US Naval Institute Proceedings - November 1978

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 104/11/909, November 1978.

Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 104/11/909, November 1978. GGA Image ID # 1d0d545972


The Need for Trident 32
The new Trident-class submarines of the Ohio class have been criticized as "goldplated." But with the rest of our strategic triad of , dubious value, we could use 20 to 30 such ships.
By Gerard Keith Burke
Division of Labor in the Western Alliance 42
Not surprisingly, we tend to think of the NATO alliance from the U. S. viewpoint. But let us put ourselves in the European's shoes; we must consider his potential contribution and, above all, his continuing concerns.
By Colonel Marc E. Geneste, French Army (Ret.)

U. S. NATO Policy: The Challenge and the Opportunity 52

In the face of a formidable Soviet military threat, the NATO allies must work together to implement the recently formulated Long Term Defense Program for their mutual benefit.

By Robin L. Beard

Spitsbergen: Who's in Control? 62

The possibility of drilling for oil under the continental shelf off northern Norway poses problems for the NATO alliance because Norway might have to reach an accommodation with the U.S.S.R. on the issue.

By John C. Ausland

Pictorial—An Ordinary Joe

By Major Anthony D. Nastri, USMC

Standardization or Bankruptcy for NATO 78
Some $10 billion of the $90 billion that NATO countries spend each year for weapons is wasted because of duplication and inefficiency. Standardization offers a remedy to such wastefulness.
By Lieutenant Colonel Edmund K. Daley, USA
My Father Was a Hero 88
A grieving daughter discovered a packet of letters shortly after the death of her ex-marine father and learned much that she had never known about him.
By Marianne Hancock
Color Pictorial-Photo Contest Winners 97

Cover Departments The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U.S. Naval Institute.
A two-nation effort at naval cooperation has produced the Dutch Kortenaer and the German Fregatte 122, shown in this drawing by R. G. Smith. The successful standardization project, Secretary's Notes 23
called the most challenging venture ever undertaken in the field" by an author of a Professional Note this month, will soon become a reality. Comment and Discussion 27 & 103
Old Navy 94
Nobody asked me, but . . . 120
Book Reviews 123
Books of Interest to the
Professional 130
Professional Notes 135
Ships and Aircraft of the
U.S. Fleet: Torpedoes 159
Notebook 163
Proceedings is published monthly by U. S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, Md. 21402. Second-class postage paid at Annapolis, Md. and at additional mailing offices. Memberships/Subscriptions $15.00 one year U.S.A. Copyright C) 1978 U. S. Naval Institute.

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