US Naval Institute Proceedings - August 1988
U. S. Naval Institute August 1988 Volume 114/8/1026
The U. S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, nonprofit professional society which publishes this magazine as a forum for the Sea Services. The Institute is not a part of the U. S. Government. The opinions and assertions herein are the personal ones of the authors.
13 Special Report: The Morning of the Empty Trenches By Admiral C. A. H. Trost, USN
30 Readying the Surface Navy By Lieutenant L. P. James, USN
With proper training, surface warfare officers can become true warriors. No less will do.
36 Interview
With Lieutenant General Charles H. Pitman, USMC
41 Nuclear Weapons at Sea
By Captain Linton F. Brooks, USN, and Franklin C. Miller
The U. S. Navy may not be able to deter a nuclear war at sea, but it must be able to fight one.
46 All Hands for One
By Major R. S. Shelton, USMC
Thousands of miles from nowhere, a badly injured Marine needs a neurosurgeon to save his life.
49 Pictorial—The 'Old Man' and the Eagle
By Captain William K. Earle, USCG (Ret.)
56 How's the Strategy Playing with the Allies? By James A. Nathan
The Maritime Strategy assumes that the allies will help. But will they?
63 Crisis at the Turkish Straits
By Charles Maechling, Jr.
It will soon come to a head again. What can be gained from the next confrontation?
66 The Soviet Navy: The New Carrier By Norman Polmar
77 We Need More Warning
By Lieutenant Kurt R. Newman, USNR
Agreed—amphibious task forces and surface action groups need an airborne early warning capability. But what will the platform be?
Leadership Forum 72
In the Plus Column
Nobody asked me, but 92
D-5: Don't give it up .. . Women at the USNA: Miles to go . . .
Professional Notes 95
Small Craft Defenses
Suicidal Boat and Robot Craft Attacks
Ups Analysis: Just
`Quantitative Common Sense' Naval Analysis Through the Years
The Viking's Destiny? It's Time for CSETT Big Guns are Back—and
Getting Better!
Will Our Subs Have a Fighting Chance?
Book Reviews 111
Soviet Military Power The Med
The Korean War
The Mask of Command
Money Matters 122
Income and/or Long-Term Growth—Part II
Other Departments
Secretary's Notes 9
Where We Were 10
Comment and
Discussion 19, 82
Books of Interest 117
World Naval
Developments 123
Puzzle 127
Notebook 127
Index to Advertisers 128
Cover: This 1956 nuclear test at Eniwetok Atoll graphically demotrates why the role of "Nuclear Weapons at Sea"—pages 41-45—must be understood.
I The U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings is published monthly by the. U. S. Naval Institute, 2062 Generals Highway, Annapolis, MD 21401. Second class postage paid at Annapolis, MD, and at additional mailing offices. Memberships, $27.00 one year/Subscriptions, $30.00 one year (U.S.A.). Copyright 1988 U. S. Naval Institute. Copyright is not claimed for editorial material in the public domain. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Proceedings, USNI, Circulation Department, 2062 Generals Highway, MD 21401. U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings (ISSN 0041-798X).