January 1968 Proceedings Magazine: United States Naval Institute

January 1968 Proceedings Magazine: United States Naval Institute

For the advancement of professional, literary, and scientific knowledge in the Navy
Board of Control
Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, U. S. Navy
Rear Admiral Draper L. Kauffman, U. S. Navy
Commander R. T. E. Bowler, Jr., U. S. Navy (Retired)
Lieutenant General Henry W. Buse, Jr., U. S. Marine Corps
Rear Admiral Henry L. Miller, U. S. Navy Rear Admiral Malcolm W. Cagle, U. S. Navy Captain Russell S. Crenshaw, Jr., U. S. Navy Captain Albert A. Heckman, U. S. Coast Guard Captain Raymond A. Komorowski, U. S. Navy
Past Presidents
Admiral David D. Porter 1873
Rear Admiral John L. Worden 1874
Rear Admiral C. R. P. Rodgers 1875-78. 1882-83 Commodore Foxhall A. Parker 1878-79
Rear Admiral John Rodgers 1879-82
Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins 1883-85 Rear Admiral Edward Simpson 1885-87 Rear Admiral Stephen B. Luce 1887-98 Rear Admiral Wm. T. Sampson 1898-1902 Rear Admiral H. C. Taylor 1902-1904
Rear Admiral C. F. Goodrich 1904-1909 Rear Admiral Richard Wainwright 1909-11 Rear Admiral Bradley A. Fiske 1911-23 Vice Admiral %Valiant 1.. Rodgers 1923-24 Admiral Henry B. N'ilum 1924-26
Admiral Ililary P. Jones 1926-28
Rear Admiral /Alward W. Xtierla 1021-29 Admiral S it R1111111.111 10041
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Admiral Grow. W 4ashosas Ifs 011014 40 Admiral David I.
U. S. Naval Institute Staff
Executive Editor
Cdr. R. T. E. Bowler, Jr., U. S. Navy (Retired) Editorial Director
Roger C. Taylor
Cdr. Robert P. Brewer, U. S. Navy (Retired) Assistant Editors
Clayton R. Barrow, Jr.
Katherine McInnis
Ed Holm
Joel E. Truitt
Associate Editors
Capt. W. S. DeLany, Jr., U. S. Navy
Prof. C. P. Lemieux, U. S. Naval Academy Robert A. Lambert, U. S. Naval Academy
Lt. Cdr. Arnold S. Lott, U. S. Navy (Retired)
Assistant Editors Louise Gerretson Robert A. Cohen Mary Veronica Amoss
Frank Uhlig, Jr.
Editorial Assistant Christine Rowland
David Q. Scott
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January 1968
The U. S. Naval Institute is a private, professional society for all who are interested in naval and maritime affairs. It is a self-supporting, non-profit organization and is not a part of the U. S. Navy Department.
The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U. S. Naval Institute.
All photographs, unless credited, are official Department of Defense releases.
Editorial and Business Offices: Annapolis, Maryland 21402.
Published monthly by the U. S . Naval Institute. Second-class postage paid at the Post Office in MENASHA, WISCONSIN, and at additional 'nailing office, under act of August 24, 1912. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized March 13, 1922.
Membership dues for the U. S. Naval Institute (including PROCEEDINGS), $6.50 a year for the United States and possessions, including FPO and APO addresses. $7.50 for foreign addresses.
Subscription rate $8.50 a year for the United States and possessions, including FPO and APO addresses. $9.50 for foreign addresses. Single copies from current year $1.00. Single copses from previous years $1.00.
Copyright ©1967 by U.S. Naval Institute.
Sculptor Eduard Eriksen's world-famed bronze
figure overlooking Copenhagen's harbor perhaps typifies the maritime
legacy of a country
whose present-day capabilities are
discussed on page 37. Photograph by
Gilbert M. Grosvenor,
@ NationalGeographicSociety.
99 115 -119 124 138 142 144 154
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Secretary's Notes
Power in the Sea
by Capt. Sherman Naymark, USNR (Ret.)
The Quest for Common Ground
by Brig. Gen. Edwin F. Black, USA
Maritime Denmark
by Capt. Henrik M. Petersen, RDN
The Bureaus Go On Forever
by Thomas W. Ray
The Canadian Cyclic System
by Capt. Seymour Dombroff, USN
Forecast: Change
by Capt. William J. Kotsch, USN
The Arctic Disaster, Maury's Motivation . 78
by Cdr. Alexander C. Brown, USNR (Ret.)
Pictorial—American Harbor Defenses: The Final Era 84 by Cdr. D. P. Kirchner, USN, and
Capt. E. R. Lewis, USAR
Comment and Discussion
Book Reviews
Professional Reading
Professional Notes
The Old Navy
Book List

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