SS Bremen Passenger List - 27 August 1931

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 27 August 1931 from Bremen to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 27 August 1931 from Bremen to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton, Commanded by Captain F. Brünings. GGA Image ID # 1611507c85

Senior Officers and Staff

  • Commander: Captain F. Brünings
  • First Officer: J. Meller
  • Second Officer: E.Biet
  • Second Officer: R. Sembt
  • Third Officer: K. Mamsch
  • Fourth Officer: R. Schwartz
  • Fourth Officer: H. Hiersemann
  • First Doctor: Dr. R. Jaser
  • Second Doctor: Dr. W. Fischer
  • Chief Engineer: P. Senftleben
  • Second Engineer: H. Hollmann
  • Third Engineer: H. Schulz
  • Third Engineer: K. Berger
  • Fourth Engineer: H. Kuhn
  • Fourth Engineer: K. Huber
  • Fourth Engineer: A. Grone
  • Purser: F. Stindt
  • Assistant Purser: H. Jünemann
  • Assistant Purser: W. Ditzen
  • Chief Steward: B. Junghans
  • Steward for Third Class: A. Einatz
  • Assistant Steward: H. Strate
  • Assistant Steward: J. Drees
  • Chief Cook: J. Weis
  • Baggage Master: Paul Janke
  • Wireless Telegraph Operator Senior Officer: J. Mass
  • Wireless Telegraph Operator Second Officer: R. Bachmann
  • Wireless Telegraph Operator Third Officer: B. Schossig
  • Interpreter: R. Bendik


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Miss Anna Alexey
  2. Miss Anna Apel
  3. Miss Grelchen Apel
  4. Mr. M. Arnstein
  5. Mrs. Johanna Assmann
  6. Mr. Erich Ball
  7. Mrs. Hedwig Ball
  8. Harry Ball
  9. Miss Ella Baumhöfner
  10. Mr. August Behrens
  11. Mrs. Elizabeth Berisch
  12. Martha Bertsch
  13. Mr. Hermann Blechschmidt
  14. Miss Lina Block
  15. Miss Erna Blume
  16. Mrs. Dora Brahm
  17. Mrs. Anna Braun
  18. Erika Braun
  19. Mr. Dr. Howard Briggs
  20. Mrs. Charlotte Briggs
  21. Miss Dora Brummer
  22. Mr. John Brunkhorst
  23. Miss Adeline Brunkhorst
  24. Miss Hanna Brunner
  25. Mr. Willy Brunner
  26. Miss Elsie Burmester
  27. Mrs. Helen Burton
  28. Miss Ella Butt
  29. Mr. Joseph Cleeland
  30. Mrs. Minnie Cordes
  31. Mrs. Katherine Dauenhauer
  32. Mrs. Sophie Daus
  33. Mrs. Marie Deppe
  34. Miss Helen Doehler
  35. Mrs. Sarah Druscher
  36. Miss Amalie Dumin
  37. Mr. D. Dunklee
  38. Schwester Catharina Ebner
  39. Schwester Veronika Ebner
  40. Miss Josefine Ehrlich
  41. Mrs. Hedwig von Eigen
  42. Miss Emmy Fick
  43. Mr. Karl Fleischer
  44. Miss Belle Free
  45. Miss Amanda Fried
  46. Mr. Edward Fritsche
  47. Miss Lucy Garey
  48. Mr. Curt Georgi
  49. Mrs. Marianne Geweke
  50. Mrs. Jenny Glass
  51. Mrs. Margarethe Gmelin
  52. Miss Valerie Gneiser
  53. Miss Tekla Graf
  54. Mrs. Poldi Grosslight
  55. Miss Mary Grosslight
  56. Mrs. Gertrud Gundermann
  57. Miss Karoline Hack
  58. Miss Marie Hafner
  59. Mr. Alfred Hansen
  60. Mrs. Alide Hansen
  61. Mr. John Harms
  62. Mrs. Minnie Harms
  63. Mr. Simon Heigl
  64. Mr. Joseph Heigl
  65. Mrs. Louisa Heigl
  66. Miss Marie Heigl
  67. Mrs. Anne Heinecke
  68. Rolf Heinecke
  69. Mr. Eduard Henkel
  70. Mr. Joachim Herre
  71. Mrs. Luise Herre
  72. Mr. Otto Herrmann
  73. Mrs. Marie Herrmann
  74. Mrs. Ida Hermanns
  75. Mr. Edmund Hippier
  76. Mr. Isfried Hofbauer
  77. Mr. Julius Hoffmann
  78. Mr. Joseph Holup
  79. Mrs. Anna Holup
  80. John Holup
  81. Miss Gretchen Hoops
  82. Mr. Otto Hummel
  83. Miss Helene Hummel
  84. Mrs. Dorothea Hupe
  85. Mr. George Joesten
  86. Mrs. Luise Kainz
  87. Mr. Hugo Kaiser
  88. Mrs. Elisabeth Kaiser
  89. Miss Lillian Kaiser
  90. Miss Alice Kaiser
  91. Mr. John Kaiser
  92. Mrs. Louise Kastens
  93. Mr. William Kauber
  94. Mrs. Annie Kauber
  95. Mr. Prof. King Kellogg
  96. Miss Meta Knippenberg
  97. Miss Gertrud Koberg
  98. Miss Agnes Koberg
  99. Mr. Charles Koopman
  100. Miss Bertha Kornmüller
  101. Mrs. Elli Kortz
  102. Margarete Kortz
  103. Mr. George Kreth
  104. Mrs. Katherine Kreth
  105. Miss Mildred Kreth
  106. Mrs. Pauline Kreth
  107. Miss Gertrude Kreth
  108. Miss Margarete Kroesche
  109. Mrs. Louise Kulmann
  110. Miss Kulmann
  111. Mr. Paul Kunkel
  112. Mrs. Marie Kunkel
  113. Mr. Ludwig Kurz
  114. Miss Anna Labuske
  115. Miss Kaethe Lammlein
  116. Mr. George Laue
  117. Mr. Fritz Lauterjung
  118. Mrs. Emilie Lauterjung
  119. Mr. Otto Leberecht
  120. Mrs. Mary Leberecht
  121. Miss Margaret Leberecht
  122. Mrs. Katy Lecka
  123. Mr. Charles Lecka
  124. Mr. Prof. Frederick Lehnert
  125. Miss Mirian Levoir
  126. Mrs. Mary Lienan
  127. Mr. Otto Linke
  128. Miss Marie Litterscheidt
  129. Mr. Heinrich Lüdemann
  130. Mr. John Mack
  131. Miss Katharine Mangels
  132. Miss Charlotte Max
  133. Mrs. Anna McNeil
  134. Mrs. Gertrude Mencke
  135. Carl Henry Mencke
  136. Mr. Willi Merck
  137. Mr. John Meyer
  138. Miss Meta Meyn
  139. Mrs. Marie Mohlenhoff
  140. Miss Louise Mohlenhoff
  141. Mrs. Anna Mc Neel
  142. Mr. John Nelson
  143. Mrs. Deborah Nelson
  144. Miss Gertrud Niefer
  145. Mrs. Frieda Oberstedt
  146. Guenther Oberstedt
  147. Mr. Ernst Oest
  148. Mrs. Erika Olthoff
  149. Mr. Dethmer Petersen
  150. Miss Marguerite Pflug
  151. Miss Margarete Plump
  152. Miss Marie Pohlman
  153. Mrs. Kaij Polanski
  154. Mr. Mads Poulsen
  155. Mrs. Emily Poulsen
  156. Mr. Geo Radimersky
  157. Miss Katharina Rauch
  158. Miss Magdalen Rauch
  159. Mrs. Gertrude Roberts
  160. Frank Roberts
  161. Mr. Efraim Rosenzweig
  162. Mrs. Marianne Rosenzweig
  163. Miss Babette Roth
  164. Miss Ella Saile
  165. Mrs. Hedwig Sakmann
  166. Mr. August Seegers
  167. Mrs. Luise Seegers
  168. Martin Seegers
  169. Miss Alma Sehlbrede
  170. Mrs. Louise Sheinker
  171. Miss Henrietta Sheinker
  172. Mrs. Pauline Showsky
  173. Miss Jennie Showsky
  174. Mr. John Siebeis
  175. Miss Anni Siebken
  176. Mr. William Siek
  177. Miss Else Sprenzart
  178. Miss Margarete Südwischer
  179. Mrs. Marie Syarto
  180. Erwin Syarto
  181. Schwester Josepha Schabenberger
  182. Mr. Otto Schaper
  183. Mrs. Hanni Schaper
  184. Miss Marg. Scheiner
  185. Mrs. Theresa Scherer
  186. Mr. Anton Schmalzl
  187. Justine Schmalzl
  188. Mrs. Mathilde Schoen
  189. Mr. Otto Schroeder
  190. Mrs. Ella Schroeder
  191. Mr. Hermann Schuft
  192. Mr. Hans Schuler
  193. Mrs. Paula Schuler
  194. Mr. Hans Schuler Jr.
  195. Mr. Albert Stahl
  196. Mr. Frank Stahn
  197. Mrs. Ida Stahn
  198. Mr. Herbert Stahn
  199. Miss Hulda Starck
  200. Schwester Hedwig Stegmaier
  201. Mr. Max Strassenberger
  202. Mrs. Frieda Strassenberger
  203. Mr. Ernst Stratman
  204. Mrs. Margarete Stratman
  205. Miss Anna Stuckert
  206. Mr. Karl Thielemann
  207. Mr. John Thode
  208. Mr. Hans Thölken
  209. Miss Mary Tide
  210. Mr. John Tietjen H
  211. err Alex Trempenau
  212. Hildegard Trempenau
  213. Mr. William Vetter
  214. Mrs. Emilia Vetter
  215. Mr. Richard Vogel
  216. Mrs. Hildegard Vogel
  217. Mrs. Louise Wahle
  218. Louise Wahle
  219. Fred Wahle
  220. Mrs. Louise Waibel
  221. William Waibel
  222. Mrs. Erna Weber
  223. Mr. William Weibusch
  224. Mr. Wilhelm Welp
  225. Mr. Otto Welp
  226. Miss Elsa Wendt
  227. Mr. Paul Werner
  228. Mrs. Maybelle Wesley
  229. Miss Elisabeth Wichelhaus
  230. Mr. August Wittenborg
  231. Mr. Martin Wittenborg
  232. Miss J. Wittenborg
  233. Miss Wilma Woermcke
  234. Mr. Karl Wolf
  235. Schwester Janny Wolf
  236. Mr. Charles Zeil
  237. Mrs. Carrie Zorn
  238. Miss Henriette Zorn

To Southampton

  1. Miss Anna Baesecke
  2. Miss Isabell De la Camp
  3. Miss Hilde Rosenthal

From Boulogne

  1. Miss Mildred Aliano
  2. Miss Mildred Bährmann
  3. Mr. M. Bandes
  4. Mr. Bates
  5. Mrs. Bates
  6. Mr. Raymond Bragg
  7. Mrs. Bragg
  8. Mrs. Bertha Cars
  9. Mr. Charles Case
  10. Mr. Richard Cavernagh
  11. Mr. Henry Darnault
  12. Mrs. Geneveve Darnault
  13. Miss Frances De Maurrac
  14. Miss Ruth Denforth
  15. Mr. George Dickely
  16. Miss Helen Dodd
  17. Miss Ann Dohearty
  18. Mr. John Donal
  19. Miss Martha Frank
  20. Miss Dorothy Gallowery
  21. Miss Minnie Gold
  22. Miss Marion Goodkind
  23. Miss Anne Günther
  24. Mrs. Frances Gutelius
  25. Mr. Paul Hahn
  26. Mrs. Hahn
  27. Paul Hahn Jr.
  28. Miss Annemarie Hahn
  29. Mr. Leopold Hirsch
  30. Mrs. Hirsch
  31. Miss Winnifred Hutchings
  32. Miss Eva Katz
  33. Mrs. Anna Kinneary
  34. Miss Annemarie Kinneary
  35. Mr. Eiml Lindernann
  36. Mrs. Edith Lindemann
  37. Miss Edith Lindemann
  38. Miss Fanny Menner
  39. Mr. Prof. Carl Müller
  40. Mrs. Müller
  41. Miss Carlotte Müller
  42. Miss Renee Müller
  43. Mrs. Estelle Noon
  44. Miss Mary O'Hearn
  45. Miss B. Oxmann
  46. Mr. Alexander Peet
  47. Mrs. Anne Rabel
  48. Miss Sarah Rabinovitz
  49. Mrs. Anne Ratel
  50. Mr. Eugene Reichling
  51. Mrs. Marcelle Reichling
  52. Mr. Eduard Rickard
  53. Miss Isabel Rosowsky
  54. Miss Sylvia Samovitz
  55. Miss Reba Scott
  56. Miss Roberta Selig
  57. Miss Marion Shannon
  58. Mr. Kingsley Smith
  59. Mr. Otto Berkelbach van der Sprenkel
  60. Mr. Alfons Schieb
  61. Mrs. Schieb
  62. Miss Getrude Schnall
  63. Mr. Peter Schwed
  64. Mr. Henry Strippel
  65. Mrs. Helen Strobel
  66. Mrs. John Tomkins
  67. Miss Jeane Tomkins
  68. Miss Ann Tomkins
  69. Mrs. Florence Walker
  70. Miss Lillian Walton
  71. Mr. Julius Weil

From Southampton

  1. Mr. Mark Abrams
  2. Mrs. Abrams
  3. Miss Georgia Bauer
  4. Mr. Max Beikind
  5. Miss Boies
  6. Mr. Andor Braun
  7. Miss Brown
  8. Miss Jane Clark
  9. Mrs. F. G. Cullen
  10. Mr. Paul Doney
  11. Mr. Rev. George Grits
  12. Miss Ada Hall
  13. Mr. Charles Harsch
  14. Miss Marion Hilliard
  15. Miss Josephine Hirsch
  16. Miss E. C. Huffam
  17. Mr. Charles Jones
  18. Mr. Charles Kircher
  19. Mr. Wolfe Kleinberg
  20. Miss Fl. Laffer
  21. Mr. Samuel Levinger
  22. Mr. Rabbi Lee Levinger
  23. Mrs. Elmo Levinger
  24. Miss Leoh Levinger
  25. Joseph Levinger
  26. Mr. Hans Lüttringhaus
  27. Miss E. McKinnon
  28. Miss Gertrude McPherson
  29. Miss Inge Nielson
  30. Miss M. C. O'Meara
  31. Miss Agnes Pattison
  32. Mr. William Pickering
  33. Miss Helen Poley
  34. Mr. Bernhard Rosenberg
  35. Mr. Prof. Paul Saintonge
  36. Mrs. Constance Saintonge
  37. Mr. Stapff
  38. Miss Lena Schuhardt
  39. Miss Clara Schuhardt
  40. Miss Julia Schwarz
  41. Mr. S. Teigland
  42. Mr. John Toppeiner
  43. Mr. John Tuck
  44. Mrs. Elizabeth Tuck


Third Class Passengers

  1. Miss Irmgard Arnold
  2. Mrs. Tieda Arnold
  3. Mrs. Mathilde Assimus
  4. Louise J. Assimus
  5. Mr. Eino Astikainen
  6. Mrs. Vendla Astikainen
  7. Mrs. Emma A. Avery
  8. Mrs. Maria Baer
  9. Mr. John Baer
  10. Mr. John Bauer
  11. Mrs. Regina Bauer
  12. Mr. Theodor Bäuerle
  13. Miss Margaretha Biehler
  14. Miss Maria Biehler
  15. Mr. Leo Bischof
  16. Mrs. Helen Blessing
  17. Mrs. Johanna Bockmann
  18. Mr. Karl Boersig
  19. Mrs. Martha Borchers
  20. Mr. George Braunreuther
  21. Mrs. Clara Braunreuther und Kind
  22. Mr. Wilhelm Brüggemann
  23. Mrs. Marie Brüggemann
  24. Henry Brüggemann
  25. Miss Alfonse Buches
  26. Mr. Emil Christ
  27. Mrs. Anna Cordts
  28. Mrs. Anna Decker
  29. Mr. Fritz Dempwolf
  30. Mr. Albert Doering
  31. Mrs. Anna Doerschler
  32. Daniel Doerschler
  33. Mrs. Amanda Drews
  34. Miss Johanne Drolshagen
  35. Miss Bessie A. Earnshaw
  36. Mr. George Ebert
  37. Mr. Valentin Eckerle
  38. Mrs. Christine Eiden und Kind
  39. Mr. Gregor Eisenmann
  40. Miss Eleonor v. Erdberg
  41. Mr. Alfred Fiebiger
  42. Mr. John Friedenreich
  43. Mr. Charles Friedenreich
  44. Mrs. Emma Gaulke
  45. Harry Gaulke
  46. Mrs. Clara Gehlhaar
  47. Walter Gehlhaar
  48. Miss  Ida Gerber
  49. Mrs. Frieda Gerber
  50. Mr. Rudolf Gerber
  51. Heinz Gerber
  52. Mr. Jolm Goebel
  53. Miss May Greaves
  54. Miss  Betty Gumprecht
  55. Miss  Gertrud Häcker
  56. Miss Wilma Hausmann
  57. Mr. Ernst Aug. Heers
  58. Miss  Emma Heim
  59. Mrs. Emma Heinze
  60. Ursula Heinze
  61. Mr. Adolf Helmbrecht und Familie
  62. Mr. Hermann Hensel
  63. Mrs. Mary Hensel
  64. Elenor Hensel
  65. Mr. Hans Hettermann
  66. Miss Josefa Hettermann
  67. Miss Hilde Hettermann
  68. Mr. Koran F. Hilb
  69. Mr. Willy Hillmann
  70. Miss Rose Himmel
  71. Mr. Frank Hladky
  72. Mrs. Ilse Hoferichter
  73. Miss  Lea Hofmann
  74. Mr. Ludwig Hohn
  75. Miss  Elisabeth Holzner
  76. Mrs. Luise Humphrey
  77. Miss Paula Imhof
  78. Miss Eugenie Imhof
  79. Mr. Josef Inspector
  80. Mrs. Anna Jaecke
  81. Mrs. Louisa Jokiel
  82. Mr. Peter Juhl
  83. Mrs. Ingeborg Juhl
  84. Mrs. Auguste Kapp
  85. Mrs. Agnes Klapp
  86. Betty Klapp
  87. Miss Sophie Knauer
  88. Miss Helen Kowleski
  89. Mr. Hans Kühn
  90. Mr. Otto Kurzenhauser
  91. Mrs. Elisabeth Kurzenhauser
  92. Miss Henrike Kürzinger
  93. Mrs. Anna Lange
  94. Mr. Eugen Längst
  95. Amalie Lichter
  96. Mrs. Anna Liebei
  97. Helen Liebei
  98. Miss Marie Linde
  99. Mr. John Logisky
  100. Mr. Christian Ludescher
  101. Mr. Gustav Luer
  102. Margarethe Luer
  103. Irene Luer
  104. Mr. Josef Luthey
  105. Mr. Wilhelm Mantel
  106. Mrs. Elma Marshall
  107. Arthur Marshall
  108. Mrs. Rose Mehl
  109. Mr. Gustave Meisner
  110. Mr. Heinrich Menslage
  111. Mr. Henry Meybohm
  112. Miss Gesche Mindermann
  113. Mrs. Elisabeth Mock
  114. Helen Mock
  115. Werner Mock
  116. Mrs. Minnie Mueller
  117. Mr. Albert Mueller
  118. Mrs. Mathilde Müller
  119. Mr. Rudolf Mutter
  120. Mr. Henry Neuhierl
  121. Mrs. Luise Nickel
  122. Marianne Nickel
  123. Mr. Jacob Niedermayer
  124. Mrs. Anna Niedermayer
  125. Mr. Georg Niemann
  126. Mrs. Anna Niemann
  127. Mr. Willy Nottmeier
  128. Rev. Henry Otten
  129. Mrs. Amanda Otten
  130. Henry Otten
  131. Philip Otten
  132. Miss Anna Otten
  133. Constance Otten
  134. Paul Otten
  135. Richard Otten
  136. Mrs. Sophie Potthast
  137. Mr. William Rau
  138. Mr. Emil Reim
  139. Mrs. Anna Reim
  140. Mr. Paul Roeper
  141. Mr. Alfred Heinz Rothe
  142. Miss Hella Sellie
  143. Mrs. Valerie Selltitz
  144. Mr. U. G. Smid
  145. Mr. Franz Spieker
  146. Mrs. Anna Schaffner
  147. Mr. Hermann Scheper
  148. Mrs. Rebecka Scheper
  149. Mrs. Ludwine Scheuermann
  150. Miss Anna Schlichting
  151. Mr. August Schmidinger
  152. Miss Anna Schmitt
  153. Mrs. Gertrud Schmitz
  154. Mr. Foul Schneider
  155. Mrs. Elisabeth Schnurbuss
  156. Mr. Clemens Schoppe
  157. Mr. Wilhelm Schröder
  158. Mr. Schütz und Frau
  159. Mrs. Frieda Schwabe
  160. Mr. Franz Schweechmann
  161. Mr. Hermann Stabl
  162. Mr. Ralph Stein
  163. Mrs. Agnes Steinwall
  164. Olle Steinwall
  165. Miss Frieda Stelzer
  166. Mr. Karl Strazzabirco
  167. Mr. August Tillinger
  168. Mr. Karl Tollasz
  169. Mr. O. J. Törvik
  170. Mrs. Magdalena Trump
  171. Mr. Fritz Ummar
  172. Mr. Fred Urban
  173. Miss Marie Voegele
  174. Mrs. Julia Vogel
  175. Walter Vogel
  176. Rudolf Vogel
  177. Mr. Karl Vollhardt
  178. Mrs. Meta Vollhardt
  179. Mr. Friedrich Wacker
  180. Mrs. Anna Waetjen
  181. Hermann Waetjen
  182. Margarethe Waetjen
  183. Mr. Henry Walbaum
  184. Miss Maria Weber
  185. Mr. Robert Weißenborn
  186. Mrs. Auguste Weißenborn
  187. Miss Augusta Weißenborn
  188. Mr. Rudolf Wenz
  189. Miss Auguste Werdelmann
  190. Miss Martha Wessels
  191. Mr. Theodor Wetzel
  192. Mr. Christian Wicke
  193. Mrs. Meta Wicke
  194. Miss Josefa Wiedemann
  195. Miss Charlotte Wiehe
  196. Mr. Chas. Wieschman
  197. Mrs. Marie Wieschman
  198. Miss Emma Wieschman
  199. Mr. Karl Wiesenmaier
  200. Mrs. Hedwig Wiesenmaier
  201. Mrs. Marie Wohlers
  202. Mr. Walter Wölfle
  203. Mrs. Gertrude Wölfle
  204. Mr. Charles Wolfram
  205. Mrs. Marie Zeller
  206. Miss Giselia Zeller
  207. Miss Rosa Zeller
  208. Mrs. Elise Zimansky
  209. Miss Mildred Zimanaky
  210. Mr. Edward Zok
  211. Mr. Edmund Zok
  212. Mr. Walter Zok

From Boulogne

  1. Mr. E. Buschner

From Southampton

  1. Mr. Me Sweeney und Familie
  2. Miss Josephine Power



The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½  hours by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one readies the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.

In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city.

The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hull, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen. It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-lo-West Air flight over the ocean.

But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the City. The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards und factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period. Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same. Even Romane« survives and has found an expression as equally intrepid as it is strong, in the Böttchcrstraße which, branches-off from the Market Square.

No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy, how it was that this City supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has old Buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest ships in the world, "Bremen" and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.

Information for Passengers

Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Letters And Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship passengers are recommended to leave their address at the purser's office, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded on to them. Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.

Telegrams to be dispatched from the next port are accepted at the purser's office only, wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.

Treatment of Sea-Sickness. Travelers who have a tendency to suffer from sea-sickness have an opportunity on this steamer to undergo an entirely new treatment whereby relief is afforded through a process of inhaling certain remedies.

Experience has shown so far that successful results are obtained in practically every case. Passengers who desire to avail themselves of this new treatment against sea-sickness are requested to apply to the Ship's doctor.

For each treatment, a voucher for RM. 2.— must be signed which, at the end of the voyage must be cashed with the Chief Steward. Persons rendering the treatment are not allowed to accept cash-payments.

Landing Cards. Before leaving the vessel the holder must present the landing card to a U.S. Immigration Inspector for endorsement.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.

Firearms. The carrying of firearms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

Money, Valuables, etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly scaled or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.

Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the cabin-trunk must not exceed the maximum size, i. e. 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.

Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the hold, and will be accessible to passengers at certain times daily. Baggage may not be deposited in the corridors.

Each passenger must fill up a "Customs-Declaration" of his or her personal baggage.

In the case of families the oldest member is entitled to fill up this declaration for the whole family. Blank forms will be distributed on board the steamer.

Pieces of baggage, packets etc., destined to be re-forwarded, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed to the Baggage Master who, alone, is competent to receive them.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.

Passengers are requested to take care that, before leaving the st earner, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere aboard.

Passengers are specially recommended in their own interest to look after their hand baggage upon landing in the port of destination.

Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the Customs Declaration and the value thereof stated.

Baggage to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months' of the passenger's arrival, and must be included in the Customs Declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.

Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.

Passengers who are required to observe their immigration formalities at Ellis Island have to exchange the Company's baggage tickets for the Ellis Island metal checks as soon as their baggage has been inspected by the American custom-house officers, and before proceeding to Ellis Island.


Route Map on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Bremen Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 27 August 1931.

Route Map on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Bremen Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 27 August 1931. GGA Image ID # 16118b6f37


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