April 1968 Proceedings Magazine: United States Naval Institute

April 1968 Proceedings Magazine: United States Naval Institute

Proceedings "Coast Guard to the Rescue" is by N. C. Weyth, one of a series of 12 "Flags In American History" presented to the U. S. Naval Academy Museum by the John Morrell & Co. The original is presently on display at
April 1968 the Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Maryland.
The U. S. Naval Institute is a private, professional society for all who are interested in naval and maritime affairs. It is a self-supporting, non-profit organization and is not a part of the U. S. Navy Department.
The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U. S. Naval Institute.
All photographs, unless credited, are official Department of Defense releases.
Editorial and Business Offices: Annapolis, Maryland 21402.
Published monthly by the U. S . Naval Institute. Second-clasLpostage paid at the Post Office in MENASHA, WISCONSIN, and at additional mailing office, under act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 13, 1922.
Membership dues for the U. S. Naval Institute (including PROCEEDINGS), $6.50 a year for the United States and possessions, including FPO and APO addresses. $7.50 for foreign addresses.
Subscription rate $8.50 a year for the United States and possessions, including FPO and APO addresses. $9.50 for foreign addresses. Single copies from current year $1.00. Single copies from previous years $1.00.
Copyright © 1968 by U. S. Naval Institute.
Secretary's Notes . • • 20
The High Price of Success 26
by Capt. Robert J. Hanks, USN 34
" . . . Long Live the Queen" 41
by A. Denis Clift
The Mysterious PG Selection Process
by Lt. Cdr Edward W. Lull, USN
The Whampoa Academy 46
by Capt. James H. Herzog, USN
U-Boat With Wings 54
by R. D. Layman
The Future of the Coast Guard 60
by Capt. A. A. Heckman, USCG
The Icy "Nyet!" 73
by Robert D. Wells
Pictorial—USS Repose (AH-16) 80
Comment and Discussion 95
Book Reviews 106
Professional Reading 111
Professional Notes 116
The Old Navy 130
Progress 134
Notebook 136
Book List 146

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