US Naval Institute Proceedings - July 1981

Front Cover, United States Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 107/7/941, July 1981.

Front Cover, United States Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 107/7/941, July 1981. GGA Image ID # 1d0aba8337

On the Front Cover

The U. S. Navy's four new Kidd-class guided missile destroyers were originally contracted for by the late Shah of Iran for his Imperial Iranian Navy. These ships will still likely see duty in the Indian Ocean. Whether four of them are enough is examined in a professional note, "The Kidd DDG: The Non-Nuclear Standard," pp. 97-101.


26 Missile Chess: A Parable
By Captain Wayne P. Hughes, Jr., USN
Chess is only a game—or is it? We may think not if we find ourselves checkmated in a missile exchange at sea.
31 Soviet Nuclear Submarines
By Norman Polmar
U. S. and Soviet advances in nuclear submarine design resemble leapfrog; sometimes we are ahead, and sometimes they are.
40 A Blue-Green Opportunity: Carrier-Based Marine Air Wings
By Captain Jeremy D. Taylor, USN
Marine air wings have operated successfully from carriers in the past and could do so again if Essex-class ships are reactivated.
44 Countering Tomorrow's Terrorism
By Lieutenant Colonel Joseph H. Alexander, USMC
The seizure of U. S. hostages in Iran may be the precursor to more such acts against American citizens. How will we respond?
4n Indian Ocean Fleet—The Case and the Cost
By Norman L. Stone DI 'o OXciA
Putting a full-fledged fleet into the Indian Ocean would cost each taxpayer additional dollars, but it would be worth the cost.
58 Memorandum for the Commander—Subject: Tactical Proficiency
By Commander Larry Seaquist, USN
A destroyer skipper harks back to his staff days in writing a memo for his commodore on the need for tactical improvement.
The First
By Captainnk A. Erickson, USCG (Ret.)
Because the Navy was looking in other directions in World War II, it fell to the Coast Guard to pursue helicopter development.
67 Fitness Reports and Personal Development
By Lieutenant Commander Dana G. McCarthy, USNR
Too often, naval officers treat fitness reports as instruments of pain rather than as the fantastic motivational tools they should be.
Sower ow smff /2.(• Departments PlIALA0 46 ePP.
Old Navy 51
A Boy at Sea
Leadership Forum 74
The Pursuit of Excellence
Nobody asked me, but 88
Administrative Clearing
Houses: Take the Heat
off the Fleet
Book Reviews 89
The Defense Industry
Admiral of the Fleet Earl Beatty
Diary of the Cuban Revolution
Paying the Modern Military Professional Notes
The Kidd DDG: The No
imittreirerni and
Naval Reserve Officer
Leadership: An
Institutional Failure
An Insider's Look at the
Navy's Main Battery Under the Ice in Submarines
A Minesweeping Shrimp
Boat? A What?
The Royal Australian
Navy—A Progress Report ADT As You Like It!
The U. S. Navy 19
Sonars, Part I
Other Departments
Secretary's Notes 17
Comment and Discussion 19
Books of Interest 93
Notebook 127

The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U. S. Naval Institute. Proceedings is published monthly by U. S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, MD. 21402. Second-class postage paid at Annapolis, MD. and at additional mailing offices. Memberships, $21.00 one year/Subscriptions, $24.00 one year U.S.A. Copyright © 1981 U. S. Naval Institute. Copyright is not claimed for editorial material in the public dqmain. U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings (ISSN 0041-798X)

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