SS Columbus Passenger List - 3 July 1929

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Columbus of the North German Lloyd, Departing 3 July 1929 from New York to Bremen via Plymouth and Cherbourg

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Columbus of the North German Lloyd, Departing 3 July 1929 from New York to Bremen via Plymouth and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain N. Johnsen. GGA Image ID # 15f7e8ead7


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Captain: N. Johnsen
  • First Officer: O. Scharf
  • Second Officer: F. Leussner
  • Second Officer: W. Hamje
  • Second Officer: W. Tjaden
  • Third Officer: Ph. Lösch   
  • Third Officer: K. Kuhlig
  • Fourth Officer:  W. Mussehl
  • Fourth Officer: K. Ebberg
  • Fourth Officer: W. Ackermann  
  • Fourth Officer: J. Hermann
  • Ship's Surgeon: Dr. H. Jelden
  • Second Doctor: Dr. Zeitschel
  • Chief Engineer: L. Schiever
  • First Engineer: P. Senftleben
  • Second Engineer: A. Moryson
  • Second Engineer: K. Thode
  • Second Engineer:  F. Meier
  • Third Engineer: R. Meyer
  • Third Engineer: C. Castendieck
  • Third Engineer: K. Lau   
  • Third Engineer: H. von. Seggern
  • Fourth Engineer: E. Schostag
  • Fourth Engineer: D. Röpke
  • Fourth Engineer: C. Pfister
  • Purser: W. Beyerle
  • Second Purser: F. Baum
  • Assistant Purser: J. Rohde
  • Assistant Purser: F. Fasting
  • In Charge of Travel Bureau: Richard Hajessen
  • Chief Steward: F. Rössler
  • Chief Steward Second Class : J. Becker
  • Chief Steward Tourist Class: J. Böttjer
  • Chief Steward Tourist Third Class: F. Schulz
  • Assistant Chief Steward: H. Trantofsky
  • Assistant Chief Steward: R. Müller
  • Assistant Chief Steward: H. Bruggemann
  • Assistant Chief Steward: H. Bertz
  • Managing Chief Cook:  K. Höhne
  • Chief Cook First Class: E. Sohr
  • Chief Cook Second Class: J. Nommels
  • Baggage Master: H. Helmers
  • Wireless Telegraph Operator First Officer: K. Gerstung
  • Wireless Telegraph Operator Third Officer: H. P. Deering
  • Interpreter: J. Schober


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. N. Avierius
  2. Mr. Walter Bachmann
  3. Mrs. Ellis Bailey
  4. Baroness Renate Baillon
  5. Mr. B. Baley
  6. Miss Charlotte Bates
  7. Miss Meta Bauch
  8. Miss Johanna Becker
  9. Dr. Rud. Bloom
  10. Mrs. Rud. Bloom
  11. Mrs. Ottilie Blume
  12. Miss Blume
  13. Mr. Martin Boerner
  14. Mr. Gordon Edward Bolter
  15. Mr. Ward II. Bolter
  16. Miss Josephine Bortenlanger
  17. Dr. Frank E. Bostoss
  18. Dr. William Brandt
  19. Mr. Ernst Brauer
  20. Miss M. Brunnenberg
  21. Miss Buettner
  22. Mr. Francis M. Burke
  23. Miss Bertha Caro
  24. Miss Beat. Castelle
  25. Mrs. Lillian Cohen
  26. Miss Lilly Cohen
  27. Miss Coldwell
  28. Mr. Harris Conner
  29. Miss Clara Cordes
  30. Mr. Harris Corner
  31. Miss Eleanor Corrant
  32. Miss Mary Corrant
  33. Miss Nellie Grass
  34. Mr. W. Cutten
  35. Mr. F. David
  36. Dr. Theodor Devaranne
  37. Miss Elena I. Diettrich
  38. Mr. Earl E. Donaldson
  39. Miss Else Drobney
  40. Mr. Drucker
  41. Mrs. K. Eldridge
  42. Mr. John Eldridge
  43. Mr. Emanuel Fischer
  44. Rev. Flothmeier
  45. Mr. Walter E. Foley
  46. Mrs. Clara Fox
  47. Mrs. Anna Friedrich
  48. Miss Helen Gammeck
  49. Mr. G. E. Gates
  50. Mr. T. C. Geessey
  51. Mr. Jacob Geibert
  52. Miss Pauline Gill
  53. Mr. P. D. Graves
  54. Miss Marian Greenhof
  55. Miss Margaret Grothe
  56. Mr. Henry Greenhut
  57. Mr. Max Grubnick
  58. Mr. Gully
  59. Mrs. V. P. Harris
  60. Miss Elsa Hattorff
  61. Mr. J. M. Haukes
  62. Prof. Carl Hein
  63. Mrs. Emma Heinemann
  64. Dr. Herman Heller
  65. Mrs. Heller
  66. Miss Annamaria Heller
  67. Prof. James M. Hepbron
  68. Mr. F. F. Hoadley
  69. Miss H. Hoeppner
  70. Mr. F. Hofer
  71. Miss M. Horn
  72. Mr. Emil Horowitz
  73. Mrs. Emil Horowitz
  74. Mr.  E. W. Howe
  75. Prof. C. J. Hysup
  76. Mrs. Hysup
  77. Mrs. Chas. H. Iahs
  78. Mr. Hymann Jacoby
  79. Mr. Jarres
  80. Mrs. Eliz. Jobb
  81. Mr. C. A. Kallgren
  82. Mrs. Kallgren
  83. Mrs. C. Kazaz
  84. Miss Helen Keith
  85. Mr. Karl Kelle
  86. Mr. K. P. Kellogg
  87. Mr. G. W. Kellogg
  88. Mr. Mr. August Kennstedt
  89. Miss Anna Kienzle
  90. Miss Marion Kilcoin
  91. Miss Elise Kinscheck
  92. Miss Wilhelmine Klappes
  93. Mr. Win. M. Klein
  94. Mrs. Agathe Kletting
  95. Mrs. Clara Koebel
  96. Miss Rose W. Kones
  97. Mr. H. F. Kuckes
  98. Mrs. Kuckes
  99. Mrs. Maria Lahm
  100. Miss Magdalene Lahm
  101. Mrs. M. Landsberg
  102. Mrs. Lda Langer
  103. Miss K. Lieblich
  104. Miss Margaret Linardy
  105. Mr. J. Fred Lissfeld
  106. Miss Greta M. Lohleik
  107. Mrs. J. A. Ludwig
  108. Miss Helen Lunnianski
  109. Miss Christine Lyons
  110. Miss Regina Malsth
  111. Mr. August Martinson
  112. Mrs. Lina Martinson
  113. Mr. Fred Mayer
  114. Miss Elizabeth McConner
  115. Miss Judith Mclnering
  116. Miss Helen Mehler
  117. Mr. M. E. Mellius
  118. Mr. E. Merritt
  119. Mrs. Merritt
  120. Mrs. Annie Merritt
  121. Mr. Anthony Michel
  122. Miss Esther Monohan
  123. Mr. John H. Mueller
  124. Miss Kathleen Mullany
  125. Miss Marian Murphy
  126. Miss Edna C. Narbatt
  127. Mrs. Edith Newfeld
  128. Master Lionel Newfeld
  129. Mr. Karl Newman
  130. Mrs. Newman
  131. Mr. E. W. Nicholson
  132. Miss Elizabeth O'Sullivan
  133. Miss Dowky Page
  134. Mr. St. Patterson
  135. Mrs. Ada Phelps
  136. Mr. Fred Pichler
  137. Miss Mae Pichler
  138. Miss Evlyn Pollens
  139. Mr. Walter Puderhach
  140. Mr. John Randegger
  141. Mrs. Reichard
  142. Mr. Fred Rohrer  
  143. Mrs. Fred Rohrer
  144. Miss Katherine Rohrer
  145. Mr. Wm. Rothaus
  146. Mrs. Maria Rothaus
  147. Master Jack Rothaus
  148. Miss Clara Rothaus
  149. Miss Bertha Sambach
  150. Miss Mary Schaffer
  151. Mrs. Scherdegger
  152. Miss Scherdegger
  153. Mr. B. Schlemmermeier
  154. Mrs. Schlemmermeier
  155. Miss Else Sclhwetmann
  156. Miss Johanna Schweitzer
  157. Mr. Jra Shimherg
  158. Mr. E. W. Sloan
  159. Miss Polly Smith
  160. Mrs. Mary Steinmueller
  161. Miss Thekla Stiegele
  162. Mrs. Käthe Stephan
  163. Mrs. Jennie Strassny
  164. Miss Viola Strassny
  165. Mr. Erwin Strassny
  166. Mr. C. J. Sukeris
  167. Miss Adelaide Sundmaker
  168. Miss Helen Sundmaker
  169. Miss Elsa Sundmaker
  170. Dr. Theodore Toepel
  171. Mr. Horst Titel
  172. Mr. Julius Tollafuss
  173. Miss Gertrud Uichlem
  174. Mr. Ernst von der Linde
  175. Mr. Richard von Schrenk
  176. Mr. F. M. Voss
  177. Miss Helen Walsh
  178. Mr. Max Walter
  179. Mrs. Margarete Walther
  180. Mr. S. F. Wang
  181. Miss Frieda Weise
  182. Mrs. Erny Weller
  183. Mr. Hermann Wend
  184. Miss Loni Wiegmann
  185. Mr. Otto Witl
  186. Mrs. Otto Witl
  187. Dr. Hermann Witte
  188. Mr. Abraham Wolfsohn
  189. Miss adie Wolinsky
  190. Dr. K. H. Yatho
  191. Mr. Theodore Zablonski
  192. Miss Frieda Zickel
  193. Miss Gertrude Zickel
  194. Mrs. Mary Zitzer
  195. Miss Ann C. Zitzer


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mr. .Henry Aggius
  2. Mr. G. v. d. Ahr
  3. Mrs. G. v. d. Ahr
  4. Mrs. Theresia Albert
  5. Miss Emma Albert
  6. Mr. Wm. Albrecht
  7. Miss Anna Albrecht
  8. Mr. Thös. H. Alcok
  9. Mr. Carl Alexy
  10. Mr. Mates Babinski
  11. Miss Josephine Backes
  12. Mr. Chas. Bahnyak
  13. Miss I. Baltisweiler
  14. Mrs. Louise Bamaster
  15. Mrs. Ursula Baranovski
  16. Miss Elisabeth Baranovski
  17. Master Julius Baranovski
  18. Mr. Fritz Barthelmes
  19. Mr. Joseph Bauer
  20. Mr. Willy Bauknecht
  21. Mrs. Rose Beer and children
  22. Mr. Francis Bellon
  23. Mrs. Beraner and children
  24. Mr. Berecz
  25. Mrs. Sophia Berg
  26. Mr. A. Berger
  27. Mr. Joseph Berger
  28. Mrs. Joseph Berger
  29. Master Joseph Berger
  30. Mr. Berger
  31. Mrs. Berger
  32. Mr. Otto Bermel
  33. Mrs. Otto Bermel
  34. Mr. Maty Bilka
  35. Mrs. Elizabeth Bilka
  36. Miss Elizabeth Bilka
  37. Miss Rosa Bilka
  38. Mr. Joseph Bilka
  39. Mr. Heinrich Bitter
  40. Mrs. Elizabeth Bitter
  41. Mr. Gottlieb Bitzer
  42. Mr. Wojciech Blasinski
  43. Mrs. Barbara Blau
  44. Miss Grace Blau
  45. Mrs. Eva Blesius
  46. Mr. Wm. Blum
  47. Mrs. Wm. Blum
  48. Mr. Herman Blum
  49. Mr. Elias Bobryk
  50. Miss Theresia Bochart
  51. Mr. Fritz Boechler
  52. Mr. Boehm
  53. Mr. Oscar Boehmer
  54. Mr. Henry Boettcher
  55. Mrs. Henry Boettcher and child
  56. Mr. Conrad Bolte
  57. Mrs. Conrad Bolte
  58. Master Kurt Bolte
  59. Mrs. Theresia Borchart
  60. Miss Betty Borschart
  61. Miss Dorothy Borshart
  62. Mr. Henry Borderhausen
  63. Mr. Gerhard Brakenhoff
  64. Mrs. Johanna Brandes
  65. Mr. William Breisacher
  66. Mr. August Brink
  67. Miss Rebecca Brody
  68. Mr. Edward Brunitzke
  69. Mrs. Edward Brunitzke
  70. Mr. Ladislaus Bulban
  71. Mrs. Marie Bulban
  72. Mr. Rudolf Bulban
  73. Mr. Charles Busch
  74. Mr. Peter Buschmann and family
  75. Miss Büttstedt
  76. Mr. John Chizing
  77. Mrs. John Chizing
  78. Master Joseph Coll
  79. Mr. Chas. Cotmann
  80. Mrs. Josephine Cotman
  81. Miss Josephine Cotman
  82. Miss Mary Cotman
  83. Miss Martha Cotman
  84. Mr. Crepek
  85. Mrs. Crepek
  86. Mr. Pawlo Czerwinski
  87. Miss Erna Delac
  88. Mr. Samuel Demko
  89. Mrs. Julia Demski
  90. Miss Maria Denkler
  91. Mr. John Deutsch
  92. Mrs. John Deutsch
  93. Mr. Louis Diemer
  94. Mrs. Louis Diemer
  95. Mrs. Quna Dimek
  96. Master Fred Dimek
  97. Mr. Fred Karl Dietrich
  98. Mrs. Fred Karl Dietrich
  99. Miss Magdelina Dillman
  100. Mr. A. Domonkon
  101. Mrs. A. Domonkon and 2 children
  102. Miss Betty Dorothy
  103. Miss Barbara Dotterl
  104. Mrs. Else Eckhardt
  105. Mr. Henry Eggers
  106. Miss Maria Ehrle
  107. Mrs. Bertha Eichhorn
  108. Mr. Rich. Eichler
  109. Mr. Herrn. Engesser
  110. Mrs. Herrn. Engesser
  111. Mr. Hans Engelhard
  112. Mr. Philipp Erbes
  113. Mrs. Philipp Erbes
  114. Mr. S. Erker
  115. Mr. Hans Fahrig
  116. Mr. Richard Feigel
  117. Mrs. Johanna Feigel
  118. Miss Anna Firtl
  119. Mrs. Wilhelmine Fischer
  120. Mrs. Maria Foell
  121. Mr. Alex Franke
  122. Miss Johanne Franke
  123. Mr. Ernst Fraenkl
  124. Mr. Meyer Freedline
  125. Mr. Freihert
  126. Mrs. Freihert
  127. Miss Freihert
  128. Mrs. Helene Freund
  129. Miss Helene Freund
  130. Mr. Andrew Freyick
  131. Miss Helene Friese
  132. Mr. Otto Froempter
  133. Mrs. Otto Froempter
  134. Master Rudolf Froempter
  135. Master Arthur Froempter
  136. Mr. Charles Fuhrie
  137. Mrs. Elizabeth Fuhrie
  138. Mr. Karl Fuhrie
  139. Mr. Josef Gaal
  140. Mrs. Bertha Gandl
  141. Master Vincent Gandl
  142. Miss Katharin Gassler
  143. Mr. Emil Genger
  144. Miss Elizabeth Gerhard
  145. Miss Franziska Gerth
  146. Mr. Gindler
  147. Mrs. Bertha Gluggenberger
  148. Mr. Jacob Goetz
  149. Mr. Solomon Goldmann
  150. Mr. Isidor Goldstein
  151. Mrs. Johanna Gorkenant
  152. Mr. Gottschalk
  153. Mrs. Gottschalk
  154. Mr. Hen y Gottschalk
  155. Mr. J. H. Grame
  156. Mr. Hans Grassner
  157. Mr. Albert Greenwald
  158. Mr. Groeller
  159. Mrs. Josepha Gronau
  160. Miss Edith Gronau
  161. Mr. John Gronmeier
  162. Mr. Michael Groupp
  163. Mr. Frank Jos. Gross
  164. Miss Pauline Grossheim
  165. Mr. Grote Mrs. Grote
  166. Miss Anna Gruber
  167. Mr. Leopold Gruenefeld
  168. Mr. Paul Gunsser
  169. Mr. Geo. Haffer
  170. Miss Rosine Hacker
  171. Miss Agnes Haigl
  172. Mr. Gottlob Harle
  173. Mrs. Mary Harper
  174. Mr. Edi Hassemer
  175. Mr. Walter Hauser
  176. Miss Hauser
  177. Miss Hein
  178. Miss Frieda Heindrich
  179. Mr. Konrad Heinrich
  180. Mr. Wm. Herlich
  181. Mrs. Maria Herre
  182. Mrs. Katharina Herzog
  183. Mrs. Erna Hess
  184. Master George Hess
  185. Miss Luise Hess
  186. Miss Frieda Hesselmeier
  187. Mr. Wm. Hildmann
  188. Miss Julia Hirschbeck
  189. Mrs. Josephine Hoener
  190. Miss Emma Hoch
  191. Mr. Hermann Hoffmann
  192. Mrs. Pauline Hoffmann
  193. Master Hans Hoffmann
  194. Mrs. Anne Hohloch
  195. Mr. Holz
  196. Mrs. Holz
  197. Mr. Rudolph Hoyer
  198. Mrs. Rudolph Hoyer
  199. Mr. John Hriny
  200. Mrs. Franziska Hubert
  201. Miss Rse Hubold
  202. Mr. Theodor Huebner
  203. Mrs. Theodore Huebner
  204. Master Albert Huebener
  205. Miss Therese Huetttner
  206. Miss Sophie Hummel
  207. Mr. Willi Itaugs
  208. Miss Marie Jabusch
  209. Mr. Abraham J. Jacobovits
  210. Mrs. Ottilie Jaeger
  211. Master Friedrich Jaeger
  212. Mrs. Jurenaite
  213. Master Jurenaite
  214. Miss Kazi Jurezinska
  215. Mrs. Annie Kanzler and son
  216. Mrs. Sadie Kappes
  217. Miss Maria Kappes
  218. Miss Marie Karall
  219. Mr. Karcher
  220. Mr. Joseph Kaupert
  221. Mr. Augustus Kecorrus
  222. Mr. Wm. Keitzel
  223. Mrs. Wm. Keitzel
  224. Mr. Fred C. Keller
  225. Mrs. Keller
  226. Mrs. W. Kelly
  227. Mrs. Kemp
  228. Mr. Joe Kemrath
  229. Mr. Paul Kenner
  230. Miss Marg. Kerri
  231. Airs. Erna Ketterle
  232. Mr. Wm. Kieras
  233. Mr. Geo. Kilgus
  234. Mrs. Geo. Kilgus
  235. Miss Irma Kilgus
  236. Miss Katharina Kirchmeier
  237. Mr. Stefen Klamer
  238. Mr. Herman Kleier
  239. Mrs. Herman Kleier
  240. Mrs. Olga Klein and child
  241. Mrs. Emma Kleinknecht
  242. Miss Hadwig Klempt
  243. Mr. Wm. Klenk
  244. Mrs. Wm. Klenk
  245. Mr. Karl Klenk
  246. Mr. Frank Klier
  247. Mrs. Frank Klier
  248. Mrs. Emma Klombowski
  249. Miss Nanny Klubescheidt
  250. Mrs. Irmgard Knigge
  251. Master Fred Knigge
  252. Mr. Kurt Knoblauch
  253. Miss Rose Knoblauch
  254. Mr. Fred Knopf
  255. Mr. Karl Koch
  256. Miss Augusta Koeppel
  257. Mr. John Kohl
  258. Miss Louise Kohler
  259. Mr. Friedrich Köhlerschmidt
  260. Mr. Martin Koietek
  261. Mrs. Kolesar
  262. Mr. Paul Kordola
  263. Mrs. Lydia Kosnowsik and child
  264. Mrs. Aleksandra Koszubska
  265. Mr. Josef Kovacs
  266. Mr. Frank Kovala
  267. Mrs. Merja Kowal
  268. Mr. Albert Kowalski
  269. Mr. Vaclay Kralicek
  270. Mrs. Vaclay Kralicek
  271. Miss Kramer
  272. Mrs. Mary Kratky
  273. Mr. Frank Kratzl
  274. Mr. Anton Kraus
  275. Mrs. Kraus
  276. Mr. Bruno Kretschmer
  277. Mr. Max Kretschmer
  278. Miss Frieda Kretschmer
  279. Mr. Paul Krysanski
  280. Miss Anne Krysanski
  281. Mr. Henry C. Kuebler
  282. Mrs. Kaethe Kuegel
  283. Master Richard Kuegel
  284. Miss Carmen Kulendorf
  285. Mr. Hugo Kurandt
  286. Mrs. Hugo Kurandt
  287. Mr. Charles Kutschera
  288. Mrs. Charles Kutschera
  289. Miss Rose Lampics
  290. Mr. Diettrich Larssen
  291. Dr. Willfrid Lay
  292. Mr. Anthony O. Leach
  293. Mr. Richard Lechner
  294. Mrs. Richard Lechner
  295. Mrs. John Leister
  296. Miss Bessie A. Leister
  297. Mr. George Lederer
  298. Miss Franzika Lediger
  299. Miss L. G. Lehmann
  300. Mrs. Leister
  301. Mr. Fritz Leistner
  302. Mr. Henry Lemmecke
  303. Mrs. Henry Lemmecke
  304. Mr. Gottlob Leuze
  305. Mrs. .Gottlob Leuze
  306. Miss Annaliee Leuze
  307. Mrs. Sophie Levy
  308. Miss Miriam Levy
  309. Miss Marie Lichtenwaller
  310. Mrs. Emma Liedtke
  311. Mrs. Anita Liedtke
  312. Mr. Ernest v. d. Linde
  313. Mr. Leo Lingenbrink
  314. Miss Josephine Link
  315. Mr. Gustav Lober
  316. Mr. Christian Loesche
  317. Mr. Wm. Loesche
  318. Mr. Oscar Lohse
  319. Mrs. Berta Long
  320. Mr. Henry Lorenzen
  321. Mr. Peter Lotz
  322. Mrs. Peter Lotz
  323. Mr. August Lueckens
  324. Mrs. Minnie Lueckens
  325. Mr. Ilko Lukashkewitz
  326. Mrs. Macko and child
  327. Mr. Chas. A. Maehrer
  328. Mrs. Maria Maier
  329. Miss Armilla Maier
  330. Mr. Peter Mahler
  331. Master Mahler
  332. Miss Thereisa Marks
  333. Mr. Joseph Markstein
  334. Mr. Marshall
  335. Mrs. Marshall and child
  336. Miss Louise Marx
  337. Mr. Juraja Matjascile
  338. Mr. John Maurer
  339. Miss Ludmilla Mautner
  340. Mr. Ludwig Meisel
  341. Mrs. Marie Mendier
  342. Mr. Francis Mendier
  343. Mr. Richard Merfort
  344. Mrs. Richard Merfort
  345. Miss Metzger
  346. Miss Meyer
  347. Rev. G. G. Meyer
  348. Mr. Frank Miksch
  349. Mrs. Anna M. Milatz
  350. Miss Luise Miller
  351. Miss Eva Minger
  352. Miss Cecilia Mizera
  353. Miss Elsa Moeller
  354. Mrs. Alice Moritz
  355. Mr. Anton Schall Moser
  356. Miss Marianne Schall Moser
  357. Mrs. Louise Moser
  358. Mrs. Lena Moskovitz
  359. Miss Jeanette Moskovitz
  360. Mr. Motaitis
  361. Mrs. Motaitis
  362. Miss Rose Muchowski
  363. Mr. August Mueller
  364. Mrs. Wilhelmine Mueller
  365. Mr. Marinus Mulder
  366. Mrs. May Mulder
  367. Miss Anna C. Mulder
  368. Miss Mary Neipp
  369. Mr. Joseph Neuner
  370. Mrs. Joseph Neuner
  371. Mr. John Neustiffer
  372. Miss Marie Niederle
  373. Mr. Andrew Niggel
  374. Mrs. Maria Niggel
  375. Mrs. Elizabeth Nock and child
  376. Mr. Andrzej Nogas
  377. Mr. Emil de Nolle
  378. Mrs. Minnie de Nolle
  379. Mr. Emil de Nolle
  380. Mrs. Berta Nolte
  381. Miss Sophie Nordenholz
  382. Miss Sophie Nordenholz
  383. Mr. Herman Ohmes
  384. Mr. Joseph Olexa
  385. Mrs. Rebecca Orszag
  386. Mr. Wasyl Palivoda
  387. Mrs. Rose Pallos
  388. Mr. Charles Pallos
  389. Miss Elsie Pallos
  390. Mr. Max Papp
  391. Mr. Wm. Pauli
  392. Mrs. Wm. Pauli
  393. Miss Ellfriede Pauli
  394. Mr. Alfred Pauli
  395. Mr. Ludwig Perstorfer
  396. Rev. Phil Peter and wife
  397. Miss Wally Pfeiffer
  398. Miss Rosine Pfister
  399. Mrs. Pingel and child
  400. Mrs. Elizabeth Plattner
  401. Miss Wanda Pogorelska
  402. Mr. Puetz
  403.  Mrs. Mary Puetz
  404. Mr. Sandor Racz
  405. Mr. John Redling
  406. Mrs. I Elizabeth Redling
  407. Mr. Redling Mrs. Redling
  408. Mr. Paul Reich
  409. Mr. Josef Reich
  410. Mr. Joseph Reichel
  411. Rabbi K. Reichsmann
  412. Miss M. Reiff
  413. Miss Sophie Reiniger
  414. Mr. J. Reiser
  415. Mrs. J. Reiser
  416. Mr. Rudolf Renner
  417. Mrs. Rudolf Renner
  418. Mr. Lambert Resch
  419. Miss Berta Retter
  420. Mrs. Edna Reynolds
  421. Mr. John Richter
  422. Mrs. John Richter
  423. Mr. John Ris
  424. Mr. Josef Resch
  425. Mr. Franz Roller
  426. Miss Clara Rollof
  427. Mr. Frank Roppert
  428. Mr. Juraj Rozko
  429. Mr. Frank Ruck
  430. Mr. Peter Rudi
  431. Mr. Joseph Rudi
  432. Mrs. Joseph Rudi
  433. Miss Eva Rudi
  434. Miss Gertrude Rudi
  435. Miss Anna Rudi
  436. Mrs. Lydia Rugier
  437. Mr. G. Rummelsbacher
  438. Mrs. G. Rummelsbacher and child
  439. Mr. Gerd. I. Saathoff
  440. Mr. Andcw Sawka
  441. Mr. Karl Schabel
  442. Mr. Leibusz Schapiro
  443. Mrs. Frieda Schapiro
  444. Mr. Otto Schaefer
  445. Mr. Scheiter
  446. Miss Marg. Schellenberg
  447. Miss Valerie Schellenberg
  448. Miss Minna Schenkel
  449. Mr. John Schenker
  450. Mr. Michael Scherz
  451. Mrs. Michael Scherz
  452. Miss Irma Scherl
  453. Mr. Wm. Schleusker
  454. Mr. Rudolf Schlich
  455. Mr. Franz Schloettner
  456. Mr. John Schlosser
  457. Miss Maria Schmatz
  458. Miss Adeline Schnackenberg
  459. Mr. R. B. Schneck
  460. Mr. Jack Schneider
  461. Mrs. Lina Schneider
  462. Miss Lina Schneider
  463. Mr. Fritz Schnier
  464. Mr. Schoettler
  465. Mrs. Schoettler
  466. Mrs. Caroline Schone
  467. Mrs. Anna Schott
  468. Mr. Franz Schrettlter
  469. Mrs. Franz Schrettler
  470. Mr. Rudolph Schroeder
  471. Mr. Schroeder
  472. Mr. Wm. Schroeder
  473. Miss Schroeder
  474. Mr. Frank Schulte
  475. Mrs. Schultes and children
  476. Mr. Herman Schulz
  477. Mr. Karl Schulz
  478. Mr. Max Schumann
  479. Mr. Schumann
  480. Mr. Schuster
  481. Mr. August Schwab
  482. Miss Kathie Schwab
  483. Mr. Pius Schwabenthon
  484. Mr. Edward Schwarz
  485. Mrs. Edward Schwarz
  486. Master Edw. Wm. Schwarz
  487. Miss Anna Schwarz
  488. Mr. Walter Schweebskirch
  489. Mr. Walter Schweebskirsch
  490. Mr. Chas. Seibel
  491. Mrs. Chas. Seibel
  492. Mr. Isaac Siedel
  493. Mr. Adolf Simson
  494. Mr. Lorenz Senninger
  495. Mrs. Lorenz Senninger
  496. Mr. Ludwig Spiessel
  497. Mr. Eugene Spitzer
  498. Mr. Friedrich F. Sprick
  499. Mr. August Stahl
  500. Master Stangs
  501. Mr. Anton Stark
  502. Mrs. Anton Stark
  503. Mr. Anthony Stark
  504. Mr. Hermann Starnitzke
  505. Mrs. Frieda Stecke and children
  506. Miss Barbara Stefan
  507. Miss Christine Stehle
  508. Miss Christine Stehle
  509. Miss Marie Steidl
  510. Mr. Alwin U. Steinbach
  511. Mr. Leo Stetten
  512. Mrs. Marie Stiska
  513. Master Karl Stiska
  514. Miss Adelheide
  515. Miss Maria Storch
  516. Mr. Otto Straob
  517. Mr. Gotthillf Streicher
  518. Mrs. Marg. Sturm
  519. Miss Mary Sturm
  520. Mr. Joseph Sucher
  521. Mr. Jacob Suter
  522. Mr. George Tischbein
  523. Mrs. Torione
  524. Mrs. Gertrud Traeger
  525. Miss Gertrud Traeger
  526. Mrs. Joan Trenns and daughter
  527. Mr. Hans Thoma
  528. Miss Elsie Toller
  529. Mr. Frank X. Trost
  530. Miss Johanna Tyrolt
  531. Miss Marie Urschlee
  532. Mr. Wendelin Lingerer
  533. Mr. Unti
  534. Mrs. Unti
  535. Mr. Harry Van Landingham
  536. Mr. Paul Varrelmann
  537. Mr. Veres
  538. Mr. Veres
  539. Mr. Stele Vermoja
  540. Mr. Otto Vetter
  541. Mr. John Viebrick
  542. Mr. Janos Vincze
  543. Mrs. Helene Vogel
  544. Miss Hertha Vogel
  545. Mrs. Selma Vogel
  546. Mr. Fred Voile
  547. Miss Grete von Gelden
  548. Mr. Mates Vrabec
  549. Mr. Solly Waechter
  550. Mr. Hans Wagner
  551. Mr. Edward Wagner
  552. Mr. Edward Wallmer
  553. Mrs. Edward Wallmer
  554. Mr. Martin Walter
  555. Mrs. Louise Wargen
  556. Miss Rose Weber
  557. Mr. George Weber
  558. Mr. Pius Weber
  559. Mr. Wm. Wehrmann
  560. Mrs. Fanny Weiss
  561. Miss Hildegard Weiss
  562. Master Samuel Weiss
  563. Mr. Henry Weiss
  564. Mr. Abraham Weiss
  565. Mr. Alfonse Weissflog
  566. Mr. Alex Weisz
  567. Mr. Heinz Wellmann
  568. Mrs. Heinz Wellmann
  569. Miss Therese Wenzel
  570. Mr. Christian Werkhauser
  571. Mrs. Christian Werkhauser
  572. Mrs. Werner
  573. Miss Werner
  574. Miss Pauline Wesser
  575. Miss Elizabeth Wetzler
  576. Mr. Fred Wiedbrank
  577. Mr. Hermann Wild
  578. Mr. Carl Wimmer
  579. Mr. Wingert
  580. Mr. Michael Winkler
  581. Mrs. Ouilie Winkler
  582. Miss Elsie Winkler
  583. Miss Elma Winkler
  584. Master Frederick Winkler
  585. Mr. Karl Winninghausen
  586. Mrs. Karl Winninghausen
  587. Mr. Otto Wintermeyer
  588. Mrs. Otto Wintermeyer
  589. Mr. Witzel
  590. Mrs. Witzel
  591. Miss Maria Wnuk
  592. Mr. Frederick Woerner
  593. Miss Charlotte Woite
  594. Mrs. Charlotte Wolfram
  595. Mr. Frank Wukits
  596. Mr. Jacob Zakel
  597. Mr. John Zasperer
  598. Mr. Leopold Zelenka
  599. Miss Bertha Zittlosen
  600. Mr. John Zoller
  601. Mrs. Johanna Zoller
  602. Mrs. Emma Zoya
  603. Mr. Michael Zsurkizva


Information for Passengers

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward attends to the distribution of incoming mail.

Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship passengers should leave their address at the Purser's office, so that any mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded to them.

Letters and telegrams may be directed c/o any of the Company's agents.

Telegrams, to be dispatched from the next port, are accepted at the Purser's office only, wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Treatment of Sea-Sickness. Travelers who have a tendency to suffer from sea-sickness have an opportunity on this steamer to undergo an entirely new treatment whereby relief is afforded through a process of inhaling certain remedies.

Experience has shown so far that successful results are obtained in practically every case. Passengers who desire to avail themselves of this new treatment against seasickness are requested to apply to the Ship's doctor.

A small charge of Mks. 2 (50cents) is made for each treatment, the amount to be paid to the Chief Steward. A printed form is provided on which to enter memo, of treatments received, and this is to be handed in at Chief Steward's office at end of voyage when settlement is made for sundry expenses incurred during the voyage.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they desire to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered in the best possible manner.

Baggage. Only small parcels, and cabin baggage in limited quantity may be taken into the stateroom. Trunks and other bulky articles must be stored in the bag age room, to which passengers have access daily at stated times. Baggage may not be deposited in the corridors.

Money and Valuables. Facilities are provided for the safe-keeping of money, jewelry and other articles of value. The North German Lloyd however assumes no responsibility for such valuables given into its custody. The Purser will furnish complete information upon request.

Deck Chairs and Blankets may be hired of the Deck Stewards on board at a charge of $1.00 each for the voyage.

Exchange of Money. The Purser has only a limited supply of currency at his disposal, and thus money can only be exchanged to such an amount as is in accordance with the amount of currency available.

Wireless Telegraph. The wireless stations (Telefunken-System) on board of all steamers of the Norddeutscher Lloyd are permanently in communication with coast stations either directly or by way of other ships.

All information regarding the dispatch of wireless messages, length of time required for transmission and telegraph fee may be obtained free of charge at the wireless station on board, or on land from the Deutsche Betriebsgesellschaft für drahtlose Telegrafie m. b. H., Berlin, SW 11, Hallesches Ufer 12/13; tlegraphic address "Debeg", telephone No.: Lützow 3630/34.

To Firms Interested in Exports and Imports

If you consider it of importance to ensure rapid and reliable transportation for \our goods destined to countries overseas, we recommend you to consider the claims of the unexcelled Lloyd Freight Service.

In addition to the New York service, on which the Norddeutscher Lloyd maintains a regular service every three to four days of rapid and first-class passenger, mail and freight steamers, them are the following freight steamer services to North America, viz:—

(*) A weekly combined sei ice with the Cairn-Thomson Line from Hamburg/Bremen to Montreal (calling at Quebec if sufficient inducement).

A fortnightly service from Hamburg/Bremen to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk.

A monthly service from Hamburg/Bremen to New Orleans.

(*) A monthly service from Hamburg/Bremen to Galveston and Houston.

(*) A service every three weeks from Hamburg/Bremen /Antwerp via the Panama Canal to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and Vancouver.

There are also regular departures from Bremen to Central and South America, (East and West Coast), Africa, Australia, to the Far East (weekly), as well as to Mediterranean ports, the Levant, England and the Baltic ports.

If you have not already consigned "per Norddeutscher Lloyd", may we ask the favor of a trial which we are sure will convince you of :he reliability of our Freight Service?

(*) Passengers are also carried on these services. Steamers engaged in the North Pacific Service are equipped with refrigerator space.


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NDL Passenger Lists 1881-1938

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