US Naval Institute Proceedings - June 1986

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 112/6/1000, June 1986.

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 112/6/1000, June 1986. GGA Image ID # 1d03f9e2e7


The U. S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, nonprofit professional society which publishes this magazine as a forum for the Sea Services. The Institute is not a part of the U. S. Government. The opinions and assertions herein are the personal ones of the authors.
33 Arleigh Burke Essay Contest—Second Honorable Mention EXTRA: Terrorists Attack USN Ship
By Lieutenant Commander Christopher Staszak, USNR

Fact or Fiction?
38 Be Aware and Beware
By Chief Master-at-Arms Larry W. Latina, USN, and
Chief Master-at-Arms Bradford C. Pratt, USN
40 Silently, In Darkness and Fog By Robert C. Suggs

Nearly 30 years as the head of his navy and he's relieved without so much as a public thank you. How could this happen to Gorshkov?
50 The Coast Guard's Trident
By Commander Bruce B. Stubbs, USCG
The prongs of the Coast Guard's trident—defense readiness, maritime safety, and maritime law enforcement—aren't equally sharp—but they should be.
56 I am a . . . Convoy Commodore
By Captain Stuart D. Landersman, USN (Ret.)

He is proud to be part of the only program that taps the vast manpower resource of retired line officers. This program could be a model for others.
60 Convoy to Casablanca
By Rear Admiral Joshua W. Cooper, USN (Ret.)
73 Trident and the Triad
By D. Douglas Dalgleish and Larry Schweikart
The Trident submarine's ballistic missile is the triad's strongest leg—and the hope for the future—for many good reasons.
Leadership Forum 64
Teaching Obligation
Pictorial 67
Sons of a Sea-Cook
Nobody asked me, but 94
Isn't It Time to Revamp Marine Corps Field Training?
What Changes Would You Offer to Make the Navy Perfect?
Professional Notes 98
Amphibious Shipping in the 21st Century
Reading the Code of Conduct
ACEing the Surface Ship's Comms

Tracking Soviet Submarines
Under the Arctic Ice Pack Too Little, Too Late /01 Exploiting Shipboard Talents". Oceanography's Role in

Naval Warfare

The U. S. Navy 119

The Deep Submergence

Vehicle Fleet

Special 123
The F4D 'Ford'

Book Reviews 129

All Fall Down

Electronic Warfare

The Root
U. S.-Soviet Military Balance The Soviet View 137 Other Departments

Secretary's Notes 9
Comment and Discussion .. 18 Books of Interest 133 World Naval
Developments 140

Puzzle 142

Notebook 143

Index to Advertisers 144 Cover: Featured on the cover of this, the 1,000th issue of Proceedings, are open Trident submarine missile tubes of the USS Georgia (SSBN-729). For more on the Trident's impact on today's (and tomorrow's) triad see "Trident and the Triad" (page 73). Photograph by Brian R. Wolff.
. The Proceedings is published by the U. S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, MD 21402. Second class postage paid at Annapolis, MD and at additional mailing offices. Memberships, $24.00 one year/Subscriptions, $27.00 one year (U.S.A.). Copyright 1986 U. S. Naval Institute. Copyright is not claimed for editorial material in the public domain. U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings (ISSN 0041-798X).

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