US Naval Institute Proceedings - June 1969

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Vol. 95/6/796, June 1969.

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Vol. 95/6/796, June 1969. GGA Image ID # 1d15ce4c5a

On the Front Cover

The thoughtful reserve of Cuthbert, first Baron Col ling wood, is evident in the painting, by Henry Howard, of this contemporary of Lord Nelson's. (See page 63.) The painting is the property of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, England.

Issue Summary

The June 1969 issue articles include Victory in Limited War, Seapower and Soviet Foreign Policy, Of Robotry and Readiness, Justice in the Battle Zone, Campus Unrest, The Character of Collingwood, Pictorial—The Mobile Riverine Force, and more.

Table of Contents


  • Victory in Limited War
    by Lieutenant Charles L. Parnell, U. S. Navy
    We must not continue to allow the Communist world to assume that if they win, they win all; while if they lose, they really lose nothing, and can try again later.
  • Seapower and Soviet Foreign Policy
    by Lieutenant Commander David R. Cox, U. S. Navy
    What part will the Soviet Navy play in furthering Soviet foreign policy aims?
  • Of Robotry and Readiness
    by Lieutenant T. W. Goad, U. S. Navy
    To accomplish the Navy's simulated environment training, more and more mechanical systems and trainers are coming into being. Could some—could all?—be consolidated into one mechanical marvel?
  • Justice in the Battle Zone
    by Lieutenant Commander James E. Toms, U. S. Navy
    There are inconveniences and hazards—there is also a deep satisfaction—in administering military justice in Vietnam.
  • Campus Unrest
    by Dan Caldwell
    An NROTC Midshipman at Stanford University speaks out.
  • The Character of Collingwood
    by Oliver Warner
    He lived in Nelson's shadow but, at long last, this remarkable man begins to emerge.
  • Michelson in the Navy; The Navy in Michelson
    by Dorothy Michelson Livingston
    One of his daughters shares her memories of an illustrious father.
  • Pictorial—The Mobile Riverine Force
    Photography by Chief Photographer s Mate Dan Dodd, U. S. Navy


  • Secretary's Notes
  • Comment and Discussion
  • Book Reviews
  • Professional Reading
  • Professional Notes
  • The Old Navy
  • Progress
  • Notebook
  • Book List

The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U. S. Naval Institute.

United States Naval Institute

The Naval Institute, a private, professional association, was established in 1873 to provide naval officers with an unofficial forum for exchanging ideas about the development and improvement of the Navy. To this mission, the Naval Institute remains dedicated. Still, it has broadened its service program to provide professionally oriented publications for members of the U. S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and others concerned with sea power.

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  • Your writing may be controversial, provided it does not exceed reasonable bounds. It was to publish professional, constructive criticism that the journal was begun.
  • Neither poetry nor fiction is published.

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  • A finished manuscript is preferable.
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