SS Stuttgart Passenger List - 12 June 1930

Front Cover, Cabin Class Passenger List from the SS Stuttgart of the North German Lloyd, Departing 12 June 1930 from New York to Bremen via Cobh and Cherbourg.

Front Cover, Cabin Class Passenger List from the SS Stuttgart of the North German Lloyd, Departing 12 June 1930 from New York to Bremen via Cobh and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain A. Winter. GGA Image ID # 12fc6e9096


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Captain: A. Winter
  • First Officer: O. Prehn
  • Second Officer: H. Wilkens
  • Second Officer: Karl Fricke
  • Third Officer: H. Bursch
  • Fourth Officer: H. Langemaak
  • Fourth Officer: J. Stein
  • First Doctor: Dr. Med. Buschmann
  • Second Doctor: Dr. Med. L. Duschl
  • Chief Engineer: E. Schneider
  • Second Engineer: D. Buck
  • Third Engineer: G. Braje
  • Third Engineer: Th. Onken
  • Fourth Engineer: A. Ahrens
  • Fourth Engineer: H. Kuhn
  • Fourth Engineer: J. Wuebbenhorst
  • Purser: E. Reher
  • Asst. Purser: K. Hogrefe
  • Chief Steward: B. Junghans
  • Chief Steward Assistant: G. Sperling
  • Chief Steward Tourist Third Class: J. Ahl
  • Chief Steward Third Class: K. Hering
  • Chief Cook: P. Richard
  • Baggage Master: F. Heidmann
  • G. Z. Interpreter: J. Swoboda


Wireless Operating Officers

  • First Officer: F. Rippe
  • Assistant: H. Krönke
  • Assistant: J. Conrath

Note: Wireless Operators were listed separately because yhey are employees/contractors for Marconi.

Cabin Class Passengers

  1. Miss Louise Ahtz
  2. Mr. Clarence H. Albaugh
  3. Mr. Felix Bach
  4. Mrs. Bach
  5. Master John Bach
  6. Mr. Baer
  7. Mrs. H. Banninger
  8. Dr. Salo. Baron
  9. Mrs. Grace I. Batsholts
  10. Mr. A. A. Beaumont, Jr.
  11. Mrs. Beaumont
  12. Mr. J. Behrman
  13. Mrs. Anna Benkert
  14. Mrs. Christiana Betz
  15. Mr. Charles Bihlmann
  16. Mr. R. A. Boerner
  17. Mr. Sebastian Bohn
  18. Mrs. Bohn
  19. Dr. J. A. Borghoff
  20. Mrs. Borghoff
  21. Master John A. Borghoff, Jr.
  22. Master James Borghoff
  23. Mrs. Minna Bosch
  24. Mr. Fred K. H. Bramkamp
  25. Mrs. Bertha Bramkamp
  26. Miss Louise Bramkamp
  27. Miss Johanna Bramkamp
  28. Sister Mary Breadon
  29. Mr. Heinrich Brunning
  30. Mrs. Anna K. Brunning
  31. Mr. S. John Buhl
  32. Miss K. Buhser
  33. Mr. Wolfhart Burgi
  34. Mr. Fred Buschhop
  35. Mrs. Buschhop
  36. Mr. Julius Butsch
  37. Mr. Alwin Cassens
  38. Mrs. Cassens
  39. Mr. M. C. Casserly
  40. Mrs. Casserly
  41. Mrs. Florence E. Charles
  42. Mr. James L. Chase, Jr.
  43. Mr. Richard Cleary
  44. Mrs. Eliz. Cluver
  45. Miss Norma Cluver
  46. Miss Hanna Conlon
  47. Miss Charlotte Corbett
  48. Miss Grace Crystal
  49. Dr. George Dalldorf
  50. Mrs. Dalldorf
  51. Mr. Charles Dehn
  52. Mrs. Dehn
  53. Mrs. Charles Eaton
  54. Miss M. Eck
  55. Mr. John F. Eiben
  56. Mr. C. Engel Mrs. Engel
  57. Mr. Julius Engelhardt
  58. Mrs. Eugenia Ernst
  59. Miss Anna Ernst
  60. Miss Mathilde Fessman
  61. Miss Lucy Frey
  62. Mrs. Carrie L. Fist
  63. Mr. Charles Froeb
  64. Mrs. Froeb
  65. Mr. Fred Gaa
  66. Mr. Henry Gaal
  67. Mrs. Gaal
  68. Miss Emilie Gasche
  69. Miss Leslie Gaylord
  70. Dr. Fritz Gerth
  71. Mrs. Julia Girvin
  72. Mrs. Bertha Gray
  73. Miss Fr. Gutberlet
  74. Prof. Hackboldt
  75. Mrs. Hackboldt
  76. Miss Oliva M. Halcombt
  77. Mrs. E. Harris
  78. Mrs. Robert Hart
  79. Master H. Hart
  80. Miss Karin. B. Hedherg
  81. Mr. Albert J. Heidt
  82. Miss Else Heidt
  83. Mr. Edward Heidt
  84. Mrs. Helmer
  85. Miss Helen M. Hendrickson
  86. Mrs. E. Henninger
  87. Miss Marion Henninger
  88. Miss Mimmie Henninger
  89. Mr. A. Hertz
  90. Mrs. Katharina Hettel
  91. Miss C. Hettel
  92. Mr. Gustav Hey
  93. Mr. Alexander Hildebrand
  94. Mr. Milton Hildebrand
  95. Mr. T. H. Hildebrand
  96. Mrs. Hildebrand
  97. Mrs. H. H. Hildebrandt
  98. Miss S. M. Hildebrandt
  99. Miss J. Hildebrandt
  100. Master Paul H. Hildebrandt
  101. Miss Louise Hildebrand
  102. Master Roger Hildebrand
  103. Miss Enez Hovey
  104. Mr. Huder
  105. Mrs. E. Illing
  106. Mr. S. Jacobinoff
  107. Mr. E. Jacobs
  108. Mrs. Jacobs and children
  109. Rev. Julius Jaeger
  110. Mrs. Jaeger
  111. Mrs. Hariette Joung
  112. Miss Elsa Joung
  113. Miss Hilda Justice
  114. Miss Magt. Kammer
  115. Mr. George Keller
  116. Miss Johanna Kelly
  117. Mrs. Frieda Kern
  118. Mrs. Hugo Klotz
  119. Mr. C. Louis Knight
  120. Mr. Jan Koerbel
  121. Mr. Conrad Koehler
  122. Mrs. Koehler
  123. Mr. Max Koeppe
  124. Mrs. Koeppe
  125. Mr. Richard Koermann
  126. Mr. G. G. Koppel
  127. Mrs. Anna Kramer
  128. Miss Alma Kuessei
  129. Mrs. Anna Kuessel
  130. Mrs. Gussie Kurpick
  131. Miss Lois Lane
  132. Mr. Christian Lanz
  133. Mr. W. G. Leighton
  134. Mrs. Leighton
  135. Mr. Stephan H. Lesher
  136. Mrs. Lesher
  137. Miss Lore
  138. Mr. Millard L. Lowery
  139. Mrs. Caroline Luecke
  140. Miss Molly F. Lynch
  141. Mr. John Madden
  142. Mrs. Madden
  143. M. John F. Maeder
  144. Mrs. Maeder
  145. Mr. Carl Mahler
  146. Mrs. Mahler
  147. Mr. George Mahler
  148. Mrs. Mahler
  149. Dr. Wilhelm Maier
  150. Mr. Jacob Mang
  151. Mr. A. Manheim
  152. Mrs. Manheim
  153. Mr. Frederick Matson
  154. Mrs. Grace S. Mayer
  155. Mr. Isaac McBride
  156. Mrs. McBride
  157. Miss J. M. McGloin
  158. Mr. W. R. McLean
  159. Mr. Gus Meincke
  160. Mrs. Meincke
  161. Mr. Chr. Meiners
  162. Mr. Wm. Meyer
  163. Mrs. Meyer
  164. Mr. John Meyer
  165. Mrs. Anne Meyer
  166. Mr. Louis Meyer
  167. Mrs. Meyer
  168. Mr. Blaine Miller
  169. Mrs. Marie Moeller
  170. Dr. Chas. Naven
  171. Mrs. Naven
  172. Miss Minnie M. Nennigson
  173. Mr. Fred Newman
  174. Mr. Karl H. Nickel
  175. Mrs. Noltenine
  176. Miss L. Nuernberg
  177. Miss Vallie Ohl
  178. Mr. Orthwein
  179. Mrs. Orthwein
  180. Mr. Henry Pape
  181. Miss Clara Piller
  182. Sister Mary Pius
  183. Mr. Paul Preisler
  184. Mrs. Turtine Pressel
  185. Mrs. Emma M. Rall
  186. Miss Helen Rall
  187. Mrs. M. Ranft
  188. Mrs. Anna T. Ravelle
  189. Miss Betty Ravelle
  190. Mr. Winchell Reeve
  191. Mr. Hans Reimers
  192. Rev. John Reuter
  193. Mrs. M. Reuter
  194. Dr. R. Reynolds
  195. Mrs. Edward R. Ricker
  196. Mr. Joseph Roesch
  197. Mrs. Roesch
  198. Mr. Wm. Roesch
  199. Mr. Paul Roesch
  200. Mr. Chas. H. Rolka
  201. Mrs. Rolka
  202. Mrs. Rosen
  203. Mr. Fred W. Rothfuss
  204. Mrs. Rothfuss
  205. Mrs. Barbara Rudolph
  206. Mr. Gus Rugel
  207. Mrs. Rugel
  208. Mrs. Rummule
  209. Dr. E. M. Russell
  210. Dr. S. J. Russell
  211. Mr. P. B. Rutherford
  212. Mrs. Rutherford
  213. Mrs. Ray Samet
  214. Miss Marie Schaith
  215. Miss Anna Scheridan
  216. Mr. Gus Schmidt
  217. Mrs. Schmidt
  218. Mrs. K. Schott
  219. Mr. Adolf Schren
  220. Miss Ale ta Schrockney
  221. Miss Marcelle Schwarzwaelder
  222. Miss Edna Schwarzwaelder
  223. Mrs. Clara Schwarzwaelder
  224. Mr. Manuel Seff
  225. Mrs. Rose K. Sefton
  226. Miss Alice A. Sefton
  227. Mr. F. Seifart
  228. Mrs. Seifart
  229. Miss Erna Seifart
  230. Master Arns Seifart
  231. Master Curt Seifart
  232. Miss Catherine Sharkey
  233. Miss Therese Sipmeier
  234. Mr. Anton Skinner
  235. Mrs. John W. Smith
  236. Miss D. M. Smith
  237. Mrs. Marg. Sprekils
  238. Mr. Fred Steinmann
  239. Mr. Alfred Stepan
  240. Mr. Fred Stief
  241. Mrs. Stief
  242. Miss D. H. Stostrom
  243. Miss Linnea Stostrom
  244. Miss Cl. Stratemcycr
  245. Mr. R. Tymoff
  246. Mrs. Marie Ungerer
  247. Miss Erdmuthe von Unwerth
  248. Miss Magd. Vehling
  249. Mr. A. Visel
  250. Mrs. Visel
  251. Miss Helen Visel
  252.  Mrs. Elisa Vogt
  253. Master Richard Vogt
  254. Master Edward Vogt
  255. Mr. A. Wagner
  256. Mrs. Wagner
  257. Mr. Louis G. Walker
  258. Mrs. Louis A. Walker
  259. Mr. Walter Walsh
  260. Mr. August Walther
  261. Mr. C. Walthers
  262. Mrs. Walthers
  263. Miss Lilian Walthers
  264. Mrs. Cl. Waring
  265. Miss Georgia Watson
  266. Mrs. Johanne Weber
  267. Mrs. C. Weber
  268. Mr. H. J. Wells
  269. Mrs. Wells
  270. Mr. G. R. Wells
  271. Mr. Henry P. Wrone
  272. Mrs. Marg. Wustner
  273. Mr. Herbert Wyckoff
  274. Mrs. Wyckoff
  275. Miss Lilian Wyckoff
  276. Mrs. Anna Zwingeberg


Information for Passengers

Passengers are requested to comply with the orders of the Captain and his officers, who are responsible for the safety of the ship, the comfort of passengers, and order on board.

Change of Cabin. Passengers desiring to change their accommodations while on board must apply to the purser who, alone, is authorized to make the transfer. If higher grade accommodations are desired the difference in fare must be paid accordingly.

Meals will be served as follows:

1st Sitting

  • Breakfast: 7.30 a. m. to 8.30 a. m.
  • Lunch: 12 Noon to 1.00 p. m.
  • Dinner: 6.30 p. m. to 7.30 p. m.

2nd Sitting

  • Breakfast: 8.30 a. m. to 9.30 a. m.
  • Lunch: 1.00 p. m. To 2.00 p. m.
  • Dinner: 7.30 p. m. To 8.30 p. m.

Seats in the Dining Room may be reserved upon application to the Chief Steward.

Meals are not served in the cabins or on deck, unless passengers are prevented through illness from taking their meals in the Dining Room.

A selection of good beverages is carried on board.

The Dining Room will be closed at 11 p.m. The Smoking Room at Midnight. Drinks will be served until 11.30 p.m.

In order not to disturb passengers lights in the Social Hall and on the Promenade Deck will be extinguished at 11.30 p.m., those in the Smoking Room at Midnight.

Passengers are requested not to order any beverages in the Smoking Room after 11.30 p.m. and not to frequent the Promenade Decks between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Baggage. Hand baggage and steamer trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the steamer trunk must not exceed the maximum size, 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1’ 1" high.

Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the baggage room and will be accessible to passengers at certain times during the day. Baggage should not be placed in the corridors.

Baggage, parcels, etc., intended for forwarding, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed only to the Baggage Master who is authorized to receive such baggage.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship’s personnel.

For their own interest passengers are especially requested upon landing to look after their hand baggage and to take care that, before leaving the steamer, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere on the steamer.

Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not permissible under any circumstances to take animals into rooms used by passengers or to lead them around any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.

Money and Valuables. Facilities are provided for the safekeeping of money, jewelry and other articles of value. The North German Lloyd however assumes no responsibility for such valuables given into its custody. The Purser or the Chief Steward will furnish complete information upon request.

Exchange of Money. The purser has only a limited supply of currency at his disposal, and thus money can only be exchanged to such an amount as is in accordance with the amount of currency available.

Library. A library on board, properly catalogued, is placed at the disposal of the cabin passengers.

Doctor. A duly qualified physician is on board who will, free of charge, attend to passengers in need of medical aid during the voyage.

Treatment of Seasickness. Travelers inclined toward seasickness have an opportunity on all North German Lloyd passenger steamers of availing themselves of an entirely new method of treatment (Dr. Dammert’s Process of inhalation). Experience has hitherto shown that good results are attained by this method. Passengers wishing to be treated by this new process arc requested to apply to the ship’s doctor.

A small charge of Mks. 2 (50c.) is made for each treatment, the amount to be paid to the Chief Steward. A printed form is provided on which to enter memo of treatments received, and this is to be handed in at Chief Steward’s office at end of voyage when settlement is made for sundry expenses incurred during the voyage.

Bathrooms. Passengers intending to use the bathrooms, are requested to write their names, and the hour desired, on the list placed in the anteroom.

Barber, Hairdresser. Prices are exhibited in the Barber’s room.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Cigars, Cigarettes and Playing Cards may be obtained in the Smoking-Room at list prices.

Smoking is only permitted in the Smoking Room and on deck. It is strictly prohibited below deck, in the Dining Room or in the state rooms.

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail.

Mail for passengers is delivered on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. Passengers should ascertain personally whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving, passengers should leave their address at the purser’s office, so that any mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded to them.

Letters and telegrams may be addressed in care of any of the company’s agents.

Telegrams, to be dispatched from the next port, are accepted at the purser’s office only, but wireless messages at the ship’s wireless station.

Deck Chairs and Blankets may be rented from the Deck Stewards on board at a charge of SI. each for the voyage.

Pastimes and Games are at the disposal of the passengers.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be complied with if possible.

Wireless Telegraph. The wireless stations (Telefunken-System) on board of all steamers of the North German Lloyd are permanently in communication with coast stations either directly or by way of other ships.

All information regarding the dispatch of wireless messages, length of time required for transmission and telegraph fee may be obtained at the wireless station on board, or on land from the Deutsche Betriebsgesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie m.b.H., Berlin, SW11, Hallesches Ufer 12/13; telegraphic address “Debeg,” telephone No. : Lützow 3630/34.

A daily bulletin is published with news received by wireless.


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