Ship Passenger Lists by Year of Voyage
Organized by Year of Voyage, the listings for Ship Passenger Lists of the Gjenvick-Gjønvik Archive typically include the date, vessel, route, and class for voyages that originated from or called upon a port listed.
Coveted by collectors and genealogists, souvenir passenger lists often offered beautiful graphical covers and information not found in official manifests because they focused on the journey rather than the destination.
Very few "Souvenir" passenger lists exist for the 1870s and prior. The most common format for that period was likely the required passenger manifest, such as the 1878 manifest from the SS Pennsylvania.
Ship Passenger Lists 1800s
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1877 Available at the GG Archives. 1877-04-21 SS City of Brussels Passenger List of the Inman Line is Featured.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1878 Available at the GG Archives. A very unusual passenger manifest substitutes for this SS Pennsylvania Passenger List.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1879 Available at the GG Archives. 1879-05-17 SS California Passenger List of the Anchor Line is featured for this year.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1880 Available at the GG Archives. 1880-05-29 SS City of Chester Passenger List of the Inman Line is Featured.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1881 are Available at the GG Archives. Passenger Lists from the SS Hohenzollern, RMS Scythia, SS Lessing, and SS City of Chester were among those found for 1881.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1882 Available at the GG Archives. 1882-07-08 RMS Servia Passenger List is featured.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1883 Available at the GG Archives. Lists of passengers from the SS State of Pennsylvania, SS Furnessia, SS City of Chicago, and SS Silesia can be found in our 1883 collection.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1884 Available at the GG Archives. Lists of passengers from the SS City of Berlin, SS City Of Rome, and SS City of Chester can be found in our 1884 collection.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1885 Available at the GG Archives. In our 1885 Collection, passenger lists from the SS Westphalia and SS Ems are featured.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1886 Available at the GG Archives. 1886-10-23 RMS Etruria Passenger List is featured.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1887 Available at the GG Archives. The passenger list from the SS La Bretagne, SS La Champagne, SS Aurania, RMS Aurania, SS City of Chicago, SS Servia, RMS Pavonia, and the SS Circassia feature incredible and colorful graphic covers for 1887.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1888 Available at the GG Archives. Many passenger lists from 1888 feature colorful graphic covers from the SS La Bourgogne, RMS Umbria, SS City of Rome, SS La Normandie, SS Furnessia, RMS Scythia, SS La Bretagne, SS La Champagne, and SS Lahn.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1889 Available at the GG Archives. Passenger lists from the SS Germanic, SS Furnessia, SS Lahn, and SS City of Berlin are featured for 1889, most having ornate graphic covers.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1890 Available at the GG Archives. Ships include the Circassia, Eider, Etruria, La Bretagne, Umbria, and Werra.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1891 Available at the GG Archives. Ship Lists Include the SS City of New York, SS La Bourgogne, SS La Gascogne, SS La Touraine, RMS Parisian, and RMS Umbria.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1892 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the City of Chester, Friesland, Havel, La Gascogne, Maasdam, and Spaarndam.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1893 Available at the GG Archives. Ships include the Furnessia, Kaiser Wilhelm II, New York, and Umbria.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1894 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Lahn, State of California, and Werra.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1895 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Campania, Cephalonia, Ems, Friesland, Furnessia, Kensington, Paris, and Rhynland.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1896 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the City Of Rome, Germanic, Havel, Lahn, New York, Paris, and Werra.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1897 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Auguste Victoria, Circassia, Mongolian, Numidian, Parisian, and St. Louis.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1898 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Campania, Canada, Etruria, Lucania, Scythia, and Teutonic.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1899 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Campania, Lucania, Marquette, New England, New York, Orient, Spaarndam, St. Louis, and St. Paul.
Ship Passenger Lists 1900s
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1900 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Bayern, Dominion, Furnessia, Fürst Bismarck, Kaiser Wilhelm II, Lucania, Marquette, New England, New York, Patricia, and Trave.
Our collection of souvenir passenger lists from 1901 includes various ports, such as New York, Southampton, Bremen, Liverpool, Cherbourg, Boston, Glasgow, Queenstown (Cobh), Plymouth, Boulogne-sur-Mer, Naples, and more. These rare keepsakes are invaluable, as many have been lost, making our collection even more unique and valuable.
Our collection of 1902 passenger lists includes records of voyages to and from New York, Liverpool, Southampton, Hamburg, London, Cherbourg, Plymouth, Bremen, Boston, Montréal, Québec, Galveston, and more. These rare keepsakes are invaluable, as many have been lost, making our collection even more unique and valuable.
Our collection of 1903 passenger lists has records of voyages to and from numerous destinations, including New York, Liverpool, Naples, Boston, Glasgow, Bremen, and more. These rare keepsakes are invaluable as many have been lost over the years, making our collection even more unique and valuable.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1904 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Bohemian, Carpathia, Celtic, Cretic, Etruria, Furnessia, La Lorraine, Mesaba, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, New York, Potsdam, Rotterdam, Ryndam, Saxonia, St. Paul, and Vaderland.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1905 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Caledonia, Friesland, Graf Waldersee, Hamburg, Hellig Olav, Ivernia, Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, L'Aquitaine, La Savoie, Lucania, Majestic, Minneapolis, New York, Pannonia, Pennsylvania, Saxonia, and Umbria.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1906 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Bremen, Carmania, Caronia, Cymric, Finland, Kensington, Minneapolis, Moltke, New York, Noordland, Pennsylvania, Saxonia, and Virginian.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1907 Available at the GG Archives. Ships Included the Amerika, Batavia, C.F. Tietgen, California, Chemnitz, Friesland, Meteor, Oceanic, Philadelphia, Republic, Saxonia, St. Louis, St. Paul, Virginian, and Winifredian.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1908 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Amerika, Campania, Cretic, Empress Of Britain, Etruria, Haverford, Ionian, Ivernia, Lusitania, Mauretania, Minnetonka, Nieuw Amsterdam, Philadelphia, Prinzess Irene, Romanic, Rotterdam, Ryndam, Statendam, and Zeeland.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1909 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Arabic, Chicago, Deutschland, Dominion, Empress of Britain, Grampian, Grosser Kurfürst, Ivernia, Koning Wilhelm II, Lusitania, Mauretania, Minneapolis, Oceanic, Potsdam, Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm, and Saxonia.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1910 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Brandenburg, Campania, Cassel, Cincinnati, Cymric, Friedrich Der Grosse, Furnessia, Ivernia, Lapland, Merion, Minnehaha, New York, Nieuw Amsterdam, President Lincoln, Rotterdam, Ryndam, Saxonia, Teutonic, and Victorian.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1911 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Ascania, Canopic, Carmania, Caronia, Dominion, Franconia, George Washington, Graf Waldersee, Mauretania, New York, Parisian, Ryndam, St. Louis, St. Paul, Tunisian, Vaderland, Virginian, and Walmer Castle.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1912 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Berlin, Carmania, Caronia, Cincinnati, Columbia, George Washington, Kong Harald, La Bretagne, Laconia, Lusitania, Minnetonka, Noordam, Parisian, Patricia, President Lincoln, Pretorian, Rotterdam, Saxonia, St. Louis, Titanic, and United States.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1913 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Ausonia, Cameronia, Carmania, Carpathia, Cretic, Dominion, Empress of Britain, Grosser Kurfürst, Haakon VII, Laconia, Laurentic, Merion, Minnehaha, Patricia, Potsdam, Pretoria, Rotterdam, Sant Anna, and Victorian.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1914 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Aquitania, Berlin, Canada, Carmania, Cassandra, Franconia, Imperator, Laconia, Lapland, Minnetonka, Oscar II, Philadelphia, Principe di Udine, Red Cross, Rotterdam, Ryndam, St. Paul, and Vandyck.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1915 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Bergensfjord, Finland, Nieuw Amsterdam, and St. Louis.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1916 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Frederik VIII and St. Paul.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1917 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Baltic, Chicago, Espagne, Orduña, and St. Louis
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1918 Available at the GG Archives. Due to the Great War, Rochambeau is the only ship we have for 1918.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1919 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Adriatic, Caronia, Chicago, Frederik VIII, Pretorian, and Rochambeau.
Ship Passenger Lists - Interwar Years 1920-1939
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1920 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Adriatic, Armadale Castle, Caronia, Cassandra, Columbia, Empress of France, Frederik VIII, La Touraine, Lapland, Olympic, Rotterdam, and Victorian.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1921 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Aquitania, Baltic, Cassandra, France, Hellig Olav, La Savoie, La Touraine, Mauretania, Melita, Metagama, Mongolia, Nieuw Amsterdam, Orbita, Rotterdam, Saxonia, and Scythia.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1922 Available at the GG Archives. Our 1922 collection includes lists from the Cameronia, Baltic, Corsican, America, Rotterdam, Aquitania, Scythia, Olympic, Laconia, Majestic, France, President Harding, Rochambeau, Reliance, and others.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1923 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Adriatic, Andania, Aquitania, Berengaria, Bremen, Canopic, Cassandra, Cleveland, Columbia, Hellig Olav, Homeric, Kroonland, La Savoie, Lapland, Manchuria, Metagama, Montcalm, Montlaurier, Montrose, Ohio, Orbita, Orca, Orduña, President Arthur, President Garfield, President Harding, President Van Buren, Reliance, Resolute, Samaria, and Veendam.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1924 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the America, Andania, Andorinha, Antonia, Aquitania, Arabic, Belgenland, Berengaria, Carmania, Caronia, Columbia, Empress of Scotland, France, Frederik VIII, George Washington, Leviathan, Majestic, Marloch, Minnewaska, Mongolia, Montroyal, Ohio, Olympic, Orbita, Orca, Paris, Pittsburgh, Rotterdam, Samaria, Scythia, Stuttgart, United States, and Zeeland.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1925 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Alaunia, America, Andania, Araguaya, Ascania, Athenia, Ausonia, Berengaria, Canada, Celtic, Cleveland, Doric, George Washington, Homeric, Leviathan, Marburn, Minnekahda, Oroya, Oscar II, Reliance, Resolute, Rotterdam, Scythia, Sierra Sophocles, Ventana, and Zeeland.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1926 Available at the GG Archives. Ships include the Albert Ballin, Belgenland, Bremen, California, Cameronia, Celtic, Cleveland, Colombo, Columbus, Demosthenes, Deutschland, Homeric, Leviathan, Majestic, Melita, Ohio, Orca, Paris, Pennland, President Harding, President Van Buren, Republic, Rotterdam, Sierra Ventana, Transylvania, Veendam, and Westphalia.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1927 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Albert Ballin, Albertic, Aquitania, Bremen, Cameronia, Carnarvon Castle, Cedric, Colombo, Columbus, Conte Biancamano, De Grasse, Deutschland, Doric, Hellig Olav, Leviathan, Majestic, Minnekahda, Minnesota, Minnetonka, Minnewaska, Montclare, Montrose, President Harding, Reliance, Resolute, Stavangerfjord, Stuttgart, Suffren, Thuringia, and Transylvania.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1928 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Albertic, American Merchant, Andania, Ausonia, Baltic, Bergensfjord, Cedric, Celtic, Columbus, De Grasse, Derfflinger, Deutschland, Doric, Empress of Australia, Empress of France, George Washington, Homeric, Karlsruhe, Laconia, Lapland, Laurentic, Leviathan, Lützow, Majestic, Mauretania, Minnedosa, Minnekahda, Minnesota, Minnewaska, München, Patria, Pennland, President Harding, Rotterdam, Sierra Cordoba, and Veendam.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1929 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Adriatic, Albertic, American Shipper, American Trader, Aquitania, Arabic, Baltic, Berengaria, Bremen, California, Cameronia, Carinthia, Cedric, Cleveland, Columbus, De Grasse, Empress of Scotland, Hamburg, Hellig Olav, Homeric, Karlsruhe, Laconia, Lapland, Leviathan, Llandaff Castle, Majestic, Minnewaska, Montroyal, München, New York, Nieuw Amsterdam, Providence, Rotterdam, Saturnia, Scythia, Statendam, Tuscania, Volendam, and Walmer Castle.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1930 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Alesia, America, Aquitania, Ascania, Aurania, Ausonia, Baltic, Belgenland, Berengaria, Bremen, California, Carmania, Cleveland, Columbus, Deutschland, Doric, Europa, George Washington, Hamburg, Homeric, Lancastria, Lapland, Laurentic, Letitia, Majestic, Mauretania, Megantic, Minnekahda, Minnetonka, Minnewaska, Nieuw Amsterdam, Paris, President Harding, Rotterdam, Scythia, Statendam, Stuttgart, Tuscania, and Vulcania.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1931 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Adriatic, America, Antonia, Aquitania, Aurania, Baltic, Berengaria, Bremen, California, Cameronia, Caronia, Duchess of Bedford, Duchess of York, France, Franconia, Frederik VIII, George Washington, Homeric, Laconia, Lafayette, Mauretania, Minnewaska, New York, Rotterdam, Samaria, Scythia, and Sierra Ventana.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1932 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Aquitania, Aurania, Ausonia, Berengaria, Bremen, Caledonia, Cameronia, Carinthia, City of Hamburg, Duchess of Atholl, Duchess of Bedford, Europa, Exeter, Georgic, Kungsholm, Leviathan, Majestic, Manhattan, Mauretania, Milwaukee, Montrose, Pennland, Resolute, and Statendam.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1933 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Alaunia, Albert Ballin, Berengaria, Bremen, Duchess of Atholl, Franconia, Majestic, New York, Rotterdam, Stuttgart, and Washington.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1934 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the American Farmer, Antonia, Berengaria, Bremen, Britannic, City of Hamburg, Europa, Hamburg, Majestic, Manhattan, New York, Pennland, President Jackson, Rotterdam, Statendam, and Washington.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1935 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Aquitania, Asturias, Berengaria, Bergensfjord, Bremen, Britannic, Caledonia, City Of Newport News, Deutschland, Empress of Australia, Europa, Hamburg, Kenilworth Castle, Laconia, Lancastria, Llandaff Castle, Majestic, Manhattan, Normandie, President Roosevelt, Rex, Samaria, Scythia, and Veendam.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1936 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the American Trader, Antonia, Aquitania, Avoceta, Bremen, Britannic, Caledonia, City of Norfolk, Columbus, Deutschland, Europa, Exeter, Georgic, Gripsholm, Hamburg, Lafayette, Manhattan, Monarch of Bermuda, Montclare, New York, Normandie, Oranje Nassau, Pennland, Queen Mary, Samaria, Statendam, Transylvania, Washington, and Yorkshire.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1937 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Aquitania, Ausonia, Berlin, Bremen, Britannic, City Of Baltimore, City of New York, City of Norfolk, Conte Di Savoia, Duchess of Atholl, Duchess of Richmond, Empress of Australia, Europa, Franconia, Georgic, Hamburg, Ile De France, Laconia, Normandie, President Harding, Queen Mary, Roma, Rotterdam, Santa Rosa, Scythia, Statendam, Stavangerfjord, Stuttgart, and Veendam.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1938 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Alaunia, Aquitania, Athenia, Ausonia, Bremen, Britannic, Caledonia, California, Carinthia, Champlain, City of Newport, Columbus, Duchess of Bedford, Europa, Excalibur, Gerolstein, Hamburg, Laconia, Manhattan, Monarch of Bermuda, Montcalm, New York, Nieuw Amsterdam, Normandie, President Harding, President Roosevelt, Queen Mary, Rex, Statendam, Vulcania, and Washington.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1939 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Aquitania, Carinthia, Franconia, Georgic, Hamburg, Ile De France, Manhattan, Montrose, New York, Queen Mary, Rex, Stavangerfjord, Stirling Castle, Volendam, Washington, and Windsor Castle.
All Passenger Lists For 1940 are Available at the GG Archives. World War II had already begun in Europe. This very rare passenger list from the United States Lines SS Manhattan is our only list from 1940. The US was a neutral country at this point.
Post World War 2 Passenger Lists 1946-1954
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1946 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Drottningholm and Gripsholm -- Two liners from Sweden.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1947 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the America, Mauretania, Media, Orion, Queen Elizabeth, and Queen Mary.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1948 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the America, Mauretania, Nieuw Amsterdam, Orion, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, and Veendam.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1949 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Capetown Castle, Empress of France, Mauretania, Nieuw Amsterdam, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, Samaria, Saturnia, and Warwick Castle.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1950 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Conte Biancamano, Edinburgh Castle, Empress of Scotland, Gripsholm, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, and Saturnia.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1951 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Conte Biancamano, Empress of Canada, Mauretania, Nieuw Amsterdam, Queen Mary, Vulcania, and Washington.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1952 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Constitution, Conte Grande, Giulio Cesare, Independence, Italia, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, Saturnia, and United States.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1953 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Britannic, Constitution, Empress of Australia, Empress of France, Empress of Scotland, Gripsholm, Independence, Maasdam, Mauretania, Nieuw Amsterdam, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, Scythia, and Stavangerfjord.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1954 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Atlantic, Constitution, Flandre, Independence, Liberté, Mauretania, Media, Nieuw Amsterdam, Orion, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary, Sibajak, Stavangerfjord, Strathmore, and Winchester Castle.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1954 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Edinburgh Castle, Queen Elizabeth, and Queen Mary.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1954 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Ivernia and Mauretania.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1954 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Queen Elizabeth.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1954 Available at the GG Archives. Listing Includes Date Voyage Began, Steamship Line, Vessel, Passenger Class and Route.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1954 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Queen Mary and Saxonia.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1954 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Nieuw Amsterdam.
All Digitized Lists of Passengers for 1954 Available at the GG Archives. Ships included the Carinthia.