SS Europa Passenger List - 19 June 1937

Cabin and Third Class Passenger Lists for the 19 June 1937 voyage of the SS Europa of the Norddeutcher Lloyd, departing from New York for Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton, Commanded by Captain C. W. Hagemann.


Front Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 19 June 1937 from New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton

Front Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 19 June 1937 from New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton, Commanded by Captain C. W. Hagemann. GGA Image ID # 16333e5f06


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain:  C. W. Hagemann
  2. Chief Officer: W. Kracke
  3. Chief Engineer: H. Eints
  4. First Doctor: Dr. J. v. Geyr
  5. Second Doctor: W. Dreyer
  6. Graduate Nurse: Miss A. Maul
  7. Chief Purser: H. W. Müller
  8. Purser for Cabin Class: K Rohde
  9. Purser for Tourist Class: D. Zelle
  10. Purser for Third Class: H. Ditzen
  11. In Charge of Travel Bureau: W. de Haas
  12. Special Travel Service: Miss E. Dackau
  13. Managing Chief Steward:  G. Pflüger
  14. Chief Steward for Cabin Class: B. Willkehr
  15. Chief Steward for Dining Room: K. Schwarz
  16. Steward for Tourist Class: Th. Oehlrich
  17. Steward for Third Class: O. Dunkel
  18. Stewart for Restaurant: A. Meierhans
  19. Managing Chief Cook: K. Wagner
  20. Wireless Telegraph Operator Senior Officer: D. Berbig
  21. First Baggage Master: H. Horstmann


Cabin Class Passengers

  1. Mr. J. R. Abercrombie
  2. Mrs. Abercrombie
  3. Mr. Frances Addison
  4. Mrs. Addison
  5. Mr. E. F. Addiss
  6. Mrs. Addiss
  7. Mr. Christian Ahrenkiel
  8. Mrs. Ellsworth C. Alvord
  9. Miss Betty Alvord
  10. Mr. Ellsworth C. Alvord, Jr.
  11. Mr. Elias C. Alvord
  12. Mrs. Alvord
  13. Miss Ingeborg Anderson
  14. Colonel Arnold
  15. Mrs. Arnold
  16. Mr. L. S. Arnold
  17. Mr. Miguel Arrechavala
  18. Mr. Jose Maria Arrechavala
  19. Mr. Robert Ashe
  20. Mr. C. F. Ashton
  21. Miss Rose Atkins
  22. Miss Ada Bache
  23. Mr. Kurt Bachstitz
  24. Mr. George L. Bagby
  25. Mr. A. Morris Bagby
  26. Mrs. Lee Baker
  27. Miss Emily Baldini
  28. Mr. E. S. Barkwill
  29. Mrs. Barkwill
  30. Mrs. Oscar Baur
  31. Mr. Diederich Beckroge
  32. Mrs. Richard L. Beckwith
  33. Miss Gertrude Behr
  34. Rev. R. M. R. Bennett
  35. Mr. August Bentkamp
  36. Mrs. Bentkamp
  37. Mr. Ernst Bergmann
  38. Mrs. Bergmann
  39. Mr. E. Dimon Bird
  40. Mrs. Bird
  41. Mrs. Johanna Blaschko
  42. Mr. Leopold Bondi
  43. Mr. Bondi
  44. Mr. Willis Booth
  45. Mrs. Booth
  46. Mr. Philip Holden Booth
  47. Miss Martha Borg
  48. Mr. Roland H. Boutwell
  49. Mrs. Boutwell
  50. Miss Katherine Boutwell
  51. Mr. Roswell M. Boutwell, 3rd
  52. Miss Mary Boyan
  53. Mr. F. Brocker
  54. Mr. Wm. P. Brown
  55. Miss Bonnie Browning
  56. Mr. David D. Bruton
  57. Mrs. Bruton
  58. Miss Mary Jane Bruton
  59. Master David Bruton
  60. Mr. Wm. F. Buckley
  61. Mrs. Buckley
  62. Mr. John W. Buckley
  63. Miss Mary Aloise Buckley
  64. Mrs. John J. Burchenal
  65. Mr. E. G. Burkham
  66. Mrs. Burkham
  67. Miss Lois Burkham
  68. Mr. James C. Burkham
  69. Master E. G. Burkham, Jr.
  70. Mr. Edward Burwell
  71. Mrs. Burwell
  72. Mr. Gay Bushee
  73. Mr. Roy Bushee
  74. Miss Dorothy Roselle Cable
  75. Mr. T. Grant Caldwell
  76. Mrs. Caldwell
  77. Miss Clara Elizabeth Caldwell
  78. Mrs. D. Callahan
  79. Mr. J. L. Canby
  80. Mrs. Canby
  81. Miss Alice Cane
  82. Mr. Floyd L. Carlisle
  83. Mr. John W. Carlisle
  84. Mr. L. G. Carozzi
  85. Mrs. Carozzi
  86. Mr. John Alden Carpenter
  87. Mrs. Carpenter
  88. Mrs. Claire Cary and maid
  89. Mrs. Edward F. Carry
  90. Mr. Hadley S. Case
  91. Mr. Walter S. Case
  92. Miss Dorothy Case
  93. Mrs. J. Albert Cassedy
  94. Mrs. Schuyler Chapin
  95. Mrs. Percy Chapman
  96. Mrs. George M. Cheney
  97. Mr. Murray R. Chipman
  98. Mr. W. B. Christians
  99. Mr. G. L. Christians
  100. Mr. George A. H. Churchill
  101. Mr. Frank Collins
  102. Mrs. Collins
  103. Dr. Arthur C. Cope
  104. Miss Mary Cornwell
  105. Mr. A. J. Costigan
  106. Mr. Jose M. Cuellar
  107. Mrs. Margarita Alonso di Cuellar
  108. Mrs. Arthur Dana
  109. Mrs. George F. Dana
  110. Miss Clarissa H. Dana
  111. Mr. Karl Dannemann
  112. Mrs. R. W. Davenport
  113. Mrs. Susie Decker
  114. Mr. Dennis J. Delaney
  115. Mr. Max Delaunay
  116. Mrs. Hermar D. Denny, Jr.
  117. Miss Zoe Desloge
  118. Miss Robin Dienst
  119. Mr. F. E. Dixon, Jr. and valet
  120. Mrs. Widener Dixon and maid
  121. Mrs. J. P. Donahue and maid
  122. Mr. J. P. Donahue, Jr. and valet
  123. Mrs. Frances V. Dorman
  124. Miss Carol Drechsler
  125. Miss Lucille G. Dreher
  126. Miss Emma L. Dresser
  127. Mr. Alexander B. Duff
  128. Mrs. Duff
  129. Mr. John Foster Dulles
  130. Mrs. Dulles
  131. Mrs. Harvey Dunn
  132. Miss Amy Du Pont
  133. Miss Dorothea Duttweiler
  134. Mr. Max S. Eckhardt
  135. Mr. Eckhardt
  136. Mr. E. W. Edwards
  137. Mr. Kurt Elfe
  138. Mr. Jan Erkelenz
  139. Mrs. Erkelenz
  140. Mr. Richard L. Eveleigh
  141. Mr. Edw. Fairbairn
  142. Mrs. Fairbairn
  143. Baron Friedrich von Falkenstein
  144. Mrs. Consuelo Alonso de Ferda
  145. Mr. Rudolf Fischer
  146. Mrs. Emrav Fischer
  147. Miss Ella Frank
  148. Miss Cella Frank
  149. Miss Adelaide H. C. Frick
  150. Dr. H. H. Fries
  151. Dr. H. E. Fritsch
  152. Mr. K. Froedtert
  153. Mrs. Froedtert
  154. Miss Suzanne Froedtert
  155. Miss M. Froedtert
  156. Mr. Frank Furlong
  157. Mr. J. Furukawa
  158. Mr. John H. Gans
  159. Mrs. Gans
  160. Mrs. D. T. Ginna
  161. Mr. John Glossinger
  162. Mrs. Glossinger
  163. Mr. George Gobber
  164. Mrs. Gobber
  165. Mr. Richard W. Goode
  166. Mr. Richard H. Gordon
  167. Mrs. Gordon
  168. Miss Katharine Gordon
  169. Mr. Ralph Gordon
  170. Mr. J. Gordon-Amende
  171. Miss Marion K. Gorman
  172. Mr. Edward Jones Gowing
  173. Miss E. Gray
  174. Miss Margo Graydon
  175. Mr. R. R. Griffin
  176. Mrs. Griffin
  177. Master H. V. Griffin
  178. Mrs. T. W. Grogan
  179. Mr. D. T. Grogan
  180. Mr. Axel C. Gronbeck
  181. Miss Mary B. Guilfoyle
  182. Mrs. F. M. Gunther
  183. Miss Lucie Guyoux
  184. Mrs. Margarete Günzburger
  185. Mr. George H. Haigh
  186. Mrs. Haigh
  187. Senator George F. Harding
  188. Mr. Henry C. Hart
  189. Mrs. Hart
  190. Mrs. George A. Hax
  191. Mr. Karl Heckrich
  192. Mrs. Heckrich
  193. Mr. Hans Heintze
  194. Mrs. Wm. F. Heissenbuttel
  195. Prof. H. Hermannsson
  196. Mr. R. Herrera
  197. Dr. William Hesselberger
  198. Mr. Bernard C. Heyl
  199. Mr. Wm. E. Heyl
  200. Mr. Albert P. Hinckley
  201. Mrs. Hinckley
  202. Mrs. Ruth Hirschsetin
  203. Dr. Lewis H. Hitzroth
  204. Dr. Walter Hoffmann
  205. Mrs. Hoffmann
  206. Mrs. R. M. Hoffman
  207. Mrs. Nancy P. Holloway
  208. Miss Joan Holloway
  209. Mr. Peter Holloway
  210. Miss F. M. G. Homer
  211. Dr. Frederick C. Howe
  212. Mrs. Elmer S. Hubbell
  213. Mrs. D. E. Hughes
  214. Miss Barbara Hughes
  215. Mr. Albert Hughes
  216. Mr. Ted Hughes
  217. Mrs. De Forest Hulburd
  218. Miss Marie Louise Hulburd
  219. Mr. Benjamin F. Hurst
  220. Mr. Yoshimoto Imai
  221. Mr. William Ittmann
  222. Mrs. Ittmann
  223. Mr. Ikuo Iwasaki
  224. Mr. John G. Jackson
  225.  Mrs. Jackson
  226. Miss Effa Jackson
  227. Prof. H. C. Jacobens
  228. Mrs. Jacobens
  229. Mr. Kurt Jacoby
  230. Miss Jeannette Jahn
  231. Mr. Robert G. Jährling
  232. Mrs. Jährling
  233. Mr. C. H. Jennings
  234. Miss Christina Jensen
  235. Mr. W. Jirvas
  236. Dr. W. Joachim
  237. Mr. Albert Jody
  238. Miss Ethel Johnston
  239. Dr. H. Fay. H. Jones
  240. Mrs. Jurney
  241. Mr. Frederick M. Just
  242. Mrs. Just
  243. Mr. Stephen J. Kaiser
  244. Mrs. Carrie Kaiser
  245. Miss Josefine Kaiser
  246. Mr. Neils Kampman
  247. Mrs. Kampman
  248. Mrs. Cecilie Katt
  249. Miss Jessie Katz
  250. Mr. J. Kaufman
  251. Mr. George Keehfus
  252. Mr. Gustav Kemna
  253. Mrs. J. S. Kemper
  254. Mr. Raymond J. Kerner
  255. Miss Olive J. Kirkby
  256. Mr. William Klein
  257. Mr. Georg Klemperer
  258. Mrs. Klemperer
  259. Mrs. Clara König
  260. Mr. Gustav Kremer
  261. Mr. Samuel H. Kress
  262. Miss Anne Krieger
  263. Mrs. Karl Lamm
  264. Mrs. Edward A. Landsberg
  265. Mrs. C. W. Langford
  266. Mr. P. J. Leaper
  267. Mr. Paul Lehmann
  268. Miss Anna Lenk
  269. Miss Catherine Lennon
  270. Mr. George Lester
  271. Mr. Arthur Gebhard L'Estrange
  272. Mrs. Meda Lieber
  273. Miss Lillian Lieber
  274. Miss Inge Loepthien
  275. Mrs. Clara Loewy
  276. Mr. Edward B. Long
  277. Mr. Lawrence Louis
  278. Count R. de Lubersac
  279. Mrs. Stanley D. Lyle
  280. Miss Elena Mackay
  281. Mr. John H. MacCracken
  282. Mrs. MacCracken
  283. Mr. Carl Magnus
  284. Mrs. Daniel D. Mangam
  285. Mr. Max Mannheim
  286. Mrs. Mannheim
  287. Mr. Joseph N. Martin
  288. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Vitus J. Masnicki
  289. Mr. E. J. McCarthy
  290. Miss Agnes McGann
  291. Mr. Irving McHenry
  292. Mrs. McHenry
  293. Mr. Warren McHenry
  294. Mrs. John D. Mcllhenny
  295. Mr. Henry P. Mcllhenny
  296. Major Tompkins Mcllvaine
  297. Dr. H. E. McKinstry
  298. Mrs. McKinstry
  299. Mr. Hobart M. McPherson
  300. Rev. James F. Mealia
  301. Mr. R. D. Mellick
  302. Mrs. Mellick and maid
  303. Miss Catherine Ginna Mellick
  304. Miss Eliz. Anne Mellick
  305. Mr. Robert Drew Mellick, Jr. and nurse
  306. Mr. W. B. Mendes
  307. Mrs. Mendes
  308. Mr. O. C. Merrill
  309. Miss Elfriede Middlegge
  310. Mr. Charles Mikus
  311. Mrs. Ida K. Miller
  312. Miss J. Miller
  313. Miss S. Miller
  314. Mr. Herbert Mitscherling
  315. Mrs. Mitscherling
  316. Mr. Joachim F. Moser
  317. Mr. Stanley Motch
  318. Mrs. Motch
  319. Mr. G. M. P. Murphy
  320. Mr. Ray Murphy
  321. Mr. E. C. Murrant
  322. Mrs. Murrant
  323. Mr. Pierre Nadetzky
  324. Mr. Yosmikazu Nakamura
  325. Miss Sally M. Newson
  326. Mr. Robt. R. Nichols
  327. Miss N. C. Nicholson
  328. Mrs. John Nixon
  329. Miss Lydia Noble
  330. Miss Helen North
  331. Mr. Chester L. Nourse
  332. Mrs. Nourse
  333. Mr. Chester L. Nourse, Jr.
  334. Miss Virginia Nourse
  335. Mr. Rolf Nuernberg
  336. Mrs. Bentkamp Oliver
  337. Mr. A. Osterriech
  338. Mrs. Virginia Overton
  339. Mr. Guido Pantaleoni, Jr.
  340. Mrs. Pantaleoni
  341. Mr. G. H. Pape
  342. Mrs. G. H. Pape
  343. Miss Barbara Parker
  344. Mr. Robert W. Parkinson
  345. Mrs. Parkinson
  346. Mr. Lambert Persson
  347. Mr. R. Pervilhac
  348. Mr. George de Peyster
  349. Mrs. de Peyster
  350. Miss Gertrude Pfaffmann
  351. Mr. Stephen S. Pichettn
  352. Mrs. Pichetto
  353. Miss Aubrey Pichetto
  354. Mr. S. Pichetto
  355. Mr. Ralph L. Pope
  356. Miss Lucy Pope
  357. Mr. E. Posselt
  358. Miss J. Posselt
  359. Mrs. Margarete Pott
  360. Mrs. Constance Prehn
  361. Mr. Frederick Pring
  362. Mrs. Pring
  363. Mrs. E. A. Printz
  364. Mr. Albert D. Putnam
  365. Dr. Henry Putnam
  366. Mr. Nicholas Putnam
  367. Mrs. B. K. Rachford
  368. Mrs. Roy A. Rainey and maid
  369. Mr. J. M. Rasooli
  370. Mr. Erich Rathje
  371. Mr. Godfrey R. Rebmann
  372. Mrs. Rebmann
  373. Mr. Horace Reed
  374. Mrs. Reed
  375. Miss Rebecca Reeves
  376. Mr. Joseph Reilly
  377. Mr. Reilly
  378. Mr. James Reynolds
  379. Miss Emma Richard
  380. Mr. John Richardson
  381. Mrs. Richardson
  382. Dr. Kurt Rieth
  383. Mr. S. Risch
  384. Mr. Louis La Riviere
  385. Mrs. Olga Lyon de Rocas and maid
  386. Mr. Roger K. Rogan
  387. Mrs. Rogan
  388. Mr. John B. Rogan
  389. Miss Mary Elizabeth Rogan
  390. Mr. Willy Rosenthal
  391. Mr. Charles Rowntree
  392. Dr. Werner Ruckstuhl
  393. Miss Marie Saalfrank
  394. Mrs. Eliel Saarinen
  395. Mr. Salvador Said
  396. Mr. Antonio Said
  397. Mr. A. J. Salisbury
  398. Captain Albert Sammt
  399. Mr. J. F. Sartori
  400. Miss Janice Satterwaited
  401. Dr. P. H. Saunders
  402. Mrs. Saunders
  403. Mrs. Katherine Thomas Saunders
  404. Miss Marjorie Maud Saunders
  405. Mrs. J. Louis Schaefer
  406. Mr. Serge Schkaff
  407. Mrs. Schkaff
  408. Mr. Richard Schmidt
  409. Mr. Wilhelm Schroeder
  410. Mr. Alphons Schulz
  411. Mrs. Schulz
  412. Mr. Fritz Schulze
  413. Miss Emily Schwab
  414. Miss Frances S. Seaver
  415. Mr. H. G. Seidel
  416. Mrs. R. H. Seidel, Jr.
  417. Miss R. H. Seidel
  418. Mr. R. Senior
  419. Mrs. Senior
  420. Miss Alice Senior
  421. Master Oscar Senior
  422. Mr. Lesley G. Sheafer
  423. Mrs. Sheafer
  424. Mrs. Alexander Slade
  425. Mr. S. Falis Smith
  426. Mr. Frederick Snare
  427. Dr. Reuben S. Snyder
  428. Miss Elenore Sommers
  429. Mrs. Tomasa Chabau de Sosa
  430. Miss Marta de Sosa Y Chabau
  431. Mr. Erich Spang
  432. Mrs. Spang
  433. Mr. Charles F. Speare
  434. Mr. Robert W. Stark
  435. Mr. Arthur D. Stephanus
  436. Mr. Charles E. Stephens
  437. Mr. E. Stienen
  438. Mrs. Stienen
  439. Mrs. Louis E. Stoddard and maid
  440. Mr. F. D. Stout
  441. Mr. Egbert Strahl
  442. Mrs. Strahl
  443. Miss Elise Strahl
  444. Miss Anne W. Stuyvesant
  445. Mr. A. Van Horne Stuyvesant and valet
  446. Mr. Hermann Sutor
  447. Mr. George Swayze
  448. Mrs. William B. Symnes
  449. Master David Symnes
  450. Mr. Dwight Symnes
  451. Miss Bertha Theobald
  452. Miss Mary H. Thompson
  453. Mrs. Emile Thorsch
  454. Mr. August Tietjen
  455. Hon. R. M. Tobin
  456. Mrs. Tobin and maid
  457. Mrs. M. L. Toretta
  458. Mrs. Scoville Treadwell
  459. Mr. John F. Uihlein
  460. Mr. David Uihlein
  461. Miss Marie Uppenborn
  462. Mr. W. A. Van Berkel
  463. Mrs. Geo. W. Vreeland
  464. Mrs. Elly Wagner
  465. Mrs. George M. Wallace
  466. Miss Margaret Wallace
  467. Miss Mary P. Ware
  468. Mr. Robert B. Warren
  469. Mrs. John Washburn
  470. Mr. C. F. Watson, Jr.
  471.  Mrs. Watson and maid
  472. Mr. R. A. Weeks
  473. Mr. E. Weissbach
  474. Miss Leonor Weissbach
  475. Mr. Walter Whitehill
  476. Mrs. Whitehill
  477. Mr. John F. Wholey
  478. Mrs. Wholey
  479. Mr. John F. Wholey, Jr.
  480. Mr. Philip Dressier Wiedel
  481. Mr. F. E. Wilhelm
  482. Mrs. Wilhelm
  483. Miss M. Wilke
  484. Mrs. Arthur Williams
  485. Miss Amey L. Willison
  486. Mr. Eric J. Wilson
  487. Mr. David Winton
  488. Mrs. Winton
  489. Miss Margaret Decker Winton
  490. Miss Katharine Decker Winton
  491. Mrs. John C. Woodington
  492. Miss Dorris Woodington
  493. Miss Nancy Woodson
  494. Mr. Oswald A. Zink


Front and Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Europa Cabin Class Passenger List - 19 June 1937.

Front and Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Europa Cabin Class Passenger List - 19 June 1937. GGA Image ID # 1633802e36


Third Class Passengers


Front Cover of a Third Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 19 June 1937 from New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton

Front Cover of a Third Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 19 June 1937 from New York to Bremen via Cherbourg and Southampton , Commanded by Captain C. W. Hagemann. GGA Image ID # 163972f369


  1. Miss Mary Abcggler
  2. Miss Abbey H. Adams
  3. Miss Corinne Adler
  4. Miss Mitzi Admond
  5. Miss Georgia Airheart
  6. Mrs. Edna Akin
  7. Mrs. Eva Albrecht
  8. Mr. Wm. R. Alexander, Jr.
  9. Mr. James Alexander
  10. Miss Elvira Alexon
  11. Mr. Langdon Allen
  12. Mr. Roger P. Altpeter
  13. Miss Bernice Alvarez
  14. Mrs. Magdalena Amende
  15. Mrs. Christine Ammon
  16. Mr. Edwin Anderson
  17. Mrs. Anderson
  18. Mrs. Nanny O. Anderson
  19. Mr. E. Arthur Anderson
  20. Mr. Alex Apitius
  21. Mr. Samuel Ashelmann
  22. Mrs. Ashelmann
  23. Miss M. Ashelmnn
  24. Prof. J. Howell Atwood
  25. Miss Ruby Avret
  26. Mr. Joseph Bachmann
  27. Miss Svea V. Bagge
  28. Miss Mary Baker
  29. Mr. George Balada
  30. Miss Mary L. Ball
  31. Mr. Joseph Balogh
  32. Miss Mary Banker
  33. Mrs. Julia Banovis
  34. Mr. Philip Barens
  35. Mrs. Anna Barens
  36. Mr. George Barnikel
  37. Mr. Rich. Barrett
  38. Mrs. Inez Bartel
  39. Miss Mary Bartley
  40. Mrs. Mary Barton
  41. Mrs. Julia Basso
  42. Miss Renate Basso
  43. Mr. Joseph Bauer
  44. Mrs. Kathar. Baumann
  45. Mr. Otto K. Baumann
  46. Mrs. Cary F. Baynes
  47. Mr. Jack A. Beaver
  48. Mr. John Beck
  49. Mrs. Sylvia Beck
  50. Miss Hermine Beck
  51. Mrs. Edna Beechraft
  52. Mr. Carl Behrmann
  53. Mrs. Eva Beismann
  54. Mathew Beismann
  55. Nicola Beismann
  56. Helen Bell
  57. Mr. Speridan Bemko
  58. Mrs. Anna Benedikt
  59. Miss Isabel Benkert
  60. Mrs. Kaethe Bengel
  61. Mr. Willy Bergmann
  62. Mrs. Mathilde Bergmann
  63. Mr. Albert Berner
  64. Mr. Richard Berninger
  65. Mrs. Christine Berninger
  66. Master Richard Berninger
  67. Mrs. Auguste Berns
  68. Mr. J. Beutler
  69. Mrs. Beutler
  70. Dr. Lyon Mary Bichel
  71. Mary Biebrich
  72. Mr. Hermann F. Bielefeld
  73. Mr. Henry Bischoff
  74. Mrs. Bischoff
  75. Miss June Bittle
  76. Mrs. Alma Boehm
  77. Mrs. Anna Boettcher
  78. Mrs. Julia Bofinger
  79. Mr. Gustav Bohlinger
  80. Mrs. Kathar. Bohlinger
  81. Mrs. Mary Bonar
  82. Master Paul Bonar
  83. Miss Anna Boos
  84. Mr. Charles Boss
  85. Mr. Johann Bothmer
  86. Mrs. Emma Bothmer
  87. Miss Bessie Boyd
  88. Mrs. Anna Brachstlova
  89. Miss Louise Brandt
  90. Miss Anna V. Brandt
  91. Miss Mary Brigham
  92. Miss Agnes Broichs
  93. Miss Louise M. Brooks
  94. Mr. J. A. Brown
  95. Mr. Bruckner
  96. Mrs. F. C. Buckley
  97. Mr. Frederick Burkhardt
  98. Mrs. Burkhardt
  99. Mr. Leo Byesinski
  100. Mrs. Mary Bystrom
  101. Mrs. Anna Cadigan
  102. Mr. Lawrence Carstein
  103. Mr. Hans Carstein
  104. Miss Frances Carter
  105. Mrs. E. J. Case
  106. Mrs. Hedwig Cevela
  107. Miss Marie Chabot
  108. Prof. Carol D. Champlin
  109. Mr. Wm. B. Chase
  110. Mrs. Frank Chicachee
  111. Miss Ruth Chicachee
  112. Mrs. Anna Cicovsky
  113. Mr. Sidney Clark
  114. Miss Edith Clark
  115. Miss Susan Clay
  116. Miss E. M. Cobb
  117. Miss G. E. Cobb
  118. Mr. Robert Coffin
  119. Mrs. Coffin
  120. Mr. David Coffin
  121. Miss Elizab. Coghill
  122. Mr. Atwood Collins
  123. Mr. H. L. Combs
  124. Mr. John Comeau
  125. Mrs. Olga Comeau
  126. Miss Eleanor Comeau
  127. Mr. Arthur Compton
  128. Miss Marjorie Cotsworth
  129. Miss Bernice Cox
  130. Mr. Mallack C. Crane
  131. Mr. Charles T. Crane
  132. Prof. Earl Cranston
  133. Mr. Chas. N. Crump
  134. Mr. Steven Csizmadia
  135. Mr. John Culon
  136. Mr. Frances Curran
  137. Mr. Ed. L. Cutter, Jr.
  138. Mr. James Cykner
  139. Mrs. Josephine Cykner
  140. Miss Ruth G. Dale
  141. Mr. John Dallmeyer
  142. Mrs. Louis Danzer
  143. Master Geo. Danzer
  144. Mr. W. W. Darrow
  145. Miss Sallie Davis
  146. Mr. Phil Davison
  147. Miss X. De Angulo
  148. Mrs. Maria Debrecini
  149. Mr. Adam Decker
  150. Mr. Ernest Deike
  151. Mrs. Aida Deike
  152. Miss Lothe Deike
  153. Miss Julia Demovic
  154. Miss Rachel De Nick
  155. Mrs. Helen Denschler
  156. Mr. Robert Dexter
  157. Mrs. Dexter
  158. Miss Harriet Dexter
  159. Dr. P. J. Dick
  160. Mrs. Dick
  161. Mrs. Josefine Dieiner
  162.  Miss Marie Dieiner
  163. Mr. Audrey Dienes
  164. Mr. Alfons Diettert
  165. Mr. Erich Dinnke
  166. Mrs. Louise Disselhorst
  167. Jean Disselhorst
  168. Mr. Daniel Dodson
  169. Mrs. Mary Dolnik
  170. Miss Phyllis Dorr
  171. Miss Joan Dorsey
  172. Mrs. Julia Dragobratovich
  173. Mr. John Dragobratovich
  174. Miss Lillian Dreyer
  175. Miss J. Duchane
  176. Mrs. Krist. Duga
  177. Mr. Armand F. Duhart
  178. Mrs. Kaethe Durwin
  179. Miss Anna Durwin
  180. Mr. John F. Dvorak
  181. Mr. Frank Ebler
  182. Mrs. Anna Ebler
  183. Miss Emma Ebbert
  184. Mr. Willy Ebnat
  185. Mrs. Ebnat
  186. Mrs. Auguste Ehlers
  187. Miss Viola Ehlers
  188. Miss Verna Ehr
  189. Mr. Fritz Eichner
  190. Miss Janet Elles
  191. Mr. Albert M. Engel
  192. Mr. Albert M. Engel
  193. Mrs. Frieda Engemann
  194. Mrs. Veronica Erdi
  195. Mrs. M. H. Evans
  196. Miss Jane Ewart
  197. Mrs. Eliz. Falk
  198. Mrs. Johanna Federocko
  199. Miss Federocko
  200. Master Julius Federocko
  201. Mr. Benj. Ferris
  202. Mr. Fey
  203. Mr. Henry Fichner
  204. Mrs. Fichner
  205. Mr. F. Fichtel
  206. Master Robert von Fintel
  207. Mrs. C. A. Fischer
  208. Mrs. Bertha Fischer
  209. Mary Fischer-Trouskadt
  210. Cad. Jos. G. Focht
  211. Miss Mary B. Foor
  212. Mr. George Forsythe
  213. Mr. David Fredenthal
  214. Mrs. Martina Frey
  215. Mrs. Anna Frk
  216. Mr. M. Fromholz
  217. Mrs. Fromholz
  218. Mrs. Ottilie Gaertner
  219. Mr. Aldo Gamba
  220. Mrs. Mary Gantner
  221. Mrs. Betty Ganzer
  222. Miss Dorothy Garver
  223. Mr. August Gattermeyer-Palma
  224. Mrs. Gattermeyer-Palma
  225. Mr. John Gaul
  226. Mr. Jos. Gazak
  227. Mrs. Gazak
  228. Mr. Ben Geis
  229. Mr. Carl Geldreich
  230. Miss Marjorie Gellatly
  231. Miss Porthenia George
  232. Mrs. Helene Gerhart
  233. Mrs. Marg. Gerhard
  234. Miss Franziska Gerner
  235. Mr. Andrew Gideon
  236. Mrs. Martha Giebel
  237. Miss E. Giesselmann
  238. Mr. Josef Ginder
  239. Barbara Ginder
  240. Josef Ginder
  241. Marie Ginder
  242. Mr. Heinrich Glaecker
  243. Mrs. Marie Glaecker
  244.  Ursula Glaecker
  245. Mrs. Anna Goetz
  246. Mr. Josef Golling
  247. Mrs. Margarete Golling
  248. Miss Margarete Golling
  249. Mr. Walter Golz
  250. Mr. John Golz
  251. Prof. W. J. Gores
  252. Mr. Albin Gottschalk
  253. Mr. G. A. Grant
  254. Mr. Georg Greimel
  255. Mr. W. T. Grenfell
  256. Mr. Fred Griesch
  257. Mrs. Griesch
  258. Miss Minnie Griesch
  259. Mr. Harry O. H. Grier
  260. Mr. Robert P. Griffing
  261. Mrs. Marie Grobner
  262. Mrs. Clara Gruenagel
  263. Miss Ruth Gruenagel
  264. Mr. Herrn. Gruning
  265. Miss Martha Gudel
  266. Mr. Christian Gutmann
  267. Miss Ernestine Guttery
  268. Miss Rosa Haas
  269. Mrs. Marie Hack
  270. Miss Kath. Hagan
  271. Rev. Ernst Hahn
  272. Miss Hahn
  273. Mr. Mason Haire
  274. Mr. Jacob Haist
  275. Mrs. Ellen Haist
  276. Mr. Frank Halke
  277. Miss Martha Hamer
  278. Miss Virginia Hammel
  279. Mr. Harry Hansen
  280. Mr. Robert Hansen
  281. Mr. Josef Hanus
  282. Mrs. Eleanora Hanus
  283. Jerry Hanus
  284. Joseph Hanus
  285. Mr. W. W. Hancock
  286. Mr. Nat. G. Hardin
  287. Miss E. Harrington
  288. Mr. R. C. Harris
  289. Mrs. Maria Harthun
  290. Dr. Willey Hartner
  291. Mrs. Hartner
  292. Mr. Richard Hartshorn
  293. Miss Elsie Hasling
  294. Mrs. Agnes Hauser
  295. Mr. Robert Hausier
  296. Mrs. Hausier
  297. Miss Anethe Hedges
  298. Mr. Knud Hedin
  299. Miss Ruth Heim
  300. Mr. Hermann Heimann
  301. Mrs. Heimann
  302. Mr. Hermann Heimann
  303. Mrs. Heimann
  304. Mr. Leo Heinige
  305. Dr. H. R. Heininger
  306. Mrs. Kaethe Heinrich
  307. Mr. Edmund Heinrichs
  308. Miss Anna Held
  309. Mrs. Marg. Helmholz
  310. Rev. Alexander Henderson
  311. Mr. B. J. Henley, Jr.
  312. Mr. Howard G. Henry
  313. Miss Jane Herron
  314. Mr. Richard Herz
  315. Mrs. Herz
  316. Mr. Richard Herzog
  317. Mrs. Mathilda Herzog
  318. Miss Charlott Hetperle
  319. Mr. Frank Heyer
  320. Mrs. Elsie Heyer
  321. Mr. Walter Heyer
  322. Mrs. Martha C. Hielsen
  323. Miss J. Anita Hill
  324. Mr. Max Hille
  325. Mrs. Hille
  326. Miss Elisab. L. Hiss
  327. Virginia Hobartl
  328. Mrs. Karoline Hoch
  329. Mr. Karl Hoesch
  330. Mrs. Hoesch
  331. Mrs. Paula Hoheisel
  332. Miss Renita D. Holland
  333. Mr. Homme
  334. Mrs. Homme
  335. Mrs. C. Honant
  336. Prof. Lucyle Hook-Rathert
  337. Miss Mila Hoover
  338. Mrs. Auguste Hoppmann
  339. Mrs. Mary Horlacher
  340. Miss Helen Hornberle
  341. Miss Maria Horstman
  342. Mrs. Zusanna Hradic
  343. Mr. Josef Hrcka
  344. Mrs. Lena Hrica
  345. Miss Ethel E. Huebner
  346. Mr. F. Huegel
  347. Mrs. Ida Huelseberg
  348. Mr. Frcderico Huettel
  349. Mrs. Huettel
  350. Mr. George Huger
  351. Mr. George Hull
  352. Miss Marjorie Hunsinger
  353. Miss Frances Hurt
  354. Mr. Andrew lllo
  355. Mr. Felix Irinis
  356. Mrs. Irinis
  357. Mr. Michael Ivan
  358. Mr. S. A. Jackson
  359. Mrs. Jackson
  360. Miss Lucy Jackson
  361. Miss Gertrude Jaeger
  362. Miss Gertrude Jaeger
  363. Mr. Jarolyn Jakab
  364. Miss Zofie Janda
  365. Mrs. Therese Janda
  366. Mr. Frank Janecek
  367. Mrs. Vlasta M. Janecek
  368. Mr. Anton Jelinek
  369. Miss Mildred Jenkins
  370. Mrs. Friedriche Jeserniz
  371. Mrs. Alma Jespersen and two children
  372. Mr. Royston Jester
  373. Barbara Johann
  374. Mrs. Anna Johannsen
  375. Miss Marg. Catesly Jones
  376. Master Guenther Joram
  377. Miss Doris Jordan
  378. Mr. Ernest Josil
  379. Mr. Ray Josil
  380. Mrs. Helen Judd
  381. Miss Marg Judd
  382. Miss Elisab. Jurkovic
  383. Mrs. Mary Kadlup
  384. Mr. John Kahak
  385. Mr. Michael Kaina
  386. Mrs. Anna Karger
  387. Mrs. Luise Kaufmann
  388. Master Fred Kaufmann
  389. Miss Henrietta Keizer
  390. Miss Erna Keller
  391. Mr. William S. Kemp
  392. Prof. Spencer King
  393. Mrs. King
  394. Miss Barbara King
  395. Miss Molly King
  396. Mr. Chas. Kip
  397. Mrs. Anna Kirnbauer
  398. Albert Kirnbauer
  399. Miss Elis. Kirsch
  400. Mrs. Henrietta Klanko-Swanks
  401. Mrs. Agnes Klaus
  402. Miss Erika Klein
  403. Mr. Wilhelm Klein
  404. Mrs. Mary Klementik
  405. Miss Klementik
  406. Mr. Kenneth Kline
  407. Mrs. Kline
  408. Mrs. Emmy Klotzbuscher
  409. Mr. Fred. Klug
  410. Mrs. Josephine Klug
  411. Mrs. Amalie Knapp and child
  412. Mr. Henry Knieps
  413. Mrs. Knieps
  414. Miss Ilazel Kniscley
  415. Mrs. P. Kocak
  416. Irene Kocak
  417. Mr. Henry Kocinec
  418. Mrs. Anna Kocmoud
  419. Mrs. Marie Koehler
  420. Mrs. Koehler
  421. Mrs. Martha Koenig
  422. Mr. Viggo Koldberg
  423. Mrs. Barbara Kolling
  424. Miss Marg. Konop
  425. Mr. Frank Kopp
  426. Mrs. Kopp
  427. Mrs. Marie Koptic
  428. Mr. Jos. J. Kostal
  429. Mrs. Mary Kostal
  430. Master Jos. Kostal
  431. Mr. Joseph Kowols
  432. Mrs. Sarah Kralovic
  433. Mr. Fritz Krause
  434. Mrs. Mathill Krauspe
  435. Mr. John Krauspe
  436. Mr. Harry Krauspe
  437. Mrs. Krauspe
  438. Mr. Harry Krauspe
  439. Miss Doxie Krauspe
  440. Mr. Paul H. Krauss
  441. Miss Anna Kraus
  442. Mrs. Zuzanne Kravarik
  443. Miss Josephine Krimbacher
  444. Mrs. Agnes Kristufek
  445. Mrs. D. Krueger
  446. Mrs. Helen Krug
  447. Mrs. Kath. Kroog
  448. Mrs. Tini Kubecka
  449. Mr. Adam Kucavik
  450. Mrs. Theresa Kucera
  451. Mrs. Frances Kucher
  452. Mrs. Kristine Kuebl
  453. Miss Helene Kuemmerle
  454. Mrs. Gertrud Kuhlwein
  455. Mrs. Mary Kuntz
  456. Mrs. M. Kutzbach
  457. Mrs. Berta Jos. Kvarda
  458. Miss Mary Labak
  459. Mr. Adolf Lachmuth
  460. Mr. Ladewig
  461. Mrs. Ladewig
  462. Miss Ladewig
  463. Miss Florence Landon
  464. Mr. Nicolas J. Langenfeld
  465. Mr. Alfred Langer
  466. Mr. Hermann Lappahn
  467. Mr. Adolf Lapple
  468. Mrs. Lapple
  469. Master Robert Lapple
  470. Miss Jean Larrick
  471. Mrs. Johanna Lauerer
  472. Mrs. Fanny Laufer
  473. Miss Janet Leeder
  474. Mrs. Antonia Lehmann
  475. Miss Marie Leinbohn
  476. Mrs. H. Lengen
  477. Master George Lengen
  478. Master John Lengen
  479. Master Steve Lengen
  480. Dr. Vladimir Levitszky
  481. Miss Margery Lewis
  482. Miss Nancy Lewis
  483. Miss Hertha Libnow
  484. Mr. R. A. Livermore
  485. Mr. Chas. Lockhart
  486. Mr. B. J. Lonsdale
  487. Miss Barbara Longstreth
  488. Miss Priscilla Lord
  489. Miss Erna M. Lotze
  490. Mr. Emerson Loucks
  491. Mr. Virgil E. Lowder
  492. Mrs. Maria Lukacova
  493. Mr. Rudolf Lung
  494. Mr. Julius Lutocko
  495. Mr. Eugene Lutz
  496. Miss Muriel Lutz
  497. Dr. Donald F. Lyon
  498. Mr. Donald F. Lyon, Jr.
  499. Mr. Charles Lyon
  500. Mrs. Mary Machacek
  501. Mr. John Macus
  502. Mr. N. Madsen
  503. Mrs. Maria Maier
  504. Mrs. Anna Marfiak and child
  505. Mrs. Iva Mark
  506. Mrs. Johanna Marsina
  507. Mr. C. F. Martin
  508. Mrs. Mary Martiny
  509. Master Stefan Martiny
  510. Mrs. Cath. J. Massic
  511. Mr. Joe Mathis
  512. Martha Mattson
  513. Miss Eliz. Mayer
  514. Miss D. McCharles
  515. Mrs. Louise McCollough
  516. Mr. James J. McCormick
  517. Mrs. McCormick
  518. Miss G. McCue
  519. Prof. Bruce C. McCully
  520. Mrs. McCully
  521. Miss Helen C. McCune
  522. Mr. McIntosh
  523. Mrs. McIntosh and two children
  524. Miss Bernice L. McLean
  525. Mr. John Stewart McMullen
  526. Mr. August Mehrung
  527. Mrs. Anna Melichorek
  528. Master John Melichorek
  529. Mr. Henry J. Melind
  530. Marg. Melind
  531. Mrs. Hanna Merkel
  532. Mr. Gordon Merrick
  533. Mr. Samuel Merrick
  534. Mrs. Rodney K. Merrick
  535. Miss Mary H. Merrick
  536. Mrs. Sophie Metzer
  537. Mr. Carl Metzer
  538. Mr. Henry Meyer
  539. Mrs. Dora Meyer
  540. Master Fred Meyer
  541. Miss Margt. Meyer
  542. Mr. Win. Meyer
  543. Mr. Andrew Mikulak
  544. Mrs. D. Mixsell
  545. Miss Inge Mixsell
  546. Miss Ann Moffitt
  547. Miss B. Mogan
  548. Mr. Jacob Mohnen
  549. Mrs. Mohnen
  550. Prof. F. K. Mohr
  551. Mr. Geo. E. Montgomery, Jr.
  552. Miss Patty Moore
  553. Mrs. Anna Moroy
  554. Miss Jeanette Morris
  555. Miss Mildred Morrison
  556. Mr. Leonhard Moses
  557. Miss G. Moyer
  558. Miss Barbara Mueller
  559. Miss Luise Mueller
  560. Mrs. J. Muller
  561. Mrs. Mulz
  562. Mr. Kyle Mundv
  563. Miss Agnes F. Murdoch
  564. Miss Georgia Murray
  565. Mr. Joseph S. Musil
  566. Mrs. Elli Muth
  567. Mr. Earl S. Myers
  568. Miss Hanna Nagel
  569. Miss Sabina Nether
  570. Mrs. Marie Neuberg
  571. Mrs. Anna Neumann
  572. Mr. John Neuse
  573. Mrs. Neuse
  574. Mr. Robert Neville
  575. Mrs. Josephine Niehoff
  576. Mr. J. W. Nields
  577. Mr. Einan Nielsen
  578. Mr. E. A. Nightengale
  579. Mrs. Nightengale
  580. Mr. Lewis H. Niven
  581. Mr. Adin Nomer
  582. Miss Helen Norbut
  583. Mr. Theodor Nordman
  584. Mrs. Nordman
  585. Miss Margaret Nordman
  586. Master Theodor Nordman
  587. Mr. Grzegory Novak
  588. Miss Marg. Nussbaumer
  589. Mrs. Mary Oberciau
  590. Mr. Robert Obermark
  591. Mrs. Obermark
  592. Mr. Jerry M. Obhlidal
  593.  Mr. O'Connor
  594. Miss Helene Ohler
  595. Elena Oldis
  596. Miss Kathleen O'Meara
  597. Mr. E. T. Ostrander
  598. Mrs. Ostrander
  599. Mr. A. Panzer
  600. Mrs. Panzer
  601. Miss Minna Pappe
  602. Mr. Merrill Pascoe
  603. Mrs. Wilhelmine Patz
  604. Mr. Walter E. Paul
  605. Mr. Howard A. Perry
  606. Miss Lillian Pesek
  607. Mr. John Petajosoja
  608. Mr. Mathi Petajosoja
  609. Mr. Joseph Peters
  610. Mrs. Peters
  611. Mr. Peter Petersen
  612. Mr. Thos. C. Peterson
  613. Mrs. Josephine Petri
  614. Miss Melanies Picker
  615. Mrs. Marie Pikner
  616. Miss Lillian Pikner
  617. Miss Blance Pikner
  618. Mr. James Pinkner
  619. Mrs. Eli sab. Plsek
  620. Mrs. Helen Polack
  621. Mr. Ralph L. Pope, Jr.
  622. Mr. Heinrich Poppe
  623. Miss Louise Porter
  624. Mrs. W. W. Power
  625. Richard Power
  626. Miss Minnie Prahl
  627. Mary Prasser
  628. Mr. John Psota
  629. Mr. Werner Raaberg
  630. Mrs. Irene Raaberg
  631. Mr. Jacob Racket
  632. Miss Mary Radcliff M
  633. rs Martha Radtke-Jeske
  634. Mrs. Barbara Rajtor
  635. Miss Ruth M. Ranger
  636. Mr. Hans Rausch
  637. Mr. Carl Reckstein
  638. Mrs. Mary Reckstein
  639. Miss Frances Reed
  640. Mr. Henry Rein
  641. Miss Frances Reinhold
  642. Mrs. Emilie Reisenauer
  643. Mrs. Minna Renz
  644. Master Eugen Renz
  645. Mr. Mike Retzler
  646. Miss Dorothy Richardson
  647. Mr. Karl Richter
  648. Mrs. Anna Richter
  649. Miss Mary Richter
  650. Miss Carmen Rice
  651. Miss Elis. Rice
  652. Rev. Lester L. Riley
  653. Miss Kath. Riley
  654. Miss Emilie Rixen
  655. Mr. R. K. Robbesstad
  656. Mrs. Evangelina Roberts
  657. Miss Florence Robinson
  658. Miss F. Rockwell
  659. Mrs. Denise Rodriguez
  660. Miss Barbara Roedde
  661. Mrs. G. Rohlich
  662. Mrs. Valborg Rolletson
  663. Miss A. J. Ross
  664. Mrs. Eliz. Roth Clara Roth
  665. Mrs. Anna Ruckdashel
  666. Master Chas. Ruckdashel
  667. Mrs. Sophie Ruegamer
  668. Miss Marg. Ann Rusk
  669. Mrs. Marie Ruziuska
  670. Miss Anna Ryrfeldt
  671. Prof. Leland Sage
  672. Mrs. Sage
  673. Miss Barb. Salditt
  674. Mrs. M. Sampson
  675. Miss Marg. Sampson
  676. Mr. Carl Sand
  677. Mr. Hans Sandner
  678. Mrs. Sandner
  679. Miss Jean Saurwein
  680. Mrs. Erna Schaefer
  681. Mr. Carl Scheffer
  682. Mrs. Johanna Scheffer
  683. Mr. B. Schilling
  684. Mr. Carl Schmanke
  685. Mrs. Gertrude Schmidt
  686. Master Robert Schmidt
  687. Mrs. Margaret Schmidt
  688. Mr. Joseph Schmidt
  689. Miss Marg. Schmidt
  690. Sgt. Otto F. Schmidt
  691. Mrs. Schmidt
  692. Miss Schmidt
  693. Mrs. Chlementine Schmidt
  694. Miss Alfriede Schmidt
  695. Miss Marie Schmid
  696. Mrs. Elsie Schmieger
  697. Miss Schmieger
  698. Mrs. Wilma Schmitt
  699. Miss Emily Schmitt
  700. Mr. Adolf Schmitz
  701. Mrs. Marie Schmoll
  702. Miss Ida Schneider
  703. Mr. Paul Schoenberger
  704. Mr. Otto Schoenwald
  705. Mrs. Schoenwald
  706. Mrs. Mary Scholz
  707. Master Edmund Scholz
  708. Prof. Henry Schoon
  709. Mrs. Barbara Schopsova
  710. Mr. Raymond Schroeder
  711. Mr. William J. Schroeder
  712. Mrs. Rosa Schroeder
  713. Miss Elisabeth Schudath
  714. Mr. T. J. Schuring
  715. Mrs. Schuring
  716. Mrs. Aimlie Schwartz
  717. Miss Bertha Schwarz
  718. Mr. Wm. Scott
  719. Mr. Walter Seifenkranz
  720. Mr. Josef Seiffert
  721. Mrs. Julia Seitz
  722. Mr. Hermann Selz
  723. Mrs. Selz
  724. Miss Selz
  725. Mr. Fritz Seyfreed
  726. Mrs. Seyfreed
  727. Mr. Wm. Shand
  728. Mr. John Shaw
  729. Mr. Richard Shaw
  730. Miss Ellen Shaw
  731. Mr. George Shay
  732. Mr. Edmund C. Shepard
  733. Miss Mary K. Short
  734. Mr. John Shuhy
  735. Mr. John Shuhy, Jr.
  736. Miss Martha A. Sick
  737. Rev. Hans Sidon
  738. Mrs. Sidon
  739. Edgar Sidon
  740. Miss Ruth Sidon
  741. Mrs. Magdalena Siegele
  742. Master Charles Siegele
  743. Mrs. Josephine P. Simek
  744. Mrs. Eliz. Sirokman
  745. Master Andrew Sirokman
  746. Miss Eliz. Sirokman
  747. Mr. John Siwy
  748. Mr. Rob. Sketchley
  749. Miss Helen Skinner
  750. Miss Janet Skinner
  751. Mr. W. Slade
  752. Mrs. Katli. Slaty
  753. Prof. Jean P. Slusser
  754. Mr. Elmer Sinead
  755. Mrs. Smead
  756. Mr. Chas. E. Smith
  757. Miss K. Marie Smith
  758. Miss Martha Smith
  759. Miss Ethel M. Smith
  760. Miss Ruth Smith
  761. Mr. Wm. Smyth
  762. Prof. A. E. Sokol
  763. Mrs. Sokol and child
  764. Mrs. Mary Sokol
  765. Mr. Donald Sparks
  766. Miss Marlene Speakmann
  767. Mrs. Ida Spiess
  768. Rev. W. B. Spofford
  769. Mr. Fred Sponheimer
  770. Mr. John Srnec
  771. Mrs. Minnie Steason
  772. Miss Katheryn Stein
  773. Mrs. Margt. Steinbeck
  774. Mr. Frank Steininger
  775. Mrs. Bertha Steininger
  776. Mr. Louis Steiskal
  777. Miss Mary Stewart
  778. Mrs. Rose Sticha
  779. Miss Grace Sticha
  780. Mr. Anton Stluka
  781. Mr. Frank Stor
  782. Miss Hermine Stor
  783. Mrs. Marie K. Stratmoen
  784. Miss Arne Stratmoen
  785. Mr. Marcus Stratz
  786. Mr. Otto Straub
  787. Mrs. Straub
  788. Mrs. Sophie Stroner
  789. Miss Elizabeth Strudwick
  790. Miss Barbara Stults
  791. Mrs. Frances Sucer
  792. Mr. Joe Svavoko
  793. Mrs. Lillian Svolca
  794. Miss Mary E. Swift
  795. Mr. Sword
  796. Mrs. Sword
  797. Miss Sword
  798. Mrs. Irmgard Tauren
  799. Miss Eleanor Tenner
  800. Miss Mathilde Thaler
  801. Mr. R. Thayer
  802. Mrs. Anna Thiede
  803. Mrs. Augusta Thomas
  804. Miss Evelyn Thomsa
  805. Mr. Wilhelm Thoms
  806. Mrs. Thoms
  807. Mrs. Josefa Tichy
  808. Miss Paula Tillack
  809. Miss Gertr. Tingley
  810. Miss Judith Tingley-Foor
  811. Mr. G. Todd
  812. Mrs. Bertha Todewik
  813. Mrs. Martha Toepfer
  814. Mr. Rolf Toepfer
  815. Miss Mary Tolbert
  816. Mr. Paul Tomick
  817. Mrs. Victoria Tomick
  818. Mr. Tomlinson
  819. Mrs. Tomlinson and infant
  820. Miss Elis. Toulinen
  821. Mr. Carl Trondle
  822. Miss Naoni Tucker
  823. Miss Rosamund Tuve
  824. Mrs. Helen Umlaut
  825. Miss Helen Umlaut
  826. Miss Marie Umlaut
  827. Mr. Jennie Urban
  828. Miss Urban
  829. Miss Marion Urban
  830. Master Robert Urban
  831. Miss Myra L. Vance
  832. Mr. Charles K. Vance
  833. Miss Phyllis N. Vare
  834. Mr. Amery Varga
  835. Mrs. Mary Anna Vargo
  836. Mr. W. O. Vaught
  837. Mrs. Vaught
  838. Miss Virginia Vawter
  839. Mr. Rich. Veit
  840. Mrs. Veit
  841. Miss Elcanore Veit
  842. Miss Anna Veronka
  843. Mr. Pedro Juani Verra
  844. Mr. Frank Vesknna
  845. Mrs. Louise Veskrna
  846. Frank J. Veskrna
  847. Mr. Robert P. Vetter
  848. Mrs. Vetter
  849. Master Robert R. Vetter
  850. Rev. Harold Voelkel
  851. Mrs. Voelkel and two children
  852. Miss Lina Vögele
  853. Miss Elisabeth Vollmer
  854. Miss Eleanor Volmer
  855. Miss L. Vossler
  856. Mr. Mathias Vukovits
  857. Mr. Heinrich Waech
  858. Mr. J. Wagner
  859. Miss Eliz. Wagner
  860. Miss Paula Wahl
  861. Mr. Frank Wajdik
  862. Mrs. Mary Wajdik
  863. Miss Camille Wajdik
  864. Master Frank Wajdik
  865. Mr. Heath Wakelee
  866. Mr. Baron Walthall
  867. Miss Jean Walton
  868. Mr. G. Walworth
  869. Mr. Johann Warneke
  870. Mr. Robert C. Warren
  871. Miss Elis. Watson
  872. Miss Jean Weaver
  873. Miss Anna Weigand
  874. Mr. Edmund Weimann
  875. Mrs. Caroline Weimann
  876. Miss Elsie Weimann
  877. Mr. Carl J. Weiss
  878. Mr. Elis. Wendel
  879. Mrs. Kath. Wendcroth
  880. Mr. John H. Westphalen
  881. Mrs. Westphalen
  882. Mr. Fred Wetter
  883. Mr. Otto Weyk
  884. Miss Mary Whealdon
  885. Mr. Erich Wiesel
  886. Mr. Fred J. Wiest, Jr.
  887. Mr. Geo. J. Wilkenson
  888. Mrs. Wilkenson
  889. Master Ronald Wilkenson
  890. Miss Bertha Williams
  891. Mrs. F. H. Winsten
  892. Mrs. Marg Wolf
  893. Miss Mary Wolf
  894. Master Jacob Wolf
  895. Mr. Hulda Wolff
  896. Miss Cath Wolff
  897. Mrs. Martha J. Wolfram
  898. Miss Jeanne E. Wolfram
  899. Mrs. Hermine Wollins
  900. Mrs. Hedwiga Wozarik
  901. Mr. William Wozarik
  902. Mr. Emil Wozarik
  903. Theresia Wulinger
  904. Prof. A. P. Zabuesnic
  905. Mrs. Antonia Zacharda
  906. Vlasta Zacharda
  907. Miss Marie Zander
  908. Mrs. Therisa Zang
  909. Miss Helen Zeigler
  910. Miss Elisabeth Zeisberg
  911. Miss Rose Zeman
  912. Mr. Chas. Ziegler
  913. Mrs. Clara Ziegler
  914. Chas. Ziegler
  915. Mrs. Amanda Zielinski
  916. Master Helmuth Zielinski
  917. Mrs. Anna Zimmermann
  918. Miss Anna Zoeger
  919. Mrs. Marie Zolandek
  920. Dr. Eliz. Zorb


Swarthmore College Orchestra

Swarthmore College – Swarthmore, PA

  • Conductor: John K. Myers
  • John B. Baumgardner, Jr.
  • Geo D. Hulst, Jr.
  • Drew M. Young
  • Leonard F. Swift


The city of Bremen

The city of Bremen, the home port of the North German Lloyd has played host to its overseas guests through the port of Bremerhaven for a great many years.

This old Hanseatic city, the founding of which dates back to the year 787 is thoroughly imbued with the spirit of past generations—as exemplified by the presence of its characteristic, medieval architecture, so fascinating and so alluring to the traveler.

The stranger (though he need not be for long) is immediately impressed by the picturesque charm of the inner city—its numerous historical treasures, beautiful parks and fine buildings. The celebrated Rathaus, the Ratskeller—with the Lead Cellar, the Roland Statue, the Schuetting House or Chamber of Commerce and St. Peters Cathedral are easily accessible to the traveler from the Market Place. There are also in this vicinity several other old buildings among them the Essig House and the Gewerbehaus or former Guild Hall of the cloth merchants.

Hospitality is synonymous with Bremen. Its people have long learned the art of making your stay there an exceptionally pleasant one.


In view of the decree issued by the German Government prohibiting the importation of German notes and silver coins into Germany, all members of our ships' personnel, the stalls, bars and all other places where purchases are made on board have been strictly forbidden to accept Reichsmark notes and German silver coins in payment.

The pursers only are authorized to accept German silver coins from passengers, within the framework of the special regulations governing the exceptions to the rule.

Passengers are, therefore, requested not to make their payments on board in Reichsmark notes or German silver coins.

"Special Travel Service"

A Special Service Secretary on board will advise and assist passengers making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social, educational etc. This office is prepared to give any information gratis and, if possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.

Information for Third Class Passengers

Passengers are requested to comply with the orders of the Captain and his officers, who are responsible for the safety of the ship, the comfort of passengers, and order on board.

Meals will be served as follows:

If One Sitting

  • Breakfast: 8.00 a.m.
  • Lunch: 12.00 noon
  • Dinner: 7.00 p.m.

If Two Sittings

1st Sitting

  • Breakfast: 7.30 a.m.         
  • Lunch: 12.00 noon 
  • Dinner : 6.00 p.m.   

2nd Sitting

  • Breakfast: 8.15 a.m.
  • Lunch: 12.45 p.m.
  • Dinner: 6.45  p.m.

Seats in the Dining Room may be reserved upon application to ihr Chief Steward.

Meals are not served in the cabins or on deck unless passengers are prevented through illness from taking their meals in the Dining Room.

A selection of good beverages and smoking accessories is carried on board. In order not to disturb passengers, lights in the Social Hall, Smoking Room and on the Promenade Deck will be extinguished at 1 a.m.

Passengers are requested not to order any beverages in the Smoking Room after 12:30 a.m. and not to frequent the Promenade Decks between 1:00 a.m. and 7 a.m.

Baggage. Hand baggage and steamer trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the strainer trunk must not exceed the maximum sire, 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.

Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the baggage room and will be accessible to passengers at certain times during the day. Baggage should not be placed in the corridors.

Baggage, parcels, etc., intended for forwarding, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed only to the Baggage Master who is authorized to receive such baggage.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.

For their own interest passengers are especially requested upon landing to look after their hand baggage and to take care that, before leaving the steamer, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere on the steamer.

Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not permissible under any circumstances to take animals into rooms used by passengers or to lead them around any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.

Money and Valuables. Safe deposit boxes for the safe keeping of money, jewelry, documents or other valuable articles, can be procured free of cost upon application to the Purser's office.

Exchange of Money. The purser has only a limited supply of currency at his disposal, and thus money can only be exchanged to such an amount as is in accordance with tue amount of currency available.

Library. A library on board, properly catalogued, is placed at the disposal of the passengers.

Doctor. A duly qualified physician is on board who will, free of charge, attend to passengers who take ill and are in need of medical aid during the voyage.

Treatment of Sea-Sickness. Travelers inclined toward seasickness have an opportunity on all North German Lloyd passenger steamers of availing themselves of the inhalation treatment (Dr. Dammert's Process). Experience has hitherto shown that good results are attained by this method. Passengers wishing to be treated by this new process are requested to apply to the ship's doctor.

A small charge of Mks. 2 (about 80c.) is made for each treatment, the amount to be paid to the Chief Steward. A printed form is provided on which to enter memo of treatments received, and this is to be handed in at Chief Steward's office at end of voyage when settlement, is made for sundry expenses incurred during the voyage.

Bath Rooms. Passengers intending to use the bath rooms, are requested to write their names, and the hour desired, on the list placed on the door of the bath room.

Barber. Hairdresser. Prices are exhibited in the Barber's room.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Films and Chemicals. Any large quantities of films, chemicals and other photographic material of inflammable nature may under no circumstances be kept in the cabins. Passengers are requested to hand them to the Purser on board for safe keeping.

Cigars. Cigarettes and Playing Cards may be obtained in the Smoking-Room at list prices. Smoking is only permitted in the Smoking Room and on deck. It is strictly prohibited below deck, in the Dining Room or in the state rooms.

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail.

Mail for passengers is delivered on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. Before leaving the ship passengers should ascertain personally whether there is any mail for them.

Passengers should also leave their addresses with the Chief Steward so that mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded to them.

Letters and telegrams may be addressed in care of any of the company's agents.

Deck chairs and rugs may be rented for the voyage from the deck stewards at the following rates:

  • In tourist class: Chair $1.00, Cushion $1.00, Rug $1.00.
  • In third class: Chair $1.00, Cushion 50 cents., Rug 50 cents.

Pastimes and Games are at the disposal of the passengers.

Complaints. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be complied with if possible.

Wireless Telegraph and Telephone. The wireless station (Telefunken-System) on board of the steamers of the North German Lloyd is permanently in communication with coast stations. Wireless Messages, cablegrams, telegrams and applications for telephone communications are accepted at any hour of the day or night.

All information regarding the dispatch of wireless messages, length of time required for transmission and telegraph fee, may be obtained at the wireless station on board, or on land from the Deutsche Betriebs-gesellschaft für drahtlose Telegraphie m.b.H., Berlin-Charlottenburg 2, Hardenbergstr. 43, telegraphic address "Debeg," Tel. C. Steinplatz 8051.

Telegrams, Radiograms and Cablegrams are accepted at the ship's wireless station, also at certain hours, made known by poster in the lobby, an Officer will receive messages for transmission and requests for telephone communication in the Chief Steward's Office of the Tourist Class or Third Class on C deck.

A daily bulletin is published with news received by wireless.

Special Travel Service

A Special Service Secretary on board will advise and assist passengers, making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social, educational, etc. This office is prepared to give any information gratis and, il possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firm

Air Travel in Germany

Upon application, made either before departure, or during the voyage at the Purser's office or Travel Bureau on board, passengers arriving at German port will be met by a speedy LUFTHANSA airplane for quick transportation to any of the larger German cities, from where further direct connections can be made by air or rail.


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North German Lloyd / Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen
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NDL Passenger Lists 1881-1938

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