March 1966 Proceedings Magazine: United States Naval Institute
Front Cover, US Naval Institute Proceedings Magazine, Volume 92, Number 3, Whole No. 757, March 1966. GGA Image ID # 1418d32796
On the Cover: This month's cover photograph of Marines passing in review at Twenty-nine Palms, California, is one of the ten winning photographs in “Prize Photography 1966"—page 97. The photographer is Edward C. Johnson.
The March 1966 issue of Proceedings Magazine, Volume 92, Number 3, Whole No. 757, featured articles included The Submarine’s Long Shadow, Needed: A Credible Presence, and The Genesis of the Modern Navy. Cover: Marines passing in review at Twenty-nine Palms, California.
This Month's Contents
- Secretary’s Notes
- The Submarine’s Long Shadow
by Cdr. Robert H. Smith, Jr., USN - East of Suez
by Lt. Cdr. James Stewart, RN (Ret.) - Needed: A Credible Presence
by Lt. Cdr. John E. Withrow, Jr., USN - The Genesis of the Modern Navy
by Charles F. Elliott - New War in Vietnam
by Col. Bryce F. Denno, USA (Ret.) - A History of Man’s Deep Submergence
by Cdr. W. F. Searle, Jr., USN - The Sea of Matrimony
by Lt. Cdr. Philip E. Jerauld, CUC, USN - Prize Photography 1966 (Pictorial)
- Comment and Discussion
- Book Reviews
- Professional Reading
- Professional Notes
- Notebook
- Progress
- A Page from the New Navy
- Book List
- Index to Advertisers
The U. S. Naval Institute is a private, professional society for all who are interested in naval and maritime affairs. It is a self-supporting, non-profit organization and is not a part of the U. S. Navy Department.
The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to he construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U. S. Naval Institute.
All photographs, unless credited, are official Department of Defense releases.