SS Europa Passenger List - 24 August 1934
Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 24 August 1934 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain O. Scharf. GGA Image ID # 1617ac12c8
Senior Officers and Staff
- Captain: O. Scharf
- Chief Officer: W. Michaelsen
- First Doctor: Dr. W. Brahms
- Second Doctor: Dr. Otto
- Chief Engineer: H. Eints
- Purser: C. Nahrath
- First Officer of the Traffic Office: W. de Haas
- Second Officer of the Traffic Office: J. Veening
- In Charge of Travel Bureau: Frl. Elly Dachau
- Chief Steward: H. Trantofsky
- Steward for Tourist Class: O. Anderson
- Steward for Third Class: Th. Oehlrich
- Stewart for Restaurant: J. Meierhans
- Chief Cook: K. Wagner
- Wireless Telegraph Operator Senior Officer: D. Berbig
- First Baggage Master: H. Horstmann
Tourist Third Cabin Passengers
- Mr. George Abernatzky
- Mrs. Alexander
- Mr. Roberl Allen
- Miss Constance Allen
- Mr. Richard Andresen
- Mr. Anshewitsch
- Mr. Ired. Antonsen
- Miss Katherine Arends
- Mr. Reginald Atwater
- Mrs. Reginald Atwater
- Miss Caroline Atwater
- Miss Martha Atwater
- Rev. Julius Atwood
- Mr. Ross. Backenstoß
- Miss Elise Baeckmann
- Miss Luise Baker
- Miss Elizabeth Ballantine
- Mr. Richard Barthel
- Miss Isabel Barton
- Mr. Leo Bauer
- Rev. George Baumgartner
- Miss Crezenz Baumgartner
- Miss Antoinette Bauwens
- Mr. Franz Beck
- Mr. Peter Becker
- Mrs. Rosa Becker
- Miss Mary Becker
- Miss Ella Becker
- Miss Anne Bennet
- Mr. Eduard von Berchem
- Mrs. Helen Blendermann
- Miss Lucine Bloedorn
- Mr. Carl Bohn
- Miss Irene Borne
- Miss Sarah Bowditch
- Miss Anna Bracht
- Miss Gudrun Brask
- Mr. James Bradley
- Mrs. Mannie Bradley
- Miss Ilse Braun
- Miss Mildred Breed
- Miss Mary Brinton
- Miss Elsie Broegger
- Mrs. M. Brown
- Mr. John Brunjes
- Mr. Robert Bueschen
- Mrs. Gertie Bueschen
- Mrs. Augusla Bürens
- Mr. William Burley
- Miss Loretta Bums
- Mr. Merman Busch
- Mr. Ralpii Cace
- Mrs. Bertha Cain
- Miss Calloway
- Mr. John Cann
- Miss Marguerite Carlin
- Mr. Eric Catmur
- Miss Helen Chambers
- Miss Ella Chase
- Mr. Adolphus Cheek
- Mr. H. Cheevers
- Mrs. Chenan
- Mr. Vladimir Chorvath
- Mrs. Mary Chorvath
- Miss Eleonor Clark
- Miss Mary Clark
- Miss Evelyn Clark
- Mr. Henry Clarke
- Mr. William Ciementz
- Miss Elizabeth Cokrell
- Miss Hilda Coles
- Mr. Walter Collins
- Mr. Ethan Colton
- Mr. James Conant
- Mr. James Conant
- Mrs. Grace Conant
- Mr. Theo. Conant
- Miss Elsa Conradi
- Mr. George Cooper
- Mr. Diedrich Cordes
- Mrs. Sophie Cordes
- Miss Helen Cordes
- Miss Mildred Cordes
- Mr. John Cosgrave
- Mrs. Jessica Cosgrave
- Miss Dorothy Cox
- Miss Isabel Coyen
- Mr. Dr. Arch Cree
- Mr. George Creutzburg
- Mrs. Anna Creutzburg
- Miss Ellen Creutzburg
- Miss Peggy Creutzburg
- Mr. Charles Critchfield
- Miss Ethel Cross
- Miss Louise Curren
- Mr. George Cutler
- Mrs. Cutler
- Miss Diana Cutler
- Mr. Cutler
- Miss Ida Dallwig
- Miss Helen Dallwig
- Mr. John Daly
- Miss Edith Davison
- Mr. Robert Day
- Mrs. Rachel De Angelo
- Miss Marguerita Dee
- Mr. Peter Delavretis
- Miss Angelina Della-Sorte
- Mr. Dr. Stefan Derek
- Mrs. Lilly Dexter
- Mr. Clarence Dibley
- Mr. Edward Dickard
- Miss Eddie Dickert
- Mr. Arthur Dobozy
- Mrs. Anna Drewes
- Miss Billie Drewes
- Miss Marriane Duesberg
- Mr. Joseph Duffy
- Mrs. D. Dulin
- Miss J. Dulin
- Dr. Raymund Dwyer
- Mrs. Margareth Eaton
- Miss Elizabeth Eaton
- Mr. Paul Eckardt
- Mrs. Emmy Eckardt
- Miss Liselotte Eckardt
- Mr. Richard Efflen
- Mr. Mark Eggles
- Mrs. Elisabeth Eggles
- Mrs. Asa Eindorfs
- Mr. Josef Eiser
- Miss Carolyn Ellerbrock
- Miss Rose Elleryn
- Mr. Dr. John Erhardt
- Mrs. Elisabeth Erhardt
- Mr. Arnold Ericsonn
- Mrs. Sophie Erickson
- Rev. A. Esperson
- Mr. Joseph Esser
- Miss Edith Fahnestocm
- Miss Marion Finkeistein
- Rev. Michael Fitzgerald
- Miss Hildegard Fitzmaurice
- Mr. Bernhard Fleige
- Mr. George Fogg
- Comm. Holloway Forst
- Mrs. Holloway Forst
- Mr. H. H. Forst
- Miss Ethel Forst
- Miss Elena Frayel
- Mr. Werner Fritsch
- Mrs. Gerlinde Fritsch
- Mr. Erwin Fritzsching
- Mrs. Paula Fritzsching
- Mr. Ludwig Fuisting
- Miss Elizabeth Fundis
- Mr. Helmut Fürstenau
- Miss Rhona Gayleard
- Miss Anna Gerstenberg
- Miss Loretta Glaser
- Mr. Sidney Glendinnen
- Miss Florence Glennon
- Miss Magdalene Gmirek
- Miss Dorothy Goadby
- Miss Maine Gottlieb
- Mr. Stephen Goydich
- Miss Amelie Graf
- Mr. John Granbery
- Mrs. Florence Grav
- Miss Katherine Gray
- Mrs. J. Green
- Mr. Dr. Conrad Grein
- Mrs. L. Grekoff
- Miss Therese Grosemueller
- Miss Lillian Gross
- Miss Christine Grothaus
- Miss Virginia Grumble
- Mr. Moritz Grueber
- Mrs. Anna Gruener
- Miss Irmgard Gruener
- Mr. Sander Grünewald
- Mrs. Regina Grünewald
- Mr. Paul Gutsche
- Mr. Henry Hackney
- Mrs. Elizabeth Hackney
- Miss Marie Haffenreffer
- Miss Catherine Haffenreffer
- Mr. Theodor Haffenreffer
- Mr. Frederick Haffenreffer
- Mr. John Haffenreffer
- Miss Christine Haley
- Mr. Ernest Hammond
- Mrs. Ann Hammond
- Mrs. Johanna Hand
- Mr. John Haney
- Mrs. Alice Haney
- Miss Evelyn Hansen
- Mr. Ben Handwork
- Miss Sarah Harrison
- Mr. Jacob Hauser
- Mrs. Mary Hauser
- Mr. Martin Hauser
- Miss Louise Hausmann
- Miss Irma Hazelbarth
- Mr. Karl Heckei
- Mrs. Louise Heckei
- Mrs. Wilhelmina Hefferman
- Mr. Alex. Hehmeyer
- Mrs. Catherine Hehmeyer
- Richard Hehmeyer
- Miss Marie Heinemann
- Mr. Arnie Helgason
- Mrs. Hella Helletsgadner
- Mrs. Myrte Henley
- Miss Martha Henley
- Miss Edna Henrichs
- Miss Erna Henschel
- Rev. Walter Herrmann
- Miss Majorie Hershon
- Miss Lilly Herz
- Mrs. Lucy Hesse
- Miss Enid Hesse
- Miss Sophia Hessler
- Mrs. Johanna Hille
- Miss Jane Hille
- Mrs. Anna Hinn
- Mr. Harry Hirt
- Mr. Philipp Hogan
- Miss Mary Hogan
- Miss Mary Holland
- Mrs. Mary Hood
- Mr. Charles Hughes
- Mr. James Humberstone
- Mrs. Adeline Humberstone
- Mr. Jakob Hunkele
- Mrs. Frieda Hunkele
- Mrs. Meta Hussmann
- Mrs. Mary Jackson
- Mrs. Rose Jann
- Rose Jann
- Mrs. Clara Jansen
- Miss Irma Johannesen
- Mr. Royal Johnson
- Mr. Dr. J. Jonas
- Miss Agnes Jonas
- Miss Juliet Jones
- Miss Ruth Jones
- Miss Hildegard Jordan
- Mr. Hugo Jürgens
- Mrs. Ella Jürgens
- Mr. Peter Kani
- Mrs. Alice Kani
- Mr. Philip Kani
- Miss Therese Kardos
- Mrs. Emma Kegik
- Dr. Wayne Kelly
- Mr. Herbert Ketzer
- Mrs. Meie Killingsworth
- Mrs. Margaret Killingsworth
- Mr. Gerald King
- Friedrich Kiausing
- Miss Gloria Kleist
- Mrs. Olty Kling
- Mr. Werner Kling
- Mr. Kenneth Klopp
- Mrs. Kenneth Klopp
- Mr. Gustav Kludt
- Mrs. Ida Kludt
- Miss Ruth Kludt
- Mrs. Else Kluge
- Mr. John Kluge
- Miss Inge Kluge
- Mrs. Cynthia Knoebel
- Alfred Knoebel
- Mr. Christian Knoeller
- Mrs. Elise Knoeller
- Mrs. Koepke
- Miss Helene Koerner
- Mr. William Kouba
- Mrs. Anna Kouba
- Mrs. Anna Kouba
- Miss Ella Koopmann
- Mr. Charles Kopke
- Mr. Nathan Kriegei
- Mr. Carl Krogmann
- Mrs. Emma Krogmann
- Mr. Arthur Krohnert
- Mr. Hermann Krooss
- Miss Arona Kunath
- Rev. George Kunkel
- Miss Louise Lackmann
- Mr. La-Frano
- Mrs. La-Frano
- Miss Dorothy Lagreze
- Miss Martha Lampe
- Mr. Paul Lange
- Miss Langridge
- Miss May Larisser
- Mr. Larrimer
- Mrs. Larrimer
- Mr. Carl Larsson
- Mr. Sophus Lassen
- Mr. Anton Laubmeisfer
- Mrs. Elisabeth Laubmeister
- Miss Emily Lauritzen
- Miss Frances Laury
- Mr. Walter Levenberger
- Miss Ruth Lewitzke
- Miss Susanne Lick
- Mrs. Lina Liebscher
- Miss Grace Light
- Mr. Sture Lïlja
- Dr. Curt Loeser
- Mrs. Hermine Löffler
- Mr. Prof. Frederic Lohstoeter
- Mrs. Charlotte Lohstoeter
- Mrs. Elisabeth Lonzer
- Miss Marion Lord
- Mr. Alfred Lovell
- Mr. Alfred Luedecke
- Mrs. Anna Luedecke
- Mr. Dr. William Mc Bride
- Miss Natily Me Kenney
- Miss Elizabeth Mc Kenzie
- Miss Adelaide McNamara
- Miss Mary McNamara
- Miss McVeady
- Mrs. Marie Magan
- Miss Margery Magan
- Miss Dorothy Magan
- Mr. Wilbur Mahaney
- Miss Edith Mahoney
- Mrs. Bertha Maier
- Mr. George Mangold
- Miss Henny Mansbacher
- Mr. Angelo Marozzi
- Mrs. Camia Ochoa Martin
- Mr. Adolf Marx
- Miss Estelle Mason
- Mr. D. Mathews
- Mrs. Maude Mathews
- Mr. Oscar Mayer
- Mr. Rudolf Mayer
- Rev. Joseph Mayerhöfer
- Miss Cora Meehan
- Mr. Dr. Wilhelm Menz
- Mr. William Metz
- Miss Minnie Meyder
- Mr. Fred Meyer
- Mrs. Bine Meyer
- Miss Mary Meyer
- Mrs. Louise Meyer
- Miss Herta Michel
- Rev. Francis Missia
- Mrs. Sophie Molic
- Miss Dorothea Moore
- Miss Eleanore Moore
- Miss Minnie Moore
- Miss Ruby Morris
- Mr. Dr. Werner Mueller
- Mrs. Kathi Mueller
- Mrs. Frieda Mueller-Heilmann
- Miss Marion Mullaney
- Miss Jane Murdoch
- Miss Evelyn Murphy
- Mr. Max Murr
- Mrs. Marie Murr
- Miss Gertrude Murphy
- Miss Anna Murray
- Mr. Justin Najme
- Miss Hazel Nehs
- Mr. Joseph Nemeth
- Mrs. Anna Nemeth
- Joseph Nemeth
- Robert Nemeth
- Mr. Dir. Iwan Newikoff
- Miss Frieda Nielsen
- Mr. L. Nixon
- Mr. Raymond Nold
- Mr. Kennyn Norisugi
- Miss Caroline Norris
- Mr. C. Norton
- Mrs. O'Brien
- Miss Helen O'Brien
- Miss Frances O'Brien
- Mr. Hubert O'Donnel
- Miss Eleanor Oesterle
- Miss Athalia Ogden
- Rev. Frederick Owen
- Mrs. Byradie Owen
- Mr. Daniel Pabst
- Mrs. Whitney Palmer
- Miss Dorothy Palmer
- Mrs. Emma Pascher
- Mr. Rodney Pearson
- Mrs. Bertha Pearson
- Mr. Davis Pearson
- Mrs. Prof. Rose Peebles
- Miss Ruth Percival
- Miss Kaethe Peters
- Mr. Lisa Peterson
- Mrs. Anita Peterson
- Mr. William Picher
- Miss Dorothy Pierman
- Mrs. Selma Plaut
- Mr. William Pottschmidt
- Miss Elisabeth Pradel
- Mrs. Maria Prestegard
- Miss Bjerne Prestegard
- Mrs. Anna Prewein
- Mr. Wladimir Primakoff
- Mrs. Alice Pryor
- Miss R. Pucanelli
- Mr. Martin Puletz
- Mrs. Else Puletz
- Mr. Dr. Purin
- Mrs. Purin
- Mrs. Anna Puszta
- Dr. Kenneth Ramsay
- Miss Lillian Ramsay
- Mrs. Ella Reece
- Miss Louise Rehm
- Miss Herta Reisner
- Miss Emily Renz
- Mr. Willard Reynolds
- Mrs. Angele Reynolds
- Dr. Ernest Rich
- Mr. Theodore Richards
- Mr. Max Riedel
- Miss Fanny Ries
- Mr. Alexander Rihm
- Mrs. Johanne Rihm
- Mrs. Augusta Rocklage
- Mr. William Roth
- Miss Martha Ruccius
- Miss Katherine Ruccius
- Miss Anna Rüdiger
- Mr. August Rusack
- Mrs. Rusack
- Miss Myrtle Rushin
- Miss Winefred Ruter
- Miss Dorothy Sal
- Mr. Hans Seif
- Mr. William Seif
- Mr. Grigorin Senitschkin
- Mrs. Else Seyersdahl
- Mr. Fedor Sharow
- Mr. Shkurin
- Miss L. Siddons
- Mr. Henry Skavlem
- Mrs. Emma Skavlem
- Miss Mary Skavlem
- Mrs. Skinner
- Mr. Axel Skjelborg
- Dr. (Miss) Alive Smith
- Miss Bertha Smith
- Miss Joan Smith
- Miss Eva Smith
- Miss Helen Smith
- Prof. Sionyb Snow
- Mrs. Margarethe Snow
- Miss Helen Snow
- Miss Elizabeth Snow
- Mr. William Snow
- Miss Elfrieda Spieshoefer
- Mr. William Spruit
- Mr. Frederick Suhr
- Mr. John Sullivan
- Mrs. Hedwig Sullivan
- Mr. Bruce Sweet
- Miss Emma Szvmanski
- Mr. Fred Schaefer
- Mrs. Elisabeth Schaefer
- Mr. Fred Schaefer Jr.
- Mr. Frank Scheder
- Mrs. Auguste Scheder
- Mr. Ernst Scheper
- Mrs. Anna Scheper
- Mr. Rudolf Scheuchzer
- Miss Minna Scheving
- Miss Carrie Scheving
- Mr. Samuel Schiess
- Mr. Michael Schiller
- Mrs. Clara Schilling
- Mrs. Margarete Schimler
- Mr. Kurt Schlang
- Mrs. Emma Schloss
- Miss Bernhardine Schloss
- Mrs. Isabel Schlotzhauer
- Miss Mayory Schlotzhauer
- Dr. (Miss) Ella Schmelz
- Mr. Dr. Otto Schmidt
- Mrs. Rosamund Schmidt
- Rev. H. Schonbroeck
- Mr. Anton Schreiber
- Mr. Hans Schroeder
- Mrs. Sarah Schroeder
- Mr. Fred Schroeder
- Mr. Leonard Schultes
- Mr. Dietri Stackelbeck
- Mr. Emil Stackelbeck
- Miss Dorothy Stamers
- Miss Edith Stander
- Miss Louise Steckelies
- Mr. Shirer van Steenbergh
- Mrs. Friedei van Steenbergh
- Miss Drusilla Stengel
- Mrs. Stevens
- Miss Elfrieda Stiefhofer
- Miss Louise Stirk
- Miss Viola Stocker
- Miss Leonore Stoeppler
- Mrs. Caroline Stoeppler
- Miss Elizabeth Stange
- Mrs. Amanda Steigerwald
- Mrs. Franziska Stephanus
- Dr. Claus Strauch
- Mr. Emerich Striso
- Mrs. Elsie Striso
- Clemens Striso
- Miss Clara Striso
- Rev. A. Taeyaerte
- Mr. Walter Talkes
- Miss Clara Tapmann
- Miss May Taylor
- Miss Laura Tegge
- Mr. George Tewes
- Mrs. Bertha Tewes
- Miss Peggy Thieler
- Mrs. Elisabeth Thieler
- Miss Christine Till
- Mrs. Timmermann
- Miss Joan Timmermann
- Mr. Louis Timmermann
- Mrs. Mary Tomko
- Mr. Albert Tyler
- Mrs. Charlotte Tyler
- Mr. Helmut Uhland
- Mr. G. Harry Vellguth
- Mr. Reinier Verbeck
- Mr. Otto Viehweger
- Mrs. Minna Viehweger
- Mr. Mario Herrero Vigre
- Miss Agnes Vincent
- Miss Marie Vincent
- Mr. William Voss
- Mrs. Alwine Voss
- Mr. Herbert Voss
- Miss Hazel Voss
- Miss Agneta Wallace
- Miss Lucile Wallace
- Mr. Vesey Walker
- Dr. Walsh
- Mrs. Walsh
- Miss Thyra Waltham
- Mrs. Frances Wapner
- Mrs. Frances Waram
- Mr. H. Warren
- Mrs. Warren
- Miss Carolyne Warth
- Mr. Willard Wav
- Mrs. Wav
- Mr. George Weber
- Dr. B. Webster
- Mr. Julius Weil
- Mr. Jacob Weinberg
- Mrs. Johanna Weinberg
- Miss Sophie Weinberg
- Miss Marlot Weinberg
- Miss Helen Weis
- Mr. Francis Welch
- Mrs. Welch
- Mrs. Roger Wells
- Mr. Frank Westbrook
- Miss Jean Westbrook
- Mr. Vincent Westrup
- Miss Liliah Wiley
- Miss Aurora Wiley
- Mrs. Emilie Wissmann
- Miss Nora Wittmann
- Mr. Grigorin Wolykoff
- Mr. Willis Woodman
- Mr. Theodore Woodward
- Miss Marie Wozniak
- Mr. Peter Wülfing
- Mrs. Lillie Wülfing
- Miss Mary Wynn
- Mr. Herbert Yeames
- Miss Ruth Young
- Mr. Joseph Zambory
To Southampton
- Mr. Hans Albak
- Miss Betty Ascher
- Miss W. Ascher
- Miss Winifred Ascher
- Mr. Oskar Burckhard
- Mrs. Marie Burckhard
- Miss Eleanor Burckhard
- Miss Winifred Cameron
- Miss Anne Chantrill
- Mr. Samuel Cooper
- Miss Dorothy Cooper
- Mr. George Cornwall
- Miss Sheila Cranswick
- Master Alec. Cranswick
- Miss Dorothea von Cube
- Miss Lydia Daehler
- Miss Phyllis De Hoog
- Mrs. Lucille Doepk
- Mrs. Rose Donada
- Mrs. Margaret Dooley
- Miss Agnes Dooley
- Miss Margeret Eaton
- Miss Catherine Fisher
- Mrs. E. Fradeletto
- Mr. Robert Goodman
- Miss Muriel Gurner
- Miss Gwynneth Hackett
- Miss Grace Hafford
- Miss Mayorie Halloran
- Mr. Philip Heath
- Mr. Lutz Hellwig
- Miss Bessie Hellyer
- Miss Jannie Hellyer
- Miss Gertrude Henscher
- Mr. Robert Hill
- Mrs. Lily Hill
- Mr. Robert Hockenhull
- Mrs. lsabel Keith
- Miss Annie King
- Miss Ingeborg Klewitz
- Mr. Hans Knoch
- Mrs. Dorothea Lange
- Miss Elisabeth Lawrence
- Mr. Arthur Leins
- Mrs. Pauline Leins
- Miss Amy Mabey
- Miss Gertrude Morris
- Mr. Dr. Alfred Nawrath
- Mrs. Margarethe Neirath
- Mr. Heinrich Oehlmann
- Rev. Hugh Parry
- Mrs. Ethel Pollard
- Miss Helen Pollard
- Mr. Humphrey Pollard
- Mr. Cooper Rawson
- Mrs. Elisabeth Rawson
- Mr. Robert Raynolds
- Mrs. Marguerite Raynolds
- Miss Malgaret Rehder
- Mrs. Rhoda Richter
- Mr. Rudolf Roeßler
- Miss Muriel Roles
- Mr. Edgar Sachs
- Mrs. Marthe Sachs
- Mr. Frank Sanders
- Master Frank Sanders
- Mr. Peter Saunders
- Miss Annie Scammon
- Mr. Fritz Seiffert
- Miss Agnes Sherwin
- Mr. Ronald Smith
- Mrs. Elsie Sorensen
- Miss Irene Sorensen
- Miss Violet Spencer
- Mr. Monro Spicer
- Fräulein Mercedes Schaller
- Prof. Georg Steindorf
- Mrs. Elise Steindorf
- Mrs. Maud Stock
- Miss Margaret Stock
- Mr. Frederick Veale
- Mrs. Winifred Veale
- Mr. Fritz Wassmann
- Mr. Josef Weingarten
- Mr. Viktor West
- Mr. Heinrich Wünnenberg
- Mrs. Emmy Wünnenberg
- Miss Shiela Zanswick
- Mr. Alex Zanswick
To Cherbourg
- Mr. Otto Strauß
- Mrs. Germaine Strauß
Third Class Passengers
- Mrs. K. Adams
- Miss A. L. Adams
- Miss J. O. Adams
- Ehrw. Schwester Marie Adelaide
- Mr. Johann Albert
- Mr. Paul Anderson
- Mr. Ernest A. Anderson
- Miss De Neen Anderson
- Mrs. Emma Andrews
- Maria F. Andrews
- Mr. Anthony Appel
- Mr. Francisco Aranda
- Mr. H. J. Armstrong
- Mrs. Henriette Arnold
- Miss Christine Aschenbrenner
- Miss Paula Assenheimer
- Mr. Albert Augustin
- Mr. Abe S. Austin Jr.
- Miss Rosemary Bach
- Henry J. Bachmann
- Mr. Lorenz J. Bahr
- Mrs. Ida Barmettler
- Rudolf Barmettler
- Mr. Dr. Richard Barnard and Family
- Mrs. Sophie Barnard
- Miss Rosalie Barnard
- Mrs. Dora Barra
- Mrs. Martha Bartalsky
- Mr. Frank Baumgartner
- Mr. Theodor Becker
- Miss Anna Becker
- Miss Helen R. Becker
- Mr. Julius Beer
- Mrs. Julius Beer
- Miss Grace Begle
- Mr. Joe Bergeim
- Mr. John A. Berglund
- Miss Franziska Berner
- Fiau Louise Berthold
- Mr. Adam Betz
- Mrs. Kath.El. Betz-Bowcrs
- Mr. Samuel M. Bicknell
- Miss Frances Billings
- Mrs. Karla Binder
- Mrs. Irene Bino
- Mr. John E. Bischof
- Mrs. Katy Blazek
- Mrs. Julia Bobot
- Herbert Bock
- Mrs. Mary Boranczuk
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Borgmann
- Miss Rose Bosl
- Miss Louise Boyack
- Mr. Frank J. Boyd
- Miss Louise Boynton
- Mrs. Hermine Brach
- Walter Brach
- Mr. Norman Brahmstedt
- Mr. John Brdecka
- Miss Harriett Brigham
- Mr. Edward Bruckwicki
- Mr. Karl Brunner
- Mrs. Johanna Brunschweiger
- Alois Brunschweiger
- Mrs. H. Büggeln
- Miss Elsie Büggeln
- Mrs. Martha Burgemeister
- Miss Käthe Burmitz
- Mrs. Gesine Busch
- Mrs. Helen Bushong
- Miss Sarah Bushong
- Mr. Hans Busse
- Mr. Thomas C. Camp
- Mrs. Friederike Capelle
- Miss Rita Carper
- Mrs. Elizabeth Cazan
- Mr. Warren D. Chase
- Mr. Alexander Chepelwitz
- Mrs. Alexander Chepelwitz
- Mrs. Nadzia Chepelwitz
- Mr. Edward Chilian and Family
- Mr. C. Christensen and Family
- Mr. Clarke
- Mr. Clarke
- Mr. Gerhard Claussen
- Mrs. Anna Claussen
- Mr. Sidney Connor
- Mrs. Elizabeth Coors
- Mrs. Alice Cosgrove
- Mrs. Gabriella Craig
- Theodore Craig
- Mrs. Katharina Crane
- William Crane
- Mr. Walter Croy
- Mrs. M. J. Crehan
- Miss Frances Crumrine
- Miss Margaret Csicsek
- Mr. John James Cunningham
- Mrs. Emma Cunningham
- Mr. William Cunningham
- Miss Louise Dankelmann
- Mr. Prof. John W. Davis
- Miss Dee
- Mrs. Maria Dekrell
- Mr. Norman Dellmann
- Mrs. Elisabeth Demeter
- Miss Julia Denham
- Miss Ruth Densford
- Mrs. Karoline Deutsch
- Mr. Carl Diedel
- Mrs. Charlotte Diedel
- Mr. Jean Diefenhardt
- Miss Frieda B. Diel
- Mr. Herb. Dittbienner
- Mrs. Bertha Ditzler
- Paul Ditzler
- Mrs. Ditzler and Son
- Mr. Egar Dorofeyf
- Mrs. Emilia Drahota
- Mr. Robert Du Bois-Hubbard
- Mr. C. W. Durgin
- Mrs. C. W. Durgin
- Mr. Robert Dürkop
- Mr. Roman Dyner
- Miss Maria Dzsuga
- Mrs. Maria Ebener
- Mr. Leo Ebert
- Mr. R. G. Eckert
- Mr. Russell Eddy
- Mr. Royal Eden
- Mr. Niles Edlund
- Mr. Adolf Eggert
- Miss Matilda Ehlers
- Mrs. Friederike Eisenmann
- Mr. Eugen Eissele
- Mrs. Anna Eissele
- Mr. Karl Elby
- Mr. Ellers
- Miss Emma Epting
- Mr. Helmut von Erffa
- Mrs. Eleanor von Erffa
- Miss Anna Erni
- Mr. Lawrence Ersland
- Ehrw. Schwester Marie Euphenia
- Mr. Donald G. Evans
- Mrs. Edna Evans
- Mrs. Mary Fabricius
- Miss Alma Fabricius
- Mrs. Paolina Falova
- Mr. Stephan Felder
- Mr. Harry Feusel
- Mrs. Pauline Fiala
- Mrs. Martha Fink
- Miss Ella Fink
- Mr. Clemens Fipp
- Mrs. Lina Fischer
- Mr. Albert Fischer and Family
- Miss Katharina Foederl
- Mr. Wm. E. Foley
- Mr. Edward J. Foley
- Mrs. Rosa Forster
- Mrs. Alwine Förster
- Prof. Adolph Frank
- Mr. F. A. Frasch
- Mrs. Frasch
- Mrs. Helen C. Freedman
- Mrs. Rosa Freitag
- Bernhard Freitag
- Mrs. Lina Fricke
- Mrs. Lina Frickmann
- Mrs. Antonie Frische
- Mr. Robert Fritz
- Mr. Dr. Ewald Fulde
- Mrs. Maria Gamber
- Mrs. Maryt Gamber
- Mrs. Rozy Gandy
- Mr. Gustav Ganzer
- Miss Alice Garrett
- Mrs. Emile Gath
- Mrs. Eliz. Gazdik
- Miss Elsie Gazdik
- Miss Katarina Gebhardt
- Miss Margarethe Gebhardt
- Mr. Prof. John L. Geiger
- Mr. Herbert C. George
- Miss Eugenie v. Georgi-Georgenau
- Miss Evelyn Gerion
- Miss Eisabeth B. Gilmore
- Mrs. Anna Glanz
- Mr. David Glazer
- Mr. John Gleitner
- Mrs. Marie Gleitner
- Mrs. Helene Glingener
- Ernst Glingener
- Mrs. Bertha Glitzenhirn
- Mr. Willy Gödeke
- Mr. James Godsell
- Mr. Fritz Goldschrafe
- Mrs. Pauline Göltz
- Mr. A. R. Grant
- Mrs. Magdalena Gratz
- Miss Marion Greewe
- Mr. Frank J. Griffin
- Miss Anna Gropper
- Miss Marie Groß
- Mrs. Ona Gudaitis
- Mr. Adolf Guhl
- Mrs. Hermine Guhl
- Miss Elise Gumprecht
- Mr. Otto Haake
- Mrs. Rosella Haake
- Miss Frances Hadley
- Mr. Morris Häfele
- Mr. Paul Hain
- Mrs. Frieda L. Hain F
- rau Edith Hall
- Mr. Franz Hampe
- Mr. Peter Hancock
- Mr. John Harman
- Mrs. Kathleen M. Harman
- Mr. J. Carter Harrison
- Mrs. Harrison
- Mrs. Amalie Hartmann
- Miss Käthe Hartmann
- Augusta Hartmann
- Mr. Dick Harves
- Mr. Robert Häsche
- Mr. Julius Häsche
- Miss Elizabeth Hastings
- Mr. August Haffenreffer Jr.
- Mr. Walter Haubold
- Miss Clara E. Hauk
- Mr. Frank Haupt
- Miss Helen J. Hawkins
- Miss Harriette Haynes
- Mrs. Helen Hecker
- Mr. Norbert K. Hederer
- Mr. Hans Hegelheimer
- Mrs. Katalin Hegymegi
- Mr. Daniel Heim
- Mrs. Camilla Heis
- Mr. Franz Heissmann
- Mr. Adolf Hengst
- Mr. Andrew Hengst
- Mr. Karl Hentschel
- Mr. Christian Hepfer
- Miss Frances Herlehy
- Mrs. Katharina Herrn
- Mr. Efrain Hernandez
- Miss Fay Hershaw
- Mr. Paul Hertel
- Mrs. Grete Hertel
- Mrs. Margarete Herzog
- Günther Herzog
- Mr. Zoltan Hevessey
- Mr. Reginald Higgs
- Miss Polly Hill
- Mrs. Margarte Hill
- Mrs. Mary Hoe
- Mrs. Josephine Hoelzel
- Mrs. Walburga Hoffeit
- Mrs. Elsa Hofstetter
- Peter Hofstetter
- Mr. Thade Holdener and Family
- Mrs. Frieda Hollwedel
- Elfriede Hollwedel
- Mr. John B. Holt
- Miss Laura C. Holt
- Mr. Elliott Holway
- Mrs. Auguste Holz
- Mrs. Rose Holzli and Children
- Miss C. E. Horton
- Miss Hottendorf
- Mrs. Fanny Huber
- Miss Bellij Huber
- Mr. Pfarrer Max Hübner
- Mr. Georg Huger
- Miss Maria Hunersen
- Mr. John Hutnak
- Mr. Henry F. Igelbrink
- Mr. Paul lllg
- Mrs. A. M. Ilium
- George lllum
- Mr. Edward A. lnnes
- Mr. Ignacy Iralzky
- Mr. Frank Ivancsits
- Mrs. Vera Jackson
- Mr. Francis Jacobs
- Mrs. Francis Jacobs
- Mr. Carl Jaeger
- Mr. Joseph Jaeger
- Miss Emma Jaeger
- Mrs. Lina Jaklitsch
- Mrs. Anna Janes
- Mrs. Anna Farkas-Jäger
- Mrs. Frances Jelinek
- Miss Irene Jelinek
- Mr. E. S. Jones
- Miss Marion Jones
- Mrs. Marie Junghans
- Lothar Junghans
- Mrs. Maria Kaiser
- Mr. Jan Kalala
- Mr. Phil Kämmerer
- Mr. Richard Kapf
- Miss Herta Karez
- Mr. Heinrich Kasten
- Mr. Bernard Kaufmann
- Mrs. Amalie Kerber and Children
- Mr. Hermann Kettenborg
- Mr. Emmett W. Kiebler
- Miss Kate Kilmartin
- Mr. Gustav H. Kirsch
- Mr. Lynn Kirtland
- Mr. Jos. M. Kistner and Family
- Mr. Otto Kittelson
- Mr. Ernest Kitson
- Miss Johanna Klatt
- Mr. Leon Klatz
- Miss Emma Kleist
- Mrs. Anna Kline
- Mr. Jakob Klöppinger
- Mrs. Ida Klöppinger
- Mrs. Elizabeth Krehma
- Mr. Hermann Knauer
- Mr. Fred Knoedler
- Mrs. Gertrud Knoeder
- Miss Marie E. Kobylka
- Mr. Emil Koch
- Miss Helen Koehler
- Mrs. Marion Koeneke
- Mr. Frederick Koppey
- Mr. Koskonis
- Mr. Claus H. Kramer
- Fräul Marg. Kraus
- Miss Ada Kraus
- Mrs. Kratzke and Children
- Mrs. Anna Krentova
- Miss B. Kretschmer
- Mrs. Catherine Krisch
- Mr. Harvey Krueger
- Mrs. Amelia Krukonis
- Amelda Krukonis
- Mrs. Liesel Kübler and Children
- Miss Barbara Kübler
- Miss Elisabeth Kunkel
- Mrs. Mathilde Kunz
- Frank Kunz
- Mr. Josef Kusterko
- Mr. Chas Laass
- Mr. Gust. W. Laihi
- Mrs. Anna Laihi
- Mrs. Elise Lampe
- Mr. William Landein
- Miss Doris Landmark
- Miss Gertrude Langndge
- Miss Marion Langridge
- Mrs. J. L. Larrick
- Mr. Paul Laubsch
- Miss Mina Lechler
- Mrs. Gunda Leickert
- Mr. Franz Leigh
- Miss Christine Lemberg
- Mr. Hermann Leonhard
- Mrs. Marie Levy
- Brigitte Levy
- Mr. John Leykauf
- Mr. Wilhelm Liebei
- Mr. John Lind
- Mrs. Frieda Lindemann and Children
- Mr. Robert L. Lingelbach
- Mrs. Agnes Lippek
- Miss Caroline Littler
- Miss Nell Littler
- Mr. Axel Ljungmarker
- Mr. Charles Loehr
- Mr. Rob. Lorenz
- Miss Elisabeth Lotz
- Dr. (Miss) Esther Lovejoy
- Miss Charlotte Lüchow
- Miss Eliz. Ludwig
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Lüken
- Mrs. Anna Lutter
- Miss Ursula Lutter
- Mrs. Marg. Mc Afee
- Mr. W. B. M. McCord
- Mr. Lawrence Mc Daniel
- Mr. John E. McLaughlin
- Miss Margaret McLaughlin
- Mr. Richard Madden
- Mr. Otto Maier
- Miss Rose Maier
- Mr. Edward N. Maloney
- Mr. J. R. Mangan
- Miss Annemarie Manns
- Mr. Everett W. Marquart
- Mr. Marronikolas
- Mr. Georg Martin
- Mrs. Mitzie M. Martin and Children
- Mr. Casper Mast
- Mrs. Casper Mast
- Miss Elisabeth Matheson
- Miss Edith D. A. Matthies
- Miss Elsie Mauthe
- Miss Maria Meder
- Mrs. Terezia Medovich
- Alex Medovich
- Mrs. Helene Meine
- Mr. L. E. Meinhardt
- Mr. Dr. Erich Meitzner
- Mrs. Virginia Meitzner
- Mr. John Merkens
- Mrs. Helen Merkens
- Mr. Otto Meyer
- Mr. Wilhelm E. Meyer
- Mr. Octavio Mier
- Mrs. Marie Milbach and Children
- Mr. Albert Miller
- Mrs. Albert Miller
- Mr. Carl Moldenhauer
- Mr. Henry Möllgaard
- Mr. Bert Molstad
- Mrs. P. C. Morrison
- Mr. Dwight W. Morrow
- Rev. Wm. A. Mueller and Family
- Mr. Stephen Mueller
- Mr. Emil Müller
- Mrs. Meta Müller
- Miss Elisabeth Müller
- Mr. Charles H. Müller
- Mrs. Janette Müller
- Mr. William Murphy
- Mr. Wallace R. Murray
- Mr. Josef Nachevey
- Mrs. Anna Nagele
- Dina Nagele
- Mrs. Else Naumann
- Arno Karl Naumann
- Mr. Emst Neef
- Mr. Hans Nickel and Family
- Mrs. Emilie Niederschmit
- Mr. B. M. Nielsen
- Rev. Wilhelm Nitzschke
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Nitzschke
- Miss Kate Nottrott
- Miss Marianne Oetken
- Mrs. Maria Olarien and Children
- Mr. Walter Olsen
- Miss Mary Olson
- Mrs. Maria Orlovska and Family
- Mr. Michael Osacek
- Mr. Wilhelm Osterhoff
- Mrs. Martha Osterhoff
- Mr. Jan Ovadek
- Mr. Paul Overdier
- Miss Lucille Palmer
- Mr. Peter Pappas
- Mrs. Pappas
- Mr. Andrew Paralic
- Miss Lucille Patton
- Mr. Lawrence O. Paul
- Mrs. Helene Paul
- Mrs. Falicia Pavilaitis
- Mr. Martin Pavlica and Family
- Mr. Thos. E. Paynter
- Mrs. Ida Pearson
- Mr. Adolf W. Pearson
- Mr. John F. Pearson
- Mr. Herbert Peiler
- Miss Evelyn Pennak
- Mr. Eimer Pergande
- Mr. Kyrolf Petersen
- Mr. Todor Petrovic
- Miss Ruth Pettit
- Miss Helen Pettit
- Mrs. Babette Pf aff
- Mr. John Philipps
- Mrs. Frieda Philipps
- Mrs. Frances Phillips
- Mrs. Mary Philputt
- Harold Philputt
- Dr. (Miss) Grace E. Pickford
- Mr. Julius Pilciauskas
- Mr. Harold Piper
- Miss Eleonora Plank
- Miss Gertrude Plaza
- Mrs. Notburka Pletchacher
- Mr. Fred Poehlmann
- Mrs. Margaret Poehlmann
- Miss Elizabeth Pohl
- Mr. John Polak
- Mr. Francis G. Poland
- Mrs. Meta Poli
- Rev. Germanos Polis
- Mr. John Popovici
- Mr. Dick Poppe
- Mr. Carl Postrach
- Mrs. Therese
- Promersberger
- Mr. Walenty Puhaszek
- Dr. (Miss) Daisy Purdy
- Mrs. Ernestine Quabeck
- Mrs. Lina Querner
- Mrs. Anna Rasy
- Miss Minnie Rausch
- Mrs. Elisabeth Redling
- Mr. John Reese
- Mrs. Ludmilla Rehackova
- Mr. Mathias Reiner
- Mrs. Anna Reiner
- Mr. Otto Renpftlen
- Mrs. Käthe Ressert
- Mrs. Margarethe Ricciardi
- Mrs. Evelyn G. A. Rice
- Mr. Frederick Rice
- Mr. J. F. C. Richards
- Mrs. Frieda Ringe
- Mr. John W. Roe
- Mr. Marlin Rohé
- Mrs. Hertha Rohwer
- Rev. Heinrich B. Roller
- Miss Anna Maria Roller
- Mr. Carlo Romei and Family
- Mrs. Luise Rose
- Joseph Rose
- Mrs. Rosa Rosenberger
- Mr. Josef Rosenkranz
- Miss Ursula Rossmann
- Mr. Albert Rother
- Mrs. Sophie Röttger
- Miss A. Roure
- Miss Carolyne Roure
- Mrs. Karoline Roysen
- Mr. Peter De Rubeis
- Mr. Willard Rubendall
- Mr. Gustav Ruckriem
- Mrs. Bertha Rügers
- Paul Rügers
- Mrs. Betty Ruhling
- Mr. Niles P. Rumely
- Mr. Joe Runkel
- Mr. Henry G. Russell
- Miss Mary E. Russell
- Mrs. Rose Russnak and Child
- Mrs. Maria Ruß
- Mr. Konsta Salo
- Mrs. Alma Salo
- Mr. C. Samson
- Mr. Georg Sandor
- Mr. Otto Sauter
- Mrs. Ludwiga Sauter
- Mr. Anton Sauter
- Mrs. Marie Sauter
- Josefine Sauter
- Mrs. Anna Sautner
- Mr. Dr. T. F. Scott
- Miss Janet Seeley
- Mr. Russel Sedgwick
- Mrs. Elise Seemann
- Miss Ella Seemann
- Miss Maria Sefeik
- Mr. William V. Sessions
- Mr. Philip A. Shelley
- Miss Josefine Shirer
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Simon
- Mr. Michael Simpf and Family
- Mrs. Irena Sladek and Children
- Mrs. Valeria Sloboda
- Mrs. Anna Smith
- Miss Francis Smith
- Miss Gwendoline Smith
- Rev. Charles H. Smith
- Mr. Austin Smith Jr.
- Mr. P. E. Snell
- Miss Olga Snitko
- Mr. Hermann Spath
- Rev. Charles Spearl
- Mrs. Spearl
- Mrs. Alzbeta Sperhac and Children
- Mr. Herb. Splitt
- Miss Lenore Spiering
- Mrs. Marion Soldati and Children
- Mrs. Josephine Sonnenschein
- Mr. Dr. Milo M. Sorenson
- Miss Maria Sottung
- Mrs. Mary Suchy
- Anna Suchy
- Mr. Rudolf C. Suhr
- Mr. John Sullivan
- Miss Betty Suther
- Mr. Ivar Syverotad
- Mr. Paul Szabo
- Mrs. Katharina Schaber and Children
- Mr. Karl Schackmann
- Mrs. Ella Schackmann
- Mrs. Katharina Schaefer
- Miss Emma Schäfer
- Mr. Karl Schaible
- Mrs. Maria Schatz
- Miss Elisabeth Scheidler
- Mr. Fritz Schildhauer
- Mrs. Rosa Schildhauer
- Mr. Joseph Schilling
- Walter Schilling
- Mr. Charles J. Schimmel
- Mrs. Mathilde Schimmel
- Miss Elsie Schimmel
- Mrs. Sofie Schlechter
- Josef Schlechter
- Miss Olga Schlüter
- Mr. Jacob Schmepf
- Mrs. Elisabeth Schmepf
- Miss Louise Schmepf
- Miss Anna Schmepf
- Mrs. Fanny Schmid
- Mr. Wilhelm Schmitz
- Mrs. Anna Schmitz
- Mr. Clemens Schnittker and Family
- Miss Berta Schnitzler
- Miss Melanie Schnitzler
- Mrs. Lena Schönrod
- Mr. Otto Schrapler
- Mr. Paul Schreiber
- Mrs. Margarethe Schreiber
- Mr. Frank Schreiber
- Mrs. Seraphin Schreiber
- Mr. Max G. Schroeder
- Mr. Franz Schuhmacher
- Mrs. Anna Schuhmacher
- Mrs. Emilie Schultz
- Miss Seima Schüttler
- Mr. Louis Schüttner
- Mrs. Katherina Schüttner
- Louis Schüttner Junr.
- Mrs. Herta Schwarz
- Miss Anna Schwecke
- Mr. Herman Schweger
- Mrs. Hedwig Schweikart
- Mr. Friedrich Schwerdtfeger and Family
- Mrs. Bertha Stahlberger
- Miss Hilda Rosa Stahlberger
- Mr. Wilhelm Stark
- Mr. Adolf Steidle
- Mr. Dr. Otto Stein
- Mrs. Erika Stein
- Mr. Eugen Steinbach
- Miss Louise Steiner
- Miss Meta Steinfort
- Mr. George Stellmann
- Mr. Bert Stephens
- Mr. Charles Stoerle and Family
- Mr. Albert Stoerle
- Mrs. Margarete Stoerle
- Mr. Otto Storz
- Mr. James A. Stout
- Mrs. Maria M. Stout
- Mrs. Mary Strach
- Jerry Strach
- Prof. Tracy Strevey
- Mr. Barney Strohmeyer
- Mr. Waldemar Stürzinger
- Mr. Robert Stütelberg
- Mrs. Berta Stütelberg
- Miss Karoline Stützingcr
- Miss Hona Takacs
- Mr. Jan Tatosovich
- Mr. Edgar Taylor
- Mr. William Teepe
- Mr. Joseph Tepfenhart and Family
- Dr. Stanley Teskey
- Mrs. Stella Tossler
- Miss Gladys M. Thomas
- Mrs. Hedwig Tiesler
- Werner Karl Tiesler
- Mr. B. F. Titus
- Mr. Friedrich Tödter
- Mr. Edw. Tomastic
- Mr. Theodore S. Tompkins
- Mrs. Amalie Trickner
- Mrs. Alma Troger
- Mrs. Kristina Trokan
- Dr. Alfred Truax
- Miss Una M. Truax
- Miss Eliz. Tschida
- Mr. John F. Turck
- Mrs. Louise Tutschek
- Miss Helen Ullisch
- Miss Hedwig Ullisch
- Mrs. Anna Umhauer
- Mr. Chas. F. Unger
- Mrs. Marie Valenta
- Mr. Mike Valkovsky
- Mr. Hubert Velten
- Mr. Henry Villa
- Miss Amalia Villa
- Mr. Eurique Villa
- Mr. William F. Vollmer
- Mr. William Voss
- Mrs. Marion Voss
- Mr. Henry Vosswinkel
- Mrs. Therese Vosswinkel
- Mr. George Waasmaier
- Dr. Ernst Wachsmuth
- Mr. Karl Fr. Wackar
- Rev. Charles Wagner
- Miss Jane Wagner
- Mr. Gustav Waizenegger
- Mr. Tommy Walker
- Mr. Erza Walker
- Mr. Otto Wallner
- Mrs. Anna Wallner
- Rev. Calvin B. Walter
- Mr. John Walther
- Mr. Ludwig Weber
- Miss Karoline Weber
- Mrs. Louise Welker
- Mr. Herbert C. Wendelburg
- Mr. Frank Wengerter
- Miss Esther Wessendorf
- Mr. Eric West
- Miss Virginia Wheeler
- Mr. Ernest White
- Mrs. Erika White
- Rev. Otto Whittington
- Miss Margaret Whittle
- Mr. Arthur Wiberg
- Mrs. Hedwig Wiegel
- Mr. E. Wiesely
- Mrs. J. Wiesely
- Miss Beatrice William
- Mr. Raimund Winkler
- Mr. Rudolf Winninger
- Mrs. Clara Winninger
- Mrs. Rose Willenauer
- Mrs. Gertrud Wölfle
- Eveline Wölfle
- Mr. Jacob J. Wood
- Mrs. Gertrude S. Wood
- Mrs. Emma Worm
- Mrs. Luise Wurster
- Richard Wurster
- Mr. John Yasko
- Mrs. Marie Yasko
- Miss Evelyn Yons
- Miss Johanna Zachmann
- Mr. Jerry Zahourek
- Mrs. Anastazia Zakar
- Prof. P. S. Zampieri
- Mrs. Martha Zarling
- Miss Esther Zarling
- Olga Zeichner
- Mr. Edward Zielinsky
- Mr. Erich Zengolys
- Mr. Richard Zieboldt
- Mrs. Louise Zieboldt
- Mr. Kurt Zimmermann
- Mrs. Bertha Zimmermann
- Mrs. Emma Zimmermann
- Mrs. Helene Zimmermann
- Mr. Walter Zipper
- Mr. Roman Zipperlin
- Mrs. Valeria Zipperlin
- Mrs. Emma Zolk
To Southampton
- Mr. Wilhelm Dass
- Mrs. Catharine Dass
- Dr. Richard Dehrn
- Mrs. Christiana Dorr
- Miss Rosie Dorr
- Miss Freda Dorr
- Miss Emilie Hahn
- Miss Emilie Hahn
- Miss Marie Hatters
- Miss Greta Jones
- Miss Elisabeth Krau
- Mr. Gottfried Laubscher
- Mrs. Albertine Laubscher
- Mrs. Victoria Mamelian
- Mr. Simen
- Prof. George E. Simmons
- Mrs. Louise Schmidt
The City of Bremen
The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½ hours by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one reaches the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.
In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city. The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen.
It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-to-West Air flight over the ocean. But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the City. The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises.
The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period. Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same. Even Romance survives and has found an expression as equally intrepid as it is strong, in the Böttcherstraße which, branches - off from the Market Square.
No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy; how it was that this City supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has old Buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest ships in the world, "Bremen" and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.
Information for Passengers
Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.
Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.
Before leaving the ship passengers are recommended to leave their address at the purser's office, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded on to them.
Letters and telegrams may be addressed in care of any of the company's agents.
Telegrams to be dispatched from the next port are accepted at the purser's office only, wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.
Treatment of Sea-Sickness. Travelers who have a tendency to suffer from sea-sickness have an opportunity on this steamer to undergo an entirely new treatment whereby relief is afforded through a process of inhaling certain remedies.
Experience has shown so far that successful results arc obtained in practically every case. Passengers who desire to avail themselves of this new treatment against sea-sickness are requested to apply to the Ship's doctor.
For each treatment ,a voucher for RM. 2.— must be signed which, at the end of the voyage must be cashed with the Chief Steward. Persons rendering the treatment arc not allowed to accept cash-payments.
Landing Cards. Before leaving the vessel the holder must present the landing card to a U. S. Immigration Inspector for endorsement.
Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.
Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered ns far as practicably possible.
Firearms. The carrying of fire arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.
Money, valuables etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.
Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the cabin-trunk must not exceed the maximum size, i. e. 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.
Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the hold, and will be accessible to passengers at certain times daily. Baggage may not be deposited in the corridors.
Each passenger must fill up a "Customs-Declaration" of his or her personal baggage.
In the case of families the oldest member is entitled to fill up this declaration for the whole family. Blank forms will be distributed on board the steamer.
Pieces of baggage, packets etc., destined to be re-forwarded, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed to the Baggage Master who, alone, is competent to receive them.
The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.
Passengers are requested to take care that, before leaving the steamer, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere aboard.
Passengers are specially recommended in their own interest to look after their hand baggage upon landing in the port of destination.
Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the Customs Declaration and the value thereof stated.
Baggage to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the passenger's arrival, and must be included in the Customs Declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.
Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.
Passengers who are required to observe their immigration formalities at Ellis Island have to exchange the Company's baggage tickets for the Ellis Island metal checks as soon as their baggage has been inspected by the American custom-house officers, and before proceeding to Ellis Island.
Inauguration of a ''Special Travel Service" on board
A Special Service Secretary on hoard will advise and assist passengers making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social educational etc. This office is prepared to give, any information gratis and, if possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.
Track Chart on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Europa Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 24 August 1934. GGA Image ID # 161837db6d