SS Bremen Passenger List - 12 July 1938


Front Cover, Tourist and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 12 July 1938 from Bremen to New York.

Front Cover, Tourist and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 12 July 1938 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain A. Ahrens. GGA Image ID # 2142adf838


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
  2. Chief Officer: E. Memmen
  3. Chief Engineer: J. Hundt
  4. Chief Purser: J. Rohde
  5. Cabin Purser: H. Kettler
  6. Tourist Class Purser: H. Jünemann
  7. Third Class Purser: J. Niemeyer
  8. First Doctor: Dr. W. Fischer
  9. Second Doctor: Dr. W. Richter
  10. State-Certified Nurse: Schwester Auguste
  11. First official of the traffic office: M. Stiegele
  12. Traveler special service: Fri. Dr. Ferber
  13. Chief Steward:  B. Junghanns
  14. Chief Steward for Dining Hall: F. Schedelmann
  15. Steward for Restaurant: G. Zeidler
  16. Steward for Tourist Class: J. Büscher
  17. Steward for Third Class: H. Wardenburg
  18. Head Cook: H. Künlen
  19. First radio officer: F. Gerstung
  20. First Baggage Master: W. Dauelsberg


Tourist Passengers

  1. Frau Kathie Ach
  2. Fräul. Fanny Aman
  3. Fräul. Felicie Anzalone
  4. Fräul. Frances Anzalone
  5. Frau Ella van Arsdale
  6. Herr Alfred Bacharach
  7. Frau Liselotte Bacharach
  8. Fräul. Hazel Baine
  9. Fräul. Nora Balodis
  10. Frau Hermine Banning
  11. Frau Lilian Baranofsky
  12. Frau Lujza Bartoseh
  13. Gaby Bartosch
  14. Herr John Bauer
  15. Fräul. Estella Baylor
  16. Herr F. Beckmann
  17. Frau Beckmann
  18. Herr William Behrens
  19. Frau Lydia Behrens
  20. Frau Frieda Bernhold
  21. Fräul. Betty Biegel
  22. Herr Walter Bjerregaard
  23. Frau Gertrud Blank
  24. Herr Dr. Fritz Boesken
  25. Frau Maria Bollard
  26. Herr Dr. Erich Bomemann
  27. Herr Robert Braunagel
  28. Frau Braunagel
  29. Herr Frank Canby
  30. Herr Castan
  31. Fräul. Emily Coates
  32. Herr Dr. Frank Cryns
  33. Herr Nelson Darling
  34. Herr Frederick Deane
  35. Frau Deane
  36. Herr Frederick Deane
  37. Fräul. Erika Degen
  38. Herr Dr. Karl von Delius
  39. Herr Hans Dittmar
  40. Frau A. Dixon
  41. Herr Robert Droescher
  42. Frau Hulda Duell
  43. Herr Bobby Dunkelberger
  44. Fräul. Bertha Ehlers
  45. Fräul. Maria Eisele
  46. Fräul. Marie Engle
  47. Herr Ernst Fenske
  48. Frau Anna Fenske
  49. Herr James Ferguson
  50. Herr Ernest Foster
  51. Frau Foster
  52. Herr George Fox
  53. Fräul. Sashe Frederickson
  54. Herr Wilhelm Frerichs
  55. Frau Margot Frerichs
  56. Fräul. Lola Fries
  57. Frau Anna Fritzmann
  58. Anna Fritzmann
  59. Fräul. Auguste Froesick
  60. Herr John Frost
  61. Frau Anna Frost
  62. Herr William Goeltz
  63. Herr Ferdinand Graas
  64. Herr Carl Graas
  65. Herr Charles Grassle
  66. Frau Laura Grassle
  67. Frau A. Green
  68. Herr Edward Grether
  69. Frau Grether
  70. Fräul. D. Grier
  71. Frau Klara Haessler
  72. Fräul. Charlotte Haessler
  73. Herr Herbert Haniel
  74. Fräul. Anneliese Haniel
  75. Herr Theodor Hartmann
  76. Herr Carl Hauck
  77. Herr Ernst Hauff
  78. Fräul. Dora Heigenmoser
  79. Herr Paul Heininger
  80. Karl Heininger
  81. Fräul. Dorothea Hering
  82. Herr Stephens Higgins
  83. Frau Frances Higgins
  84. Frau Rosa Hirschler
  85. Herr Diedrich Hitzmann
  86. Frau Dolly Hitzmann
  87. Herr Fred Hoeter
  88. Herr William Hoke
  89. Frau Hoke
  90. Herr Holmen
  91. Fräul. Hedwig Jacob
  92. Herr Ignatius Jany
  93. Fräul. Emilie Jenik
  94. Fräul. Hazel Jensen
  95. Fräul. Elsie Jensen
  96. Herr Helmut Jewelowski
  97. Herr Uda Johansen
  98. Herr Walter Jolowicz
  99. Frau Auguste Kaufmann
  100. Herr Erich Kaufmann jr.
  101. Herr Dr. Hans Kaunitz
  102. Herr Fritz Kehl
  103. Frau Ida Kelly
  104. Fräul. Wilhelmine Ketskemeti
  105. Herr Gyorgy von Kiss
  106. Fräul. Gerda Klamroth
  107. Herr Dr. William Klein
  108. Frau Ingeborg Klemperer
  109. Maria Klemperer
  110. William Klemperer
  111. Herr Peter Koenig
  112. Frau Gesine Koenig
  113. Herr Dr. Hans Kohl
  114. Herr Arnoldus Kolstad
  115. Frau Elizabeth Kolstad
  116. Herr George Kovach
  117. Herr Wilhelm Krengel
  118. Herr Siegmund Kulp
  119. Frau Regine Kulp
  120. Herr William Lacroix
  121. Herr J ohn Lane
  122. Fräul. Martha Langtry
  123. Frau Marga Lentzen
  124. Frau Auguste Licht
  125. Fräul. Margarethe Lienert
  126. Herr Karl Lücke
  127. Frau Violet Luering
  128. Fräul. Alma Macin
  129. Fräul. Ingeborg Markiewitz
  130. Frau Anna Markow
  131. Herr Fred Marquardt
  132. Fräul. Ottilie Marquardt
  133. Fräul. Ruth Marquardt
  134. Frau Signe Martin
  135. Herr Chas Maulus
  136. Herr Dr. Hans May
  137. Herr Gottfried Mayer
  138. Frau Dorothee Mayer
  139. Frau Emma Mehrdorf
  140. Herr Dr. Paul Melchiker
  141. Frau Ella Melchiker
  142. Herr Harvey Merker
  143. Frau Merker
  144. Fräul. M. Merker
  145. Herr Georg Mewes
  146. Frau Ottilie Middleton
  147. Herr Georg Miedtke
  148. Herr G. Montrastelle
  149. Frau Montrastelle
  150. Herr William Nagell
  151. Fräul. Roselia Nagell
  152. Frau Sigeru Nakazima
  153. Herr Walter Neumann
  154. Fräul. Hilde Nosko
  155. Fräul. Ernstine Obram
  156. Fräul. Frederica Oldach
  157. Frau Erna Oldach
  158. Frau George Olds
  159. Frau Magdolna Öry
  160. Frau Suzanne Oskey
  161. Herr John Otter
  162. Herr Francis Palamides
  163. Herr Dr. Alfonso Palermo
  164. Frau Palermo
  165. Herr Rev. J. Palfy
  166. Herr Reinhold Pasclike
  167. Herr Harald Paumgarten
  168. Fräul. Anna Peckham
  169. Herr Dr. Theophil Peeters
  170. Fräul. E. Perkins
  171. Herr Paul Petersen
  172. Frau Elsa Petrich
  173. Frau Frida Plaum
  174. Herr E. Pongs
  175. Herr Martin Preis
  176. Herr Pandia Ralli
  177. Fräul. Josephine Rebmann
  178. Herr Manfred Reich
  179. Frau Therese Reif
  180. Fräul. Pauline Reif
  181. Herr John Reinhard
  182. Herr Jakob Reis
  183. Herr Rev. W. Robinson
  184. Fräul. Ann Rohay
  185. Herr Walter Rose
  186. Herr Charles Rudolf
  187. Frau Anna Rudolf
  188. Herr Oskar Rudolph
  189. Frau Hedwig Rudolph
  190. Fräul. Anna Rutt
  191. Frau Herta Seletzky
  192. Herr Ralph Sigg
  193. Frau Elisabeth Sigg
  194. Herr Skouras
  195. Fräul. Dorothy Smith
  196. Frau Erna Sonderling
  197. Fräul. Martha Spöring
  198. Herr W alter Suetterlin
  199. Frau Helene Suhl
  200. Hans-Heinrich Suhl
  201. Frau Florence Sullivan
  202. Herr Robert Sellable
  203. Fräul. Agnes Scholder
  204. Frau Louise Schroeter
  205. Herr Rudolf Schubart
  206. Frau Hermine Schwab
  207. Theodor Schwab
  208. Herr Dennis Stecher
  209. Fräul. Doris Stecher
  210. Fräul. Rose Tanner
  211. Herr Stefan Tedesko
  212. Frau Toni Temme
  213. Fräul. Margarete Thun
  214. Herr Yasuyuki Toba
  215. Frau Ottilie Ulinsky
  216. Herr Vogh
  217. Fräul. M. Vogt
  218. Frau Hedwig Volkmann
  219. Herr Hans Wagner
  220. Fräul. Emmy Wagner
  221. Fräul. Hilda Ward
  222. Herr Erlo van Waveren
  223. Frau Ann van Waveren
  224. Herr Rev. Carl Westerdahl
  225. Frau Westerdahl
  226. Frau Estelle Wheeler
  227. Herr Eduard Widmann
  228. Herr Bruno Wiedermann
  229. Frau Wiedermann
  230. Herr Franz Willeke
  231. Herr Hans Willner
  232. Frau Selma Willner
  233. Hanne-Lore Willner
  234. Herr Fritz Wollmann
  235. Frau Frieda Wollmann
  236. Herr Wladimir Woyno
  237. Frau Elise Wulff


To Southampton

  1. Herr Harry Albert
  2. Fräul. Ursula Backhaus
  3. Herr Dr. Kurt Bauer
  4. Fräul. Ilse Bernstein
  5. Herr Charles Brinkmann
  6. Fräul. Judit Ceglédi-Nagy
  7. Lewine Freifrau von Dincklage
  8. Herr Heinrich v. Doehlen
  9. Frau Margarethe v. Doehlen
  10. Frau  Mary Drewes
  11. Herr Phillip Drewes
  12. Herr Friedrich Endrichs
  13. Herr Peter Endrichs
  14. Herr Hans Friedei
  15. Herr Gert Friedei
  16. Herr Claude W. F. Fuglar
  17. Herr Winifred Goodwright
  18. Fräul. Margarethe Harbauer
  19. Herr Wilhelm Heller
  20. Frau Doris Heller
  21. Herr Friedrich Hendrichs
  22. Herr Peter Hendrichs
  23. Herr Cyril Henriques
  24. Fräul. Anneliese Hess
  25. Fräul. Marianne Heuberger
  26. Herr Helmuth v. d. Heyde
  27. Herr Gerhard Hinze
  28. Frau Kaetlie Hinze
  29. Herr Wilhelm Homann
  30. Frau Alma Homann
  31. Herr Reinhold Kiehne
  32. Herr Dr. Erich Kippenberg
  33. Herr Herbert Klewitz
  34. Herr Horst Kuechenthal
  35. Herr Robert Lewy
  36. Herr Walter Loewenstein
  37. Frau Louise Lukars
  38. Herr Peter Magnus
  39. Herr Bruno Mueller
  40. Fräul. Hildegard Müller
  41. Herr Dr. Dénes Muzsnai
  42. Frau Ilse Neuberg
  43. Fräul. Johanna Neumann F
  44. räul. Dorothea Neumann
  45. Herr Robert Pellengahr
  46. Frau Laura Reinhardt
  47. Fräul. Martha Rommert
  48. Fräul. Bernhardine Sander
  49. Frau Dorothy Shearman
  50. Herr Dr. Franz Sieburg
  51. Herr Helmut Schmidt
  52. Herr Eberhard Scholl
  53. Herr Friedhelm Schrader
  54. Herr Dr. Werner Schrank
  55. Fräul. Gertrud Schulz
  56. Frau Edith Thomas
  57. Fräul. Martha Trefftz
  58. Claude Wavell


Third Class Passengers

  1. Fräul. Frances Adams
  2. Herr Karl Adrion
  3. Frau Therese Adrion
  4. Marlene Adrion
  5. Herr Ferdinand Aichinger
  6. Herr Paul Alföldy
  7. Frau Sophie Allgayer
  8. Herr Dr. Anton Antweiler
  9. Herr Jörgen Asloksen
  10. Fräul. Inge Augenstein
  11. Herr Arthur Baganz
  12. Herr Andrej Bandura
  13. Vasil Bandura
  14. Herr Otto Baran
  15. Herr Randall Barger
  16. Frau Anton Bartosch
  17. Gabriella Bartosch
  18. Frau Rosa Bauer
  19. Fräul. Margarethe Baumann
  20. Fräul. Helene Beedein
  21. Herr Florian Benisch
  22. Herr Erich Beyler
  23. Herr John Biesterfeldt
  24. Herr Karl Blickle
  25. Frau Rose Blickle
  26. Lilly Blickle
  27. Herr Robert Bolin
  28. Herr Robert Bölinke
  29. Frau William Bolling
  30. Herr Otto Brandenburger
  31. Fräul. Anita Braun
  32. Fräul. Anny Bremer
  33. Herr Hermann Breuer
  34. Herr Wilhelm Brockmeyer
  35. Frau Babette Brockmeyer
  36. Herr Anthony Brugger
  37. Frau Brugger
  38. Herr William Brunner
  39. Fräul. Ann Brutton
  40. Herr W. H. Burling
  41. Frau Anna G. Butkovsky
  42. Herr Modast Butkus
  43. Frau Anna Chovan
  44. Herr John S. Clarke jr.
  45. Frau Agnes Costea
  46. Herr Jack Cox
  47. Frau Csizmadia
  48. Fräul. Rosa Damm
  49. Herr Leopold Daste
  50. Frau E. L. Davis
  51. Herr Dr. Friedricli Depken
  52. Herr Claude Dever
  53. Fräul. Leonore Dick
  54. Herr Ludwig Dierks
  55. Frau Ruby Dierks
  56. Fräul. Ruth Dietrich
  57. Herr Willy Döndl
  58. Frau Barbara Döndl
  59. Frau Elisabetha Donnawell
  60. Frau Charlotte Dornis-Rud
  61. Rosemary Dornis-Rud
  62. Fridolin Dornis-Rud
  63. Fräul. Adele Drews
  64. Herr Albert Dumschat
  65. Fräul. Rosa Dürr
  66. Frau Elizabet Dzurilla
  67. Fräul. Babette Eckenberger
  68. Frau Magdalene Edrich
  69. Herr Arthur Edwards
  70. Frau Ida Erler
  71. Herr Thomas Everest
  72. Frau Eleonore Fertig
  73. Irene Fertig
  74. Herr William Figura
  75. Frau Hulda Figura
  76. Herr Ros Lee Finney und Familie
  77. Herr Henry Fischer
  78. Fräul. Anna Fischer
  79. Fräul. Johanna Fleig
  80. Frau Murray Forbes
  81. Fräul. Liselotte Franz
  82. Frau Christina Frederico
  83. Herr Jane Frederico
  84. Herr Dr. Werner Friedrich
  85. Herr Willy Friedrich
  86. Frau Rosa Fröhle
  87. Herr Gustav Fuhrmann
  88. Frau Charlotte Fuhrmann
  89. Herr Helmut J. Gartelmann
  90. Frau R. A. Gibbon
  91. Frau Gisela Goerner
  92. Herr Jakob Gogel
  93. Herr Albert Göhrig
  94. Frau Mary O. Goodwin
  95. Herr Albert Gottlieb
  96. Frau Ruth Gottlieb
  97. Frau Katharina Greis
  98. Frau Anna Grezes
  99. Herr Willy Groener
  100. Herr Hans Grotewold
  101. Frau Anna Grotewold
  102. Mildred Grotewold
  103. Herr G. Grotham
  104. Herr Gottlieb Grotz
  105. Frau Luise Grotz
  106. Herr Walter Guilka
  107. Herr Emst Haebel
  108. Frau Haebel
  109. Frau Katharina Hägele
  110. Fräul. Rosa Hägele
  111. Frau Therese Hagenauer
  112. Fräul. Amalie Hagg
  113. Frau Georgette Hahn
  114. Frau Amalie Hahn
  115. Herr Fred Hahn
  116. Frau Anna Hansen-Everhart
  117. Frau Anna Hanus
  118. Herr Wilhelm Heger
  119. Herr Bernard Heidlage
  120. Frau Marie Heinzeimann
  121. Fräul. Elly Heise
  122. Fräul. Käthchen Hellbauer
  123. Herr Bernard Hellmann
  124. Herr Horst Hemmann
  125. Frau Klothilde Hepp
  126. Frau Magdalena Heppe und Kinder
  127. Fräul. Louise Herron
  128. Fräul. Margita Hlinka
  129. Frau Mary Hociota
  130. Herr John Hoegerl
  131. Herr Bela Hoffmann
  132. Herr Erich Hoffmann
  133. Fräul. Magdalena Holiensteiger
  134. Herr Johann Holle
  135. Herr Alex Holzer
  136. Frau Holzer
  137. Herr Wilhelm Hoyer
  138. Fräul. Carrie E. Hunter
  139. Herr Kurt Hüttener
  140. Herr Horton Ijams
  141. Frau Ijams
  142. Frau Friederike Jahnei
  143. Frau Josephine Jezek
  144. George Jezek
  145. Herr Georg Johnston
  146. Frau Carolyn Johnston
  147. Herr Jacques Jolas und Familie
  148. Herr Edward Joy
  149. Frau Joy
  150. Herr Michel Juhas
  151. Frau Caroline Jungbluth
  152. Herr Rudolph Kado
  153. Fräul. Laura Kankovsky
  154. Frau Elsa Karg
  155. Frau Beatrice Karpner
  156. Frau Maria G. Kazimirsky
  157. Herr Leo Keller
  158. Frau Karoline Keller
  159. Herr John Kelly
  160. Frau Eleanor Kerr
  161. Herr Walter Kirchhoff
  162. Herr Henry Kirchner
  163. Frau Therese Kiser
  164. Fräul. Ida Kleinhenz
  165. Fräul. Hildegard Klemm
  166. Herr Alfred Klemm
  167. Herr Horst Klotsche
  168. Herr Kalman Kmetty
  169. Fräul. Hilda Knips
  170. Frau Elise Knoeller
  171. Frau Johanna Knott
  172. Frau Gertrud Köblitz
  173. Herr Fritz Köblitz
  174. Herr Kurt Köblitz
  175. Fräul. Charlotte Kolkmann
  176. Herr Dusan Komnenich
  177. Herr Karl Kraemer
  178. Schwester Marie Krafzel
  179. Frau Elise Krankemann
  180. Herr John Krischak
  181. Frau Maria Küntzler
  182. Fräul. Katharina Küntzler
  183. Frau Magdalena Kurtz
  184. Frau Barbara Kuzina
  185. Mary Kuzma
  186. Edward Kuzma
  187. Helen Kuzma
  188. Anna Kuzma
  189. Frau Adele Laasner
  190. Frau Katliar. Lajchak
  191. Fräul. Helen Lajchak
  192. Herr Alfons Lamprecht
  193. Herr Heinz Lange
  194. Herr Franz Laur
  195. Fräul. Marion Leafe
  196. Herr Stefan Leleszi
  197. Fräul. Irmgard Lenhard
  198. Fräul. Hermine Lenhard
  199. Fräul. Rozalie Letakova
  200. Herr Charles Lidle
  201. Herr Helmut Liebrecht
  202. Capt. Armas Liljeberg
  203. Herr Kurt Lindner
  204. Frau Helene Lopata
  205. Herr Anton Luhis
  206. Frau Alexandra Lubis
  207. Fräul. Selina Mace
  208. Frau Babette Markert
  209. Frau Lina Martin
  210. Karl Heinz Martin
  211. Herr Floyd Matson
  212. Frau Bertha Matzele
  213. Fräul. Lydia May
  214. Frau Cecilie Mayer
  215. Herr Josef Melcli
  216. Frau Katie Merriott
  217. Frau Mary Meszaros
  218. Frau Johanna Meyer
  219. Fräul. Eleanore Meyer
  220. Frau Luise Meyer
  221. Herr Dumitru Miclausiu
  222. Fräul. Maria Minarech
  223. Fräul.  Mildred Mitchell
  224. Herr  Joseph Mitsch
  225. Frau  Fanny Mitsch
  226. Herr  Clemens Moenster
  227. Herr  Charles Monson
  228. Frau  Edla Monson
  229. Frau  Marie Mosandl
  230. Herr  Joseph Mrstik
  231. Herr  Vaclav Mrstik
  232. Herr  Alfred Müller
  233. Frau  Therese Neubauer
  234. Frau  Margarethe Nisse
  235. Fräul.  Käthe Noack
  236. Frau  Maria Noel
  237. Fräul.  Juliet O’Neill
  238. Frau  Rose Parag
  239. Herr  Thomas Parker
  240. Herr  Luka Pavokovic
  241. Frau  Anka Pavokovic
  242. Violet Pavokovic
  243. Herr  Professor L. D. Pearsno
  244. Herr  Bjarne Pedersen
  245. Herr  R. E. Pflaumer
  246. Herr  Ljuhomir Polie
  247. Herr  Hans Detleff Preissker
  248. Herr  Bronislaus Prellwitz
  249. Frau  Elise Pump
  250. Fräul.  Gertrude Puttman
  251. Fräul.  Elsie Puttman
  252. Herr  Erich Rapp
  253. Herr  R. B. Regen
  254. Herr John Reich
  255. Herr Hugo Reissmann
  256. Herr Paul Renard
  257. Herr Hermann Reps
  258. Herr Fred Richmann
  259. Frau Mildred Ridgely
  260. Frau Bertha Riesinger
  261. Fräul. Beatrice Riesinger
  262. Herr Josef D. Rolinec
  263. Herr Alfred Roller
  264. Herr Eberhard Röpke
  265. Fräul. Jeanne Rose
  266. Herr Willard Rosenbaum
  267. Frau Luella Rosenbaum
  268. Fräul. Margot Rosenbaum
  269. Fräul. Edith Rosenbaum
  270. Herr George Salenik
  271. Frau Regina Santi
  272. Herr Wolfram Seifert
  273. Frau Margit Senko-Klocanko
  274. Frau Maria Sertinova
  275. Herr Ignac Sevcik
  276. Frau Jennie Skopec
  277. Herr Jan Sladek
  278. Emilia Sladek
  279. Herr Henry Smith
  280. Herr Jan Smoly
  281. Frau Ellen Sobenko
  282. Marie Sobenko
  283. Fräul. Rosa Sorg
  284. Fräul. Margita Suckova
  285. Herr Peter Sudent
  286. Fräul. Frantiska Svecova
  287. Herr Ernst Schaefer
  288. Herr Herman Schaefer
  289. Frau Karoline Schaefer
  290. Robert Schaefer
  291. Herr Michael Schässburger
  292. Frau Susanna Schässburger
  293. Herr Daniel Scheminger
  294. Herr Leonhard Schick
  295. Herr Heinz Schick
  296. Herr Hartmut Schierenbeck
  297. Schwester Josephine Schifferdecker
  298. Fräul. Rosa Schifferdecker
  299. Frau Emilie Schlosser
  300. Paul Schlosser
  301. Herr Gerhard Schmidt
  302. Frau Louise Schminke
  303. Herr August Schnell
  304. Frau Anna Schnell
  305. Fräul. Grete Scholler
  306. Herr Karl Schrader
  307. Frau Mary Schrader
  308. Herr Gottfried Schranz
  309. Frau Sophie Schranz
  310. Herr Ludwig Schuhmacher
  311. Herr Fred Schultheiss
  312. Frau Christiane Schultheiss
  313. Lorenz Schultheiss
  314. Fräul. Anna Schulz
  315. Frau Louise Schulz
  316. Fräul. Paula Schumacher
  317. Herr Gustav Schumann
  318. Herr William Schwarz
  319. Frau Naomi Schwarz
  320. Marion Schwarz
  321. Herr August Schwarz
  322. Frau  Elsa Schwarze
  323. Herr  Johann Schweiger
  324. Frau  Katharina Schweiger
  325. Frau  Bertha Schweizer
  326. Frau  Appolonia Schwindel
  327. Frau  Ida Stäber
  328. Herr  Borge Stenderup
  329. Herr  Alois Stermer
  330. Herr  Herbert Stollenwerk
  331. Frau  Margarethe Straub
  332. Herr  John Strommer
  333. Herr  Albert G. Strothkampe
  334. Herr  Alexander Taylor
  335. Fräul.  Margaret Tliiry
  336. Frau  Ilse Thon
  337. Maria Thon
  338. Frau  Leni Thraen
  339. Herr  Friedrich Tillmann
  340. Frau  Louise Tillmann
  341. Frau  Hedwig Traber
  342. Fräul.  Lidia Troitski
  343. Herr  Frank Troppacher
  344. Frau  Maria Troppacher
  345. Herr  Nathan Ullmann
  346. Frau  Gretclien Ullmann
  347. Herr Vilmos Urban und Familie
  348. Frau Ona Vaiciute
  349. Herr Ottomar Vogler
  350. Frau Minna Vogler
  351. Fräul. Christine Volk
  352. Herr John Vrabely
  353. Herr Joseph Vrabely
  354. Frau Mary E. Waltzer
  355. Herr Joseph Weber
  356. Erich Weber
  357. Herr Joseph Wegerer
  358. Herr Peter Weiss
  359. Fräul. Marjorie Whitney
  360. Herr Louis Widupski
  361. Frau Klara Widupski
  362. Herr William Wind
  363. Herr Hansgeorg Woelfel
  364. Herr George Wohlwender
  365. Herr W. D. Wright
  366. Frau Wright
  367. Herr Reginald Wrightson
  368. Fräul. Rozalia Zavradska
  369. Frau Louise Zimmermann
  370. Ingeborg Zimmermann


To Southampton

  1. Fräul. Gerta Daube
  2. Fräul. Edith Daube
  3. Herr Luxford
  4. Frau Minna Meyer
  5. Fräul. Frieda Meyer
  6. Herr Gerhard Neuehauer
  7. Frau Marguerite Poreira


Special Travel Service

A Special Service Secretary on board will advise and assist passengers making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social, educational etc. This office is prepared to give any information gratis and, if possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.



The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 hour by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one reaches the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.

In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city. The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen.

It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-to-West Airflight over the ocean. But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the City.

The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period.

Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same.

No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller” brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy; how it was that this City supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has old Buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest ships in the world, "Bremen" and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.


Information for Passengers

Letters and Telegrams. The incoming mail will be distributed in the Chief Steward's office.

Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship, each passenger will be given a questionnaire and an address-slip by the steward. Passengers are kindly requested to fill these in carefully and hand them to the Chief Steward.

This information, which is required by the authorities, is not only essential for a smooth running of the landing formalities, but also serves for the forwarding of mail which is received after passenger's departure. Mails and telegrams may be forwarded c/o any of the Norddeutscher Lloyd agencies.

Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.
Telegrams to be dispatched from the next port and radiograms are accepted at the ship's wireless station.

Landing Formalities in the U.S.A.

  • Visitors.

Before leaving the ship passengers must show their landing-card together with their passport to the U.S. Immigration Inspector.

  • Immigrants.

Besides the above-mentioned documents, Emigrants to America must produce all their legalized immigration papers together with the American visa.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.

Fire-arms. The carrying of fire-arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U.S.A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

Money, valuables etc. The purser will accept valuables &c. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company.

Baggage. All baggage matters will be dealt with on board by the Baggage-Master, who may be interviewed at certain hours. Only the Baggage-Master is authorized to accept baggage or parcels to be forwarded on, stored or delivered to a third person.

The Norddeutscher Lloyd assume no responsibility or liability for articles handed to other members of the crew. Passengers must see to it that all baggage, including hand-baggage, is labelled with the Norddeutscher Lloyd labels which must be properly filled out.

Storing of Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be stored in the cabin. The cabin-trunk, however, must not exceed the usual dimensions of 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1 ' 1 " high.

Wardrobe trunks may be taken into the cabin provided the dimensions of the trunk and the cabin permit of this and the passenger is the sole occupant of the room.

Baggage can also be stored in the baggage-hold to which passengers have access at certain hours daily. For technical reasons baggage must not be stored in the corridors and lobbies.

Passengers are strongly advised in their own interest to look after their hand-baggage themselves when landing at the port of destination and to see that no personal requisites are left behind In the cabins or elsewhere.

United States Customs Regulations. Each passenger must make out a customs declaration of his personal baggage. In the case of families the oldest member present on the trip is authorized to make out this declaration for the whole family. Forms for this purpose will be handed to the passengers on board.

Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the customs declaration and the value thereof stated.

Baggage left behind to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the passenger's arrival and must be included on the customs declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.

Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.


Title Page, SS Bremen Tourist and Third Class Passenger List, 12 July 1938.

Title Page, SS Bremen Tourist and Third Class Passenger List, 12 July 1938. GGA Image ID # 214360fa1f


Officers and Staff, SS Bremen Tourist and Third Class Passenger List, 12 July 1938.

Officers and Staff, SS Bremen Tourist and Third Class Passenger List, 12 July 1938. GGA Image ID # 2143630b94


Important Notice, SS Bremen Tourist and Third Class Passenger List, 12 July 1938.

Important Notice, SS Bremen Tourist and Third Class Passenger List, 12 July 1938. GGA Image ID # 214387ebc8


Advertisement: Lloyd Express, Bremen-New York via Southampton and Cherbourg With Our Fast Steamers Bremen, Europa, Columbus, and Also Berlin.

Advertisement: Lloyd Express, Bremen-New York via Southampton and Cherbourg With Our Fast Steamers Bremen, Europa, Columbus, and Also Berlin. Study and Social Trips to the USA. Information and Brochures From Our Representatives and Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. SS Bremen Tourist and Third Class Passenger List, 12 July 1938. GGA Image ID # 2143949537


Back Cover - Global Route Map for Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen.

Back Cover - Global Route Map for Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen. SS Bremen Tourist and Third Class Passenger List, 12 July 1938. GGA Image ID # 2143960b8f


Passenger List Images Contributed by Chris Crofts, 2023-2024.


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