SS Bremen Passenger List - 29 August 1936
Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 29 August 1936 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain A. Ahrens. GGA Image ID # 163068607b
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
- Chief Officer: W. Michaelsen
- Chief Engineer: J. Hundt
- Purser: D. Zelle
- First Doctor: Dr. W. Fischer
- Second Doctor: Dr. R. Kratz
- First Officer of the Traffic Office: A. Haehn
- In Charge of Travel Bureau: Frl. Dr. Ferber
- Sport Officer: H. Rannoch
- Chief Steward: A. Pohl
- Steward for First Class: A. Kellner
- Steward for Tourist Class: J. Büscher
- Steward for Third Class: Chr. Herrmann
- Stewart for Restaurant: G. Zeidler
- Chief Cook: K. Unger
- Wireless Telegraph Operator Senior Officer: K. Gerstung
- First Baggage Master: A. Dauelsberg
The Northwesternes of North Western University, Evanston. Illinois
- Conductor: Mr. Albert C. Michaelis jr.
- Mr. Orval Hormening
- Mr. Donald E. Thorpe
- Mr. Arthur Haedike
- Mr. Clifford S. Aspegren
Tourist Third Cabin Passengers
- Mr. Eugene Agoston
- Mrs. Renee Agoston
- Mr. Curry Allison
- Miss Margot Alsberg
- Mr. James Alston
- Dr. Frank Amberg
- Mr. Hugh Anchincloss
- Mr. George Anderson
- Miss Margaret Anderson
- Miss Martha Ansorge
- Mr. Nobuji Asano
- Mr. Clifford Aspegren
- Miss Mary Asseltyne
- Mr. Direktor Karl Augustin
- Mr. Paul Aust
- Mrs. Martha Aust
- Mr. De Backey
- Miss Katherine Balvin
- Mr. Arnold Bantzer
- Mrs. Lola Barany
- Mrs. Edna Barnes
- Mrs. Hedwig Barrett
- Mr. Henry Bartels
- Mrs. Dorothea Bartels
- Miss Rosa Bastrup
- Rev. Gustav Bechtold
- Mrs. Leona Bechtold
- Mr. Peter Becker
- Mrs. Rosa Becker
- Miss Mary Becker
- Miss Effie Beckett
- Miss Julia Behrendt
- Mr. Hans Bellmont
- Mrs. Henry Bellon
- Miss Rose Bellon
- Mr. Bernard Bernson
- Mrs. Bernson
- Miss Helen Bersbach
- Mrs. Katherine Bertles
- Miss Mary Bertles
- Miss Katherine Bertles
- Mrs. Ada Beuermann
- Miss Emma Beuermann
- Miss Rosalind Bigelow
- Miss Frances Bird
- Miss Anna Blecher
- Mr. Charles Blum
- Mr. August Bobe
- Mr. Harold Bobe
- Mr. Richard Boehme
- Mr. Werner Boehme
- Miss Kathleen Bond
- Mr. P. van Bourgondien
- Mrs. van Bourgondien
- Miss Kathleen Boyd
- Miss Bernice Boyles
- Miss Carolyn Bradley
- Miss Gladys Brainerd
- Miss Liselotte Breininger
- Miss Wally Breitner
- Miss Helen Brinkmeyer
- Mr. Roland Brooks
- Mr. Truehart Brown
- Mr. Albert Bruestle
- Mr. Fritz Brummer
- Mrs. Katharine Brummer
- Mr. Frederick Bryan
- Mrs. J. Bryan
- Miss Anne Bryant
- Miss Florence Buchanan
- Miss Katherine Buchanan
- Mr. Harvey Bundy
- Mr. Thomas Butcher
- Miss Josephine Cantieny
- Mr. Arthur Carroll
- Mrs. Alma Carroll
- Mr. B. Christensen
- Mrs. Christensen
- Miss Helen Christensen
- Mr. Henry Clifton
- Mrs. Elizabeth Clifton
- Mrs. Helen Closson
- Miss Margaret Condon
- Mrs. Colwes III
- Miss Rowena Cook
- Miss Diana Cooper
- Miss Anna Cordes
- Miss Margareth Corwin
- Miss Ruth Craig
- Miss Katharine Cramer
- Dr. Arch Cree
- Mrs. Cree
- Mrs. Ethel Curry
- Mr. Wesley Cushman
- Miss Meta Cyriacks
- Mrs. Charlotte D'Amanda
- Miss Inel D'Amanda
- Miss Helen D'Amanda
- Miss Charlotte Darmstadter
- Miss Mary Davies
- Miss Mabel Dean
- Mr. James van Deerscheer
- Mrs. Alma van Deerscheer
- Miss Nancy Dicks
- Mr. Baron Diergarth
- Mrs. Anna Dingfelder
- Miss Anna Donahne
- Mr. A. Dorion
- Mr. Drechsel
- Mrs. Anna Duemwirth
- Roy Duemwirth
- Rudolf Duemwirth
- Mr. William Egon
- Miss Dorothy Ehlert
- Miss Hertha Ehlers
- Mrs. Emma Ehlert
- Miss Geraldine Eick
- Miss Dorothea Eick
- Mr. Hans Engelinnnn
- Miss Kate Ennis
- Heer Dr. Alexander Erdelyi
- Mrs. Martha Erdelyi
- Dr. Sivert Ericsen
- Mrs. Fnyc Ericsen
- Miss Gretle Ertle
- Miss Edith Fahnstock
- Mr. Frederick Farnam
- Mr. Francis Farrell
- Mr. Robert Farrell
- Mrs. E. Faulkner
- Mr. Friedrich Fay
- Mrs. Ruth Fay
- Mrs. Lina Fernandez
- Mr. John Field
- Prof. Dr. Hans Fischer
- Mrs. Wiltrud Fischer
- Miss Margaret Fisk
- Miss Betty Forstermann
- Mrs. Klara Franke
- Mr. Roy French
- Mrs. Elina French
- Mr. Karl Friedewald
- Mrs. Karoline Fuchs
- Herbert Fuchs
- Raimund Fuchs
- Dr. Hans Furier
- Miss Kathryn Gallagher
- Miss Mary Ganley
- Miss Sally Garden
- Mr. William Gartner
- Mrs. Katherine Gartner
- Mr. Wyndham Gary
- Mr. Eugene Gauss
- Mrs. Gauss
- Mrs. Sophie Gauss
- Miss Edna Geisz
- Mrs. Elsa Gerstenberger
- Miss Elsclon Gerstenberger
- Miss Geurgion
- Miss Esther Gibson
- Miss Edith Gibson
- Mr. Thomas Gilligan
- Miss M. Gilligan
- Miss Prof. Clara Goehrke
- Mr. Goetzmann
- Mrs. Goetzmann
- Miss Gladys Gogle
- Mr. L. Goodhue
- Mrs. Goodhue and Child
- Miss Alice Goodspeed
- Mr. John Graham
- Mrs. Isabella Graham
- Mr. Gordon Granger
- Miss Hilda Grant
- Miss Janice Green
- Mrs. Anna Greenfield-Rae
- Mr. Kurt Gresser
- Mrs. Hedwig Gresser
- Mr. Hans Greven
- Mrs. Georgia Greven
- Mr. John Griers
- Mrs. Renate Griesch
- Miss Monica Griffin
- Mr. Waldemar Groth
- Mrs. Groth
- Mr. Anthony Guidemont
- Mr. John Guns
- Mr. Gustav Haach
- Miss Maria Haass
- Miss Margaret Habrich
- Mr. Arthur Haedicke
- Mrs. Baronin Dina von Hahn
- Mr. Theodore Haible
- Mrs. Sara Haible
- Dr. Emo Haidegger
- Miss Marion Hall
- Miss Helen Hanley
- Miss Lena Harmon
- Mrs. Clementine Harris
- Mr. Franz Hassel
- Miss Jean Hatcher
- Miss Clara Hays
- Miss Edna Hazcn
- Mr. William Hellmann
- Miss Barbara Henneberger
- Rev. John Hennes
- Mrs. Anna Hershon
- Mr. Robert Hertel
- Mrs. Dr. Anna Heyberger
- Miss Clara Hilker
- Mr. Masaru Hirose
- Miss Anna Hochstaetter
- Miss Elsie Hochstaetter
- Mrs. Hogan
- Miss Hogan
- Miss M. Holden
- Mrs. Catherine Hollingworth
- Miss Hedwig Holzboog
- Miss Mathilde Holtz
- Miss Harriet Holtz
- Mrs. Mary Hopfensperger
- Mrs. Mary Hopfensperger
- Miss I. Hopworth
- Mr. Orval Hormening
- Mr. Michael Horvath
- Mrs. Anna Horvath
- Miss Anna Horvath
- Martha Horvath
- Miss Esther Houghton
- Miss Emma Howe
- Mrs. F. Howes
- Mr. Howes
- Mr. Howes
- Mrs. Ellis Hudson
- Miss Norma Hudson
- Miss Anna Hudson
- Mrs. Nelly Hug
- Richard Hug
- Mr. Frederic Huidekoper
- Miss Eleonora Hundhausen
- Prof. Erich Hylla
- Miss Gudrun Hylla
- Miss Gretchen Ihmels
- Mrs. Marie Ihmels
- Mr. John Irvine
- Mr. Carl Jacobs
- Miss M. Jaquet
- Mr. Chas. Jennings
- Mr. David Jennings
- Mrs. Kathryn Jennings
- Miss Margret Jennings
- Mrs. Martha Joellick
- Miss Sarah Johlin
- Mrs. R. C. Johnson
- Mrs. Martha Johnson
- Mr. Arthur Johrden
- Mr. Stewart Jones
- Mrs. Bettina Jones
- Miss Anna Jorrance
- Miss Emma Jungton
- Miss Anna Kaiser
- Mr. Otto Kallmeyer
- Mrs. Amalie Kallmeyer
- Mrs. Matilde Kallmeyer
- Miss Gertrude Kay
- Mr. Max Keith
- Mrs. Sarah Kessler
- Mr. Lloyd King
- Mrs. King
- Mr. Thomas King Jr.
- Miss Doris King
- Mrs. Johanna Kloster
- Mr. Carlhans Knepper
- Mr. Henry Knott
- Miss Rosa Koehler
- Mr. Morris Kornberg
- Mr. Sanford Kornberg
- Miss Elizabeth Kranz
- Mrs. Elizabeth Kraus
- Mr. Karl Kraus
- Mr. Richard Krause
- Mrs. Margarete Krause
- Mr. Edward Krauss
- Mr. John Krauss
- Miss Ruth Kremer
- Mr. Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Kritzler
- Mr. Robert Krohn
- Mrs. Frieda Krohse
- Mrs. Vivian Krum
- Miss Beatrice Krum
- Mrs. Elizabeth Kuli
- Dr. Dagobert Kurzezunge
- Mrs. Melanie Kurzezunge
- Mrs. Landudal
- Mr. Carl Lange
- Mr. Anthony Lange
- Dr. Werner Lauber
- Miss Muriel Leahy
- Dr. Rudolf Lemke
- Mr. Alexandre Levasheff
- Mrs. Hertha Lewin
- Mrs. Elisabeth Lindemann
- Miss Elizabeth Lindemann
- Mr. G. Listman
- Mrs. Listman
- Mr. Littlar
- Mrs. E. Littler
- Mrs. L. Loeffler
- Mr. Lion Loeffler
- Mr. Robert Loeffler
- Mr. Karl Loewe
- Mrs. Theodora Loewe
- Mr. William Logan
- Mrs. Logan
- Mr. August Lorey
- Miss Rebecca Love
- Mr. William Lovegrove
- Miss Alice Lowrie
- Mrs. Hedwig Lütge
- Dr. Herman Lütge
- Mr. Reginald Lygon
- Mr. Wilhelm Machold
- Dr. Irare Makray
- Mrs. Margit Makray
- Miss Marie Manchee
- Professor John Manly
- Miss Clara Marks
- Miss Julia Martin
- Miss Anna Martin
- Miss Luise Martin
- Mr. Hakaru Masumato
- Mr. Justin Matkewiez
- Miss Lisbeth Matter
- Miss Helene Mayer
- Mrs. McDonald and Child
- Miss McDonald
- Miss Louise McDowell
- Mr. McGill Mrs. McGill
- Mr. Wilhelm McHold
- Dr. Geo McKenzie
- Mr. John Meinen
- Miss Grace Meinen
- Mrs. Sophie Meinen
- Miss Kathryn Merrill
- Mr. Fred Messmer
- Mrs. Minnie Messmer
- Miss Anne Metz
- Mr. Albert Michaelis
- Mrs. Sophie Michl
- Helene Michl
- Mr. Miller
- Mr. Rudolf von Miller
- Miss Gladys Miller
- Mrs. Florence Mills
- Miss Mary Mitchison
- Miss Janets Mitchison
- Miss Katherine Mock
- Mr. Jacob Moench
- Mr. Sigfrid Molstrom
- Mrs. Sigrid Molstrom
- Mr. Harald Molstrom
- Mr. Auson Moore
- Mr. John Moore
- Mrs. Jas. Moore
- Mrs. J. Moore
- Miss H. Moore
- Mrs. W. Mooring
- Miss Paula Mooring
- W. Mooring
- Miss Edith Mori
- Miss Elisabeth Morton
- Miss Marcella Morton
- Mrs. Agatha Morton
- Miss Elisabeth Morton
- Mr. William Mudge
- Mr. Arthur Mueller
- Mr. Fritz Mueller
- Mrs. Ilse Mueller
- Miss Martha Mueller
- Miss Anna Mueller
- Miss Else Müller
- Mr. Emil Muuss
- Prof. Hakaru Nasumoto
- Mr. Justin Natkevicz
- Mr. George Neckermann
- Mrs. Eleanor Neckermann
- Miss Katharine Nelson
- Mr. George Nesvacil
- Mrs. Rose Nesvacil
- Mrs. Ernestine Nicol
- Mrs. Emma Nielsen
- Mrs. Florence Noffer
- Mr. George Novatel
- Mrs. Rose Novatel
- Miss Zella O'Brien
- Miss Louise Pape
- Mrs. Helen Patrick
- Mr. Julian Peabody
- Miss Irma Pechmann
- Miss Rose Peebles
- Mr. Antonis de la Pena
- Mrs. A. Perry
- Mr. Bernhard Peter
- Mr. Minesteriarat Istvan Petery
- Mr. Ralph Peverley
- Prof. Ignaz Pfeifer
- Mr. Wharton Phillips
- Miss Nancy Phillips
- Miss Patricia Pittman
- Mr. Thomas Planelta
- Mr. John Platt
- Mrs. Platt
- Rochy Platt
- Mr. John Platt
- Mr. David Platt
- Mr. William Platt
- Mr. Frank Plattner
- Mr. Richard Plebst
- Mrs. Claire Poehlandt
- Miss Rosalie Poehlandt
- Miss Quinn
- Mr. Walter Rachals
- Mrs. Aimce Rachals
- Miss Gertrude Rodclifïe
- Miss Sophie Raedler
- Miss T. Reagan
- Mr. Willi Redlich
- Mrs. Margarete Redlich
- Mrs. C. Reed
- Miss Priscilla Reed
- Miss Rosamund Reed
- Miss Louise Rehm
- Mrs. Elizabeth Reid
- Miss Marion Reinhardt
- Mrs. Shelly Rice
- Mr. Anton Rieth
- Miss Frieda Robbins
- Mr. George Roehm
- Mrs. Frieda Roehm
- Mrs. M. Rogalla
- Miss Josephine Rogers
- Mrs. Rosa Röhm
- Mr. Hans Rosenberg
- Miss Elisabeth Rosengarten
- Mr. Hans Rosenhaupt
- Mr. Heinz Rosenhaupt
- Miss Ella Rothermel
- Dr. William Rubsam
- Rev. Ambrose Ruppert
- Dr. Joseph Salisbury
- Mrs. Pency Salisbury
- Mr. Elwood Sails
- Mr. John Salsbury
- Miss Frances Salsbury
- Mrs. Janice Satternhaite
- Miss Rosalie Scinta
- Mrs. Mason Sears
- Miss Charlotte Sears
- Philip Sears
- Miss Julia Sears
- Mrs. Karola Seyfferth
- Miss Helen Sharkey
- Miss Constance Sherman
- FräuL Betty Shorter
- Miss Elisabeth Siegel
- Mr. Bruno Siegwart
- Miss Gertrude Smith
- Miss M. Smith
- Miss Helen Smith
- Miss Eva Smith
- Mr. Herbert Smith
- Mr. Sanford Smith
- Miss Bertha Smith
- Dr. Arthur Smith
- Miss Smith
- Prof. Dr. Georg Spackeler
- Mr. Jean Suelzer
- Mr. Hans Suessmuth
- Mrs. Elsa Suessmuth
- Mr. A. Sulloway
- Miss Elaine Swanson
- Mrs. Elsie Syrup
- Mr. Otto Szaszovszky
- Prof. Joseph Schaefer
- Mr. Samuel Scheuer
- Mrs. Rosel Scheuer
- Miss Hilde Scheuer
- Mr. Ray Schiferle
- Miss Elizabeth Schieler
- Mrs. Schiferle
- Miss Ruth Schiferle
- Roy Schiferle
- Rev. Valentin Schiffrer
- Mrs. Sidonie Schlesinger
- Miss Louisa Scholl
- Miss Mary Scholl
- Mr. Gyözö Schön
- Mrs. Kunigunde Schmcezing
- Miss Martha Schmid
- Dr. Wilhelm Schmidt-Nickels
- Dr. Hugo Schmitt
- Mrs. Emma Schmitt
- Norma Schmitt
- Dr. Schnauss
- Miss Frances Schreiber
- Mr. Fred Schulmeister
- Mrs. Clara Schulmeister
- Rev. John Schulte Schulthess
- Mr. Paul Schulthess
- Mrs. Schulthess
- Miss Carol Schulthess
- Mr. Hans Schumacher
- Mrs. Magrit Schumacher
- Mrs. Anna Schwartau
- Miss Edith Standen
- Mrs. Else Staudinger
- Dr. Hans Staudinger
- Miss Mary Stoehr
- Mr. Gustav Strahlendorff
- Mrs. Stuart and Child
- Mr. Donald Thorpe
- Mrs. Doris Tracey
- Miss Doris Traccy
- Mr. Chris Tussing
- Mr. Hermann Umbreit
- Mrs. Paula Umbreit
- Miss Lucille Ummach
- Mr. Arthur Umpleby
- Mrs. John Valaer and Child
- Miss Fredericka Venables
- Miss E. Verster
- Baroness Gisela Vietinghoff
- Mrs. Vinton
- Miss Minna Voelker
- Miss Emma Vogel
- Mr. Joseph Vogel
- Mrs. Rosie Vogel
- Miss Frieda Vogel
- Mrs. M. Volra
- Mrs. Johanna Vorndran
- Miss Marlha Vorndran
- Mr. Irving Voorhees
- Miss Francess Vorhees
- Miss Henrietta Vorhees
- Mr. Donald Vought
- Mr. Kenji Wada
- Fraul. Agneta Wallace
- Mr. Leonard Walther
- Miss Wilhelmine Walz
- Miss Florence Weaver
- Mr. Frank Weber
- Mrs. Elsa Weber
- Miss Elsie Weber
- Mrs. Martha Weed
- Miss Marie Weed
- Mr. Johannes Wehner
- Mr. William Welk
- Dr. Werner Wenzel
- Miss Margaret Westphal
- Rev. Fred Weyrich
- Miss Esther Wheaton
- Mrs. Eleanor Wheeler
- Miss Alma Wiechers
- Mrs. Elise Wienecke
- Mrs. Patience Williamson
- Mr. Walter Wilson
- Miss A. Wilson
- Miss E. Wilson
- Mrs. Marie Winkler
- Mr. Gustav Wittig
- Mr. Donald Wittig
- Mrs. Helen Wohland
- Miss Joana Wolle
- Miss Margarete Wolff
- Mr. John Works-Robotka
- Mr. Paul Wright
- Mr. Chris Wueat
- Mrs. Vera Wueat
- Mr. Otto Wundrack
- Mrs. Anna Wundrack
- Mr. Chunhui Yen
- Miss Mary Yeomans
- Mr. Kioshi Ykegawa
- Miss Carrie Young
- Mr. Irving Zale
- Miss Agnes Zicrl
- Dr. Wilhelm
- Zimmermann
- Mrs. Lotte Zimmermann
- Mrs. Martha Zoellick
- Miss P. van Zyl
To Southampton
- Mr. Henry Andrews
- Mrs. Mary Andrews
- Miss Patricia Andrews
- Mr. Adolf Baumgarten
- Miss Ursula Bethge
- Mr. Kurt Bishop
- Mr. John Blaksley
- Miss Emily Boettcher
- Miss Borchardt
- Mr. Francis Bray
- Mr. Laurence Connley
- Miss Marian Connley
- Miss Marjorie Cosgrove
- Mr. George Cottrell
- Mrs. Dorothy Cottrell
- John Cottrell
- David Cottrell
- Mr. Arnold Daetz
- Mr. Patrick Dane
- Mrs. Margaret Dane
- Fräul Edith Davies
- Mr. Carl Ekbom
- Mrs. Gertrud Ekbom
- Miss Gertrud von Estorff
- Mr. Hugh Evans
- Mrs. Dorothy Evernden
- Miss Peggie Falconer
- Mr. Michael Farcy
- Mrs. Marie Faulkner
- Mrs. Marie Fischer
- Mrs. Marselis Forster
- Miss Helene Gehsec
- Mr. Stanley Glunfield
- Mrs. Dagmar Glanfield
- Mr. James Goddard
- Mrs. Marel Goddard
- Mr. Frederick Gossow
- Mrs. EUen Gossow
- Miss Gertrud Gunz
- Mr. James Hamilton
- Dr. Henschel
- Mrs. Jane Higgs
- Mr. Peter Hottenroth-Roffey
- Mrs. Frieda Hottenroth-Roffey
- Miss Dorothy Humphreys
- Mr. Hugh Hunter
- Mrs. Evelyn Hunter
- Mr. John Hunter
- Mrs. Dorothy Hurst-Brown
- Mr. Robert Johnson
- Mrs. Gerda Johnson
- Mrs. Alice Königsberger Königsberger
- Mr. Nathaniel Lane
- Mrs. Winifred Lane
- Mr. Colin Lane
- Mrs. P. Lane
- Mr. H. Ledermann
- Mr. Henr Lesser
- Mrs. Jane Lesser
- Miss Laetitia Lesser
- Dr. Levi
- Miss Maria Liedtke
- Mr. Georg Lill
- Mr. William Maskrey-Gordon
- Mr. Alan Masters
- Mr. George Mc Naught
- Mr. Arthur Moon
- Mrs. Winifred Moon
- Miss Dorothea Oppenheimer
- Miss Primcla Owen
- Mr. Hermann Poppelbaum
- Miss Jane Prance
- Mr. Charles Prance
- Miss Faith Ratcliffe
- Miss Renate Reese
- Mrs. Reissner
- Mrs. Reissner
- Mrs. Dorothy Rubsam
- Eleanor Rubsam
- Mrs. Zuzanne Sears
- Mrs. Ursula Selo
- Mr. Herbert Schreiber
- Mr. Schrere
- Miss Henniliese Schröder
- Miss Ursula Schwandt
- Mrs. Eileen Steel
- David Steel
- Miss Alida Steffens
- Mr. Curt Tischendorf
- Miss Lorn a Tischendorf
- Miss Ursula Tobler
- Miss Elisabeth Walter
- Mr. James Walton
- Mr. Kenneth Walton
- Miss Lucy Ware
- Mr. Hugh] Watson
- Mr. Major James Whittall
- Mrs. Marion Whittall
- Anne Whittall Elisabeth Whittall
- Mrs. Olga Willcott
- Miss Wilson
- Miss Dorothy Winborn
- Mr. Gordon Wise
- Dr. David Witkowsky
- Mr. Gerhard Wolf
- Mrs. Ada Woodmann
- Mr. John Works
Third Class Passengers
- Miss Barbara Adams
- Mr. Franz Aigner
- Miss Erna Albers
- Miss Martha Albers
- Miss Bertha Albers
- Mr. Wilhelm Albers
- Mrs. Wilhelm Albers
- Prof. John Alison
- Miss L. Alle
- Rev. Allen
- Mr. J. Wana Allen
- Mrs. L. F. Allen
- Miss Lydia Allen
- Mr. Luis Almaraz
- Mrs. Katherina Almeroth
- Mr. M. O. Anderson
- Mrs. Hermine Andzan
- Mr. Karl Ansel
- Mr. T. V. Anthony
- Mr. William Appel and Family
- Mrs. Emma Appelt
- Mr. Reinhard Arber
- Mrs. Reinhard Arber
- Mr. Jakob Att and Family
- Mr. Conrad Auge
- Mrs. Conrad Auge
- Mrs. Christine Aust
- Miss Martha Aust
- Mrs. Elizabeth Bachmann
- Mr. Frank Bachmeier
- Mrs. Frank Bachmeier
- Miss Anna Backes
- Mr. Georg Backhaus
- Mrs. Johanna Bader and Child
- Miss Lois Baker
- Mr. J. Ballmann
- Mr. Fred Ballmoos
- Mr. John Bannhauser
- Miss Louise Barnes
- Mr. Stephan Barr
- Mrs. Stephan Barr
- Miss R. L. Barret
- Mrs. Theresa Bartha
- Mrs. Katharina Barthel
- Mr. Richard Barthel
- Mrs. Else Barthel
- Mr. Oskar Barthmann
- Mrs. Elsa Barthmann
- Mrs. Sophie Bassler
- Miss Marie Bauer
- Mr. Clifford Bearmore
- Mr. Alwin Bearmore
- Mr. Josef Becker
- Mrs. Else G. Becker
- Miss Elsa Becker
- Mrs. Marie Becker
- Miss Helga Becker
- Mr. Hermann Beckers
- Miss Loretta Beckmann
- Mr. Waldemar Beckmann
- Mrs. Waldemar Beckmann
- Mr. Franz Behrle
- Mr. A. F. W. Beischer
- Mrs. A. F. W. Beischer
- Mrs. Margarete Belgers
- Miss Dorothy Bell
- Mrs. Sophie Beltz
- Mr. Michael Benedikt and Family
- Mr. Philip Benjamin
- Mrs. Esther Bennett
- Miss Margot Bentheim
- Rev. Harold Bentley
- Miss Ethelyn Berger
- Mrs. Maria Berger and Daughter
- Mr. Carl Berglund
- Miss Elisabeth Bergmann
- Mr. William Bernau
- Mr. Paul Bernhard
- Mrs. Paul Bernhard
- Mrs. C. Biermann
- Mr. Henry Bierschenk
- Mr. August Birkelbach
- Mrs. Anny Birkelbach and Children
- Mr. Anton Bischoff
- Mrs. Anton Bischoff
- Mr. Franz Bittner
- Mrs. Ann Bittner
- Miss Charlotte Bittner
- Mr. John Block
- Mrs. Lisa Block
- Miss Anna Block
- Miss Alma Block
- Mr. Theodor Bock
- Miss Elli Bock
- Mrs. Frieda Bock and Child
- Mr. Theodore Bock
- Mrs. Klara Bodderas
- Mr. Frank Boehm
- Mrs. Anna Bolter and Child
- Mr. Otto Bongers
- Mr. E. H. Bonsall and Family
- Miss Mary Lucy Boone
- Miss Lucia Booth
- Mr. August Bott
- Miss Edna Bottorf
- Miss Esther Boughton
- Mrs. Beryl Brady
- Mr. Karl Brag
- Mr. John Brand
- Mrs. Dorothy Brandt
- Mr. Ernst Braun
- Mrs. Ernst Braun
- Mr. Bernhard Brockmann
- Mrs. Bernhard Brockmann
- Mr. Fritz Brotte
- Mrs. Fritz Brotte
- Mr. John Brown
- Mrs. John Brown
- Miss B. Brown
- Rev. Bruner
- Mr. Henry Brünjes
- Mrs. Johanne Brünjes and Child
- Mrs. Elisabeth Brunner
- Mr. Willy Brunner
- Mrs. Willy Brunner
- Miss Gertrude Bruns
- Miss lngeborg M. Bruns
- Mr. Erich Buchterkirchen
- Mrs. Elisabeth Buehler
- Miss Margaret Buehler
- Hilda Buehler
- Miss Dorothy Burnham
- Miss Flora Burt
- Mr. Henry Busch
- Mr. Hermann Busch
- Mrs. Minna Busch
- Mr. Hermann Busch
- Irma Busch
- Mrs. Gertrud Büschel
- Mrs. Elsie Bush
- Mr. Otto Bulrite
- Mrs. Kläre Butrite
- Mr. Robert Byers
- Mr. Ford Campbell
- Mrs. Miriam Campbell
- Mr. Lubomir Carlacoff
- Mr. Carlson
- Mrs. Carlson
- Mrs. Mary Carpentier
- Miss Catherine Carrigan
- Mrs. A. C. Cecil and Daughter
- Mr. Felix Ceresnak
- Mrs. Felix Ceresnak
- Mr. Josef Cettl
- Mrs. Gladys Chapman
- and Children
- Mr. Bradford Chase
- Miss Mary Chase
- Mr. John Cherer
- Mrs. Elisabeth Cherer and Child
- Frfiul. Rosa Chischka
- Mrs. Katherine Chladnicek and Son
- Mr. John Chowanes
- Mr. Josef Christberger
- Mrs. Josef Christberger
- Mrs. Johanna Chrstos
- Mr. Maurice Colbert
- Miss Elizabeth Connor
- Mr. Dietrich Cordes
- Mrs. Sofie Cordes and Children
- Miss L Crook
- Miss De Sales Cushing
- Mr. Albert Dalimayr
- Mrs. Maria Dalimayr
- Mr. Kurt Dallwig
- Mr. Karl Daugel
- Mrs. Käthe Darius
- Mrs. Mary Daub
- and Children
- Mrs. Vernon Dauch
- Mr. Karl Daun and Family
- Miss Celia J. Davies
- Miss Celia J. Davies
- Rev. Chas. Davies
- Mrs. Chas. Davies
- Miss Eliz. Davis
- Miss Anna Degler
- Mr. Walter Dieterich
- Mrs. Hilde Dieterich and Child
- Mr. Franz Dietze
- Mr. Alfred Diez
- Mrs. Alfred Diez
- Miss Helen Dildine
- Mrs. Erna Dittsworth
- Mr. Martin Dolbach and Family
- Mr. Howard Dorrenbacher
- Miss L. A. Drake
- Mr. Bernhard Dreesmann
- Mrs. Maria Dreesmann and Child
- Mr. Carl Droege
- Miss Antonia Droszkowski
- Miss Elizabeth Drum
- Mr. Andy Dulick
- Mr. Steve Dulick
- Mr. Fred Ebert
- Miss Mary Ebert
- Miss Frida Ehrhardt
- Miss Amalie Eirich
- Mr. Harry Eiselen
- Miss Lillian Ekstrom
- Miss Bertha Eller
- Mr. Friedrich Enders and Family
- Mrs. Victoria Ensen
- Miss Carola Erb
- Mr. John Erhard
- Mr. Werner Ernst
- Mrs. Werner Ernst
- Miss Ann von Esch
- Mrs. Elsa Esselühn and Son
- Miss Emily Ethel
- Mr. Peter Euba
- Mrs. Emma Euba and Child
- Mr. Robert Evans
- Mr. John Farkas
- Mr. Martin Fässer
- Mrs. Cordelia Fässer
- Miss Minnie Fay
- Mr. Otto Ernst Fethke
- Mrs. Otto Ernst Fethke
- Rev. C. H. Fischer
- Mr. Rudolf Fitz
- Mr. F. Fleischmann and Son
- Mr. Bell Flohr
- Mr. Hermann Folger
- Mrs. Hermann Folger
- Mr. William H. Forbes
- Mrs. William H. Forbes
- Mr. David Forbes
- Mr. Albert France
- Miss Kirsten Frederiksen
- Dr. Frank Frerichs and Family
- Mr. Karl Freiseis
- Mrs. Ruth Freiseis
- Mr. Emanuel Frey
- Mrs. Katharina Frey and Children
- Mrs. Wilma Fromm and Child
- Mr. Joseph Fuchs and Family
- Mrs. Anna Fuchs
- Miss Effie Gaffam
- Mr. Erwin von Gaisberg
- Mrs. Erwin von Gaisberg
- Mrs. Frida Gaiser and Children
- Mr. Walter Gefrom
- Mrs. Walter Gefrom
- Mrs. Gertrud Geier
- Mr. Philip Geier Jr.
- Mrs. Mathilde Geist and Child
- Mr. August Gervick
- Mr. Walter Glaser
- Mrs. Agnes Glaser
- Mr. John Goczan
- Mr. Rudolf Goczan
- Mrs. Louise Goetz
- Mrs. Louise Gollbach
- Mrs. Marion Goodeell
- Mr. Jeck Gose
- Mr. Otto Gösch
- Mrs. Bertha Gösch
- Miss Agathe Graf
- Mr. Professor
- Dr. W. L. Graff
- Mr. K. Grannon
- Mr. George Gravenhorst
- Mr. Fred Gravius
- Mr. Wallace Green
- Mr. M. G. Griffiths
- Mrs. M. A. Griffiths
- Mr. Otto Grigoleit
- Mrs. Catharina Gross and Children
- Mrs. Helen Gross
- Miss Marie Gross
- Mr. John Grosshaupt
- Mrs. Elisabeth Grosshaupt
- Mr. Bruno Growth and Family
- Mr. Josef Gründel and Family
- Mrs. Olive Grunsky
- Mrs. Else Grünwald and Daughter
- Miss Beatrice Haan
- Miss Maria Haas
- Mrs. Kaethe Hahn
- Mr. Emst Haiberg
- Mrs. Emst Haiberg
- Mrs. Amalie Halfmann
- Mr. Halsema
- Mrs. Elsie Hamann and Son
- Mrs. Magd. Handel
- Mrs. Julia Hanke
- Herbert Hanke
- Mr. Paul Hans
- Mrs. Lillian Hanson
- Miss Marie Harbig
- Miss Jessie Harden
- Mrs. Agnes Harrer
- Mrs. Elsa Hartig
- Mr. Gregory Hartmann
- Mr. Arthur Hawe
- Mrs. Arthur Hawe
- Mr. Herrn. J. Hattersley
- Mr. Peter Hedlund
- Mr. Bernard Heidkamp
- Mrs. Mary Heidkamp and Children
- Mr. Karl Heilemann
- Mr. Alfred Heine
- Mrs. Alfred Heine
- Miss Anita Henkel
- Mr. Gilbert Hennings and Family
- Miss E. P. Herlehy
- Mr. Nikolaus Hertel
- Mrs. Nikolaus Hertel
- Miss Hedwig Herrmann
- Mrs. Elfriede Herrmann
- Miss Rose Herrmann
- Mr. Hugo Hesse
- Mr. Clamor Hettling and Family
- Miss Wilhelmine Hilbert
- Mr. Charlton Hinmann
- Miss Marie Hirschmann
- Mr. Fred Hirt and Family
- Mr. Charles Hochne
- Mrs. Louise Hoericke
- Miss Olga Hoessly
- Mr. Edward Hoffmeister
- Mrs. Edward Hoffmeister
- Mr. Heinrich Hoffrage
- Prof. D. J. Hogan
- Mr. William Hogan
- Miss Rosalie Hohler
- Mr. Erich Hohnke
- Mrs. Anna Hohnke
- Miss Anne Holland
- Miss Vivian H. Holloway
- Mr. August Hohenkamp
- Miss Erna Holzer
- Mrs. Kathar. Holzhausen
- Mrs. Lucyle Hook-Rathert
- Miss L. Hook-Rathert
- Mrs. Anna Hotovee
- Mr. Alfons Houck
- Mr. Howson
- Mrs. Howson
- Mr. Howson
- Miss Ann Hubbard
- Mrs. Mary Huber
- Mrs. Maria Huber
- Mrs. Anna Huebner
- Mrs. Minnie Huetger
- Mr. William E. Hunt
- Mr. Oswald llgner
- Mr. Karl lllgner
- Mrs. Elisabeth lllgner
- Mr. Josef Ilmberger
- Miss Helen Ingrahan
- Mr. J. Albert Jacobsen
- Miss Eva Jacoby
- Mrs. Esther Jaeche
- Mr. Adolf Jaeger
- Mrs. Adolf Jaeger
- Mr. Emil Jäger
- Mr. Adolfas Jakaitis
- Mr. Joseph Janush Jr.
- Mr. Paul John
- Miss Constance Johnson
- Mr. Raymond Johnson
- Mr. Perry Johnson
- Mr. William R. Jones
- Mr. Paul Juliff
- Miss Claire Jung
- Miss Käthe Kähler
- Miss Annemarie Kählce
- Mrs. Alphonse Kairisan
- Mr. Karl Kaiser
- Miss Frances Kamin
- Mr. Andy Kamerer
- Mrs. Gertrud Kamerer
- Mr. John Kammermeier
- Mrs. John Kammermeier
- Mrs. Magdalena Kapfer and Daughter
- Miss Eleanor v. Kapff
- Miss Ida Karweick
- Miss Martha Karweick
- Mrs. Auguste Katt and Daughter
- Miss May Kedney
- Mr. Frank Kegik
- Mrs. Frank Kegik
- Mrs. Anni Keller
- Mr. Kellner and Family
- Miss Ida Kern
- Mr. Karl Keun
- Mr. Randolph A. Kidder
- Mr. Hans A. Kienle
- Mrs. Kinas and Son
- Mrs. C. A. Kirchgeorg
- Mrs. Pauline Kirchgessner
- Mr. Karl Kittlinger
- Mr. Frank Klechka and Family
- Miss Jane Kleist
- Miss Anna Klenk
- Mr. Aloys Klöker
- Mrs. Louise Knauss
- Mrs. Elisab Knies and Son
- Mrs. Marie Koethe
- Mr. Ernst Köhler
- Mrs. Ernst Köhler
- Mr. Fritz Koll
- Mr. Bruno Kollhof
- Mrs. Klara Kopmann
- Mr. Friedrich Kopp
- Mrs. Friedrich Kopp
- Mrs. Elsie C. Kopp and Child
- Mr. Max Kopp
- Mrs. Max Kopp
- Mr. John Koppe
- Mrs. John Koppe
- Dr. Karl H. Kortheuer
- Mr. Hans Kothen
- Mrs. Hans Kothen
- Mr. Kurt Kraft and Family
- Miss Mary Krejci
- Miss Gertrude Kreutzberg
- Mrs. Bertha Kriegsmann and Daughter
- Mrs. Margar. Krogmann
- Mr. Bruno Kruckemeyer
- Mr. Paul Krueger
- Miss Lucilla Krüger
- Mrs. Maria Rother-Kubatzki
- Mr. Paul Kuhnle
- Mr. Max H. Kulske
- Mr. Arthur Kurtznacker
- Mr. William Kusak
- Mr. George Kutz
- Mr. Paul Kutzner
- Mrs. Paul Kutzner
- Mr. John Kyser
- Mrs. John Kyser
- Miss Louise Lackmann
- Miss Mary E. Ladd
- Mr. John Ladd
- Mr. Fred A. Lade
- Mrs. G. H. Laffert and Children
- Miss Ellen Lahey
- Mr. Fred Lange
- Mrs. Amande Langguth and Daughter
- Mrs. Ida Larhonen
- Mr. Oscar Larson
- Mr. Christian Lassen
- Mrs. Vieno Lathmein and Children
- Mr. Vaino Latukka
- Mrs. Alma Latukka and Children
- Mr. Max Läufer
- Mrs. Walberg Laursen
- Mr. Max Laubner
- Mr. Richard Lawrence
- Mrs. Charlotte Lemcke and Daughter
- Mr. Wilhelm Lepp
- Mr. John Lesch and Child
- Dr. Andrew Lewis
- Miss Elsie Lewis
- Miss Helen Lewis
- Mrs. Katharina Lichtenworther
- Miss Mina Lichtner
- Mr. Karl Liebermann and Family
- Miss Norma Lindstrom
- Mr. Carl Linesfield
- Mr. Heinrich Lingel
- Miss Gerda von der Lippen
- Prof. Lipsey Jr.
- Miss Paula List
- Mr. Georg Lohmeier
- Mrs. Georg Lohmeier
- Miss Priseilla Lord
- Mr. Hermann Losch
- Mr. P. A. Lovell
- Miss P. Lowe
- Mr. William B. De Luca
- Mrs. Clara Luckow
- Miss Hanna L. Luckow
- Miss Elizabeth Ludwig
- Mr. Raymond Luthy
- Mr. Frank Lutz
- Mrs. Agnes Lutz and Children
- Miss Louise Lymann
- Mr. Jean Lymann
- Mr. Christian Mack
- Mr. Christian Mack
- Mrs. Christian Mack
- Mr. Franz Maier and Family
- Mrs. Lina Maier and Daughter
- Mrs. Grete Mann
- Mr. Ralph Mannerberg
- Mrs. Laura Mannerberg
- Mrs. Hedwig Markgraf
- Mr. Walter Marks
- Mrs. Ruth Martin and Child
- Mr. Charles Masinda
- Mr. John S. Mauger
- Mr. Maurer
- Miss Emilie Mayer
- Miss Agnes Mc Manns
- Mrs. Marie Meier
- Mr. Ferdinand Meinen
- Mrs. Martha Meinen
- Mrs. Marie Meissner and Daughter
- Mrs. Lucie Meller
- Miss Barbara Meller
- Mr. Melzer
- Mrs. Cecilie Mertens
- Miss Jane van Meter
- Mr. Ernest Meyer
- Mrs. Alma Meyer and Child
- Mr. Clemens Meyer
- Mrs. Emma M. Meyers
- Mr. Kostyeka Miehat
- Mr. Ronald Miliar
- Mrs. Ronald Miliar
- Mr. Fred Mills
- Mr. Gerhard Mirus
- Miss Florence Mitchell
- Mrs. Julia Mitrovich Moosmüller
- Mr. William Morris
- Mr. Leonhard Mühlich
- Mrs. Rosa Mühlich
- Mrs. Helene Mulder and Children
- Prof. Dr. Gustav Müller
- Mr. Heinz Müller
- Mrs. Bertha Münch and Child
- Mr. Johann Mundweil
- Mrs. Anna Mundweil
- Mrs. Katarina Mundweil
- Mr. Franz Munsche
- Mr. C. W. Munshower
- Mrs. C. W. Munshower
- Mr. Gustav Münstedt
- Mr. Hermann Mussfeldt
- Mrs. Hermann Mussfeldt
- Miss Odessa Myers
- Mr. Josef Nagy
- Miss Mildred E. Navotny
- Mrs. Elis. Neuhart
- Mrs. Fanny Neumayer and Children
- Miss Marie Neumeier
- Miss Ragnhill Nichelson
- Mr. R. Niebuhr and Family
- Mr. Niebuhr
- Mr. Niels Nielsen
- Mrs. Marie Nielsen
- Mr. Hans Noeth
- Mr. Nils Nordstrand
- Miss Anna Nothum
- Miss Anna Nova
- Miss Magdalene von Nussbauin
- Mr. Josef Obermeier
- Mrs. Josef Obermeier
- Mrs. Annie O'Brien and Daughter
- Mrs. Elisabeth O'Connor
- Mrs. Martha Ohser
- Miss Violet Older
- Miss Ellen Olesen
- Mr. Henry Oppel
- Miss Elizabeth O'Reilly
- Mr. Erich Oswald
- Mr. Palaank
- Miss Mary N. Parounagian
- Mrs. Marie Pauli
- Miss Frieda Pauli
- Miss Lillian Pearson
- Miss Kate Peil
- Miss Nancy Pell
- Miss Fanny Peterka
- Mr. Costa Peters
- Mrs. Helena Peters
- Mrs. Sophie Peuker
- Mrs. Marie Pfister
- Anita Pfleger
- Mrs. Minni Pflüger
- Mr. Karl H. Pfütze
- Mrs. Maria M. Pilsl
- Mr. Emil Piper and Family
- Mr. Matthews Pirkel
- Mrs. Gertrud Plambeck and Daughter
- Mr. Karl Pöchmann
- Mrs. Ilse Polz
- Miss Dorothy Mary Porter
- Mrs. Ottilia Posanske
- Mrs. Susan Potente
- Mr. Foster Price Jr.
- Mr. Edward H. Prüden
- Mrs. Edward H. Prüden
- Mrs. Pauline Pullen
- Dr. Vemon Puryear
- Mr. Karl Rademacher
- Mrs. Karl Rademacher
- Miss Wilma Raffenberger
- Mr. Rudolf Rapposch
- Mr. W. P. Rayner
- Mrs. Anni Regul and Son
- Miss Charlotte Reich
- Miss Bertha Reichelt
- Mrs. Frieda Reineeke and Children
- Miss Irene Reindel
- Miss Beningun Rempel
- Mrs. Barbara Rest and Daughter
- Miss Rose Reusser
- Miss Doris Richards
- Mrs. Alma Richter and Children
- Mr. Paul Richter
- Mrs. Ella Richter and Children
- Miss Hedwig Ridder
- Mr. Ernst Rieck
- Mrs. Ernst Rieck
- Mr. Hans Ricmann
- Mr. John Rlesinger and Family
- Miss Mary Robbins
- Mr. Robert R. Robins
- Mr. Theodor Rohrs
- Mr. Alois Roemisch
- Mrs. Alois Roemisch
- Dr. Cuthbert Rogerson
- Miss Mabel Rossmann
- Professor Dr. Paul Rothemund
- Mrs. Katie Rowe
- Mrs. Fanny Ruddy
- Mrs. Helen B. Rufener
- Mr. Max Rummler
- Mrs. Max Rummler
- Mr. John H. Runge
- Miss Rosa S. Ruppert
- Mrs. Rosa Sonia Rupport
- Mrs. Hedwig Rüttimann
- Professor J. M. Rysgaard
- Miss Margaret Sachs
- Mr. Arthur Sandstede
- Mr. Peter C. Salomonsen
- Mrs. Gertrude Salomonsen
- Fräul Florence Salomonsen
- Miss Annemarie Saucrländer
- Mr. William Sawyer
- Mrs. Rosa Sebald
- Mr. G. Seibert
- Mrs. Dora Seidel
- Mrs. Auguste Seidel
- Mrs. Frieda Seifert
- Mr. Carl H. Seitz
- Dr. Adolf Seitz
- Mr. Paul Senych
- Mrs. Paul Senych
- Dr. Kurt Sepmeier
- Mrs. Kurt Sepmeier
- Miss Charlotte B. Seyd
- Dr. Hermann Seyfahrt
- Mr. Louis Sharry and Family
- Miss E. Sherinyan
- Miss Katharine Sherwood
- Miss Margarethe Sigl
- Mr. Frank Simlik and Family
- Mr. Karl Simon
- Mrs. Gertrud Simon
- Mrs. Therese Sipmeier
- Mr. Joseph N. Sittler
- Mr. John Slanec
- Mrs. John Slanec
- Mr. J. W. Smith
- Miss Barbara Smith
- Mr. P. Guy Snyder
- Mrs. P. Guy Snyder
- Mr. Frank Sokolski
- Mr. Hans Söllner and Family
- Mr. Knud Sondersted
- Mr. Karl Sonnenberg
- Mrs. Amalie Sonnenberg
- Mr. Ludwig Spann
- Mrs. Ludwig Spann
- Mr. Edward Sperber
- Miss J. M. Spotts
- Mr. Frank Srehla
- Mrs. Anna Swarofsky
- Mr. Stefan Sysok
- Mr. Adolf Schaaf
- Miss Isolds Schade
- Miss Hilda Schilling
- Mrs. Rosa Schissler and Child
- Mr. Friedr. Schlenz
- Mrs. Paula Schlömer and Son
- Mrs. Auguste Schmeelk and Daughter
- Mr. Otto Schmid
- Mrs. Emma Schmid
- Mrs. Martha Schmidt
- Mr. Carl Schmidt
- Mr. Franz Schmidt
- Mr. Bernard Schmit
- Mrs. Frieda Schmitt and Child
- Mr. Max Schnebel
- Mrs. Carla Schnebel and Child
- Mrs. Emma Schneider and Children
- Mr. Henry Schnier
- Mrs. Henry Schnier
- Mrs. Cecilia Schnur
- Mrs. Alwine Schoenfeld and Son
- Mr. Hubert Schoff
- Mrs. Louise Schopp
- Norma Schopp
- Mrs. Alma Schrader
- Mr. Erich Schulze
- Mrs. Schumacher
- Mr. Günter Schütte
- Mr. Werner Schütte
- Miss Caroline Stamm
- Miss Caroline Stangohr
- Mr. Hugo Stark
- Mrs. Elisabeth Stark
- Mr. Ernst Staveley
- Mr. Fred Steiner
- Miss Mary Steingraeber
- Mrs. Karoline Stern
- Fräul, Helen Stevens
- Miss Mildred Stewart
- Mrs. Marie Streif and Son
- Mr. Josef Stretti
- Mr. Otto Strittmatter
- Mrs. Maria Strittmatter
- Mrs. Frieda Strobel
- Mrs. Maria Strunk
- Mrs. Erna Strunk-Wiskow
- Miss Clara Stura
- Miss Helene Tamm
- Mr. Maurilie Taorumina and Family
- Miss Elvie Taylor
- Miss L. L. Taylor
- Mr. C. M. Taylor
- Mr. Caspar Theisen
- Mrs. Caspar Theisen
- Miss Mary Thomason
- Mr. Ralph Thompson
- Mr. H. C. Thorne
- Mrs. Anna Toniko
- Mr. George Traeg
- Mrs. Martha Traeg and Children
- Mrs. Emilie Trester
- Mr. Anton Tschurwald
- Mr. Ignatz Tschurwald
- Mrs. Margar. Ulrich and Child
- Dr. H. E. Uterhart
- Mr. Konrad Vaeth
- Mr. Thomas Vanek and Family
- Mr. John Varga
- Miss Gehuda Vescolani
- Mrs. Waltraut Vettel
- Miss Frieda Vetter
- Mrs. Gesche Viets and Child
- Mr. Emil Vogt
- Mr. Max Vongries
- Miss Stella van der Voort
- Mr. Victor Vukovich and Family
- Professor Glenn R. Waas
- Mrs. Glenn R. Waas
- Mr. Franz Wagner
- Mrs. Franz Wagner
- Mr. Georg Wagner
- Mrs. Georg Wagner
- Mrs. Elisabeth Wagner
- Mrs. Hulda Wagner and Child
- Miss Maria Waldvogel
- Mr. Otto Walleser
- Mrs. Otto Walleser and Child
- Mrs. Hilma M. Wallin and Daughter
- Mr. Hermann Waltl
- Mr. Albert Wanner
- Miss Marion Warner
- Mr. Werner Warnholtz
- Miss Helen Watkins
- Miss Ethel Watson
- Mr. Arthur Waugh
- Mrs. Arthur Waugh
- Mr. Alfred Weber
- Mrs. Barbara Webster
- Mr. William Wegner
- Mr. August Weibel
- Mrs. Martha Weinbrecht
- Miss Martha Weinbrecht
- Miss Martha Weiss
- Miss Auguste Weng
- Miss Lilian Wentsch
- Mr. August Werner
- Mr. Bruno Werner
- Mrs. Lilia Wesa
- Miss Ruth Westermann
- Mr. Henry Westphal
- Miss Irene Wheeler
- Miss Isabella Whiting
- Miss Fredericia Whiting
- Mrs. Marion Widgery
- Miss Rhoda Widgery
- Mrs. Gisella Wieertz and Children
- Mr. John Wiesend
- Mr. Wilhelm Wilkens
- Mrs. Anna Wilkens
- Miss Marion Williams
- Mrs. Endore Williams
- Mr. Ernst Williams
- Mr. Roland Williams
- Mrs. Roland Williams
- Mr. Donald Wilson
- Mrs. Donald Wilson
- Mrs. Frieda Winkler and Child
- Prof. Mary Winspeare
- Mrs. Carl von Wintzingerode
- Miss Elsa von Wintzingerode
- Mr. Walter Wismar
- Mrs. Grete Witte and Children
- Mrs. Marie Witte
- Mrs. Erna Woehlemann
- Mr. Henry Wöhlke
- Mrs. Agnes Wöhlke
- Miss Anna Wöhlke
- Mr. Philipp Wolff
- Mrs. Philipp Wolff
- Miss Louise Wood
- Miss Louise H. Wood
- Mrs. Marie Worms
- Miss Christine Worthmann
- Mr. Würz
- Dr. A. A. York
- Miss T. Younger
- Mrs. M. Younger
- Mr. John Zablocki
- Miss Edna Zadrawetz
- Mr. Frank Zanolli
- Mr. Werner Zepernick
- Mrs. Sofia Zeuch
- Therese Zeuner
- Mr. Kurt Zimmermann
- Mrs. Bertha Zimmermann
- Miss Mabel Zimmers
- Mr. Robert Zink
- Mrs. Robert Zink
- Mrs. Katharine Zinser
- Mrs. Fanny Zweifel
- Mrs. Ida Zuberhübler and Son
To Southampton
- Miss Isabel M. Beesley
- Miss Nadejde Beldiman
- Mr. Walter B. Bentley
- Dr. Richard A. Beth
- Mr. Braxton
- Mr. J. W. Cooke
- Miss Hermine Dobner
- Mr. Philip Dur
- Mrs. D. Esdom
- Mr. Henry W. Fuck
- Mrs. Nellie L. Fuck
- Miss Mary Gordon
- Miss Emma Heidt
- Miss Gertrud Hick
- Mr. Hubbard
- Mrs. Hubbard
- Mr. Ernest Kitson
- Mr. G. Luifield
- Mrs. G. Luifield
- Miss Ruth Magnus
- Mr. Alan Gordon Masters
- Miss Dorothea Meyer
- Mr. B. Phelps
- Mr. Jonas Sasnanskas
- Mr. Floyd Sheaklock
- Miss Ellen M. Sutton
- Mrs. Stella
- Miss Lucy Thiele
- Miss Anni Warren
- Miss Helen Watkins
The City of Bremen
The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½ hours by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one reaches the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.
In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city.
The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen. It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mai] Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-to-West Airflight over the ocean. But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the City.
The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period. Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same.
Even Romance survives and has found an expression as equally intrepid ns it is strong, in the Böttcherstraße which, branches - off from the Market Square. No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same lime disclosed so much energy; how it was that this City supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has old Buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest ships in the world, "Bremen" and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.
Information for Passengers
Letters and Telegrams. The incoming mail will be distributed in the Chief Steward's office. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own Interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.
Before leaving the ship passengers are recommended to leave their address at the Chief Steward's office, so all mall arriving after their departure may be forwarded on to them.
Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents. Telegrams and radiograms to be dispatched from the next port arc accepted at the ship's wireless station.
Landing Formalities in the U.S.A.
- Visitors
Before leaving the ship passengers must show their landing-card together with their passport to the U.S. Immigration Inspector.
- Immigrants
Besides the above-mentioned documents. Emigrants to America must produce all their legalized Immigration papers together with the American visa.
Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.
Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of Inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.
Firearms. The carrying of fire-arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U.S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.
Money, valuables etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company.
Baggage. All baggage matters will be dealt with on board by the Baggage-Master, who may be interviewed at certain hours. Only the Baggage-Master is authorized to accept baggage or parcels to lie forwarded on, stored or delivered to a third person.
The Norddeutscher Lloyd assume no responsibility or liability for articles handed to other members of the crew. Passengers must see to it that all baggage, including hand-baggage. Is labelled with the Norddeutscher Lloyd labels which must be properly filled out.
Storing of Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be stored in the cabin. The cabin-trunk, however, must not exceed the usual dimensions of 3 ' 3 " long by 1' 11" wide and 1 ' 1 " high.
Wardrobe trunks may be taken into the cabin provided the dimensions of the trunk and the cabin permit of this and the passenger is the sole occupant of the room.
Baggage can also be stored in the baggage-hold to which passengers have access at certain hours daily. For technical reasons baggage must not be stored in the corridors and lobbies.
Passengers are strongly advised in their own Interests to look after their hand-baggage themselves when landing at the port of destination and to see that no personal requisites are left behind in the cabins or elsewhere.
United States Customs Regulations. Each passenger must make out a customs declaration of his personal baggage. In the case of families the oldest member present on the trip is authorized to make out this declaration for the whole family. Forms for this purpose will be handed to the passengers on board.
Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the customs declaration and the value thereof stated.
Baggage left behind to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the passengers' arrival and must be included on the customs declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.
Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard In suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.
Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.
"Special Travel Service"
A Special Service Secretary on board will advise and assist passengers making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social, educational etc. This office is prepared to give any information gratis and, if possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.
Route Map on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Bremen Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 29 August 1936. GGA Image ID # 163091cb47