SS Bremen Passenger List - 27 February 1926


Front Cover of a Third Class Passenger List for the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing Saturday, 27 February 1926 from Bremen to New York via Queenstown (Cobh)

Front Cover of a Third Class Passenger List for the SS Bremen of the North German Lloyd, Departing Saturday, 27 February 1926 from Bremen to New York via Queenstown (Cobh), Commanded by Captain R. Wurpts. GGA Image ID # 17d36d2b83


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Commander: Captain R. Wurpts
  2. First Officer W. Petermüller
  3. Second Officer F. Schmidt
  4. Second Officer H. Kerkhoff
  5. Fourth Officer K. Hillmann
  6. Fourth Officer J. Haggenmüller
  7. Physician Dr. O. Appelt
  8. First Chief Engineer O. Wetzlau
  9. Second Chief Engineer H. Röbke
  10. Third Chief Engineer F. Lücke
  11. Third Chief Engineer R. Ebert
  12. Fourth Chief Engineer O. Schröder
  13. Fourth Chief Engineer A. v. Seggern
  14. Fourth Chief Engineer H. Loheide
  15. Purser P. Radler
  16. Assistant Purser K. Nahrath
  17. Chief Steward H. Hoffmeister
  18. Chief Steward, Third Class K. Hering
  19. Assistant Chief Steward J. Wagner
  20. Assistant Chief Steward K. Haverkamp
  21. Chief Cook H. Sunkel
  22. Baggage Master R. Scriba
  23. First Radio Officer H. Paulsen
  24. Second Radio Officer F. Schnitker
  25. Third Radio Officer H. Düring


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mr. Anschütz
  2. Mr. Hermann Bartsch
  3. Mr. Heinrich Bassen
  4. Mrs. Anna Baumann and Children
  5. Mr. Paul Bens
  6. Mr. Otto Berg
  7. Mr. Kurt Berthold
  8. Mr. Wilhelm Beutner and Family
  9. Mr. Ernst Benz
  10. Mr. Hans Bier
  11. Mrs. Hans Bier
  12. Miss Luise Bier
  13. Mr. Augustin Blaj
  14. Mr. Albert Blomeyer
  15. Mr. Josef Bobinger
  16. Mr. Christian Bodenschatz
  17. Miss Lina Boeger
  18. Mr. Franz Paul Bogumil
  19. Miss Frieda Böhme and Son
  20. Miss Louise Bongard
  21. Mr. Emil Bormuth
  22. Mrs. Emil Bormuth
  23. Mr. Ludwig Brandl
  24. Mr. William Briz
  25. Mr. Emil Brockmann
  26. Mr. Johann Brüchle
  27. Miss Magdal. Bruegmann
  28. Mr. August Brümmer
  29. Mr. Anton Brunnhölze
  30. Mr. Wilhelm Bruns
  31. Mr. Jacob Buchholz
  32. Mr. Adam Büchsenschütz
  33. Mr. Ernst Buhk
  34. Mr. Johann Bündgens
  35. Mr. John Büscher
  36. Mr. Robert Buschke
  37. Mr. Eugen Christmann
  38. Mr. Carl Clemen
  39. Mrs. Anna Danner and Son
  40. Mr. Hermann Deeken
  41. Mrs. Theresia Derkitsch and Family
  42. Mr. Friedrich Diekmann
  43. Mr. Konstantin Dietrich
  44. Mrs. Konstantin Dietrich
  45. Mr. Eduard Dietrich
  46. Mr. Friedrich Dietrich and Family
  47. Mr. Adam Dörflinger
  48. Mr. Alois Dubiel
  49. Mr. Fritz Dujesiefken
  50. Miss Leni Dünhuber
  51. Mr. Georg Dünhuber
  52. Mr. Claus Eckhoff
  53. Mr. Ludwig Eckhoff
  54. Mr. Willy Ehlers
  55. Mr. Walter Eichacker
  56. Mr. Adam Erlenbach
  57. Mr. Friedrich Faist
  58. Mr. Friedrich Falz
  59. Mr. Theodor Fehrenbacher
  60. Mr. Georg Fendt
  61. Miss Elisabeth Flaig
  62. Mr. Franz Fleischacker
  63. Mr. Otto Flick
  64. Frani. Friederike Fritz
  65. Mr. Otto Fröder
  66. Frau!. Alma Fröhlich
  67. Mr. Josef Fuß
  68. Mr. Albert Gaertner
  69. Mr. Hermann Ganz
  70. Mr. Rudolph Gering and Family
  71. Mr. Fritz Germann
  72. Miss Hildegard Geiger
  73. Mr. Peter Gerfertz
  74. Mr. Johannes Gerhold
  75. Frau!. Henriette v. Glahn
  76. Mr. Ernst Gödde
  77. Mr. Karl Graf
  78. Mr. August Gramatzki and Family
  79. Mr. Fritz Gramatzki
  80. Mr. Otto Gramatzki
  81. Mr. Fritz Greilich
  82. Mr. Wilhelm Greiner
  83. Mr. Groehagen
  84. Mr. Groehagen
  85. Mr. Valentin Gross
  86. Mr. Anton Grossmann
  87. Mr. Max Grünstein
  88. Mr. Michael Gruber and Familie
  89. Mrs. Maria Gruber and Daughter
  90. Miss Margarethe Guckel
  91. Mr. Albert Gündel
  92. Miss Karoline Haaf
  93. Mr. Richard Haak
  94. Miss Hilda Haefele
  95. Mr. Gustav Hafer and Family
  96. Miss Katherine Hagel
  97. Miss Gertrud Hähnel
  98. Mr. Otto Hähnlein
  99. Miss Aranka Halvakez
  100. Miss Honka Halvakaz
  101. Miss Jolanka Halvakez
  102. Mrs. M. Hartmann and Child
  103. Mr. Alfons Harter
  104. Mr. Franz Haslberger
  105. Mr. Friedrich Hasse
  106. Mrs. Rosine Hansmann
  107. Mrs. Therese Häusser
  108. Mrs. Amanda Heid and Daughter
  109. Miss Heikes
  110. Mr. Ludwig Helf
  111. Mrs. Ludwig Helf
  112. Mr. Hans Helmes
  113. Mr. Josef Herbert
  114. Mr. Otto Herbst
  115. Mr. Karl Herrmann
  116. Mr. Eugen Hermann
  117. Mr. Fritz Herzog
  118. Mr. Frank Hirb and Family
  119. Miss Maria Hill
  120. Miss Anna Hirzi
  121. Mr. Emil Hitzemann
  122. Mr. Johann Hots
  123. Mrs. Justine Hudak and Family
  124. Mr. Eduard Inmetzberger
  125. Mr. Ludwig Jakob
  126. Mr. Henry Johanns
  127. Mr. Ernst Kanner
  128. Miss Dorothea Kapf
  129. Mr. Günther Kascha
  130. Mrs. Günther Kascha
  131. Mr. Ernst Kauruff
  132. Miss Louise Kehmeyer
  133. Mr. Kurt Keiger
  134. Mrs. Emma Kerner and Sohn
  135. Mr. Georg Kersting
  136. Mr. Johannes Kirschmann
  137. Mrs. Johannes Kirschmann
  138. Mr. Friedrich Kirschmann
  139. Mr. Karl Klein
  140. Mr. Benedikt Kieiber
  141. Mr. Reinhold Kleiner
  142. Mrs. Reinhold Kleiner
  143. Mr. Paul Klimek
  144. Mr. Georg Klimek
  145. Mr. Rudolf Knothe
  146. Mr. Anton Koch
  147. Mr. August Koczkowski
  148. Mr. Karl L. Koesling
  149. Mr. Josef Kolb
  150. Mrs. Elisa Kolb
  151. Mr. Friedrich Konrad
  152. Mr. Heinrich Kröger
  153. Miss Elisabeth Krüger
  154. Mr. Ferdinand Krüger
  155. Miss Johanne Krüger
  156. Mrs. Anna Kulisch
  157. Miss Lydia Kuntzsch
  158. Mr. Gustav Kuntzsch
  159. Mrs. Elsa Kunart
  160. Frau'. Emma Kunzmann
  161. Mr. Paul Kuratis
  162. Mr. Karl Kurtz
  163. Mr. Fritz Küstin
  164. Mr. Hellmut Kyllmann
  165. Mr. Siegmund Lazarus
  166. Mr. Richard Leipziger
  167. Mrs. Marie Lerch
  168. Miss Frieda Lichtblau
  169. Mr. Fritz Lindbiichler
  170. Mr. Karl Linke
  171. Mr. Heinz Löwenstein
  172. Mr. Karl Luschwitz
  173. Mr. Paul Lux
  174. Mr. Walter Lühmann
  175. Mr. Bruno Maeding
  176. Mr. Otto Maier
  177. Mr. Wilhelm Maier
  178. Mr. Jakub Malar
  179. Mr. Friedrich Mehlhap
  180. Mrs. Martha Meichsun and Sohn
  181. Mrs. Angela Meiners
  182. Mr. August Metzler
  183. Mr. Ernst Meurer
  184. Mr. Angelus Meyer
  185. Mrs. Amalie Michaelis and Family
  186. Miss Frieda Mielenz
  187. Miss Martha Mierdel
  188. Miss Anna Molitorisova
  189. Mrs. Elisabeth Mona and Daughter
  190. Miss Hedwig Möbus
  191. Mr. Thomas Mölzl
  192. Miss Lina Müller
  193. Mr. Herbert Müller
  194. Mr. Friedrich Müller
  195. Miss Bertha Müller
  196. Mr. Ernst Mußbach
  197. Mrs. Ernst Mußbach
  198. Mrs. Giesela Mußbach
  199. Miss Josefine Nacken
  200. Mr. Hugo Neuffer
  201. Mr. August Nicola
  202. Mr. Felix Niemeyer
  203. Mr. Bruno Niklaus
  204. Mr. Hans Noack
  205. Mr. Robert Nolte
  206. Mr. Otto Obhof
  207. Mr. Konrad Ochs
  208. Miss Katharina Ochs
  209. Mr. Friedrich Ohnmacht
  210. Miss Hermine Okkinga
  211. Mr. Josef Ortmeyer
  212. Fran!. Anna Ott
  213. Mrs. Johanna Peitsch and Daughter
  214. Mr. Louis Peters and Family
  215. Mr. Georg Peter and Family
  216. Mr. Justus Pflüger
  217. Mr. Herbert Philipp
  218. Mr. John Pieper
  219. Mrs. John Pieper
  220. Mr. Lukas Plaikner
  221. Mrs. Henriette Pollmann
  222. Mr. Wilhelm Posse!
  223. Mr. Heinrich Prange
  224. Mr. Albert Przinda
  225. Miss Marie Pütz
  226. Mr. Karl Raabe
  227. Miss Margaretha Reif
  228. Mr. Emil Reich
  229. Mr. Hugo Reich
  230. Miss Helene Reich
  231. Miss Lina Reichert
  232. Mrs. Louise Reinfurt
  233. Mr. Curt Reus
  234. Mr. Alexander Reus
  235. Mrs. Clara Reus
  236. Mr. Wilhelm Richter
  237. Mr. Peter Rickels
  238. Mr. Bernhard Rogge
  239. Mr. Willy Röhling
  240. Mr. Christian Roper
  241. Mr. Kuve Ropsca and Family
  242. Mr. Heinrich Rostek
  243. Mr. August Sandmann
  244. Mr. Willi Sandmaier
  245. Mr. Wilhelm Seitz and Family
  246. Mr. Karl Sewtz
  247. Mr. Beve Siebens
  248. Miss Anna Sigmunzik
  249. Miss Erna Solasczek
  250. Mr. Wilhelm Sonnstedt
  251. Mr. Jakob Spiegel
  252. Mr. Heinrich Spielkamp
  253. Mr. Josef Spielkamp
  254. Miss Louise Süßbrick
  255. Mrs. Maria Szaj and Children
  256. Mr. Rudolf Schaper
  257. Mr. Ernst Schild
  258. Mr. Theodor Schillmat
  259. Miss Adeline Schirmer
  260. Miss Margarethe Schlanow
  261. Miss Emilie Schlumbrecht
  262. Mrs. Kunigunde Schmeußer
  263. Mr. Walter Schmid
  264. Miss Berta Schmiedel
  265. Mr. Wilhelm Schmidt
  266. Mr. Heinrich Schmidt
  267. Mr. Robert Schneider
  268. Miss Anna Schneider
  269. Miss Paula Schneider
  270. Mr. Friedrich Schneider
  271. Mr. Heinrich Schniedewind
  272. Miss Marie Schniedewind
  273. Mr. Franz Schnoor
  274. Mr. Karl Schnoor
  275. Miss Minna Schnoor
  276. Mr. Eduard Scholz
  277. Mr. Heinrich Schopp
  278. Mr. Hugo Schulte-Schrepping and Familie
  279. Mrs. Auguste Schüler
  280. Mr. Wilhelm Schulten
  281. Mr. Friedrich Schutte
  282. Mr. Hinrich Schwareiter
  283. Mr. Albert Schwarz
  284. Mrs. Alma Schwarzbach and Daughter
  285. Mr. Peter Schwarzfischer
  286. Mr. Karl Stahl
  287. Mrs. Leopold Stahl
  288. Miss Martha Stahl
  289. Mr. Jacob Stein
  290. Mr. Paul Steingass
  291. Mr. Wilhelm Steinke
  292. Mr. Johann Sternberger
  293. Mr. Karl Sternberger
  294. Mr. Franz Xaver Stiegler
  295. Miss Gretl Stockbauer
  296. Mrs. Babara Stockus and Children
  297. Mr. Ludwig Stoklikowits
  298. Mr. Otto Stölting
  299. Mr. Emil Strehle
  300. Mr. Hermann Tholen
  301. Mr. Dietrich Tütjer
  302. Mr. John J. Tillenberg
  303. Mr. AntoniusTimmermann
  304. Mr. Theodor Trenkelbach
  305. Miss Else Uhden
  306. Mr. Mathias Valestin
  307. Mr. Karl Wilhelm Vette
  308. Mr. Ludwig Volkert
  309. Mr. Erich Voß
  310. Mr. Hermann Voß
  311. Mr. Ludwig Wagner
  312. Mr. Kasian Warenycia
  313. Miss Wilhelmine Weber
  314. Mr. Friedrich Weidig
  315. Mrs. Paulina Weidig and Son
  316. Mr. Paul Weidlich
  317. Mr. Berthold Weisheit
  318. Mr. Willi Weiss
  319. Mr. Georg Willuweit and Family
  320. Mr. Jacob Wendel
  321. Mr. Paul Wentworth
  322. Miss Wilhelmine Werner
  323. Mr. Juan Werth
  324. Mr. Franz Westrich
  325. Miss Katharina Wiegand
  326. Mr. Michael Wilhalm
  327. Mr. Rimt Willms and Family
  328. Mr. Robert Winkels
  329. Mrs. Emma Wolf and Children
  330. Mr. Hermann Wolf
  331. Mr. Max Wottke
  332. Mr. Arthur Wödz
  333. Miss Lina Wöhlleben
  334. Mr. Paul Zange and Familie
  335. Mr. Willy Zellmer
  336. Mr. Bruno Zeps
  337. Mrs. Karoline Ziegler and Familie
  338. Mr. Fritz Ziemes
  339. Miss Gertrud Zylka


To Queenstown (Cobb):

  1. Mr. Alois Arnitz
  2. Mr. Hans Duis
  3. Mr. Gustav Hauel
  4. Mr. Konrad Heilmeier
  5. Mr. Otto Hentschel
  6. Mr. Walter Holle
  7. Mrs. Olga Holle
  8. Mr. Albert Liebert
  9. Miss Mangar-Bündgens
  10. Mrs. Rosa Mayer
  11. Mr. Paul My
  12. Mr. Leander Pichler
  13. Mr. Konrad Russ
  14. Mr. Philipp Sauer
  15. Mr. Diedrich Schmidt
  16. Mr. Paul Schramm


Information for Passengers

Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the Passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward is charged with the distribution of incoming mail.

Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the Passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, Passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship Passengers are recommended to notify the purser's office of their address, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded to them.

Letters and Telegrams may be directed in to any of the company's agents.

Telegrams which are to be despatched from the next port are accepted at the purser's office only; wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.

Photographer. The photographer is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they desire to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the Passengers will be considered in the best possible manner.

Firearms. The carrying of firearms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

The purser will accept valuables etc. duly sealed or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.

Baggage. Only small parcels, and hand baggage in limited quantity may be taken into the stateroom. Trunks and other bulky articles must be stored in the baggage room, to which Passengers have access daily, at stated times.

Each passenger must fill up a "Customs-Declaration" of his or her personal luggage.

In the case of families, the oldest member is entitled to fill up this declaration for the whole family. Blank forms will be distributed on board the steamer.

Pieces of Baggage, Packets, Etc., destined to be re-forwarded, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed to the Baggage Officer or the Baggage Master who, alone, are competent to receive them.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by Passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.

Passengers are requested to take care that, when leaving the steamer, no personal effects are left behind in the cabins or other rooms.

Passengers who are required to observe their immigration formalities at Ellis Island have to exchange the Company's luggage tickets for the Ellis Island metal checks as soon as their baggage has been inspected by the American custom-house officers, and before proceeding to Ellis Island.


Twin Screw Mail Steamer, "Bremen"
10,826 gross reg. Tons, 159.56 m length, 18.34 m width


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