May 1968 Proceedings Magazine: United States Naval Institute

May 1968 Proceedings Magazine: United States Naval Institute

Reserve Lieutenant Commander James Scott's painting, of a French-designed "Gunboat on the Saigon River," from the U. S. Navy Combat Art Collection, provides a
setting for Marc E. Geneste's article which begins on page 66.
May 1968
The U. S. Naval Institute is a private, professional society. for all who are interested in naval and maritime affairs. It is a self-supporting, non-profit organization and is not a part of the U. S. Navy Department.
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Published monthly by the U.S. Naval Institute. Second-class_ postage paid at the Post Office in M ENASHA, WISCONSIN, and at additional ma ding office, under act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorised March 13, 1922.
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Copyright ©1968 by U. S. Naval Institute.
Secretary's Notes 20
Civilian Command or Civilian Control? • • 26
by Capt. Samuel P. Ingram, USNR
The Depths of Ignorance 32
by Capt. C. N. G. Hendrix, USN (Ret.)
The National Insurance Policy, ASW coverage 46
by Capt. Thomas D. McGrath, USN (Ret.)
Career Development for the Naval Flight Officer 57
by Lt. Cdr. Stephen F. Loftus, USN
Vietnam . . . A New Type of War) 66
by Marc E. Geneste
Operations Research in World War II 78
by Raymond H. Milkman
A Toast to the "Rum Fleet" 84
by H. R. Kaplan
Pictorial—Navy Gunship Helicopters in the Mekong 91
Comment and Discussion 105
Book Reviews 117
Professional Reading 121
Professional Notes 128
The Old Navy 138
Progress 140
Notebook 142
Book List 146

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