August 1962 Proceedings Magazine: United States Naval Institute

August 1962 Proceedings Magazine: United States Naval Institute


August 1962

A New Formula for Sea Power 23

By John J. Clark and Edwin B. Hewes

Political Trends in Black Africa 35

By Capt. Carl H. Amme, Jr., USN

Antarctica—White Continent of Promise 45

By August C. Miller, Jr.

The Military Manager, the Image and the Man 59

By Cdr. H. R. 7 all, USIA'

The Coming Cold War on the Sea Lanes 64

By Desmond i4"ettern

Constitution versus Guerriere 72

By Linda McKee

Solomons Battle Log 81

By Ens. George B. Weems, USN

and Capt. F. A. Andrews, USN

Polaris Test Ship—Observation Island (Pictorial) 93

By Capt. G. M. Boyd, USN

Comment and Discussion 107

Book Reviews 114

Professional Reading 124

Professional Notes 130

Notebook 140

Progress 150

A Page from the New Navy 152

Secretary's Notes 157


For the advancement of professional, literary and scientific knowledge in the Navy



CDR Roland T. E. Bowler, Jr., U. S. Navy


Roger C. Taylor



CWO Earl E. Smith, U. S. Navy (Ret) Assistant Editors

Allison W. Saville

MSGT Clayton R. Barrow, Jr., U. S. Marine Corps (Ret) •

A. Denis Clift

Editorial Assistant

Katherine McInnis

Associate Editors

CAPT H. A. Seymour, U. S. Navy

Prof. C. P. Lemieux, USNA



LCDR Arnold S. Lott, U. S. Navy (Ret.) Editorial Assistants

Dorothy Williams

Joyce Atwood



Frank Uhlig, Jr.



David Q. Scott


Gy SGT Delroy Kiser, U. S. Marine Corps (Ret) Walter Paiko


CWO Fred T. Stolley, U. S. Marine Corps (Ret)


H. Gordon Williams


Thomas 0. Woolf & Son, Inc.,

225 Park Ave., New York 17, N. Y.;

266 S. Alexandria Ave., Los Angeles 4, Calif.; 151 Fleet Street, London E.C. 4, England

Board of Control


Admiral George W. Anderson, U. S. Navy VICE-PRESIDENT

Rear Admiral John F. Davidson, U. S. Navy


Commander Roland T. E. Bowler, Jr., U. S. Navy DIRECTORS

Vice Admiral Robert B. Pixie, U. S. Navy Rear Admiral Paul D. Stroop, U. S. Navy Brigadier General B. A. Hochmuth, U. S.

Marine Corps

Captain Jack A. Obermeyer, U. S. Navy Captain William P. Mack, U. S. Navy

Captain Gilbert F. Schumacher, U. S. Coast Guard

Past Presidents

Admiral David D. Porter 1873

Rear Admiral John L. Worden 1874

Rear Admiral C. R. P. Rodgers 1875-78, 1882-83 Commodore Foxhall A. Parker 1878-79

Rear Admiral John Rodgers, 1879-82

Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins 1883-85 Rear Admiral Edward Simpson 1885-87

Rear Admiral Stephen B. Luce 1887-98 Rear Admiral Wm. T. Sampson 1898-1902

Rear Admiral H. C. Taylor 1902-1904 Rear Admiral C. F. Goodrich 1904-1909

Rear Admiral Richard Wainwright 1909-11

Rear Admiral Bradley A. Fiske 1911-23

Vice Admiral William L. Rodgers 1923-24 Admiral Henry B. Wilson 1924-26

Admiral Hilary P. Jones 1926-28

Rear Admiral Edward W. Eberle 1928-29 Admiral S. S. Robison 1929-31

Rear Admiral M. L. Bristol 1931-33

Admiral William H. Standley 1933-35 Admiral David Foote Sellers 1935-37 Fleet Admiral William D. Leahy 1937-40 Admiral H. R. Stark 1940-42

Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz 1942-43, 1946-48 Fleet Admiral E. J. King 1943-46

Admiral Louis E. Denfeld 1948-50

Admiral Robert B. Carney 1950-52,1954-56

Admiral William M. Fechteler 1952-54 Admiral Arleigh A. Burke 1956-59,1960-61 Admiral Jerauld Wright 1959-60

The U. S. Naval Institute is a private, professional society for all who are interested in naval and maritime affairs. It is a self-supporting, non-profit organization and is not a part of the U. S. Navy Department.

The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U. S. Naval Institute.

All photographs, unless otherwise credited, are official Department of Defense releases.

Editorial and Business Offices: Annapolis, Maryland

Published monthly by the United States Naval
Institute. Second-class postage paid at the Post

Office of MENASHA, WISCONSIN, and at additional mailing office, under act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at Ilse special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 13, 1922.

Membership dues for the U. S. Naval Institute (induding PROCEEDINGS), $4.00 a year.

Subscription rate $6.00 a year. (Foreign postage, $1.00 extra.) Single copies fifty cents.

Copyright © 1962 by U. S. Nava Institute

Captain Isaac Hull commanded the Frigate Constitution in her historic duel with Guerriere. (See page 72.) Painting by Gilbert Stuart. Photograph of the

painting courtesy of Life Magazine.

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