SS Bremen Passenger List - 27 July 1937
Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 27 July 1937 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain A. Ahrens. GGA Image ID # 1633f01d26
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
- First Officer: E. Warning
- Chief Engineer: J. Hundt
- Purser for Cabin Class: D. Brummer
- Purser for Tourist Class: J. Rohde
- Purser for Third Class: H. Müller
- First Doctor: Dr. W. Fischer
- Second Doctor: Dr. Rust
- First Officer of the Traffic Office: M. Stiegele
- Special Travel Service: Dr. (Miss) Perber
- Chief Stewart: B. Junghans
- Steward for Dining Room: F. Schedelmann
- Steward for Tourist Class: J. Büscher
- Steward for Third Class: H. Wardenburg
- Steward for Restaurant: G. Zeidler
- Chief Cook: K. Unger
- Wireless Telegraph Operator Senior Officer: K. Gerstung
- Baggage Master: A, Dauelsherg
Tourist Third Cabin Passengers
- Mrs. Adolfine Adametz
- Mr. Rasmus Adamson
- Mrs. Elvine Adamson
- Mr. Harold Ainsworth
- Mr. Vicente Alberde
- Mrs. Tina Amtmann
- Mr. Fngmanii Andersen
- Mrs. Karen Andersen
- Elif Andersen
- Miss Gertrude Ashley
- Miss Helen Ault
- Mr. Carl Bagge
- Mrs. Sophie Bugge
- Mr. Nikolaus Bancroft
- Mr. Hussein Barlo
- Mr. Harold Barnard
- Mrs. Kätlnvyn Barnard
- Mrs. Barnley
- Mr. Barnley
- Mr. Everett Barto
- Mrs. Barto
- Mr. Wilhelm Bauer
- Mrs. Emmy Baumann
- Mrs. Anna Bayer
- Mr. Friedrich Bayer
- Miss Edna Beccroft
- Miss Caroline Beck
- Dr. E. H. Beernink
- Mrs. Beernink
- Mr. Gustav Behnke
- Mr. Henry Behnsen
- Mrs. Gertrud Behrens-Plinke
- Mrs. Betty Bemisch
- Mr. Karl Benkner
- Mrs. Charlotte Benkner
- Miss Snrita Bennett
- Mr. J. Benson
- Miss Edith Bergquist
- Miss Gertrude Bie
- Mr. Herrn. Bihn
- Miss Elisabeth Bischoff
- Miss M. Blackmore
- Mr. Christian Blom
- Miss Alice Boden
- Mr. Henry Boese
- Mr. Lasslo Bognar
- Mr. Joseph Bohm
- Mr. H. N. Botts
- Mr. Dunekn Boulton
- Mrs. Marie Boulton
- Miss Majorie Boulton
- Miss Elizabeth Boyer
- Mrs. Emma Bradstroem
- Mr. Eimer Brudstrüm
- Miss Mary Bredehorst
- Mr. Willy Bredow
- Mr. Alan Breed
- Mrs. Breed
- Mr. Brennan
- Mrs. Brennan
- Mr. Artur Breuer
- Mr. Fedor Brokjop
- Master W. Brooks
- Mr. Frank Brown
- Mrs. Brown
- Miss Gertrude Bunting
- Miss Alice Burke
- Miss J. Burritt
- Mrs. Frank Burton
- Miss Marion Burton
- Miss Frances Burton
- Mr. Hans Buse
- Miss Mary Campbell
- Miss Dorcas Campbell
- Mrs. Mary Canfield
- Mr. John Carlson
- Mrs. Lillian Carlson
- Mrs. Mae Lillian Carlson
- Miss Klisalieth Carlson
- Mr. William Carr
- Mr. Hirji Chawda
- Mrs. Chorlian
- Mr. Chorlian
- Mrs. Chorlian
- Mr. Bernt Christensen
- Mrs. Kirsten Christensen
- Miss Helen Christensen
- Miss Wenping Chu-Ke
- Mr. Greenville Clark
- Mrs. Emmy Class
- Dorothea Class
- Mr. Harry Coesfeld
- Dr. Henry Coffin
- Mrs. Coffin
- Mrs. Lester Cole
- Miss Margaret Cole
- Dr. A. Collinson
- Countess Laura von Courten
- Mr. W. Covert
- Mrs. Covert
- Miss Jean Craigie
- Mrs. Peggy Crane
- Miss M. Crouse
- Miss Constance Curry
- Mr. Curtis
- Mrs. Betty Cutter
- Mrs. Ida Cutter
- Mrs. Therese Davis
- Mrs. Davisson
- Miss Doris Dearing
- Miss Decher
- Mr. Hans Dechert
- Miss Maud Derickson
- Mr. Francis Dietrich
- Mrs. Rosa Dietrich
- Miss Rohda Dietrich
- Miss Marilyn Dietrich
- Mr. Eginhard Dietze
- Mrs. Dietze
- Master John Dietze
- Miss Downing
- Miss Doris Drake
- Miss Ainiee Draper
- Mr. Edwin Duffy
- Mrs. Duffy
- Miss Beatrice Dure
- Miss Anna Durkovic
- Mr. John Eastman
- Mrs. Frances Eastman
- Mr. Albert Edelmann
- Miss Jeanne Edwards
- Mrs. Clara Ehrensperger
- Miss Ruth Ehrensperger
- Mr. Harry Eldridge
- Mrs. Eldridge
- Miss Lucia Ellis
- Mrs. Susanne Ernst
- Mr. Arturo Escudo
- Mrs. Escudo
- Mr. Michael Exedis
- Mr. Peter Fabbro
- Mr. Cecil Fabbro
- Mr. Frank Fain
- Miss Eleonor Faison
- Mrs. Jesse Farry
- Miss Katharine Feely
- Miss Elinor Feely
- Mr. Martin Felbinger
- Mrs. Rosine Felbinger
- Mr. Henry Fiedler
- Mrs. Margaret Fischer
- Miss M. Fisher
- Mrs. Lloyd Fisher
- Mr. Hans Flörsheim
- Mrs. Ellengard Flörsheim
- Mr. George Fox
- Mr. Kurt Fraenkel
- Mr. Rudolf Frank
- Mr. Eimer Fridell
- Miss Ella Friis
- Miss Rosamund Frost
- Mr. Theodore Fuger
- Mrs. Fuger
- Mrs. Marion Gale
- Mrs. Mac Gates
- Miss Elsie Genther
- Mrs. Colin Gihson
- Manier Mr. Gibson
- Master Gordon Gibson
- Mr. Wilhelm Gohr
- Miss Else Goldschmidt
- Mr. B. Grant
- Mr. Thomas Gresham
- Miss Julia Groves
- Dr. Fred Guggenbuhl
- Miss Laura Guggenbuhl
- Mr. Gulley
- Mr. Hans Haardt
- Miss Caroline Hackebarth
- Mrs. Elisabeth Halbach
- Miss Ellen Hansen
- Miss Misse Hansen
- Mrs. Florence Harper
- Master Donald Harper
- Mr. Henry Hart
- Mrs. Hart
- Miss Alice Hart
- Mr. Jakob Haussner
- Mrs. Käthe Haussner
- Mr. Walter Heitz
- Mrs. Elsa Heitz
- Miss Anna Hemme
- Mrs. Margret Henk
- Mr. Henry Henkel
- Mrs. Bertha Henkel
- Miss Katharina Hess
- Dr. Fritz von Hessert
- Mrs. Hertha von Hessert
- Mr. Edward Heuer
- Mrs. Anna Heuer
- Miss Margaret Hildebrand
- Mrs. Hill
- Miss S. Hill
- Mrs. Margret Hink
- Dr. Robert Hopkins
- Mrs. Hopkins
- Mr. George Hornberger
- Mrs. Johanna Hornberger
- Mrs. Camphell Horsfall
- Mr. Leigh Howell
- Mrs. Howell and Child
- Mr. Ernest Huene
- Mrs. Elise Huene
- Mr. Emest Huene
- Mrs. Hughes
- Dr. Werner Humm
- Mrs. Gertrud Humm
- Miss Adeline Hunold
- Mr. Max Hunziker
- Mrs. Hunziker
- Mrs. Luise Isemann
- Mrs. Anneliese Jäger
- Mr. Bert raut Jauner
- Miss Jean Jones
- Mr. Axel Jorgensen
- Mr. N. A. Julian
- Mrs. Julian
- Mr. E. Jung
- Mrs. Jung
- Mr. Michael Kaess
- Mrs. Kalliar. Kaess
- Mr. Ludwig Kaess
- Miss Lydia Kallio
- Mr. Raja Kassah
- Dr. Alfred Katsenstein
- Mrs. Grete Katzenstein
- Mr. George Keehfuss
- Mrs. Virginia Kelly
- Mr. Werner Kelly
- Miss Nellie Kershaw
- Miss Kershaw
- Priester James Kerwan
- Mr. Albert Kessler
- Mr. E. J. Kirk
- Mrs. Kirk
- Mr. Lester Kissel
- Mrs. Alice Kissel
- Mr. Hans Kleist
- Mrs. Elizabeth Koehler
- Miss Minnie Koehler
- Mrs. Charlotte Korpium
- Miss Mathilde Krause
- Mr. Edward Krause
- Mr. Harry Krauspe
- Mrs. Doxie Krauspe
- Mr. Harry Krauspe
- Miss Doxie Krauspe
- Mr. John Krauspe
- Mr. Rudolf Krüger
- Mrs. Häkelte KHehler
- Mrs. Anna Kufner
- Mr. Clemens Laise
- Mrs. Elisabeth Lange
- Mr. H. G. Langreuter
- Mr. Axel Larsen
- Miss Margaret Laubuer
- Mr. Thomas Leavitt
- Mrs. Leavitt
- Miss Shirley Leavitt
- Mr. Thomas Leavitt
- Mrs. Grace Leceh
- Miss Kathwyn Lee
- Mr. Ludwig Lehmann
- Mrs. Ebenezer Leonard
- Mrs. Mary Lewis
- Mr. George Lichtenberger
- Miss Phaik Lim
- Dr. Robert Little
- Mrs. Lloyd
- Mr. Willy Loewenthal
- Mrs. Else Loewenthal
- Miss Gnnvor Löwkrantz
- Miss Alla Luckings
- Mr. Paul Lüscher
- Miss Dorothy Maddoe
- Mr. S. Magnuson
- Mr. S. Maiani
- Miss Marjorie Mailand
- Miss Emma Marstow
- Mr. Genkei Masumune
- Mrs. Rosie Mathern
- Mrs. Henry Mathewson
- Mr. Sven Matson
- Mrs. Emily Maison
- Miss Mildred Matson
- Mr. George Maurer
- Mrs. Maurer
- Mrs. Ada Mc Carroll
- Miss B. McDowell
- Mrs. McGowan
- Mr. Joan McKie
- Mr. Donald Mc Lean
- Mr. Hobart Mc Pherson
- Mr. George Meister
- Mr. Melas
- Mr. J. Messler
- Mrs. Messler
- Mr. Joseph Messler
- Miss Edith Meyer
- Mr. August Miclo
- Mrs. Miclo
- Miss Lonnie Miclo
- Dr. Oliver Mitchell
- Mrs. Preston Mitchell
- Mr. Modzlewski
- Mrs. Modzlewski
- Mr. George Morelock
- Mr. Andrew Mortensen
- Mrs. Christian Mortensen
- Miss Lillian Mortensen
- Mr. Josef Moses
- Mr. Ernst Hans Müller
- Mr. John Müller
- Mrs. Martha Murbach
- Miss J. Murdoch
- Mr. Ricardo Murgha
- Mr. Andrew Murphy
- Mrs. Murphy
- Mr. Vernon Nelson
- Mr. R. Nieto
- Mrs. Molly Nilson
- Mr. Noka
- Miss Gertrude Noon
- Miss Gladys Noon
- Mr. A. Norherg
- Mrs. Norberg
- Mr. Klaus Noria
- Mr. John Nubel
- Mrs. Nabel
- Mr. Sophus Offersen
- Mr. Onishi
- Mr. Moritz Oppenheimer
- Mr. Hubert Ostender
- Mrs. Luise Pauli
- Mr. Henrik Paulig
- Mrs. Gertrude Paulsdorf
- Mr. Anton Peeters
- Miss Marylynn Perkins
- Mr. Roy Peters
- Mrs. Elisabeth Peters
- Mr. Andreas Petersen
- Miss Frances Penrose
- Carles Penrose
- Mr. John Pierce
- Mrs. Mae Pierce
- Miss Elisabeth Poliak
- Mr. Ponipkins
- Mrs. Ponipkins
- Mr. Wilhelm Possel
- Mrs. Grete Possel
- Miss Mary Prentice
- Mr. John Proctor
- Mr. George Radeos
- Mrs. Radeos
- Miss Mabel Rainbow
- Sister Marin Rauch
- Mrs. Rees
- Mr. Harold Reilly
- Mrs. Edith Reilly
- Mr. Albert Reinheimer
- Mrs. Elisabeth Reinvalds
- Mr. Albert Reisner
- Mr. Ludwig Ress
- Mrs. Mary Ress
- Mr. James Rhodes
- Mrs. Rhodes
- Mr. Riehard Rhodes
- Miss Mary Richardson
- Mr. W illiam Riddle
- Mrs. Una Riddle
- Miss Alice Riley
- Mrs. Rose Ritchie
- Mrs. Mary Rodgers
- Mr. Jakob Rodler
- Mrs. Ottilie Rodler
- Mr. Fred Roemer
- Mr. Charles Rollinson
- Mrs. Helen Rollinson
- Mrs. Grace Ropke
- Miss Grace Ropke
- Mr. Walter Rosenthal
- Miss Marie Rossmann
- Miss Gertrude Roux
- Mr. Curt Rudolph
- Mrs. Elsa Rudolph
- Mrs. J. Rule
- Mr. Joseph Russell
- Mrs. Joo Russell
- Mr. Edward Saile
- Mrs. Saile
- Miss Helene Salomon
- Miss Mary Sanders
- Mr. Sandford
- Mr. Sandford
- Mr. Sand ford
- Mr. Andrew Scarlett
- Mrs. Scarlett
- Miss Marjorie Scarlett
- Mr. Ellery Sedgwick
- Miss Lola Seemann
- Mrs. Lyn Sehr
- Miss E. Shannon
- Miss Shaw
- Mr. Yaichiro Shibata
- Mr. Sichel
- Mr. George Simcox
- Mrs. Simcox
- Mrs. Emily Simonds
- Mr. John E. Sloane
- Miss Susie Smith
- Mr. F. Smith
- Mr. Carl Sollmann
- Mr. Sorensen
- Mrs. Sorensen
- Mr. C. Southward
- Miss Erna Sperling
- Miss Mary Sullivan
- Mr. Donald H. Sunderlin
- Mr. George Swayze
- Mr. Lari Schaumlöffel
- Mr. Godfrey Scheitlin
- Mr. B. F. Schirard
- Miss Dorothy Schmidt
- Robert Schmidt
- Mrs. Gertrud Schmidt
- Mr. Wilhelm Schröder
- Mr. Meinrad Schnellmann
- Mrs. Louise Scholl
- Mr. Louis Schoensigel
- Mrs. Erna Schoensigel
- Mr. Kurt Schörner
- Mrs. Bertha Sellrank
- Mr. Hermann Schulte-Altstede
- Miss Margarete Stern
- Pater Paul Stimmler
- Miss Ruth Stjernlof
- Rev. Albert Stratz
- Mr. Claus Strauch
- Miss Edna Strauss
- Mr. Otto Struve
- Mrs. Mary Struve
- Miss May Stumpf
- Mr. Kavru Takechi
- Mr. Henry Tanklage
- Mrs. Erika Tanklage
- Mr. Tanner
- Mrs. Tanner
- Mr. Sylvius Tamowski
- Mrs. Anna Tarnowski
- Mr. William Taylor
- Miss A. Taylor
- Dr. Kornel Terplan
- Mr. Lasutei Terrell
- Mrs. Elizabeth Terrell
- Mr. Richard Thesiger
- Mrs. Caroline Thesiger
- Mrs. Lloyd Thomas
- Miss Margaret Thompson
- Mr. Ernest Tittle
- Mr. Manly Todd
- Mrs. Hardy Todd
- Miss Eleanor Todd
- Mr. T. Todd jr.
- Mr. Wm. Todd Jr.
- Miss Annie Treadwell
- Mr. Yukio Tsuji
- Mrs. Frank Twitchel
- Lt. John Van Vliet
- Miss Marinetta Vogt
- Mrs. Emma Volkmann
- Mr. Karl Vollmer
- Mr. R. Voss
- Miss Loraine Vouga
- Mr. Ernst Wachsmuth
- Miss Margaret Wade
- Mr. Charles Wagner and Child
- Miss Ann Wahl
- Miss Marie Wahl
- Mr. Heinz Wahl
- Mr. Bengt Wallin
- Miss Walters
- Mrs. Wolfine Wanetz
- Miss Narka Ward
- Mr. John Ward
- Miss Letitia Watson
- Miss G. Watson
- Mrs. Annie Wear
- Mr. Henry Webb
- Mr. Lock Wee
- Mr. Hans Weichsel
- Miss Emma Weichsel
- Miss Katherine Weiss
- Miss Lina Weisz
- Mr. M. Werner
- Mrs. Werner
- Mrs. Auguste Weyrich
- Miss Felicitas Weyrich
- Miss G. Whitaker
- Mrs. Myrtle Whitehill
- Mr. James Wiles
- Mr. Adolf Wilhelm
- Mrs. Agathe Will
- Mr. John Willenborg
- Mr. Stanley Williams
- Mr. J. B. Wilson
- Mr. James Wiser
- Mr. Thomas Wiser
- Mr. Konrad Woelfel
- Miss Mary de Wolfe
- Sister Maria Wolfer
- Mr. Joseph Wood
- Miss Anne Wright
- Mr. Charles Yenser
- Miss Helen Ziegler
- Mrs. Ruth Zimmerli
- Mr. Robert Zimmerli
To Southampton
- Mr. Otto Aichele
- Miss Hildegarde Aichele
- Mrs. Irene Arnold
- Mr. Victor Becker
- Miss Eileen Bennett
- Mr. Ernst BerghSuser
- Miss Constance Clark
- Mr. Max Diestel
- Mrs. Dorothy Doran
- Miss Elaine Doran
- Mr. Colin Doran
- Mr. Albert Elliot
- Mr. Greenwood
- Mrs. Greenwood
- Mr. Peter Grimsdale
- Mrs. Gropius
- Mr. Wilbun Hallauer
- Mrs. Diana Hardy
- Frank Helene Hauri
- Mrs. Sonja Heller
- Mrs. Gertrud Hellwig
- Miss Hildegard Hesse
- Miss Elisabeth Heymann
- Friiul. Anita Iken
- Miss Erika Jordan
- Mr. Geheimrat William Kotthoff
- Mr. Charles Kopke
- Mrs. Emily Kopke
- Miss Ilse Kramer
- Mr. Prof. Otto Landsberg
- Miss Rosy Lauber
- Mrs. Frances Lisby
- Mr. Arpad Mezei
- Mr. Miller
- Mrs. Miller
- Mr. Sigmund Muenchhausen
- Mrs. Margarete Muenchhausen
- Miss Erna Müller
- Mr. Helmut Otte
- Mrs. Josefine Palmer
- Mrs. Ruth Plant
- Mr. Ankony Rowse
- Miss Kläre Schlund
- Mr. Arnold Schlund
- Miss Käte Schulz
- Mrs. Eleanora Schwabe
- Miss Waltraut Schwalbe
- Mr. Ikutaro Tange
- Miss Gerda Themal
- Mrs. Florence Turner
- Miss Nita Willits
- Mr. Rudolf Wintermann
- Mr. David Wittkowski
- Mr. Walter Wolf
To Cherbourg
- Mr. Emil Bertschinger
- Mrs. Olga Bertschinger
- Miss Alice Bertschinger
- Mr. Paul Brandes
- Mrs. Frieda Braun
- Mr. Cay Baron von Brockdorff
- Mr. Albert Gautschi
- Mr. Ernst Hauser
- Mrs. Christine Lang
- Mr. Otto Sturzenegger
- Mrs. Julia Sturzenegger
Third Class Passengers
- Miss Georgie Airheart
- Mrs. Helene Albert
- Mrs. Gizella Alexy
- Miss Ellen Alexy
- Mrs. Carine Allen
- Miss A. S. D. Alsop
- Mr. R. C. Alsop
- Mr. Ernst Andersen
- Mr. Carl Andersson
- Mrs. Mary Andre and Child
- Mr. Miclial Andrew and Family
- Mr. Vasil Andry
- Miss Eva Anton
- Mr. Paul Antoni
- Mrs. Marie Aring and Son
- Mr. George Arpasi and Family
- Miss Lucille Ashley
- Mr. Aspell
- Mr. Philipp Baas
- Miss Svea Bagge
- Mr. Alfred Baldwin
- Mrs. Bertha Barton
- Miss Verenella Batson
- Mrs. Sofie Beck and Daughter
- Mrs. Marie Beeker
- Mrs. Anna Beeker
- Mrs. Maria Beesner
- Mrs. Sophie Behrend
- Mr. Franz Behrle
- Maria Beicke
- Adelheid Beicke
- Mr. Paul Beisser
- Miss Kat. Belikova
- Mr. Walbaci Benjamin
- Mr. Friedr. Beutel
- Miss Frieda Benz
- Miss Anna Berndovicova
- Mr. Albert Berner
- Mrs. Emma Berwind
- Mr. Leonard Beuttler
- Mrs. Leonard Beuttler
- Mrs. Nell I. Biddle
- Mrs. Gertrude Bieler
- Mrs. Marie Birchell
- Mr. Henry Bischoff
- Mrs. Henry Bischoff
- Miss Betty Blair
- Mr. Harley Blake
- Miss Walburga Böck
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Boehm
- Mr. Charles Boersig
- Mrs. Charles Boersig
- Mr. Rud. Boettcher
- Mrs. Rud. Boettcher
- Mr. Gottlieb Bohn
- Mr. Frank Bolles and Family
- Mr. Henry Bonz
- Mr. Oswin Borner
- Mrs. Zuzanna Boszlay
- Mr. Emst Bötel
- Mr. Rudolf Bötel
- Mr. Bould
- Mrs. Hedwig Bradley
- Mr. Fritz Brardt
- Miss Gloria Breaks
- Mr. Jacob Bremer
- Mr. Frank Brenk
- Mr. Kadet Edwin Broadhurst
- Mrs. Phyllis Broome
- Claus Bruemmer
- Miss Grethe Brumhuber
- Mr. Willy Bollinger
- Miss Elise Burghardt
- Mrs. Amalie Burus
- Mrs. Rinna Buss
- Miss Susanna Busse
- Mr. Josef Bussey
- Mrs. Irma Bussjäger
- Mrs. Henriette Buttler
- Mr. Lencrose Byron
- Miss Laura Cannon
- Miss Janet Chalmers
- Mr. R. N. Chaudhury
- Miss T. Cheverill
- Mrs. Gertrude Christiansen
- Mr. Rudolf Chudy
- Miss Ethel Cobb
- Miss Grace Cobb
- Mr. John Comean
- Miss Elena Conlin
- Miss Frances Conlin
- Miss Caroline Cook
- Mr. George Cookingham
- Mrs. Käthe Cordes and Child
- Mr. James Cornette
- Mrs. Jennie Cousiglio
- Mrs. Julia Covach
- Miss Anna Covach
- Mr. Cadet Thomas Crawford
- Mr. Justin Cushing
- Miss Cecilia Daninova
- Miss Ruth Danner
- Mrs. Marg. Danz
- Mrs. Hrnbanek Daras and Child
- Miss Dorothea Dauber
- Mr. James Davis
- Miss Irma Decker
- Mrs. Grete M. Dent
- Miss M. E. Derieksen
- Mrs. Friederike Deterding
- Miss Rosa Ditz
- Mrs. Marg. Dols
- Miss Erna Dorn
- Mr. Leon Dubowsky
- Mrs. Leon Dubowsky
- Miss Eleanor Dustin
- Mr. Fred Eckhard
- Mrs. Fred Eckhard
- Mrs. Betty Eisner
- Mr. Karl Engbert and Family
- Mrs. Calla Engle
- Miss Paula Ernst
- Miss Marianne Erwin
- Miss Madeleine Eskesen
- Mr. J. T. Espey
- Miss Marg. Etzkorn
- Miss Mary Etzkorn
- Miss Dorothy Evans
- Mr. Thomas Fausler
- Mr. Xaver Fetzmann
- Mrs. Xaver Fetzmann
- Mr. Robert Finn
- Mr. Florin Fischer
- Miss Margery Fish
- Mr. J. C. Fitzgerald
- Mr. Sten Flygt
- Mr. Gottfrey Forster
- Mrs. Johanna Fortkert
- Mrs. Josephine Frey
- Mrs. Marg. Frey
- Mr. E. M. Frohmann
- Mr. John Furch
- Mr. Georg Gädicke
- Mrs. Georg Gädicke
- Mr. John Gathe
- Miss Philippine Gebhard
- Mr. Reynold Geerken
- Mrs. H. Genhart
- Miss Dorothy Gilchrist
- Miss Mary Givens
- Mr. Karl Glasstetter
- Mrs. Karl Glasstetter
- Mrs. Sofie Gleditzsch
- Mr. Samuel Goldberg
- Mr. Richard Goold-Adams
- Mr. Max Gottlieb
- Mr. Frank Grafenauer
- Mrs. Frank Grafenauer
- Mrs. Therese Grafenauer
- Mr. John Grapl
- Mr. Waynie Gregory
- Mr. Roman Gross
- Miss Linde Güldner
- Miss Alzhela Guzikova
- Mrs. Erna Haase
- Mr. Leife Hape
- Mr. Arne Hape
- Mr. Jacob Haist
- Mrs. Jacob Haist
- Miss Anna Halecka-Skireak
- Miss Dorothy Halliday
- Miss Finilia Haluzieka
- Mrs. Marie Hambsch
- Miss Eliz. Hamilton
- Mr. Peter Hamlett Jr.
- Mrs. Eva Hanez
- Miss Zor. Harris
- Mr. Ernest Hart
- Mrs. Ernest Hart
- Mr. Lawrence Hart
- Mr. Matthäus Hasert
- Mr. Peter Hasler
- Mrs. Anna Hauptmann
- Manfred Hauptmann
- Mrs. Klara Hauptmann and Daughter
- Miss Elisab. Haus
- Mr. Albert Hauss
- Miss Paolina Havlikova
- Miss Anneliese Heil
- Miss Pauline Heindl
- Dr. Otto Heins
- Mrs. Elbe Heizich
- Mr. Charles Helin
- Mrs. Emma Herdecker and Son
- Mrs. Marp. Hess
- Miss Anna Hesse
- Mr. Georg Hetzer
- Mr. George Hinrichs
- Mr. J. K. Hinton
- Mr. Bruno Hoferichter
- Mrs. Bruno Hoferichter
- Mr. Louis Hoff
- Mr. Alfred Hoffmann
- Mrs. Alfred Hoffmann
- Miss Marg. Hoffmann
- Mr. Gustav Hoim
- Mr. K. Holstebro
- Mr. O. A. Homme
- Mrs. O. A. Homme
- Miss Mary Hoolihan
- Mrs. Hedwig Hoppe
- Miss Elisab. Hornkohl
- Miss Gertrude Hornung
- Miss Paulina Horvath
- Mr. Werner Howe
- Mrs. Fanni Huber
- Miss Kathi Huber
- Mrs. Auguste Huesing
- Mr. John Hughes Jr.
- Major John Huling and Family
- Miss Anna Huling
- Mr. John Hurguy
- Mr. Georg Husser
- Mr. Niilo Huukonen
- Mrs. Niilo Huukonen
- Mr. Fred Immoor
- Mr. Martin Inderbitzin and Family
- Mr. Feder Iversen
- Mr. G. E. Jackson and Family
- Miss Elly Jaegener
- Miss Auguste Jahn
- Mr. James
- Miss Irma Jankoviecova
- Miss Irma Janoskowa
- Mrs. Elisabeth Jauch
- Prof. Herbert Jenny
- Mrs. Herbert Jenny
- Miss Cath. Jensen
- Helene Jögel
- Mrs. Alfred Jolgon
- Mr. Rudolf Jung
- Mr. Herbert Jung
- Mr. Willi. Jüngling
- Mrs. Willi. Jüngling
- Miss Emily Junius
- Mr. Audrey Jurov
- Miss Clara Kaczmarek
- Mr. Antonin Kanka
- Miss Irene Kasencak
- Mrs. Anna Katenkamp
- Mrs. Regina Kellner
- Mrs. Irene Kelsey and Child
- Mrs. Anna Kertscher
- Mr. Hugo Kilian
- Mr. John Kilian
- Mr. John Kiliany
- Mrs. Eva Kiss and Son
- Mr. August Klaiber
- Miss Anna Kleova
- Mr. Codet Richard Klocko
- Miss Marie Knerer
- Mr. Hugo Knopp
- Miss Auguste Koch
- Mr. Hermann Koch
- Mrs. Hermann Koch
- Mr. Frederick Koch
- Mrs. Emma Koehler and Son
- Mr. Wilhelm Köffler
- Mr. Karl Kolbus
- Mrs. Karl Kolbus
- Mr. Nichal Konc and Family
- Mr. Ernest König
- Mrs. Ernest König
- Mrs. Elisab. Konrad
- Mrs. Maria Kopkowa and Child
- Mr. Gottlieb Koriath
- Mrs. Gottlieb Koriath
- Mr. Georg Körner
- Miss Josefa Korytina
- Miss Olti Kotschi
- Mrs. Bertha Kottas
- Mr. Kosar Kovak
- Mrs. Marie Kozelanch
- Mr. Lukas Kraft
- Mr. Adolf Kramer
- Mrs. Adolf Kramer
- Miss Viktoria Kramer
- Mrs. Anna Kraume and Children
- Mrs. Franziska Krause
- Mr. A. H. Kresse
- Mr. Hilge Kristoffensen
- Mrs. Marie Krone
- Mrs. Maria Krug
- Mr. Stanley Kruk
- Mrs. Stanley Kruk
- Mr. August Kruse
- Mrs. Pauline Kugler and Children
- Mr. Georg Kumpar
- Miss Herta Kupstadt
- Mr. William Kurta
- Miss Martha Kurz
- Mrs. Emma Laage
- Miss T. Ladd
- Mrs. Anneliese Lamm and Son
- Mr. Hugo Landeck
- Mr. Alfred Langer
- Mr. Charles Läpple
- Mrs. Charles Läpple
- Miss Agata Latak
- Mrs. Annie Latzeh
- Mr. Jacob Lauridsen
- Mr. Horst Lehnert
- Mr. Josef Leinweber
- Mrs. Josef Leinweber
- Mrs. Frances Leppley
- Mr. Robert Lindsay
- Mr. Leslie Lintelman
- Mr. E. Liu
- Mr. J. C. Lockhardt
- Miss Johanna Lohmann
- Mr. William Lohmeier
- Mrs. William Lohmeier
- Mrs. Ludmilla Löb
- Mr. Josef Löw
- Mrs. Erda Lübenow
- Miss Marg. Luce
- Mr. Rud. Lung
- Miss Elisab. Lung
- Mr. Erwin Lunger
- Mrs. Regina Lutz
- Dr. Donald Lyon
- Mr. Donald Lyon Jr.
- Miss Martha Maack
- Mr. George Macks
- Miss Violet Maddison
- Mr. Henry Mahnken and Family
- Miss Maria Maichin
- Mrs. Theresia Mallwitch and Child
- Miss Käthe Mangold
- Miss R. C. Manlean
- Miss Ruth Manlove
- Mr. Edward Mantai
- Mr. Paul Manz
- Mr. J. B. Marcum
- Mrs. J. B. Marcum
- Miss Anna Marecek
- Mrs. Alzbeta Marecek
- Miss Alzbeta Marecek
- Mrs. Klisah. Marschner
- Mr. Nick Maschgan
- Miss Edith Mason
- Mr. Paul Matthews
- Mr. J. J. McCadden
- Mrs. J. J. McCadden
- Mr. James McCormick
- Mrs. James McCormick
- Mrs. Charles B. McFadden
- Miss Charlotte McFadden
- Mr. Gerard Mc Kinley
- Miss L. McNeill
- Mrs. Maria Megarry
- Harry II. Meier
- Mr. Caspar Meinzenbach
- Mrs. Caspar Meinzenbach
- Miss Geneva Meller
- Mr. Bernh. Meyer
- Mrs. Bertha Meyer and Daughter
- Miss Florence Miller
- Mr. Jan Mindzak
- Mr. Seyoour Moon
- Mrs. Seyoour Moon
- Mr. Michael Morbert
- Mrs. Michael Morbert
- Walter Moser
- Mrs. Irma Muessig and Son
- Mrs. Annie Müller and Children
- Mr. Erich Müller
- Mrs. Erich Müller
- Mr. Sigmund Müller
- Mrs. Sigmund Müller
- Mr. Siegfr. Müller
- Mrs. Ein ni y Mumherg
- Mr. Hugo Munch
- Mrs. Hugo Munch
- Mr. Andry Munko
- Miss Pearl Murray
- Miss Alzhcta Nahlikova
- Miss Rosa Neff
- Mr. Gustav Nemec
- Mrs. Hedwig Neitzel
- Miss Elly Neström
- Mrs. Maria Netzer
- Mr. Eduard Neubauer
- Mr. Roger Newberry
- Dr. Stephan Nichan
- Dr. Stephan Nichau
- Mr. Reinboid Niebuhr
- Mrs. Reinboid Niebuhr
- Mr. Ejner Nielsen
- Mr. Robert Norcott
- Mr. John Normann
- Mrs. John Normann
- Miss Helen Norton
- Mr. Ole A. Olsen
- Mrs. Anna Oswald
- Mr. Job. Oswald
- Mr. Henry Page
- Miss Roberta Parker
- Dr. (Mrs.) Florence Mary-Parsons
- Miss Georges Parthenia
- Mr. Pavel Pavlech
- Miss Eva Pavlovicova
- Miss Any Perkins
- Mrs. Person
- Mr. Person
- Mrs. Elfriede Peter
- Mrs. Else Petersen and Children
- Miss Willielmine Petri
- Mr. Michael Petro
- Mrs. Anna Pfeffer
- Mrs. Pfundstein
- Mrs. Kath. Poferd
- Mr. Konrad Pohlmann
- Miss Magda Pokorna
- Mr. Jan Polacck
- Mrs. Kath. Polz
- Mr. Michael Porvanznik
- Miss C. A. Pottn
- Mr. Karsten Prebensen
- Miss Hildegard Pregler
- Mrs. D. E. Preschwood
- Mr. F. W. Price and Family
- Mrs. Olga Prien
- Mrs. M. K. Pruyn
- Mrs. Josefine Rabold
- Mrs. Theresia Rach
- Mr. Mihaly Racz
- Fran Flora Ramsay
- Mr. Robert Rattray
- Rev. William Ratz
- Mrs. William Ratz
- Miss Hazel Read
- Mr. D. Reed
- Mr. Antony Reese
- Mr. Jan Reliak
- Mrs. Anna Rehakova
- Mr. Wm. Rebmann
- Mrs. Magd. Rein
- Miss Käthe Rein
- Miss Marie Reitberger
- Mrs. Louise Remmers
- Miss Ann Repony
- Mr. Harry Richards
- Mrs. Barbara Richter
- Dr. Hans Riggert
- Miss Kate Riggert
- Mrs. Elfriede Rippler
- Mr. Harry Rockey
- Mrs. Harry Rockey
- Mr. Thomas Roes
- Miss Anna Rohalova
- Mr. Johannes Rohlfes
- Mr. Henry Rolfs
- Miss Hilda Rom
- Mr. John Rosenbeck
- Mrs. John Rosenbeck
- Mr. Albert Rosenberg
- Dr. Otto Rubke
- Mrs. Mathilde Runge and Child
- Mr. Josef Rusnak
- Mr. J. C. Russey
- Mr. Randolph Sailor and Family
- Mr. Carl Sand
- Miss Olive Sarber
- Mrs. Franziska Sautner
- Mr. Georg Sclakovich
- Mrs. Georg Sclakovich
- Mrs. Marg. Seebade
- Mr. Karol Sedlak
- Mr. Josef Sehn
- Mrs. Josef Sehn
- Mr. B. de Selincourt
- Mrs. B. de Selincourt
- Miss Anna Seyfferth
- Miss Adona Sick
- Mrs. Anna Simanova
- Mr. Jan Siman
- Miss Elisab. Simon
- Miss Emilia Skladanz
- Mrs. Anna Skolotik
- Miss Helene Slezak
- Mr. Kurt Sommer
- Mr. George Sorenson
- Miss Vera Spera
- Mrs. Johanna Spiecker
- Mr. Rudolf Spielmann and Family
- Miss Margit Sopko
- Mrs. Anna Sprado
- Mr. Adolf Suchy
- Miss Zuzana Sulcova
- Mr. Frant. Sujansky
- Mr. Franz Suppmeier
- Mrs. Franz Suppmeier
- Mrs. Emilia Surlak and Children
- Mr. Emil Swanson
- Mrs. Mary Swartz
- Mr. Charles Szmodis
- Mr. O. Sword and Family
- Mr. Otto Schäfer
- Mrs. Marg. Schalamon
- Mr. Johanna Schatz
- Mrs. Scherer
- Mr. Max Seltener
- Miss Else Schirmer
- Miss Frieda Schirmer
- Mrs. Annchcn Schlichte
- Mr. Hans Schmidt
- Mrs. Freya Schmidt
- Miss Marg. Schmidt
- Mr. John Schmitz
- Mrs. Elsa Schneider and Children
- Mrs. Barbara Schoen
- Miss Elisabeth Schoen
- Mrs. Pauline Scholl
- Mr. William Schreiber
- Mrs. Anna Schroeder
- Karl Schuchert
- Ruth Schuchert
- Mr. Oscar Schüler
- Mrs. Oscar Schüler
- Mrs. Albcrtinc Schüler
- Mrs. Kath. Schültz
- Mrs. Louise Schultze
- Mr. Rudolf Schurig
- Mr. Paul Schütz
- Mr. Hans Schutzkat
- Mrs. Harriet Schwalb
- Miss Erna Schwammer
- Miss Elsa Staib
- Mr. Michael Staneik
- Mrs. Michael Staneik
- Miss Anna Sleinhauer
- Mrs. Mathilde Stellberger
- Miss Katerina Steruska
- Miss Dorothy Stevenson
- Mr. Frank Stor
- Miss Stor
- Miss Martha Strauch
- Miss Elisb. Strudvrick
- Mr. D. A. Stuehff
- Miss Marianne Stuehff
- Miss Emma Tagener
- Mr. V. J. Tanner
- Mrs. V. J. Tanner
- Liska Tänzler and Child
- Mrs. Therese Tausch and Daughter
- Mr. Jacob Teubel
- Mrs. Jacob Teubel
- Mr. Robert Thayer
- Mrs. Paula Theisen
- Miss Tsai-Lee Tien
- Mrs. Ria Tilbert
- Mr. Cadet M. A. Tincher
- Mr. Frantisek Tittl
- Mr. Cadet Jark Tolson
- Mr. Michael Tomko
- Mr. Hampton Tonk
- Mr. William Trefzy
- Mrs. William Trefzy
- Mr. Karl Tröndle
- Miss Gertrude Turley
- Mr. George Turner
- Mr. Rogers Turner
- Mr. Harry Tutko
- Mr. August Uhl
- Mrs. August Uhl
- Mr. Mindern Unipam
- Mr. Stefan Vachula
- Miss Ziizanna Valuskova
- Mr. Audrey Vaonca and Family
- Mr. Audrey Vasil
- Mrs. Maria Velas and Family
- Miss Marg. Verdon
- Miss F. Vernon
- Mrs. Hazel Verry
- Miss Emilia Vrahlova
- Mrs. Martha Waldvogel
- Mrs. Ernestine Wagenhals
- Mrs. Emma Wagenhals
- Mrs. Emma Wagenhals
- Mrs. Anna Wagner
- Mr. Christ. Wagner
- Miss M. S. Walker
- Miss C. A. Walker
- Mr. Erich v. Walthausen
- Mrs. Erich v. Walthausen
- Mr. John Walther
- Dr. Harold Walton
- Mrs. Harold Walton
- Mr. Josef Weber
- Miss Katha Weber
- Miss Helene Welding
- Miss Hildegard Weiss
- Dr. Clarence Wells
- Mrs. Clarence Wells
- Dr. Roger Wells and Family
- Mr. Johannes Werner
- Mrs. Dora Wesemann and Child
- Mrs. Amalie von Westernhagen
- Mr. Friede. Wiechmann
- Mr. George Wiedl
- Miss Louise Wilkens
- Mr. L. Wishart
- Mr. George Woelfel
- Mrs. George Woelfel
- Miss Lilly Wolf
- Mr. Frank Wolf
- Mr. Wilhelm Wolff
- Mr. Wilhelm Wolter
- Dr. (Mrs.) H. Young and Family
- Mr. Zattlaach
- Miss Helen Zeigler
- Miss Terezia Zelmkova
- Miss Miroslava Zeminova
- Mr. Antony Zilionis
- Mr. John Zrenner
- Miss Cynthia Zwenner
To Southampton
- Miss Anna Berger
- Miss Alice Chase
- Miss Alice Cooke
- Miss Ruth Densford
- Miss Erna Dunsing
- Mrs. Dorothy Evans
- Dr. Richard Fiedler
- Mr. Fr. W. Gardes
- Mr. Jean Geff
- Miss Fannie Goodrich
- Miss Erika Gothe
- Miss Helene Gothe
- Miss Margaret Herschel
- Miss Elinor Kilgere
- Miss Lucilla Knapp
- Miss Stella Knapp
- Mr. Hermann Meyer
- Mr. Conrad Naber
- Miss Ruth Randall
- Mr. Harold Rogers
- Mrs. Harold Rogers
- Miss Maud Swarth
- Mr. Ernest Waldron
- Mrs. Ernest Waldron
The City of Bremen
The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½ hours by train or 50 minutes by motor-car one reaches the 70 kilometers distant city on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select hotels and restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.
In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city. The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (now the seat of the Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen.
It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first east-to-west air-flight over the ocean. But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the city. The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual city with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period. Although modern offices and administration buildings have sprung up in the city and the rhythm of life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same.
No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller ' brooding over the question as to how it was that this city offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy; how it was that this city supplied the whole of Europe with cotton, has old buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest and largest German ships, "Bremen" and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.
Information for Passengers
Letters and Telegrams. The Incoming mail will be distributed in the Chief Steward's office. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.
Before leaving the ship, each passenger will be given a questionnaire and an address-slip by the steward. Passengers are kindly requested to fill these in carefully and hand them to the Chief Steward.
This information, which is required by the authorities, is not only essential for a smooth running of the landing formalities, but also serves for the forwarding of mail which is received after passenger's departure.
Mails and telegrams may be forwarded c/o any of the Norddeutscher Lloyd agencies.
Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.
Telegrams and radiograms to be dispatched from the next port are accepted at the ship's wireless station.
Landing Formalities in the U.S.A.
- Visitors
Before leaving the ship passengers must show their landing-card together with their passport to the U.S. Immigration Inspector.
- Immigrants
Besides the above-mentioned documents. Emigrants to America must produce all their legalized immigration papers together with the American visa.
Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.
Service. Passengers are requested, In their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.
Firearms. The carrying of fire-arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U.S.A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.
Money, valuables etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company.
Baggage. All baggage matters will be dealt with on board by the Baggage-Master, who may be interviewed at certain hours. Only the Baggage-Master is authorized to accept baggage or parcels to be forwarded on, stored or delivered to a third person.
The Norddeutscher Lloyd assume no responsibility or liability for articles handed to other members of the crew. Passengers must see to it that all baggage, including hand-baggage, is labelled with the Norddeutscher Lloyd labels which must be properly filled out.
Storing of Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk maybe stored in the cabin. The cabin-trunk, however, must not exceed the usual dimensions of 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.
Wardrobe trunks may be taken into the cabin provided the dimensions of the trunk and the cabin permit of this and the passenger is the sole occupant of the room.
Baggage can also be stored in the baggage-hold to which passengers have access at certain hours daily. For technical reasons baggage must not be stored in the corridors and lobbies.
Passengers are strongly advised in their own interests to look after their hand-baggage themselves when landing at the port of destination and to see that no personal requisites are left behind in the cabins or elsewhere.
United States Customs Regulations. Each passenger must make out a customs declaration of his personal baggage. In the case of families the oldest member present on the trip is authorized to make out this declaration for the whole family. Forms for this purpose will be handed to the passengers on board.
Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned In the customs declaration and the value thereof stated.
Baggage left behind lo be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the passengers' arrival and must be included on the customs declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.
Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.
Special Travel Service
A Special Service Secretary on board will advise and assist passengers making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social, educational etc.
This office is prepared to give any information gratis and, if possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.
Important Notice
In view of the decree issued by the German Government prohibiting the importation of German notes and silver coins into Germany, all members of our ships' personnel, the stalls, bars and all other places where purchases are made on board have been strictly forbidden to accept Reichsmark notes and German silver coins in payment.
The pursers only are authorized to accept German silver coins from passengers, within the framework of the special regulations governing the exceptions to the rule.
Passengers are, therefore, requested not to make their payments on board in Reichsmark notes or German silver coins.
Route Map on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Bremen Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 27 July 1937. GGA Image ID # 16343ee67a