SS Columbus Passenger List - 8 April 1926


Front Cover of a Third Class Passenger List for the SS Columbus of the North German Lloyd, Departing Thursday, 8 April 1926 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg

Front Cover of a Third Class Passenger List for the SS Columbus of the North German Lloyd, Departing Thursday, 8 April 1926 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain N. Johnsen. GGA Image ID # 15f5a694a4


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
  2. First Officer A. Ahrens
  3. Second Officer O. Scharf
  4. Second Officer O. Prehn
  5. Second Officer O. Würdemann
  6. Third Officer W. Hamje
  7. Third Officer A. Jürgens
  8. Fourth Officer W. Habermann
  9. Fourth Officer M. Leiner
  10. Fourth Officer J. Breckwoldt
  11. Fourth Officer H. Bischoff
  12. Physician Dr. H. Jelden
  13. Chief Engineer L. Schriever
  14. First Chief Engineer W. Brandt
  15. Second Chief Engineer O. Gittner
  16. Second Chief Engineer P. Senftleben
  17. Second Chief Engineer C. Wittschiebe
  18. Third Chief Engineer A. Köhler
  19. Third Chief Engineer M. Thiele
  20. Third Chief Engineer Chr. Veit
  21. Third Chief Engineer G. Reinecke
  22. Fourth Chief Engineer K. Pfennig
  23. Fourth Chief Engineer J. Voss
  24. Fourth Chief Engineer K. Schwemmer
  25. Purser H. Ahlers
  26. Assistant Purser Frz. Stindt
  27. Assistant Purser F. Baum
  28. Chief Steward O. Meinnert
  29. Chief Steward, Third Class J. Böttjer
  30. Chief Cook K. Höhne
  31. Baggage Master W. Müller
  32. First Radio Officer K. Gerstung
  33. Second Radio Officer J. Entrup
  34. Third Radio Officer F. Rippe


Arrival of the SS Columbus in Bremerhaven

Arrival of the SS Columbus in Bremerhaven circa 1926. GGA Image ID # 15f613f5dc


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mr. Siegfried Ahrberg
  2. Mrs. Elisab. Albus
  3. Miss Marie Albus
  4. Miss Berta Amend
  5. Mr. Willy Arnold and Family
  6. Mr. Jacob Arnold
  7. Miss Maria Augenstein
  8. Miss Maria Ausbett
  9. Mr. Josef Bach
  10. Mr. Josef Bachthaber
  11. Mr. Ferdinand Balog
  12. Mr. August Bange
  13. Mr. Kilian Bank
  14. Mr. Wolf Bartel
  15. Mrs. Wolf Bartel
  16. Mr. Otto Barth
  17. Miss Else Bartmann
  18. Mr. Heinrich Baumann and Family
  19. Miss Margar. Baumann
  20. Mr. Hans Baumgartner
  21. Mr. Albin Bauroth
  22. Mr. Eugen Bayersdörfer
  23. Mr. Ludwig Beck
  24. Mr. Paul Becker and Family
  25. Mr. Willy Bender
  26. Mr. Friedrich Beine
  27. Mr. Hans Bernhard
  28. Miss Lina Betider
  29. Mr. George Beyer
  30. Mr. Karl Beyer
  31. Mrs. Karl Beyer
  32. Mr. Bissel
  33. Mr. Georg Blüger
  34. Miss Anna Blümel
  35. Mr. Willy Blümel
  36. Miss Hedwig Bocksch
  37. Miss Maria Bode
  38. Mr. Albert Böhm
  39. Mrs. Albert Böhm
  40. Mr. Gedrg Boll
  41. Mrs. Georg Boll
  42. Mr. Anton Bollmann
  43. Mr. Ferd. Borcherding
  44. Mr. Otto Börsting
  45. Mrs. Marie Böttcher
  46. Mrs. Remdina Bóuer and Children
  47. Mr. Friedrich Brandt
  48. Mrs. Angela Brelage and Children
  49. Miss Frieda Brockmeyer
  50. Mr. Fritz Brode
  51. Mrs. Rosa Brödel
  52. Mr. George Buchner
  53. Mr. Franz Brummer
  54. Mr. Ludwig Brummer
  55. Mrs. George Buchner
  56. Mr. Otto Buchholz
  57. Mr. Johannes Burdinski
  58. Mrs. Creszentia Burger and Children
  59. Mr. Johannes Burgey
  60. Mr. Wilhelm Bültemann
  61. Mrs. Johanna Busch and Daughter
  62. Mr. Wilhelm Bultemann
  63. Mr. Friedrich Busche
  64. Mr. Christian Busing and Family
  65. Mr. Hans Caduff and Family
  66. Mr. Josef Cernicek
  67. Mr. Johann Dannebaum
  68. Mr. Martin Danneberger
  69. Mr. Karl Denk
  70. Mr. Wilhelm Dern
  71. Mr. Alb. Deyerler
  72. Mr. Franz Diek
  73. Mrs. Franz Dick
  74. Mr. Johann Dittmer
  75. Mr. Fritz Dohnau
  76. Mr. Johann Dollhausen
  77. Mr. Vinces Donydaitis
  78. Miss Lina Dörrwächter
  79. Miss Berta Draude
  80. Miss Meta Dreyer
  81. Mr. Joseph Dux and Family
  82. Mr. Henry Dührig
  83. Mrs. Henry Dührig
  84. Mr. Leo Dürr
  85. Mr. Friedrich Düsterdick
  86. Mr. John J. Ehnes
  87. Mr. Kaspar Ehrenberg
  88. Mrs. Hinrich Elster
  89. Mr. Georg Emmerich
  90. Mr. Alfred Ende
  91. Mr. Fritz Engelhardt
  92. Miss Regine Engelhardt
  93. Mr. Paul Martin Engert and Family
  94. Mr. Hans Engert
  95. Mr. Wilhelm Enteneuer and Family
  96. Mr. Franz Espenschied
  97. Miss Emilie Ewert
  98. Mr. Heinrich Fees and Family
  99. Mr. Rudolf Feix
  100. Mr. Richard Feigner and Family
  101. Mr. Ludwig Fendt
  102. Mr. Franz Fendt
  103. Miss Hedwig Fenzl
  104. Mr. Josef Ferenczy
  105. Mr. Friedrich Fest
  106. Mr. Otto Fest
  107. Mr. Otto Filbert
  108. Mr. Christian Frank
  109. Mr. Louis Frankel
  110. Mrs. Kristine Freidinger
  111. Mr. Rudolf Freiermuth
  112. Mr. Emil Friedel
  113. Mr. Ferdinand Fuchs
  114. Mr. Carl Funke
  115. Mrs. Pauline Furtwängler and Children
  116. Mr. Gunther Galler and Family
  117. Mr. Emil Gebauer
  118. Mr. Richard Geck
  119. Mr. Rudolf Gehm
  120. Mr. Ludwig Geib
  121. Mr. Emil Geiger
  122. Miss Martha Geismer
  123. Miss Margar. Geister
  124. Mr. Richard Gengenbach
  125. Mrs. Marie Gerdes
  126. Mr. Philipp Gern and Family
  127. Mr. Xaver Gersbrei
  128. Mr. Harry Gerstenberger
  129. Miss Helene Gesser
  130. Mr. Gianello
  131. Mr. Karl Gimniel
  132. Mr. Friedrich Gluhr
  133. Miss Gertrud Goebel
  134. Mr. W. O. Gordon
  135. Mr. Konrad Gottlieb
  136. Mr. Alfred Gottlieb
  137. Mr. August Göttel
  138. Mr. Friedrich Graf
  139. Mrs. Eda Graff
  140. Mr. Rudi Groß
  141. Mr. Alois Gruber
  142. Mr. Josef Grzbimak
  143. Mrs. Josefine Gugumuck
  144. Mr. Wilhelm Haase
  145. Mr. Ludwig Hach and Family
  146. Mr. Max Haenel
  147. Mr. Oswald Haenel
  148. Mr. Bernard Hagen
  149. Mr. Wilhelm Hagenmeyer
  150. Mr. Otto Hain
  151. Mr. Albert Halm
  152. Mr. Ludwig Hanken
  153. Mrs. Ludwig Hanken
  154. Mrs. Kathar. Hauer and Son
  155. Mr. Jacob Hauser
  156. Mr. Wilhelm Hecker
  157. Mr. Eugen Heer
  158. Mr. Wilhelm Hegerfeld
  159. Mr. John Heidrich
  160. Mrs. John Heidrich
  161. Mr. Theodor Heinemann
  162. Mrs. Theodor Heinemann
  163. Miss Elsa Heinemann
  164. Mr. Max Heintz
  165. Mr. Max Heise
  166. Mr. Willy Hellwig
  167. Mr. Ferdinand Hendel
  168. Mr. Fritz Henkel
  169. Mrs. Martha Henkel
  170. Mr. Edmund Hennig
  171. Mr. Herm. Hentschel
  172. Mrs. Herm. Hentschel
  173. Mr. Oswald Hentschel
  174. Mr. Max Herkert
  175. Mrs. Max Herkert
  176. Mr. Friedr. Hessenthaler
  177. Mrs. Friedr. Hessenthaler
  178. Mr. Valentin Heuberger and Family
  179. Mrs. Anna Heyeckhaus
  180. Mr. Karl Hochreiter
  181. Mr. Ludwig v. Hoffen
  182. Mr. Michael Hoffmann
  183. Mr. Ewald Hofmann
  184. Miss Anna Hohl
  185. Mr. Alfred Höhne
  186. Mr. Otto Höhne
  187. Mr. Wilhelm Holburg
  188. Mrs. Marie Hollburg
  189. Mr. Helmuth Hollburg
  190. Mr. Arthur Hornig
  191. Mr. Josef Huber
  192. Mr. Jacob Huber
  193. Mr. Fridolin Hüther
  194. Mr. Kurt Hübner
  195. Mr. Ludwig Hugenschutz
  196. Mr. Bernard Humann
  197. Mrs. Margar. Huth and Children
  198. Miss Hermine Iseli
  199. Mr. Charles Jacobi
  200. Mrs. Charles Jacobi
  201. Mr. Arthur Jahn
  202. Miss Auguste Jägersberg
  203. Mr. Johannes Jensen
  204. Mr. Christian Jetter
  205. Mr. Paul Johann
  206. Mr. Wilhelm Jost
  207. Mr. Meinhard Jud
  208. Mrs. Meinhard Jud
  209. Mrs. Auguste Jung and Daughter
  210. Mr. Otto Jung
  211. Mrs. Elisabeta Jung and Children
  212. Mr. Adam Kabulsky and Family
  213. Mr. Robert Kaffsach
  214. Mr. Gustav Käflein
  215. Miss Anna Kanditt
  216. Mr. Steve Kansky
  217. Mr. Josepf Kappastein
  218. Miss Elisabeth Kascatte
  219. Mr. Johann Kasper
  220. Mr. Kasper
  221. Mr. Felix Katzenberger
  222. Mr. Wesley Kaue
  223. Mr. Kautsch
  224. Miss Hermine Keller
  225. Mr. Adolf Kempf
  226. Mr. Joseph Kempf
  227. Mrs. Joseph Kempf
  228. Miss Auguste Kessen
  229. Miss Auguste Kessen [sic]
  230. Mr. Rudolf Kiliansky
  231. Mr. Erich Kirchberg
  232. Mr. Dalles Kirchhof
  233. Mr. John Klein
  234. Mrs. John Klein
  235. Mr. Wilhelm Klein
  236. Mr. Clemens Kleine
  237. Mr. Friedrich Klemm
  238. Miss Martha Klöckner
  239. Mr. John Knauss
  240. Mrs. John Knauss
  241. Miss Therese Knödlseder
  242. Mr. Hermann Konegen
  243. Mr. Franz König
  244. Mr. Josef König
  245. Mr. Christian Kopf
  246. Mr. August Köster
  247. Mr. William Kosick
  248. Mr. Victor Kovacs
  249. Miss Magrit Koza
  250. Mr. Wilhelm Kramer
  251. Miss Regina Kraus
  252. Mr. Annany Krassowsky
  253. Mr. Johann Kretschmar and Family
  254. Miss Agnes Krivanek
  255. Mr. Herm. Kruckhaus
  256. Mr. Wilhelm Kruse
  257. Mr. Fritz Kuntze
  258. Mr. Friedrich Kühnle
  259. Mr. Franz Kühne
  260. Mrs. Helene Kühne and Daughter
  261. Mr. Franz Kschuppa
  262. Mrs. Elise Laber and Daughter
  263. Miss Karolina Lampe
  264. Mr. Johann Landsberg
  265. Mr. Joseph Lang
  266. Mr. Max Lang
  267. Mr. Wilhelm Langenberg
  268. Mr. John Laube
  269. Mr. Edmund Lazar and Family
  270. Mr. Georg Leberding
  271. Mr. Henry Emil Lehmann
  272. Mr. Heinrich Leiberich
  273. Mr. Carl Leim
  274. Mr. Georg Lembke
  275. Mr. Heinrich Lenhard
  276. Mr. Leo Lenhard
  277. Mr. Valentin Lenhard
  278. Mr. Anton Lenhard
  279. Mr. Albert Lieser
  280. Mr. Johann Lilienthal
  281. Mr. Albin Limmer
  282. Miss Meta Linz
  283. Mr. Emil Löffler
  284. Miss Maria Lorenz
  285. Mr. Carl Lorenzen
  286. Mr. Alfred Losse
  287. Mr. Eugen Löwer
  288. Mr. George Ludwig
  289. Mr. Johann Lugsch
  290. Mr. Albin Lümmer
  291. Mr. Karl Lutz
  292. Mr. Rudolf Lutz
  293. Mr. Johann Mahniken
  294. Mr. Josef Maier
  295. Miss Maria Makosch
  296. Mr. Karl Mangold
  297. Mr. Luigi Marcello
  298. Mr. Mareilo
  299. Mr. John Martin
  300. Mr. Adolf Marton
  301. Mr. Fred Maurer
  302. Mr. Anton Mayer
  303. Mrs. Anton Mayer
  304. Mr. Wilhelm Majert
  305. Mr. Karl Meisel
  306. Miss Lydia Meister
  307. Mr. Josef Meller
  308. Mr. Johann Merl
  309. Miss Garoline Meyer
  310. Miss Malvine Meyer
  311. Miss Margar. Meyer
  312. Mrs. Mimie Meyer
  313. Miss Gertrud Michna
  314. Miss Gertrud Michna [sic]
  315. Mr. Fritz Moenning
  316. Mr. Franz Mohr
  317. Miss Antonia Müller
  318. Mrs. Christine Müller
  319. Mr. Ernst Müller
  320. Miss Frieda Müller
  321. Mr. Georg Müller
  322. Miss Lydia Müller
  323. Mr. John Müller
  324. Mr. Max Müller
  325. Mrs. Max Müller
  326. Miss Monica Müller
  327. Mrs. Rosa Müller and Children
  328. Miss Therese Müller
  329. Mrs. Helene Nethnagel and Children
  330. Miss Luise Narr
  331. Mr. Friedr. Neff
  332. Miss Rosa Neff
  333. Mr. Alfred Neuhoff
  334. Mrs. Alfred Neuhoff
  335. Mr. Herbert Nicolait
  336. Mr. Emil Niedharnmer
  337. Mrs. Friederike Niemeyer and Children
  338. Mr. Otto Nowack
  339. Mrs. Christina Nußer and Family
  340. Miss Anna Nutz
  341. Mr. Anton Oettinger
  342. Mr. Georg Oklena
  343. Mrs. Anna Osterkorn
  344. Miss Anna Osterkorn
  345. Mrs. Lina Osterkorn
  346. Mr. Max Osterkorn
  347. Mr. Otto Osterkorn
  348. Mr. Hermann Oswald
  349. Mr. Jacob Ott
  350. Mr. Franz Pajonkowski and Family
  351. Mr. Ewald Päntzer
  352. Mr. Gustav Paul
  353. Miss Christine Paul
  354. Miss Gertrud Pelzner
  355. Miss Friedericke Peplies
  356. Mr. Walter Perlick
  357. Mr. Josef Peschke
  358. Mr. Heinrich. Peter
  359. Mrs. Anna Petersberger and Children
  360. Mr. Josef Pfeiffer
  361. Mr. Josef Pittlik
  362. Mr. Henry Poelker
  363. Mr. Franz Pretsch
  364. Mrs. Franz Pretsch
  365. Mr. Otto Pretsch
  366. Mrs. Otto Pretsch
  367. Mr. Fritz Rahmann
  368. Mr. Otto Rank
  369. Mr. Franz Redell
  370. Mr. Adam Reiland
  371. Mr. Emil Reim
  372. Mrs. Reim
  373. Mr. Martin Reinsch
  374. Mr. Kurt Reinhold
  375. Mr. Emil Reith and Family
  376. Mr. Ludwig Resetz
  377. Mr. Josef Resetz
  378. Mr. Georg Richter and Family
  379. Mr. Otto Richter
  380. Mr. Friedrich Riehl
  381. Mrs. Riehl
  382. Mr. Rieke Rieken
  383. Mr. Otto Riemer
  384. Mr. Johann Ringen
  385. Mr. Hans Rödel
  386. Mr. Martin Rohr
  387. Mr. Eugen Rohr
  388. Mr. Alfred Rohrbach
  389. Mr. Julius Rommele
  390. Mr. Erich Rüdiger
  391. Mr. Carl Rupp
  392. Mrs. T. Ruppe
  393. Mr. Konrad Ruppel
  394. Mr. Erich Salzmann
  395. Miss Kathar. Sattel
  396. Mr. Friedrich Sattler
  397. Mr. Friedrich Sattler [sic]
  398. Mr. John Sauer
  399. Mrs. Sauer
  400. Mr. Gerhard Saupe
  401. Mr. George Sarka
  402. Mr. Friedrich Seckel
  403. Mr. Arnim Seeger
  404. Miss Ida Seeliger
  405. Miss Amkemiene Seemann
  406. Mr. Hans Seemann
  407. Mr. Friedrich Seibel
  408. Miss Bertha Seifert
  409. Miss Amalie Seitz
  410. Mr. Josef Seitz
  411. Mr. Karl Sell
  412. Miss Caroline Seufert
  413. Miss Therese Sinmacher
  414. Mr. Joh. Skrzyschowski and Family
  415. Mr. Karl Sinnott
  416. Mr. Charles Sleukamp
  417. Mr. August Sleukamp
  418. Mr. Hugo Speier
  419. Mr. Andreas Spendle
  420. Mr. Gustav Sprenger
  421. Mrs. Gustav Sprenger
  422. Mr. Hermann Spille
  423. Mrs. Hermann Spille
  424. Mr. Hermann Spring
  425. Mr. Franz Sulyok
  426. Mr. Istvan Sulyok
  427. Mr. Wilhelm Schaal
  428. Mr. Herm. Schäfer
  429. Miss Anna Schalk
  430. Mr. Friedr. Schattat
  431. Mr. Peter Scheid
  432. Mr. Balthasar Schell
  433. Mr. Balthas. Schell
  434. Mr. Schilling
  435. Miss Carolina Schlierf
  436. Mr. Fritz Schlierf
  437. Mr. Hinrich Schlohen
  438. Mr. Heinr. Schlossen
  439. Mr. Alfons Schlosser
  440. Mr. Louis Schmitt
  441. Mr. Julius F. Schmidt
  442. Mr. Otto Schmidt
  443. Miss Frieda Schmidt
  444. Mr. Albert Schmidt
  445. Mr. Georg Schmidt
  446. Mr. Kurt Schmidt
  447. Mrs. Kurt Schmidt
  448. Mr. Mathias Schmidt
  449. Mr. Philipp Schmidt
  450. Mrs. Alma Schmiedel and Children
  451. Mr. Schmoll
  452. Mr. Adolph Schneider
  453. Mrs. Emma Schneider and Children
  454. Miss Hedwig Schneider
  455. Mr. Albert Schnitzer
  456. Mr. Hermann Schnur
  457. Mrs. Minna Schrader and Daughter
  458. Mr. Mike Schreier
  459. Miss Anna Schuchart
  460. Miss Magdalena Schuchart
  461. Miss Gertrud Schumann
  462. Mr. Max Schulze
  463. Mrs. Anna Schuert and Children
  464. Mr. Josef Schuster
  465. Mr. John Schwartz
  466. Miss Karoline Schwartz
  467. Miss Johanna Schwarz
  468. Mr. Christian Schwanewede
  469. Mr. Johann Schwarzmeier
  470. Mr. Gustav Schwietert
  471. Miss Barbara Schwindel
  472. Mrs. Karoline Stern and Children
  473. Mr. Oscar Stieß
  474. Mr. Carl Stieck
  475. Mr. Johann Stock and Family
  476. Mr. Ernst Strecker
  477. Mr. Hermann Striebel
  478. Miss Bertha Stoll
  479. Mr. Heinrich Taubke
  480. Mr. Josef Tesar
  481. Mrs. Martha Tetz and Children
  482. Miss Rosa Thaler
  483. Mr. Alois Thaller
  484. Mr. Max Thaller
  485. Miss Anna Thaller
  486. Miss Fanny Thaller
  487. Mrs. Frieda Thalheim and Children
  488. Mrs. Martha Theussert
  489. Mr. Alexander Thieler and Family
  490. Mr. Arnold Tings
  491. Miss Maria Tings
  492. Mr. Mike Toth
  493. Mrs. Toth
  494. Mr. Friedr. Treude
  495. Mr. Willy Tunnat
  496. Mr. Heinrich Uhlhorn
  497. Miss Ella Unveriehrt
  498. Mr. Karl Varga
  499. Mr. Heinrich Viefhaus
  500. Mr. Caspar Vogel
  501. Mr. Albin Vogel
  502. Mr. Josef Vögler
  503. Mr. Johann Vogt
  504. Mr. Erhard Vollmer
  505. Mr. Albert Volz
  506. Mr. Paul Wahle
  507. Mr. Johann Wagner
  508. Mrs. Helene Wätjen and Family
  509. Mr. John Weber
  510. Miss Therese Weidl
  511. Mr. Wilhelm Weidemann
  512. Miss Kathar. Weinmann
  513. Miss Creszenz Weitl
  514. Mrs. Karoline Weitl and Children
  515. Mr. Werner Weitzel
  516. Mr. Herm. Wendorf
  517. Mr. Johann Werner
  518. Mr. Fred Werry and Family
  519. Mr. Karl Werry and Family
  520. Mr. Paul Wieding
  521. Mr. Karl Wiegmann
  522. Mr. Wilhelm Wiegmann
  523. Mr. George Wiemers
  524. Mr. Wilhelm Wiese
  525. Mr. Hinrich Wilshusen
  526. Miss Maria Wimcewisser
  527. Miss Sophie Windhorst
  528. Mr. Herm. Windhorst
  529. Miss Franziska Woesch
  530. Mr. Clemens Wolbers
  531. Mr. Adolf Wolf
  532. Mr. Arthur Wolfinger
  533. Mr. Otto Woplert
  534. Mr. Arnold Wüllner
  535. Mrs. Kath. Zachmann
  536. Mr. Joseph Zander
  537. Mr. Josef Zauner
  538. Miss Liesel Zaunick
  539. Miss Elisabeth Zawidzki
  540. Miss Martha Zawidzki
  541. Mrs. Theresia Zeller
  542. Miss Emma Ziegler
  543. Mr. Clemens Zimmermann
  544. Mr. Oskar Zuck
  545. Miss Anna Zuck
  546. Mr. Tiziano Zianello

To Southampton

  1. Mr. Carl Nolte
  2. Mr. Hans Osterholz


Information for Passengers

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward is charged with the distribution of incoming mail.

Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the Passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship Passengers are recommended to notify the purser's office of their address, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded to them.

Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the company's agents.

Telegrams which are to be dispatched from the next port are accepted at the purser's office only; wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they desire to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the Passengers will be considered in the best possible manner.

Firearms. The carrying of firearms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

The purser will accept valuables etc. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.

Baggage. Only small parcels, and hand baggage in limited quantity may be taken into the stateroom. Trunks and other bulky articles must be stored in the baggage room, to which Passengers have access daily, at stated times.

Each passenger must fill up a "Customs-Declaration" of his or her personal luggage.

In the case of families the oldest member is entitled to fill up this declaration for the whole family. Blank forms will be distributet on board the steamer.

Pieces of baggage, packets &c., destined to be re-forwarded, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed to the Baggage Officer or the Baggage Master who, alone, are competent to receive them.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by Passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.

Passengers are requested to take care that, when leaving the steamer, no personal effects are left behind in the cabins or other rooms.

Passengers who are required to observe their immigration formalities at Ellis Island have to exchange the Company's luggage tickets for the Ellis Island metal checks as soon as their baggage has been inspected by the American custom-house officers, and before proceeding to Ellis Island.


Photographs - SS Columbus


Bremerhaven Harbor

Bremerhaven Harbor. GGA Image ID # 15f6306fdc


Third Class Dining Room - SS Columbus

Third Class Dining Room - SS Columbus. GGA Image ID # 15f6320a2f


Four-Berth Third Class Cabin - SS Columbus

Four-Berth Third Class Cabin - SS Columbus. GGA Image ID # 15f7317c15


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