SS Bremen Passenger List - 12 April 1935

Front Cover of a Tourist and Third Class Passenger List for the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing Friday, 12 April 1935 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg

Front Cover of a Tourist and Third Class Passenger List for the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing Friday, 12 April 1935 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain A. Ahrens. GGA Image ID # 16255a2588

Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
  2. Ltdr. First Officer H. Lorenz
  3. First Physician Dr. J. v. Geyr
  4. Second Physician Dr. W. Muller
  5. Registered Nurse: (Blank)
  6. Ltdr. Chief Engineer J. Hundt
  7. Purser F. Baum
  8. First official of the Bureau A. Heyer
  9. Traveller Special Services Miss Dr. Ferber
  10. Ltdr. Chief Steward A. Pohl
  11. Chief Steward for Personal A. Kellner
  12. Chief Steward Tourist Class J. Busdier
  13. Chief Steward Third Class Chr. Herrmann
  14. Chief Steward far Restaurant G. Zeidler
  15. Ltdr. Chief Cook K. Unger
  16. First Radio Officer K. Gerstung
  17. First Baggage Master A. Dauelsberg


Tourist Class Passengers

  1. Mr. Hermann Ahlburg
  2. Mr. Henry Auffahrt
  3. Mr. Willi Auffahrt
  4. Frau!. Helen Aufrath
  5. Mr. Richard Augustin
  6. Mr. Otto Baither
  7. Dr. August Bansa
  8. Miss Jane Beattie
  9. Miss Leola Beckmann
  10. Mr. Bender
  11. Miss Klara Benner
  12. Miss Frieda Berghaeuser
  13. Mr. Carl Bielefeld
  14. Mr. Eberhard Blankenhagen
  15. Mr. Franz Bleibtreu
  16. Mr. Werner Bochmann
  17. Mrs. Gertrud Bochmann
  18. Mr. Helmuth Braun
  19. Mr. Arthur Bruegmann
  20. Mr. Hermann Bruns
  21. Mr. Leonhard Bundschuh
  22. Mr. Ove Castenschiold
  23. Frau!. Carolyn Caudle
  24. Dr. Paul Dahmann
  25. Miss Lucretia Dailey
  26. Mr. Luis Danziger
  27. Mrs. Betty Danziger
  28. Mr. Denham
  29. Mr. M. Duraffourg
  30. Dr. Hugo Ehrhardt
  31. Mr. Karl Eichhoefer
  32. Dr. Lothar Elbrecht
  33. Mr. Ellemann
  34. Mrs. Douglas Elphinstone
  35. Dr. Fritz Elsas
  36. Mrs. Elisabeth Engels
  37. Miss Doris Engels
  38. Sister Anna Enger
  39. Miss Frieda Evers
  40. Mr. Karl Fahland
  41. Mrs. Margarethe Fine
  42. Mr. Paul Finsterbusch
  43. Mrs. Anna Charters
  44. Mr. Churchill
  45. Dr. Rudolf Cronacher
  46. Mr. August Gaehringer
  47. Mrs. Johanne Gaehringer
  48. Mr. Rudolf Gebhardt
  49. Mrs. Gerould
  50. Mrs. Dr. Eugenie Goering
  51. Mr. Direktor Walter Goldberg
  52. Miss Lydia Grosspietsch
  53. Miss Johanna Gschneidner
  54. Mr. Michael Guggumos
  55. Mrs. Therese Guggumos
  56. Mrs. Ernestine Gulick
  57. Mr. Herbert Gute
  58. Mr. Moritz Gutmann
  59. Miss Sophie Haag
  60. Mrs. Kaethe Hahn
  61. Mrs. Elsa Hannemann
  62. Mr. John Hansen
  63. Miss Margaret Hart
  64. Mr. Kommerzienrat
  65. Otto Haumann
  66. Mrs. Irene Naumann
  67. Dr. Friedrich Heck, M.D.
  68. Mr. Erich Heidke
  69. Mr. Wilhelm Helfert
  70. Mr. Heinrich Henschen
  71. Mrs. Margarethe Henschen
  72. Miss Margarethe Herrgott
  73. Miss Amalie Hess
  74. Mrs. Caroline Hill
  75. Mr. Otto Hilpert
  76. Mrs. Wilhelmine Hilpert
  77. Mr. Max Hinterauer
  78. Mr. Willy Hirschler- Wolff
  79. Miss Maria Hoegele
  80. Mr. Edwin Hooper
  81. Mr. Hoopey
  82. Miss Dr. Marion Horton
  83. Dr. Friedrich-Wilhelm Irion
  84. Mrs. Dr. Elisabeth Janssen
  85. Mr. Albert Jenssen
  86. Mrs. Marta Johannes
  87. Mrs. Hanna Juda
  88. Mr. Otto Kaestel
  89. Miss Katharine Kannen
  90. Mr. Mr. Miss Mr
  91. Mr. Miss Mrs. Herr
  92. Franz Fischl Stefan Fischl
  93. Anna Ford
  94. Jones Fox
  95. Paul Fried
  96. Anna Fritz
  97. Geheimrat Fuehr
  98. Charles Furthmann
  99. Here Baldwin Kapteyn
  100. Mr. Friedrich Karlebach
  101. Mrs. Charlotte Knoblauch
  102. Mr. Forst Koch
  103. Mrs. Maria Koch
  104. Mr. Gustav von Koczian
  105. Mr. Seiji Konishii
  106. Mr. J. Kotte
  107. Mr. Emil Kowalewski
  108. Mr. Helmuth Krausche
  109. Mrs. Lotte Krausche
  110. Dr. Franz Kremer
  111. Mr. Heinrich Kruse
  112. Mrs. Emilie Kruse
  113. Mr. Franz Kuehlke
  114. Miss Emmy Lahl
  115. Mrs. Clara Landeck
  116. Miss Mildred Lange
  117. Mr. Frederich Laue
  118. Miss Hilda Laue
  119. Mr. William Laue
  120. Mrs. Walburga Laue
  121. Henry Laue
  122. Gerhardt Laue
  123. Mrs. Elisabeth Lennartz
  124. Dr. Eberhard Leonhard
  125. Mr. Adolf Levy
  126. Mrs. Marianne Lichius
  127. Mr. Albert Lindemann
  128. Mrs. Adeline Lindemann
  129. Miss Frieda Lipski
  130. Dr. Walter Loewenberg
  131. Mrs. Anne-Marie Loewenberg
  132. Mrs. Kaethe Luebstorf
  133. Mr. Fedor Malokoff
  134. Mrs. Marie Mayer
  135. Vera Mayer
  136. Mrs. Pearl Mayer
  137. Miss Helen Mayer
  138. Mrs. Dorothy McFadden
  139. Mrs. Clara Meschede
  140. Mrs. Gabriele Meyer
  141. Miss Hildegard Meyer
  142. Mr. Adolf Meyer
  143. Mrs. Karla Meyer
  144. Miss Lisa Meyer
  145. Mr. Henry Michel
  146. Mr. Berkeley Miller
  147. Amey Miller
  148. Mr. Christ Mitrovich
  149. Miss Pauline Mittl
  150. Mr. Frederick Mosely
  151. Dr. Otto Mueller
  152. Mrs. Luisita Mueller
  153. Mr. Richard Munder
  154. Mr. Naef
  155. Mrs. Naef
  156. Mr. Adolf Nahme
  157. Mrs. Sophie Nahme
  158. Mrs. Else Neisser
  159. Mrs. Eleonore Neubert
  160. Mr. Grigorin Nikolaeff
  161. Mrs. Hermine Norden
  162. Fraul, Christober Robinson
  163. Miss Else Roettjer
  164. Mr. Paul Roesch
  165. Mrs. Marie Roesch
  166. Mrs. Franziska Rosanes
  167. Miss Paula Rosner
  168. Mr. Philipp Ruef
  169. Miss Lotte Oettinger
  170. Miss Hildegard Ohlhoff
  171. Mr. Friederich Olbrich
  172. Mr. Horace Osmun
  173. Mrs. Ethel Osmun
  174. Miss Elsie Rabey
  175. Miss Elsa Raff
  176. Mr. Hans Ralston
  177. Mr. Viktor Rausch
  178. Mr. Otto Rees
  179. Mrs. Elisabeth Reimers
  180. Mr. Fritz Riechert
  181. Mr. Friedrich Riedel
  182. Mrs. Margarete Riedel
  183. Mrs. Margarete Rinschede
  184. Miss Piroska Scrapits
  185. Mrs. Hermine Seitz
  186. Mr. Richard Seitz
  187. Mr. Walter Seitz
  188. Miss Ethel Simmons
  189. Mr. Ludwig Sinzinger
  190. Mr. Rudolf Sittler
  191. Frau!. Phillis Smith
  192. Mrs. Sophie Speelman
  193. Miss Luise Schaefer
  194. Mr. Otto Schembs
  195. Mr. Hans Schirmacher
  196. Mr. Georg Schlenk
  197. Mr. Erwin Schlesinger
  198. Mr. Heinrich Schmidt
  199. Mr. Peter Schneiders
  200. Mr. Herbert Schulz
  201. Mr. Alfred Schumacher
  202. Mr. Alfred Schuster
  203. Mr. Walter Schwarz
  204. Mrs. Sophie Schwarz
  205. Mr. Georg Schwarz
  206. Mr. Hans Pick
  207. Dr. Albert Polke
  208. Mrs. Hildegard Polke
  209. Mr. Joseph Popfinger
  210. Mr. Eugen Steegmayer
  211. Mrs. Charlotte Steegmayer
  212. Mr. Simon Stephens
  213. Mr. John Stephens
  214. Miss Catherine Stephens
  215. Miss Annemarie Steuer
  216. Mr. Joseph Stone
  217. Mr. Albert Stremer
  218. Mr. Heinrich Strewe
  219. Mrs. Thorpe
  220. Mr. A. Timmer
  221. Mrs. Luise Toepfer
  222. Miss Rosa Trinkl
  223. Miss Anna Vietz
  224. Mr. Wilhelm Waethje
  225. Miss Use Wagemann
  226. Mr. Baurat Karl Weidmann
  227. Mr. Rechtsanwalt
  228. Walter Weigand
  229. Mrs. Gertrude Weilandt
  230. Mr. Bruno Weller
  231. Mr. Welisted
  232. Mrs. Wellsted
  233. Dr. Otto Werner
  234. Sister Elisabeth Wiegardt
  235. Mr. Fritz Wilhelm
  236. Mr. Siegfried Wratzfeld
  237. Mr. Junzaburo Yamagata
  238. Mr. Alois Zierz
  239. Mr. Gustav Zoch

To Southampton

  1. Mr. William Botham
  2. Mr. Hugo Charles
  3. Mrs. Clara Charles
  4. Miss Eva Cramm
  5. Mr. Sidney Cross
  6. Mr. Hans-Heinrich Delius
  7. Mr. William Dennis
  8. Mr. Paolo Flori
  9. Mrs. Marie-Luise Hase
  10. Mr. Frank Johnson
  11. Mrs. Alice Kuehn
  12. Dr. Harry Law-Robertson
  13. Mr. Fritz Littauer
  14. Mrs. Dorothea Littauer
  15. Miss Elsa Meyer
  16. Mr. Stanley Molden
  17. Miss Lisa Pohl
  18. Miss Marie Doris Reimann
  19. Mrs. Frieda von Schalkwyk
  20. Mrs. Jessie Stark
  21. Mr. Joseph Thomson
  22. Mrs. Alice Vasmer
  23. Mr. Eric Vinter
  24. Miss Phyllis Vinter
  25. Mr. Watson
  26. Mr. Adolf Weinlaub


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mrs. Adele Ackermann
  2. Mr. Stefan Adam
  3. Mrs. Rosalia Adam
  4. Miss Minna Ahlers
  5. Mrs. Olena Andrejko
  6. Miss Elma Anttila
  7. Mr. Wilhelm Arthofer
  8. Mrs. Johanna Arthofer
  9. Dr. Kurt Aven
  10. Mrs. Gertrud Aven
  11. Mr. Josef Baldasti
  12. Mr. Daniele Ballardini
  13. Miss Charlotte Baluschek
  14. Mr. Emil Bammesberger
  15. Mr. Saded Bazbat
  16. Mr. S. R. Beattie
  17. Mr. R. A. Beerhorst
  18. Mr. F. Beets
  19. Miss Margot Behensky
  20. Miss Wilhelmine Bentel
  21. Mr. Karl Beringer
  22. Mrs. Hildegard Beringer
  23. Harry Beringer
  24. Mrs. Gertrude Bernatzky
  25. Mr. Hinrich Bestmann
  26. Miss Erna Beutel
  27. Mr. Hermann Biehne
  28. Mr. Josef Bilgri
  29. Mrs. Anna Bilgri
  30. Mrs. Dora Binder
  31. Helga Binder
  32. Miss Olga Biss
  33. Mr. Heinz Block
  34. Miss Anna Blum
  35. Mr. Hinrich Boehling
  36. Mrs. Maria Bojnanska
  37. Hedviga Bojnanska
  38. Maria Bojnanska
  39. Jan Bojnanska
  40. Mrs. Martha Boll
  41. Mr. Charles Bonton-Smith
  42. Mrs. Lilian Bonton-Smith
  43. Mr. Hans Boyken
  44. Mrs. Erna Bracket
  45. Heinrich Bracker
  46. Mr. Martin Brauchte
  47. Mr. Henry W. Brauner
  48. Mrs. Gertrud Brauner
  49. Mr. Johann Breiling
  50. Miss Paula Bugnits
  51. Mr. Friedrich Buhr
  52. Mrs. Adeline Bullwinkel
  53. Familie Capen
  54. Mrs. Vivian G. Caramano
  55. Miss Josefine Carey
  56. Miss Sarah Clare
  57. Mrs. Anna Dankova
  58. Mr. Josef Decker
  59. Mr. Carro Deguas
  60. Mr. Julius Deutsch
  61. Mr. Walter Dieckhoff
  62. Mr. Gunther Diedrich
  63. Miss Ella Dobat
  64. Mr. Franz Domitrovics
  65. Miss Grete Doubek
  66. Miss Barb. Darr
  67. Mr. Georg Eberhardt
  68. Mrs. Theresia Eberhardt
  69. Fraul Anna Ebert
  70. Mr. Robert Eckardt
  71. Mrs. Anna Eggers
  72. Mrs. Elsie Eggers
  73. Mrs. Edna Eggers
  74. Mr. Fred Ekholm
  75. Mrs. Florencie Ekholm
  76. Selma Engelmann
  77. Mr. Frank von Euw
  78. Ida von Euw
  79. Mr. Frank von Euw
  80. Louis von Euw
  81. Mrs. Anna Fajder
  82. Mary Fajder
  83. Josef Fajder
  84. Mr. Jan Ferenc
  85. Mrs. Susanna Ferenc
  86. Miss Susanna Ferenc
  87. Margaret Ferenc
  88. Mrs. Marie Filip
  89. Miss Elisabeth Filipovits
  90. Mrs. Meta Frank
  91. Mr. Max Freundlieb
  92. Mr. Norbert Friedrich
  93. Mr. Wilhelm Fuchs
  94. Mrs. Marianne Fuchs
  95. Mr. Johann Gafner
  96. Mr. Rudolf Garger
  97. Helen Garger
  98. Stephan Garger
  99. Marianne Garger
  100. Mrs. Philippine Gebhardt
  101. Mrs. Clara Glingener
  102. Mrs. Margarete Glingener
  103. Herta Glingener
  104. Miss Theresia Gober
  105. Werner Goebel
  106. Mrs. Johanna Goehring
  107. Mrs. Hildegard Graab
  108. Miss Bertha Grawehr
  109. Mrs. Martha Gross
  110. Mrs. Hanny Hagen
  111. Kurt-Erich Hagen
  112. Mrs. Anna Hahn
  113. Mrs. Franziska Halamka
  114. Mr. Friedrich Haller
  115. Miss Claudina Hamburg
  116. Mr. Louis Hartwig
  117. Mr. Heinrich Haye
  118. Mr. Alois Heindl
  119. Mrs. Helene Heinrichsbauer
  120. Mrs. Josefine iielbig
  121. Miss Luise Henkel
  122. Mrs. Pauline Herceg
  123. Mary Herceg
  124. Josef Herceg
  125. Mr. Carl Hoffmann
  126. Mr. Robert Hofstetter
  127. Mr. Carl Hoppe
  128. Miss Anny Hoppner
  129. Mr. F. N. Hoyt and Familie
  130. Miss Maria Hricz
  131. Mr. Ernest Huber
  132. Mr. Charles Nicolas Habsch
  133. Mrs. Anna Huening
  134. Mrs. Veronika Hutnak
  135. Mr. Josef Jaindl
  136. Mr. Heinrich Jansen
  137. Miss Elisabeth Jaskauskas
  138. Phyllis Jaskauskas
  139. Miss Anna Jelencsits
  140. Mrs. Pauline Jelencsits
  141. Miss Thusnelda Jerg
  142. Mrs. Josefine Jonas
  143. Mr. Charles Jordanoff
  144. Frau. Luise Josenhans
  145. Mrs. Katharina Jost
  146. Agnes Jost
  147. Mr. Johann Jungmann
  148. Mrs. Maria Jungmann
  149. Mr. Stephan Kappes
  150. Mr. Franz Karafa
  151. Mr. Tomasz Kaczmarek
  152. Mrs. Helena Kaczmarek
  153. Mr. Johann Kehlenbeck
  154. Mrs. Meta Kehlenbeck
  155. Miss Josefa Kettner
  156. Mrs. Karoline Kiehl
  157. Mr. Ernst Fr. Kiess
  158. Mrs. Anna Kirchhiibel
  159. Mr. Paul Kirsch
  160. Mrs. Karoline Klein
  161. Mrs. Katarina Klein
  162. Mr. Franz Kleimeier
  163. Mr. Albert Klute
  164. Miss Alwine Koch
  165. Justina Kokas
  166. Mr. Josef Kolka
  167. Dorothea Kopp
  168. Ilse Kornmesser
  169. Maria Kottmann
  170. Karl F. Krauss
  171. Mary Kreply
  172. Theresia Kreply
  173. Friedrich Kreuzer
  174. Franz Kronfellner
  175. Karoline Kronfellner
  176. Editha Kronfellner
  177. Bertha Kuck
  178. Jan Kupaj
  179. Karl Laiendecker
  180. Emilie Laiendecker
  181. Arvid Larsson
  182. Ruth E. Larsson
  183. Julius Leitner
  184. Adam Leuchs
  185. Cacilie Lobocki
  186. Mary Lotter
  187. Diedrich Liihrs
  188. Elisabeth Liitzel
  189. Miss Margot Marmheimer
  190. Mrs. Wilhelmine Marschall
  191. Mrs. Dorothea Meier
  192. Mr. Josef Meingassner
  193. Rose Merz
  194. Mr. John Meszaros
  195. Mrs. Gizella Meszaros
  196. Frank Mikula
  197. Mr. Adolf Million
  198. Miss Theresia Mirakovits
  199. Eugen Mischler
  200. Charles Mischler
  201. Mr. lgnatz Mondschein
  202. Mrs. Hedwig Muller
  203. Miss Frieda Muller
  204. Mr. Gustav Muller
  205. Mrs. Johanna Muller
  206. Mr. Max Nebiker
  207. Mr. Erich Neulandt
  208. Mrs. M. K. Newman and Child
  209. Mr. Hermann Nietsch
  210. Mrs. Margrit Mader
  211. Miss Else Maisel
  212. Miss Theresia Malitsch
  213. Miss Maria Marakovits
  214. Mr. Tullio Marinelli
  215. Mr. Christ. Obergfell
  216. Mr. Willy Ochse
  217. Mr. Rudolf Oest
  218. Mr. Erich Oppermann
  219. Mr. Oscar Ospelt
  220. Mrs. Louisa Ostendorf
  221. Paul Parthem
  222. Juozas Paulauskas
  223. Jan Pavlacik
  224. Anna Pavlo
  225. Eli M. Pedersen
  226. Selma Pctzold
  227. Francis Pfeffer
  228. Franziska Pfeffer
  229. Lina Phenn
  230. Einar Plambeck
  231. Augusta Plambeck
  232. Marie Anna Poglitsch
  233. Hellen Pontiainen
  234. Joseph Pospisel
  235. Josef Pospisil
  236. Andrej Prchlik
  237. Maria Raff
  238. Ray Rasane
  239. Maja Rasane
  240. Heinrich Rehder
  241. Josefine Rehder
  242. Cacilie Reicher
  243. Henry Reichert
  244. Helene Reichert
  245. Clara Rest
  246. Clara-Mary Rest
  247. Josef Richter
  248. Dorothea Richter
  249. R. G. Rider
  250. Paul Riedel
  251. Marta Riedel
  252. Manfred Riedel
  253. Erdmann Riedel
  254. Mary Rohloff
  255. C. Rotteveel
  256. Auguste Rangers
  257. Dies!o Perez Sanchez and Family
  258. Johann Seper
  259. Miss Pauline Simanauskaite
  260. Mrs. Elisabeth Simon
  261. Katharina Simon
  262. Miss Emma Sippel
  263. Mr. Johann Skrapits
  264. Mrs. Julie Sladz
  265. Mrs. Lucie Sobel
  266. Ellen Sobel
  267. Mrs. Josefine Spiegelhalder
  268. Mr. Walter Springer
  269. Mrs. Anna Mayer Syr
  270. Miss Julia Szilvassy
  271. Mr. Kurt Schaal
  272. Mrs. Kurt Schaal
  273. Dr. Otto Schaefer
  274. Mr. Justiz-Oberinspektor Otto Schaubmeier
  275. Mrs. Helene Schmeer
  276. Miss Anna Schmid
  277. Mrs. Pauline Schmid
  278. Pauline Schmid
  279. Mrs. Emma Schmidt
  280. Mrs. Aenne Schoett
  281. Mr. Franz Schragner
  282. Mrs. Franz Schragner
  283. Mr. Ernst Schraidt
  284. Miss Christine Schuetz
  285. Mrs. Mary Schurman
  286. Mrs. Rosa Schwertl
  287. Miss Johanna Stangl
  288. Mr. Ben Steen
  289. Mr. Herbert Steinbusch
  290. Mr. John Stelijes
  291. Mr. A. Stojanoff
  292. Miss Anna Strasser
  293. Mr. Heinrich Strater
  294. Mrs. Julianne Strobel
  295. Mr. Franz Strobel
  296. Mr. Josef Tamandl
  297. Mr. Louis Toft
  298. Mr. Anton Traupmann
  299. Mr. Franz Traupmann
  300. Mr. Wilhelm Trein
  301. Mrs. Charlotte Trein
  302. Rosina Ungar
  303. Johann Unger
  304. Maria Unger
  305. Wilhelmine Uphoff
  306. Minna Uphoff
  307. Friedrich Wasem
  308. Christine Weber
  309. Philippine Weber
  310. Anni Wegner
  311. Willi Wehn
  312. Therese Weidner
  313. Auguste Weinert
  314. John Weingartner
  315. Stefan Weiss
  316. Rolf Westerfeld
  317. Friedr. Wetzel
  318. Julianna Wiesler
  319. Emilie Wilfinger
  320. Margarete Willand
  321. Franz Wimmer
  322. Mathilde blintz Marlise Wintz
  323. Fred Wintz
  324. Maria Woelfel
  325. Adele Wolpers
  326. Cecilia Wranish
  327. Miss Karoline Vogl
  328. Miss Gabriele Vidakovic
  329. Mr. George Yecondopoulos and Family
  330. Mr. Rob. Kamillo Zetter
  331. Mrs. Josefine Ziegert

To Southampton

  1. Miss Marg. Conway
  2. Mr. W. H. Finch
  3. Mrs. Marie Schreppel
  4. Mr. D. S. Watson


Information for Passengers.

How to Put On a Life Belt. Norddeutsher Lloyd Bremen, 1935. In German and English.

How to Put On a Life Belt. Norddeutsher Lloyd Bremen, 1935. In German and English. GGA Image ID # 16259be710


Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship passengers are recommended to leave their address at the purser's office, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded on to them.

Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.

Telegrams to be dispatched from the next port are accepted at the purser's office only, wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.

Treatment of Sea-Sickness. Travelers who have a tendency to suffer from sea-sickness have an opportunity on this steamer to undergo an entirely new treatment whereby relief is afforded through a process of inhaling certain remedies.

Experience has shown so far that successful results arc obtained in practically every case. Passengers who desire to avail themselves of this new treatment against sea-sickness are requested to apply to the Ship's doctor.

For each treatment, a voucher for RM. 2.— must be signed which, at the end of the voyage must be cashed with the Chief Steward. Persons rendering the treatment are not allowed to accept cash-payments.

Landing Cards. Before leaving the vessel the holder must present the landing card to a U. S. Immigration Inspector for endorsement.

Photographer. The photographer Is entitled to charge for Ids services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.

Firearms. The carrying of fire arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

Money, Valuables, etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.

Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the cabin-trunk must not exceed the maximum size, i. e. 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.

Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the hold, and will be accessible to passengers at certain times daily. Baggage may not be deposited in the corridors.

Each passenger must fill up a "Customs-Declaration" of his or her personal baggage.

In the case of families the oldest member is entitled to fill up this declaration for the whole family. Blank forms will be distributed on board the steamer.

Pieces of baggage, packets etc., destined to be re-forwarded, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed to the Baggage Master who, alone, is competent to receive them.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.

Passengers are requested to take care that, before leaving the steamer, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere aboard.

Passengers arc specially recommended in their own interest to look after their hand baggage upon landing in the port of destination.

Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the Customs Declaration and the value thereof stated.

Baggage to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the passenger's arrival and must be included in the Customs Declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.

Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.

Passengers who are required to observe their immigration formalities at Ellis Island have to exchange the Company's baggage tickets for the Ellis Island metal checks as soon as their baggage has been inspected by the American custom-house officers, and before proceeding to Ellis island.

"Special Travel Service"

A Special Service Secretary on board will advise and assist passengers making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social, educational etc. This office is prepared to give any information gratis and, if possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.

The City of Bremen

The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½ hours by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one reaches the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.

In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city.

The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen. It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-to-West Air flight over the ocean.

But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the City. The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period. Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same.

Even Romance survives and has found an expression as equally intrepid as it is strong, in the Böttcherstraße which, branches - off from the Market Square. No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy; how it was that this City supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has old Buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest ships in the world, "Bremen" and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.


Route Map on the Back Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the Norddeutscher Lloyd dated 12 April 1935.

Route Map on the Back Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the Norddeutscher Lloyd dated 12 April 1935. GGA Image ID # 1625d323eb


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