SS Bremen Passenger List - 21 August 1932
Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 21 August 1932 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain W. Dähne. GGA Image ID # 1611a08c82
Senior Officers and Staff
- Commander: Captain W. Dähne
- Chief Officer: H. Kempf
- First Doctor: Dr. W. Hofmann
- Second Doctor: Dr. Zeller
- Chief Engineer: J. Hundt
- Purser: E. Tielbaar
- First Officer of the Traffic Office: A. Heyer
- Second Officer of the Traffic Office: L. Bremer
- Chief Steward: R. Meinnert
- First Steward for First Class: S. Meyer
- Steward for Second Class: W. Maisch
- Steward for Tourist Class: J. Büscher
- Steward for Third Class: Chr. Herrmann
- Stewart for Restaurant: H. Graf
- Chief Cook: K. Höhne
- Wireless Telegraph Operator Senior Officer: P. Schuch
- First Baggage Master: H. Helmers
Tourist Third Cabin Passengers
Student Orchestra
The Princeton "Pied Pipers"
- Conductor: William B. Gibby Jr.
- Ralph A. Hallenbeck
- George White Jr.
- Sidney Wyse
- Jonathan D. Bachman
Tour Guide of Norddeutschen Lloyd: Mr. William Howes Collins
Tourist Third Cabin Passengers
- Miss Emma Abbett
- Mr. Sol Abrams
- Mrs. Rose Abrams
- Mr. Putnam Aldrich
- Mrs. Ellen Andrews
- Mr. Henry Arnold
- Mrs. Hannah Arnold
- Vera Arnold
- Harold Arnold
- Miss Evelyn Ashbrook
- Mr. Jonathan Bachman
- Mr. Bachur
- Mrs. Bachur
- Mr. Julius Baeder
- Mrs. Julius Baeder
- Mr. Edward Baker
- Mrs. Mary Baker
- Mr. Henry Barkhausen
- Mr. Joseph Bauer
- Mr. August Baw
- Mr. Simon Beagle
- Mrs. Lillian Beattie
- Schwester Pia Beck
- Mr. Walter Beckh
- Mr. Gilbert Bell
- Mrs. Anna Bellin
- Schwester Mathilde Beiz
- Mrs. Anna Bessinger
- Miss Mary Blackaller
- Mr. Benjamin Blied
- Miss Judith Bloom
- Schwester Rosie Bock
- Mrs. Dorothea Böge
- Miss Eliz. Breckenridge
- Miss Martha Brenke
- Miss Mary Broel
- Mrs. Jessie Brozin
- Mr. Robert Burger
- Mr. Howard Busse
- Mrs. Frieda Busse
- Mrs. Jessie Carter
- Miss Eleanor Clark
- Miss Margarete Clark
- Mrs. Annie Cokin
- Mr. Willis Conant
- Miss A. Cordes
- Miss H. Cowan
- Mr. J. Cushman
- Mrs. Frieda Cushman
- Miss Elsie Dangelmaier
- Miss Lillian Deutsch
- Miss Lottie Dorrington
- Miss Martha Dreyer
- Mr. George Edgell Jr.
- Mrs. H. Eisenmenger
- Miss Grete Eisenmenger
- Miss Grace Ellington
- Miss Tauba Emus
- Mrs. E. Fisk
- Mr. Sam Fligelman
- Mrs. Anna Franke
- Miss Una Freeman
- Mr. Otto Fuhrmann
- Mrs. Marie Fuhrmann
- Mr. Alfons Fürst
- Mr. William Gibby
- Miss Avis Gibson
- Miss Luise Gieseke
- Mr. Louis Gilbert
- Miss Mary Gillen
- Mr. Herman Gingiser
- Mrs. Bertha Ginsberg
- Mr. Israel Goldberg
- Mrs. Goldberg
- Florence Goldberg
- Mrs. May Gorman
- Mrs. Elsa Götz
- Mrs. Emma Gräuel
- Mrs. Auguste Greil
- Mr. Bernhard Greisenberg
- Miss Matilde Grode
- Mr. Paul Grueninger
- Mrs. Helma Grueninger
- Mr. Ralph Hallenbeck
- Miss Minna Hansen
- Miss Olive Harper
- Miss Anna Hartmann
- Mr. Prof. Erwin Hartung
- Mrs. Emma Hartung
- Mr. Moses Heisler
- Mrs. Mary Heller
- Miss Annemarie Heller
- Mr. Henry Helmedach
- Mrs. Anna Hertel
- Miss Mary Hess
- Mr. Alarik Hokkanen
- Miss Elisabeth Horn
- Mrs. Minnie Horn
- Miss Rosilla Hom-Alower
- Miss Elisabeth Hottendorf
- Mr. Robert Hubel
- Mr. Robert Hufstader
- Miss Ruth Ibbotson
- Mrs. Ernily Jarabek
- Miss Annie Jenning
- Miss Anna Johnson
- Mr. August Joos
- Mr. Charles Kalina
- Mr. Dr. Marray Kaplun
- Miss Bertha Kehmna
- Mrs. Gertrude Kinderwatter
- Mr. Hans Kirchheimer
- Mrs. Dorothy Kirchheimer
- Mr. Josef Kirscht
- Miss Margarete Kirsch
- Miss Verna Klami
- Mr. Henry Kloppenberg
- Miss Flora Knüppel
- Miss Eleanor Korman
- Mr. Martin Kotapski
- Mrs. Rozalia Kotapski
- Mr. Harold Kubly
- Mr. Fred Kuck
- Miss Elfriede Kuebler
- Miss Margaret Lang
- Miss Milli Legal
- Mr. Kurt Lehmann
- Mrs. Elsa Lehmann
- Miss Hertha Lehmann
- Mr. Israel Levinsohn
- Mr. Arthur Loeb
- Mrs. Edith Loeb
- Miss Emily Luginbuhl
- Miss Florence McCarthy
- Mrs. Me Dunlap
- Miss Julia Mc Millen
- Mrs. Dasi Meilach
- Miss Jennie Meyrowitz
- Mr. Charles Miller
- Mrs. Bertha Miller
- Miss Margaret Moore
- Mr. Dr. T. Morton
- Mrs. Nellie Morton
- Mr. Otto Muggenthaler
- Mrs. Fanny Muggenthaler
- Miss Gertrude Nebel
- Miss Caroline Nicholson
- Mrs. Louise Nicolaus
- Miss Catharine Oberly
- Miss Elizabeth Oberly
- Mr. Arthur Obre
- Miss Bertha Ohrmann
- Miss Martha Olesen
- Mr. Joachim Orlowski
- Miss Mildred Osgood
- Mr. Walter Pach
- Mrs. Magda Pach
- Mr. Raymond Pach
- Miss Frances Parker
- Mr. Herman Pederssen
- Mr. Dithmer Petersen
- Mrs. Ingeborg Petersen
- Mr. William Pomplon
- Mrs. Magdalena Pomplon
- Mrs. Rosa Popp
- Mrs. Lillian Popp
- Mrs. Blanche Posner
- Miss Alice Ramsay
- Mr. Aug. Randall
- Mrs. Holga Randall
- Margarete Randall
- Mr. Kopel Reich
- Miss Rosa Reisinger
- Mr. Gustave Ringwald
- Mrs. Elizabeth Ritter
- Miss Elsie Rosenberg
- Mr. Hans Royter
- Mrs. Lee Rubin
- Mr. Arnold Sabor
- Mr. Wolfgang Sabor
- Mrs. Lina Seebacher
- Loretta Seebacher
- Miss Ruth Segall
- Miss Millie Segall
- Miss Sahra Seidlin
- Mr. Dr. Lewis Sexton
- Mrs. Henriette Sexton
- Mrs. Amalie Shaver
- Miss Ada Shaw
- Mr. Morris Shoemaker
- Mrs. Lois Shoemaker
- Mr. Dr. Erwin Sills
- Miss Esther Singer
- Mr. Rev. Walter Smith
- Mrs. Alice Smith
- Mrs. Sarah Sontag
- Mrs. Rebecca Soyer
- Mr. Emest Summerfield
- Miss Emma Summerfield
- Mrs. Louise Summerfield
- Miss Leopoldine Szarvasy
- Mr. Herman Schamagel
- Mrs. Lene Schinke
- Miss Erna Schinke
- Miss A. Schock
- Mr. Gustav Schreckenberger
- Mrs. Bertha Schreckenberger
- Miss Elsie Schreckcuberger
- Schwester Elisabeth Kern
- Schwester M. Benildis Schümm
- Schwester M. Justina Schümm
- Miss Martha Schütte
- Mr. Julius Schwarz
- Mrs. Zoe Stone
- Mr. George Stone
- Jeanette Stone
- Miss Margaret Storrs
- Miss Alice Tatnall
- Mr. Dr. John Taylor
- Mr. F. Thom
- Mr. Wilhelm Tietjen
- Miss Margarethe Toennies
- Mr. Konrad Torweihe
- Miss Melanie Tröger
- Mr. Henry Vagts
- Mrs. Josephine Vagts
- Christopher Vagts
- Margaret Vagts
- Mrs. Adele von Varo
- Mrs. Anna Wallale
- Miss Majoric Wallale
- Miss M. Wandel
- Mr. Alfred Weber
- Miss Martha Weiss
- Miss Ruth Welch
- Mr. Dr. Erwin Werner
- Mrs. Bessie Wessel
- Mr. August Westphal
- Mrs. Marie Westphal
- Mr. George White Jr.
- Mrs. Herbert Whiting
- Mrs. Winghagen
- Mrs. Esther Wolff
- Miss Meta Wood
To Southampton
- Mrs. Jeanne Baker
- Mrs. Else Bastaenier
- Mrs. Nora Ehmen
- Mr. William Forest
- Mr. Felix Friedenthal
- Miss Emmy Heilbrun
- Mr. Kurt Schulz
- Mr. Lester Tacy
- Mrs. Tacy
- Mr. Owsei Terakin
- Mrs. Lilian Terakin
To Cherbourg
- Mr. Otto Adam
- Mrs. Trude Adam
- Mr. Dr. Franz Bud
- Mr. Rudolf Bukert
- Mr. Hans Burkert
- Miss Helene Guntner
- Mr. Franz Hak
- Mrs. Martl Hak
- Mrs. Karoline Hoffmann
- Mr. Albert Hörbe
- Miss Christiane Kostil
- Mr. Bruno Klepsch
- Mr. Otto Lauermann
- Mr. Solomon Meyer
- Mr. Josef Puzt
- Miss Gudrun Seidel
- Mr. Gerard Smit
- Mr. Eduard Schiffner
- Miss Elfriede Schiffner
- Mr. Josef Schwänzer
- Mrs. Gusti Wahner
- Mr. Bernard van der Weerdt
- Mr. Johann Weninger
From Southampton
- Mr. G. Alexander
- Miss Gertrude Austin
- Mr. Danna Backus
- Miss Etta Bailey
- Mr. Elbworth Bailey
- Miss Dorothy Barclay
- Miss Margaret Barnett
- Mr. Edwin Batt
- Miss Catharine Beckmann
- Miss Elmiera Bier
- Mrs. Sarah Bishop
- Miss Mary Blackaller
- Miss Mablc Borifield
- Miss H. Boyle
- Mr. F. Brasch
- Mr. Fred Brown
- Mrs. Zenith Brown
- Miss Nellie Buckey
- Mr. Nathan Bugbee
- Miss Minnie Byers
- Mr. Alexander Campbell
- Mr. Joseph Cassidy
- Miss Ruth Clapp
- Miss Bobby Clark
- Miss Pauline Clow
- Miss Helen Cooper
- Miss L. Crawford
- Mr. George Danforth
- Mr. George David
- Mrs. David
- Miss Margaret Davis
- Mr. Prof. W. Dove
- Mr. George Edgill
- Mrs. Edgill
- Mr. Deland Edgill
- Miss Mary Evans
- Miss Bertha Flemming
- Miss Ruth Foster
- Mr. Walter Frank
- Miss Mary Garbone
- Miss Helen George
- Miss Hazel Gibson
- Miss Augusta Ginsberg
- Miss Muriel Ginsberg
- Mr. Carl Graf
- Miss Edna Graf
- Mr. James Green
- Miss Daisy Gustafson
- Mr. Hallowell
- Mr. Dr. A. Harber
- Mr. A. Heaps
- Mrs. Heaps
- Fräul, Gertrude Hooper
- Mr. Edward Houghnes
- Mr. Constantine Hutchins
- Mrs. Hutchins
- Miss Mary Hutchins
- Constantine Hutchins
- Miss Anne Hutchins
- Miss Mary Irwin
- Mr. Lieutnant Lester Jacy
- Miss Helen Joemans
- Miss Dorothea Johanson
- Miss Lucile Jones
- Miss Harriet Jones
- Mr. J. Knssowski
- Miss Kathryn Kendrick
- Mrs. George Klug
- Miss Alice Klug
- Miss Frieda Kowalek
- Miss Paula Lang
- Mr. Heinrich Lange
- Mrs. Emmi Lange
- Mr. Samuel Leidel
- Miss L. Lewis
- Miss B. Lewis
- Miss Jeanne Lombard
- Miss McGloy
- Mrs. Harold McKay
- Miss Kina Merrick
- Miss Laura Merriman
- Mr. Paul Morton
- Mr. Rev. Joseph Murphy
- Mrs. Mary Nelson
- Mrs. Louise Noonan
- Miss Monica Noonan
- Schwester Grace O'Donnell
- Miss R. Orange
- Miss Rhoda Orme
- Miss Orange
- Miss Arny O'Roch
- Mr. Donald Packard
- Mrs. Sadie Parrish
- Mr. F. Peacock
- Miss Viola Pfrommer
- Mr. Phillips
- FräuL Gudlangk Randgy
- Mrs. Anne Reck
- Miss Gwendolen Reck
- Miss Bessie Rudd
- Mr. Joseph Sanner
- Mr. Dr. Chas. Short
- Mr. Sidney Shuriliff
- Miss S. Smith
- Mr. Stanley Snow
- Mr. Albert Spicer
- Mr. Ralph Scheffer
- Miss Claudia Schmidt
- Miss Elsie Schoen
- Mr. Samuel Schwartzberg
- Mrs. Schwartzberg
- Ivan Schwartzberg
- Schwester Clementine Mackey
- Mr. Statler
- Miss Margyrite Stockberger
- Mr. Paul Thurston
- Miss Laura Waaland
- Miss Mary Watts
- Mr. Dr. Clarence Wells
- Miss Mary Wilbourne
- Miss Meta Wood
From Cherbourg
- Miss Marie Alleman
- Miss Dr. Irene Alleman
- Miss Kathleen Bamett
- Miss Harriet v. Barton
- Miss Elizabeth Berckmann
- Mr. Jacob Bloom
- Miss Gertrude Bluemer
- Mr. John Blum
- Mrs. Ludmila Bouk
- Miss Bowling
- Mrs. Mary Brantley
- Mr. Adolf Breinossl
- Mr. Brockmann
- Mrs. Brockmann
- Mr. Dr. Howard Bruehn
- Miss Deila Brunsteter
- Miss Evelyn Bums
- Theresa Bums
- Mr. Leon Call
- Mr. Campbell
- Mr. James Clarke
- Mrs. Marid Collomb
- Mr. Myron Cropper
- Miss Beatrice Cummings
- Miss Germaine Dieterle
- Mr. Paul Dilles
- Mr. Prof. W. Dove
- Miss Beatrice Doyle
- Mr. Kyle Dunkel
- Miss Carolyne Finn
- Mr. Prof. J. Fors
- Mr. George Forsyth
- Miss Cora Freund
- Mrs. Mathilda Freund
- Miss Thelma Furman
- Mrs. Brownell Gaye
- Miss Katherine Gaye
- Mr. Gerstenfeld
- Mr. Mortimer Goldberg
- Mr. Moses Goldberg
- Mrs. Helen Gore
- Mr. Joseph Greenberg
- Mrs. Greenberg
- Miss Isibel Greenburg
- Mrs. Madeline Griner
- Mr. Alfred Gruber
- Mrs. Klara Gruen
- Miss Hilda Gynild
- Miss Dorothy Harra
- Miss Jane Heberling
- Miss Mary Henderson
- Mr. Jaques Hess
- Mrs. Hess
- Mr. Wilmer Hevner
- Mr. Frederick Hewell
- Miss Marion Hewell
- Mr. John Hidges
- Miss Emma Hoerr
- Mr. Prier Horelick
- Mrs. Horelick
- Miss Maria Howard
- Miss Julia Hubbard
- Miss Evelyn Hubbard
- Miss Gertrude Huntington
- Mr. Dr. Hopmann Hurwitz
- Mr. E. January
- Mr. Francis Januschka
- Mr. Joseph Januschka
- Miss Catherine Kerrigan
- Mr. Leopold Kirchheimer
- Mr. Philip Klein
- Mr. Kleyn-Molenkamp
- Miss R. Kluge
- Miss Sarah Knose
- Miss Helen Knose
- Mr. William Krauss
- Mr. Kuchen
- Mrs. Josephine Kuchen
- Mr. John Kuhn
- Miss Hilda Kurvinen
- Mr. John Laitos
- Miss Pauline Laitos
- Mr. Herman Lampert
- Mr. Dr. Joseph Langbord
- Mrs. Langbord
- Miss Linda Leeds
- Mr. Alexander Lefkowitz
- Mrs. Ruth Lefkowitz
- Miss Rose Leiter
- Miss Isabel Levin
- Mr. Louis Levine
- Miss Alma Lind
- Miss Rosa Lipschvitz
- Miss Elizabeth Lowry
- Mr. Jacob Lusher
- Miss Mildred Mass
- Mrs. Mildred Mathews
- Miss Jane Mayer
- Glenetta Mc Hale
- Miss Anna Mc Intyre
- Miss Amita McNulty
- Mr. Dr. Nathan Miller
- Mrs. Lillian Miller
- Miss Gerda Mortensen
- Mrs. Mary Mrkva
- Mr. Edward Müller
- Miss Bernice Munly
- Miss Adal O'Brien
- Miss S. Obstfeldt
- Mr. Charles Panck
- Miss Comfort Parker
- Mr. Picciotto
- Mrs. Picciotto
- Mr. Major Augustus Post
- Mr. Potner
- Miss C. Rauchfuss
- Mr. Ray Mr. Ray
- Miss Elizabeth Read
- Mr. Jan Ribka
- Miss Eleanor Ritter
- Miss Elizabeth Ritter
- Mr. David Seeman
- Miss Ruth Segal
- Mr. E. Shattuch
- Miss Kemp Shillings
- Miss Katteryn Siegel
- Mr. Alter Silberinan
- Mr. A Simpson
- Miss Esther Singer
- Mr. St Spencook
- Miss Helen Sullivan
- Mr. Francis Schabel
- Mrs. Amalie Shaver
- Mr. Dr. David Schayne
- Mrs. Schayne
- Miss Lina Scheible
- Miss Elsie Schein
- Miss Miriam Schlesinger
- Miss Clara Schmismann
- Schwester Joseph Agnes
- Schwester Joseph Maria
- Miss E. Strack
- Mr. Phelps Stokes
- Mrs. Minnie Stump
- Miss Gwendolen Stump
- Mr. Dr. D. Teller
- Miss Helen Toma
- Mr. Zelig Typei
- Miss Marie Underwood
- Mr. Arthur Vioni
- Mr. Friedrich Waage
- Mr. Charles Wachsmuth
- Mrs. Wachsmuth
- Mr. Arthur Ward
- Miss Gladys Warner
- Mrs. Edna Wells
- Mr. Nathan Werner
- Miss Jean Whinney
- Miss Susan Wilkes
- Mr. Alanson Willcox
- Miss Mary Willcox
- Mr. Sterling Williams
- Mr. D. Winghagen
- Mr. Albert Winkler
- Mr. Dr. Max Wolf
- Mrs. Nettie Wolf
- Mr. John Zeman
Third Class Passengers
- Mr. Jack Andrews
- Mr. Owen Appleton
- Miss Elisabeth Backshat
- Mr. J. Balkus
- Mrs. Leila Barber
- Mr. Richard Barth
- Mrs. Bertha Barth
- Mr. Nathan T. Bartleff
- Mrs. Lucy Bartoldus
- Rudolf Bartoldus
- Miss Helen Basch
- Mr. Louis Bassler
- Mrs. Emma Bassler
- Emil Bassler
- Mr. Franz Bauer
- Mrs. Anna Bauer
- Mr. Alan Becker
- Mr. Josef L. Begué
- Mr. Hermann Behling
- Mrs. Meta Behling
- Mrs. Regina Bemben
- Mrs. Helen Benseler
- Miss Emily Benseler
- Mr. William Berezvich
- Mr. John Berger
- Mrs. Anna Berger
- Miss Maria Bertel
- Miss Minnie Bitter
- Miss Ida Bitter
- Mrs. Elionore Blank
- Elionore Blank
- Mrs. Emilie Bodensieck und Kind
- Mr. Julius Boeglein
- Mrs. Anna Boeglein
- Mrs. Adelheid Boosman
- Mrs. Annie Bowers
- Fredeiick Bowers
- Mr. Ernst Bräcklein
- Mrs. Emma Braun
- Mrs. Hedwig Brockel
- Martin Brockel
- Mrs. Charlotte Brodish
- Mr. William Brueggemann
- Mrs. Gertrud Brueggemann
- Mr. Richard Brueggemann
- Charles Brueggemann
- Loretta Brueggemann
- Mr. Kurt Bruger
- Mrs. Elsa Bruger
- Miss Philomena Brunnhuber
- Miss Bertha BrüstleI
- Mrs. Emma Buhler
- Gertrude Buhler
- Kurl Heinz Buhler
- Miss Maria Burkovszky
- Mr. Olio Cammerer
- Mr. Frances Cermak
- Mr. Rudolf Cerny
- Mr. Frank Cerveny
- Mrs. Margaret Cerveny
- Mrs. Sophie Chetirkin
- Mrs. Josefine Chioldi
- Miss Josefine Chioldi
- Mr. Paul Chovanec
- Mrs. Annan Chovanec
- Zuzanna Chovanec
- Elisabeth Chovanec
- Maria Chovanec
- Mr. Paul Christoph
- Mrs. Paul Christoph
- Mr. Bernh. L. Christopher
- Miss Anna Chudy
- Miss Agnes Chudy
- Mr. Andrew Cipri
- Herr Erich Collat
- Mrs. Meta Collat
- Miss Ruth Collat
- Mr. Dr. Joseph Colman
- Mr. Adolf Conradi
- Mrs. Charlotte Conradi
- Mr. Henry Coors
- Mrs. Elisabeth Coors
- Mr. Felix Costaldo
- Miss Jadviga Crause
- Mr. Myron Cropper
- Mr. Benj. Cuperman
- Mr. John Curylo
- Mrs. Beatrice Cushing
- Mr. Addison T. Cuttler
- Miss Kotarzyne Cwick
- Mr. Josef Czepiga
- Mrs. Frieda Damwolf
- Mrs. Adele Dapkunas und Kind
- Mr. David Datzker
- Mr. W. H. Daubendiek
- Miss Ella Davis
- Mr. C. P. Diemer
- Miss Frieda Dietz
- Mrs. Irma Dollhausen
- Carl H. Dollhausen
- Mr. Alexander Dreier
- Miss Martha Dücker
- Mr. Jan Durila
- Mr. Jerry Dusek
- Mr. Paul Dyr
- Miss Anna Ehlers
- Mr. Carl Eichner
- Mrs. Anna Eiseistein
- Mr. Walter Emrich
- Mrs. Elfriede Engelmann
- Mr. Victor Erickson
- Miss Marie Espenschied
- Miss Maria Faber
- Mr. Henry Fajen
- Mrs. Marie Fajen
- Hermann Fajen
- Elise Fajen
- William Fajen
- Mrs. Sofie Feder
- Henry Feder
- Miss Therese Filipovits
- Mr. Matthew Finn
- Mrs. Frances Francta
- Elizabeth Francta
- Mr. Alfred Franke
- Mr. Wm. Freudenberg
- Mrs. Sofie Freudenberg
- Sofie Freudenberg
- Henry Freudenberg
- Mr. Samuel Friedmann
- Mr. Henry Fries
- Mrs. Lorma Fries
- Mr. Abraham Fruchter
- Mrs. Lena A. Fugman
- Gertrude Fugman
- Johann W. Fugman
- Mr. John Fuller
- Mrs. Johanna Fuller
- Mr. Professor Fr. Galinis
- Mr. Johm Gansinger
- Mrs. Elise Gansinger
- Hans Gansinger
- Mr. Andrev Gebelein
- Mrs. Rosa Gebelcin
- Hovard Gebelein
- Mrs. Elisabeth Gebhardt
- Miss Mary Geck
- Mr. Albert Geffken
- Mr. Filip Geffner and Family
- Mr. Joseph Geiser
- Mr. Jacob Gerber
- Miss Frances Germak
- Mr. Josef Gerstner
- Mrs. Katharina Ghinta
- William Ghinta
- Mrs. Frinctt Goldblatt
- Mr. Mordchai Goldfarb
- Mrs. Anna Götz
- Miss Cäcilia Götz
- Mrs. Elli Graeber
- Mr. Leonard Greenberg
- Mrs. Frieda Groetzschel
- Walter Groetzschel
- Mr. Sames Groh
- Mr. Franz Gross
- Mr. Andrev Grossmann
- Mrs. Margaret Grossmann
- Mr. Ernst Grosz
- Mr. Louis Gunchcs
- Miss Therese Gurasitz
- Mr. Wilhelm Hahnl
- Mr. Henry Hamalainen
- Mr. George Hammelmann
- Mrs. Eva Hammelmann
- Ottmar Hämmclmann
- Mrs. Frieda HampeI
- Miss Mary Hanovsky
- Mrs. Helen Hansen
- Mr. Herm. Hartman
- Mrs. Emmy Hartman
- Gertrud Hartman
- Mrs. Josefine Haussner
- Mrs. Elssie Helm
- Mr. John Heinkel
- Mrs. Ethel Heinkel
- Miss Elsie Heits
- Mr. George J. Heldmann
- Mrs. Ida Heldmann
- Her G. Heldmann
- Miss Cainie Ethel Hellenberg
- Miss Mary Hetman
- Miss Rilka Herskovitz
- Mrs. Marie Hertenstein
- Mr. Alexander Hertz
- Mrs. Dina Herz
- Mrs. Rose Hoch
- Mr. Richard Hoeker
- Miss Margarete Hoeker
- Mrs. Hoeker
- Mr. Eugen Hoffmann
- Mrs. Margaret Hoffmann
- Mr. Samuel Holko
- Mrs. M. B. Honsel
- Mr. Mike Horejs
- Mrs. Josefine Horejs
- Mrs. Margarete Horn
- Mrs. Frieda Huger
- Mrs. Martha Hunken
- Hellmuth Hunken
- Amanda Hunken
- Mrs. Mary Ilanovsky
- Mr. Charles Isaksson
- Mr. Karl Jaeger
- Mrs. Ernestine Jaeger
- Eleonore Jaeger
- Mr. Andrew Jakubce
- Mr. Rudolf Jansky
- Mrs. Hedwig Jansky
- Miss Helma Jansky
- Mr. James Jelinek
- Mr. Chas. Johnsen und Kind
- Miss Anna M. Johnson
- Mr. Alexander Kaartinen
- Mr. Josef Kabarec
- Miss Mary Kadryk
- Mr. Aloysius Karch
- Mr. Hermann Karl
- Mrs. Elise Karl
- Mrs. Josefine Kasai
- Miss Camil Kasai
- Mrs. Josefa Katkova
- Miss Johanna Kazmierczak
- Mr. Prof. Mike Kegel
- Mr. Heinrich Kehl
- Mrs. Emma Kehl
- Mr. Hermann Kiesburg
- Mrs. Katie Kiesburg
- Mrs. Elfriede Kirschbaum
- Helga Kirschbaum
- Mr. Werner Klaas
- Mr. Johann Klement
- Miss Frieda Klemm
- Miss Hildegard Klemm
- Mrs. Anna Klimek
- Miss Anna Klopfer
- Mr. Erich Klug
- Mr. Wiktor Knazik
- Mr. W. F. Kobera
- Mrs. Anna Kobera
- Mr. Oskar Koeberlein
- Mr. Zenson Koloschicz und Familie
- Mr. Ludwig Konnives
- Mr. Hermann Koopmann
- Mrs. Frieda Koopmann
- Frieda Koopmann
- Mr. Christoff Koppmann
- Mrs. Anna Kostelna
- Miss Anna Kostelna
- Mr. Martin Kotapski
- Mrs. Martin Kotapski
- Mr. Frank Kotasek
- Mrs. Elizabeth Kovarcik
- Mr. John Kovarcik
- Mr. Henry G. Kuper
- Miss Sara Kurland
- Mr. Charles Kurtz
- Miss Anna Lajcik
- Miss Florence Landon
- Mr. Kurt Lehmann
- Mrs. Elsa Lehmann
- Miss Hertha Lehmann
- Mrs. Sofi Leibowitz
- Miss Dina Leibowitz
- Mr. Fred Leonhard
- Miss Marie Lessnau
- Miss Ida Leutner
- Miss Ida Levine
- Mr. Israel Lew
- Mrs. Esther Lew
- Mr. Eugen Liebei
- Mr. Nestor Lind
- Mrs. Fanny Lindeil
- Mr. Martin Lisan
- Miss Lily Le Grand Love
- Mr. Carl Ludwig
- Mr. John Lunde
- Mr. Jurko Lypowski
- Mrs. Emilie Mach
- Mrs. Barbara Maertner
- Miss Anna Th. Maitz
- Mr. Semen Makiewicz
- Mr. Otto Mankel
- Mrs. Marie Markert
- Miss Viola Markert
- Mr. Aaron J. Markovits
- Mr. Gustav Marquardt
- Mr. Emst Marshalko
- Mrs. Julie Marshalko
- Ernest Marshalko
- Elsie Marshalko
- Mr. Ernst Marshalko
- Miss Emilie Marshalko
- Helene Marshalko
- Mr. Anton Matheis
- Mrs. Berta Matheis
- Mr. Johann Maurer
- Mrs. Mary Mayer
- Miss Fanny Mayer
- Mrs. Olga Mehner
- Kurl Mehner
- Mr. Frank Mekine
- Mr. Otto Merkel
- Mrs. Berta Mersy
- Mrs. Kath. Mettler
- Miss Evelyne Mettler
- Mrs. Catharine Meyerdierks und Kind
- Mr. Prier Mikulas
- Mrs. Eva Mikulas
- Miss Selma Mikulas
- Mrs. Pauline Mikulda
- Mrs. Ida Miller
- Mrs. Anna Minkus
- Hubert Minkus
- Thomas Minkus
- Mr. Hermann von Minnen
- Mrs. Lucia von Minnen
- Margarete von Minnen
- Mr. Karl Mohr
- Mrs. Nikita Morozuk
- Mr. R. A. Most
- Mrs. Martha Müller
- Paul Müller
- Mrs. Essnaralda Müller
- Erwin Müller
- Mr. Heinz Müller-Touraine
- Mrs. Betty Münch
- Miss Maria Murarescu
- Mrs. Klara Naaf
- Walter Naaf
- Mr. Friedrich Nackenhorst
- Mr. Isidor Nathenson
- Mr. Faul Naujoks
- Mr. Henry Nichoff
- Miss Grete Obert
- Miss Alfreda Ohle
- Mr. John Orosz
- Mrs. Kati Orosz
- Mr. Mitrofan Ostapiszyn
- Mrs. Mitrofan Ostapiszyn
- Mrs. Pastor Otten
- Miss Therese Palkovits
- Mr. Michal Parulichl und Familie
- Mr. Rudolf Paukowitsch
- Mr. Frank Pavlik
- Anna Pavlik
- Mr. Stefan Pavlik
- Mrs. Frances Pechman
- Mr. Emil Pekar
- Mr. Sam Pekar
- Mr. John Pernu
- Mrs. Martta Pernu
- Mr. Georg Peters
- Mrs. Cecilia Petrick
- Franzes Petrick
- Miss Harry Petrusiak
- Mr. Chas. E. Pflock
- Mr. Stanton C. Phelps
- Mrs. Josefine Pintir
- Mr. Dr. A. F. Pistor
- Mrs. Elise Pistor
- Edgar Pistor
- Mr. William Pittaro
- Mrs. Mrs. Frieda Pittaro
- Mr. Anton Plahna
- Mrs. Cäcilie Plahna
- Mr. Erich Plahna
- Mrs. Eleonora Poglitsch
- Miss Gertrud Poliert
- Mr. John Popovici
- Mrs. M. Posner
- Mr. Henry C. Prange
- Mrs. Marie Priborsky
- Mrs. Maria Pundsack
- Marie Pundsack
- Mr. Edmund Quinlau
- Mrs. Katie Quinlau
- Mrs. Berta Rating
- Ilse Rating
- Elizabeth Rating
- Mr. Henry Rauen
- Mr. Gerard Rauen
- Miss Erna Raymann
- Mr. John Razansky
- Mr. Richard Rehfeld
- Mrs. Johanna Rehfeld
- Mr. Frank Reich
- Miss Rose Reichelt
- Rev. Albert Reiman
- Mrs. Emilie Reiman
- Mrs. Ruzena Rejholic
- Otto Rejholic
- Mrs. Marie Rennock
- Mr. Otto H. Richards
- Mr. Joseph Rindos
- Mrs. Martha Ritter
- Mrs. Emilie W. Roeckel
- Dolores Julia Roeckel
- Milton Max Roeckel
- Mr. Fred Roessler
- Mrs. Berta Roessler
- Fred Roessler
- Berta Roessler
- Mr. J. Rosemann u. Familie
- Mr. John Roth
- Mr. Clinton Rowland
- Mr. David Rubin
- Mr. Charles Rudick
- Mrs. Maria Russ
- Mr. Frank Rutkowski
- Miss Maria Santner
- Mrs. Eva Saulan und Kinder
- Miss Marie Selic
- Mr. Herbert Sensenig
- Miss llsabetha Sergel
- Mrs. Esther Shrods und Kind
- Mr. Michal Sima
- Miss Anna Simko
- Miss Mary Simko
- Miss Margarete Simon
- Miss Mathilde Simon
- Mrs. Anna Sindelar
- Mr. Charles Sindelar
- Mrs. Elisabeth Sindelar
- Miss Martha Sindelar
- Miss Mary Sladky
- Mrs. Mary Slefr
- Mrs. Magdalene Smeja
- Frances Smeja
- Steven Smeja
- Miss Agnes Smeja
- Mr. Prof. J. Tr. Smith
- Miss Anna Soellner
- Mrs. Anna Sokol
- Tony Sokol
- Mrs. Bertha Sollmann
- Mr. Herbert Solon
- Mr. Alexander Soloskinsky
- Mr. Viggo Sörensen
- Mrs. A. V. Spencer
- Mrs. Martha Svoboda
- John Svoboda
- Mrs. Antonie Scheller
- Oscar Scheller
- Mr. S. Schlenderwein
- Mr. Simon Schlindwein
- Mrs. Maria Schlindwein
- Mrs. Margerit Schlotterbeck
- Mr. Walter Schlotterbeck
- Marianne Scblotterbeck
- Eva Schlotterbeck
- Mr. Harry Schmelzer
- Mr. Anton Schmid
- Mr. Walther Schmidt
- Mr. Josef Schmitt
- Mrs. Elfriede Schmitt
- Werner Schmitt
- Mr. Fred J. Schneider
- Mr. William Schnizer
- Mr. Heyman Schochter
- Mrs. Rose Schoenfeld
- Mr. Vaclav Schovanec
- Mrs. Marie Schovanec
- Ludmila Schovanec
- Mrs. Esther Schrads
- Bernard Schrads
- Mr. Louis Schräge
- Mr. Oscar Schühle
- Mr. Kurt Schulze
- Mr. Curtis Schulze
- Mr. Max Schwab
- Miss Elsie Schwahn
- Mr. John Schwarz
- Mr. August Schweckendieck
- Mr. Hinrich Schwiebert
- Miss Minna Schwippert
- Mrs. Betty Stäblein
- Mr. Herbert Steen
- Mrs. Emmi Steen
- Miss Mary Stelling
- Mrs. Marie Stephana
- Mr. Rudolf Stephana
- Mr. Pearl Stephana
- Mr. Charles Stephens
- Mr. Harold Stephens
- Mrs. Lydia Steves
- Mr. Henry Stiegemeyer
- Mrs. Edna Stiegemeyer
- Mrs. Maria Stocker
- Mrs. Mannie Stone
- Mrs. Ilona Taylor und Kinder
- Miss Emma K. Tiainen
- Miss Helene Tierjung
- Mr. Stephan Timar
- Mrs. Josef Timar
- Mr. Willi Tippner
- Mrs. Eily Tippner
- Mrs. Elizabeth Tomis
- Mr. Josef Tonnert
- Mrs. Mary Topencik
- Anna Topencik
- Mrs. Kozalie Trapaszka
- Mary Trapaszka
- Mr. Emil Uhrich
- Mrs. Betty Uhrich
- Mr. Abraham Unger
- Mrs. Abraham Unger
- Mrs. Mary Vacenvosky
- Mrs. Frances Valenta
- Mrs. Karolina Victor
- Mr. John Vilimek
- Mrs. Luise Voss
- Margaret Voss
- Miss Katarina Vrablikova
- Mr. Erich Wagner
- Mr. Jacob Waldman
- Miss Mabc! M. Watson
- Mr. Theodor Wattenberg
- Mr. Anton Weber
- Mrs. Balbina Weber
- Mrs. Theresia Weber
- Theresia Weber
- Mr. Carl Weber
- Mr. Carl B. Weber
- Miss Wilma Webster
- Mr. Reinhold Weimar
- Richard Weimer
- Mr. Simon Weinrich
- Mrs. Mary Weinrich
- Miss Emma Weinschenk
- Mr. George Weiss
- Mr. Otto Carl Weller
- Mr. August Wetzel
- Mr. G. Herbert Whittier
- Miss Katharina Wintje
- Mr. John Wohlfert
- Mr. Fred Wolf
- Mr. Henry Wolfgang
- Mrs. Käte Wolfgang
- Marion Wolfgang
- Mr. Hugo Wolters
- Mrs. Anna Wolters
- Mrs. Frieda Wörle
- Mrs. Anna Wylie
- Mr. Juraj Zavodny
- Mrs. Anna Zavodny
- Mila Zavodny
- George Zavodny
- Mr. Jurgis Zemaitis
- Mrs. Auguste Zerr
- Miss Thea Zeuss
- Mr. Gustav Zickman
- Mr. Gabriel Ziegenlaub
- Miss Sophie Ziegler
- Mr. Otto Zinsenheim
- Mrs. Ona Zukauskiene und Kinder
- Miss Elfriede Zuschlag
To Southampton
- Mr. William Henningway
- Mr. Hans Jürgen von Petersdorf
- Mr. Georg Richter
- Miss Marianne von Ungetn-Stemberg
From Cherbourg
- Mr. José Acchon-Gomez
- Rev. Agulian
- Mrs. A. Agulian
- Mr. Julian Aja
- Mr. Nicolas Antonakos
- Miss Leila Barber
- Miss Josefine Barber
- Mr. Roberl Beghtol
- Miss Mollie Bilstad
- Mr. J. P. Blagden
- Mrs. Hildegard Blanken
- Mr. M. Blom
- Mr. John S. Booth
- Mr. Alfred Borton
- Mrs. A. Bredt
- Mr. Junis Bromfield
- Mr. M. E. Burrus
- Mr. Cipriano Camales
- Mr. R. D. Cheel
- Miss D. Cheney
- Miss Pearl Claus
- Mr. Ralph Colazo-Alcazar
- Mr. Geo J. Coleman
- Mr. Walter Darnell
- Miss Irene Dennevy
- Miss Eva Diamond
- Mr. Josef Ditan
- Mr. Eugen Douville
- Mr. Egavian
- Miss Paula Eigart
- Mr. Thoge Eskesen
- Mrs. Kate Eskesen
- Miss Cornelia Eskesen
- Miss Madeline Eskesen
- Mr. Robert D. Fallon
- Mr. Arscnio Fernandez und Familie
- Mr. Otto Frye
- Miss Tatjana Galitznic
- Mr. David Goldberg
- Miss Lena Goodman
- Mr. Charles Grau
- Mrs. Lucy Grgurich
- Mr. Ardy Grgurich
- Mr. Louis Grgurich
- Mr. Louis Gunches
- Mr. Philip Hahn und Mrs.
- Miss Stella Harlos
- Mr. Daniel Harris
- Mrs. Eva Jeanette
- Miss Tilly Justman
- Miss Kath. M. Kaiser
- Mr. Max Katzmann
- Miss Elisabeth Keller
- Mr. Max Kobera und Mrs.
- Mr. John Kokalenis
- Mr. Frank Kossnik
- Mr. Josef Krajsa
- Mrs. Theresia Krajsa
- Mrs. Mary Künzler
- Mr. Carl Landes
- Mrs. Dora Landes
- Mr. Fred Leonhard
- Mr. W. B. Levering
- Mr. Sam Levy
- Miss Jessie Levey
- Mr. Charles Loan
- Miss May Lorch
- Mrs. Meirson und Kinder
- Mr. Mario Meneghin
- Mr. Ernst Meyer
- Mrs. Dorothy Meyer
- Miss Lorma Miller
- Mr. Anton Montalta
- Mr. Emanuel Nachmanoft
- Mr. Simson Perow und Mrs.
- Mrs. Pilar P. Reigadas
- Mr. E. J. de Repentigny
- Mr. William H. Reynolds
- Miss Margar. L. Rook
- Mr. F. E. Ross
- Mr. Edward Salkin
- Mr. Gustav A. Seewer
- Mr. Seifer Mrs. L. Seisert
- Miss H Simkins
- Miss Lillian Skolnik
- Mrs. Marion Snyder
- Mr. David Solikoff
- Mr. William Solikoff
- Mr. Benjamin Schwarz
- Mr. Velios J. Stonayas
- Miss Lucy Taylor-Driring
- Miss Eve Tranger
- Mr. Marciso Vidal-Alvarez
- Mr. H. Vincent
- Mrs. H. Vincent
- Miss Wilhelmina Weiland
- Mr. Samiel V. Weiner
- Mrs. Anna Weiner
- Murray Weiner
- Mrs. Rose Werteil
- Mr. Rudolph Yentch
- Mr. Zitron
- Mrs. Zitron
- Mr. Eli Zivkovic
The City of Bremen
The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½ hours by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one reaches the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing the most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.
In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city.
The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen. It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-to-West Air flight over the ocean.
But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the City. The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with is numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period. Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same.
Even Romance survives and has found an expression as equally intrepid as it is strong, in the Böttcherstraße which branches - off from the Market Square. No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy, how it was that this City had the best Wines and supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has the oldest Buildings, and builds the most modern ships, has Citizens whose residency dates back for generations, and opens up connections to all parts of the globe.
Information for Passengers
Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.
Letters And Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.
Before leaving the ship passengers are recommended to leave their address at the purser's office, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded on to them. Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.
Telegrams to be dispatched from the next port are accepted at the purser's office only, wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.
Treatment of Sea-Sickness. Travelers who have a tendency to suffer from sea-sickness have an opportunity on this steamer to undergo an entirely new treatment whereby relief is afforded through a process of inhaling certain remedies.
Experience has shown so far that successful results are obtained in practically every case. Passengers who desire to avail themselves of this new treatment against sea-sickness are requested to apply to the Ship's doctor.
For each treatment, a voucher for RM. 2.— must be signed which, at the end of the voyage must be cashed with the Chief Steward. Persons rendering the treatment are not allowed to accept cash-payments.
Landing Cards. Before leaving the vessel the holder must present the landing card to a U.S. Immigration Inspector for endorsement.
Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.
Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.
Firearms. The carrying of fire arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.
Money, Valuables, etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly scaled or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.
Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the cabin-trunk must not exceed the maximum size, i. e. 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.
Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the hold, and will be accessible to passengers at certain times daily. Baggage may not be deposited in the corridors.
Each passenger must fill up a "Customs-Declaration" of his or her personal baggage.
In the case of families the oldest member is entitled to fill up this declaration for the whole family. Blank forms will be distributed on board the steamer.
Pieces of baggage, packets etc., destined to be re-forwarded, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed to the Baggage Master who, alone, is competent to receive them.
The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.
Passengers are requested to take care that, before leaving the st earner, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere aboard.
Passengers are specially recommended in their own interest to look after their hand baggage upon landing in the port of destination.
Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the Customs Declaration and the value thereof stated.
Baggage to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months' of the passenger's arrival, and must be included in the Customs Declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.
Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.
Passengers who are required to observe their immigration formalities at Ellis Island have to exchange the Company's baggage tickets for the Ellis Island metal checks as soon as their baggage has been inspected by the American custom-house officers, and before proceeding to Ellis Island.
Route on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Bremen Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 21 August 1932. GGA Image ID # 1611eae4db