SS Bremen Passenger List - 18 May 1927


Front Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 18 May 1927 from Bremen to New York via Halifax

Front Cover of a Cabin Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 18 May 1927 from Bremen to Halifax and New York, Commanded by Captain R. Wurpts. GGA Image ID # 15dac26314


Senior Officers and Staff

  • Captain: R. Wurpts
  • First Officer: W. Petermöller
  • Second Officer: A. Paulsen
  • Second Officer: H. Smith
  • Third Officer: Th. Levien  
  • Fourth Officer: J. Wefels
  • Fourth Officer:  Th. Meyer
  • First Doctor: Dr. Zimmermann
  • Chief Engineer: H. Röbke
  • Second Engineer: R. Arnold
  • Third Engineer: O. Porsche
  • Third Engineer: H. Schierenbeck
  • Fourth Engineer: W. Müller
  • Fourth Engineer: W. Lampe
  • Fourth Engineer: H. Loheide
  • Purser: P. Radler
  • Asst. Purser: H. Müller
  • Chief Steward: H. Hoffmeister
  • Chief Steward Third Class: K. Hering
  • Chief Steward Assistant: K. Haverkamp
  • Chief Steward Assistant: J. Wagner
  • Chief Cook: H. Sunkel
  • Baggage Master: R. Scriba

Wireless Operating Officers

  • First Officer: H. Paulsen
  • Second Officer: F. Hentschel
  • Third Officer: E. Ventur


Cabin Class Passengers

  1. Miss Anni Abrahams
  2. Mr. Werner Achenbach
  3. Miss Kulli Amberg
  4. Mrs. Edith Angold-Larsen
  5. Mr. Friedrich Bachmann
  6. Mrs. Anna Baumgart
  7. Hann Baumgart
  8. Mr. Walter Baumhofe
  9. Mr. Heinrich Behnsen
  10. Miss Katharina Bernardy
  11. Mrs. Else Bess
  12. Dorothea Bess
  13. Mr. Franz Bette
  14. Mr. Hermann Blasberg
  15. Mrs. Grete Blasberg
  16. Mr. Alexander Bletz
  17. Mrs. Addy Bletz
  18. Mr. Oswald Brod
  19. Mrs. Oswald Brod
  20. Miss Franziska Bruder
  21. Mrs. Marie Ernestine Bullwinkel
  22. Miss Marguerite Burkhardt
  23. Miss Meta Bürgerhoff
  24. Mr. Stefan Clausen
  25. Mr. Dr.Cornelius Cross
  26. Miss Else Crumbach
  27. Mr. Kurt Dechant
  28. Mr. Arthur F. Decker
  29. Mrs. Arthur F. Decker
  30. Mrs. Hedwig Donner
  31. Miss Hertha Duecker
  32. Mr. Ferdinand Eckhardt
  33. Miss Anna Essl
  34. Mrs. Annie G. Feber
  35. Mrs. Margarete Fette
  36. Rolf Fette
  37. Mrs. Anna Foerster
  38. Ursula Foerster
  39. Gudrun Foerster
  40. Mrs. Marguerite Ford
  41. Mr. Fritz Frühling
  42. Miss Minna Gabler
  43. Mr. Ing. Karl Gärtner
  44. Mrs. Emilie Gedeon
  45. Mr. August Geerken
  46. Mrs. August Geerken
  47. Mrs. Kaethe Gloystein
  48. Mr. Otto Gomeringer
  49. Mr. Ralph L. Gregory
  50. Miss Gertrud Hartel
  51. Miss Paula Hartmann
  52. Mrs. Margarethe von Hassel
  53. Miss Mercedes Hemmig
  54. Mr. Alfred Henke
  55. Mr. Rudolf Henke
  56. Miss Lea Hertwig
  57. Mr. Michael Hen
  58. Miss Wilma Hindorf
  59. Miss Anna Hinners
  60. Miss Sybilla Hoss
  61. Mr. Walter John
  62. Miss Marie Jueschke
  63. Mr. Junsuke Kageyama
  64. Miss Margaret M. Kandra
  65. Miss Magarete Käst
  66. Mr. Ernst F. Kiess
  67. Miss Hildegard Klant
  68. Mr. Oskar Koch
  69. Mr. Fritz Köhler
  70. Mrs. Maria Köhler
  71. Ferdinand Köhler
  72. Eleonore Köhler
  73. Mrs. Mary Könemann
  74. Mrs. Laura B. Könemann
  75. Mrs. Käthe Lacherauer
  76. Richard Lachenauer
  77. Miss Elisabeth Landwehr
  78. Mr. Alexander Leunis
  79. Mr. Fritz Lindemann
  80. Mr. George A. Luipold
  81. Miss Gertrud Mayer
  82. Miss Magdalena Miller
  83. Miss Gertrud Niehaus
  84. Mr. Richard Nöttelmann
  85. Mr. Arnold Offermann
  86. Miss Luise Opitz
  87. Miss Anna Ortmann
  88. Mr. Emil Pieper
  89. Mrs. Auguste Reinelt
  90. Miss Trude Reinelt
  91. Mr. Egon Reinelt
  92. Miss Marie Renz
  93. Mrs. Retta Richter
  94. Martin Richter
  95. Mr. Max O. W. Riedel
  96. Mrs. Wilhelmine Runge
  97. Friedrich Runge
  98. Mr. Kurt Salewski
  99. Miss Irmgard Sanne
  100. Mr. Franz Seewald
  101. Mr. Josef Seidl
  102. Mrs. A. Martha von Selzam
  103. Miss J. Ingeborg von Selzam
  104. Mr. Anton Simm
  105. Mr. Dr. Arthur Speisberg
  106. Mrs. Anna Speisberg
  107. Mr. Karl Schmid
  108. Mr. Charles Schneider
  109. Mr. Max Schoop
  110. Miss Maria Schreiner
  111. Sister Ludowika Doering
  112. Sister Else Meyer
  113. Sister Hedwigis Rybak
  114. Sister Pionia Rybak
  115. Mr. Johann Stöckli
  116. Mr. Johann Josef Stöckli
  117. Mrs. Käthe Störmer
  118. Miss Erika Freiin von Tettau
  119. Miss Bertha Thormann
  120. Mr. Dr. Yushi Uchimura
  121. Mrs. Christine Vanneus
  122. Miss Helene Vogel
  123. Miss Else Voges
  124. Mr. Wilhelm Weidemann
  125. Mr. Fritz Wenzel
  126. Miss Maria Werner
  127. Miss Louise Werner
  128. Rev. Dr. Ross F. Wicks
  129. Mrs. Hermine Wilkens
  130. Miss Maria Winklmair
  131. Mrs. Justizrat Agnes Wurzmann
  132. Mr. Wilhelm Wüstenberg
  133. Mr. Peter Zimmermann
  134. Mrs. Elisabeth Zimmermann
  135. Mr. Hermann Zuler


Information for Passengers

Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore. passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Mail to be dispatched. Letters. Postcards and Printed-Matter to all countries can be mailed on board before arrival at a port at hours which will be designated. The Mail, to which German stamps must be affixed, will be delivered to its destination at the first opportunity.

The postage-rate at present is:

  • Letters up to 20 gr.: 25 Pfg
  • Postcards : 15 Pfg
  • Printed-Mutter, for each 50 gr.: 5 Pfg

Passengers are requested to comply with the orders of the captain and/or his officers who are responsible for both the safety of the ship and passengers, and comfort and order on hoard.

Change of Cabin. Passengers desiring to change their accommodation while on board must apply to the purser who, alone, is authorized to make the transfer. If higher graded accommodation is desired the difference in fare must ha paid accordingly.

Meals will be served as follows:

  • Breakfast at 8:00 am
  • Lunch at 12.30 pm
  • Dinner at 6.30 pm

Seals in the Dining Saloon may be reserved beforehand upon application to the Chief Steward.

Meals are not served in the cabins or on deck unless passengers are prevented through sickness from coming to the Dining Room.

A good selection of beverages is carried on board. Drinks brought on board by the passengers will not be served in the Dining Room.

The Dining Room will be closed at 11 pm, the Smoking Room at midnight. Drinks will be served till  11.30 pm

Passengers will please take note that to ensure their nightly rest, the lights in the Conversation Rooms and on the Promenade Deck will be extinguished at 11.30 pm, those in the Smoking Room at 12 midnight.

Passengers are requested not to order any beverages in the Smoking Room after 11.30 pm and not to frequent the Promenade Deck between 11 pm and 7 am

Baggage. Hand baggage and one cabin trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the cabin trunk must not exceed the maximum size, i. e. 3' 3" long by 1' 1" wide and 1' 1" high.

Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the hold, and will be accessible to passengers at certain fixed times daily. Baggage may not be placed in the corridors.

Dining the voyage each passenger has to fill out a "Customs Declaration" form for his or her personal baggage.

In the case of families the oldest member may fill out this declaration for the whole family. Blank forms will be distributed on hoard the steamer.

Baggage, parcels, etc., intended for re-forwarding, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed Io the Baggage Master who, alone, is competent to receive such baggage.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.

Passengers are specially in their own interest recommended lo look after their hand baggage upon landing in the port of destination.

Passengers are requested to take care that, before leaving the steamer, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere aboard.

Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector al the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage under bond which has to be forwarded to some further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned on the Customs Declaration Form and the value thereof stated.

Left behind baggage to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the passenger's arrival, and must be included on the Customs Declaration together with the baggage which the passenger has already taken with him.

Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not allowed under any circumstances to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.

Money, Valuables, Etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.

Library. A library on board, properly catalogued, is placed at the disposal of the cabin passengers.

Doctor. A duly qualified Doctor is on board who will, free of charge, attend to passengers falling sick during the voyage.

Bath Rooms. Passengers who desire to make use of the bath rooms, are requested to write their names, and the hour selected, on the list placed in the ante-room.

Barber. A tariff is exhibited in the Barber's saloon.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his service in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Cigars, Cigarettes, and Playing Cards are obtainable in the Smoking-Room at fixed prices. Smoking is permitted only in the Smoking Room and on deck. It is strictly prohibited below deck, in the dining room, Ladies' parlor or in the state rooms.

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship passengers are recommended to leave their address at the pursers office, so that any mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded to them.

Letters and telegrams may be directed c/o any of the company's agents.

Telegrams, to be dispatched from the next port, are accepted at the purser's office only, but wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.

Deck Chairs and Blankets may be hired of the Deck Stewards on board at a charge of $1.50 each for the voyage.

Pastimes and Games, such as shuffleboard, deck-quoits etc. are at the disposal of the passengers.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. Wishes expressed by passengers will be complied with as far as circumstances allow.

Landing. Every passenger will be furnished during the voyage with a landing card bearing his name. This card must be presented in the dining room to the Immigration Officers who board the steamer at the Quarantine Station.

The card will be stamped after inspection and returned to the passenger who has to present it again to an Official of the Company when leaving the steamer.

No passenger will be permitted to land without this stamped card.

Hand Baggage, after having passed the customs on the pier, may be forwarded thence at tariff rates by the Travelers Transfer Company, Steneck Building, Hoboken, N. J. Porters of the company are stationed at the pier.

Firearms. The carrying of fire arms and weapons of any kind is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

Wireless Telegraphy.

The wireless stations (Telefunken System) on board all steamers of the Norddeutscher Lloyd are permanently in communication with coast stations either directly or by way of other ships. The names of such stations and ships will be published every fore-noon.

A wireless message sent from land to a ship at sea must be addressed as follows :

  1. Name of Addressee (to ensure correct delivery give full name).
  2. Name of Steamer (as given in the International Register).
  3. Name of Coast station (by which the message is to be transmitted).

Example : Heinrich Schmidt — Columbus — Norddeich.

All information regarding the dispatch of wireless messages, length of time required for transmission and telegraph fee may be obtained free of charge at the wireless station on board, or on land from the Deutsche Betriebsgesellschaft für drahtlose Telegrafie m. b. H., Berlin, SW. 11, Hallesches Ufer 12/13; telegraphic address "Debeg", telephone No.: Lützow 3630/34.

Messages are accepted at all telegraph offices in Germany and abroad for all ships mentioned in the International Register.

The wireless service on board of the steamers is operated by the Deutsche Betriebsgesellschaft für drahtlose Telegrafie m. b. H., (Debeg), Berlin SW. 1 1. All enquiries, complaints etc., may be addressed to this company. The steamship company takes no responsibility in this respect.

American Head Tax.

The amount paid as American Head Tax may be refunded if all the under-noted conditions are fulfilled:

  1. If the passenger does not stay in the United States longer than 60 days, and if the reply to question No. 20 of the Declaration Form is given as "not more than 60 days'*.
  2. If, when passing the prescribed examination before landing in New York, the passenger informs the competent official of his intention to leave the United States within 60 days ; and that he receives Form No. 514-A (Transit Certificate) in which the arrival in America is officially noted. (Part A).
  3. If, when leaving America, the date of departure of the passenger is endorsed on the same form by the Steamship Company whose steamer is used (or in the case of travelers by rail, the date of crossing the frontier is inserted by the officials of the railroad concerned, and the form signed by them.) (Part B).
  4. If Form No. 514-A, when duly signed by the passenger in portions A and B, is presented to the American Authorities within 120 days from the original date of landing in the United States.

It is recommended that Form 514-A, when completely filled in, be handed to our Office, North German Lloyd, 32. Broadway, New York, or else sent to the Norddeutscher Lloyd, Passage Department, Bremen, immediately after landing in Europe.

If these conditions are not fulfilled the return of the amount paid for American Head Tax will not be granted by the United States Immigration Authorities.


Route Map on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Bremen Cabin Class Passenger List - 18 May 1927.

Route Map on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Bremen Cabin Class Passenger List - 18 May 1927. GGA Image ID # 15dada11dc


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