SS Bremen Passenger List - 7 April 1923


Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing Saturday, 7 April 1923 from Bremen to New York

Front Cover of a Cabin Passenger List for the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing Saturday, 7 April 1923 from Bremen to New York, Commanded by Captain N. Johnsen. GGA Image ID # 17d335ce82


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain N. Johnsen
  2. First Officer: Th. Thele
  3. Second Officer: A. Ahrens
  4. Second Officer: F. Krahe
  5. Third Officer: J. Jacobs
  6. Fourth Officer: W. Bruns
  7. Fourth Officer: 4. Kehr
  8. Physician: Dr. Jelden
  9. First Chief Engineer: G. Wetzlau
  10. Second Chief Engineer: H. Rake
  11. Third Chief Engineer: M. Thiele
  12. Third Chief Engineer: H. Lintelrnann
  13. Fourth Chief Engineer: O. Knickrehm
  14. Fourth Chief Engineer: A. Schenk
  15. Fourth Chief Engineer: F. Muller
  16. Purser: E. Schmidt
  17. Purser: F. Baum
  18. Chief Steward: R. Meinnert
  19. Chief Steward, Third Class: S. Meyer
  20. Assistant Chief Steward: J. Wagner
  21. Assistant Chief Steward: K. Oberbeck
  22. Chief Cook: K. Unger
  23. Luggage Master: W. Muller
  24. First Radio Officer: Q. Starkloff
  25. Second Radio Officer: W. Zippel
  26. Third Radio Officer: H. Schmidt


Cabin Class Passengers

  1. Miss Rosa Adler
  2. Miss Sophia Ahiers
  3. Mr. Willy Albert
  4. Miss Rosa Altpeter
  5. Miss Lina Altpeter
  6. Mrs. Therese Arnst
  7. Louis Arnst
  8. Miss Maria Aull
  9. Miss Auguste Backhaus
  10. Miss Marie Baldauf
  11. Mrs. Francisca Barthe
  12. Mr. Louis Barthe
  13. Mr. Johann Barthel
  14. Mr. Arthur Bartsch
  15. Mr. Gotthard Bauer
  16. Mr. Edwin Baumgarten
  17. Mr. Lindsay Becker
  18. Mr. Bentler
  19. Mrs. Hulda Benzenberg
  20. Miss Ottilie Benzenberg
  21. Grete Benzenberg
  22. Mrs. Margarethe Berghausen
  23. Mr. Richard von Berg
  24. Mrs. Helene von Berg
  25. Egon von Berg
  26. Mrs. Gertrude Berger
  27. Mr. Johann Berwind
  28. Miss Gertrude Bersch
  29. Mr. Karl Berwanger
  30. Miss Dorothea Birk
  31. Miss Elfriede Birkelbach
  32. Mr. Otto Birkelbach
  33. Mr. Walter Bleckmann
  34. Mrs. Marie Bleckmann
  35. Miss Gretchen Blome
  36. Miss Anna Bockl
  37. Miss Anna Borgwardt
  38. Mr. Andreas C. Bosselmann
  39. Miss Josephine Brandecker
  40. Mr. Ludwig Breden
  41. Mr. August Breitinger
  42. Mr. August Bruns
  43. Mr. Charles Braggemann
  44. Miss Anna Buchner
  45. Mr. Friedrich Bucker
  46. Mr. Alex Cain
  47. Mr. Charles Carillon
  48. Mr. Johann Clausen
  49. Mr. Karl Cordes
  50. Mr. Bernhard Dehm
  51. Mrs. Pauline Denenkamp
  52. Mr. Karl Denenkamp
  53. Miss Louise Denenkamp
  54. Ehrw. Pater P. Provinzial Dicks
  55. Miss Karola Diesenberg
  56. Mr. Otto Donner
  57. Mrs. Alma Dormer
  58. Miss Ida Donner
  59. Mr. Carl Drüner
  60. Miss Emilie Dupper
  61. Miss Maria Darr
  62. Miss Elisabeth Eichelbeck
  63. Miss Anna Eilers
  64. Mrs. Alwine Eisenhuth
  65. Mr. Gustav Ell
  66. Mr. Jacob Engel
  67. Mrs. Rose Erl
  68. Miss Wilhelmine Ernst
  69. Mr. Richard Euring
  70. Mrs. Wanda Euring
  71. Sister Marie Fabiana
  72. Mr. Otto Faisst
  73. Mr. Julius Faust
  74. Mrs. Anna Faust
  75. Hermann Faust
  76. Dora Faust
  77. Mr. Hinrich Fedderwitz
  78. Mrs. Dorothea Fedderwitz
  79. Mrs. Anna Fehmer
  80. Miss Frieda Fellendorf
  81. Miss Helene Fetthauer
  82. Mr. Philipp Filsinger
  83. Miss Katharine Filsinger
  84. Mr. Fred Forster
  85. Miss Trinchen Freese
  86. Mrs. Johanna Freund
  87. Mr. Egbert Freund
  88. Mr. Ludwig Friedrichs
  89. Mr. Johann Fulle
  90. Miss Elise Fulle
  91. Miss Maria Fuss
  92. Miss Rosa Gebert
  93. Mr. Hermann Geerken
  94. Miss Gemünd
  95. Miss Thea Gerhards
  96. Mr. Hans Giese
  97. Mr. Christian W. Golling
  98. Mrs. Lina Guttmann
  99. Mr. Andreas Haas
  100. Mr. Adolf Haase
  101. Mrs. Helene Haase
  102. Johann Haase
  103. Gustav Haase
  104. Martha Haase
  105. Miss Martha Haertel
  106. Mr. Friedrich Hager
  107. Mr. Richard Hahn
  108. Mr. Friedrich Hahn
  109. Mr. Ernst Hasselt
  110. Mr. Henry Hastedt
  111. Mr. Fritz Haver
  112. Mr. Wilhelm Hegenberger
  113. Mr. Friedrich Heinzelmann
  114. Mr. Heinrich Henkel
  115. Mr. Robert Herold
  116. Miss Elsa Hesse
  117. Miss Melanie Hesse
  118. Mrs. Rhema Heuermann
  119. Hugo Heuermann
  120. Miss Luise Hey
  121. Mr. Hermann Rinsch
  122. Mr. Jacob Hirneis
  123. Miss Ria Hoffmann
  124. Miss Leonore Hofmeister
  125. Mr. Alfons Han
  126. Miss Dora Holie
  127. Miss Amanda Horsthatter
  128. Mr. Joseph Humm
  129. Mrs. Jenny Jacobsen
  130. Miss Clara Janke
  131. Miss Anna Jansen
  132. Reverend Franz Jemelka
  133. Mr. Theodor Jockenhofer
  134. Miss Mila Jordan
  135. Mr. Henry Jachtern
  136. Bernhard Juchtern
  137. Miss Erna Junge
  138. Mr. Eduard Kahny
  139. Mr. Emil Kahny
  140. Miss Anni Kaht
  141. Miss Melanie Karl
  142. Mr. Julius Kaufmann
  143. Miss Rosa Keller
  144. Mr. Emil Kickhefel
  145. Miss Anna Kilian
  146. Mr. John Klee
  147. Sister Gertrud Kletzka
  148. Mr. Hermann Knierim
  149. Miss Laura Knoerr
  150. Mr. Wilhelm Knollmann
  151. Miss Bertha Koch
  152. Mr. Arthur Koehler
  153. Mr. Peter Kohn
  154. Mr. Heinrich Kolb
  155. Mr. H zrmann Kollmar
  156. Miss Agathe Konrad
  157. Mrs. Charlotte Korte
  158. Miss Bertha Koster
  159. Mr. Heinrich Kranzlein
  160. Miss Barbara Krebs
  161. Arthur R. Krieger
  162. Miss Else Kroll
  163. Miss Klara Krumkühler
  164. Mr. Bernhard Kuhlmann
  165. Mr. Julius Kühlwetter
  166. Miss Paula Kurfess
  167. Mr. Wilhelm Lamken
  168. Bruder Wilhelm Lang
  169. Mrs. Therese Lauter
  170. Charlotte Lauter
  171. Wilhelm Lauter
  172. Miss Erna Lehmann
  173. Miss Emilie Lenk
  174. Miss Emilie Lepp
  175. Mrs. Marie Leupold
  176. Louise Leupold
  177. Robert Leupold
  178. Miss Marie Leupold
  179. Henry Leupold
  180. Miss Lilly Loewenstein
  181. Mr. Bernhard Loheide
  182. Mrs. Therese Loheide
  183. Paul Loheide
  184. Alb ertina Loheide
  185. Mr. Heinrich Loheide
  186. Mr. Albert Loheide
  187. Wilhelm Loheide
  188. Miss Johanna Lohse
  189. Mr. Hinrich Luck
  190. Miss Anna Lüdemann
  191. Mr. August Luhm
  192. Miss Leona Luhm
  193. Miss Margaretha Mallenbrei
  194. Miss Magdalene Marky
  195. Miss Elisabeth Mehrfeld
  196. Miss Emma Meistering
  197. Mr. Andreas Metz
  198. Mr. Henry N. Meyer
  199. Miss Marie Meyer
  200. Miss Meta Meyer
  201. Miss Erna Meyer
  202. Miss Marie Meyer
  203. Mr. Ferdinand Meysing
  204. Mr. Richard Miller
  205. Miss Anna Mohler
  206. Mr. Georg Moller
  207. Mr. Fritz Molcring
  208. Mr. Diedrich Muller
  209. Miss Agnes Munch
  210. Mrs. Marie Münchehofe
  211. Miss Helene Münchehofe
  212. Miss Bertha Neu
  213. Mr. Hugo Neuhaus
  214. Mr. Fred Nissen
  215. Mrs. Frieda Nissen
  216. Miss Else Noack
  217. Mr. William Noller
  218. Mrs. Helene Noller
  219. Luise Noller
  220. Mrs. Ella Ohms
  221. Miss Emma Opitz
  222. Miss Dora Ordemann
  223. Mrs. Helene Ossenkopp
  224. Mr. Henry Otterstedt
  225. Miss Aloysia Paolini
  226. Miss Bertha Paolini
  227. Mr. Walter Perthel
  228. Miss Louise Petginger
  229. Mr. Kurt Petzold
  230. Miss Katharine Pfaffl
  231. Mr. Bernh. Pfannenschlager
  232. Sister Magdalena Pillich
  233. Mr. Hinrich Pimpel
  234. Miss Maria Pirthauser
  235. Mrs. Tilly Possiel
  236. Berthold Possiel
  237. Mr. Anton Prchta
  238. Sister Priska
  239. Mr. Theodor Proeser
  240. Miss Anna Prüsch
  241. Miss Julie Puntigami
  242. Mr. Carl Rafflenbeul
  243. Miss Elsa Rausch
  244. Miss Fanny Rehn
  245. Miss Hermine Renk
  246. Miss Babette Repp
  247. Miss Ida Repp
  248. Mr. Hermann Riemer
  249. Mr. Hans Riep
  250. Miss Ella Ritter
  251. Miss Alice Roessner
  252. Mr. Johann Roth
  253. Mr. Konrad Ruess
  254. Miss Anna Ruess
  255. Mrs. Amalie Ruh
  256. Mr. Kurt Rühl
  257. Miss Marie Rumpf
  258. Mr. Heinz Sackmann
  259. Mr. Richard Sahre
  260. Mr. Carl Seidel
  261. Miss Hanni Seidel
  262. Miss Lina Selbmann
  263. Miss Franziska Settele
  264. Sister Silvana
  265. Miss Berta Sittig
  266. Mr. Gustav Sonn
  267. Mrs. Anna Sonn
  268. Miss Sonntag
  269. Sister Annastasia Sowa
  270. Mrs. Johanna Spieker
  271. Miss Ottilie Spreyer
  272. Miss Helene Schaffroth
  273. Mr. Reinhold Schaffroth
  274. Mr. Julius Scheidt
  275. Mr. Bruno Schenk
  276. Miss Margarete Schiron
  277. Miss Maria Schlierholz
  278. Miss Frieda Schlote
  279. Mrs. Marie Schmalhofer
  280. Mr. Valentin Schmidt
  281. Miss Wilma Schmidt
  282. Mr. Robert Schmidt
  283. Mr. Karl Schmidt
  284. Miss Henny Schmidt
  285. Mr. Richard Schmidt
  286. Miss Rosalie Schmitt
  287. Miss Anna Schmitt
  288. Mr. Emil Schmoll
  289. Miss Grete Schnakenberg
  290. Mrs. Maria Schnaudt
  291. Miss Hilda Schnaudt
  292. Mr. Gustav Schneider
  293. Mrs. Wilhelmine Schneider
  294. Miss Hedwig Scholz
  295. Miss Christel Schomaker
  296. Miss Johanne Schone
  297. Mr. Fritz Schonfeld
  298. Miss Frida Schoote
  299. Miss Frieda Schreder
  300. Miss Anna Schroder
  301. Mr. Josef Schwabe
  302. Mrs. Hate Schwabe
  303. Mr. Otto Schwarz
  304. Mr. Diedrich Schwepper
  305. Miss Emma Steck
  306. Miss Katharina Steiner
  307. Mrs. Bertha Steup
  308. Miss Martha Stier
  309. Mr. Emil Stolte
  310. Miss Maria Strigl
  311. Miss Anna Strubel
  312. Miss Hertha Stuht
  313. Mr. Josef Thomas
  314. Mrs. Lilly Thomasser
  315. Miss Bertha Thomasser
  316. Mr. Johann von Thum
  317. Mr. Peter Tiedemann
  318. Miss Klara Unger
  319. Mr. Theodar Utendorf
  320. Mr. Gerard Velthaus
  321. Mrs. Henriette Vogel
  322. Miss Anna Vogel
  323. Mr. Hermann Vollrath
  324. Miss Auguste Wagner
  325. Mr. Otto Wagner
  326. Mr. Karl Walcher
  327. Erna Walcher
  328. Miss Rosa Waldhauer
  329. Mr. Josef Walter
  330. Mrs. Anna Walter
  331. Miss Elisabeth Walther
  332. Mr. Philipp Wasching
  333. Mrs. Anna Weber
  334. Miss Sophie Weckmann
  335. Mr. William Weil
  336. Mrs. Anna Weil
  337. Mrs. Tilly Weisenbach
  338. Mrs. Chr. Weifß
  339. Mr. Emil Wendtrot
  340. Ehrw. Pater Ludwig Werbick
  341. Mrs. Ottilie Wetter
  342. Ottilie Wetter
  343. Mr. Karl Wettig
  344. Mr. Fred Wiegard
  345. Mrs. Klara Wiegard
  346. Miss Erna Wilisch
  347. Mr. Arthur Wittke
  348. Miss Walburga Wittmann
  349. Mrs. Marie Witzmann
  350. Mr. Josef Witzmann
  351. Miss Lina Wolf
  352. Miss Elisabeth Wolter
  353. Miss Frieda Zahn
  354. Miss Hildegard Zansch
  355. Miss Kreszenz Zirngibl
  356. Miss Gertrude Zoller
  357. Miss Johanne Zoller
  358. Miss Margarethe Zuleeg


Information for Cabin Passengers

Letters for Passengers

will be brought on board at the port of destination before the Passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them berore they leave the ship.

The object of the following rules being to provide for the comfort and safety of Passengers, their strict observance is urgently requested.

Passengers are requested to comply with the orders of the captain and/or his officers who are responsible for both the safety of the ship and Passengers, and comfort and order on board.

Change of Cabin. Only the purser is competent to dispose of any vacant accommodation. On payment of the increase in price, if any, the purser effects such transfers as are possible.

Meals will be served as follows:

First Sitting

  • Breakfast: 7.30 am
  • Lunch: 12:00 pm
  • Dinner: 6:00 pm

Second Sitting

  • Breakfast: 8.30 am
  • Lunch: 1:00 pm
  • Dinner: 7:00 pm

Tables, as well as seats, may be reserved beforehand upon application to the Chief Steward.

Meals are not served in the cabins or on deck, unless the passenger is prevented through sickness from coming to the Dining Room.

A good selection of various beverages is carried on board. Drinks brought on board by the Passengers will not be served in the Dining Room. A fixed price will be charged in U. S. currency.

The Dining Room will be closed at 11:00 pm, the Smoking Room at midnight. Drinks will be served till 11:30 pm

Baggage. Only small parcels and hand baggage in limited quantity may be taken into the stateroom. Trunks and other bulky articles must be stored in the baggage room, to which Passengers have — if possible — daily access if accompanied by an officer or the baggage master.

Money, Valuables, Documents Etc., duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, may be handed to the purser for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.

Library. There is a library on board at the disposal of the cabin Passengers. A list of the books will be found in the Saloon.

Doctor. A duly qualified Doctor is on board who will, free of charge, attend to Passengers falling sick during the voyage.

Bath Rooms. Passengers wishing to make use of the bath rooms, are requested to write their names and the hour of bathing upon the list in the antechamber to the bath rooms.

Barber. Tariff fixed in Dollar currency may be known from the list in the Barber's saloon.

Cigars, Cigarettes and Playing Cards are obtainable in the Smoking Room at fixed prices in Dollar currency.

Smoking is permitted only in the Smoking Room and on deck. It is strictly prohibited below deck, in the saloon or in the state rooms.

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward is charged with the distribution of incoming mail.

Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the Passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship Passengers are recommended to leave their address with the Chief Steward, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded to them.

Letters and telegrams may be directed in to any of the company's agents.

Deck Chairs can be hired of the Deck Stewards on board at a charge of $1.50 each for the voyage to New York.

Pastimes and Games are provided on board.

Service. Passengers are requested in their own interest to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Chief Steward, to the Purser, or to the Captain at the time of his daily round.

Wireless Telegraph.

The Wireless Telegraph Station on board this steamer is in daily touch with all Coast Stations either direct or through the medium of passing steamers.

All particulars respecting conditions, of transmission, duration, tariff, &c. may be obtained on application at the station on board. News received by wireless telegraphy will be daily published.

Hand Baggage

after having passed the customs on the pier may be forwarded thence at tariff rates by the Travelers Transfer Company, Steneck Building, Hoboken, NJ. Porters of the company are stationed at the pier.

Twin screw mail steamer "Bremen" 10 826 gross reg tons, 159.56 m long, 18.34 meters wide.


Title Page, SS Orduña Cabin Passenger List, 27 March 1923.

Title Page, SS Orduña Cabin Passenger List, 27 March 1923. GGA Image ID # 1fd0520572


List of Senior Officers and Staff on the SS Orduña Voyage of 27 March 1923.

List of Senior Officers and Staff on the SS Orduña Voyage of 27 March 1923. GGA Image ID # 1fd056925d


Advertisement: Winter Cruises in the West Indies on the RMSP Orca. New York-Bermuda Service on the RMSP Araguaya During the Winter Months.

Advertisement: Winter Cruises in the West Indies on the RMSP Orca. New York-Bermuda Service on the RMSP Araguaya During the Winter Months. SS Orduña Passenger List, 27 March 1923. GGA Image ID # 1fd08c16bc


RMSP and PSNC Passenger Services, 1923.

RMSP and PSNC Passenger Services, 1923. SS Orduña Passenger List, 27 March 1923. GGA Image ID # 1fd08c6b34


RMSP and PSNC Other Services, 1923.

RMSP and PSNC Other Services, 1923. SS Orduña Passenger List, 27 March 1923. GGA Image ID # 1fd0a24cd6


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