Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen Passenger Lists 1881-1938
Passenger Lists from the Voyages of the Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen (North German Lloyd). The company runs many lines from its headquarters at Bremen; among them are those to New York - a line of express steamers and a line of ordinary mail steamers, all calling at Southampton or Cherbourg.
1881-04-20 SS Hohenzollern Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Steerage
Date of Departure: 20 April 1881
Route: Bremen to Baltimore
Commander: Captain R. Sander
1885-06-03 SS Ems Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin and Steerage
Date of Departure: 3 June 1885
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain Wilhelm Willigerod
1888-11-14 SS Lahn Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Steerage
Date of Departure: 14 November 1888
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain H. Hellmers
1889-07-31 SS Lahn Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 31 July 1889
Route: New York to Bremen via Southampton
Commander: Captain H. Hellmers
1890-01-01 SS Eider Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 1 January 1890
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain H. Baur
1890-05-03 SS Werra Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 3 May 1890
Route: Bremen for New York
Commander: Captain Richard Bussius
1892-09-13 SS Havel Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 13 September 1892
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain Th. Jüngst
1893-01-28 SS Kaiser Wilhelm II Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 28 January 1893
Route: New York to Genoa via Gibraltar
Commander: Captain L. Stoermer
1894-08-28 SS Lahn Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Steerage
Date of Departure: 28 August 1894
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain H. Hellmers
1894-12-14 SS Werra Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 14 December 1894
Route: Naples to New York via Gibraltar
Commander: Captain G. Pohle
1895-09-07 SS Ems Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Steerage
Date of Departure: 7 September 1895
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain W. Reimkasten
1896-04-30 SS Kaiser Wilhelm II Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 30 April 1896
Route: Genoa to New York via Gibraltar
Commander: Captain L. Störmer
1896-06-30 SS Havel Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 30 June 1896
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton
Commander: Captain Th. Jüngst
1896-08-18 SS Lahn Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 18 August 1896
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton
Commander: Captain H. Hellmers
1896-11-19 SS Werra Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 19 November 1896
Route: Genoa to New York via Gibraltar
Commander: Captain C. Pohle
1900-08-30 SS Trave Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 30 August 1900
Route: Cherbourg to New York
Commander: Captain H. Christoffers
1900-09-04 SS Bayern Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 4 September 1900
Route: Bremen to Hong Kong via Antwerp, Genoa, Colombo, and Singapore
Commander: Captain H. Bleeker
1900-12-18 SS Kaiser Wilhelm II Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 18 December 1900
Route: New York to Genoa via Gibraltar and Naples
Commander: Captain D. Hoegemann
1901-01-16 SS Aller Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 16 January 1901
Route: Genoa to New York via Naples and Gibraltar
Commander: Captain B. Wilhelmi
1901-02-19 SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 19 February 1901
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton
Commander: Captain H. Engelbart
1901-03-30 SS Frankfurt Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 30 March 1901
Route: Bremen to New York and Baltimore
Commander: Captain E. Malchow
1901-07-27 SS Königin Luise Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 27 July 1901
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton
Commander: Captain O. Volger
1901-08-13 SS Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 13 August 1901
Route: Bremen to New York via Cherbourg and Southampton
Commander: Captain D. Högemann
1901-12-16 SS Kronprinz Wilhelm Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 16 December 1901
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton
Commander: Captain L. Störmer
1902-07-12 SS Friedrich der Grosse Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 12 July 1902
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton
Commander: Captain G. Rott
1902-09-18 SS Chemnitz Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 18 September 1902
Route: Bremen to Baltimore and Galveston
Commander: Captain J. Jantzen
1902-09-30 SS Kaiserin Maria Theresia Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First and Second Cabin
Date of Departure: 30 September 1902
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton
Commander: Captain P. Wettin
1903-06-30 SS Kaiser Wilhelm Der Grosse Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 30 June 1903
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Cüppers
1903-10-06 SS Kaiser Wilhelm II Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 6 October 1903
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain D. Högemann
1905-05-23 SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First and Second Cabin
Date of Departure: 23 May 1905
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Cüppers
1906-10-27 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 27 October 1906
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain R. Nierich
1907-04-06 SS Chemnitz Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 6 April 1907
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain E. Zachariae
1908-11-12 SS Prinzess Irene Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First Class
Date of Departure: 12 November 1908
Route: Genoa to New York via Naples and Gibraltar
Commander: Captain F. von Letten-Peterssen
1909-04-10 SS Grosser Kurfürst
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First Class
Date of Departure: 10 April 1909
Route: Genoa to New York via Villafranca
Commander: Captain Langreuter
1909-10-09 SS Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 9 October 1909
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain E. Prehn
1910-05-10 SS Friedrich Der Grosse Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 19 May 1910
Route: Genoa to New York via Naples, Palermo, and Gibraltar
Commander: Captain R. Dahl
1910-09-15 SS Cassel Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 15 September 1910
Route: Bremen to Baltimore
Commander: Captain H. Vogt
1910-11-03 SS Brandenburg Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 3 November 1910
Route: Bremen to Philadelphia
Commander: Captain H. Morgenstern
1910-11-17 SS Cassel Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 17 November 1910
Route: Bremen to Philadelphia and Galveston
Commander: Captain H. Vogt
1911-05-20 SS George Washington Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First and Second Cabin
Date of Departure: 20 May 1911
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain Ch. Polack
1912-01-20 SS Berlin Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First and Second Cabin
Date of Departure: 20 January 1912
Route: New York to Genoa via Gibraltar, Algiers, and Naples
Commander: Captain A. Harrassowitz
1912-06-01 SS George Washington Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 1 June 1912
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain B. Wilhelm
1912-09-21 SS George Washington Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 21 September 1912
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain Ch. Polack
1912-10-19 SS George Washington Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 19 October 1912
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain Ch. Polack
1912-12-14 SS George Washington Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 14 December 1912
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain Ch. Polack
1913-11-08 SS Grosser Kurfürst Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First Class and Second Cabin
Date of Departure: 8 November 1913
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain M. Dietrich
1914-01-08 SS Berlin Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First and Second Cabin
Date of Departure: 8 January 1914
Route: Genoa to New York via Naples, Palermo and Gibraltar
Commander: Captain A. Harrassowitz
1923-04-07 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 7 April 1923
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1923-05-12 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Third Class
Date of Departure: 12 May 1923
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1923-07-21 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 21 July 1923
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1923-12-10 SS Canopic Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 10 December 1923
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain J. Kearney
1924-08-26 SS Stuttgart Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 26 August 1924
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain K. Grahn
1925-06-13 SS Sierra Ventana Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Arion Club and Cabin
Date of Departure: 13 June 1925
Route: New York to Bremen via Cherbourg
Commander: Captain H. Gossling
1926-02-27 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Third Class
Date of Departure: 27 February 1926
Route: Bremen to New York via Queenstown (Cobh)
Commander: Captain R. Wurpts
1926-04-08 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Third Class
Date of Departure: 8 April 1926
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1926-06-19 SS Sierra Ventana Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 19 June 1926
Route: New York to Bremen via Plymouth and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain H. Goessling
1927-01-16 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Third Class
Date of Departure: 16 January 1927
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1927-05-11 SS Stuttgart Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 11 May 1927
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton, Cherbourg, and Cobh (Queenstown)
Commander: Captain K. Grahn
1927-05-18 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 18 May 1927
Route: Bremen to New York via Halifax
Commander: Captain R. Wurpts
1927-05-29 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First Class
Date of Departure: 29 May 1927
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1927-08-27 SS Stuttgart Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First and Second Class
Date of Departure: 27 August 1927
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Warneke
1927-12-03 SS Stuttgart Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist and Third Class
Date of Departure: 3 December 1927
Route: Bremen to New York via Queenstown (Cobh) and Halifax
Commander: Captain K. Grahn
1928-03-17 SS Derfflinger Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Third Class
Date of Departure: 17 March 1928
Route: Bremen to New York via Halifax
Commander: Captain H. Hashagen
1928-06-09 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 9 June 1928
Route: New York to Bremen via Plymouth and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1928-06-30 SS Sierra Cordoba Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 30 June 1928
Route: New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton
Commander: Captain W. Stein
1928-07-26 SS Karlsruhe Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 26 July 1928
Route: Bremen to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton
Commander: Captain H. Filzinger
1928-07-28 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First and Second Class
Date of Departure: 28 July 1928
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1928-08-23 SS Karlsruhe Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 23 August 1928
Route: Bremen to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Queenstown (Cobh)
Commander: Captain H. Filzinger
1928-08-30 SS München Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 30 August 1928
Route: Bremen to New York via Cherbourg and Queenstown (Cobh)
Commander: Captain H. Gößling
1928-09-22 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 22 September 1928
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1928-09-29 SS Lützow Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin
Date of Departure: 29 September 1928
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain H. Susewind
1928-10-20 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 20 October 1928
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1928-11-15 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 15 November 1928
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: A. Ahrens
1929-03-14 SS München Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 14 March 1929
Route: New York to Bremen via Queenstown (Cobh) and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain H. Gössling
1929-04-13 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 13 April 1929
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1929-07-03 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 3 July 1929
Route: New York to Bremen via Plymouth and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1929-08-30 SS Karlsruhe Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 30 August 1929
Route: Bremen to Boston and New York via Galway
Commander: Captain H. Filzinger
1929-09-04 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 4 September 1929
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain L. Ziegenbein
1929-10-17 SS München Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 17 October 1929
Route: Bremen to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Queenstown (Cobh)
Commander: Captain H. Gößling
1930-06-12 SS Stuttgart Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 12 June 1930
Route: New York to Bremen via Cobh (Queenstown) and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Winter
1930-07-05 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Third Class
Date of Departure: 5 July 1930
Route: New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1930-08-13 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First and Second Class
Date of Departure: 13 August 1930
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain L. Ziegenbein
1930-09-29 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 29 September 1930
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1930-10-03 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 3 October 1930
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain L. Ziegenbein
1931-08-27 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 27 August 1931
Route: Bremen to New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer and Southampton
Commander: Captain F. Brünings
1931-08-29 SS Sierra Ventana Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 29 August 1931
Route: Bremen to New York
Commander: Captain D. Ballehr
1931-09-15 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 15 September 1931
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain L. Ziegenbein.
1932-07-01 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 1 July 1932
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain L. Ziegenbein
1932-08-21 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 21 August 1932
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain W. Dähne
1932-09-01 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 1 September 1932
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1932-09-17 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 17 September 1932
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
1933-03-23 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First and Second Class
Date of Departure: 23 March 1933
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain W. Dähne
1933-09-28 SS Stuttgart Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin, Tourist and Third Class
Date of Departure: 28 September 1933
Route: Bremen to Halifax and New York via Boulogne-sur-Mer, Southampton, and Galway
Commander: Captain O. Prehn
1934-07-25 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist
Date of Departure: 25 July 1934
Route: New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southamton
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
Extras: Information for Passengers, Group Photograph, Bremerhaven Landing Instructions
1934-07-27 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 27 July 1934
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Commodore L. Ziegenbein
1934-08-17 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 17 August 1934
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Prehn
1934-08-24 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 24 August 1934
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1935-04-12 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist and Third Class
Date of Departure: 12 April 1935
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1935-07-17 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Class
Date of Departure: 17 July 1935
Route: New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1935-07-26 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 26 July 1935
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1935-09-03 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First, Tourist, and Third Class
Date of Departure: 3 September 1935
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1935-10-18 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 18 October 1935
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1936-01-24 SS Europa First Class Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: First Class
Date of Departure: 24 January 1936
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1936-01-24 SS Europa Tourist Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin
Date of Departure: 24 January 1936
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1936-05-20 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Class
Date of Departure: 20 May 1936
Route: New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1936-06-13 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist and Third Class
Date of Departure: 13 June 1936
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1936-06-14 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Class
Date of Departure: 14 June 1936
Route: New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton
Commander: Captain L. Ziegenbein
1936-06-23 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist and Third Class
Date of Departure: 23 June 1936
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Commodore L. Ziegenbein
1936-07-09 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 9 July 1936
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain L. Ziegenbein
1936-08-14 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 14 August 1936
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1936-08-21 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 21 August 1936
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1936-08-29 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 29 August 1936
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1936-09-12 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 12 September 1936
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton, Cherbourg, and Cobh
Commander: Captain W. Dähne
1936-10-17 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist and Third Class
Date of Departure: 17 October 1936
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1937-06-02 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 2 June 1937
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1937-06-19 SS Europa Cabin Class Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 19 June 1937
Route: New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton
Commander: Captain C. W. Hagemann
1937-06-19 SS Europa Third Class Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Third Class
Date of Departure: 19 June 1937
Route: New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton
Commander: Captain C. W. Hagemann
1937-07-07 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist
Date of Departure: 7 July 1937
Route: New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton
Commander: O. Scharf
1937-07-16 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin
Date of Departure: 16 July 1937
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1937-07-27 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 27 July 1937
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1937-08-19 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist and Third Class
Date of Departure: 19 August 1937
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain O. Scharf
1937-08-31 SS Berlin Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin, Tourist, and Third Class
Date of Departure: 31 August 1937
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Galway and Halifax
Commander: Captain F. Krone
1937-10-08 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 8 October 1937
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain C. W. Hagemann
1937-10-19 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist and Third Class
Date of Departure: 19 October 1937
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Commodore L. Ziegenbein
1938-05-03 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 3 May 1938
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1938-05-21 SS Columbus Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Class
Date of Departure: 21 May 1938
Route: New York to Bremen via Cobh, Plymouth and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain C. W. Hagemann
1938-06-24 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 24 June 1938
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain C. W. Hagemann
1938-07-12 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist and Third Class
Date of Departure: 12 July 1938
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1938-07-19 SS Europa Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 19 July 1938
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain C. W. Hagemann
1938-08-16 SS Bremen Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class
Date of Departure: 16 August 1938
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1938-10-22 SS Bremen Cabin Class Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Cabin Class
Date of Departure: 22 October 1938
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
1938-10-22 SS Bremen Tourist and Third Class Passenger List
Steamship Line: North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd
Class of Passengers: Tourist and Third Class
Date of Departure: 22 October 1938
Route: Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg
Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
In the 1800s and Early 1900s, Passenger lists often contained listing for Husband and Wife as Mr. and Mrs. Passenger; Children may have been listed separately or included on the same line. Servants, Nannies, Governesses, Private Teachers, Nurses, and other similar hired help were never listed by name.