SS Bremen Passenger List - 14 June 1936

Front Cover of a Tourist Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 14 June 1936 from New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton

Front Cover of a Tourist Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 14 June 1936 from New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton, Commanded by Captain L. Ziegenbein. GGA Image ID # 162a711cca

Senior Officers and Staff

  • Commander: Captain L. Ziegenbein
  • Chief Officer: W. Michaelsen
  • Chief Engineer: K. Rase
  • Chief Purser: F. Baum
  • Purser Cabin Class: T. Dellith
  • Purser Tourist Class: D. Zelle
  • Purser Third Class: J. Rohde
  • First Doctor: Dr. W. Fischer
  • Second Doctor: Dr. H. Hämmer
  • Appr. Nurse: Miss Freda von Anrep
  • In Charge of Travel Bureau: A. Heyer
  • Assistant of Travel Bureau: H. Haehn
  • Special Travel Service: Dr. Gertrud Ferber
  • Sport Officer: H. Rannoch
  • Managing Chief Steward: A. Pohl
  • Chief Steward Cabin Class: F. Schedelmann
  • Chief Steward Tourist Class: J. Büscher
  • Chief Steward Third Class: C. Herrmann
  • Chief Steward Personnel: A. Kellner
  • Chief Stewart Restaurant: G. Zeidler
  • Managing Chief Cook: K. Unger
  • Wireless Telegraph Operator First Officer: J. Klaiber
  • Baggage Master: A. Dauelsberg


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Mrs. Elsie Abenroth
  2. Mr. L. D. Adams, Jr.
  3. Lord Addington
  4. Mrs. Dorothea Adolph
  5. Miss Florence Adolph
  6. Mr. Adolph
  7. Miss Adolph
  8. Mr. Frederick Albus
  9. Mr. Albert Almstedt
  10. Mrs. Albert Almstedt
  11. Miss Rosemarie Almstedt
  12. Mrs. Lena Alt
  13. Miss Barbara Alt
  14. Mr. G. de Andelodbelin
  15. Mrs. Anni Andresen
  16. Mrs. Eda B. Anderson
  17. Mrs. Marion Anderton
  18. Mr. Andros
  19. Mrs. M. Ankarcrona-Lundbye
  20. Mr. J. Aschengreen
  21. Mr. Sven Anspack
  22. Sister M. Antonia
  23. Mrs. W. W. Atwood
  24. Miss Mary Atwood
  25. Mr. Le Roy Bacchus
  26. Mrs. W. J. Backes
  27. Miss Gertrude Backes
  28. Miss With M. Backus
  29. Miss Agnes Baird
  30. Mr. Charles Bangert
  31. Master Alex Barton
  32. Mr. W. O. Baumann
  33. Mrs. W. O. Baumann
  34. Master Richard Baumann
  35. Mr. John W. Baur
  36. Mr. T. R. Beal Jr.
  37. Rev. G. H. Bechtold
  38. Mrs. Marie Beck
  39. Mr. Hans Becker
  40. Mrs. Charlotte Becker
  41. Miss Viola Beebe
  42. Mrs. Ida Bengston
  43. Mrs. W. C. Bell
  44. Miss Vera Lynden Bell
  45. Baroness R. de Watteville Berckheim
  46. Mr. John C. Beyer
  47. Miss Annemarie Beyer
  48. Mr. Ernest Bick
  49. Mrs. Anna Bilsen
  50. Mr. Herbert Bing
  51. Mrs. Herbert Bing
  52. Master Oskar Bing
  53. Mr. J. J. Bittner
  54. Mrs. Eugene Black
  55. Mrs. Mima Blome
  56. Mrs. G. R. Blow
  57. Mr. Emil Boehler
  58. Mr. James M. Bowcock
  59. Mrs. Mary Brass
  60. Mr. Reinhold Bratke
  61. Mr. Joseph M. Braun
  62. Mrs. Auguste Braun
  63. Mrs. B. Braun
  64. Mrs. M. Braun
  65. Prof. Theodore H. Brown
  66. Mrs. Theodore H. Brown
  67. Miss Helen B. Brown
  68. Mr. H. B. Brown
  69. Mrs. A. Brown
  70. Miss Margaret B. Brown
  71. Mr. F. W. Brown III
  72. Miss Miriam Bruce
  73. Mr. Fred. Brummer
  74. Mrs. Fred Brummer
  75. Mrs. E. A. Budde
  76. Mr. E. A. Buddi
  77. Mrs. Buddi
  78. Mr. Ernest Buff
  79. Mr. Coleman Burke
  80. Mr. Fred Burkhardt
  81. Mrs. Fred Burkhardt
  82. Mrs. R. D. Campbell
  83. Mr. Rollo Campbell
  84. Prof. Richard Cauranth
  85. Mrs. Felix Ceresnak
  86. Miss Esther Challmann
  87. Mr. J. C. Ciesar
  88. Mrs. Ciesar
  89. Miss Sarah Clark
  90. Mr. P. Clolan
  91. Mrs. Clolan
  92. Miss Kathryn Close
  93. Mrs. John H. Cole
  94. Miss Helen Coslick
  95. Mr. P. Cowell
  96. Mrs. P. Cowell
  97. Master Robert Cowell
  98. Miss Betty Craighill
  99. Miss Hettie Craig-Kelly
  100. Mrs. J. C. Crockett
  101. Miss Crockett
  102. Dr. F. Cryns
  103. Mr. W. Cryns
  104. Mr. Joseph Curtis
  105. Mr. C. H. Cutting
  106. Mr. Leslie Darling
  107. Mr. Arthur Darnbrough
  108. Mr. Thomas N. Davidson
  109. Miss Marie B. Davies
  110. Miss Betty Davis
  111. Mr. Albert Dehn
  112. Mr. Nicholas De Hoyningen-Huene
  113. Mrs. Nicholas De Hoyningen- Huene
  114. Mr. E. H. De Port
  115. Mrs. E. H. De Port
  116. Madame A. Despeaux
  117. Mrs. F. Dieser
  118. Mrs. Pauline Dieter
  119. Master A. Dieter
  120. Dr. Ernst Dietz
  121. Miss E. Diezenmann
  122. Mr. David Dohan
  123. Dr. Michael Doozas
  124. Mrs. Henry Dourif
  125. Miss Georgianna Drew
  126. Miss Betty Durham
  127. Mr. Hermann Durr
  128. Mr. Fred Durst
  129. Miss Florence Durst
  130. Dr. Lydia Edwards
  131. Miss Anne Edmonds
  132. Mr. Walter Egle
  133. Miss Agatha Ehebalt
  134. Mrs. Erickson
  135. Miss Rosalind Evans
  136. Miss Theresa Exner
  137. Miss Theodore Fahnert
  138. Mrs. Hedwig Fahnestock
  139. Miss Anna M. Farrenkopf
  140. Mr. Arnold Fax
  141. Mr. Paul Feczko
  142. Mr. Sam Feldman
  143. Sister M. Silveria Fiedler
  144. Mr. Adolf Filspitch
  145. Rev. John Fitzgerald
  146. Prof. Max Foerster
  147. Mrs. Dora Foerster
  148. Mr. Paul Frank
  149. Mr. George Fraser
  150. Mr. Roy L. French
  151. Mrs. Roy L. French
  152. Rev. Fr. John P. N. Fries
  153. Mr. Carl Friest
  154. Mrs. Carl Friest
  155. Miss Louise Fuller
  156. Mrs. Edward Fuchs
  157. Miss Joan Fuchs
  158. Miss Anna Fuchs
  159. Mr. Werner Fuerst
  160. Mr. Robert Fust
  161. Mrs. Robert Fust
  162. Dr. T. Gann
  163. Mrs.  T. Gann
  164. Mr. Fred Gaul
  165. Rev. Prof. Dr. Frank Gavin
  166. Mrs. Isabel Gelder
  167. Mrs. Elizabeth Gerber
  168. Miss Grace Getsinger
  169. Miss Marie Getsinger
  170. Mr. W. C. Giettniann
  171. Mr. Frederick Gilbert
  172. Dr. Lillian Gilbreth
  173. Mrs. Anna Gill
  174. Miss Emily Gill
  175. Mr. W. J. Gilmore
  176. Mr. Robert N. Gilmore
  177. Mr. D. M. Gledden
  178. Prof. Clara E. Gochrke
  179. Mrs. O. Goetz
  180. Mr. Charles Fellows Gordon
  181. Mrs. Charles Fellows Gordon
  182. Master Bruce Gordon
  183. Mr. Ian Gordon
  184. Mr. Gordon
  185. Mr. Blaine M. Gordon and nurse
  186. Dr. A. A. Green
  187. Miss Janice Green
  188. Mrs. Gregory
  189. Miss Mildred Grimes
  190. Mr. Hans Grube
  191. Rev. Geo. M. Günther
  192. Rev. Gustav A. Haack
  193. Miss Marie Hachtel
  194. Miss Elizabeth Hachtel
  195. Mr. Karl Hackel
  196. Miss Mary E. Hall
  197. Mrs. Beatrice F. Hamilton
  198. Mrs. M. Hasler
  199. Miss Hateway
  200. Mr. Marinus Hauberg
  201. Mrs. Marinus Hauberg
  202. Mr. Freeman Havighurst
  203. Mrs. Freeman Havighurst
  204. Mr. Alfred Havighurst
  205. Miss M. Havighurst
  206. Mrs. Vilma Hecker
  207. Mr. John Heinen
  208. Miss Helker
  209. Miss Margaret Heller
  210. Miss Barbara Henneberger
  211. Mrs. H. F. Henningsen
  212. Mr. Jack Herbert
  213. Mrs. Jack Herbert
  214. Miss M. Heyden
  215. Miss Dorothy Hildt
  216. Prof. Hans Hinck
  217. Rev. Geo. Hindelang
  218. Miss Senzie Hindelang
  219. Dr. H. C. Hintzen
  220. Mr. Franz Hoenig
  221. Mrs. Irene Hoffmann
  222. Miss Ruth Hoffmann
  223. Miss Mathilde Holtz
  224. Miss Harriet Holtz
  225. Mrs. H. C. Honegger
  226. Miss Ursula Honegger
  227. Dr. Percy Houseman
  228. Mrs. Percy Houseman
  229. Mr. J. Babcock Howard
  230. Mrs. J. Babcock Howard
  231. Dr. George H. C. Hoyer
  232.  Miss M. Hoyt
  233. Miss Hoyt
  234. Mr. Valdemar Huidt
  235. Mrs. C. C. Hunter
  236. Miss Catherine Hunter
  237. Mrs. Esther Hpyman
  238. Prof. Albert Hyma
  239. Mrs. Albert Hyma
  240. Mrs. Valeria Hyneck
  241. Miss Annemarie Ihen
  242. Miss May Jameson
  243. Mr. Henry Jessen
  244. Mrs. Henry Jessen
  245. Miss C. C. Job
  246. Mr. Simon Juda
  247. Mrs. Simon Juda
  248. Mr. Ernst Jung
  249. Mrs. Ernst Jung
  250. Mr. Karl Kabinger
  251. Mrs. Karl Kabinger
  252. Mr. Paul Kaulhausen
  253. Mrs. Paul Kaulhausen
  254. Mr. M. E. Keil
  255. Mrs. M. E. Keil
  256. Mr. Max T. Keil
  257. Mr. Carl Keller
  258. Miss L. G. Kelley
  259. Mr. Harry Kessler
  260. Miss E. Louise Kircher
  261. Mr. C. H. Kleemann
  262. Miss Irmgard P. Koch
  263. Mr. F. Korelsky
  264. Mrs. M. Kotoun
  265. Mr. W. G. Kramer
  266. Mrs. W. G. Kramer
  267. Mr. Herman Kramer
  268. Mrs. Anni Krappe
  269. Mr. Otto E. Krauss
  270. Mr. J. KrehbieI
  271. Mr. Herbert Kretschmar
  272. Rev. Mathias Kreutzer
  273. Mrs. Frieda Krohse
  274. Mr. Y. Kromhout
  275. Mrs. Y. Kromhout and children
  276. Mr. G. Kronenberg
  277. Mrs. G. Kronenberg
  278. Mrs. W. Kuch
  279. Mr. William Kuckenberg
  280. Miss Margaretha Kullman
  281. Mr. Adolf Kurtz
  282. Mrs. E. T. Lane
  283. Mr. Arthur Langer
  284. Mr. Peter Lang
  285. Mrs. Arthur Langer
  286. Master Rudolf Langer
  287. Miss M. de Lappe
  288. Mrs. Ida Lauchheimer
  289. Miss M. Lebertz
  290. Dr. H. T. Lefler
  291. Mrs. H. T. Lefter
  292. Mrs. J. Levy-Stein
  293. Mr. Gano Lightfoot
  294. Mrs. Charles Lipgett
  295. Miss A. Lloyd
  296. Mr. Max Loescher
  297. Mr. Ludwig Loewy
  298. Mrs. W. John Logan
  299. Miss Jeanne Logan
  300. Miss Rebecca Love
  301. Dr. E. Ludwig
  302. Rear Admiral W. D. MacDougal
  303. Mrs. W. D. MacDougal
  304. Sister M. Magdalena
  305. Miss Erna Malchow
  306. Mrs. Christine Mallek
  307. Mr. Adolf Marcuse
  308. Mr. Paul Marquardt
  309. Mrs. Carmen Marquardt
  310. Miss Linda Marquardt
  311. Mrs. B. M. Marsh
  312. Mr. Seth Martin
  313. Mr. C. F. Martineau
  314. Mrs. C. F. Martineau
  315. Master Neil Martineau
  316. Mrs. John R. Martin
  317. Miss Anne Martin
  318. Mrs. Rosalie Matz
  319. Miss Marie Mauchee
  320. Mrs. McDougal
  321. Master Philip McDougal
  322. Miss Agnes McGowan
  323. Miss M. McGroarty
  324. Mr. W. J. McNab
  325. Mrs. W. J. McNab
  326. Miss Barbara Mary McNab
  327. Mr. Paul Melian
  328. Mr. Alfredo Melian
  329. Miss M. Meinhardt
  330. Miss Erna Meivarous
  331. Miss Jean Merriel
  332. Mr. Egon Merz
  333. Mr. Kurt Meynold
  334. Mr. Adolf Meyer
  335. Mrs. Adolf Meyer
  336. Mr. Guenther Meyer
  337. Miss Stefanie Meyer
  338. Mrs. Philippine Miehe
  339. Mrs. Anna Mihal
  340. Mr. Jacob Moench
  341. Mr. Gerald Moren
  342. Mr. George Morris
  343. Mrs. George Morris
  344. Master George Morris
  345. Mr. Parker Morris
  346. Miss H. T. Morrison
  347. Mrs. Frieda Moser
  348. Mrs. W. A. Mudge
  349. Mr. Royal Mueller
  350. Mr. Alfred H. Mueller
  351. Mrs. Auguste L. Mueller
  352. Mrs. Royal Mueller
  353. Miss Mueller
  354. Mr. August Mueller
  355. Mr. Karl Mueller
  356. Miss Martha Mueller
  357. Miss Edith Muller
  358. Mr. Otto Muller
  359. Mrs. Otto Muller
  360. Miss Mary L. Muller
  361. Miss Jane Murphy
  362. Mr. R. T. Muntz
  363. Mr. John Neill
  364. Miss Ruth Neumann
  365. Mr. Eugene W. Newman
  366. Mrs. Eugene W. Newman
  367. Mr. F. C. Nordhoff
  368. Mrs. F. C. Nordhoff
  369. Mr. Leonhard Nurk
  370. Mrs. Leonhard Nurk
  371. Mrs. Blanche O'Brien
  372. Miss Kathleen O'Brien
  373. Mr. T. Omdal
  374. Mrs. Rosa Orth
  375. Mr. Emanuel Ortuzar
  376. Mr. Oulie
  377. Mrs. Oulie
  378. Mr. Roscoe A. Page
  379. Mrs. Roscoe A. Page
  380. Mr. R. E. Page, Jr.
  381. Dr. Rosemary Park
  382. Miss Josephine Percy
  383. Capt. H. A. Pedersen
  384. Mr. S. C. Pederson
  385. Miss Rose Peebles
  386. Miss J. N. Petts
  387. Mrs. A. Petzelberger
  388. Mr. Anton Picha
  389. Mr. Frank Picha
  390. Mrs. Emma Piening
  391. Miss Emma Piening
  392. Master Ludwig Piening
  393. Miss R. W. Pischel
  394. Miss Emily Platt
  395. Miss A. Prescher
  396. Mr. C. Prescott
  397. Mr. F. T. Prince
  398. Dr. Konrad Prothmann
  399. Mrs. Betty Prybl
  400. Mrs. Pauline Quirin
  401. Miss Elsie Quirin
  402. Mr. C. A. Rachni
  403. Mrs. Auguste Raczynski
  404. Mr. Rammersteig
  405. Mr. Edgar Randolph
  406. Miss Nancy Redhead
  407. Mr. C. Lawson Reed
  408. Miss Priscilla Reed
  409. Mrs. Sophie Reischl
  410. Miss Elizabeth Remmert
  411. Miss Margaret Rhine
  412. Miss Richardson
  413. Mr. Walter Ritter
  414. Dr. W. A. Roberts
  415. Mrs. W. A. Roberts
  416. Miss Dorothy Roberts
  417. Prof. Edwin Roedder
  418. Mrs. Edwin Roedder
  419. Mrs. Edna Rosen
  420. Miss Christine Rosengarten
  421. Mr. Hans Rosenhaupt
  422. Mr. Emil Rossler
  423. Miss Ella Rothernel
  424. Mr. Donald Routledge
  425. Miss M. E. Rowe
  426. Mr. Hermann Carl Rubagh
  427. Mrs. Hermann Carl Rubagh
  428. Miss Russell
  429. Mr. Richard Russell, Jr.
  430. Mrs. Richard Russell, Jr.
  431. Miss Hedwig Ruth
  432. Rev. Henry Sarg
  433. Mr. Arthur Schach
  434. Mrs. Arthur Schach
  435. Mrs. Grete Scharf
  436. Mrs. H. Scheidegger
  437. Miss Scheidegger
  438. Miss Scheidegger
  439. Mr. Walter Scheiding
  440. Miss Ollie Schillig
  441. Mr. Franz Schlebrugge
  442. Mr. Karsten Schlimmermeyer
  443. Mrs. Karsten Schlimmermeyer
  444. Miss E. L. Schmid
  445. Mr. John Schneider
  446. Mrs. John Schneider
  447. Miss Hedwig Scholmann
  448. Mrs. B. Schrader
  449. Miss L. Schrader
  450. Dr. Martha Schreiber
  451. Prof. Hans Schumann
  452. Miss Elizabeth Schultze
  453. Mrs. Hildegard Schulz
  454. Miss Schulz
  455. Mr. Hans Schumacher
  456. Mrs. Hans Schumacher
  457. Mr. J. Schuster
  458. Mr. John Schwarz
  459. Mr. Ernest Schwarzenbach
  460. Mrs. Ernest Schwarzenbach
  461. Master Ernest Schwarzenbach
  462. Mrs. Jessie R. Scollard
  463. Mrs. Mason Sears
  464. Miss Charlotte Sears
  465. Master Philip Sears
  466. Mrs. Theresa Seiller
  467. Miss Stella Seiller
  468. Mrs. Alice Seligmann
  469. Mrs. W. C. Shepard
  470. Miss Shepard
  471. Miss C. G. Shover
  472. Mr. L. L. Schurtleff
  473. Mr. E. A. Shurtleff
  474. Mrs. Lucie C. Siegnst
  475. Miss Olga Simonsen
  476. Prof. E. B. Smith
  477. Mrs. E. B. Smith
  478. Mr. R. G. Smith
  479. Mrs. R. G. Smith
  480. Mr. R. H. Smith
  481. Mrs. R. H. Smith
  482. Mr. P. M. Snider
  483. Mrs. P. M. Snider
  484. Mr. A. C. Splinter
  485. Mrs. A. C. Splinter
  486. Mrs. P. Springer
  487. Miss E. A. Standin
  488. Mr. Ernst Steele
  489. Miss V. Steele
  490. Miss Francine Stellar
  491. Mrs. E. Stevenson
  492. Dr. A. Strauss
  493. Mrs. A. Strauss
  494. Mr. M. Stolarow
  495. Mr. Arthur Suckley
  496. Miss M. Sullivan
  497. Mr. J. A. Sulzer Admiral H. Summerford
  498. Mrs. H. Summerford
  499. Mr. J. H. Super, Jr.
  500. Mrs. J. H. Super, Jr.
  501. Miss Margaret Taylor
  502. Mr. Eugene Teplanzky
  503. Mr. James M. Terrell
  504. Mr. Walter von Thaden
  505. Mr. John Theu
  506. Miss Peggy Thieler
  507. Mrs. J. A. Thompson
  508. Miss Louise Thompson
  509. Miss Antoinette Thompson
  510. Master Alexander Thompson
  511. Miss Mary Jane Thompson
  512. Miss E. A. Thoorsell
  513. Dr. T. Thornton
  514. Mrs. T. Thornton
  515. Mrs. James W. Thornton
  516. Master Henry H. Thornton
  517. Miss Helen Thornton
  518. Mr. Soren Thorup
  519. Mrs. Soren Thorup
  520. Mrs. Martin Thurnauer
  521. Miss Hcffi Thurnauer
  522. Miss Lilo Thurnauer
  523. Mrs. Marie Tiefel
  524. Miss Marie Tiefel
  525. Miss Christine Till
  526. Mr. J. D. Tomlinson
  527. Mrs. J. D. Tomlinson
  528. Prof. O. Trautz
  529. Mr. A. E. Tree
  530. Mrs. Feline Treupage
  531. Miss Mary Tucker
  532. Mr. John F. Uihlein
  533. Mr. Carl Ungerer
  534. Mr. Otto Varbeck
  535. Mrs. Otto Varbeck
  536. Mr. V. S. Velissaratos
  537. Mr. G. Vergamini
  538. Mrs. G. Vergamini
  539. Mrs. Josephine Voigt
  540. Mrs. A. L. Vorasek
  541. Miss Anna Voss
  542. Prof. Guy R. Vowles
  543. Mr. Richard B. Vowles
  544. Mr. V. M. Wagner
  545. Mrs. J. Wagstoff
  546. Mr. Ernst Von Waldhausen
  547. Mr. Robert Warczek
  548. Mrs. Mathilde Ward
  549. Mrs. Rose Warhter
  550. Mrs. Mildred Warhter
  551. Mr. R. P. Warriner
  552. Mrs. R. P. Warriner and children
  553. Miss Virginia Warthin
  554. Miss Marion Watland
  555. Mr. Robert Weber
  556. Miss Martha Weber
  557. Mr. Townsend D. U. Weeks
  558. Mr. Walter Wellborn, Jr.
  559. Mrs. Walter Wellborn
  560. Miss Julia Black Wellborn
  561. Miss Frances Welsh
  562. Mr. Al. Werner
  563. Mr. J. H. Westbrook
  564. Mr. J. A. Westbrook
  565. Mr. Edward Wheeler
  566. Mrs. Eleanor Wheeler
  567. Miss Whitaker
  568. Miss Alma Wiechers
  569. Mr. Donald N. Wilber
  570. Miss Louise Williams
  571. Miss Jean Wilson
  572. Mrs. Pauline Willsandt
  573. Mr. Roland Winkler
  574. Mrs. L. Winterholder
  575. Miss Annemarie Winterholder
  576. Miss Isabel Wisner
  577. Mr. John Witt
  578. Mrs. M. Woerner
  579. Mr. Charles Woge
  580. Miss C. Wolf
  581. Mr. B. von Wolff
  582. Mr. George Wok
  583. Mrs. George Wok
  584. Miss Use Wok
  585. Miss Ruth Womacott
  586. Mr. Archer Woodford
  587. Miss Joyce Woods
  588. Mrs. T. S. Woolsey
  589. Miss E. Woolsey
  590. Miss S. Woolsey
  591. Mr. Joseph Wortsmann
  592. Mr. Joseph Wortsmann, Jr.
  593. Mrs. John D. Wright
  594. Miss Anna Wright
  595. Mr. Charles M. Young
  596. Mrs. E. C. Young
  597. Mr. Jack M. Young
  598. Mr. Carl Zauch
  599. Mr. Carl Zauch
  600. Mr. Carl Ziegler
  601. Mrs. Carl Ziegler
  602. Mr. Ernst Ziemer
  603. Mrs. Ernst Ziemer
  604. Mrs. Amalia Zuschlag
  605. Master Rudolf Zuschlag


Information for Passengers

Passengers are requested to comply with the orders of the Captain and his officers, who are responsible for the safety of the ship, the comfort of passengers, and order on board.

Meals will be served as follows:

If one Sitting

  • Breakfast: 8:00 A. M.
  • Lunch: 12:30 P. M
  • Dinner: 7:30 P. M.

If two Sittings
1st Sitting

  • Breakfast: 8:00 A. M.
  • Lunch: 12:00 Noon
  • Dinner: 6:30 P. M.

2nd Sitting

  • Breakfast: 9:00 A. M.
  • Lunch: 1:00 P. M.
  • Dinner: 7:30 P. M.

Seats in the Dining Room may be reserved upon application to the Chief Steward.
Meals are not served in the cabins or on deck unless passengers are prevented through illness from taking their meals in the Dining Room.

A selection of good beverages and smoking accessories is carried on board.

In order not to disturb passengers, lights in the Social Hall, Smoking Room and on the Promenade Deck will be extinguished at 1 a.m.

Passengers are requested not to order any beverages in the Smoking Room after 12:30 a.m. and not to frequent the Promenade Decks between 1:00 a.m. and 7 a.m.

Baggage. Hand baggage and steamer trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the steamer trunk must not exceed the maximum size, 3' 3" long by  1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.

Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the baggage room and will be accessible to passengers at certain times during the day. Baggage should not be placed in the corridors.

Baggage, parcels, etc., intended for forwarding, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed only to the Baggage Master who is authorized to receive such baggage.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.

For their own interest passengers are especially requested upon landing to look after their hand baggage and to take care that, before leaving the steamer, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere on the steamer.

Animals. All animals, regardless of sire and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not permissible under any circumstances to take animals into rooms used by passengers or to lead them around any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.

Money and Valuables. Safe deposit boxes for the safe keeping of money, jewelry, documents or other valuable articles, can be procured free of cost upon application to the Purser's office.

Exchange of Money. The purser has only a limited supply of currency at his disposal, and thus money can only be exchanged to such an amount as is in accordance with the amount of currency available.

Library. A library on board, properly catalogued, is placed at the disposal of the passengers.

Doctor. A duly qualified physician is on board who will, free of charge, attend to passengers who take ill and arc in need of medical aid during the voyage.

Treatment of Seasickness. Travelers inclined toward seasickness have an opportunity on all North German Lloyd passenger steamers of availing themselves of the inhalation treatment (Dr. Dammert's Process). Experience has hitherto shown that good results are attained by this method. Passengers wishing to be treated by this new process are requested to apply to the ship's doctor.

A small charge of Mks. 2 (about 80c.) is made for each treatment, the amount to be paid to the Chief Steward. A printed form is provided on which to enter memo of treatments received, and this is to be handed in at Chief Steward's office at end of voyage when settlement is made for sundry expenses incurred during the voyage.

Bathrooms. Passengers intending to use the bathrooms are requested to write their names and the hour desired on the list placed on the bathroom door.

Barber, Hairdresser. Prices are exhibited in the Barber's room.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Cigars, Cigarettes, and Playing Cards may be obtained in the Smoking Room at list prices. Smoking is only permitted in the Smoking Room and on the dock. It is strictly prohibited below deck, in the Dining Room, or the staterooms.

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail. Mail for passengers is delivered on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. Before leaving the ship passengers should ascertain personally whether there is any mail for them.

Passengers should also leave their addresses with the Chief Steward so that mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded to them.

Letters and telegrams may be addressed in care of any of the company's agents.

Deck Chairs and Rugs may be rented for the voyage from the deck stewards at the following rates chair $1.00, cushion $0.50, rug $.50.

Pastimes and Games are at the disposal of the passengers.

Complaints. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be complied with if possible.

Wireless Telegraph and Telephone. The wireless station (Telefunken-System) on board of the steamers of the North German Lloyd is permanently in communication with coast stations. Wireless Messages, cablegrams, telegrams, and applications for telephone communications are accepted at any hour of the day or night.

All information regarding the dispatch of wireless messages, length of time required for transmission and telegraph fee may be obtained at the wireless station on board, or on land from the Deutsche Betriebsgesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie m.b.H, Berlin-Charlottenburg 2, Hardenbergstr. 43, telegraphic address "Debeg," Tel. C. Steinplatz 8051.

Telegrams, Radiograms and Cablegrams are accepted at the ship's wireless station, also at certain hours, made known by poster in the lobby, an Officer will receive messages for transmission and requests for telephone communication in the Chief Steward's Office of Third Class on C deck.

A daily bulletin is published with news received by wireless.

Air Travel in Germany

Upon application, made either before departure, or during the voyage at the Purser's office or Travel Bureau on board, passengers arriving at German port will be met by a speedy LUFTHANSA airplane for quick transportation to any of the larger German cities, from where further direct connections can be made by air or rail.


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North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen
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GG Archives

NDL Passenger Lists 1881-1938

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