SS President Harding Farewell Dinner Menu - 12 April 1934

Front Cover of a Vintage Farewell Dinner Menu from 12 April 1934 on board the SS President Harding.

Front Cover of a Vintage Farewell Dinner Menu from 12 April 1934 on board the SS President Harding of the United States Lines featured Fried Plaice, Meunière, Baked Irish Ham, and Neapolitan Ice Cream for dessert. The Menu included the Credo for the United States Lines. GGA Image ID # 1ef30adca1


Menu Items

Third Cabin


  • Fruit Salad        
  • Caviar on Toast
  • French Sardines
  • Queen Olives



  • Cream of Asparagus
  • Consommé, Carmen



  • Fried Plaice, Meunière



  • Baked Irish Ham
  • Philadelphia Capon, Sage Dressing



  • Cauliflower, Cream Sauce     
  • Corn on Cob



  • Boiled or French Fried



  • Lettuce and Sliced Tomatoes



  • Preserved Peaches



  • Neapolitan Ice Cream
  • Perfetto Wafers



  • Swiss or American - Crackers
  • Assorted Nuts
  • Fresh Fruit in Season



Third Cabin Farewell Dinner Menu Items, SS President Harding, Thursday, 12 April 1934.

Third Cabin Farewell Dinner Menu Items, SS President Harding, Thursday, 12 April 1934. GGA Image ID # 1ef34e015f


Credo of the United States Lines, 1934.

Credo of the United States Lines, 1934. SS President Harding Farewell Dinner Menu, 12 April 1934. GGA Image ID # 1ef39556f4



The United States Lines undertakes to paint at sea a canvas of all that is finest in the American manner of living. To depict with fidelity, it must pose the perfect Host ... must ask that he lends himself to the painting without mental reservation, and at all times to be natural. This prototype, fittingly, is the American of achievement. He is depicted as inviting to his home his dearest friend. Every thought is for the happiness and enjoyment of his guest. Therefore, first of all, the food must be perfect and flawlessly served … when, where and how an intimate knowledge of his guest's likes and dislikes dictate. Next, logically, comes accommodations. His guest must he ultra-comfortable … every facility present or available at a nod. Well-fed, comfortable, his guest is basically happy. The nuances and highlights that breathe feeling, mark consummate artistry and complete the perfect painting, here we shall call… entertainment. Pause or stimulation for mind and body must be present in abundance. All these things United States Lines has endeavored to provide, unobtrusively ... that a perfect sailing may be found …under the Stars and Stripes!


Listing of Commander and Executive Staff and Space for Autographs (Unused), SS President Harding Farewell Dinner Menu, 12 April 1934.

Listing of Commander and Executive Staff and Space for Autographs (Unused), SS President Harding Farewell Dinner Menu, 12 April 1934. GGA Image ID # 1ef3a9d85e



Farewell Dinner Menu Tassel Binding, 1934.

Farewell Dinner Menu Tassel Binding, 1934. GGA Image ID # 1ef41ef58e


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