SS Europa Passenger List - 16 July 1937
Front Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 16 July 1937 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain O. Scharf. GGA Image ID # 13ed32a472
Important Notice
In view of the decree issued by the German Government prohibiting the importation of German notes and silver coins into Germany, all members of our ships' personnel, the stalls, bars and all other places where purchases are made on board have been strictly forbidden to accept Reichsmark notes and German silver coins in payment.
The pursers only are authorized to accept German silver coins from passengers, within the framework of the special regulations governing the exceptions to the rule.
Passengers are, therefore, requested not to make their payments on board in Reichsmark notes or German silver coins.
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain O. Scharf
- Ltdr. First Officer: W. Kracke
- Ltdr. Chief Engineer: H. Eints
- Purser: H. W. Müller
- First Physician: Dr. W. Brahms
- Second Physician: Dr. Colpe
- Certified Nurse: On Board
- Traffic Officer: W. de Haas
- Traveler Special Service: Miss Elly Dackau
- Ltdr. Chief Steward: G. Pflüger
- Chief Steward for Dining Room: K. Schwarz
- Chief Steward for Tourist Class: B. Willkehr
- Chief Steward for Third Class: O. Dunkel
- Chief Steward for Restaurant: J. Aigner
- Ltdr. Head Chef: C. Wagner
- First Radio Officer: D. Berbig
- First Baggage Master: H. Horstmann
Cabin Class Passengers
- Mrs. Eugene E. Ailes
- Mrs. Celine Baekeland
- Mr. V. P. Baran
- Mr. Ernst Barleben
- Mr. Werner Berg
- Mr. Giovanni Bertini
- Mr. William S. Bertolet
- Miss Alice Birtwell
- Mr. Robert Blair
- Mrs. Robert Blair
- Mr. William Bode
- Mrs. Frank P. Book
- Miss Jane C. Book
- Miss Annette Bose
- Mr. Edward Bose
- Mrs. Edward Bose
- Mr. Roland Boutwell
- Mrs. Roland Boutwell
- Miss Katherine Boutwell
- Mr. Roswell H. Boutwell
- Mr. H. Sewall Bradley
- Mrs. H. Sewall Bradley
- Miss Brooks
- Mr. M. W. Brown
- Mr. Val Browning
- Mr. Leon B. Burdsall
- Mrs. Leon B. Burdsall
- Miss Dorothy Burdsall
- William Burdsall
- Mrs. Albert E. Carlton and Servant
- Mrs. Henry B. Carpender
- Dr. Charles Caspari
- Mrs. Charles Caspari
- Miss Louise D. Catherwood
- Mr. Charles Chaplin
- Mr. J. Cheever Cowdin
- Mr. Robert Crawford
- Mr. Conrad Dammann
- Mrs. Lillian P. Davis
- Miss M. Day
- Mrs. Helen D. Dillon
- Mr. F. E. Dixon
- Mrs. F. E. Dixon and Servant
- Mrs. Philip T. Dodge
- Mr. Michael Dolinski
- Mr. Alex Dow
- Mr. Douglas Dow
- Mr. Harry Drumm
- Dr. Gaston Du Bois
- Mr. George R. Dyer
- Mr. J. D. Edwards
- Mr. Roy John Elfstrom
- Mrs. Roy John Elfstrom
- Katherine Elfstrom
- Mr. Lincoln Ellsworth
- Mrs. Lincoln Ellsworth
- Mrs. Elisabeth Falk
- Mrs. Martha Findeisen
- Mr. Gardiner H. Fiske
- Mr. Paris R. Forman
- Mr. Eric S. Fredman
- Mr. Fraim Freeman
- Mr. John H. Fry
- Mrs. James H. Furay
- Lady Vivian Gabriel and Servant
- Mr. Ernst E. Glässel
- Miss Margaret Gillespie
- Mrs. Frances M. Gillespie
- Miss Nancy A. Gillespie
- Miss Mabel E. Gien
- Mrs. Marguerite M. Gien
- Mr. Enrico Gnagnatti
- Mr. Douglas H. Gordon
- Mrs. Douglas H. Gordon
- Mr. Charles de Grandcourt
- Mrs. Austen Gray
- Mr. Green
- Mr. Art Hadley
- Mr. Martin Harrington
- Mr. Lois Dunlop Heyworth
- Miss Bernice Higgins
- Mr. G. Howard Hodge
- Mrs. G. Howard Hodge
- Mrs. Charles B. Holladay
- Mr. L. S. Howe
- Mrs. L. S. Howe
- Mr. Stephen E. Hurley
- Mr. John Grinnel W. Husted
- John Grinnel W. Husted Jr.
- Mr. Diedrich Huthoff
- Mrs. Arline D. Ireland
- Mrs. C. Oliver Islim and Servant
- Mr. Emilio Iwersen
- Mrs. Emilio Iwersen
- Mr. John G. Jackson
- Mrs. John G. Jackson
- Mr. Charles B. Jackson
- Mrs. Charles B. Jackson
- Mr. Max Jacquin
- Mr. R. K. Jeffrey
- Mrs. R. K. Jeffrey
- Mr. Charles N. Jennings
- Mr. William Joyce
- Mrs. Mary Joyce
- Mr. Karpe
- Mrs. Karpe
- Mr. A. Kellner
- Mr. Carl Otto v. Kienbusch
- Mr. Charles H. Kirchner
- Mrs. Charles H. Kirchner
- Mr. Karl C. Kulle
- Mr. W. H. Lalley
- Mr. James H. Lowell
- Mr. E. t. Lueder
- Mrs. E. I. Lueder
- Major Adolph Lüthi
- Mr. Joseph E. Magnus
- Mrs. Joseph Magnus
- Mrs. L H. Martin
- Miss Joy Martin
- Mr. Kapitän F. C. Mensing
- Mr. F. W. Miller
- Mr. F. A. Miller
- Mrs. F. A. Miller
- Mr. A. Mills
- Mrs. A. Mills
- Colonel Robert L. Montgomery
- Mrs. Robert L Montgomery
- Mr. Barrington Moore Jr.
- Mrs. Barrington Moore
- Dr. Carl Mueller
- Mrs. John E. Mullins
- Miss F. Myers
- Mrs. Helene Nabholz
- Mr. Chester L. Nourse
- Mrs. Chester L Nourse
- Miss Virginia Nourse
- Mr. Chester L. Nourse
- Mr. George T. Overholt
- Mrs. Helen de Pardo and Servant
- Mr. Carlos E. Pardo
- Mr. Luis Pardo
- Mr. Dennis R. Peck
- Mrs. Florence Peck
- Mr. Eugene Rainey
- Mrs. Eugene Rainey
- Eugene Rainey
- Miss Julia F. Redden
- Mr. W. J. Reid
- Msgr. Francis A. Rempe
- Miss Jeanne Reynal
- Mr. Auguste Richard
- Mr. William K. Richardson
- Mr. Jesse Hale Riddle
- Mr. Freeman Rollins
- Mr. E. A. R. Ross
- Mrs. E. A. R. Ross
- Mr. W. P. Roth
- Mrs. W. P. Roth
- Miss Lurline Roth
- Miss Berenice Roth and Servant
- Mr. Silvio Scandalli
- Mrs. Nathan M. Sharpe
- Mr. James Shorburn
- Mr. Harry Slater
- Mrs. Harry Slater
- Mr. Edward B. Spottswood
- Mrs. E. Long Southworth
- Mr. W. A. Southworth Jr.
- Mr. Thomas Sullivan
- Mrs. Samuel B. Sutphin
- Mr. G. R. Schaeffer
- Mr. Willem Dirkse van Schalkwyk
- Miss Gabrielle Schiesser
- Mr. Joachim Schmidt
- Mr. Joseph Schmitz Jr.
- Mrs. Elizabeth Thayer and Servant
- Mr. Clarke Thomson
- Mrs. Clarke Thomson
- Mrs. Tower
- Miss Tower
- Mrs. Eldora Bell Ulmer
- Mr. William E. Ward
- Mrs. William E. Ward
- Mr. R. C. Weaver
- Mrs. F. A. Weidemann
- Mr. Thomas H. West III
- Mrs. Thomas H. West
- Mrs. C. P. Whitehead
- Mr. Cameron Whitehorne
- Mr. Herbert S. Wilcox
- Mr. F. E. Wilhelm
- Mrs. F. E. Wilhelm
- Mrs. O. W. Wood
- Mr. Dean R. Worcester
To Southampton
- Mr. Georg Friedrich Alves
- Mr. Emil Bock
- Mr. Alfred Brown
- Mrs. Joan Brown
- Mr. Otto Albert Biinting
- Miss Florence K. Butler
- Mrs. Erna Freudenthal-Dewitz
- Dr. Walter Druey
- Mr. A. E. Gillies
- Mr. Helmut Grotrian-Steinweg
- Mrs. Lotte Grotrian-Steinweg
- Mr. E. Wade Hall-Craggs
- Mrs. Laura Herivel
- Mr. Rolf Heyn
- Mr. Charles Hugo
- Mr. Emil Köhler
- Mrs. Bertha Krimke
- Mrs. Anita Lloyd
- Mrs. Marguerite Mace
- Mr. Frederick W. Mace
- Mr. Wolfgang Meggers
- Mr. David Payne
- Mrs. Elisabeth Perlia
- Mr. Edmund Renz
- Mr. Edward Robert
- Mr. Gustav Rückert
- Mr. Archibald Ryley
- Mrs. Katherine Ryley
- Mr. Hans Scharlau
- Mr. Georg Schmidt
- Miss Carla Schwarz
- Mr. William Shirer
- Mr. Walter Ströver
- Mr. Albert Taege
- Mr. Albert Thiele
- Mr. Harald Werth
- Mrs. Anna Wuppesahl
Information for Passengers
Special Travel Service
A Special Service Secretary on board will advise and assist passengers making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social, educational etc. This office is prepared to give any information gratis and, if possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.
City of Bremen
The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European “Station on the Sea-front”. In 1 ½ hours by train or 50 minutes by motor-cur one reaches the 70 kilometers distant city on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen, the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select hotels and restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.
In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city. The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral spires reaching heavenwards, the golden “Schütting” (now the seat of the Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen.
It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first east-to-west airflight over the ocean. But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the city. The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards und factories to be affected by their noises.
The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like u green garland, entwine the actual city with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period, Although modern offices and administration buildings have sprung up in the city and the rhythm of life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same.
No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the “Ratskeller” brooding over the question as to how it was that this city offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy; how it was that this city supplied the whole of Europe with cotton, has old buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest and largest German ships, “Bremen” and “Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.
Route Map - North German Lloyd. From the SS Europa Cabin Class Passenger List - 16 July 1937. GGA Image ID # 13ed548d79