SS Frankfurt Archival Collection


SS Frankfurt (1899) of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen.

SS Frankfurt (1899) of the Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen. GGA Image ID # 1dde95606f



Frankfurt (1899) North German Lloyd

Sailed as the SS Frankfurt from 1900 to 1914

Built by Tecklenborg, Geestemunde, Germany. Tonnage: 7,431. Dimensions: 429' x 54'. Twin-screw, 13 knots. Triple expansion engines. Two masts and one funnel. Launched: 17 December 1899. Maiden Voyage: Bremen to Baltimore, 31 March 1900. Service: Mainly in Bremen-Baltimore service. Post War Service: Ceded to Great Britain in 1919, and placed under management of White Star Line. Sold to the Oriental Navigation Company in 1922. Renamed: Sarvistan. Scrapped in Japan, 1931. Sister ships: Hannover and Köln. Note: The SS Frankfurt was one of the first ships to respond to the distress signals from the RMS Titanic.

The Frankfurt was launched for Norddeutscher Lloyd on 17 December 1899. She sailed between Bremen and Baltimore transporting immigrants from Germany and Austria. 

In 1919, White Star Line acquired the Frankfurt after the ship was surrendered to the United Kingdom after World War I.


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Front Cover, Cabin Passenger List for the SS Frankfurt of the North German Lloyd, Departing Saturday, 30 March 1901 from Bremen to New York and Baltimore

1901-03-30 SS Frankfurt Passenger List

Steamship Line: Norddeutscher Lloyd (North German Lloyd)

Class of Passengers: Cabin

Date of Departure: 30 March 1901

Route: Bremen to New York and Baltimore

Commander: Captain E. Malchow


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Sailing Schedule, Bremen-New York, Bremen-Baltimore, and Bremen-Galveston, from 6 October 1903 to 13 December 1904.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-New York, Bremen-Baltimore, and Bremen-Galveston, from 6 October 1903 to 13 December 1904. Ships Included the Brandenburg, Breslau, Cassel, Chemnitz, Darmstadt, Frankfurt, Friedrich der Grosse, Grosser Kurfürst, Hannover, Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Köln, Kronprinz Wilhelm, Main, Neckar, Oldenburg, Rhein, and Willehad. SS Kaiser Wilhelm II Passenger List, 6 October 1903. GGA Image ID # 1ebbf5ff3c. Click to View Larger Image.


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-New York, Bremen-Baltimore, and Bremen-Galveston, from 11 May 1905 to 2 November 1905.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-New York, Bremen-Baltimore, and Bremen-Galveston, from 11 May 1905 to 2 November 1905. Ships Included the Barbarossa, Brandenburg, Bremen, Breslau, Cassel, Chemnitz, Frankfurt, Friedrich der Grosse, Gneisenau, Grosser Kurfürst, Hannover, Köln, Main, Neckar, and Prinzess Alice. SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse First and Second Class Passenger List, 23 May 1905. GGA Image ID # 21087c14bc


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York and New York-Plymouth-Cherbourg-Bremen, from 13 March 1906 to 24 August 1906.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York and New York-Plymouth-Cherbourg-Bremen, from 13 March 1906 to 24 August 1906. Ships Included the Barbarossa, Brandenburg, Breslau, Cassel, Frankfurt, Friedrich der Grosse, Grosser Kurfurst, Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Kronprinz Wilehlm, Prinzess Alice, Rhein, and Trave. North German Lloyd Bulletin, March 1906. GGA Image ID # 1eeb93d276


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-New York and Bremen to Baltimore, From 10 October 1906 to 29 August 1907.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-New York and Bremen to Baltimore, From 10 October 1906 to 29 August 1907. (Note: Bremen-New York Is for 1907, a Continuation From Previous Schedule). Ships Included the Barbarossa, Brandenburg, Bremen, Breslau, Cassel, Chemnitz, Darmstadt, Frankfort, Friedrich der Grosse, Grosser Kurfürst, Halle, Hannover, Köln, Main, Neckar, Prinzess Alice, and Rhein. SS Bremen Passenger List, 27 October 1906. GGA Image ID # 213e5f2762


Sailing Schedule, Bremen to Various Ports, from 18 October 1906 to 14 February 1907.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen to Various Ports, from 18 October 1906 to 14 February 1907. Ships Included the Breslau, Coblenz, Frankfurt, Hannover, Köln, Mainz, and Wittekind. SS Bremen Passenger List, 27 October 1906. GGA Image ID # 213fabc415


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York, Barbarossa-Class Twin-Screw Mail Steamer and Mail Steamer, from 28 March 1907 to 14 November 1907.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Southampton-Cherbourg-New York, Barbarossa-Class Twin-Screw Mail Steamer and Mail Steamer, from 28 March 1907 to 14 November 1907. Ships Included the Barbarossa, Brandenburg, Bremen, Breslau, Chemnitz, Frankfurt, Friedrich der Grosse, Grosser Kurfürst, Main, Prinzess Alice, Rhein, Roon, Trave, and Würzburg. SS Chemnitz Passenger List, 6 April 1907. GGA Image ID # 1f764bc518. The Steamers of the Barbarossa Class Go from Bremen via Southampton or Cherbourg; From New York via Plymouth and Cherbourg—the Mail Steamers Run To and from New York Direct. All Steamers Bound for New York Carry Cabin and Steerage Passengers.


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Baltimore (Direct), from 27 March 1907 to 9 October 1907.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Baltimore (Direct), from 27 March 1907 to 9 October 1907. Ships Included the Breslau, Cassel, Chemnitz, Frankfurt, Gera, Hannover, Köln, Main, Rhein, Stuttgart, Weimar, and Wittekind. Ships Carry Cabin and Steerage Passengers. SS Chemnitz Passenger List, 6 April 1907. GGA Image ID # 1f766813b3


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Galveston, Bremen-Cuba, Bremen-Savannah, Bremen-London, and Bremen-Hull, from 9 April 1907 to 12 September 1907.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Galveston, Bremen-Cuba, Bremen-Savannah, Bremen-London, and Bremen-Hull, from 9 April 1907 to 12 September 1907. Ships Included the Amerika, Breslau, Cassel, Chemnitz, Frankfurt, Hannover, Hansa, and Köln. SS Chemnitz Passenger List, 6 April 1907. GGA Image ID # 1f766f1fa7


Proposed Sailings, Europe-New York, from 21 January 1908 to 23 June 1908 and Mediterranean Sailings from 23 January to 10 October 1908.

Proposed Sailings, Europe-New York, from 21 January 1908 to 23 June 1908, and Mediterranean Sailings from 23 January to 10 October 1908. Ships Included the Barbarossa, Bremen, Buelow, Friedrich der Gross, Grosser Kurfürst, Kaiser Wilhelm der Gross, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Knoenig Albert, Koenigin Luise, Kronprinz Wilhelm, Kronprinzessin Cecilie, Luetzow, Main, Necktar, Prinzess Irene, Rhein, Roon, and Scharnhorst. North German Lloyd Bulletin, February 1908. GGA Image ID # 1dde6667a4. Click to View Larger Image.

Attention is drawn to the fact that the steamers of the company running between GENOA and NEW YORK, which almost without exception touch at NAPLES, afford an opportunity of making the voyage from Genoa to Naples and vice versa. The steamers also touch at GIBRALTAR on the outward and homeward trips. Some weeks before starting, it can be determined whether there are berths vacant for the voyage to Naples or Gibraltar. The North German Lloyd is. However, in no way responsible if any of the steamers in question: do not start or if the departure is postponed. Potential passengers must likewise apply for passage on these steamers to Messrs. LEUPOLD FRATELLI, GENOA, 10 Piazza San Siro.


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Baltimore Line, Bremen-Philadelphia Line, and the River Plate Line, from 3 February 1912 to 25 December 1912.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Baltimore Line, Bremen-Philadelphia Line, and the River Plate Line, from 3 February 1912 to 25 December 1912. Ships Included the Brandenburg, Breslau, Chemnitz, Coburg, Eisenach, Frankfurt, Giessen, Gotha, Hannover, Javorina, Köln, Main, Neckar, Norderney, Rhein, Sigmaringen, and Wittekind. SS Berlin First and Second Cabin Passenger List, 20 January 1912. GGA Image ID # 20d81054a8. Click to View Larger Image.


Sailing Schedule, Galveston Line, Brazil Line, Bremen-Australia- Austral-Japan Line, from 11 January 1912 to 24 August 1912.

Sailing Schedule, Galveston Line, Brazil Line, Bremen-Australia- Austral-Japan Line, from 11 January 1912 to 24 August 1912. Ships Included the Brandenburg, Coblenz, Frankfurt, Göttingen, Greifswald, Hannover, Prinz Siglsmund, Prinz Waldemar, and Wittekind. SS Berlin First and Second Cabin Passenger List, 20 January 1912. GGA Image ID # 20d913dd36. Click to View Larger Image.


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Philadelphia, from 18 September 1913 to 2 April 1914.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Philadelphia, from 18 September 1913 to 2 April 1914. Ships Included the Brandenburg, Breslau, Chemnitz, Frankfurt, Main, Neckar, Seydlitz, Willehad, and Wittekind. SS Grosser Kurfürst Passenger List, 8 November 1913. GGA Image ID # 1f682ff461


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Baltimore-Bremen, from 9 October 1913 to 8 April 1914.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Baltimore-Bremen, from 9 October 1913 to 8 April 1914. Ships Included the Brandenburg, Breslau, Cassel, Chemnitz, Frankfurt, Main, Neckar, Rhein, Willehad, and Wittekind. SS Grosser Kurfürst Passenger List, 8 Novmeber 1913. GGA Image ID # 1f6888ea56


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Boston, from 8 October 1913 to 25 March 1914.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-Boston, from 8 October 1913 to 25 March 1914. Ships Included the Cassel, Frankfurt, Hannover, and Köln. SS Grosser Kurfürst Passenger List, 8 Novmeber 1913. GGA Image ID # 1f68b8de76


Sailing Schedule, Bremen-New Orleans-Bremen, from 8 October 1913 to 22 April 1914.

Sailing Schedule, Bremen-New Orleans-Bremen, from 8 October 1913 to 22 April 1914. Ships Included the Cassel, Frankfurt, Hannover, and Köln. SS Grosser Kurfürst Passenger List, 8 Novmeber 1913. GGA Image ID # 1f68e9f070


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Front Cover, Great Passenger Ships of the World, Volume 1: 1858-1912 by Arnold Kludas, Translated from the German by Charles Hodges, 1975.

Great Passenger Ships of the World 1858-1912

This initial volume deals with Ships from 1858-1912, from the first passenger ship of over 10,000 GRT to be placed in service (the Great Eastern) to those unforgettable sister ships, the Olympic and Titanic — the first of more than 40,000 GRT.


Front Cover, Legacy of the White Star Line: History of the Titanic, Her Sisters, and Other White Star Liners by Timothy PD Turner, 2000.

Legacy of the White Star Line: History of the Titanic, Her Sisters, and Other White Star Liners

The Titanic disaster has fascinated the world since she sank, losing over 1,500 lives in April 1912. This copiously illustrated book considers much more than its title suggests, beginning with an overview of the White Star Line's fleet.


Front Cover, Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, 1857-1970, Volume 1. Cordillera Publishing Company (1994).

Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen 1857-1970, Volume One, History -- Fleet -- Ship Mails

"The first volume of Edwwin Drechsel's definitive and valuable work on the Norddeutscher Lloyd is informative in the true sense of the word, It goes into valuable details, such as naming ships and captains of new services, and their exploits. It has some remarkable pictures never seen elsewhere. Even a few of them are worth the price fo the book"


Front Cover, Norddeutscher Lloyd, Bremen, 1857-1970, Volume 2.

Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen 1857-1970, Volume Two, History -- Fleet -- Ship Mails

The second volume begins with the years after World War One, The Great War, and the recovery after the war, starting from scratch to rebuild their steamship line. Although Norddeutscher Lloyd would again win the Blue Riband of the North Atlantic in 1929, the depression of the 1930s affected NDL as yet another crisis in ship ownership and management to which commercial shipping interests had always been prone. The ranks of transatlantic passenger carriers thinned out as large and small concerns went out of business.


Front Cover and Spine, Passenger Ships of the World, Past and Present by Eugene W. Smith, 1963.

Passenger Ships of the World - 1963

Passenger Ships of the World, 1963, represents an incredible resource covering passenger ships that are Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Trans-Pacific via Panama Canal, Latin American, Africa and the Eastern Oceans, and California-Hawaii.


Front Cover, Picture History of German and Dutch Passenger Ships by William H. Miller, Jr., 2002.

Picture History of German and Dutch Passenger Ships

Picture History of German and Dutch Passenger Ships is a superbly illustrated volume that documents a long line of great ships--from "floating palaces" such as the Imperator (1913) and the Vaterland (1914) to such luxurious cruise ships as the Statendam (1957), Hamburg (1969), the remodeled Bremen (1990), and the new Deutschland (1998).


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