and any decoration liked may be added.

Pattern Information

The pattern, which is No. 4541 and costs 9d. or 20 cents, is in nine sizes for ladies from thirty to forty-six inches, bust measure, and is shown in a different development on page 607.

Ladies' Shirt-Waist or Blouse No. 4526

Ladies' Shirt-Waist or Blouse No. 4526

No, 4526 Ladies' Shirt-Waist or Blouse, to be made with a Stock-Collar or Neck-Band and with or Without the Fitted Lining or Bust-Stay. (For Description see Page 613.)


This blouse is illustrated on page 607, and also at figure No. 202 T in this number of The Delineator.

Old-rose French flannel, with stitching for the decorative finish, was used in making the shirt-waist or blouse, which is up-to-date and shows the long shoulder effect now so much sought.

The back is smooth at the top but has fulness at the waistline taken up in gathers, a similar disposal being seen in the pouching fronts at the top and waistline. Underneath the pointed overlapping edge of the right front the closing is made, each point being ornamented by an enameled button.

A lining fitted with single bust darts, center, and under-arm seams, as well as a bust-stay is included in the pattern, but the use of either is optional.

The close-fitting sleeves are of the two-seam variety finished with flaring cuffs, and a stock-collar closing under a pointed overlapping end gives neck completion.

A neck-band over which a linen collar or fancy stock is worn may be used instead of the stock-collar. A leather belt is adjusted about the blouse.

Dressmaker Options

Yale-blue cashmere having a tiny dot embroidered in white silk will make a pretty blouse, and a belt and stock of stitched white satin may be worn. Cadet-gray flannel with gunmetal buttons will be attractive.

A blouse of this type developed in fancy embroidered taffeta with belt and stock of some rich contrasting silk will be found eminently satisfactory for dressy wear. A belt of tinsel braid may be suitably worn with the blouse.

Pattern Information

We have pattern No. 4526 in nine sizes for ladies from thirty to forty-six inches, bust measure.

For a lady of medium size, the blouse needs two yards and three-fourths of goods twenty-seven inches wide.

Price of pattern, 9d. or 20 cents.

Ladies' Shirt-Waist or Blouse No. 4541

Ladies' Shirt-Waist or Blouse No. 4541

No. 4541 Ladies' Shirt-Waist or Blouse, to be Tucked or Plain and made with a Stock-Collar or Neck-Band, and with or without the Fitted Lining or Bust-Stay. (For Description see Page 613.)


This blouse is illustrated on page 607, and also at figure No. 203 T in this magazine.

Blue taffeta was chosen for developing the design, the material being finely tucked for the back and fronts; and machine-stitching supplies the finish.

The back has very slight gathered fulness at the waistline, where the fronts are also gathered, and the blouse shows the fashionable Juno bust and Marie Antoinette dip.

The closing is made at the center, and to the right front is joined a pointed ornamental lap that extends only to the gathers in the front.

A lining fitted by single bust darts, under-arm seams and a seam at the center of the back supports the blouse, which may be completed with a neck-band, or a stock-collar that is deepest at the sides. The close-fitting, two-seam sleeves are finished with flaring cuffs, and a leather belt is worn.

If tucks be not liked, the fronts and back may be plain, as shown in the small illustration, and the pattern provides for the extra length required for the decided dip in front. A bust-stay may replace the fitted lining.

Dressmaker Options

A dressy shirt-waist would result if tucked pale-yellow taffeta be chosen, with fancy buttons for garniture. French flannel, cashmere, albatross, lady’s-cloth, etc., will satisfactorily reproduce the mode for cool weather wear.

Pattern Information

We have pattern No. 4541 in nine sizes for ladies from thirty to forty-six inches, bust measure.

For a lady of medium size, the blouse with the full fronts and full back cut from the tucked material, requires a yard and three-fourths of tucking twenty inches wide, with a yard and five-eighths of plain goods twenty inches wide for the collar, neck-band, lap, sleeves and cuffs.

The blouse with the full fronts and full back of material to be tucked by the maker, requires four yards and seven-eighths of goods twenty inches wide.

The blouse, all of plain goods, requires three yards and one-eighth of goods twenty inches wide.

Price of pattern, 9d. or 20 cents.

“Descriptions of Figures in Colors, Tints, Etc., Shown on First Page of Cover and Pages 571 to 591 Inclusive,” in The Delineator: An Illustrated Magazine of Literature and Fashion, Paris-London-New York-Toronto: The Butterick Publishing Co. Ltd., Vol. LXI, No. 5, November 1900, p. 581, 600, 607, 613-614

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