SS Bremen Passenger List - 14 August 1936

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 14 August 1936 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing 14 August 1936 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain A. Ahrens. GGA Image ID # 162d0f2a3d

Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain A. Ahrens
  2. Chief Officer: W. Michaelsen
  3. Chief Engineer: J. Hundt
  4. Chief Purser: D. Zelle
  5. First Physician: Dr. W. Fischer
  6. Second Physician: Dr. J. Petzold
  7. In Charge of Travel Bureau: A. Haehn
  8. Special Travel Service: Frl. Dr. Ferber
  9. Sport Officer: H. Rannoch
  10. Managing Chief Steward: A. Pohl
  11. Chief Steward Cabin Class: F. Schedelmann
  12. Chief Steward Tourist Class: J. Büscher
  13. Chief Steward Third Class: C. Herrmann
  14. Chief Stewart Restaurant: W. Zemlin
  15. Managing Chief Cook: K. Unger
  16. Wireless Telegraph Operator First Officer: K. Gerstung
  17. Baggage Master: A. Dauelsberg



The Carolina Buccaneerst of University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C.

  • Conductor: Mr. J. McNeil Smith Jr.
  • Mr. M. J. McDonald
  • Mr. Louis C. Skinner Jr.
  • Mr. J. H. Knox
  • Mr. J. Thomas Gibson


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. Micheo Abe
  2. Mrs. Abe
  3. Mr. Douglas Abeicrombie
  4. Mr. Frank Adams
  5. Mr. Walter Aeschbach
  6. Mrs. Ida Aeschbach
  7. Mr. William Agate
  8. Mr. S. Althouse
  9. Mr. Althouse
  10. Mrs. Lilian Anderes
  11. Miss Lilian Anderes
  12. Ernest Anderes
  13. Mr. Olaf Andersen
  14. Mrs. Selma Andersen
  15. Mr. Horace Anderson
  16. Mrs. Anderson
  17. Rev. George Andree
  18. Miss F. Andrew
  19. Miss Virginia Atmore
  20. Miss M. Awdry
  21. Mrs. Paula Backes and two Children
  22. Paul Backes
  23. Miss Marie Baldridge
  24. Miss Betty Ballachey
  25. Dr. Valer Barbu
  26. Mrs. Gabriela Barbu
  27. Valer Barbu
  28. Miss Thelma Barnes
  29. Miss La Verne Barnes
  30. Mr. Theodor Bartels
  31. Mrs. Mary Bauer
  32. Mrs. Rose Bauer
  33. Mr. Frank Bauer
  34. Mr. E. von Bauer
  35. Mrs. von Bauer
  36. Mr. Baum
  37. Mrs. Martha Baum
  38. Mrs. Peggy Baumer
  39. Mr. Karl Bausch
  40. Mr. David Beck
  41. Mr. Christian Bender
  42. Miss Paula Beutele
  43. Sister Marie Berntsen
  44. Miss Frida Beyrer
  45. Mr. William Blagg
  46. Mrs. Alba Blagg
  47. Miss Margaret Boaz
  48. Mr. Henry Bodensiek
  49. Miss Emma Klara Böhme
  50. Dr. Julius Boldizar
  51. Miss Melane Bott
  52. Mrs. Dagny van Boven
  53. Mr. Charles Brank
  54. Miss Mary Brann
  55. Miss Margaret Bransfield
  56. Miss Helen Bransfield
  57. Mrs. Mary Bransfield
  58. Miss Lilian Brenneisen
  59. Miss Frances Brewster
  60. Mrs. Betty Brink
  61. Miss Dorothy Brink
  62. Miss Enyce Brink
  63. Dr. Brown
  64. Mrs. Brown
  65. Mrs. Louise Bruckner
  66. Mrs. Buehlmann
  67. Miss Margaret Bunyan
  68. Miss Dorothea Burns
  69. Mr. John Burton
  70. Mr. Joseph Carey
  71. Mrs. Dorothy Chadwick
  72. Mr. Pierre Chandellier
  73. Mrs. Chandellier
  74. Mr. Nils Christiansen
  75. Miss Sue Clarke
  76. Miss Margaret Cobly
  77. Mr. Frank Cobly
  78. Mr. G. Coleman
  79. Mrs. Coleman
  80. Miss Helene Colesie
  81. Miss Fannie Coley
  82. Mr. Irwin Cooper
  83. Mr. Valerie Corbett
  84. Miss Edith Corbett
  85. Mr. John Cresar
  86. Mrs. Mary Cresar
  87. Mr. Ralph Crews
  88. Mrs. Dorothea Crews
  89. Mr. Emilio Cronfeld
  90. Mrs. Amelia Cronfeld
  91. Sessi-Ramer Cronfeld
  92. Mr. Werner Cryns
  93. Dr. Frank Cryns
  94. Mr. Emil Dahmen
  95. Mr. Lloyd Dahmen
  96. Mr. Paul Dannenberg
  97. Mrs. Frieda Dauskardt
  98. Mrs. Rosa Daust
  99. Mrs. Dedo-Minigis
  100. Miss Dedo-Minigis
  101. Mrs. Maria Derteana
  102. Mr. Albert Deitmer
  103. Mrs. Erna Dettmer
  104. Dorothea Dettmer
  105. Elsie Dettmer
  106. Elfriede Dettmer
  107. Mrs. Balow Dickey
  108. Mr. Karl Diepolt
  109. Mr. Joseph Dietrich
  110. Mrs. Marie-Louise Dietrich
  111. Mr. Francis Donoghne
  112. Mr. James Driver
  113. Miss J. Droege
  114. Mr. Louis Du Bois
  115. Mrs. Josephine Dzimian
  116. Floria Dzimian
  117. Mr. Adolf Eccardt
  118. Mr. Sidney Edwards
  119. Mr. Wilhelm Eggeling
  120. Mrs. Marie Egger
  121. Dr. Hilbert Ehrlich
  122. Mr. Eisert Mrs. Eisert
  123. Mr. Dr.William Elghammer
  124. Mrs. Stena Eighammer
  125. Mr. Robert Eighammer
  126. Richard Eighammer
  127. Mr. Albert Eisberg
  128. Miss Ethel Encke
  129. Mr. Ernest Encke
  130. Mr. Hermann Endejan
  131. Miss Cläre Enloe
  132. Mr. Harold Enright
  133. Mrs. Flora Enright
  134. Miss Pat Erickson
  135. Mr. Aithur Ewell
  136. Mr. John Ewell
  137. Mrs. Jane Ewell
  138. Mr. Simon Feldman
  139. Mrs. Susi Feldmann
  140. Miss Ida Feldmann
  141. Mrs. Anna Ferguson
  142. Mr. Missionar John Fetzer
  143. Mr. George Finkbeiner
  144. Mrs. Elisabeth Finkbeiner
  145. Mr. Clarence Fischer
  146. Mrs. Charlotte Fleischmann
  147. Mr. Leonard Forier
  148. Mrs. Elise Förster
  149. Miss Betty Fortune
  150. Mr. George Fox
  151. Miss Hilde Frank
  152. Mr. Eduard Frank
  153. Mr. Heinrich Frank
  154. Mr. Josef Franken
  155. Mr. Leonard Franz
  156. Mrs. Franz
  157. Miss Irma Franz
  158. Mr. Heinrich Frase
  159. Mrs. Frase
  160. Miss Helen Friebel
  161. Mr. Erich Frisch
  162. Mrs. Anne Froelich
  163. Mr. Fritz Funke
  164. Miss Martha Gable
  165. Mr. A. Gacss
  166. Mrs. Gaess
  167. Mr. Owen Gallagher
  168. Miss Anne Galvin
  169. Mr. William Geissei
  170. Miss Avis Gibson
  171. Mr. Thomas Gibson
  172. Mr. Rubert Gilmore
  173. Mr. William Gilmore
  174. Mr. Franz Goetze
  175. Miss Elsie Goldschmidt
  176. Mr. Michael Gonring
  177. Mr. Norman Goodbrod
  178. Mr. Milton Gordon
  179. Mrs. Charlotte Gottschalk
  180. Dr. Rufus Gould
  181. Mrs. Gould
  182. Mr. Richard Graham
  183. Miss Janet Greenland
  184. Miss Margaret Greenland
  185. Mr. Hayward Greenland
  186. Mrs. Greenland
  187. Mr. Merton Gribble
  188. Mrs. Gribble
  189. Miss Paula Grosch
  190. Mr. Walter Gunn
  191. Mrs. Anna Gustafson
  192. Dr. Charles Haase
  193. Mrs. Jane Haase
  194. Mr. Prof. Habbersen
  195. Mr. P. Habbersen
  196. Mr. Karl Hackel
  197. Mr. L. Hackelt
  198. Mr. Walter Hackelt
  199. Mr. Loger Hackelt
  200. Mr. Heinrich Hamm
  201. Mr. Hansen
  202. Mrs. Hansen
  203. Miss Hansen
  204. Mrs. F. Hansen
  205. Mr. George Harbert
  206. Mrs. Harbert
  207. Miss Josephine Hardie
  208. Mr. George Harris
  209. Mrs. Ella Harvey
  210. Mr. Richard Haskins
  211. Mrs. Georgia Haskins
  212. Mrs. Charlotte Hauk
  213. Mrs. Laura Hauschild
  214. Mr. Max Helbig
  215. Mrs. Louise Helbig
  216. Mrs. Hallie Helm
  217. Miss Gwendolyn Helm
  218. Mr. Karl Helms
  219. Mrs. Dorothea Helms
  220. Mr. Michael Hermanns
  221. Mrs. Angela Herrig
  222. Mr. Walter Herrington
  223. Mr. Frederick Hess
  224. Mrs. Minnie Hess
  225. Mr. Anton Hierzegger
  226. Mr. Stephen Higgins
  227. Mrs. Higgins
  228. Mr. L. Hiller
  229. Mrs. L. Hiller and Child
  230. Mr. August Hirsch
  231. Mrs. Ellen Hirsch
  232. Mrs. Sigrid Hockschall
  233. Miss Imugen Hoest
  234. Mr. Chas Hoffman
  235. Mrs. Luella Hoffman
  236. Miss Louise Hoffmann
  237. Mrs. Celia Holland
  238. Mr. Paul Holtzel
  239. Mr. Horrocks
  240. Miss Horrocks
  241. Mrs. Horrocks
  242. Mrs. Horseford
  243. Miss Agnes Huelsmann
  244. Mr. Albert Huenefeld
  245. Mr. Joseph Hueninghake
  246. Mr. William Hutchins
  247. Mrs. Hutchins
  248. Miss Margarethe Hutton
  249. Miss Jessie Hutton
  250. Miss Gertrud Ilse
  251. Mr. John Iven
  252. Mr. Robert Jackson
  253. Miss Geraldine Jackson
  254. Mrs. Jaeger
  255. Miss Hermine Jahn
  256. Mr. Willem Jansen
  257. Miss Louise Jefferys
  258. Mrs. Violetta Jester
  259. Mrs. Mary Johannson
  260. Miss Lulu Johannsen
  261. Miss Gertrude Johnsen
  262. Miss Angelos Jorinsen
  263. Mr. Kakinchi
  264. Mr. James Kally
  265. Mr. Don Karshner
  266. Mr. John Keim
  267. Miss Georgina Kemeny
  268. Mrs. Grace Kent and Child
  269. Dr. Kent
  270. Miss Grace Kerner
  271. Mr. Garfried King
  272. Miss Amalia Kircher
  273. Miss Milda Kirsten
  274. Mr. Victor Klecker
  275. Mrs. Klecker
  276. Miss Emilie Knopp
  277. Mr. Elliot Knowlton
  278. Mr. Joe Knox
  279. Mr. Willi Kohler
  280. Miss Koopmann
  281. Mrs. Koopmann
  282. Mrs. Elise Kowol
  283. Mr. Johannes Kramer
  284. Mrs. Helena Kramer
  285. Miss Marie Kramer
  286. Mr. Bernhard Kranefuss
  287. Mr. Otto Krauss
  288. Mrs. C, Kremers
  289. Mr. W. Kriebel
  290. Mr. John Krisch
  291. Mrs. Bertha Krisch
  292. Mrs. Helene Kromer
  293. Miss Marie Kromer
  294. Mr. Henry Kronsbein
  295. Mrs. Laura Kronsbein
  296. Miss Katherine Kugler
  297. Mr. Karl Kup
  298. Mr. John Kupsky
  299. Mr. Horst Kurnick
  300. Mr. Kurt Lagua
  301. Mr. Heinrich Landsmann
  302. Mr. William Lane
  303. Mr. Peter Lang
  304. Mr. Kay Larsson
  305. Mr. Franklin Le-van Baumer
  306. Miss Josephs Leicht
  307. Mr. William Leichtfeld
  308. Mrs. Anna Leichtfeld
  309. Mr. Bernhard Leischke
  310. Mrs. Emma Lenk
  311. Mr. Heinz Levy
  312. Mr. John Lindgren
  313. Miss Hildur Lindgren
  314. Mr. Richard Linkroom
  315. Mr. Andreas Linz
  316. Mrs. Ida Linz
  317. Miss Janet Livingstone
  318. Rev. Joseph Loeffler
  319. Mrs. Irma Loewengrund
  320. Mr. Stanley Lyman
  321. Mrs. Madeleine Lyman
  322. Miss Alice Lyman
  323. Mr. A. Maagary
  324. Mrs. Virginia Magary-Bensen
  325. Dr. Ernest Marr
  326. Mrs. Marr
  327. Miss Patrice Marr
  328. Miss Catherine Martens
  329. Mr. Charles Martin
  330. Miss Carolyn Martin
  331. Mr. Emilio Martinez
  332. Mrs. Eva Martinez
  333. Mr. Karl Marunde
  334. Miss Josephine Matthews
  335. Mr. Ray Matulewsky
  336. Mr. Malcolm McDonald
  337. Mr. Jay McGlure
  338. Mrs. McIntosh Lane
  339. Mr. Theodor McKay
  340. Miss Kitty McKenzie
  341. Mr. Brendon McLaughlin
  342. Miss Agnes McMurray
  343. Miss Vinnie McRay
  344. Mr. Barton McSwain
  345. Mrs. E. Mendenhall
  346. Miss Jean Merril
  347. Miss Nitalie Merril
  348. Mrs. Agathe Metzger
  349. Henry Metzger
  350. Mrs. Emma Michel
  351. Miss Anna Mihal
  352. Miss Erna Milch
  353. Mr. Miller
  354. Mrs. Miller
  355. Mrs. Ruth Miller
  356. Mr. E. Mills
  357. Dr. James Molony
  358. Mr. Robert Morris
  359. Mrs. Morris
  360. Mr. Fred Morton
  361. Miss Corinne Mosby
  362. Mr. William Mueller
  363. Mr. Rolf Muenter
  364. Mr. Charles Mueri
  365. Mrs. Katharine Mueri
  366. Mr. Harold Nelson
  367. Mrs. Katherine Nesbit
  368. Mrs. Nesbit
  369. Mr. Marshall Nevins
  370. Mrs. Martha Nevins
  371. Miss Frances Niederer
  372. Mr. Henry Oberschalp
  373. Mrs. Amanda Oberschalp
  374. Miss Dorothy O'Borne
  375. Mr. Martin Ohlin
  376. Mr. Torgein Omdal
  377. Dr. Hermann Ostermeier
  378. Mr. Albert Ostermeier
  379. Mr. Konichi Otsuka
  380. Mr. Arnold Ott
  381. Miss Helen Palmer
  382. Miss Kaethe Pape
  383. Mr. William Parke
  384. Mrs. Annie Parkhurst
  385. Mr. Johann Partrite
  386. Mrs. Anne Pawlisch
  387. Mr. Joseph Pearman
  388. Miss Josephine Percy
  389. Mr. Niels Perrson
  390. Mr. Carl Pfeifer
  391. Mrs. Eleonore Pfeifer
  392. Mr. Carl Pick
  393. Mr. George Pond
  394. Mrs. Mary Pond
  395. Mr. Ferdinand Post
  396. Mrs. Elizabeth Post
  397. Ferdinand Post
  398. Miss Rose Presel
  399. Sister Marie Preuss
  400. Mrs. Betty Pribyl
  401. Mr. Norbert Quinn
  402. Mr. Laurent Radkins
  403. Mr. Ernest Rask
  404. Mr. John Ravestad
  405. Mr. C. Rawson
  406. Miss Blanche Redmond
  407. Dr. Alexander Rehag
  408. Mr. Felix Rehman
  409. Mr. Oscar Reiman
  410. Mrs. Henrietta Reiman
  411. Mr. Leo Reinhardt
  412. Mr. George Rhodes
  413. Miss Betty Rice
  414. Miss Mary Rice
  415. Mr. Hartmut Richter
  416. Miss Gretchen Riesebieter
  417. Mr. Rinker
  418. Mrs. Rinker
  419. Mr. Gerald Robinson
  420. Mr. Rogers Robinson
  421. Mrs. Alice Robinson
  422. Mr. Bollin Rodolph
  423. Mrs. Loretta Rodolph
  424. Mr. King Rogers
  425. Mr. Frederick Roth
  426. Mr. Donald Routledge
  427. Miss Elise Ruchert
  428. Mrs. W. Rupprecht
  429. Miss Emmy Rupprecht
  430. Miss Anne Rupprecht
  431. Mr. Charles Rupprecht
  432. Mr. Stephen Ryan
  433. Miss Erace Sannders
  434. Mr. Maitin Sarre
  435. Mrs. Mildred Sarre
  436. Mr. Shigetaka Sasaki
  437. Mr. Misugi Sato
  438. Mr. Matt Saukko
  439. Mrs. Saukko
  440. Mrs. Jessie Scollard
  441. Mr. Seidel
  442. Mr. Waldemar Seidel
  443. Mrs. Elisabeth Seidel
  444. Mr. Shunzo Seo
  445. Mrs. Blanche Serocold
  446. Mr. Ralph Serocold
  447. Mr. G. Seward
  448. Miss Katherine Shields
  449. Mr. Arthur Shipman
  450. Miss Giace Shover
  451. Mr. Johann Sichting
  452. Mr. Noel Sidford
  453. Mrs. P. Silbernagel
  454. Mr. Louis Skinner
  455. Mr. Widor Sladey
  456. Mr. Sluis
  457. Mr. McNeil Smith
  458. Miss Constance Smith
  459. Miss Margaret Snow
  460. Mr. Donald Spagnoli
  461. Mr. Charles Suter
  462. Mr. John Suter
  463. Dr. Charles Suttles
  464. Mr. D. Swan
  465. Mr. C. Swan
  466. Mr. Edward Swing
  467. Miss Dorothy Swing
  468. Mr. Hans-Joachim Schaufuß
  469. Mrs. Minna Scheid
  470. Stanley Scheid
  471. Mr. Jean Schmid
  472. Mr. Hans Schmidt
  473. He r Gustav Schmidt
  474. Mrs. Schmidt
  475. Mrs. P. Schmidt
  476. Miss Thekla Schmidt
  477. Dr. J. Sclman
  478. Mrs. Schnan
  479. Miss Barbara Schnan
  480. Miss Charlotte Schnan
  481. Mr. Arthur Schneider
  482. Mrs. G. Schneider
  483. Mr. Fedor Scholtz
  484. Mr. Carl Schoof
  485. Mrs. Maitha Schultz
  486. Mr. Richard Schumann
  487. Mrs. Therese Schumann
  488. Mrs. Theresa Schwarz
  489. Mr. Philipp Stapp
  490. Mr. Starke
  491. Mrs. Starke
  492. Miss Marie Steffen
  493. Mr. Louis Steffens
  494. Mrs. Emilie Stegner
  495. Mr. R. Stickelcather
  496. Mrs. Stickeleather
  497. Mr. Irving Stiefel
  498. Mrs. Olga Stiefel
  499. Mr. Whitney Stoddard
  500. Mrs. Stoddard
  501. Mrs. Sophia Strahle
  502. Mr. Josef Streeter
  503. Mrs. Emilie Streeter
  504. Miss Eleanor Taapken
  505. Miss Alice Tancard
  506. Mrs. Arpad von Tarnay
  507. Miss Janet Tarrey
  508. Miss Tarrey
  509. Mrs. Rose Tatgenhorst
  510. Mr. Albert Thieifelder
  511. Mrs. Alma Thierfelder
  512. Mr. Albert Thompson
  513. Miss Mary Thompson
  514. Miss Helen Thornton
  515. Mr. Thornton
  516. Mrs. Thornton
  517. Mr. John Tietjen
  518. Mrs. Johanna Tietjen
  519. Mrs. E. Tombs
  520. Mr. Milos Tosic
  521. Mrs. Tosic and Child
  522. Miss Lucy Treadway
  523. Miss Jean Treadway
  524. Dr. Hans Tretter
  525. Mrs. E. van Tubergen
  526. Mr. Uleslav
  527. Mrs. G. Virmond
  528. Mr. E. Vitty
  529. Miss Maria Voigt
  530. Mrs. Voit
  531. Miss Elisa Wachter
  532. Mrs. Walburga Walper
  533. Miss Josephine Walton
  534. Mr. John Ward
  535. Dr. J. Ware
  536. Mrs. Adele Warms
  537. Mr. Henry Wairen
  538. Mr. Warrington
  539. Miss Anna Wawrzymak
  540. Miss Josephine Wawrzymak
  541. Miss Lilian Weaver
  542. Mrs. Erna Wegener Ralph Wegener
  543. Dr. Samuel Weinberg
  544. Mrs. Ada Weinberg
  545. Mr. Fritz Weismann
  546. Mr. Gaynor Wellings
  547. Mr. Fred Wening
  548. Mr. Carl Wening
  549. Mr. S. Wertenbaker
  550. Mr. T. Wertenbaker
  551. Mrs. Wertenbaker
  552. Mrs. Weston
  553. Miss Marion Weston
  554. Miss Sonia White
  555. Mr. Josef Wiek
  556. Mr. Wightman
  557. Mr. Robert Wilkinson
  558. Miss Gertrud Willard
  559. Mr. Olof Wilson
  560. Mrs. Anna Winkler
  561. Mr. Ernst Winzenburger
  562. Mrs. Elise Winzenburger
  563. Gertrud Winzenburger
  564. Walter Winzenburger
  565. Miss Margret Wittlessey
  566. Mr. Thomas Wolfe
  567. Miss Betty Wood
  568. Miss Ruth Woodson
  569. Mr. Fritz Wunderlich
  570. Mrs. Flora van Wye
  571. Miss Jarmila Zelinka
  572. Mr. Arthur Zimlick
  573. Miss Karoline Zoller
  574. Mrs. D. Zollinger

To Southampton

  1. Mr. Hans Ludwig Bechtel
  2. Mrs. Bran
  3. Mrs. Edith Brav
  4. Mr. Johann Bruhn
  5. Mrs. Bruhn
  6. John Bruhn
  7. Mr. George Butterworth
  8. Mr. John Butterworth
  9. Mr. Guenthel Caspary
  10. Mrs. Erna Chalk
  11. Miss Margaret Chalk
  12. Miss Norman Chalk
  13. Mr. David Coleman
  14. Mr. Norman Coleman
  15. Mrs. Mabel Coleman
  16. Miss Minnie Doe
  17. Mr. Emanuel von Dwarski
  18. Mr. Nada von Dwarski
  19. Mr. Gerald Edwards
  20. Mrs. Dorothy Edwards
  21. Miss Rana Edwards
  22. Mr. Major Herbert Fogg
  23. Mr. Percy Fowler
  24. Mr. Roland Frese
  25. Mr. George Goombridge
  26. Miss Thea Happe
  27. Miss Florence Haworth
  28. Miss Nelly Hitl
  29. Miss Hilth
  30. Mr. Adolf Hoefler
  31. Mrs. Elisabeth Hoefler
  32. Miss Mary Hunt
  33. Mr. Oszkar von Laczay
  34. Mr. Wolfgang Laeszig
  35. Miss Dora Leicester
  36. Mr. Albeit Ling
  37. Miss Makay
  38. Miss Cyrthia Meade
  39. Mr. Dagobert von Müller
  40. Mr. Dagobert von Müller
  41. Mrs. Zorka von Müller
  42. Mr. Kurt Naumann
  43. Mr. Barbu Nicalesen
  44. Miss Marga Niemann
  45. Mr. George Pappadimitrien
  46. Miss Sylvia-Vere Pearson
  47. Herr  Thomas Perrins
  48. Mrs. Francisca Perrins
  49. Miss Phelan
  50. Mrs. Laura Priest
  51. Mr. Charles Priest
  52. Mrs. Lydia Robertson
  53. Miss Marion Robertson
  54. Mrs. Robinson
  55. Mr. William Robson
  56. Mr. James Sobey
  57. Mrs. Hermine Schoenbeck
  58. Mrs. Martha Schrader-Hofmeier
  59. Mr. Ernst Strond
  60. Miss Marga Wiemann
  61. Miss Vera Williams
  62. Mr. Eric Zillessen
  63. Mrs. Rosetta Zillessen
  64. Mr. M. Zillessen
  65. Mr. W. Zillessen
  66. Miss L. Zillessen


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mr. Hermann Acker
  2. Mr. Samuel Adams
  3. Mr. John Adrian
  4. Mrs. John Adrian
  5. Mr. Louis Ahlert
  6. Mrs. Louis Ahlert
  7. Mr. Bennet Alder
  8. Mrs. Bennet Alder
  9. Miss Manie Allan
  10. Mr. John Alman
  11. Mr. John Amon
  12. Mr. Thomas Ancrum
  13. Miss Violet Anderson
  14. Mr. Karl Angst and Family
  15. Mr. Arno Arnesen
  16. Mr. Paul Arnold
  17. Mr. Lothar Aschatz and Family
  18. Miss Virginia Atmore
  19. Mrs. Barbara Attilo
  20. Mr. Ludwig Baier and Family
  21. Mrs. Paula Bakos and Children
  22. Mr. Daniel Balogh
  23. Mrs. Daniel Balogh
  24. Mr. John Bangerd
  25. Mrs. John Bangerd
  26. Mrs. Gretchen Bannack and Son
  27. Mrs. Barbara Barion
  28. Miss Elisabeth Barnes
  29. Miss Harriett Bartholow
  30. Mr. Emst Bartling and Family
  31. Mr. August Bartsch
  32. Mrs. August Bartsch
  33. Mrs. Else Bartsokas and Children
  34. Mr. F. Bassham
  35. Mrs. Agnes Bastert
  36. Mr. Robert Bauer
  37. Miss B. Baur
  38. Mr. John Beaty
  39. Mrs. Julia Beck
  40. Mrs. Gertrud Becker
  41. Miss Elisabeth Becker
  42. Miss Ann Beisgen
  43. Miss Barbara Beisgen
  44. Mrs. Irma Bellmann
  45. Mrs. Elisab. Bentz
  46. Miss Anna Bergmann
  47. Mr. Elwood Bessey
  48. Miss Sadie Binkland
  49. Miss Ethel Bird
  50. Mrs. Edith Bishop
  51. Mrs. Pearl Blackwell
  52. Mr. J. P. Blake
  53. Robert Blake
  54. Mr. Anton Blau
  55. Mr. Wilhelm Blauschlicher
  56. Mrs. Wilhelm Blauschlicher
  57. Mrs. D. Blohm
  58. Miss D. Blohm
  59. Mrs. Geitrude Blow
  60. Mr. Otto Bock
  61. Mr. Bodiford
  62. Mrs. Helen Boerste
  63. Miss Marg. Boerste
  64. Mrs. Alma Bollhorst
  65. Mr. Boghos Boranian
  66. Mr. Heinr. Bornträger
  67. Mrs. johanna Boumans
  68. Miss Renate Boumans
  69. Mr. Boysen
  70. Mrs. Boysen
  71. Miss Celia Brace
  72. Mr. F. J. Bradlee
  73. Mrs. Wilhelmine Brandes
  74. Miss Blanche Brazitis
  75. Mrs. Anna Bredehorst
  76. Mr. August Breiner
  77. Mr. John Brew
  78. Miss Frieda Britton
  79. Mr. Willi Brosinski
  80. Mr. Walter Brown
  81. Mrs. Walter Brown
  82. Mr. Geo Brown
  83. Miss Jean Brownlee
  84. Mr. Otto Bruck
  85. Mr. Erich Bruns
  86. Miss W. E. Buchanan
  87. Miss Sadie Buckland
  88. Miss Elisab. Bühler
  89. Miss Karoline Buhrmaster
  90. Mrs. L. Burger and Children
  91. Mr. George Burlacu
  92. Miss B. Buriner
  93. Mr. Leroy Campbell
  94. Mr. G. Carlson
  95. Miss Ralphine Carpenter
  96. Mr. Henry Carrell
  97. Mrs. Henry Carrell
  98. Miss Jeanette Carson
  99. Mrs. Ona Cepulyte
  100. Mr. Chase
  101. Mrs. Chase
  102. Mrs. Käthe Chech and Son
  103. Mrs. Bertha Christen
  104. Mrs. Evelyn Christensen
  105. Mrs. Kath. Chubil
  106. Mr. Cyril Clare
  107. Mrs. Erna Clashausen
  108. Mr. Clarence Clausen
  109. Mrs. Clarence Clausen
  110. Mr. Edward Coldwell
  111. Mr. Paul Collins
  112. Mr. Goldsmith Conant
  113. Mrs. Goldsmith Conant
  114. Mr. Goldsmith Conant
  115. Mr. Wm. Conneley
  116. Mr. Donald Connelly
  117. Miss Laura Conway
  118. Mr. Peter Conze
  119. Mr. Willis Cooling
  120. Mrs. Nelly Cook
  121. Mr. Fried. Cope
  122. Mr. Josef Costa
  123. Mr. Peter Coy
  124. Miss Helen Crissmann
  125. Miss Gunda Cunningham
  126. Miss Clarice Curran
  127. Mr. Fred Dahlmann and Children
  128. Miss Dorothy Dana
  129. Mrs. Minna Dannat
  130. Mr. B. Davis
  131. Mr. Emil Dehn
  132. Mr. Michael Dempsey
  133. Miss Julia Denham
  134. Mr. G. Dennith
  135. Mr. Hans Desch and Family
  136. Miss Emilie Diemer
  137. Mrs. Ottilia Dill
  138. Mr. Chas Dittberner
  139. Mr. Alfons Ditzner
  140. Mrs. Fred Doncette
  141. Mrs. Marie Dormann and Son
  142. Mrs. Zdenka von Drashek
  143. Mrs. Else Drechsel
  144. Mr. Georg Dreith
  145. Mrs. Georg Dreith
  146. Mr. Harold Dreniss
  147. Mr. Enast Drewitz and Family
  148. Rev. D. Dubay
  149. Mr. Frank Dugar and Family
  150. Mr. Paul Eaton
  151. Miss E. Eckstein
  152. Miss H. G. Eckstein
  153. Sister M. Edelwine
  154. Mr. Jean Edwards
  155. Mr. Louis Eggebrecht
  156. Mr. Herbert Ehlers
  157. Mrs. Herbert Ehlers
  158. Sister M. Ehrenburge
  159. Miss Elise Ehrler
  160. Mrs. Therese Eiberger
  161. Miss Brigitte Eiberger
  162. Miss Violett Eichhorn
  163. Dr. Oscar Eichmann and Family
  164. Miss Anna Eisemann
  165. Miss Therese Eishinger
  166. Mr. Clarence Elderkin
  167. Miss Ida Ernst
  168. Mr. Karl Esterle
  169. Mr. Richard Eustis
  170. Mr. Andrew Ewald
  171. Miss Gertrud Fabricius
  172. Mr. George Farrer
  173. Mr. Emil Fass
  174. Mrs. Emil Fass
  175. Mrs. Johanna Feilzer
  176. Mr. Josef Feltes
  177. Mrs. Marg. Fentz
  178. Mr. Richard Fischer
  179. Mr. John Flanagan
  180. Mrs. Louise Floeckner
  181. Dr. Karl Flordorf
  182. Mrs. Edith Fosberg
  183. Mrs. Lula Framell
  184. Mrs. Stefania Francha
  185. Miss Agnes Francis
  186. Mrs. Elli Franzen and Son
  187. Mrs. Wilhelmine Freitag
  188. Miss Leona Fretzer
  189. Miss Emma Friedmann
  190. Mr. Charles Friese
  191. Mr. Arno Froehlich
  192. Miss Nolly Frotherham
  193. Mr. Minka Frühling and Family
  194. Mr. John Fuchs
  195. Miss Anna Furmann
  196. Mrs. Ida Gaedke
  197. Mr. Conr. Gebhard
  198. Mrs. Hilde Geiss and Son
  199. Mr. Walter Georg
  200. Miss M. L. George
  201. Mr. Todor Georgieff
  202. Mrs. Katalen Gergely
  203. Mrs. Hedwig Gerhards
  204. Mrs. Hedwig Gerhards
  205. Miss Maria Gerstl
  206. Mr. Charles Gibbs
  207. Mr. Frank Girmann and Family
  208. Mr. Edward Gleave
  209. Mrs. Edward Gleave
  210. Miss Wilhelmine v. Godin
  211. Mr. Theodor Görling
  212. Mrs. Theodor Görling
  213. Miss Birdeena Gowan
  214. Mrs. Hope Graham
  215. Miss Sarah Graham
  216. Mr. Thomas Graves
  217. Mrs. Thomas Graves
  218. Miss Gray
  219. Mr. Carl Green
  220. Mr. John Gremer
  221. Mr. Herrn. Griebert
  222. Miss Mary Griest
  223. Miss Elsie Griffith
  224. Mr. G. Groppler
  225. Mrs. G. Groppler
  226. Mrs. Martha Grosshaupt
  227. Mr. Hans Grossmann
  228. Mrs. Hans Grossmann
  229. Mr. Norbert Grunwald
  230. Miss Virginia Guinn
  231. Miss Victoria Gulia
  232. Mr. Henry Gundlach
  233. Mr. Kurt Günther
  234. Mr. Adolf Günther and Family
  235. Mr. Herrn. Giintsche
  236. Mrs. Herrn. Giintsche
  237. Miss Maria Guttmann
  238. Mr. Alois Hang and Daughter
  239. Mrs. Bertha Haas
  240. Mrs. Martha Habig
  241. Miss Marie Häffner
  242. Mr. Fred Hahle
  243. Mrs. Fred Hahle
  244. Miss Elfriede Hahn
  245. Mrs. Anna Hajda-Kratky
  246. Mrs. Anna Halleland
  247. Miss Florence Halliday
  248. Mr. Felix Hang
  249. Mr. Charles Hanson  and Family
  250. Mr. Alwin Hanson
  251. Mrs. Alwin Hanson
  252. Mrs. Emma Hanstein and Son
  253. Sister M. Hardemara
  254. Mr. Victor Haroldson
  255. Mrs. Victor Haroldson
  256. Miss Grace Hariies
  257. Miss Lucille Harrington
  258. Miss Sadie Hasfield
  259. Mrs. Karl Hausmann
  260. Mr. Josef Heck
  261. Mrs. Josef Heck
  262. Mr. Walter Heesche
  263. Mrs. Elsie Hegemeister and Son
  264. Mrs. Josefine Heibel
  265. Mr. Oscar Heide
  266. Mrs. Oscar Heide
  267. Mr. Rolph Heil
  268. Mr. Gust. Heimers
  269. Mrs. Magd. Hein and Child
  270. Mrs. Pauline Heinrich and Children
  271. Mr. Ernst Heinz
  272. Mrs. Ernst Heinz
  273. Miss Elisab. Hellmuth
  274. Sister E. Helmonida
  275. Mr. Wilhelm Herbold
  276. Mr. Paul Herchert
  277. Mrs. Marg. Herrmann
  278. Mr. L. E. Herz
  279. Mrs. L. E. Herz
  280. Mrs. Helene Hirsch
  281. Miss Hilda Hirsch
  282. Mrs. Paulina Hiza and Son
  283. Mr. R. Hobbs
  284. Mrs. R. Hobbs
  285. Mr. Andrew Hock
  286. Mrs. Magd. Hoffmann and Children
  287. Mrs. Marie Hoffstetter
  288. Mrs. Maria Mohner
  289. Mrs. Rosa Hohnstock
  290. Mrs. Bertha Holstein
  291. Mrs. Christine Holzer and Daughter
  292. Mr. Jacob Holzhauer
  293. Mrs. Jacob Holzhauer
  294. Mrs. Christine Honeck
  295. Miss Virginia Honeck
  296. Miss Grace Hooper
  297. Miss Gladys Horn
  298. Mrs. Emma Homer and Children
  299. Mr. Norwood Hostie
  300. Mr. Franz Houck
  301. Mr. Scott Hoymann
  302. Mrs. Kath. Hubait and Son
  303. Mr. Hubbard and Family
  304. Miss Hubbard
  305. Miss Hubbard
  306. Mr. Edward Huber and Family
  307. Miss Helen Hughes
  308. Miss Henriette Hughes
  309. Miss Gladys Hughes
  310. Mr. M. Humphrey
  311. Mr. William Hunt
  312. Mr. Andrew Hutchinson
  313. Mrs. Veronika Iffland
  314. Mr. Rowland Illick and Family
  315. Sister E. Ilsetrand
  316. Mrs. Elsa Inden and Child
  317. Mrs. Anna Inhofer
  318. Mr. Herrn. Inselmann and Family
  319. Mrs. Gunnar Isacson
  320. Mrs. Anna Ivancsits
  321. Mr. Louis Jacobs
  322. Mr. Alfred Jahn and Family
  323. Mr. Carl Jänner
  324. Mrs. Marie Jauch
  325. Miss Hedwig Jauch
  326. Mrs. Florence Jeffery
  327. Miss Alice Jenekes
  328. Mr. Claus Jensen
  329. Miss Anny Jensen
  330. Mrs. Minna Jipp and Child
  331. Mr. John Joest
  332. Mr. Oscar Johansson
  333. Mr. K. Johnston
  334. Mrs. K. Johnston
  335. Mr. Karl Jung
  336. Mrs. Thea Kainz
  337. Mr. Robert Kaju
  338. Mrs. Robert Kaju
  339. Mrs. Maria Katits
  340. Miss Emma Katits
  341. Mrs. Henriette Kayser
  342. Miss Leonore Keller
  343. Sister Wilhelmine Kemper
  344. Mr. Eduard Kerling
  345. Miss Cath. Keyes
  346. Mr. Kendall Kimberland
  347. Mr. Wilhelm Kimmer
  348. Mrs. Wilhelm Kimmer
  349. Miss Ester King
  350. Miss Alzbcta Kiss
  351. Mrs. Auguste Klaiber
  352. Miss Herta Klapp
  353. Mrs. Kath. Klapproth
  354. Mr. Frank Klepeis
  355. Mrs. Dora Kline
  356. Mr. Arnold Klinkeit
  357. Mr. Otto Klittich
  358. Mrs. Otto Klittich
  359. Miss Maria Klohn
  360. Mr. Robeit Knaus
  361. Mr. Kurt Knötel
  362. Mrs. Emma Koch
  363. Mr. Paul Koch
  364. Mrs. Emma Koch  and Son
  365. Mrs. Fiieda Koch  and Children
  366. Miss Phyllis Koeppen
  367. Miss Marie Koester
  368. Mr. William Kögel
  369. Mr. William Kohl
  370. Mrs. William Kohl
  371. Mrs. Ketalin Komires
  372. Mr. John Komives
  373. Mr. Alex Komives
  374. Mrs. Julia Konfal
  375. Mrs. Thea König
  376. Mrs. Frieda Kopczinski and Son
  377. Miss Anna Koplin
  378. Mr. Peter Koreyko
  379. Mr. Peter Koreyko
  380. Miss Gisella Kosits
  381. Mr. John Kotowicz
  382. Mr. Karl Kraemer and Family
  383. Mrs. Elisab. Kraft
  384. Mrs. Gertrud Kraul
  385. Mr. Max Krause
  386. Mrs. Max Krause
  387. Miss Paula Krause
  388. Mr. Ludwig Kreigler
  389. Mr. Charles Kriansciunas
  390. Miss Hedwig Kiiegler
  391. Mrs. Frieda Krinner and Son
  392. Miss Mary Krohane
  393. Mr. Josef Kuchmeier
  394. Mrs. Josef Kuchmeier
  395. Mr. Oswald Kuehne
  396. Mr. Robert Kuhns
  397. Mrs. Elsa Kunzer
  398. Mr. Jacob Kupsky
  399. Mrs. Jacob Kupsky
  400. Mr. Emil Kurz
  401. Mr. Jack Kuss
  402. Mr. Georg Kutz
  403. Mrs. Maria Landry and Child
  404. Mr. Julius Langer
  405. Miss Mildred Larkin
  406. Mr. Andrew Larsen
  407. Mrs. Auguste Lauricn
  408. Mrs. Emma Lederer
  409. Bertha Lederer
  410. Mr. Aug. Legleitner
  411. Mrs. Aug. Legleitner
  412. Mr. Rudolf LeibMrs.
  413. Mrs. Hedwig Leidolf and Son
  414. Mr. Gustav Leifheit
  415. Mrs. Gustav Leifheit
  416. Mr. Josef Lendl
  417. Mrs. Josef Lendl
  418. Miss Doris Lenz
  419. Mr. Alfred Lettau
  420. Miss Mildred Lewis
  421. Mrs. Agnes Lichtenberg and Family
  422. Dr. Herbert Liedke
  423. Miss Gertrud Lietz
  424. Mr. Edwin Likes
  425. Miss Elis. Likes
  426. Mr. Richard Lindenberg
  427. Mrs. Richard Lindenberg
  428. Mr. J. W. Link
  429. Mrs. Anna Linsmann
  430. Mrs. Lucie von Riemann Lipinski and Daughter
  431. Heir Albert Lipp
  432. Mr. J. D. Lloyd
  433. Mrs. Wilhelmine Loeseke
  434. Miss Viola Loeseke
  435. Miss Helen Loeseke
  436. Mr. Walter Loobmanns
  437. Mr. Rudolf Loos and Family
  438. Mrs. Martha Löscher
  439. Mrs. Marie Lotz
  440. Miss Elizab. Lowedes
  441. Mr. Max Lüdtke
  442. Mrs. Max Lüdtke
  443. Mr. Knrl Luz
  444. Mrs. Knrl Luz
  445. Mrs. Phillis Lybeck
  446. Miss Dorothy Lybeck
  447. Miss Isabella Lynn
  448. Mrs. Anna Mader
  449. Miss Manie Mader
  450. Mrs. Alice Maehl and Children
  451. Mrs. Mary Magyar
  452. Mr. Frank Maier
  453. Mrs. Eva Malinowski
  454. Mr. John Manley
  455. Mrs. Mikalina Margevicinte
  456. Mr. J. M. Markey
  457. Mrs. J. M. Markey
  458. Mrs. Elisab. Martin
  459. Mr. Jack Mashin
  460. Mr. Oscar Matterson
  461. Mrs. Elisab. Matzke
  462. Mr. Herrn. Maudanz
  463. Mr. Frank Mayer
  464. Mrs. Frank Mayer
  465. Mr. Woods McCahill
  466. Mr. Frank McClanahan
  467. Mr. Grant McClanahan
  468. Mrs. F. C. McClanahan
  469. Miss Eleanor McCormeck
  470. Miss Claire McIntyre
  471. Miss Marg. McLaughlin
  472. Mr. Charles McLean
  473. Miss Helene McPherson
  474. Mr. Friedr. Meckeinburg
  475. Miss Marg. Megill
  476. Mr. Hans Meiler
  477. Mr. Herbert Melcher
  478. Mr. Peter Mellonas
  479. Mrs. Peter Mellonasx
  480. Mr. Johannes Merker
  481. Mrs. Caroline Merkle
  482. Harriet Merrick
  483. Mrs. Marie Mettmann
  484. Miss Louise Meyer
  485. Mrs. Math. Meyer
  486. Miss Elisabeth Mezger
  487. Mrs. Philippine Miche
  488. Mr. Emil Michel
  489. Mrs. Emil Michel
  490. Mr. Herrn. Michelsen
  491. Miss Mabel Mickle
  492. Mr. Florian Migda
  493. Mr. J. R. Milford
  494. Mr. Fred Miller
  495. Mrs. Fred Miller
  496. Mr. Richard Mills
  497. Miss Theresia Misch
  498. Mr. Robert Mitchell
  499. Mrs. Clara Moerke
  500. Mrs. Lina Moessner
  501. Mr. W. Mohlenbrok
  502. Mr. Walter Mohr
  503. Mr. Ernst Mouselike
  504. Mr. John Monzani
  505. Mrs. Daisy Moodie
  506. Mr. Walton Moore and Family
  507. Miss Clauda Moore
  508. Miss Julia Moore
  509. Miss Betty Moore
  510. Miss A. S. Morgan
  511. Mr. Herm. Morie
  512. Mrs. Lewis Morley
  513. Miss Cath. Morton
  514. Mr. Henry Mosby
  515. Mr. Peter Muffet
  516. Mr. George Müller
  517. Mrs. Betty Müller
  518. Mr. Hugo Müller
  519. Mrs. Frieda Müller
  520. Mrs. Charlotte Müller-Schaefer
  521. Dr. Florian Münzer
  522. Dr. Karl Munzinger
  523. Dr. Rone Murad
  524. Mrs. Rone Murad
  525. Mr. William Muthard
  526. Mrs. Anna Myers
  527. Mrs. Anneliese Nawroth
  528. Mr. Harold Neidermeyer
  529. Mr. Adalbert Nemecek
  530. Mrs. Else Nester
  531. Mrs. Anna Neumann
  532. Miss Elli Neumann
  533. Mr. Clarence Newell
  534. Mrs. D. J. Nicholls
  535. Mrs. Marie Nickel and Son
  536. Mrs. Hilda Nicolaus and Child
  537. Miss Käthe Niedick
  538. Miss Ida Niegsch
  539. Mrs. Gertrud Nieveler
  540. Miss Nightingale
  541. Mr. Nahmen Nissen
  542. Mrs. Nahmen Nissen
  543. Mrs. Martha Noble and Son
  544. Mrs. Hannah Norgaard
  545. Miss Helen Norgaard
  546. Miss Arlene Norgaard
  547. Mr. John Norjes
  548. Mr. Clark Norjes
  549. Mrs. Helen Nutzei
  550. Miss Emma Oberkrämer
  551. Mrs. Marie Obermiiller
  552. Mr. Allen O'Eaton
  553. Mrs. Allen O'Eaton
  554. Mr. Adolf Off
  555. Mrs. Marie Ohlrogge
  556. Mr. Lester O'Neill
  557. Mr. Philipp Ordway
  558.  Mr. John Orth
  559. Mr. Herm. Ortlepp
  560. Mr. Harry Owens
  561. Mr. Thomas Park
  562. Mrs. Erna Paulus
  563. Mr. Andrew Pavlik
  564. Mrs. Andrew Pavlik
  565. Mr. John Pearson
  566. Mr. Frank Pendl
  567. Mrs. Frances Perko
  568. Mrs. Mary Perko
  569. Mr. John Petrowski
  570. Miss Harriei Petry
  571. Mr. Charles Pettee
  572. Mr. Eugen Pfänner and Family
  573. Mr. Frederick Pfeifer
  574. Mrs. Julie Pfeiffer and Children
  575. Mr. Anton PfiffeiMrs.
  576. Mr. John Pflueger
  577. Sister M. Phiadildis
  578. Sister M. Philiberta
  579. Miss Eugenie Phumphrey
  580. Miss Agathe Pickhardt
  581. Miss Elise Pickhardt
  582. Mr. William Pinkernell
  583. Mrs. Johanna Pirthäuer
  584. Mr. Fr. Pistor
  585. Mrs. Clara Pitts
  586. Mrs. Rose Plapp and Children
  587. Miss Barbara Plei
  588. Mrs. Hermine Plöger
  589. Miss Clara Plöttner
  590. Mr. Thomas Pond
  591. Mr. Steve Pongacz
  592. Mrs. Steve Pongacz
  593. Mr. Eugen Power and Family
  594. Miss Mary Power
  595. Mr. Frank Poxton
  596. Mrs. Frank Poxton
  597. Mrs. Rosa Prann
  598. Mr. Gardner Preison
  599. Mrs. Elisab. Prengel
  600. Mrs. Marya Psuy
  601. Mr. Karl Puerzer
  602. Mrs. Karl Puerzer
  603. Mr. Carl Putmann
  604. Miss Barbara Quinst
  605. Mrs. Martha Racker
  606. Mr. Max Ramp
  607. Mr. Roy Rathcliffe
  608. Mrs. Anna Ratz and Son
  609. Mr. Karl Rauch
  610. Mrs. Minna Rebhan and Daughter
  611. Mrs. Mia Redlich
  612. Mr. William Reeb
  613. Miss Lucila Reeb
  614. Mrs. Marg. Reed and Son
  615. Miss Anna Regenhard
  616. Mr. Henry Rehder
  617. Mr. Henry Rehder
  618. Sister M. Reinburgis
  619. Mr. Anton Reitmeier
  620. Mrs. Bertha Riederer and Children
  621. Mr. Henry Riemann
  622. Mrs. Henry Riemann
  623. Miss Erna Riess
  624. Mrs. A. H. Riews
  625. Mr. Agronom Riinkus
  626. Miss Vera Rink
  627. Mr. J. A. Roberts
  628. Mr. Alfred Rode
  629. Mrs. Alfred Rode
  630. Mr. Joh. Rode
  631. Mr. Reinhard Roesicke
  632. Mrs. Reinhard Roesicke
  633. Mrs. Rozalie Rogalska
  634. Mrs. Marg. Rogers
  635. Miss Kresz. Roiber
  636. Mr. John Rollmann
  637. Mrs. John Rollmann
  638. Mr. Karl Römpp
  639. Mrs. Helen Rose and Son
  640. Miss Hatiie Rosentreter
  641. Mrs. Maria de Rosette
  642. Mr. Arno Rostock
  643. Mr. Karl Rudi
  644. Miss Frances Ruepping
  645. Mrs. Marie Rumbold
  646. Miss Elizab. Rutledge
  647. Mr. Arthur Rutzen
  648. Mr. Rzeszulkow
  649. Miss Dora Salzmann
  650. Miss Elisab van Sand
  651. Mr. Ferdinand Sander
  652. Mr. Paul Sandrisser
  653. Mr. Frederik Sargent
  654. Mr. Cadet D. W. Saunders
  655. Mr. Charles Savoyer
  656. Mrs. Charles Savoyer
  657. Miss Esther Saylor
  658. Miss Julia Saylor
  659. Miss Helen Scott
  660. Rev. D. L. Scudder
  661. Mrs. D. L. Scudder
  662. Mr. Stockwell Sears
  663. Miss Janet Seelye
  664. Mrs. Louise Seghorn
  665. Mr. Willi Seider
  666. Mr. William Seidler
  667. Miss Franziska Seip
  668. Mr. Henry Sick
  669. Mrs. Henry Sick
  670. Mr. E. L. Silgalw
  671. Mrs. Joh. Simmerl
  672. Mr. John Sisenszki
  673. Mrs. Sisenszki
  674. Mr. John Sitzler
  675. Mrs. John Sitzler
  676. Mr. Robert Small
  677. Mr. Prof. Walter Smith
  678. Mr. Ragnar Smith
  679. Mrs. Ragnar Smith
  680. Mr. Thomas Smith
  681. Mr. Marsden Smith
  682. Miss Frances Smythe
  683. Mrs. Helen Sourell
  684. Miss Ola Sowerby
  685. Mr. Roy V. Sowers
  686. Mr. Robert Spalding
  687. Mrs. Else Spang and Children
  688. Mr. Rob. Spiegler
  689. Mr. Henry Spiegler
  690. Miss Francis Spohn
  691. Miss Jane Spolum
  692. Sister M. Superata
  693. Mr. Johann Surek
  694. Mrs. Adele Surmaitiene
  695. Mrs. Maria Szilagyi
  696. Mr. Herrn. Schaaf
  697. Miss K. Schaal
  698. Mr. Carl Schadt
  699. Mrs. Eva Scharf and Child
  700. Mr. Heinr. Schatz
  701. Mrs. Heinr. Schatz
  702. Miss Johanna Schatz
  703. Mrs. Elisabeths Scherer and Children
  704. Mr. Simon Scheuer and Family
  705. Miss Alice Scheurmann
  706. Mrs. Anni Schick
  707. Mr. Herm. Schierenbeck
  708. Mr. Richard Schiewetz
  709. Mrs. Mary Schiller
  710. Mrs. Babette Schlarnhauser
  711. Mr. Walter Schmeer
  712. Mrs. Kath. Schmid and Child
  713. Mr. H. Schmidt
  714. Mr. William Schmitz
  715. Mr. Paul Schnabel
  716. Paul Schnabel Jr.
  717. Mr. Fred Sehne
  718. Mrs. Frieda Schneider and Family
  719. Mrs. Magd. Schnepf and Child
  720. Miss Frieda Schoelmann
  721. Mr. Paul Scholz
  722. Mrs. Paul Scholz
  723. Mrs. Martha Schön and Son
  724. Mrs. Marie Schönert
  725. Mrs. Anna Schraml and Son
  726. Miss Tony Schramm
  727. Mrs. Clara Schröder and Daughter
  728. Mr. Ernst Schuete
  729. Mrs. Ernst Schuete
  730. Mr. Julius Schultz
  731. Mrs. Martha Schulze and Son
  732. Mr. Anton Schulzki
  733. Mr. Eugen Schumacher
  734. Mrs. Elise Schütte
  735. Mr. Michael Schütz
  736. Mrs. Julianna Schwager
  737. Mrs. Marie Schwenk
  738. Mr. Rudolf Schwind
  739. Miss Therese Stadclhuber
  740. Mrs. Augusta Stadler
  741. Mrs. Marie Stark
  742. Mrs. Tekla Stassel
  743. Mrs. Marg. Steffen
  744. Mr. Emil Stein
  745. Mrs. Emil Stein
  746. Mr. Josef Steinhage
  747. Mr. Paul Steinorth
  748. Mrs. Paul Steinorth
  749. Miss D. Stephens
  750. Miss Caroline Stephens
  751. Mrs. Mary Sterzinger and Daughter
  752. Mr. Stevens
  753. Mrs. Helene Stevens
  754. Mr. John Stewenson
  755. Miss G. Stewenson
  756. Mr. David Stoney
  757. Mrs. David Stoney
  758. Mr. Frank Streeter
  759. Mr. Denis Strode-Jackson
  760. Mr. Otto Struck and Family
  761. Mr. Albert Stukenberger
  762. Mrs. Aloisia Stumvoll
  763. Mrs. Anna Sturm and Son
  764. Mr. Norman Taylor
  765. Mrs. Taylor
  766. Mr. Herbert Taylor
  767. Miss Anna Taylor
  768. Miss Mary Taylor
  769. Mrs. Anna Teichmann and Son
  770. Mr. James Thanner
  771. Miss Anneliese Thewes
  772. Mr. William Thiele
  773. Mr. Androw Thomas
  774. Mrs. Androw Thomas
  775. Miss Lela Thomas
  776. Miss Mary Thompson
  777. Mr. Emil Thurner
  778. Mrs. Marie Tiede
  779. Mr. Job. Tietjen
  780. Mrs. Job. Tietjen
  781. Mr. Joh. Tillmann
  782. Mr. James Towner
  783. Mrs. Anna Trenker and Daughter
  784. Miss Louise Triebei
  785. Miss Anna Turkinak
  786. Mr. Fritz Uhlig
  787. Mrs. Fritz Uhlig
  788. Mr. Parker Vanamee
  789. Miss Louise Velten
  790. Mr. Jalmari Vesa  
  791. Mrs. Jalmari Vesa
  792. Mrs. Edith Viker
  793. Mr. Simon Wachinger
  794. Mr. Norwal Waddington
  795. Mrs. Ethlyn van Wagner
  796. Miss Rosalie Wagner
  797. Sister Mary Wallmeier
  798. Miss Theresia Wallusch
  799. Mrs. Lina Walz and Child
  800. Mr. August Wanner and Family
  801. Mr. George Ware Jr.
  802. Mrs. Wilma Warnstedt and Son
  803. Mrs. Eva Washburn
  804. Mrs. Marie Wasmuth
  805. Elizabeth Wasmuth
  806. Mr. John Wauben and Family
  807. Mrs. Marg. Weber
  808. Mrs. Marie Weidner
  809. Mr. Kurt Weiland
  810. Mrs. Marianne Weiner and Daughter
  811. Mrs. Lina Weißhäupl
  812. Mrs. Berta Weitendorf
  813. Mr. Alfons Weitner
  814. Mrs. Christine Wengl and Children
  815. Dr. Walter Wente
  816. Mrs. Walter Wente
  817. Mrs. Marie Wenzl
  818. Mr. Emil Wetzel
  819. Mrs. Emil Wetzel
  820. Mr. Brooks Whitehouse
  821. Mrs. Brooks Whitehouse
  822. Mrs. Clotilde Wiedemann
  823. Mr. Josef Wiederin
  824. Mrs. Josef Wiederin
  825. Mr. Gerhard Wiefer
  826. Mr. William Wilkinson
  827. Mrs. Lina Willan
  828. Mr. G. R. Willison
  829. Sister E. Wilrama
  830. Mr. Herbert Winter and Family
  831. Mr. August Wittenberg
  832. Mrs. Elsie Wokonn
  833. Mr. Martin Wolf
  834. Mrs. Cecilie Wuthrich
  835. Mrs. Minnie Yaegle
  836. Mrs. Minnie Yaegle
  837. Miss Beatrice Yates
  838. Mr. Otto Yost
  839. Mrs. O. Zahl
  840. Miss Katie Zanat
  841. Dr. Hans Zeis
  842. Mr. Louis Ziegfeld
  843. Mrs. Louis Ziegfeld
  844. Mr. Josef Ziemba
  845. Mrs. Josef Ziemba
  846. Mrs. George Zinner
  847. Miss Eugenie Zinner
  848. Mr. William Zöllner

To Southampton

  1. Mr. AtkinsonMrs.
  2. Mr. A. Bailey
  3. Miss Mary Anke Beattic
  4. Mr. J. Beer
  5. Mr. William Beye
  6. Mr. G. Brandeth
  7. Mr. A. Campbell
  8. Mr. E. Campbell
  9. Mr. G. Chapmann
  10. Mr. G. Churchill
  11. Miss Grace Connoroy
  12. Mr. G. Couper
  13. Mr. V. Davies
  14. Mr. J. Derry
  15. Mr. D. M. Dewar
  16. Mr. V. Dottin
  17. Mr. A. Duming
  18. Mr. J. E. Dunlop
  19. Miss Alice Drydam
  20. Mr. P. F. Early
  21. Mr. Thomas Early
  22. Mr. E. Ellis
  23. Miss Marie Faster
  24. Mr. A. B. Fleming
  25. Mr. D. Forsyth
  26. Mr. E. Fox
  27. Mr. N. Fraser
  28. Mr. J. Garton
  29. Miss Eva Geisel
  30. Mr. D. Hope Gibson
  31. Mr. R. Grant
  32. Mr. Philipp Griggs
  33. Mrs. Ada Griggs  
  34. Mr. Harold Griggs
  35. Miss Grimm
  36. Mr. Cecil Hall
  37. Mr. Henry Hamilton
  38. Hovard Hamilton
  39. Miss Dorothy Harden
  40. Mr. A. B. Hodgetts
  41. Miss Mary Hooker
  42. Miss Doris Humm
  43. Mr. R. Jarmann
  44. Mr. Arthur Jones
  45. Mrs. Arthur Jones
  46. Mr. Doris Kaene
  47. Mr. Sandor Kiss
  48. Mrs. Sandor Kiss
  49. Mr. J. M. Knox
  50. Mr. C. Laidlow
  51. Mr. P. Lanctot
  52. Mr. D. Lawson
  53. Mr. G. Lukas
  54. Mr. E. C. Mack
  55. Mr. P. Marsh
  56. Mr. Fred. Mason
  57. Miss Focelyn Mason
  58. Mr. G. V. McBride
  59. Mr. N. N. Mc Cormick
  60. Mr. D. Mc Kenzie
  61. Mr. Mc Kenzie
  62. Mr. M. Mc Kinnow
  63. Mr. G. D. Mitchell
  64. Mr. G. Mongeau
  65. Mr. P. M. Moore
  66. Mr. J. Morgan
  67. Miss Sofie Murray
  68. Miss Marg. Murray
  69. Mr. Neumann
  70. Miss Irma Noobs
  71. Mr. R. Noetzl
  72. Mr. R. Orr
  73. Mr. Osborne
  74. Mr. Alan Percival
  75. Mr. Rob. Percival
  76. Mr. Z. Phinnister F
  77. Miss Lillian Pittrock
  78. Mr. J. Reynolds
  79. Mr. W. Richards
  80. Mr. C. Rickitt
  81. Mr. F. Rowell
  82. Mr. Arthur Rutter
  83. Mr. Max Sarac
  84. Mrs. Max Sarac
  85. Miss Elsie Scott
  86. Mr. Erich Scott
  87. Mr. Norman J. Sim
  88. Miss Ada Slater
  89. Mr. C. Sweetmann
  90. Mr. John Swindale
  91. Mr. Schlochauer
  92. Miss Schramm
  93. Mr. W. Sterling
  94. Mr. P. Stoker
  95. Mr. William Tanne
  96. Miss Nellie Taylor
  97. Mr. Thomson
  98. Mr. L. Tipple
  99. Mr. W. Towell
  100. Mr. John Towler
  101. Mr. J. Turner
  102. Mr. D. Unger
  103. Mr. N. Waddingion
  104. Miss Marion Warner
  105. Miss Amelia Warner
  106. Mr. Phijlis Wath
  107. Mr. J. W. Weis
  108. Mr. J. Whiting
  109. Mr. Charles Widdop
  110. Mr. Stephan Wilson
  111. Mr. David Wilson
  112. William Wilson
  113. Mr. Laszlo Zalenka


The City of Bremen

The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½ hours by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one reaches the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.

In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression.

The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city. The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen.

It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated thefirst regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-to-West Air flight over the ocean. But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the City.

The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period. Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same.

Even Romance survives and has found an expression as equally intrepid as it is strong, in the Böttcherstraße which, branches - off from the Market Square. No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy; how it was that this City supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has old Buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest ships in the world, "Bremen" and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.

Information for Passengers

Letters and Telegrams. The Incoming mall will be distributed in the Chief Steward's office. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship passengers are recommended to leave their address at the Chief Steward's office, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded on to them.

Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.
Telegrams and radiograms to be dispatched from the next port are accepted at the ship's wireless station.

Landing Formalities in the U.S.A.

  • Visitors

Before leaving the ship passengers must show their landing-card together with their passport to the U.S. Immigration Inspector.

  • Immigrants

Besides the above-mentioned documents, Emigrants to America must produce all their legalized immigration papers together with the American visa.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.

Firearms. The carrying of fire-arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U.S.A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

Money, Valuables etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company.

Baggage. All baggage matters will be dealt with on board by the Baggage-Master, who may be interviewed at certain hours.

Only the Baggage-Master is authorized to accept baggage or parcels to be forwarded on, stored or delivered to a third person. The Norddeutscher Lloyd assume no responsibility or liability for articles handed to other members of the crew.

Passengers must see to it that all baggage. Including hand-baggage, Is labelled with the Norddeutscher Lloyd labels which must be properly filled out.

Storing of Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be stored in the cabin. The cabin-trunk, however, must not exceed the usual dimensions of 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.

Wardrobe trunks may be taken into the cabin provided the dimensions of the trunk and the cabin permit of this and the passenger is the sole occupant of the room.

Baggage can also be stored in the baggage-hold to which passengers have access at certain hours daily. For technical reasons baggage must not be stored in the corridors and lobbies.

Passengers are strongly advised in their own Interests to look after their hand-baggage themselves when landing at the port of destination and to see that no personal requisites are left behind in the cabins or elsewhere.

United States Customs Regulations. Each passenger must make out a customs declaration of his personal baggage. In the case of families the oldest member present on the trip is authorized to make out this declaration for the whole family. Forms for this purpose will be handed to the passengers on board.

Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the customs declaration and the value thereof stated.

Baggage left behind to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the passengers' arrival and must be included on the customs declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.

Animals. All animals, regardless of sire and kind, will be accommodated aboard In suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.

''Special Travel Service"

A Special Service Secretary on board will advise and assist passengers making their first visit to a foreign country. This service is also available for travelers with whatever special purpose in view, such as business, social educational etc. This office is prepared to give, any information gratis and, if possible, to assist in bringing the passenger in touch with the desired persons or firms.


Route Map on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Bremen Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 14 August 1936.

Route Map on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Bremen Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 14 August 1936. GGA Image ID # 162d36f7c9


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