SS Bremen Passenger List - 17 October 1936
Front Cover of a Tourist and Third Class Passenger List for the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing Saturday, 17 October 1936 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain A. Ahrens. GGA Image ID # 17d9d64af9
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
- Ltdr. First Officer: W. Michaelsen
- Ltdr. Chief Engineer: J. Hundt
- Ltdr. Purser: F. Baum
- First Physician: Dr. M. Sontag
- Second Physician: Dr. F. Reingruber
- State Certified Nurse, First Official of Traffic Office: A. Haehn
- Traveller Special Services: Miss Dr. Ferber
- Sports Officer: H. Rannoch
- Ltdr. Chief Steward: A. Pohl
- Chief Steward First Class: A. Kellner
- Chief Steward Tourist Class: J. Büscher
- Chief Steward Third Class: H. Wardenburg
- Chief Steward for Restaurant: G. Zeidler
- Ltdr. Chief Cook: A. Enchelmaier
- First Radio Officer: K. Gerstung
- First Baggage Master: A. Dauelsberg
Tourist Class Passengers
- Mr. E. Abraham
- Mrs. Katharine Abraham
- Mr. Emil Ahlefeldt-Clausen
- Mr. Alders
- Mrs. Alders
- Miss Hattie Andreas
- Mr. Arboix
- Mrs. Arboix
- Miss Arboix
- Miss Arboix
- Mr. Arboix
- Mr. Eugene Ardelt
- Eugene Ardelt
- Miss Martha Arrospide
- Mrs. Anna Aschaffenburg
- Mr. Arthur Atherton
- Miss Eileen Atherton
- Mrs. Emma Atkinson
- Mr. Isidor Akselrad
- Mr. Ernest Bader
- Mr. Joseph Balda
- Mrs. Luise Bamberg
- Mrs. Elisabeth Barnstedt
- Mrs. Mina Barthel
- Mrs. Maria Baumgartner
- Mrs. May Baumann
- Paul Baumann
- Halms Baumann
- Mr. Wilhelm Becker
- Mrs. Norma Becker
- Miss Marie Becker
- Mrs. Annie Bell
- Elisabeth Bell
- Mr. Charles Bernhardt
- Miss Marie Biedermann
- Mr. Ernst Bielefeld
- Mr. Kurt Billhardt
- Dr. Richard Bing
- Mr. Reuben Binks
- Mrs. Elizabeth Binks
- Mr. Wilhelm Bird
- Mr. Anton Bjorum
- Mrs. Therese Blasig
- Dr. Joseph Bleisch
- Mr. John Borden
- Mrs. Ida Borer
- Mr. Ernest Booth
- Mrs. Eva Brater
- Mrs. Emilie Br inkmann
- Mrs. Rosa Brockling
- Mrs. Elizabeth Bronisch
- Ursula Bronisch
- Mr. Ernest Bruckmann
- Mrs. Bertha Bruckmann
- Mr. Erich Bruennell
- Mrs. Eva Bumke
- Mrs. Elisabeth Burg
- Miss Emma Burla
- Miss Georgia Burton
- Mrs. Katherine Butcher
- Miss Alice Cadelle
- Mrs. Campbel
- Mrs. Charlotte Chemens
- Mr. Josef Chmel
- Mr. Michael Cleam
- Mrs. Maxilla Cole
- Manilla Cole
- Catharine Cole
- Mrs. Maria Corbet
- Mr. Coutelle
- Mr. Harry Cramer
- Dr. Otto Dahl
- Mr. Peter Damlow
- Mr. W. Davidson
- Mrs. Davidson
- Dr. Dezko
- Miss Anny Dorsch
- Mrs. Pauline Dotzler
- Dr. Anbrey Douglas
- Mrs. Adele Dussel
- Mr. Henry Eberhardt
- Dr. Herbert Edwards
- Mr. Charles Egeli
- Mr. William Egerer
- Mr. Daniel Engbrecht
- Miss Elsa Ehrlicher
- Dr. Elmer Engel
- Mrs. Ch. Erne
- Mrs. Hedwig Fahnestock
- Mr. Fred Farr
- Mr. John Fenger
- Mr. Frederich Finke
- Mr. Martin Fischer
- Mrs. Consuela Fischer
- Miriam Fischer
- Dr. Franz Fischer
- Miss Paula Floemer
- Mrs. Anna Fritsch
- Mrs. Leonore Fuchs
- Peter Fuchs
- Miss Helene Fuhrken
- Mrs. Frieda Furrer
- Ronald Furrer
- Mr. Antonis Gasparro
- Mr. Erwin Gehr
- Mrs. Elsa Gehr
- Mr. Harald Genssler
- Mrs. Genssler
- Sister Mary Gerberta
- Fräul Eleanor Gibson
- Mr. Philipp Giese
- Mrs. Magdalene Giese
- Mr. Karl Gieseler
- Mrs. Isabella Gieseler
- Mr. Emil Gosselke
- Sister Anna Grabmair
- Fräul Grace Greew
- Mr. Otto Greiner
- Mrs. Greiner
- Mr. Herbert Gross
- Mr. Frank Gruning
- Mrs. Maryan Gruning
- Mrs. Theresia Grunzig
- Mrs. Luisa Gudela
- Mr. Rudolf Guenther
- Dr. Michael Guhin
- Mrs. Alma Gumald
- Miss Helen Guman
- Mrs. Ingeborg Gundersen
- Jon Reidar Gundersen
- Mr. Emilie Guntrum
- Mrs. Ida Guntrum
- Mr. Charles Haag
- Mrs. Wilhelmina Hafner
- Miss Marie Halka
- Mr. Hubert Hauttmann
- Miss Hedwig Hecht
- Mrs. Isabel Heermann
- Isabel Heermann
- Dr. Anton Heger
- Mr. Walther Heidtmann
- Mr. Henry Helbig
- Mr. Edgar Helbig
- Mr. Paul Hellmann
- Sister Elisabeth Heun
- Mrs. Heusser
- Miss Anneliese Heyer
- Miss use Heyer
- Mrs. Ella Heymann
- Inge Heymann
- Miss Eva Heymann
- Mrs. Leonoria Highett
- Rev. George Hindelang
- Mrs. Sewzie Hindelang
- Mr. Hans Hinrich
- Mrs. Paula Hinrich
- Mr. William Hinze
- Mrs. Minna Hinze
- Mrs. Agnes Hoch
- Mr. Joseph Hoefler
- Mrs. Clara Hoefler
- Miss Anna Hoffmann
- Sister Danitilla Holep
- Mr. Bruno Hollender
- Miss Rosina Holzer
- Mrs. Marie Hopf
- Miss Lisa Hopf
- Mr. Georg Hoppe
- Miss Elli Hovila
- Mrs. Sofie Huber
- Miss Sofia Huber
- Mr. Fritz Hufnagel
- Mr. Hellmuth Hungerland
- Mr. Gomley Inaba
- Miss Sophie Jacke
- Miss Eleonora Jepsen
- Mr. Wolfgang Johnson
- Mr. Kurt Jonas
- Mr. Ernst Junker
- Miss Dora Kahrs
- Mrs. Josephine Kamp
- Mr. Philip Kirse
- Mrs. Anna Knapcsek
- Miss Mary Knapcsek
- Mr. Theodor Knupper
- Mr. Eishun Ko
- Miss Tatjana Kober
- Mrs. Wally Koenig
- Mr. Norman Korff
- Mrs. Annie Koritschoner
- Miss Elisabeth Korte
- Mr. James Kosse
- Mrs. Eva Kosse
- Mr. John Koster
- Mr. Hermann Krämer
- Mr. Carl Kramer
- Mrs. Rose Kramer
- Sister Anna Kramm
- Rev. Mathias Kreutzer
- Mr. Martin Kriete
- Mr. Oscar Krueger
- Mr. Charles Krunlik
- Mrs. Rozalia Krunlik
- Miss Therese Kunert
- Dr. Walter Kuntze
- Sister Mary Landwehrjohann
- Mr. Adolf Lang
- Mrs. Marie Lang
- Mr. Paul Larm
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Lay
- Miss Dorothy Leede
- Mrs. Johanna Leede
- Mr. Heinz Lehmann
- Miss Hilda Lehmann
- Miss Helen Lehner
- Mrs. Marie Leipert
- Mrs. Martha Leydhecker
- Mr. Lie
- Miss Maria Liebenwein
- Mrs. Hedwig Lipari
- Miss Elizabeth Loebenberg
- Miss Bernhardine Loehr
- Mrs. Else Losch
- Ekehard Losch
- Mr. Jasper Lund
- Mrs. Marie Lund
- Mr. Aug. Maier
- Mrs. Johanna Maier
- Jean Maier
- Dr. Richard Mailaender
- Mr. Malherbe
- Dr. Herbert Markgraf
- Mr. John Martens
- Mrs. Caroline Martens
- Henry Martens
- Miss Anna Martin
- Mr. Carl Marxsohn
- Mrs. Adele Marxsohn
- Mrs. Matches
- Mr. Wilhelm Mayer
- Mr. Robert Mc Donald
- Mrs. Mattie Mc Donald
- Mr. Mc Donald
- Mrs. Mc Donald
- Dr. Clyde McNeil
- Mrs. Mattie Meierhoff
- Mrs. Hermine Meissner
- lngeborg Meissner
- Mr. Henry Mellon
- Mrs. Mellon
- Mr. Adam Menzer
- Mr. Prof. Erwin Meyer
- Mrs. Edith Meyer
- Mr. Hermann Dietz von Meyerfeld
- Mrs. Frances Dietz von Meyerfeld
- Mr. John Meyn
- Mr. Mitsuo Mijazaki
- Dr. Kenji Miyaji
- Mr. Takeski Moride
- Dr. Max Moser
- Mrs. Clara Moser
- Miss Thusnelda Mueller
- Mr. Curt Mueller
- Mr. Stanislaus Mühleisen
- Mr. Laurenz Muller
- Mr. Otto Muller
- Mrs. Hedwig Muller-Stoeckmann
- Mrs. John Murphy
- Mr. Baron Paul von Neindorf
- Miss Ruth Nestele
- Mr. Edward Newell
- Mr. Claude Nichols
- Mr. Daniel Nolan
- Mrs. Katharine Nolan
- Mr. Otto Oeckl
- Mr. William Oesch
- Mr. Guenter Oesselmann
- Mrs. Rosa Orth
- Miss Ossendorf
- Mr. Paul Packer
- Mrs. Packer
- Mrs. Liesel Page
- Mr. Lamate Palmer
- Mr. Davrah Park
- Miss Edith Park
- Mr. Major Patridge
- Mrs. Mai Partridge
- Miss Marie Paul
- Mrs. Julia Penyak
- Mrs. Anna Peppel
- Walter Peppel
- Mrs. Camilla Petersen
- Florence Petersen
- Mrs. Antonie Petzelberger
- Mr. Barton Pevcar
- Miss Carla Pfeiffer
- Mrs. Porter
- Mrs. Margarethe Pracher
- Miss Elisabeth Prager
- Miss Antoinette Prescher
- Miss Evelyn Preston
- Mr. Ivor Preston
- Mr. Albert Puchstein
- Miss Margarete Puckhaber
- Mrs. Henriette Puschmann
- Mrs. Quack
- Miss Ruth Quentin
- Miss Erna Raab
- Dr. Alfred Ranft
- Mr. Arthur Ratzka
- Mrs. Helene Ratzka
- Mr. Reeves
- Mr. Carl von Riesemann
- Mrs. Clara von Riesemann
- Walter vonRiesemann
- Miss Irene Riker
- Mr. Rudolf Rissland
- Maria Rock
- Mr. Hayward Rolfe
- Mr. Irving Rolfe
- Dr. Ing. Heinrich Römmelt
- Mr. Ross
- Mrs. Ross
- Mr. J. Rossum
- Mr. Michael Rüger
- Mr. Christian von Rumohr
- Mrs. Beatrice von Rumohr
- Mr. Salazar
- Miss Sandberg
- Miss Minni Sandelmann
- Dr. Martin Sebastian
- Mr. Georg Seel
- Mrs. Katharine Seel
- Mr. Oscar Seyfarth
- Mrs. Lucie Siegrist
- Mr. Johann Siemer
- Mrs. Mabel Siemer
- Miss Anita Siemer
- Dr. Silver
- Mrs. Silver
- Mrs. Elsa Sinnhuber
- Mr. Henry Skrotzky
- Mr. Ronald Smith
- Mrs. Smith
- Mr. F. Smith
- Mrs. Luise Soemmering
- Mr. Egil
- Mr. Dagfin Spilling
- Mrs. Marie Srbecka
- Mr. Sawan Sungka-Chutra
- Mr. Eugene Sutter
- Mrs. Jeanne Sutter
- Mr. Scheibler
- Mrs. Clara Scheidegger
- Nicholas Scheidegger
- Heidi Scheidegger
- Mrs. Martha Schellenberger
- Miss Jeanne Schenck
- Mr. John Scherer
- Mrs. Marie Scherer
- Mr. Claus Schinkel
- Mrs. Erna Schinkel
- Claus Schinkel
- Heinrich Schinkel
- Mr. Henry Schmalz
- Mrs. Schmalz
- Mrs. Hildegard Schnaitmann
- Dr. Adolf Schneider
- Mr. William Schneider
- Mrs. Katharine Schneider
- Mr. Fedor Scholtz
- Mrs. Milly Schoophaus
- Sister Elisabeth Schreyer
- Mr. Wilhelm Schroeder
- Mr. Richard Schubert
- Mrs. Ella Schulze
- Mr. Theodor Schütz
- Mr. Schütze
- Miss Henriette Schwartz
- Dr. Arnold Schwarz
- Mr. Andrews Schwarz
- Mrs. Bertha Schwarz
- Miss Paula Schwickert
- Mrs. Generaloberin Mary Schwickert
- Miss Felicia Schwindt
- Mrs. Mary Stapenhorst-Fischer
- Dr. James Staton
- Miss Anna Stedonsky
- Miss Lydia Stedonsky
- Mr. Paul Steffen
- Miss Mary Steinle
- Sister Mary Stella
- Mr. Ernst Stengel
- Dr. Wolfgang Stinnes
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Stockhausen
- Mr. Gustav Strack
- Miss Else Strauss
- Mr. Paul Strauss
- Mrs. Fanny Strauss
- Miss Anny Strobl
- Mr. John Talamas
- Mr. Landis Tanger
- Mrs. Amanda Tanger
- Miss Edna Taylor
- Mrs. Frances Taylor
- Mr. Seischi Terrada
- Mrs. Hideko Terrada
- Kazuko Terrada
- Mrs. Anita Thielebeule
- Mr. Wilhelm Thorwarth
- Mr. Artur Tix
- Mr. Tschudy
- Mrs. Maria Ufert
- Mrs. Else Vieth
- His Excellency Mr. Erzbischof Maximenko Vitaly
- Mr. Nikolaus Wagner
- Mrs. Katarina Wagner
- Mr. Prof. Emil Waldmann
- Mrs. Rosa Waidmann
- Rev. William Walsh
- Mr. Ralph Wann
- Mrs. Hazel Wann
- Mrs. Alica Ware
- Miss Ethel Watson
- Mr. Joseph Weber
- Mrs. Maria Wegleiter
- Mr. Wilhelm Wehmann
- Sister Franziska Weidenhiller
- Mr. Simon Weil
- Mr. Lebert Weir
- Mrs. Hedwig Wekerle
- Ingrid Wekerle
- Mr. George Werner
- Mrs. Margarethe Werner
- Dr. kg. Ernst Wesener
- Dr. Karl Wetzler
- Mrs. Whitehead
- Mr. John Wieder
- Mrs. Emily Wiener Wiener
- Mr. Eduard Wilksen
- Miss Emilie Winter
- Mr. Alfred Winter
- Miss Katherine Wittekindt
- Mrs. Margarete VVohlers
- Miss Berta Wolf
- Miss Marie Wolf-Ossendorf
- Mr. William Wolke
- Mr. Yasunaga
- Mr. Gregor Yde
- Mr. Inichiro Yoshigati
- Dr. Oscar Zaepke
- Mrs. Anna Zeidler
- Mrs. Therese Zenk
- Mr. Helmut Zietz
- Mrs. Marie Zimmermann
- Hansi Zimmermann
- Mrs. Ida Zuck
To Southampton
- Miss May Barwell
- Miss Muriel Barwell
- Mr. Malcolm Burnett
- Mrs. Edith Burnett
- Miss Margarethe Cohansz
- Mr. George Cook
- Miss Zilia Frydman
- Mr. Fukuda
- Mr. Heinrich Full
- Miss Lucille Grendon
- Mr. Wolfgang Haendel
- Mr. Friedrich Hartnick
- Dr. Friedrich Hassler
- Miss Tamine Jantzen
- Mr. David Katz
- Mr. Kurt Kottenberg
- Mrs. Kottenberg
- Mr. Ernst Lewin
- Mrs. Anna Lindeck
- Mr. Knight Orlebar
- Mr. Friedrich Oelze
- Miss Beatrice Raetsch
- Mr. Reimann
- Mrs. Reimann
- Mr. Franz Schinnerl
- Mrs. Gertrud Schneider
- Dr. Shirasugi
- Mr. H. Steward
- Miss Marianne Wolff
- Mr. Edwin Wright
- Mr. Kurt Zoellner
Third Class Passengers
- Mr. Ludwig Abeling
- Mrs. Adler
- Mrs. Mathilde Ahl
- Mr. Henry Ahle
- Mrs. Anna Ahrens
- Miss Anna Amann
- Mr. Amar
- Mrs. Louise Amberg and Daughter
- Mrs. Frieda Aulbach
- Mr. Martin Back
- Mrs. Margaretha Bacsik
- Mrs. Elsie Bahndorf
- Mrs. Fanny Bange and Child
- Miss Elfriede Banzhaf
- Mrs. Frieda Bär
- Mr. John Bareis
- Mr. Gerhard Barker
- Mr. Rudolf Baron
- Mrs. Hermine Bar tolini
- Mrs. Elisabeth Bauer and Son
- Mrs. Martha M. Bauer
- Mrs. Helena Bauernschmitt
- Mr. Richard Baumann
- Mrs. Richard Baumann
- Mrs. Mary Bayer and Child
- Mrs. Helen Bayken
- Mrs. Maria Becker and Family
- Mr. Hermann Behrens and Family
- Mr. Carl Beifuss
- Miss Mina Beisel
- Mrs. Anna Bell
- Mr. Julius Benco
- Mrs. Emma Berblinger and Child
- Mr. Leo Berching
- Mrs. Mary Berg
- Mrs. Sophie Berg
- Mrs. Else Berger
- Mr. William Berger
- Mr. Stephen Berko
- Mrs. Bernau and Child
- Miss Clara Beuttenmüller
- Miss Elisabeth Beyer
- Mr. Josef Biebl
- Mr. Ludwig Bindl
- Mrs. Therese Binger and Son
- Mrs. Helen Birkholz and Son
- Mr. Franz Blendl
- Miss E. Bletsch
- Mrs. Josefine Bliessenbach and Family
- Miss Theresa Block
- Mrs. Johanna Bloes and Children
- Mr. Edward Blount
- Mr. Johann Blum
- Mr. Arno Blum and Family
- Mr. Albert Blum
- Mr. Heinrich F. Bode
- Mrs. Meta Boehr
- Mr. Diedr. Bohlen
- Miss Cath. Bojanec
- Miss Sybilla Bollig
- Mr. Kurt Bores
- Mr. Emri Borisza
- Miss Margret Boszory
- Mr. Hermann Bottenberg and Family
- Mrs. Elfriede Botyler
- Mrs. Bowe and Child
- Mr. Boyd Boysen and Famine
- Mr. Friedrich Brande
- Mrs. Dora Brandis
- Miss Barbära Brandi
- Mrs. Luise Braun
- Mr. Walter Braunheim
- Mrs. Walter Braunheim
- Mr. Henry Brauweiler
- Mr. Hermann Brehme
- Mrs. Veronika Breitenbach
- Mr. Philipp Brendel
- Mr. Fritz Brenner
- Mrs. Maria Briggs
- Mr. Adolf Broker
- Mr. Henry Brömmer
- Mr. Hermann Bronner
- Mrs. Hermann Bronner
- Mr. Alfons Bruening
- Miss Auguste de Bruin
- Miss Frieda Brünger
- Mr. Frederick G. Bruning
- Mr. Alois Brunner
- Mr. Rudolph Brunner
- Mrs. Rudolph Brunner
- Mr. Alfons Bruning
- Mrs. Frieda Bruns and Children
- Mr. August Buchert
- Mr. John Buchner
- Mrs. Margarete Buchs and Son
- Mr. Emil Buell'
- Miss Amälie Buhler
- Mr. Ludwig Buhles
- Mrs. Gertrud Bulles
- Mrs. Maria Bülsing and Child
- Miss Marie Burchard
- Sister Maria Burger
- Mr. Karl Bürgerhoff
- Miss Edith Burghardt
- Miss Clara Burk
- Mrs. Hilde Burkle and Son
- Mrs. Gretchen Caiow
- Mr. Cardone
- Mrs. Cardone
- Mrs. Julia Carter
- Mr. Walter Caspär
- Miss Helen Cermak
- Mr. Heinr. Chenelik
- Mrs. Heinr. Chenelik
- Mrs. Elfriede Cluss
- Mrs. Ida Coenenberg
- Mrs. Martha Conrads and Son
- Mr. Steve Csutoras
- Mrs. Steve Csutoras
- Mrs. Katharine Curschmänn
- Mrs. Elizabeth Czeike
- Mr. Gustav Czwikowski
- Mrs. Gustav Czwikowski
- Miss Maria Dambeck
- Mr. lmrich Daniel
- Mrs. Katharina Dasbach
- Mrs. Viktoria Dauber
- Mrs. Magdalena Dauelsberg
- Mrs. Ruthie F. Deloff
- Mrs. Mina Deutsch
- Mr. John Dian and Family
- Miss Theresia Dieber
- Mrs. Marie Dietrich and Daughter
- Mr. Chr. Dietrich
- Mrs. Elsa Dietz
- Mrs. Mary Dinger
- Mrs. Mary Dinzinger
- Mrs. Emma Doetterl
- Miss Marie Luise Dönhoff
- Mrs. Auguste Drandorff
- Miss M. Dreyer
- Mrs. Elisabeth Driessen and Child
- Mrs. Gertrud Dubinsky
- Mr. Gottlieb Dubs
- Mr. A. Dunlop
- Mrs. Minna Duwe
- Mrs. Elizabeth Eberhardt and Daughter
- Mr. Ludwig Eckert
- Mrs. Ludwig Eckert
- Mrs. Frieda Ege
- Mrs. Anna Ehrrnann and Children
- Brigitte Eiberger
- Mr. Soerre Eide
- Mr. Johannes Eger
- Mrs. Karoline Eisenhut
- Mr. Eise J. Elten
- Mr. Hans Emmerich and Family
- Mr. Edward Emmerich
- Mrs. Katharina Emslander and Daughter
- Mrs. Hildegard Endres
- Mrs. Frances Endria
- Mrs. Maria Engelhardt and Child
- Mrs. Luise Engelhardt and Son
- Miss Johanna Engelhardt
- Mrs. Marg. Engelke and Child
- Mr. James Engle
- Mr. William Ernst
- Mr. Otto Ess
- Miss Therese Estendorfer
- Mr. Th. Ewasko
- Mr. George Farkaly
- Miss Elise Ficken
- Mr. Hans Fischer
- Mrs. Laura Fischer
- Mrs. Theresia Fischer
- Mrs. Frieda Fischer
- Mr. Henry Fitzenreuter
- Mr. John Floyd
- Mr. Bela Fodor
- Miss Therese Foeli
- Mr. Wendelin Foerch
- Mrs. Wendelin Foerch
- Mrs. Frieda Foerster and Daughter
- Mr. Alfred Forster
- Mrs. Kat. Frank
- Julius Frank
- Mrs. Henriette Frank
- Mrs. Juliane Frank and Children
- Mrs. Anna Frenzel
- Mr. Friedr. Friedeaug and Family
- Mr. Max Friedrich
- Mrs. Max Friedrich
- Mr. Fred Froehlich
- Mrs. Bertha Froehlking
- Mr. Walter Frundt
- Mrs. Maria Fuchs
- Mr. Alois Fuchs
- Miss Barbara Fuchs
- Mrs. Luise Gaisert
- Mr. Zacharias Galli
- Mr. Fritz Gammelin
- Mr. Karl Gawenus
- Mrs. Karl Gawenus
- Mrs. Martha Gazarian and Daughter
- Miss Luise Gehring
- Mrs. Magdalena Gehring
- Miss Anny Geisberger
- Mrs. Elli Geist and Child
- Miss Luise Genthner
- Mr. Henry Gercken and Family
- Mrs. Margar. Gerdes
- Mrs. Anna Gesell and Son
- Mrs. Agnes Giardini
- Mrs. Margarete Giere
- Mrs. Magdalena Glaser
- Mr. Franz G. Glein
- Mrs. Franz G. Glein
- Mrs. Tillie Gmoehling
- Mrs. Elsie Godshall and Son
- Mr. Walter Goebel
- Mrs. Walter Goebel
- Miss Sophie Goetz
- Miss Louise Goetz
- Mrs. Maria GoIlan
- Mrs. Bertha Görgens
- Mr. Robert Göschel
- Mrs. Robert Göschel
- Mr. Adolf Graeff
- Mrs. Adolf Graeff
- Mrs. Anna Graewe
- Karl Graf
- Mr. Curt Gramlich
- Mrs. Curt Gramlich
- Mr. Peter Greindl
- Mrs. Peter Greindl
- Mrs. Helene Griesing
- Mr. Steve Grof
- Mr. Karl Grom
- Mrs. Luise Gronemeier
- Miss Maryan Grosskopf
- Mrs. Anna Grunewald
- Miss Frieda Gumbinger
- Mrs. Lucia Gunzel and Daughter
- Miss Marta Günzel
- Mrs. Lucie Günzel
- Arlene Güuzel
- Mr. Otto Gurgens
- Mrs. Otto Gurgens
- Agathe Gurski
- Mrs. Lina Gutberlet
- Miss Annemarie Gutelhöfer
- Miss Auguste Guthseel
- Mr. Peter Gutmann
- Mrs. Mary Gutwein
- Mrs. Caroline Guy and Daughter
- Mrs. Christine Haag
- Mrs. Elfriede Haas and Son
- Mr. Rudolf Haase
- Mr. Carl Hack and Family
- Mr. August Haecker
- Mrs. August Haecker
- Mrs. Katie Hafemeister
- Mr. Hagemann and Family
- Mr. Christopher Hagmann and Family
- Mrs. Anni Hahn
- Mr. August Hahne
- Mr. Jan Hakun
- Mr. Jens P. Hansen
- Mrs. Florence Harbich
- Mr. Henry Harder and Child
- Mrs. Martha Harries
- Mr. Heinz Hartung
- Mrs. Heinz Hartung
- Mr. Michael Hatrak
- Mr. John Hatt
- Mrs. Elisabeth Haug and Son
- Mr. Emil Hauri
- Mrs. Emil Hauri
- Mr. Ernst A. Hausen
- Mrs. Hildegard Havas and Child
- Mr. Theodor Heimann
- Miss Anna Heimburg
- Miss Marie Heinz
- Miss Josefine Hekt
- Mr. Erwin Heller
- Mrs. Erwin Heller
- Mrs. Klara Helm and Son
- Mr. Franz Helmold
- Mr. Otto Hemm
- Mrs. Otto Hemm
- Mrs. Mary Hendel
- Mrs. Marie Hennig
- Miss Karoline Herrmann
- Mr. Hugo Herter
- Mrs. Hugo Herter
- Mrs. Gertrud Herwig and Daughter
- Mrs. Martha Hiecke and Son
- Mrs. Magd. Hildewerth and Daughter
- Mrs. Alma Mille and Daughter
- Miss Martha Hiller
- Mrs. Anna Hiltunen
- Mr. Karl Hinderer
- Mrs. Karl Hinderer
- Mrs. Laura Hinrichs
- Mr. Rudolph Hlawatschke
- Miss Johanna Hoefer
- Miss Centa Hofer
- Mr. Hoffmann
- Mrs. Hoffmann
- Mrs. Anna Hoffmann
- Mrs. Louise Hoffmann
- Mrs. Anna Höffer
- Mrs. Christine Hofmann
- Mrs. Rosa Hold and Family
- Miss Julie Höne
- Miss Grete Holzmann
- Miss Howell
- Mr. Franz Huber and Family
- Mr. Fred Huber
- Mrs. Frieda Hullmann
- Mrs. Frank Hunninkhake
- Mrs. Marie Hutter
- Mrs. Erna lcken and Daughter
- Mrs. Dora Jacob
- Mr. Josef Jacob
- Mrs. Josef Jacob
- Mr. Ernst Jahn
- Mrs. Sophie Jankowski
- Mr. Alfred Jargorsch
- Mrs. Olga Jironschek
- Mr. Fritz Joedicke
- Mrs. Fritz Joedicke
- Miss Paula John
- Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson
- Mrs. Katha. Johnstone
- Miss Elisabeth Joho
- Mr. Max Jordan
- Mrs. Antje de Jung
- Mrs. Theresia Jung
- Miss Gertrud Jürgens
- Mr. Josef Käbarec
- Miss Klara Kaiser
- Mr. Erich Kallies
- Mrs. Erich Kallies
- Miss Hildegard Kasper
- Mrs. Marie Kaufmann and Child
- Mr. Eugene Kefer and Family
- Mrs. Betarni Keller
- Mr. Gustav Keller
- Mr. Mathias Kelter
- Mrs. Gertrud Keller
- Miss Ida Kemkener
- Mrs. Anne Kempf
- Miss Elizabeth Kempf
- Mrs. Elsa Kempf
- Mr. Rudolf Kern
- Mrs. Rudolf Kern
- Mrs. Antonie Killmeyer
- Mr. Franz Kimmig
- Mrs. Franz Kimmig
- Mrs. Fanny Kirlanoff
- Mr. Karl Adolf Kissling
- Mrs. Lina Klamp
- Mrs. Anna Klar and Daughter
- Miss Anna Kleeberg
- Miss A. Klein
- Mrs. Anna Klescikova
- Mrs. Trientke Klover
- Mrs. Christine Klüglein
- Miss Agnes Klump
- Mrs. Kreszenta Knoblauch and Child
- Mr. Hermann Knop
- Miss Anna Knopf
- Miss Katharina Knopp
- Mr. Viktor Kobera and Family
- Miss Auguste Koch
- Mr. Stephan Kocsis
- Miss Lina Koehler
- Miss Melanie Koehnel
- Mrs. Anna Köhmel
- Mrs. Anna Kohrs and Child
- Mr. Häns K. Kolling
- Mr. K omminor and Family
- Miss Käthe Kopp
- Miss Alice Korb
- Mrs. Ida Korn
- Mr. Korn
- Mrs. Korn
- Elise Korndörfer
- Mrs. Elisabeth Kosta and Daughter
- Mrs. Bertha Kothe and Children
- Mr. Franz Kramer
- Mrs. Elisabeth Krämer
- Mrs. Anna Krämer and Daughter
- Mrs. Philippine Kraus
- Mr. George Krause
- Mrs. George Krause
- Mrs. Wil helmine Krause and Family
- Mrs. Martha Krebs
- Mr. Alexander Kreis
- Miss Margarete Kress
- Mr. Hans Krüger
- Mr. Friedr. Kubens
- Miss Grete Kück
- Mrs. Luise Kuhl
- Miss Therese Kühlbauch
- Mrs. Ceuta Kuhner and Daughter
- Fräul Katharina Kuhner
- Miss Emilie Kummerer
- Miss Mathilde Kummerer
- Mrs. Anna Kurr
- Mrs. Elisabeth Kurringer
- Mr. Charles Kurz
- Mrs. Mary Kürzel
- Mr. John Kusnyir
- Mrs. Elsie Kusterko
- Mr. William Laich
- Mrs. William Laich
- Mr. Dominic Lakatos and Family
- Mrs. Tilly Lamm
- Mrs. Maria Lang
- Mrs. Elsie Lange and Son
- Mr. Rudolf Lange
- Miss Gertrud Lange
- Mrs. Louise Langenegger and Child
- Miss Mary Langenmeier
- Mr. Larsen
- Mr. Hans K. Lemcke
- Mrs. Hans K. Lemcke
- Mrs. Eugenie Linkenheil
- Mr. Conrad Linker
- Mrs. Anna Ljubicic
- Mrs. Anna Locher
- Mr. Walter Lochmüller
- Mrs. Dorothea Lohr
- Mr. William Lork
- Mrs. Helen Lothary
- Sister Grete Löwenstein
- Mr. Jan Luckacko
- Mrs. Elsie Lumpe
- Mr. A. Lutyens
- Mrs. A. Lutyens
- Mr. August Mack
- Dr. Mainus
- Miss Maria Mair
- Mrs. Anna Manning and Family
- Mrs. Anna Marecek
- Miss Judith Marik
- Sister Wigbeta Marscer
- Mr. Ralph Martindale
- Mrs. Ralph Martindale
- Mrs. Veronica Maryanopulos
- Mr. Wilhelm Matthies
- Mr. William Maxim
- Mrs. Bertha Mayer
- Miss Elisabeth Menneke
- Mr. Erich Merkel
- Mrs. Agnes Merl
- Mrs. Kätharina Merz
- Mrs. Erna Metscher and Daughter
- Miss Sophie Louise Meyer
- Miss Augusta Louise Meyer
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Mikulaschek and Child
- Mr. Robert S. Millar
- Mrs. Robert S. Millar
- Mr. Georg Mitterer
- Mrs. Georg Mitterer
- Mr. Heinrich Moellenbernd
- Mr. Heinrich Moeller
- Mr. Friedrich Moench
- Mrs. Emma Mohr
- Miss Katharina Moll
- Miss Krescentia Moll
- Mr. Paul Montag
- Mrs. Marie Morgan and Daughter
- Mr. William Muehling
- Mrs. William Muehling
- Miss Anna Mühlich
- Miss Anna Müller
- Mrs. Clara Müller and Son
- Mr. Karl Müller
- Miss Erna Müller
- Mrs. Elsie Müller
- Mr. Andrew Müller
- Mrs. Lina Müller and Family
- Mrs. Frieda Müller
- Mrs. Marg. Müller
- Mrs. Baria Mulry
- Mr. Frank Nagel
- Mr. William Neef
- Miss Margaret Nemeth
- Gisela Nemeth
- Miss Bertha Neufeld
- Mrs. Sophie Neufeld and Children
- Mr. Albert Neumann
- Mrs. Albert Neumann
- Mrs. Minna Niethammer
- Mrs. Otty Nietzel
- Miss Dora Nohre
- Mrs. Helene Ocken and Child
- Mrs. Georgine Oechslein and Daughter
- Mr. John Fr. Oehlkers
- Mrs. Nora Ohl
- Mrs. Maria 0hle
- Mrs. Maria Olsson
- Mrs. Ida Opitz and Daughters
- Mr. Walter Otto
- Mrs. Louise Päalmann and Son
- Mrs. Auguste Padenclat
- Mr. E. G, Paine
- Miss Cecilie Paischel
- Mr. Julius Pallay
- Mrs. Marg. Pasquall
- Miss Maria Persche
- Mrs. Wile!mine Peters
- Mr. Kurt Petzold
- Mrs. Kurt Petzold
- Mrs. Lena Pfabe
- Mr. John B. Pichler
- Mrs. John B. Pichler
- Miss Anna Planowska
- Miss Therese Polauf
- Mrs. Julia Pollak
- Miss Elisabeth Porten
- Mr. Henry Post
- Mrs. Henry Post
- Mrs. Senzi Piessner
- Mr. Oswald Preusger
- Mrs. Lina Piitzel
- Miss Arna Pulm
- Mr. Julius Rabus
- Miss Käthe Raichle
- Miss Frieda Rapp
- Mr. Paul D. Raschke
- Mrs. Luise Rath and Son
- Mrs. Ottilie Rathjen
- Mr. Karl Rau
- Mrs. Karl Rau
- Mrs. Käroline Rauwolf
- Mr. Oscar Redmann
- Mrs. Anna Rehfeldt
- Christel Rehfeldt
- Miss Luise Reich
- Mrs. Ida Reich and Daughter
- Mr. Michael Reif
- Mrs. Michael Reif
- Mr. Wilhelm Reimann
- Mrs. Wilhelm Reimann
- Mr. Hans Reitz
- Mrs. Hans Reitz
- Mrs. Bertha Renken
- Miss Mathilde Renz
- Mrs. Agnes Resch
- Miss Alma Rhein
- Mrs. Marie Richert
- Miss Anna Richter
- Miss Mily Richter
- Mrs. Margaret Riedel
- Mrs. Anna Ringeisen
- Miss Nina Risberg
- Mr. Paul Roemer
- Miss Meta Roevekamp
- Miss Mathilde Röhl
- Mr. Hugo Rohland
- Mr. Carl Ross
- Miss Johanna Rossa
- Mr. Friedr. L. Roth
- Mr. Georg Rothenbucher
- Mrs. Rother and Children
- Miss Anna Röthlein
- Mrs. Walburga Rückert
- Mr. Bernhard Rückgauer
- Mrs. Bernhard Rückgauer
- Mrs. Katharine Ruoff
- Mr. John Ryba
- Miss Elisab. Sajda
- Mrs. Martha Salzmänn
- Mr. Willi Sandermann
- Mrs. Willi Sandermann
- Mr. Georg Sandhas
- Miss Agnes Sarovics
- Miss Maria Sauer
- Mr. Charles Sauer
- Mrs. Charles Sauer
- Miss Therese Sauer and Daughter
- Mrs. Alzbeta Sedlkova
- Mr. Georg Seegers
- Mrs. Ewa Segal
- Mr. Johann Seidenschwanz and Family
- Mrs. Alma Senf and Children
- Mrs. Johanna Sexton
- Mr. Paul Seyboth
- Mrs. Paul Seyboth
- Mr. Lämbro Shmagranoff and Family
- Mrs. Gertrude Siebert
- Richard Siebert
- Mrs. Marie Sieling
- Mrs. Friedel Sigwart
- Miss Pauline Sippel
- Miss Salees Smith
- Miss Besson Smith
- Mrs. Auguste Snay
- Miss Anna Sochan
- Mrs. Anka Socorda
- Mrs. Bertha Soerensen and Children
- Mr. Karl Soller
- Mr. Peter Sommer and Family
- Mrs. Frieda Sonnemäker
- Mr. Martin Simil
- Miss Marie E, Sparrer
- Erna Speiser
- Mrs. Gertrude Spielmann
- Mr. Bernhard Sudendorf
- Miss Anna Sudendorf
- Andy Suster
- Mrs. Wilhelmine Swing and Daughter
- Mr. Heinz Schaal
- Mrs. Veronika Schäfer and Children
- Mr. Gustav Schaper and Familie
- Miss Leah Schauer
- Mrs. Katharina Scherer and Son
- Miss Kreszenzia Schiegl
- Adeline Schierenbeck
- Mrs. Magdalena Schiessler
- Mrs. Julia Schindler
- Sister Paulina Schirmer
- Mr. John Schleis
- Mrs. John Schleis
- Miss Gertrud Schlenker
- Mr. Kurt Schleu
- Miss Lucia Schlotter
- Mr. Walter Schmidt
- Mrs. Martha Schmidt
- Mrs. Lydia Schmitz
- Mrs. Luise Schmitz
- Mrs. Lydia Schmolk and Child
- Mr. Hans Schneider
- Mrs. Bertha Schneider
- Sister Jesefine Schneider
- Mrs. Hedwig Schneider
- Mrs. Else Schoeffler
- Miss Schoellner
- Mr. Karl Schoeppner
- Mr. Hermann Scholpp
- Mrs. Maximiliane Schönherr
- Mrs. Lina Schoof
- Mr. Josef Schrader
- Mrs. Kath. Schreiber
- Mrs. Barbara Schrempp and Daughter
- Mr. Wilhelm Schroeder
- Miss Elizabeth Schuh and Daughter
- Miss Barbara Schuhmann
- Miss Elisab. Schüler
- Mrs. Anna Schütt
- Mrs. Dorothea Schwäb
- Mrs. Mägdalenä Schwarz
- Mr. Otto Schwarz
- Mrs. Otto Schwarz
- Mr. Hans Schwarzmann
- Mrs. Kuni Schwirzer and Daughter
- Mrs. Genevieve Stanko
- Miss Dolores Stark
- Mrs. Therese Steger
- Mrs. Babette Stehmer
- Mrs. Sofie Steinbeck
- Sister Agnes Steinhauser
- Miss Auguste Stellmann
- Miss Jda Sterba
- Mr. John Sterrenberg
- Mrs. John Sterrenberg
- Mr. Emil Steurer
- Mr. John Stindt
- Mrs. John Stindt
- Mr. Ernst Stingl and Family
- Miss Gertrud Stirn
- Miss Hilda Stocker
- Mr. Johann Stockerl
- Mr. Richärd Stocksieker
- Mrs. Märia Stoffel
- Mrs. Floare Stoiadin
- Mr. Heinz Stopka
- Mr. John Strauch
- Miss Julia Strecansky and Son
- Mrs. Agnes Struckmann
- Mr. August Strunk
- Miss Gudrun Stumpp
- Mr. Otto Stutz and Family
- Mrs. Helene Taeschner
- Mrs. Kath. Thiel and Children
- Mrs. Martha Thomas and Son
- Miss Johanna Thumme
- Mrs. Dora Tiedemänn and Daughter
- Mr. Henry Tiedemann
- Mrs. Sophia Toth
- Mr. Francis Traun
- Mrs. Kath. Trencz
- Mrs. Elisabeth Triller
- Miss Berta Trouser
- Miss Hermine Ubbers
- Mrs. Emma Ulbricht
- Mrs. Märie Ulirsch
- Mrs. A. Ulle
- Mr. Andreas Ullinger
- Mrs. Märie Ullinger
- Mrs. Gcrtrud Unger
- Mr. Hans Unger
- Mrs. Hans Unger
- Mrs. Anna E. Unger
- Mrs. Anna Unterrainer
- Miss Martha Urban
- Mr. Ferenc Urban
- Mrs. Idä Vanza
- Mr. Edwin Vavra
- Mrs. Edwin Vavra
- Mr. Jan Velky
- Mrs. Elly Venohr and Son
- Mrs. Gertrud Viertel and Children
- Miss Märy Vislocky
- Miss Herta Vogel
- Mr. William Vopel
- Mr. Vendel Vörös
- Miss Elizabeth Wade
- Miss Ellen Wade
- Miss Lydia Wagner
- Mrs. Elsa Wagner
- Mrs. Clara Wagner
- Mrs. Emma Wahl and Son
- Miss Agnes Waller
- Miss Margot Walper
- Mr. Jacob Weber and Family
- Miss Margarete Weber
- Mrs. Emma Weber
- Miss Maria Weber
- Mrs. Else Weber and Daughter
- Mr. Gustav Wegener
- Mr. Weglarz
- Mr. Gottfried Wegleiter
- Mrs. Thekla Weidner
- Miss Rosa Weigand
- Miss Weingärtner
- Mr. Adolf Weinrank
- Mr. William Weinrich
- Mr. Richard Weise
- Mr. Willy Weishaupt
- Mrs. Helen Weisser and Son
- Johann Welch
- Mrs. Elisabeth Wendel and Child
- Mrs. Katharina Wenderoth
- Mrs. Wennecke
- Miss Luise Werner
- Mr. Heinrich Werner
- Mrs. Helen Werner
- Mr. William Westphal
- Mrs. Friederike Wezel and Daughter
- Mrs. Sarah Whiffin
- Mr. Peter Whitney
- Mrs. Anna Widiner
- Marie Widmaier
- Mrs. Erna Wiedemann
- Mrs. L. Wiezel and Son
- Mr. Fred Wilking
- Mrs. Meta Wille
- Miss Therese Willinger
- Miss Anna Wink
- Mrs. Emma Winster and Daughter
- Mrs. Gertrud Wirth
- Mr. Morris Wissler
- Mr. Withers
- Mr. William Woellner and Family
- Mrs. Martha Wöhler
- Miss Marie Wolf
- Miss Hilde Wolf
- Mrs. Minna Wöppelmann
- Mr. Gustav Wunder and Family
- Miss Hedwig Wunderlich
- Mr. Willi Wüstefeld
- Mr. Danylo Wytak
- Mrs. Danylo Wytak
- Mr. Georg Zagorsky
- Miss Margar. Zahnd
- Mr. John Zaic
- Miss Mathilde Zangger
- Mrs. Bertha Zanner
- Mrs. Appollonia Zapf
- Miss Therese Zeitlhofer
- Mr. Jan Zeman
- Mrs. Katha Zepf
- Mrs. Anna Ziegler
- Mr. Theodor Ziegler
- Mrs. Ottilie Ziller
- Miss Ella Zimmer
- Mr. Max Zimpel
- Mrs. Karolina Zwittnig
To Southampton
- Mrs. Luise Baumgart
- Mr. Max Forschirm
- Mr. Lawrence Kenny
- Mr. Willy Schrepel
- Miss Ursula Schulte
Information for Passengers
Letters and Telegrams. The incoming mail will be distributed in the Chief Steward's office.
Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the Passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.
Before leaving the ship Passengers are recommended to leave their address at the Chief Steward's office, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded on to them, Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.
Telegrams and radiograms to be despatched from the next port are accepted at the ship's wireless station.
Landing Formalities in the U.S.A.
- a) Visitors.
Before leaving the ship Passengers must show their landing-card together with their passport to the U.S. Immigration Inspector - b) Immigrants.
Besides the above-mentioned documents, Emigrants to America must produce all their legalised immigration papers together with the American visa.
Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.
Service. Passengers are requested, ln their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the Passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.
Firearms. The carrying of fire-arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U.S.A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.
Money, Valuables etc. The purser will accept valuables &c. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company.
Baggage. All baggage matters will be dealt with on board by the Baggage-Master, who may be interviewed at certain hours.
Only the Baggage-Master is authorized to accept baggage or parcels to be forwarded on, stored or delivered to a third person. The Norddeutscher Lloyd assume no responsibility or liability for articles handed to other members of the crew.
Passengers must see to it that all baggage, including hand-baggage, is labeled with the Norddeutscher Lloyd labels which must be properly filled out.
Storing of Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be stored in the cabin. The cabin-trunk, however, must not exceed the usual dimensions of 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.
Wardrobe trunks may be taken into the cabin provided the dimensions of the trunk and the cabin permit of this and the passenger is the sole occupant of the room.
Baggage can also be stored in the baggage-hold to which Passengers have access at certain hours daily. For technical reasons baggage must not be stored in the corridors and lobbies.
Passengers are strongly advised in their own interests to look after their hand-baggage themselves when landing at the port of destination and to see that no personal requisites are left behind in the cabins or elsewhere.
United States Customs Regulations. Each passenger must make out a customs declaration of his personal baggage. In the case of families the oldest member present on the trip is authorized to make out this declaration for the whole family. Forms for this purpose will be handed to the Passengers on board.
Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the customs declaration and the value thereof stated.
Baggage left behind to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the Passengers' arrival and must be included on the customs declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.
Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by Passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of Passengers.
"Special Travel Service"
A Special Service Secretary on board will advise and assist Passengers making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social, educational etc. This office is prepared to give any information gratis and, if possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.
The City of Bremen
The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front", In 11/2 hours by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one reaches the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the traveling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern clocl s, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade,
In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home, Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city, The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen,
It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-to-West Airflight over the ocean. But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquillity of the City.
The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period, Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same,
Even Romance survives and has found an expression as equally intrepid as it is strong, in the Böttcherstraße which, branches - off from the Market Square. No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy; how it was that this City supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has old Buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest ships in the world, "Bremen.' and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.