SS Europa Passenger List - 17 September 1932


Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 17 September 1932 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 17 September 1932 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain N. Johnsen. GGA Image ID # 1615d1669b


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain:  N. Johnsen
  2. Chief Officer: P. Petersen
  3. First Doctor: Dr. H. Jelden
  4. Second Doctor: Dr. F. Lamszies
  5. Chief Engineer: H. Eints
  6. Purser: L. Wulle
  7. Assistant Purser: M. Müller
  8. First Officer of the Traffic Office: W. de Haas
  9. Second Officer of the Traffic Office: J. Veening
  10. Chief Steward: O. Meinnert
  11. First Steward for First Class: H. Trantofsky
  12. Steward for Second Class: F. Schwenn
  13. Steward for Tourist Class: K. Weldt
  14. Steward for Third Class: E. Klosterkamp
  15. Stewart for Restaurant: J. Meierhans
  16. Chief Cook: F. Reddersen
  17. Wireless Telegraph Operator Senior Officer: D. Berbig
  18. First Baggage Master: H. Horstmann
  19. Interpreter: J. Schesinger


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Mrs. Jelta Adler
  2. Mrs. Sophie Amkraut
  3. Miss Shirley Amkraut
  4. Mrs. Esther Amkraut
  5. Mr. Joseph Amon
  6. Mr. Erich Angermann
  7. Mrs. Ada Baerntann
  8. Mr. Istvan Bahil
  9. Mrs. Manua Bahil
  10. Mr. John Bailey
  11. Mr. Stephen Balubaner
  12. Mrs. Paula Barth
  13. Mr. Werner Barth
  14. Mr. Jacob Beerfass
  15. Mrs. Dora Beerfass
  16. Mrs. Babette Berthau
  17. Miss Margaret Berthau
  18. Mrs. Alice Block
  19. Mrs. Käthe Bloete
  20. Miss Elisabeth Bloete
  21. Mrs. Lise Blohm
  22. Ralph Blohm
  23. Helen Blohm
  24. Mrs. Martha Blumenschein
  25. Mr. Kurt Braun
  26. Mrs. Gladys Braun
  27. Mr. Ralph Bregstein
  28. Mrs. Gertrude Bregstein
  29. Mrs. Anna Bremer
  30. Alven Bremer
  31. Frederick Bremer
  32. Miss Sophia Brough
  33. Mr. Alexander Brown
  34. Miss Harriet Brück
  35. Miss Mara Burklin
  36. Dr. Charles Buvinger
  37. Mrs. Auguste Buvinger
  38. Mr. Aleve Chergealos
  39. Mrs. Anna Chergealos
  40. Anastasio Chergealos
  41. Anna Chergealos
  42. Mr. Ernst Christopher
  43. Miss Helen Corbett
  44. Mr. Carlisle Coutant
  45. Mrs. Olga Dahm
  46. Mr. Michael Dale
  47. Mr. John Deglmann
  48. Mr. Philip Dengler
  49. Mrs. Maria Dengler
  50. Miss Marie Dickhut
  51. Mrs. Anna Edelmann
  52. Mr. Adolf Eisman
  53. Mrs. Maria Eppler
  54. Mr. Prof.EdwardEricksen
  55. Mr. Murray Feiler
  56. Mr. Carl Feldmann
  57. Miss Bertha Feldstein
  58. Mr. Louis Fiala
  59. Mrs. Anna Fiala
  60. Ruth Fiala
  61. Mrs. Bertha Finder
  62. Mr. Fritz Finkeiden
  63. Mr. Alfred Foster
  64. Mrs. Else Foster
  65. Mrs. Helen Fradinoff
  66. Mrs. Helen Fradinoff
  67. Miss Marie Frank
  68. Mr. Carl Franklin
  69. Miss Alida Freeman
  70. Mr. George Fricke
  71. Mr. William Friegel
  72. Miss Jaterine Galla
  73. Mr. David Garcash
  74. Mr. Sheridan Garth
  75. Mrs. Victoria Garth
  76. Mr. Louis Gartner
  77. Miss Emma Gies
  78. Mrs. Wilhelmine Gleisener
  79. Miss Gertrude Gottschlich
  80. Miss Luise Grab
  81. Miss Gretel Grab
  82. Mr. George Gschwind
  83. Mr. James Gurge
  84. Mrs. Sidonia Gutfreund
  85. Mr. Max Gultmann
  86. Mrs. Fannie Guttmann
  87. Miss Margaret Guttmann
  88. Miss Erna Haas
  89. Mr. Adolf Haendler-Ascher
  90. Mr. August Halm
  91. Mrs. Catherine Hahn
  92. Miss Margarethe Hahn
  93. Miss Elizabeth Hahn
  94. Mr. William Hall
  95. Miss Mela Hamel
  96. Mr. Emil Hartmeier
  97. Miss Sigrid Hasle
  98. Rev. Anton Hasos
  99. Miss Mary Healy
  100. Miss Marie Heidenreich
  101. Mr. Albert Heinecke
  102. Mr. Milton Henych
  103. Mr. Leander Herbermann
  104. Mrs. Frances Hess
  105. Miss Magdalene Hess
  106. Miss Elisabeth Hess
  107. Miss Irma Hildenbrand
  108. Mrs. Evelyn Hill
  109. Charlotte Hill
  110. Edwin Hill
  111. Miss Alma Hiller
  112. Mrs. Rosa Hoerter
  113. Mrs. Lina Holstein
  114. Mr. Emil Horst
  115. Miss Gabriele Humbert
  116. Mr. William Hummel
  117. Mrs. Therese Hummel
  118. Mrs. Solveig Hurthi
  119. Mrs. Margaretha Huxoll
  120. Mr. William Indicher
  121. Mr. Benjamin Israel
  122. Mrs. Ethel Israel
  123. Mrs. Hannie Jacobsen
  124. Arno Jacobsen
  125. Mr. George Jaszi
  126. Mr. Robert Jensen
  127. Mrs. Eli Jensen
  128. Miss Margot Jerike
  129. Mrs. Christine Johnson
  130. Mr. Antanas Juzefolis
  131. Mrs. Ona Juzefolis
  132. Miss Hermina Kacrova
  133. Miss Agnes Kalitta
  134. Mrs. Annie Kaplan
  135. Miss Edith Kaplan
  136. Miss Nan Kaschner
  137. Miss Mary Keane
  138. Mrs. Sarah Keller
  139. Mr. John Kennedy
  140. Mr. Joseph Kertz
  141. Miss Katherine King
  142. Miss Hildegard Klant
  143. Mrs. Hermina Klein
  144. Mrs. Sophie Klotter
  145. Miss Rose Knopf
  146. Miss Nina Kobelt
  147. Mrs. Elise Koch
  148. Mrs. Henriette Koch
  149. Gerhard Koch
  150. Karl Koch
  151. Dr. Robert Koch
  152. Mr. Christian Kohler
  153. Mr. John Koller
  154. Mrs. Vera Koller
  155. Dolores Koller
  156. Mrs. Frieda Koullapis
  157. Miss Helene Krause
  158. Mr. John Kreutz
  159. Miss Anna Kreuzberg
  160. Mr. Rudolf Krizan
  161. Mrs. Anastazia Krizan
  162. Mrs. Ilse Kromphardt
  163. Miss Maria Krutwig
  164. Mr. Stephan Kuhnle
  165. Mr. Frank Kupfer
  166. Mr. Pius Kuonen
  167. Mrs. Sarah Kusnetz
  168. Mr. Howard Lapsley
  169. Miss Winifried Leeds
  170. Mr. Frcderik Lehn
  171. Mrs. Marie Lehn
  172. Mr. Steven Lehotsky
  173. Mrs. Verona Lehotsky
  174. Miss Margareth Lehotsky
  175. Miss Pauline Lehotsky
  176. Miss Anna Levi
  177. Mrs. Annie Levy
  178. Mr. Everett Lewy
  179. Mr. Joseph Linhart
  180. Mrs. Mary Linhart
  181. Eleonora Linhart
  182. Mrs. Louise Lohr
  183. Miss Helga Lueckhoff
  184. Miss Hildegard Lueckhoff
  185. Mr. Alfred Lustgarten
  186. Mr. Edgar Lustgarten
  187. Mrs. Scheindel Lustig
  188. Mr. David Lutomirski
  189. Mrs. Lina Lutomirski
  190. Frances Maibusch
  191. Mr. Julius Mattfeld
  192. Mrs. Margaret Mattfeld
  193. Mrs. Lida Mayo
  194. Mrs. Minnie McBride
  195. Prof. Max Meenes
  196. Mrs. Helen Miller
  197. Edith Miller
  198. Jacob Miller
  199. Mr. Arnold Mobbs
  200. Mrs. Anna Mohr
  201. Henry Mohr
  202. Mr. Franz Mueller
  203. Mrs. Aloysia Mueller
  204. Mr. Herbert Murch
  205. Mr. Gardner Murphy
  206. Mrs. Lois Murphy
  207. Alfen Murphy
  208. Prof. Frederik Mutterer
  209. Miss Gertrude Mutz
  210. Mr. Anders Myhrmann
  211. Mr. Fritz Nachtrab
  212. Mrs. Marie Nachtrab
  213. Mrs. Hedwig Nowak
  214. Miss Alma Ohle
  215. Mr. Tony Osypuk
  216. Mrs. Julia Osypuk
  217. Anna Osypuk
  218. Miss Josefine Otl
  219. Mr. Constantinos Panagoplos
  220. Mr. Herbert Parsons
  221. Miss Taimi Pawakumpu-Vigren
  222. Rev. Bonaventara Pecri
  223. Mr. Herbert Penzl
  224. Miss Ida Pfeiffer
  225. Miss Marianna Piechocka
  226. Mr. Michael Preis
  227. Mr. Joseph Prevratil
  228. Mrs. Ada Ptak-Baermann
  229. Mrs. Emma Ramsbeck
  230. Mr. Hans Reinhart
  231. Mrs. Gertrude Reinhart
  232. Dr. John Reisinger
  233. Mr. Henry Reiss
  234. Mr. Max Richter
  235. Mr. Charles Robinson
  236. Mrs. Carrie Robinson
  237. Mr. Peter Ruppe
  238. Mr. Henry Rutz
  239. Mr. Bernard Sachar
  240. Mr. Manuel Sachs
  241. Miss Rose Safran
  242. Miss Barbara Saldit
  243. Mr. Hermann Sam
  244. Mr. Arthur Sand
  245. Mrs. Selma Sand
  246. Miss Mary Seiler
  247. Miss Erna Selbach
  248. Mr. David Shapiro
  249. Mr. Emil Sindlinger
  250. Mrs. Aurelia Sindlinger
  251. Miss Louise Smith
  252. Mr. Charles Snyder
  253. Mrs. Alcida Snyder
  254. Mr. Thoma Snyder
  255. Miss Francina Snyder
  256. Miss Marie Spickova
  257. Mr. Ernest Spitzer
  258. Mr. Jacob Spitzer
  259. Mrs. Rose Spitzer
  260. Mrs. Mary Sziblo
  261. Mrs. Elvira Szoeke
  262. Thomas Szoeke
  263. Mr. Peter Schaefer
  264. Mrs. Frieda Schaefer
  265. Miss Else Schenk
  266. Mrs. Anna Schmidt
  267. Mr. Charles Schmidt
  268. Fred Schmidt
  269. Anna Schmidt
  270. Mr. Charles Schmidt
  271. Mrs. Auguste Schnettke
  272. Miss Auguste Schnettke
  273. Miss Maria Schönsteiner
  274. Mrs. Ella Schroeter
  275. Mrs. Alma Schroeter
  276. Mr. John Schwarting
  277. Mrs. Marie Stark
  278. Mr. Bert Stark
  279. Mr. Oscar Steiner
  280. Mrs. Dorothy Steiner
  281. Mrs. Henriette Stell
  282. Franklin Stell
  283. Mr. Irvin Stenzler
  284. Miss Emmy Stoeckel
  285. Mrs. Anna Strobel
  286. Mrs. Bertha Stuemke
  287. Miss Anna Trukenmüller
  288. Mr. Dennis Tsamtsures
  289. Mrs. Caroline Tsamtsures
  290. Caroline Tsamtsures
  291. Mr. John Tschogl
  292. Mr. Wilhelm Vahle
  293. Rev. Franz Veres
  294. Mr. Paul Voelkel
  295. Mrs. Frieda Voelkel
  296. Miss Margarete Wallrath
  297. Mr. Jack Wasser
  298. Miss Chelly Wasserberg
  299. Mr. Herman Wasserman
  300. Mr. Bruno Weigelt
  301. Mrs. Maria Weigelt
  302. Mr. Morris Weiss
  303. Agathe Welte
  304. Mr. Joseph Wilk
  305. Miss Margaret Wohlenberg
  306. Mr. Gustav Woitke
  307. Miss Mathilde Wolf
  308. Mr. Louis Wrubel
  309. Mrs. Ida Wrubel
  310. Mr. Joseph Wrubel
  311. Mrs. Rose Wrubel
  312. Mr. Judah Zelitch
  313. Mrs. Salomea Zelnik
  314. Mr. Peter Zepp
  315. Mrs. Hertha Zessin
  316. Doris Zessin
  317. Miss Netti Zimmermann
  318. Miss Fanny Zschache
  319. Mrs. Lena Zwang


To Southampton

  1. Mrs. Nellie Burmas
  2. Mr. James Christie
  3. Miss Mary Corsellis
  4. Mr. Henry Green
  5. Mr. Jaze Karim
  6. Mrs. Berna Kelpl
  7. Günter Kelpl
  8. Reginald Kelpl
  9. Mr. Thomas Lee
  10. Mrs. Anne Lisby
  11. Miss Frances Lisby
  12. Mr. Bernhard Müller
  13. Mr. Fritz Müller
  14. Mr. Alan Robsow
  15. Mr. Werner Schael
  16. Mr. Olie Schranze


From Southampton

  1. Mr. Phil Beam
  2. Mr. Axel Boethius
  3. Miss M. Boyhan
  4. Mr. Donald Brown
  5. Miss R. Bunzel
  6. Mr. M. Burger
  7. Mr. J. Burger
  8. Mr. John Caulfield
  9. Mr. Alston Chase
  10. Miss Evelyn Clarke
  11. Miss Esther Cohen
  12. Miss Ruth Conklin
  13. Dr. Merriman Cooper
  14. Prof. C. Coppersmitt
  15. Mrs. Myrtle Coppersmitt
  16. Miss Ruth Coppersmitt
  17. Mr. Robert Coppersmitt
  18. Mr. John Eisenbauer
  19. Mr. Thomas Ekins
  20. Miss Alice Evans
  21. Mr. Furman Fink
  22. Miss M. Goodall
  23. Miss Anne Gummins
  24. Miss Margaret Harper
  25. Mr. Henry Huntington
  26. Miss Elisabeth John
  27. Miss Elsie Knapp
  28. Mr. Ferdinand Kuhn
  29. Mrs. Johanna Kuhn
  30. Mr. Corliss Lamont
  31. Mrs. Margaret Lamont
  32. Miss Marie Lurie
  33. Miss Elizabeth Mayers
  34. Miss Irene McFarkand
  35. Mr. C. Mc Lewis
  36. Mr. Moritz Milburn
  37. Mr. Oscar Mybakkem
  38. Miss Maide Nesbit
  39. Mr. Leo Pierce
  40. Mrs. Pierce
  41. Eileen Pierce
  42. Mr. John Platt
  43. Mrs. Fanny Platt
  44. Mr. John Pollard
  45. Mr. Arthur Pritchard
  46. Miss Martha Pritchard
  47. Miss Mary Reed
  48. Prof. Grosvenor Robinson
  49. Mr. Eugene Sarkies
  50. Mr. Harold Smith
  51. Mr. Pio Sorvillo
  52. Miss Wilhelmina Spohr
  53. Miss Eva Sprunger
  54. Miss Sarah Schenk
  55. Mr. Harvey Thayer
  56. Mr. Benjamin de la Torre
  57. Mr. Prof.ChristianWenger
  58. Mr. Zagat
  59. Mr. Lyman Ziegler


From Cherbourg

  1. Miss Madeline Atzingen
  2. Mrs. Madeline Atzingen
  3. Miss Anna Baetjer
  4. Miss Ruth Baetjer
  5. Miss Tompin Bareter H
  6. Dr. Philip Barsun
  7. Miss Ingelber Barth
  8. Mrs. Dina Baum
  9. Miss Regina Baum
  10. Mr. Max Baum
  11. Mr. Baydush
  12. Mr. J. Bede
  13. Mr. van Biest
  14. Mrs. W. Bloch
  15. Mr. Henry Blumberg
  16. Mr. John Bower
  17. Mrs. Maria Bower
  18. Mr. Arnold Burge
  19. Mrs. Carolyn Burge
  20. Mrs. K. Campbell
  21. Mr. Ben Cohen
  22. Mr. Irving Cohen
  23. Mr. Maurice Coindreau
  24. Prof. Albert Cru
  25. Mrs. Cru
  26. Mr. Alexander Debruille
  27. Mrs. Paula Debruille
  28. Mr. Edward Decter
  29. Miss Katherine Douglas
  30. Mrs. Gaby Drew
  31. Prof. Felix File
  32. Miss Sylvia Fisenberg
  33. Miss Miriam Fiedler
  34. Mr. R. Follis Jr.
  35. Mr. George Foster
  36. Mrs. Annie Foster
  37. Rose Foster
  38. Mr. John Franco
  39. Miss Ella Frankfurter
  40. Mr. Horace Freeman
  41. Mr. W. Friedrich
  42. Mr. Carlton Fuller
  43. Mrs. Fuller
  44. Miss Georget Giyon
  45. Prof. Jean Glusser
  46. Miss Blanka Gottesmann
  47. Mrs. Tessie Gottlieb
  48. Miss Gretchen Green
  49. Mr. Groswell
  50. Prof. Albert Gru
  51. Mrs. Anna Gru
  52. Mr. Theodor Grünebaum
  53. Prof. Charles Gulick
  54. Miss Selma Gutlove
  55. Miss Marie Healy
  56. Esther Henry
  57. Miss Elisabeth Hentzelt
  58. Miss Paulina Heuberger
  59. Miss Mary Heuberger
  60. Mrs. Heuberger
  61. Mr. Elliot Humphrey
  62. Mr. Georg Hunavan
  63. Mrs. Elvira Johnson
  64. Mr. Benjamin Kanne
  65. Mr. Jacob Katz
  66. Prof. E. Koëlla
  67. Mrs. Koëlla
  68. Mr. Hermann Krantz
  69. Miss Martha Krieg
  70. Mr. Jacob Kristensens
  71. Mrs. Herta Kristensens
  72. Mr. Erich Labouvie
  73. Mr. Gest Lamartine
  74. Mrs. Jean Lamartine
  75. Rull Lamartine
  76. Miss Estelle Larson
  77. Mrs. Marie Lodge
  78. Mrs. Meta Lustgarten
  79. Miss Ruth Lustgarten
  80. Mr. Samuel Lustgarten
  81. Mrs. Elisabeth Mastauckas
  82. Mrs. B. Mayo
  83. Miss V. Menard
  84. Mr. Anthony Milauskas
  85. Mrs. Genevieve Milauskas
  86. Miss Genevieva Milauskas
  87. Mr. Anthony Milauskas
  88. Mr. Henry Mimno
  89. Prof. Thos. Moore
  90. Prof. L. Nice
  91. Mr. Oozonia
  92. Miss Ita Osman
  93. Mr. Waldemar Peltinowitz
  94. Mr. Mase Rappard
  95. Mr. Alfred Rehder
  96. Prof. Karl Reichenbach
  97. Dr. Jacob Rosen
  98. Mrs. Helen Rosen
  99. Sheldon Rosen
  100. Mr. John Rubin
  101. Dr. Julius Sendrey
  102. Mrs. Jeanette Sendrey
  103. Miss Viola Signore
  104. Mrs. Regina Slutnik
  105. Dr. Lucian Smitt
  106. Miss Josephine Schaff
  107. Miss Schenk
  108. Miss Darline Stern
  109. Mrs. Sally Stier
  110. Mrs. Caroline Stone
  111. Mr. Marcel Tabuteau
  112. Mr. Fred Taubes
  113. Miss Ethel Thayer
  114. Mr. Stephen Timoschenko
  115. Mrs. Timoschenko
  116. Miss Dr. Sarah Tower
  117. Mr. Cabrillo Vaxques
  118. Prof. (Mrs.) Ivonne Villedieu
  119. Prof. (Mrs.) Anealita Vezzeti
  120. Miss Hilda Walk
  121. Mr. Alexander Weinberg
  122. Mr. Weingarten
  123. Mrs. Weingarten and Child
  124. Mrs. Florence Weinsberg
  125. Mr. Payson Wild
  126. Mrs. Wild
  127. Prof. Dr. Parker  Willis
  128. Mrs. Dr. Geraldine Wilnot
  129. Mr. Wittenberg
  130. Mrs. Wittenberg
  131. Mr. Seiden Wolfe
  132. Mr. Harrison Wood
  133. Miss Lucia Woodward
  134. Mr. Wm. Wunney
  135. Miss Ruth Young
  136. Mr. Victor Zaidman
  137. Miss Lillian Zimmermann
  138. Mr. Carl Zinn
  139. Mrs. Zinn


Photographs of Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class, circa 1932.

Photographs of Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class, circa 1932. Top Row: Tourist Third Cabin Smoking Room; Tourist Third Cabin Dining Room; and, Third Class Four-Berth Cabin. Bottom Row: Tourist Third Cabin Two-Berth Cabin and Bath; Third Class Dining Room; and Passengers Relaxing on the Fantale Enjoying the Sun. GGA Image ID # 1616a4bd08


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mrs. M. Ain
  2. Mr. Johann Albert
  3. Mrs. Therese Allinger
  4. Mr. Harry Anhalt
  5. Mr. Friedrich Annussek
  6. Mr. Josef Antuch
  7. Mrs. Josef Antuch
  8. Mr. Jakob Arfsten
  9. Mr. Lorenz Arfsten
  10. Mrs. Marie Aschenbrenner
  11. Mrs. Ida Baars
  12. Mrs. Margar. Badewitz
  13. Martin Badewitz
  14. Miss Cecilie Baier
  15. Mrs. Adella Balchus
  16. Mrs. Maria Barancik and Family
  17. Miss Shena Barsei
  18. Mrs. Emma Bartasek
  19. Miss Louise Bartels
  20. Mr. George Basalygo
  21. Mrs. Veronica Basalygo
  22. Mr. Karl Bauer
  23. Miss Emmy Baumeister
  24. Miss Mary Baumgartner
  25. Mr. John Baumgartner
  26. Mrs. Paula Baumgartner
  27. Mr. Karl Walter Behrens
  28. Mrs. Carolina Beigneux
  29. Mrs. Tony Beran
  30. Miss Josefine Beran
  31. Mrs. Marg. E. Beiger
  32. Mr. Henry Beutelmann
  33. Mrs. Tessie Beutelmann
  34. Henry Beutelmann
  35. Filip Beutelmann
  36. Mr. Benjamin Birnbaum
  37. Miss Marie Bitter
  38. Mrs. Marie H. Black
  39. Mrs. Margarete Blum
  40. Miss Anna Bombara
  41. Mr. Wilhelm Brand
  42. Mrs. Anna Brauer
  43. Harro Brauer
  44. Rosemarie Brauer
  45. Mrs. Marie Bregy
  46. Mr. George Breitwieser
  47. Mrs. Anne Breitwieser
  48. Mr. D. M. Brookman
  49. Mr. Max Buchberger
  50. Miss Cathar. Butler
  51. Mrs. Mary Castendiek
  52. Christa Castendiek
  53. Mr. Daniel Chinchik
  54. Mr. Magnus Christensen
  55. Mr. Carl Christiansen
  56. Miss Dora Circle
  57. Mr. Charles Collins
  58. Mrs. Charles Collins
  59. Mr. Ernst Cording
  60. Mrs. Frieda Cording
  61. Anna Louise Cording
  62. Mr. John Dackweiler
  63. Mrs. Marie Dackweiler
  64. Therese Dackweiler
  65. Miss Therese Dallmayr
  66. Mr. Josef Danielcsik
  67. Mrs. Theres R. Danielcsik
  68. Mr. Max Davis
  69. Mr. Evarist Declercq
  70. Mr. Joseph Demeter
  71. Mrs. Margarete Dessin
  72. Mrs. Gertrud Diehl
  73. Fritz Diehl
  74. Mr. Max Dienemann
  75. Mrs. Ellie Dienemann
  76. Mrs. Anna Dierking
  77. Mr. John Dobbyn
  78. Mr. Adolf Doster
  79. Mrs. Julie Doster
  80. Mr. Victor Drozdy
  81. Mr. Anton Dsuban
  82. Mrs. Anna Dsuban
  83. Mr. Emerich Dubrocky
  84. Mrs. Emilie Duroskova
  85. Miss Elisabeth Edelmann
  86. Mrs. Rosa Ehsnig
  87. Mr. Josef Eidukonis
  88. Miss Heimine vom Eigen
  89. Mrs. Edith Eliassen
  90. Normann Eliassen
  91. Mr. Fred Elsnau
  92. Mr. Ignaz Englert
  93. Mr. Josef Feilmeier
  94. Mr. Franz Fendt
  95. Miss Agnes Feser
  96. Miss Barbara Feulner
  97. Miss Elise Ficken
  98. Mrs. Roza Fink  and Child
  99. Miss Franziska Fischer
  100. Mrs. Minnie Fischer
  101. Miss Annemaria Fischer
  102. Mrs. Gertrud Fischer
  103. Mr. Horst Fischer
  104. Mr. Jakob Flitsch
  105. Miss Anna Forster
  106. Mr. John Franchey
  107. Mr. Theodor Franklin
  108. Mrs. Maria Freihofer
  109. Mrs. Mary Frey
  110. Mrs. Minna Frey and Family
  111. Rev. Carl Fritsch
  112. Mr. Eugen Frost
  113. Mrs. Dora Garber
  114. Mrs. Marie Garde
  115. Mr. Henry Gaus
  116. Miss Thekla Gecks
  117. Mrs. Hedwig Gehring
  118. Miss Kunigunde Gerharz
  119. Mr. Henry George
  120. Mrs. Mogda Giessing-Larsen
  121. Prof. Harry Gnatkowski
  122. Mrs. Ethel Gooch
  123. Mr. Harry Goodman
  124. Miss Else Goebel
  125. Mr. Alfred Goetz
  126. Mrs. Francis Goetz
  127. Mrs. Martha Goetz
  128. Susi Goetz
  129. Rabbi Wolf Gold
  130. Mrs. Ida Goldenfeld
  131. Mr. Adolf Goldenfeld
  132. Miss Sarah Goldenfeld
  133. Mr. Conrad Goschy
  134. Mr. Martin Graff
  135. Mrs. Magdalena Graff
  136. Miss Rosalie Graff
  137. Anna Graff
  138. Mr. John Gratzer
  139. Mrs. Rosa Gratzer
  140. Helen Gratzer
  141. John Gratzer
  142. Fräul Klara Grau
  143. Miss Graz
  144. Mrs. Margaret Green
  145. Ruth Green
  146. Mrs. Theomilla Green
  147. Mrs. Mary Greener
  148. Mr. Josef Groll
  149. Mrs. Rosa Groll
  150. Franky Groll
  151. Mr. Paul E. Grosh
  152. Mr. Harry Guskey
  153. Mrs. Mattie de Haan Keeler
  154. Miss Cather. Habbel
  155. Mrs. Ludmila Habenicht
  156. Miss Helen Habenicht
  157. Mrs. Clara Häbich
  158. Mr. Hermann Hagen
  159. Mrs. Hermann Hagen
  160. Mr. Kurt Hahn
  161. Mrs. Hilda Hahn
  162. Mr. W. A. Hall
  163. Mr. Martin Hanel
  164. Miss Dorothy Harris
  165. Miss Lee Harris
  166. Mr. Albert Hausmann
  167. Mrs. Susan Hearn
  168. Miss Else Heck
  169. Mr. Alfred Heinisch
  170. Mrs. Frieda Heinisch
  171. Miss Frieda Heise
  172. Miss Paulina Hellerich
  173. Miss Maria Hellerich
  174. Mr. August Henrich
  175. Mr. Martin Hering
  176. Mrs. Elisabeth Hering
  177. Mr. Franz Herold
  178. Mrs. Clara Herold
  179. Evelyn Herold
  180. Miss Paula Herrmann
  181. Mr. Edward Hillebrand
  182. Mrs. Mary Hillebrand
  183. Mrs. Mathilde Hock
  184. Mr. William Hoffmann
  185. Mrs. Margarela Hoffmann
  186. Mr. William O. Hoffmann
  187. Mr. John Hoikkala
  188. Miss Maria Horslmann
  189. Mr. Oskar Huber
  190. Mrs. Marie Huber
  191. Emma Huber
  192. Miss Eleanor Huber
  193. Mr. Ludvik Hudek
  194. Mrs. Agnes Hudek
  195. Mr. Jerry Hudek
  196. Mr. Peter Hueschen
  197. Mr. Erich Huepenbecker
  198. Mrs. Louise Hufnagel
  199. Mrs. Elin Hundertmark
  200. Mrs. Louise Hundertmark
  201. Mr. Sol Hyman
  202. Mrs. Rosa Anna Jacob
  203. Gerhard Jacob
  204. R. E. A. Jacob
  205. Mrs. Ida Jacobs
  206. Marvin Jacobs
  207. Mrs. Charlotte Jaeger
  208. Mrs. Christine Jaeger
  209. Mr. Karl Jäger
  210. Mr. Charles Jappen
  211. Mr. Carl Gunnar Johnson
  212. Mrs. Edith Th. Johnson
  213. Mrs. Mathilde Jonas
  214. Karl Heinz Jonas
  215. Mr. Axel Jonsson
  216. Mr. Carl Juilfs
  217. Miss Adele Juilfs
  218. Mr. John Jusypczuk
  219. Miss Rose Kalvarsky-Hartmann
  220. Mr. Jan Kaniszczak
  221. Miss Emilie Kappler
  222. Mr. Richard F. Karstein
  223. Mrs. Eleonora Karstein
  224. Mr. August Kastrup
  225. Mrs. Sophie Kastrup
  226. Otto Kaufmann
  227. Miss Anna Kaupp
  228. Miss Mary Kazik
  229. Mrs. Marie Klask
  230. Mr. Aaron Klausner
  231. Mr. William Klein-Wassink
  232. Mrs. Mary Klementovich
  233. Mrs. Magdalena Klenert
  234. Mr. Max Klewitz
  235. Mr. Eduard Knopf
  236. Mr. Simon Koda
  237. Mrs. Friederike von Koenitz
  238. Mr. John Koferl
  239. Mrs. Amalia Koferl
  240. Miss Ludmilla Komarek
  241. Mrs. Katharina König
  242. Harry König
  243. Mr. Oscar Korff
  244. Mrs. Anna Kormann
  245. Miss Frieda Kost
  246. Mr. Bohumil Kostal
  247. Mrs. Marie Kostal
  248. Mildred Kostal
  249. Mr. Hinrich Köster
  250. Mr. Josef Kotowicz
  251. Mrs. Paranka Kotowicz
  252. Mrs. Katerina Kovac
  253. Mr. Friedrich Kramer
  254. Mrs. Eufrozyna Krawcon and Child
  255. Mrs. Anna Kreis
  256. Miss Frieda Kreitmeier
  257. Mr. Adolf Kromminga
  258. Mrs. Anna Kromminga Johan Kropf
  259. Mrs. Margaret Kuffer
  260. Mr. Heinrich Kuhlenkamp
  261. Miss Anna Kuhn
  262. Miss Friederike Kühner
  263. Dr. Emst Kulka
  264. Mrs. Amelia Kumm
  265. Mrs. Eva Kummaus
  266. Mr. Eduard Kummaus
  267. Miss Maria Kurtwig
  268. Mrs. Angelina Kuruzovic
  269. Mr. Charles Kvatochvil
  270. Mrs. Elsie Kvatochvil
  271. Mr. William Lago
  272. Mrs. Clara Langmack
  273. Mildred Langmack
  274. Mr. Anthony Lazter
  275. Dr. H. Lebovics
  276. Mr. Otto Leonhardt
  277. Mr. Nicholas Lipchak
  278. Miss Johanna von der Litt
  279. Mrs. Minnie Loeper
  280. Mr. Herbert Loesch
  281. Mrs. Elfriede Löhdorf
  282. Mr. Friedrich Lotz
  283. Miss Mathilde Lubitz
  284. Mrs. Martha Lux
  285. Mr. W. P. Maddox
  286. Mrs. W. P. Maddox
  287. Mrs. Elisa Maier
  288. Mr. Wilhelm Maier
  289. Mrs. Lube Maimed
  290. Miss Rose Mandelkern
  291. Mrs. Else Marshall and Child
  292. Mr. Martin Martin
  293. Mrs. Rosa Martin
  294. Mrs. Mary Martinat
  295. Mrs. Alma Marug
  296. Mrs. Maria Massarik
  297. Miss Emma Mathes
  298. Mr. Alexander Matrinek
  299. Edward Matrinek
  300. Mrs. Olga Matt
  301. Miss Wilhelmina Maucher
  302. Mr. Oskar Maurus
  303. Miss Beatrice Mc Cann
  304. Mrs. Marg. Mc Ginn
  305. Mr. Frank Meisel
  306. Mr. Alfred Meister
  307. Mrs. Ida Meissner
  308. Pearl Meissner
  309. Mrs. Elisabeth Mclicharek
  310. Mrs. Sophie Merker
  311. Miss Elsbeth Meyer
  312. Miss Winifred Meyer
  313. Miss Frieda Meyer
  314. Mr. Leopold Mikos
  315. Miss Josephine Mikos
  316. Miss Stefanie Mikos
  317. Mr. John Mikos
  318. Mr. Ernst Mohr
  319. Miss Hertha Moldenhauer
  320. Mr. Josef Molnar
  321. Mrs. Mollie Morton
  322. Miss Else Moser
  323. Miss Lina Moser
  324. Mr. William Moser
  325. Mrs. Olga Moser
  326. Mr. John Moser
  327. Mrs. Mary Moskowitz
  328. Wilbert Moskowitz
  329. Mrs. Mary Müller
  330. Mr. Alfred Müller
  331. Miss Marie Müller
  332. Mrs. Olga Munk
  333. Miss Else Mylenbusch
  334. Rev. Steve Nagle
  335. Mrs. Rejina Nagy
  336. Mrs. Frieda Naiman and Child
  337. Mrs. Minna Nauber
  338. Mrs. Elise Neuf
  339. Mr. August Neuf
  340. Mr. Steven Nickos
  341. Mr. Bernh. Niemann
  342. Mr. Josef Niemann
  343. Mrs. Auguste Niemczyk
  344. Albert Niemczyk
  345. Mr. Rudolf Novak
  346. Miss Tyyne Nykänen
  347. Mrs. Gusti Öhler
  348. Mr. Gust. Olson
  349. Mrs. Hanna Olson
  350. Mr. Gustav Olson
  351. Mrs. Margarete Omeis
  352. Mrs. Dora Opalenikova
  353. Rev. Charles Orovits
  354. Mrs. Marie Osborne
  355. Mrs. Centa Ott
  356. Mrs. Sophie Panus
  357. Mrs. Anna Paplauskas and Child
  358. Mr. A. W. Patterson
  359. Mr. Albert Pearson
  360. Mrs. Beatrice Pearson
  361. Miss Agnes Pelz
  362. Mr. Ivan Petcoff
  363. Mr. Sam Pett
  364. Mrs. Else Pitz
  365. Mr. Clemens Plageman
  366. Mrs. Selma Plageman
  367. Miss Lilly Popper
  368. Miss Elizabeth Poth
  369. Miss Rosa Primoschitz-Mootz
  370. Mrs. Marie Ramener
  371. Miss Olga Ramsner
  372. Miss Adele Rapoport
  373. Miss Rosa Rath
  374. Mr. Christian Rehrl
  375. Mr. Frank Reiblein
  376. Mrs. Elisabeth Reichart
  377. Miss Rosa Reinthaler
  378. Mr. Ludwig Reiser
  379. Mrs. Frieda Reiser
  380. Mr. Hubert E. Reisner
  381. Mr. Kazys Remcika
  382. Miss Anna Rentschler
  383. Mrs. Kateryna Repczak
  384. Miss Emma Reuter
  385. Mr. Augustin Reymar and Family
  386. Mr. Theodor Rickmers
  387. Miss Anna Rieas
  388. Mr. Josef Rindos
  389. Isabella Ringold
  390. Mr. Frank Rippel
  391. Miss Elise Ritter
  392. Mr. Richard Roesiger
  393. Mr. William Röhl
  394. Mrs. Hannah Rosenthal
  395. Mr. Joseph Rosenthal
  396. Daniel Rosenthal
  397. Mr. David Roth
  398. Mr. Isaak Roth
  399. Mrs. Cila Roth
  400. Mr. John Roth
  401. Mr. Adam Rottenbacher
  402. Mr. Johann Rüger
  403. Mrs. Anna Rüger
  404. Mr. Vasil Safran
  405. Mrs. Maria Sanders
  406. Mr. Toivo Santalahti
  407. Mr. Josef Sedlak
  408. Mrs. Marg. Seitz
  409. Heinz Seitz
  410. Hanna Seitz
  411. Mr. John Setlak
  412. Mrs. Katharina Setlak
  413. Mr. Wolf Sevinsh
  414. Mr. Victor Sexton
  415. Mrs. Maria Sexton
  416. Miss Anny Shaw
  417. Mr. Hermann Siemssen
  418. Miss Rosa Simon
  419. Mrs. Elisabeth B. Singer
  420. Mr. Aaron Skolnik
  421. Mr. Erich Smith
  422. Mrs. Hilda Smith
  423. Mr. John Smith
  424. Mr. Wilson F. Smith
  425. Mr. Carl Smolka
  426. Mrs. Tresa Socher
  427. Mrs. Hedwig Soell
  428. Mr. Edrio Solinski
  429. Mr. Kurt Sommer
  430. Mrs. Magdalena Sommer
  431. Miss Evelyn Sommer
  432. Miss Dora Speckmann
  433. Miss Majorie Spock
  434. Miss Maja Sprinz
  435. Miss Johanna Sprössier
  436. Mrs. Anna Szucsy
  437. Mrs. Anna Schad
  438. Mrs. Elisabeth Schaefers
  439. Miss Frances Schager
  440. Mrs. Toni Scharrenbroich and Child
  441. Miss Kuni Schatz
  442. Mrs. Karoline Scheckermann
  443. Miss Hildegard  Scheckermann
  444. Mr. George Scherer
  445. Mrs. Therese Scherer
  446. John Scherer
  447. Ernst Schifferdecker
  448. Mrs. Helen Schiller
  449. Martha Schiller
  450. Miss Bertha Schillinger
  451. Mr. Otto Schlett
  452. Miss Hedwig Schlossberger
  453. Mr. Josef Schmalhofer
  454. Mrs. Maria Schmalhofer
  455. Mr. Friedrich Schmieder
  456. Mrs. Caroline Schmieder
  457. Helene Schmieder
  458. Mr. Otto H. Schmitz
  459. Miss Rosa Schoepf
  460. Mrs. Amalie Schubert
  461. Amalia A. Schubert
  462. Mrs. Debora Schuldenfrei
  463. Mrs. Hermine Schuller
  464. Gertrude Schuller
  465. Miss Katharina Schultz
  466. Mr. Albert Schumann
  467. Anita Schumann
  468. Mrs. E. Schumann
  469. Mr. Louis Schünemann
  470. Mrs. Clara Schünemann
  471. Mr. David Schwartz
  472. Mrs. Emilie Stauss
  473. Mr. Heinrich Steinbach
  474. Miss Helene Steinhäuser
  475. Mr. Ignac Sternsky
  476. Mrs. Margaret Stoessel
  477. Mr. Alfred Stoff
  478. Mrs. Alfred Stoff
  479. Dr. C. M. Stoycoff
  480. Prof. Werner Striedieck
  481. Mrs. Marie Struckmann
  482. Miss Irmgard Struckmann
  483. Miss Martha Slruckmann
  484. Miss Emma Stubenvoll
  485. Miss Elisabeth Stubenvoll
  486. Miss Lina Tegtbuering
  487. Mr. Josef Temmel
  488. Mrs. Elsbeth Terraneau
  489. Jeannette Terraneau
  490. Mr. Nicolaus Theis
  491. Mrs. Louise Thomé
  492. Mr. Alfred Tieg
  493. Miss Elfriede Tittel
  494. Mr. Emil Totzke and Family
  495. Mrs. Adeline Trautmann
  496. Miss Elisabeth Trautmann
  497. Miss Helene Trost
  498. Mr. Rudolf Truka
  499. Mr. Harold B. Turney
  500. Mrs. Emma Uckermark
  501. Herbert Uckermark
  502. Helga Uckermark
  503. Mr. Wendelin Ungerer
  504. Mrs. Else Ungerer
  505. Mr. Wilhelm Utgat
  506. Mrs. Anna Ulgat
  507. Mr. Josef Valiulis
  508. Mrs. Anna Valiulis
  509. Elisabeth Vatter
  510. Mr. William Viernickel
  511. Mrs. Hedwig Viernickel
  512. Mr. Wilhelm Vieth
  513. Mrs. Bertha Vieth
  514. Miss Margarethe Vieth
  515. Mr. Bernhard Votiert
  516. Mr. Rudolf Voss
  517. Mrs. Margarete Voss
  518. Dr. Ernst Wachsmuth
  519. Mrs. Marion Wachsmuth
  520. Mrs. Else Walter
  521. Ellen Walter
  522. Mrs. Anna Wassmann
  523. Mr. Martin Weber
  524. Maria Weber
  525. Mr. Albert Wehner
  526. Mr. J. Weidmann
  527. Rabbi Ignatz Weiss
  528. Mrs. Bella Weiss
  529. Mr. David Weissmann and Family
  530. Miss Theresie Wek
  531. Mrs. Hermine Wenkova
  532. Mrs. Karoline Wenzel
  533. Dr. William Weyman
  534. Mrs. Agnes Wiese
  535. Hans Wiese
  536. Mr. Johan Towo Wilen
  537. Mrs. Mary Wilhelm
  538. Mrs. Spencer Williams
  539. Mr. Otto Winter
  540. Mrs. Marie Winter
  541. Mr. Martin Wohltmann
  542. Mrs. Else Wohltmann
  543. Mr. Heinrich Wolf
  544. Mrs. Greta Wolf
  545. Mrs. Frances Wolf
  546. Miss Emma Wollert
  547. Mr. Ferdinand Wolter
  548. Mr. John J. Yakel
  549. Mrs. Else Zornig
  550. Mrs. Ona Zukauskiene and Children


To Southampton

  1. Miss F. N. Close


To Cherbourg

  1. Mrs. Helene Haubold


From Cherbourg

  1. Mrs. Mané Anderson
  2. Mrs. Dora Auerbach
  3. Mr. D. A. Ballard
  4. Miss Chena Barsei
  5. Mrs. Margaret Beaumont
  6. Miss Gertrud Berg
  7. Mr. T. A. Bridges
  8. Mrs. T. A. Bridges
  9. Mr. Max A. Burger
  10. Mr. John F. Burger
  11. Mrs. Margaret Colman
  12. Miss Maria Theresa Colman
  13. Mr. J. P. Coolidge
  14. Miss Sarah Darefsky
  15. Mrs. Mary Dasseville
  16. Miss Martha Dehler
  17. Mrs. R. O. Deming
  18. Mr. Helmet Frei
  19. Mr. v. Erffa
  20. Mrs. v. Erffa
  21. Mr. Albert Erzratty
  22. Mr. Faraguna
  23. Mr. Hymil Furman
  24. Mrs. Sara Furman
  25. Mr. George Gans
  26. Mr. W. B. Gardner
  27. Mrs. Sora Gebiner and Children
  28. Miss Pauline Gertler
  29. Mr. Norman V. Gill
  30. Mrs. Fannie Gollis
  31. Mr. Lucy Grgurich
  32. Mr. Ardy Grgurich
  33. Mr. Louis Haft
  34. Mrs. Sonia Haft
  35. Mr. Charles Haller
  36. Mrs. Charles Haller
  37. Miss Marta Hartman
  38. Prof. Bruce Hopper
  39. Mrs. Bruce Hopper
  40. Mrs. Alice C. Johnson
  41. Dr. Carl S. Joslyn
  42. Miss Ida Jung
  43. Miss Kamin
  44. Miss M. Kcwarsky
  45. Mrs. M. Lanzavecchna
  46. Miss Margaret Lanzavecchna
  47. Prof. F. H. Lewis
  48. Miss Caroline Lexa
  49. Mr. Raphael Malvin
  50. Mr. Elias A. Moinstes
  51. Mr. Monsorno
  52. Miss Elisabeth Moser
  53. Miss Lina Moser
  54. Miss Emmy Nagel
  55. Mr. Edward Newman
  56. Dr. Walter Passler
  57. Mr. Dean Pealody
  58. Mrs. Dean Pealody
  59. Prof. F. H Rathert
  60. Mrs. Elisabet Roskin
  61. Dr. Sam B. Ross
  62. Mr. Manuel Sanchez
  63. Mrs. Beatrice L. Sedivy
  64. Olga L. Sedivy
  65. Mrs. M. Settel
  66. Mr. E. J. Simmons
  67. Miss Rose Sokolsky
  68. Miss Anna Sparrer
  69. Mr. Wilhelm Schlosser
  70. Mr. Bernhard Stern
  71. Mrs. Bernhard Stern
  72. Mr. Stanley S. Stevens
  73. Mrs. M. L. Stevens
  74. Miss Stolpman
  75. Mrs. Agnes Tamke and Family
  76. Miss Tonel
  77. Mrs. Emilie Waffenschmidt
  78. Prof. Robert Woolbert
  79. Mrs. Alice Woolbert


The City of Bremen

The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½ hours by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one reaches the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.

In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city.

The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden ''Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen.

It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-to-West Air flight over the ocean.

But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the City. The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period. Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same.

Even Romance survives and has found an expression as equally intrepid as it is strong, in the Böttcherstraße which, branches - off from the Market Square. No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy; how it was that this City supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has old Buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest ships in the world, "Bremen" and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.


Information for Passengers

Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship passengers are recommended to leave their address at the purser's office, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded on to them.

Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.
Telegrams to be dispatched from the next port are accepted at the purser's office only, wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.

Treatment of Sea-Sickness. Travelers who have a tendency to suffer from sea-sickness have an opportunity on this steamer to undergo an entirely new treatment whereby relief is afforded through a process of inhaling certain remedies.

Experience has shown so far that successful results are obtained in practically every case. Passengers who desire to avail themselves of this new treatment against sea-sickness are requested to apply to the Ship's doctor.

For each treatment, a voucher for RM. 2.— must be signed which, at the end of the voyage must be cashed with the Chief Steward. Persons rendering the treatment are not allowed to accept cash-payments.

Landing Cards. Before leaving the vessel the holder must present the landing card to a U. S. Immigration Inspector for endorsement.

Photographer. The photographer Is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far aa practicably possible.

Firearms. The carrying of fire arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

Money, valuables etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe beeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.

Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the cabin-trunk must not exceed the maximum size, i. e. 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.

Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the hold, and will be accessible to passengers at certain times daily. Baggage may not be deposited in the corridors.

Each passenger must fill up a "Customs-Declaration" of his or her personal baggage.

In the case of families the oldest member is entitled to fill up this declaration for the whole family. Blank forms will be distributed on board the steamer.

Pieces of baggage, packets etc., destined to be re-forwarded, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed to the Baggage Master who, alone, is competent to receive them.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.

Passengers are requested to take care that, before leaving the steamer, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere aboard.

Passengers are specially recommended in their own interest to look after their hand baggage upon landing in the port of destination.

Arrangements must be made with the Customs inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the Customs Declaration and the value thereof stated.

Baggage to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the passenger's arrival, and must be included in the Customs Declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.

Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.

Passengers who are required to observe their immigration formalities at Ellis Island have to exchange the Company's baggage tickets for the Ellis Island metal checks as soon as their baggage has been inspected by the American custom-house officers, and before proceeding to Ellis Island.


Track Chart on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Europa Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 17 September 1932.

Track Chart on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Europa Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 17 September 1932. GGA Image ID # 1616ccf942


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