US Naval Institute Proceedings - April 1980
Front Cover, U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings, Volume 106/4/926, April 1980. GGA Image ID # 1d0bdc73c4
26 Mine Warfare: Promise Deferred
By Captain Robert H. Smith, USN (Ret.)
The explosion of a mine comes long after it has been put in place, if
ever. Money for mine warfare could also be a long time in coming.
34 The Spirit and Continuity of the Navy
By Admiral Giovanni Torrisi, Italian Navy
After reaching the top of his profession, an officer tells those who follow that the climb is frequently difficult, but the task is both worthwhile and rewarding.
40 Retention: The Pressure Is On
By Captain James F. Kelly, Jr., USN
A ship's commanding officer may now be forced to try to keep people he would be better off without.
46. Across Or Along: Soviet Amphibious Options In Northwestern Europe
By Alexander K. Maconochie
Perhaps the solution to combating a possible Soviet amphibious campaign would be a joint NATO Marine Corps.
51 The Soviet-Cuban Intervention in Angola
By Jiri Valenta
Those who decry the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan should look to Angola, circa 1975-1976, to see what happens when the Soviets perceive the United States as weak and reluctant.
60 Guadalcanal: Neither Side Would Quit
By Commander Thomas B. Buell, USN (Ret.)
This excerpt from Ernest King's biography depicts the admiral as a gambler who risked much over Guadalcanal.
66 Do American Shipping and Shipbuilding Have a Future? By Clinton H. Whitehurst
Many Americans would agree that the U. S. maritime industry is in sad shape. What they don't agree on is how to help it get better.
72 A Fantasy?
By Captain William Outerson, USN (Ret.)
The continental United States can no longer count on being immune from bombardment in a major war.
Departments Cover
17 Secretary's Notes
21 Comment and Discussion
88 Nobody asked me, but . .
89 Book Reviews
93 Books of Interest
97 Professional Notes
113 The Soviet Navy in 1979 121 Notebook
The U. S. Lines' American Accord, photographed by Skyfotos, Ltd. (Hythe, Kent, England), is one of the remaining vessels of the government-sponsored Mariner class, built in the 1950s. C. H. Whitehurst writes of the Mariners' past on page 124 and of the future of the U. S. maritime industry on page 66.
The opinions or assertions in the articles are the personal ones of the authors and are not to be construed as official. They do not necessarily reflect the views of either the Navy Department or the U. S. Naval Institute.
Proceedings is published monthly by U. S. Naval Institute, Annapolis, MD. 21402. Second-class postage paid at Annapolis, MD. and at additional mailing offices. Memberships/Subscriptions $18.00 one year U.S.A. Copyright © 1980 U. S. Naval Institute. Copyright is not claimed for editorial material in the public domain.
U. S. Naval Institute Proceedings (ISSN 0041-798X)