SS Europa Passenger List - 1 September 1932


Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 1 September 1932 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Europa of the North German Lloyd, Departing 1 September 1932 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain O. Scharf. GGA Image ID # 161213fbe9


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain:  O. Scharf
  2. Chief Officer: P. Petersen
  3. First Doctor: Dr. H. Jelden
  4. Second Doctor: Dr. F. Lamszies
  5. Chief Engineer: H. Eints
  6. Purser: L. Wulle
  7. Assistant Purser: M. Müller
  8. First Officer of the Traffic Office: W. de Haas
  9. Second Officer of the Traffic Office: J. Veening
  10. Chief Steward: O. Meinnert
  11. First Steward for First Class: H. Tranfofsky
  12. Steward for Second Class: F. Schwenn
  13. Steward for Tourist Class: K. Weidt
  14. Steward for Third Class: E. Klosterkamp
  15. Stewart for Restaurant: J. Meierhans
  16. Chief Cook: C. Wagner
  17. Wireless Telegraph Operator Senior Officer: D. Berbig
  18. First Baggage Master: H. Horstmann
  19. Interpreter: J. Schesinger


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Mrs. Sadye Aaron
  2. Mr. Benjamin Abend
  3. Mr. Nathan Abrams
  4. Mrs. Bertha Abrams
  5. Mrs. Aline Allen
  6. Mrs. Irma Back
  7. Mrs. Annie Bain
  8. Mr. Max Baldinger
  9. Mrs. Tina Bayer
  10. Mr. Erwin Beck
  11. Mrs. Anna Beck
  12. Miss Madeline Becker
  13. Mr. Robert Bingham
  14. Miss Lorna Birtwell
  15. Miss Marg. Blankenstein
  16. Mr. Alex Blum
  17. Mrs. M. Bolly
  18. Miss Eleanor Bolly
  19. Miss Ethel Bolly
  20. Miss Marion Bowels
  21. Mrs. Marie Brauns
  22. Miss Franziska Buchinger
  23. Miss Dorothea Campbell
  24. Mr. Karl Cerny
  25. Mrs. Martha Cerny
  26. Karl Cerny
  27. William Cerny
  28. Mrs. Anna Chapman
  29. Mr. Morris Corden
  30. Miss Margaret Corwin
  31. Mr. Max Daenler
  32. Mrs. Mary Daenler
  33. Mrs. Frieda Dreyer
  34. Mr. Arthur Dreyer
  35. Edsel Dreyer
  36. Mr. Andrew Eckert
  37. Mrs. Katharina Eckert
  38. Andrew Eckert
  39. Mr. Frank Erhart
  40. Miss Melita Ernst
  41. Miss Marion Finkelstein
  42. Miss Ida Fischer
  43. Miss Thekla Flender
  44. Walter Frey
  45. Miss Estella Fried
  46. Miss Mary Gail-Clark
  47. Miss Mary Ganley
  48. Miss Charlotte Gerken
  49. Dr. John Gieselbieth
  50. Dr. Karl Glauner
  51. Miss Helen Goldberg
  52. Miss Mathilda Goldman
  53. Miss Janet Goldschmidt
  54. Dr. Solomon Golodetz
  55. Mr. Peter Gomola
  56. Mr. Abram Goodman
  57. Mrs. Martha Goodwin
  58. Mr. Morris Gordon
  59. Mr. Jens Gravesen
  60. Mrs. Marion Gravesen
  61. Miss Mildred Gravesen
  62. Leslie Gravesen
  63. Miss C. Griffin
  64. Miss Laura Gross
  65. Mrs. Anna Gueterbock
  66. Miss Maria Haas
  67. Miss Fanny Maeflin
  68. Mrs. Sophie Hannken
  69. Walter Hannken
  70. Rev. Sylvester Hartman
  71. Miss Frieda Hempel
  72. Miss Alice Hermes
  73. Mr. Walter Hethy
  74. Miss Lilie Hoerig
  75. Mr. Henry Holion
  76. Miss Martha Hollywood
  77. He-r Dr. Howard Howe
  78. Miss Irene Huber
  79. Mr. Prof. Walter Hunter
  80. Mrs. Olga Hyman
  81. Ellen Hyman
  82. Mr. Philip Jackson
  83. Mr. Robert Jameson
  84. Mr. Morril Jozier
  85. Mrs. Miriam Karpa
  86. Miss Lillian Karpa
  87. Miss Gladys Kieman
  88. Mrs. Marie Kirms
  89. Mr. Stephen Kiss
  90. Mrs. Olga Kiss
  91. George Kiss
  92. James Kiss
  93. Mr. Ernest Kitson
  94. Mr. Abraham Klein
  95. Mrs. Gossie Klein
  96. Rosa Klein
  97. Mr. Rabbi Klein
  98. Mrs. Henriette Klein
  99. Mr. Earl Kline
  100. Mrs. Anna Kline
  101. Mr. John Kluge
  102. Mrs. Elds Kluge
  103. Miss Ingeborg Kluge
  104. Mr. Werner Koch
  105. Mr. John Konopa
  106. Mrs. Berlha Kornblau
  107. Miss Isabella Kovalovsky
  108. Miss  Bessy Kranberg
  109. Mr. Ruinhold Krebs
  110. Mrs. Grace Krebs
  111. Miss Hilde Kresel
  112. Miss Sarah Kubrin
  113. Mr. Walter Kuenstner
  114. Mr. Alfred Lachheim
  115. Miss  Louise Lahm
  116. Miss Mary Lapak
  117. Fräul.  Katarina Lennert
  118. Mrs. Rachel Levine
  119. Miss  Violet Levine
  120. Mr. Jiri Libansky
  121. Mrs. Anna Lovinger
  122. Miss  Anna Lynch
  123. Mrs. Lydia Mac Knight
  124. Mr. Prof. Franc. Magyar
  125. Mrs. Frances Magyar
  126. Mrs. Goldie Mallove
  127. Miss  Edna Martin
  128. Mrs. Kacthe Martin
  129. Miss  Helen Martin
  130. Mr. Peter Mason
  131. Miss  Frances Mayers
  132. Mrs. Elfriede Merklas
  133. Siegfried Merklas
  134. Rev. Hans Meyer
  135. Miss  Gertrude Meyer
  136. Miss  Camilla Miller
  137. Miss  Frances Mills
  138. Miss  Helen Munn
  139. Mrs. Marie Musil
  140. Edward Musil
  141. Mr. Bernhard Naumburg
  142. Miss  Joan Naumburg
  143. Miss  Nanoy Naumburg
  144. Miss  Elisabeth Naumburg
  145. Mrs. Elsa Naumburg
  146. Mr. Frank Novy
  147. Mrs. Katerina Novy
  148. Rev. Prof. Henry Offermann
  149. Mrs. Juliana Olbricht
  150. Mrs. Ida Olliffe
  151. Fräul.  Terez Oszvald
  152. Mr. Eduard Petrof
  153. Mrs. Frieda Phillips
  154. Mrs. Marie Pollack
  155. Mr. Donald Purdy
  156. Miss  Mary Putman
  157. Miss Maud Randles
  158. Miss Louise Rehm
  159. Mr. Raymond Rose
  160. Mrs. Sarah Rosen
  161. Miss Claire Rosen
  162. Mr. David Rosen
  163. Mrs. Katy Rosenblum
  164. Miss Mildred Rosenfeld
  165. Mr. John Sallis
  166. Mr. Daniel Sandford
  167. Mrs. Anna Sandford
  168. Mr. Joseph Sedlacek
  169. Mrs. Auguste Sedlacek
  170. Miss Alice Seipp
  171. Miss Anna Seipp
  172. Miss F. Selchow
  173. Miss Theresa Shafer
  174. Miss Augusta Shapiro
  175. Miss Alice Sheppard
  176. Miss Mary Short
  177. Miss Alice Simon
  178. Miss Ruth Singer
  179. Mr. Dr. Hans Smetana
  180. Mrs. Smetana
  181. Miss Helen Smith
  182. Miss Evelyn Smith
  183. Miss Bertha Smith
  184. Miss Marion Smith
  185. Dr. Hamilton Southworth
  186. Mrs. Mary Schaefer
  187. Miss Caroline Schedling
  188. Mr. Harry Schmeltzer
  189. Mr. Israel Schuldenfrei
  190. Mr. Irvin Schultz
  191. Mrs. Elizabeth Stalnaker
  192. Mr. Meyer Sleinman
  193. Mr. Saul Steinman
  194. Mr. Harry Stern
  195. Miss Rose Stem
  196. Miss Helen Stilman
  197. Miss Therese Stochr
  198. Miss Rose Stoler
  199. Miss Frances Strakosch
  200. Mrs. Ingeborg Terplan
  201. Martin Terplan
  202. Miss Marion Terry
  203. Miss Eleanor Townsend
  204. Miss Melanie Vasickova
  205. Mr. Erhard Vollmar
  206. Mr. Henry Wagner
  207. Miss Agnita Wallace
  208. Mr. Saul Wallman
  209. Mrs. Beatrice Wallman
  210. Mr. Daniel Walters
  211. Mrs. Ruth Walters
  212. Miss Ruth Wanger
  213. Mrs. Justine Watschek
  214. Frau Mary Wheler
  215. Mr. Clyde White
  216. Mr. Charles Williges
  217. Mr. Hermann Winter
  218. Mrs. Bessie Winter
  219. Mr. Robert Wuestner
  220. Miss Antonie Wuestner
  221. Miss Josephine Wuestner
  222. Mr. William York
  223. Mrs. Ethel York
  224. Louis York
  225. Molly York
  226. Miss Sally Zagor


To Southampton

  1. Miss Antonie Artzt
  2. Lady Maud Badgerow
  3. Mr. George Badgerow
  4. Miss Mary Badgerow
  5. Miss Grete Berg
  6. Mr. Edgar Blackburn
  7. Mr. Boonejat
  8. Mr. Robert Fink
  9. Mr. Maurice Hanks
  10. Mrs. Elli Krug
  11. Mr. Norman Lewis
  12. Mrs. Margarete Lewis
  13. Mr. Kurt Lieber
  14. Mr. Nelson Mandel
  15. Mr. Charles Pemberton
  16. Mr. Johann von Pohlenz
  17. Miss Brigitte Rudolph
  18. Miss Charlotte Scherping
  19. Dr. Kurt Schubert
  20. Miss Eileen Tanner


From Southampton

  1. Mrs. Theodora Abel
  2. Miss Astrid Alquist
  3. Miss Irene Ashton
  4. Mr. Kenneth Atkinson
  5. Miss Elsa Bech
  6. Miss Essie Black
  7. Miss M. Blank
  8. Miss Marion Bond
  9. Miss Elsie Bond
  10. Miss Sadie Carfield
  11. Miss Catherine Conoboy
  12. Miss Elizabeth Davis
  13. Mrs. Emma Felter
  14. Miss Ruth Fiedler
  15. Mr. W. Fothergill
  16. Miss Blanche Fuqua
  17. Miss Loretta Gardener
  18. Miss Alice Gee
  19. Mrs. Minnie Goldburt
  20. Miss Margaret Gorwin
  21. Mr. Benjamin Gross
  22. Mrs. Esther Gross
  23. Miss Ellen Haie
  24. Miss Mary Haie
  25. Mr. Richard Hamburger
  26. Miss Laura Hayden
  27. Miss Nesta Hughes
  28. Mr. Gustavus Hulbert
  29. Mr. W. Irving
  30. Mr. Rev. John Joy
  31. Miss Margareth Kane
  32. Mr. Erwin Kleiderer
  33. Mr. Alphonse Koch
  34. Mr. Thomas Lavelle
  35. Mrs. Lavelle
  36. Mr. Morris Lazaron
  37. Mrs. P. Lazaron
  38. Mr. Morris Lazaron Jr.
  39. Mrs. Lillian Levy
  40. Mr. Murray Levy
  41. Mr. Hyman Levy
  42. Mr. Kenneth Lucas
  43. Mrs. Florence Lucas
  44. Miss M. Ludy
  45. Miss Edna Lyons
  46. Mr. F. McCIenaghan
  47. Mr. James Mangus
  48. Mrs. Mangus
  49. Miss Sarah Martin
  50. Mr. Charles Meyers
  51. Mr. Benjamin von Miller
  52. Miss Camille Miller
  53. Miss Edith Miller
  54. Mrs. Mary Morris
  55. Miss Mildred Mott
  56. Mr. Donald Ordwag
  57. Mrs. Ordwag
  58. Mr. Gilbert Palmer
  59. Miss Lillian Ramsay
  60.  Miss Mildred Ready
  61. Mrs. Stephanie Salomon
  62. Miss Mary Seeger
  63. Miss Sarah Simpson
  64. Miss Louise Sinnickson
  65. Mrs. Slaughters
  66. Mr. John Sullivan
  67. Mr. Lester Schaff
  68. Mr. Maximilian Steinberg
  69. Miss Sophie Stenger
  70. Miss Magdalen Stoelcker
  71. Miss Elizabeth Stumpf
  72. Mr. Cameron Thompson
  73. Miss Ethel Voigt
  74. Miss Bertha Voigt
  75. Miss Amelia Voigt
  76. Mr. Bernard Wagner
  77. Mrs. Hermine Weitzenfeld
  78. Miss Ahoda Weitzenfeld
  79. Miss L. Wilson
  80. Mr. Joseph Withers
  81. Mrs. Caroline Wittens
  82. Mr. Henry Wood


From Cherbourg

  1. Mr. Carl Adams
  2. Mrs. Yetla Aderbloom
  3. Mr. William Aiken
  4. Miss Mary Barnes
  5. Miss Lucille Bierman
  6. Mr. A. Block
  7. Mrs. Block
  8. Mr. Rollins Bogardus
  9. Miss Florence Bogardus
  10. Miss Adele Bowman
  11. Miss Andrea Byrne
  12. Miss Edna Carhung
  13. Mrs. Anna Carlson
  14. Mr. Eustace Cavanagh
  15. Mr. Charles Chach
  16. Mrs. Chach
  17. Mr. Max Check
  18. Mrs. Check
  19. Dr. Hyman Chenitz
  20. Dr. P. Chenitz
  21. Dr. Nathan Chenitz
  22. Mrs. Chenitz
  23. Mr. M. Cinelli
  24. Mrs. Cinelli
  25. Dr. Clerinne
  26. Mrs. Julia Colt
  27. Miss Edith Cumberland
  28. Mr. Joseph Curielli
  29. Mrs. Marianne Curielli
  30. Miss Anne Cushen
  31. Mr. Thos. Dana
  32. Miss Dorothy Dana
  33. Mr. Walter Daus
  34. Miss Genevere Dennison
  35. Miss Margaret Deverenx
  36. Mr. John Dulles
  37. Dr. W. Dunn
  38. Mrs. Dunnand Child
  39. Miss E. Dürr
  40. Miss V. Edelman
  41. Mr. Allan Evans
  42. Miss Dr. Manjnia Farnham
  43. Miss Josephine Fastinger
  44. Miss Evelyn Fiedelbaum
  45. Mr. Jacob Fink
  46. Miss Florence Finkeistein
  47. Mrs. Berenio Flick-Scheurer
  48. Mr. D. Ford
  49. Mrs. Ford
  50. Miss Nell Fossier
  51. Mr. Robert Frey
  52. Miss Stella Fried
  53. Miss Lillian Fromerson
  54. Miss Blanche Genet
  55. Mr. William Gerber
  56. Mrs. Gerber
  57. Mr. Gg. Gibson
  58. Miss Elisabeth Gillmann
  59. Mr. Carl Goepel
  60. Mrs. Lilian Goldman
  61. Rabbi David Goldstein
  62. Mrs. Rose Goldstein
  63. Mrs. Dr. Bessie Goldstein
  64. Mrs. Marie Gonlding
  65. Mr. Arnold Gonlding
  66. Miss Anna Goodman
  67. Mr. Milton Gordon
  68. Miss Marjorie Greenberger
  69. Mr. Arnold Greenhalgh
  70. Miss Anna Greenboure
  71. Miss E. Griner
  72. Miss Dorothy Handel
  73. Mrs. Helen Hanford
  74. Miss F. Hankinson
  75. Miss Mary Hankinson
  76. Mr. Carl Hankwitz
  77. Mrs. Dr. Mary Harley
  78. Miss Lillian Harris
  79. Mr. Harry Harris
  80. Mrs. H. Haskell
  81. Mr. Joseph Häuser
  82. Miss Mary Heery
  83. Miss Deboral Heller
  84. Miss Ladie Herrig
  85. Miss Esther Herrig
  86. Miss Eva Herrman
  87. Mrs. Elizabeth Hesse
  88. Mr. Fred Hesse
  89. Miss Elisabeth Hiebel
  90. Mr. Harvey Hirsch
  91. Miss Alice Holden
  92. Mr. J. Horowitz
  93. Mrs. Horowitz
  94. Miss Katherine Hunt
  95. Miss Louise Hunt
  96. Miss Deborah Isnook
  97. Mr. Harry Jacobs
  98. Mrs. Jacobs
  99. Mr. L. Janford
  100. Miss Herriet Jones
  101. Miss Martha Kaiser
  102. Miss Louise Keefe
  103. Mr. Walter Keteham
  104. Miss Fanny Kissen
  105. Mrs. H. Kitzmiller
  106. Mr. Kitzmiller
  107. Mr. Kullinan
  108. Mrs. Kullinan
  109. Mr. S. S. Lanham
  110. Mrs. Lazaion
  111. Mr. Geo Lehman
  112. Miss Marion Leopold
  113. Miss Florence Levine
  114. Miss Ethel Levy
  115. Mr. E. Lilting Mrs. Lilling
  116. Miss Elisabeth McMallin
  117. Mr. Paul Mc Manus
  118. Dr. Maurill Malen
  119. Mrs. Lillian Malen
  120. Miss Marie Malina
  121. Mr. Jack Marks
  122. Mr. D. Marks
  123. Mr. M. Marks
  124. Miss Grace Massenau
  125. Miss Leah Mervankin
  126. Miss Helen Mihlhausen
  127. Miss Dora Milensky
  128. Miss Nancy Miller-Ulrich
  129. Miss Evelyn Molan
  130. Mr. Parey Moon
  131. Mr. Joseph Mullen
  132. Mr. Ernest Müller
  133. Miss Gertrude Noyes
  134. Miss Mae O'Brien
  135. Miss May Overton
  136. Miss Alice Palmer
  137. Miss Anna Permington
  138. Miss Rachel Pincus
  139. Miss Rose Pinz
  140. Miss Lucy Plumm
  141. Miss Dr. Rosa Prigosen
  142. Rabbi Hyman Rabinowitz
  143. Miss Jane Rabinowitz
  144. Mrs. Aurelia Reinhard
  145. Mr. Christopher Roberts
  146. Mr. Henry Roepke
  147. Mrs. Roepke
  148. Jane Roepke
  149. Mr. Meyer Rothman
  150. Mr. William Rubsam
  151. Miss Esther Sacerdoti
  152. Mr. Will Scarlet
  153. Mrs. Scarlet
  154. Mr. William Segal
  155. Mrs. Segal
  156. Miss Rachel Selecter
  157. Miss Hannah Shapiro
  158. Miss Cecil Shapiro
  159. Miss Emma Shapiro
  160. Miss Rose Shapiro
  161. Miss Leah Siegel
  162. Miss Della Simpson
  163.  Präul. Adele Solow
  164. Miss Maria Somerville
  165. Mr. Prof. R. Sontag
  166. Mrs. Doiotliea Sontag
  167. Mr. Henry Schilling
  168. Mrs. Schilling
  169. Mr. Bernard Schwartz
  170. Miss Eifrida Sterner
  171. Mrs. Theresa Strack
  172. Miss Marylew Stritzinger
  173. Miss Margarethe Strong
  174. Miss Harriet Tiffang
  175. Mr. Samuel Tille
  176. Mr. Sol Toumazkine
  177. Mrs. Sadie Toumazkine
  178. Mr. Joseph Vaoricka
  179. Mrs. Mary Vaoricka
  180. Mr. Morris Wahl
  181. Mrs. Mella Wahl
  182. Irving Wahl
  183. Miss Marion Warren
  184. Mr. Gyman Washington
  185. Mr. Leo Watte
  186. Mrs. Ida Weiss
  187. Miss Ethel Weiss
  188. Mrs. Vera Wellerson
  189. Mr. John Wells
  190. Mrs. Dorothy Wells
  191. Miss Dorothy Wetheraid
  192. Miss Janet White
  193. Miss Jane White
  194. Mr. Thomas White Jr.
  195. Miss Julia Willard
  196. Miss Ellen Wilson
  197. Miss Louise Wingert
  198. Miss Ida Wirth
  199. Miss Martha Wisansky
  200. Mrs. Ellen Woods
  201. Mr. David Woods
  202. Mrs. Jannie Woolfson
  203. Mr. Myer Zaslaw
  204. Mrs. Zaslaw
  205. Miss Louise Zick


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mr. Simon Abraham
  2. Mr. Isidor Ackermann
  3. Miss Lena Adelman
  4. Miss Ella Ammann
  5. Miss Hanna Anderson
  6. Mr. William Bach
  7. Mrs. Hanna Bach
  8. Miss Anna Bacharik
  9. Mrs. Elisabeth Backhaus
  10. Miss Clara H. Balogh
  11. Miss Louise Balzer
  12. Mrs. Lucy Bamberger
  13. Mr. John Barna
  14. Mrs. Sarah Baron
  15. Jack Baron
  16. Mr. John Bartimikos
  17. Rabbi Mandel Basch
  18. Mr. B. Baumgartner
  19. Rabbi Osies Baumol
  20. Mrs. Else Becker and Family
  21. Mr. Frank Bein
  22. Mrs. Anna Bein
  23. Mrs. Paula Beisert
  24. Edith Beisert
  25. Mr. John Bellmann
  26. Mrs. John Bellmann
  27. Mrs. Edna Berel
  28. Miss Ella Berger
  29. Familie Berglund
  30. Mrs. Margaret Bertel
  31. Mr. Harry Bilcovitch
  32. Mr. Binenfield
  33. Miss Bessie Blacksin
  34. Mr. Seder Blase
  35. Mr. Richard Boerner
  36. Miss Marie Lotte Born
  37. Mr. Jacob Brandt and Family
  38. Mr. Louis Brejcha
  39. Mrs. Mary Brejcha
  40. Mr. Sam Brodsky
  41. Miss Bertha Brommer
  42. Mrs. Selma Bruchholz
  43. Miss Frieda Brunger
  44. Dr. L. S. Bryan
  45. Miss Hedwig Bubolz
  46. Mr. Martin J. Buckwar
  47. Mrs. Martin J. Buckwar
  48. Miss Lorrain Buckwar
  49. Mrs. Frances Bundoniene
  50. Mr. Louis Carras
  51. Mr. Carl Casparius
  52. Mr. James Cernohouz
  53. Mrs. Florence Cernohouz
  54. Mr. John Cerny
  55. Mrs. Josefine Cerny
  56. Mr. Pavel Chizmar
  57. Miss TeUla Chorkowa
  58. Mr. Paul Christen
  59. Mr. W. L. Claxton
  60. Mr. Harry Cohen
  61. Mr. F. B. T. Coleman
  62. Mrs. Anna Conradi
  63. Miss Judith Cook
  64. Mrs. Auguste Cornelsen
  65. Mr. Jos. Creporsky
  66. Mr. Steve Csontos
  67. Mrs. Mary Csontos
  68. Mr. John Curylo
  69. Mr. Carl Dammann
  70. Mrs. Theresia Dammann
  71. Miss Frances Dangelmaier
  72. Mrs. Bertha Dapp
  73. Mr. Erich Dathe
  74. Miss Bertha Daugschat
  75. Miss Emily M. Davis
  76. Mr. Paul Debaz
  77. Miss Grete Deckert
  78. Mr. Haris Dellis
  79. Mr. John Dellmann
  80. Mrs. John Dellmann
  81. Mrs. Elly Dieckmann
  82. Mr. Karl Dinnebier
  83. Mrs. Anna Dinnebier
  84. Pavlina Dinnebier
  85. Miss Margarete Dirschedl
  86. Mr. William Dobrichovsky
  87. Mrs. Barbara Doeppman
  88. Mr. Jacob Drachler
  89. Mrs. Jacob Drachler
  90. Miss Emma Dreher
  91. Mr. Wilhelm Dresling
  92. Miss Martha Dreyer
  93. Mrs. Bertha Driessner-Voigt
  94. Mr. Max Druckmann
  95. Mrs. Max Druckmann
  96. Mrs. Emilie Milada Dubing
  97. Miss Katharina Dumele Mr. John Dunker
  98. Miss Sophie Ebert
  99. Mr. Gustav Eckstein
  100. Mrs. Gustav Eckstein
  101. Mrs. Lizzie Edelstein
  102. Mrs. Marie Effinger
  103. Mr. Eugen Ehrat
  104. Mr. Josef Eisenbarth
  105. Miss Wilhelmine Ellinger
  106. Mr. Fritz Engelhardt
  107. Mrs. Elfriede Engelmann
  108. Mrs. Eva Epstein
  109. Mr. Sam Ermakow
  110. Miss Emilia Fabricius
  111. Mrs. Dorothy Field
  112. Manning Field
  113. Alon Field
  114. Teddy Field
  115. Miss Therese Filippovits
  116. Mrs. Agnes Fischer
  117. Erich Fischer
  118. Mr. Anton Folkman
  119. Mrs. Anastasia Frankow
  120. Katarina Frankow
  121. Mrs. Anna Frehr
  122. Miss Elisabeth Freßdorf
  123. Mr. Otto Frey
  124. Mrs. Mary Frey
  125. Mr. Morris Friedberg
  126. Mr. Willy Friedrich
  127. Mrs. Catherine Friedrich
  128. Mr. Alois Fritsch
  129. Mrs. Frieda Fritzsche
  130. Miss Edythe Funschelle
  131. Mrs. Elisabeth Galaunerand Child
  132. Mrs. Ella Galster
  133. Mr. John Gansinger
  134. Mrs. Elsie Gansinger
  135. Hans Gansinger
  136. Mrs. Pauline Gassner
  137. Ottilie Gassner
  138. Otto Gassner
  139. Mrs. Berta Gaumann
  140. Friedrich Gaumann
  141. Mrs. Josefine Gehrig
  142. Adeline Gehrig
  143. John Gehrig
  144. Mr. John Geiger
  145. Miss Gertrude Geppert
  146. Mrs. Mary Gerth
  147. Mr. Niklaus Gerth
  148. Miss Martha S. Gill
  149. Mr. Giebert Glendenning
  150. Mr. Hermann Goetz
  151. Mrs. Elsie Goetz
  152. Elsie Goetz
  153. David Goldberg
  154. Miss Evelyn Goldstein
  155. Mr. Max Gollnitzer
  156. Mr. David Goodbread
  157. Miss Elisabeth Goss
  158. Mr. john Grecki
  159. Mr. Ernst M. Greene
  160. Mrs. Lena Greene
  161. Mr. A. L. Griffin
  162. Mr. Anton Haes
  163. Mr. Alex Haber
  164. Miss Helen Haefele
  165. Mr. John Hagenstedt
  166. Mrs. Frieda Hagenstedt
  167. Mrs. Ida Hager
  168. Mrs. Berta Hala
  169. Josef Hala
  170. Charles Hala
  171. Mr. Josef B. Haley
  172. Mr. Salomon Halper
  173. Mr. H. T. Hanitz
  174. Miss Tage Hansen
  175. Mr. John Haranka
  176. Miss Agnes Hardwig
  177. Mrs. Maria Hartmann
  178. Hermann Hartmann
  179. Miss Adelhaid Hartmann
  180. Miss Florence M. Haupt
  181. Mrs. Minnie Heller
  182. Jerome Heller
  183. Phylis Heller
  184. Mrs. Elizabeth Helm
  185. Marie Helm
  186. Mr. Robert Henniger
  187. Mrs. Mary Herdt
  188. Mrs. Cecile Herdt
  189. Mrs. Elizabeth Herz
  190. Mr. Karl Hochwarter
  191. Miss Anna Hodgman
  192. Mr. Ludwig A. Hoefer
  193. Miss Margarethe Hoelschel
  194. Mrs. Helene Hoemke
  195. Miss Frieda Hoepken
  196. Miss Philippine Hoffmann
  197. Mr. F. Hofinger
  198. Mrs. Anna E. Hofinger
  199. Mr. Josef Hofler
  200. Mrs. Anna Hofler
  201. Hilda Hofler
  202. Anna Hofler
  203. Elsie Hofler
  204. Mrs. Betty Hofweber
  205. Alfred Hofweber
  206. Johann Hofweber
  207. Mr. Dietrich von Hollen
  208. Irmgard von Hollen
  209. Mr. John Holzmann
  210. Mrs. Mary Holzmann
  211. Mrs. Anna M. Hook
  212. Mrs. Else Hornig
  213. Miss Dorothy Horowitz
  214. Dr. Howard A. Howe
  215. Mr. John Hranka
  216. Mr. Mike Hriczo
  217. Mr. Ludwig Huber
  218. Mr. August Huber
  219. Mr. John Hueisen
  220. Mr. Herman H. Husmann
  221. Mr. William Jahns
  222. Mrs. Emilie Jakubovic
  223. John Jakubovic
  224. Walter Jakubovic
  225. Miss Nellie Jambor
  226. Miss Therese Juraits
  227. Mr. Ivan Kamenetzky
  228. Mr. Wasil Kamenelzky
  229. Mrs. Gussie Karp
  230. Mr. Vasil Karpenko
  231. Mrs. Anna Kasper
  232. Carl Kasper
  233. Mr. Fred Kalt
  234. Mrs. Augusta Katt
  235. Mildred Katt
  236. Mr. Jake Katz
  237. Miss Caroline K. Keil
  238. Mr. Wm. Keller
  239. Mr. Paul Kempkes
  240. Mrs. Inge L. Kempkes
  241. Mr. Max Kendel
  242. Mrs. Anna Kern
  243. Mr. Karl Kibinger
  244. Mrs. Agnes Kibinger
  245. Mr. O. Kibort
  246. Mrs. Elsa Kieferle
  247. Miss Elfriede Kieferle
  248. Mrs. Margar. Kimmei
  249. Lieselotte Kimmei
  250. Mr. Alfred Kirshner
  251. Mrs. Mary Klein
  252. Mr. Hubert Klemme
  253. Mr. Frank Kocsis
  254. Mrs. Alzbeta Kocsis
  255. Mr. Heinz Koenemann
  256. Mr. Willi Kohlmann
  257. Mrs. Sarah Koplowich
  258. Mrs. Maria Kopp
  259. Theresa Kopp
  260. Mr. Richard Koselke
  261. Mr. Andreas Krapf
  262. Mr. John Krclha
  263. Mrs. Elsie Krcha
  264. Valerie Krcha
  265. Mrs. Anna Krejdl
  266. Mr. Josef Krotz
  267. Mrs. Anna Krotz
  268. Mrs. Marie Kueppers
  269. Mr. Friedrich Kulkmann
  270. Mrs. Sarah Kuplowatz
  271. Mr. John Kutil Jr.
  272. Mrs. Hilda Lache
  273. Mr. Harry von Landingham
  274. Mr. George Lange
  275. Mrs. Marijona Lazaroffiene
  276. Miss Olga Lazaroffiene
  277. Mrs. Gertrud Leibig
  278. Miss Edith Leicke
  279. Mrs. Theresia Leitner
  280. Ernest Leitner
  281. Miss Klara Lemke
  282. Mr. Jacob Lempert
  283. Miss Hanna D. Levy
  284. Miss Mary Liesenfeld
  285. Mr. Jacob Lisan
  286. Miss Liudikeviciene
  287. Mr. Peler Lorenz
  288. Mr. Hans Lörig
  289. Mrs. Anna Lövinger
  290. Mr. Frederick Lowell
  291. Miss Alice Lowell
  292. Mr. John Lukacs
  293. Mr. Sophus Lund
  294. Mrs. W. McCann
  295. Mr. Vincenz Machovsky
  296. Mr. Albert Macsata
  297. Mr. Louis Madsen
  298. Mr. William Mahlert
  299. Mrs. Rose Mahlert
  300. Mrs. Marie Malek
  301. Mrs. Josefine Manersberger
  302. Charles Manersberger
  303. Miss Anna Marie Manhart
  304. Mrs. Elfriede Marhöfer
  305. John Marhöfer
  306. Mr. Friedlich Markert
  307. Mrs. Emma Markert
  308. Walter Markert
  309. Mrs. Margarete Mauer
  310. Mr. Lothar Mayr
  311. Mrs. Joanna Medynska
  312. Miss Mildred Meliser
  313. Miss Edna Meliser
  314. Miss Sofie Merker
  315. Mr. David Metcalf
  316. Mrs. Emilie Meurer
  317. Mr. Sebastian Michel
  318. Mrs. Julia Miller
  319. John Miller
  320. Mrs. Mary Miller
  321. Freddie Miller
  322. Mr. Alfred Moll
  323. Mrs. Maria Moll
  324. Mr. Simon Mollins
  325. Mrs. Florence Mollins
  326. Mr. Josef Molz
  327. Mrs. Katharina Molz
  328. Therese Molz
  329. Mr. George Mravich
  330. Mrs. Gretchen Mueller
  331. Miss Margarete Mueller
  332. Irene Mueller
  333. Miss Anneliese Muller
  334. Miss Anna Müller
  335. Mr. Louis Mundhenke
  336. Mr. Conrad Mundhenke
  337. Rev. S. Earl Myers
  338. Mrs. Ingeborg Nadrau
  339. Mr. Frank Neckanicky
  340. Miss Anna Maria Nerz
  341. Mr. Hubert Neubert
  342. Mr. Alfred Neumann
  343. Mrs. Jenny Neumann
  344. Mrs. Therese Nordine
  345. Raymund Nordine
  346. Mr. Alfred Norling
  347. Mr. William Obenauf
  348. Mrs. Hlse Obenauf
  349. Mr. Joe Obermeyer
  350. Mrs. Lydia Obermeyer
  351. Mr. Heinrich von Oehsen
  352. Mrs. Martha von Oehsen
  353. Elenor von Oehsen
  354. Mr. Albert Oelkers
  355. Miss Frieda Olschner
  356. Miss Helen Orkin
  357. Mr. Julius Orto
  358. Mr. Christian Ott
  359. Miss Therese Palkovits
  360. Mr. George Popavassilion
  361. Mrs. Anna Paszko
  362. Miss Annie Paszko
  363. Mr. Alfons Pawlitzky
  364. Mrs. Amalie Pede
  365. Mr. Mike Pelech
  366. Miss Meta Petermann
  367. Mrs. Eva Petriczka
  368. Mr. Stefan Petron
  369. Mr. Franz Pfeifer
  370. Miss Gretel Pfeifer
  371. Mrs. Helene Pfordle
  372. Gertrude Pfordte
  373. Ilse Pfordte
  374. Mr. Barnet Pikser
  375. Mr. Dr. M. M. Pinckney
  376. Miss Nanni Pistor
  377. Mr. Mogens Plum
  378. Mr. Rudolf Popp
  379. Mrs. Berta Popp
  380. Herbert Popp
  381. Mr. John Porto
  382. Mrs. Anna Porto
  383. Mr. William Poszkus
  384. Mr. Rudolf Potzmann
  385. Mr. Louis Prikasky
  386. Mr. Ernst Prokupek
  387. Mrs. Anna Prokupek
  388. George Prokupek
  389. Ernestine Prokupek
  390. Mr. T. P. Prucha
  391. Mrs. Martha Puckhaber
  392. Bernhard Puckhaber
  393. Mrs. Meta Raeder
  394. Mr. Albert Ramsperger
  395. Mrs. Emma Rauscher
  396. Mrs. Bertha Rees
  397. Rita Rees
  398. Fred Rees
  399. Mr. Joseph Reges
  400. Mr. Joseph Reichenbach
  401. Mrs. Anna Maria Ressler
  402. Mr. Andrew Roskosh
  403. Mr. Friedrich Roth
  404. Mrs. Friedrich Roth
  405. Mrs. Elisabeth Roth
  406. Mr. August Rühle
  407. Mrs. Bertha Rühle
  408. Mrs. Anna Sabanos
  409. Michal Sabanos
  410. Mr. Joseph Sacher
  411. Mr. David Sakofsky
  412. Miss Sadie Saslaw
  413. Dr. David Seegal
  414. Mrs. B. C. Seegal
  415. Miss Anna Semftleben
  416. Mr. Kurt Adolf Sepmeier
  417. Miss Jenny Serether
  418. Murray Serether
  419. Mr. Morris Shoham
  420. Miss M. Shoket
  421. Mrs. Mary Slatina
  422. Miss Julia Slatina
  423. Miss Eva Shulman
  424. Mrs. Antonie Sidla
  425. Daniela Sidla
  426. Mrs. Frieda Siegel
  427. Curt Siegel
  428. Adolf Siegel
  429. Rose Siegel
  430. Rabbi Isaach Silberman
  431. Miss Judas E. Silberman
  432. Mr. Leonard Silverman
  433. Miss Mary Slatina
  434. Miss Julia Slatina
  435. Mr. Morris Smith
  436. Erika Sorian
  437. Mrs. Florence Spence
  438. Miss Sylvia Spritzmann
  439. Mrs. Frank A. Symands
  440. Miss Merrill A. Symands
  441. Miss Ruth C. Symands
  442. Mrs. Irene Szabo
  443. Mr. Alexander Szabo
  444. Mr. Vincent Schalk
  445. Mrs. Bertha Schauer
  446. Herold Schauer
  447. Miss Luise Schenk
  448. Mr. Emanuel Schepper
  449. Miss Fajga Schindler
  450. Mrs. Margar. Schlager
  451. Louisa Schlager
  452. Miss Yetta Schloßberg
  453. Mr. Henry Schlotman
  454. Mrs. Anna Schlotman
  455. Miss Hanna Schmidt
  456. Mrs. Helen Schmidt
  457. Miss Rosa Schmitt
  458. Mr. R. Schneck
  459. Mr. Gottlieb Schneider
  460. Miss Katie Schnitzer
  461. Mrs. Louise Schroeder
  462. Mrs. Elsie Schurk
  463. Rabbi Herman Schwartz
  464. Mr. Josef Schwarzbach
  465. Mrs. Ida Schwarzbach
  466. Mr. Julius Schweid
  467. Mr. Jean F. Schweizer
  468. Mrs. Virginia Schweizer
  469. Miss Anna Schweizer
  470. Mr. Israel S. Stamm
  471. Mrs. Martha Stanchi
  472. Lotti Stanchi
  473. Mr. William Stankevich
  474. Mr. Peter Starun
  475. Malaina Starun
  476. Edward Starun
  477. Mrs. Elise Stauder
  478. Mrs. Rose Stech
  479. Miss Adele Steffens
  480. Mrs. Magda Steitz
  481. Mr. George Stellmann
  482. Mr. Runaid Strauss
  483. Mrs. Helen Striedieck
  484. Mrs. Elisabeth Teiwes
  485. Miss Henny Thiesse
  486. Mr. Heinrich Thoma
  487. Miss Louise Thome
  488. Miss Charlotte Thompson
  489. Mr. Thomas Thomsen
  490. Mrs. Emma Thomsen
  491. Thomas Thomsen
  492. Mr. Stefan Timar
  493. Mrs. Marie Timar
  494. Mr. Michal Tkac
  495. Miss Anna Trunz
  496. Miss Andela Mary Tuma
  497. Miss Betty Tuomala
  498. Miss Minnie Vann
  499. Miss Agnes Vaverka
  500. Mr. P. Vogele-Ahlers
  501. Mrs. Louisa Vogele-Ahlers
  502. Miss Marie Vokalec
  503. Mrs. Ethel Vorös
  504. Josef Vorös
  505. Mr. Ewald Voss
  506. Mrs. Anna Voss
  507. Eleanor Voss
  508. Mr. Paul Wagler
  509. Mr. Jacob Waldmann
  510. Mr. John C. Waldmann
  511. Mr. Lewell S. Walker
  512. Mr. Richard Wallstrom
  513. Mrs. Josefa Wallstrom
  514. Miss Helen Waters
  515. Mr. Arthur Waugh
  516. Dr. W. S. Webb
  517. Mrs. Mary Weinkotz
  518. Mr. Ludwig Weiss
  519. Mrs. Anna Weiss
  520. Mr. Josef Weiss
  521. Miss Herta Weiss
  522. Mr. Morris R. Weitzer
  523. Mr. Fred Werner
  524. Mrs. Charlotte Werner
  525. Josefine Wernly
  526. Mr. Werner Wiedner
  527. Mrs. E. Wilkens
  528. Mr. Willy Winkler
  529. Mrs. Marg. Wipplinger
  530. Miss Marg. Wipplinger
  531. Mr. Friedrich Wirth
  532. Mr. Vincence Wolf
  533. Mrs. Cecilie Wolf
  534. Francis Wolf
  535. Evelyn Wolf
  536. Miss Elisabeth Wölpern
  537. Mr. Moses Wortmann
  538. Mrs. Rosa Zauner
  539. Mrs. Maria Zitvogel
  540. Mr. John Zlanabitnig
  541. Rabbi Ziehtmann Zoltan


To Southampton

  1. Miss Karin Classen
  2. Mrs. Jessie Deh-Bö
  3. Mr. Michael Deh-Bö
  4. Mr. Emst Frederichs
  5. Mr. Josef Frederichs
  6. Mrs. Ella Geldapp
  7. Mr. J. C. Ginhery
  8. Mr. Prof. Dr. Emanuel Kern
  9. Mr. Kenneth Charles King
  10. Mr. George Sinclair
  11. Mr. David Sinclair
  12. Mr. Bernhard Wagner


From Cherbourg

  1. Mr. Elliot Aandahl
  2. Mr. August Andersson
  3. Mrs. Wilma Andersson
  4. Narell Andersson
  5. Mr. Henry Appel
  6. Mr. Maurice Boukstein
  7. Mrs. Maurice Boukstein
  8. Mrs. Esther Brodney
  9. Rev. J. G. Cairus
  10. Mrs. J. G. Cairus
  11. Miss Faith Carroll
  12. Miss A. Caver
  13. Mr. James G. Chalmers
  14. Mrs. Helen D. Chappell
  15. Miss Helen Chappell
  16. Mr. Emil Cermak
  17. Mrs. Amalia Cermak
  18. Rabbi Cohen
  19. Rev. F. A. Cullen
  20. Mr. C. P. Cullen
  21. Mr. Andrée Dechaene
  22. Mr. André Dechaene
  23. Mr. Roland Dechaene
  24. Mr. Robert H. Demaire
  25. Miss Gertrud W. Doyle
  26. Mr. David Drabkin
  27. Mrs. David Drabkin
  28. Miss Louise Ellsworth
  29. Mr. David Ewen
  30. Mrs. Rebecca Ewen
  31. Mr. Louis Fein
  32. Mr. Ike Frank
  33. Mr. Meyer Friedmann
  34. Mrs. Meyer Friedmann
  35. Miss Elaine Fuller
  36. Miss Mildred Gallup
  37. Miss Betty Geudler
  38. Miss Emma Ginsberg
  39. Miss Rose Goldberg
  40. Mr. J. Golub
  41. Mrs. J. Golub
  42. Mrs. Irma Gross
  43. Miss Shirley D. Gross
  44. Miss Harriet Grossmann
  45. Mrs. B. Gubin
  46. Miss M. Güssen
  47. Mr. Mordecai Halevi
  48. Emil Halevi
  49. Nadar Halev
  50. Mr. C. H. Harrison
  51. Mrs. Marie Heulte
  52. Mr. Chas. Holt
  53. Mrs. Chas. Holt
  54. Mr. H. Jackman
  55. Miss Helen Johnson
  56. Miss Marian Johnson
  57. Mr. Oliver P. Jotum
  58. Mr. Ewald P. Kendall
  59. Mr. Harry L. Kessler
  60. Mr. Albert Klein
  61. Mrs. Albert Klein
  62. Mr. Ernest Kotsch
  63. Mrs. Gertrud Kotsch
  64. Mr. Louis Labovitz
  65. Mr. W. H. Lamb
  66. Mrs. Elisabeth Lehrbaumer
  67. Miss Diana Leibow
  68. Mr. Albert Leibow
  69. Mr. Benjamin Leifer
  70. Mr. Josef Levins
  71. Miss Frances E. Lewis
  72. Mr. Philip Locker
  73. Mr. Joseph Madl
  74. Mrs. Elizabeth Madl
  75. Miss Mildre Madl
  76. Meloin Madl
  77. Mr. Chas. Malloyes
  78. Mr. Margulis
  79. Mrs. Margulis
  80. Mr. Donald M. Marshal
  81. Mr. Prof. James W. Miller
  82. Mrs. James W. Miller
  83. Mr. Robert B. Miller
  84. Miss Helen Ann Mins
  85. Mr. John Muscat
  86. Mrs. Martha Muscat
  87. Mr. Nelken and Family
  88. Miss Nelson
  89. Miss Edith Newman
  90. Miss Rosette Newman-Treitel
  91. Mr. Carl Norheim
  92. Mrs. Mae S. Pearson
  93. Mr. Charles Pentler
  94. Mr. Ralph Perry
  95. Mrs. Ralph Perry
  96. Miss Eleanor L. Planck
  97. Miss Rebecca Puschkoff
  98. Mr. Fred H. Rathert
  99. Mrs. L. H. Rathert
  100. Mrs. Marie Reindl
  101. Mr. Karl Rest
  102. Mr. Knut Rye
  103. Mr. Samalman
  104. Mrs. Samalman
  105. Mr. Louis Sass
  106. Mrs. Anne G. Sass
  107. Dr. Kurt Sepmeier
  108. Mr. Zelick Shapiro
  109. Miss Sarah Shapiro
  110. Mr. Philip Shorr
  111. Mr. Josef G. Simlock
  112. Miss Rose Skoss
  113. Mr. Harm J. Sunders
  114. Mr. Harold Swahn
  115. Mr. Morris Schaffner
  116. Mrs. Ida Schlumpf
  117. Mr. Jakob Schmit
  118. Mrs. Margaret Schmit
  119. Mr. A. Schwartz
  120. Miss Alice Schwartz
  121. Miss Pauline Schwartz
  122. Mrs. Isabel Stessel
  123. Mrs. Mary Stessel
  124. Mr. P. Stokes
  125. Miss Eva Taran
  126. Mr. A. J. Templin
  127. Mr. Nicolas Tow
  128. Mrs. Rebecca Tow
  129. Mr. Maloni J. Vettrus
  130. Mr. Ole Vettrus
  131. Mrs. Mary Warruni
  132. Mr. Henry Weissmann
  133. Mr. James H. Williams
  134. Miss Jane E. Wolf
  135. Mr. Jacob Wolos
  136. Mrs. Rebecca Wolos
  137. Mr. J. J. Wood
  138. Mrs. J. J. Wood
  139. Mr. Wortmann
  140. Miss Anna Zuckermann


The City of Bremen

The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½  hours by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one readies the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.

In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city.

The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hull, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen. It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-lo-West Air flight over the ocean.

But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the City. The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with its numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period. Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same. Even Romane« survives and has found an expression as equally intrepid as it is strong, in the Böttchcrstraße which, branches-off from the Market Square.

No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy, how it was that this City supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has old Buildings, and is the home of the Norddeutscher Lloyd who can claim as their own, the fastest ships in the world, "Bremen" and "Europa", and who open up connections to all parts of the globe.


Information for Passengers

Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Letters And Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail. Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship passengers are recommended to leave their address at the purser's office, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded on to them. Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.

Telegrams to be dispatched from the next port are accepted at the purser's office only, wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.

Treatment of Sea-Sickness. Travelers who have a tendency to suffer from sea-sickness have an opportunity on this steamer to undergo an entirely new treatment whereby relief is afforded through a process of inhaling certain remedies.

Experience has shown so far that successful results are obtained in practically every case. Passengers who desire to avail themselves of this new treatment against sea-sickness are requested to apply to the Ship's doctor.

For each treatment, a voucher for RM. 2.— must be signed which, at the end of the voyage must be cashed with the Chief Steward. Persons rendering the treatment are not allowed to accept cash-payments.

Landing Cards. Before leaving the vessel the holder must present the landing card to a U.S. Immigration Inspector for endorsement.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.

Firearms. The carrying of fire arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

Money, valuables etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly scaled or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.

Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the cabin-trunk must not exceed the maximum size, i. e. 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.

Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the hold, and will be accessible to passengers at certain times daily. Baggage may not be deposited in the corridors.

Each passenger must fill up a "Customs-Declaration" of his or her personal baggage.
In the case of families the oldest member is entitled to fill up this declaration for the whole family. Blank forms will be distributed on board the steamer.

Pieces of baggage, packets etc., destined to be re-forwarded, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed to the Baggage Master who, alone, is competent to receive them.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.

Passengers are requested to take care that, before leaving the steamer, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere aboard.

Passengers are specially recommended in their own interest to look after their hand baggage upon landing in the port of destination.

Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the Customs Declaration and the value thereof stated.

Baggage to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months' of the passenger's arrival, and must be included in the Customs Declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.

Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.

Passengers who are required to observe their immigration formalities at Ellis Island have to exchange the Company's baggage tickets for the Ellis Island metal checks as soon as their baggage has been inspected by the American custom-house officers, and before proceeding to Ellis Island.


Track Chart on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Europa Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 1 September 1932.

Track Chart on the Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Europa Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 1 September 1932. GGA Image ID # 1612339890


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