SS Columbus Passenger List - 29 September 1930

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Columbus of the North German Lloyd, Departing 29 September 1930 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg

Front Cover of a Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List from the SS Columbus of the North German Lloyd, Departing 29 September 1930 from Bremen to New York via Southampton and Cherbourg, Commanded by Captain A. Ahrens. GGA Image ID # 1609a24ecb


Senior Officers and Staff

  1. Captain: A. Ahrens
  2. First Officer: F. Poser
  3. First Officer: W. Hamje
  4. Second Officer: W. Tjaden
  5. Second Officer: M. v. Lüder
  6. Third Officer: H. Kruse
  7. Third Officer: H. PIuus
  8. Third Officer:  W. Kleinschmidt
  9. Fourth Officer: K. Mayer-Wundt
  10. Fourth Officer: H. Kellner
  11. Fourth Officer: F. Müller
  12. Ship's Surgeon: Dr. J v. Geyr
  13. Second Surgeon: Dr. Wüttrin
  14. Chief Engineer: W. Brandt
  15. First Engineer: W. Senftleben
  16. First Engineer: E. Bornemann
  17. Second Engineer: F. Meyer
  18. Second Engineer: A. Moryson
  19. Second Engineer:  H. Lintelmann
  20. Third Engineer: A. v. Seggern
  21. Third Engineer: K. Lau
  22. Third Engineer: R. Heisterhagen
  23. Third Engineer: H. Loheide
  24. Third Engineer: H. Schneider
  25. Fourth Engineer: F. Ahrens
  26. Fourth Engineer: F. Behmann
  27. Fourth Engineer: F. Diechhoff
  28. Fourth Engineer: G. Dauer
  29. Fourth Engineer: H. Füssinger
  30. Fourth Engineer: R. Sommerfeld
  31. In Charge of Travel Bureau: A. Heyer
  32. In Charge of Travel Bureau: J. Veening
  33. Purser: W. Beyerle
  34. Second Purser: H. Dilzen
  35. Assistant Purser: H. Friedrichs
  36. Assistant Purser: W. Döring
  37. Chief Steward First Class: E. Landtmann
  38. Chief Steward Second Class: K. Oberbeck
  39. Chief Steward Tourist Class: F. Schulz
  40. Chief Steward Third Class: P. Dammrow
  41. Assistant Chief Steward: H. Strate
  42. Assistant Chief Steward: P. Dieckvoss
  43. Chief Cook:  K. Höhne
  44. Baggage Master: H. Rossenstiel
  45. Wireless Telegraph Operator First Officer: J. Entrup
  46. Wireless Telegraph Operator Second Officer: W. Finger
  47. Wireless Telegraph Operator Second Officer: K. Krieg
  48. Wireless Telegraph Operator Third Officer: A. Thurley
  49. Radio Assistant: R. Bachmann
  50. Radio Assistant: H Becker
  51. Interpreter: J. Dörfel


Tourist Third Cabin Passengers

  1. Mr. Paul Allmann
  2. Mrs. Paula Altmann
  3. Miss Martha Anderson
  4. Mrs. Magdalene Bader
  5. Mrs. Erna Baldeweg
  6. Mrs. Hannah Bauer
  7. Martin Bauer
  8. Mr. Hans Baumann
  9. Mr. Karl Beck
  10.  Mrs. Margarethe Beck
  11.  Mrs. Kath. Beck
  12. Mrs. Therese Behrens
  13. Mr. Ludwig Benner
  14. Mrs. Erna Benner
  15. Ludwig Benner
  16. Mrs. Dagmar Bjodstrup
  17. Miss Elsa Bolanz
  18. Miss Anna Botta
  19. Mr. Charles Boyd
  20. Mrs. Anna Boyd
  21. Mrs. Emma Braun
  22. Miss Loretta Braun
  23. Mrs. Susan Brockmann
  24. Mr. Otto Buch
  25. Mrs. Elisabeth Buch
  26. Mr. Henry Budke
  27. Miss Elisabeth Buhe
  28. Miss Emilie Burgowitz
  29. Miss Anna Capalo
  30. Miss Helene Colsmann
  31. Mrs. Katharine Curschmann
  32. Miss Hedwig Dahm
  33. Mr. Samuel Dessauer
  34. Mrs. Elisabeth Diehl
  35. Doris Diehl
  36. Mr. Philip Dinger
  37. Mrs. Dinger
  38. Mrs. Margarethe Dorr
  39. Miss Helene Dorr
  40. Mrs. Frieda Drews
  41. Reinhold Drews
  42. Mrs. Marie Dröge
  43. Mr. Heinrich Duvel
  44. Miss Hedwig Eichele
  45. Mrs. Marie Eisenhardt
  46. Mrs. Anna Ernst
  47. Mathilde Ernst
  48. Haer Rev. Bernhd. Ersing
  49. Mr. Max Eschmann
  50. Miss Evensen
  51. Mrs. Mary Finch
  52. Mrs. Hete Freitag
  53. Hans Freitag
  54. Mrs. Henriette Gelfius
  55. Mr. Lucjan Gierczynski
  56. Mrs. Lydia Gierczynski
  57. Mr. Jacob Gockenbach
  58. Miss Anna Goetz
  59. Mr. Gustav Graeme
  60. Mr. Heinrich Graeme
  61. Mr. C. Gravesen
  62. Mr. Vaclav Großmann
  63. Mrs. Ludmila Großmann
  64. Mr. Heinrich Grother
  65. Mrs. Dora Haller
  66. Kurt Haller
  67. Mr. Prof. Arne Hansen
  68. Mr. Hermann Happel
  69. Mr. August Hartmann
  70. Mrs. Adelhaid Hartmann
  71. August Hartmann
  72. Mrs. Olga Hausdorfer
  73. Miss Anna Hätzel
  74. Mr. Otto Heidmann
  75. Mr. Fritz Henze
  76. Mr. Charles Hertler
  77. Mr. Wilhelm Hingkeldey
  78. Mrs. Elisabeth Hingkeldey
  79. Mr. Robert Hohl
  80. Mrs. Louise Hohl
  81. Robert Hohl
  82. Mr. Steve Host
  83. Mrs. Host and Child
  84. Mr. Fritz Husmann
  85. Mrs. Betty Husmann
  86. Mr. George Joch
  87. Mr. Homer von Johannson
  88. Mr. Fred Juengst
  89. Mrs. Juengst
  90. Fred Juengst
  91. Mr. Gotthilf Jung
  92. Miss Anna Just
  93. Mrs. Margret Kaufmann
  94. Miss Eleonor Kaufmann
  95. Violet Kaufmann
  96. Mr. Alfons Keller
  97. Mrs. Lina Keller
  98. Miss Berta Keller
  99. Miss Caroline Keller
  100. Mr. Frank Kirnbauer
  101. Mrs. Louise Kirnbauer
  102. Mr. William Klaus
  103. Mr. Alfred Klotz
  104. Mr. Oswald Koeler
  105. Mrs. Mane Koeler
  106. Mr. Alfons Kolberg
  107. Mrs. Anna Kolberg
  108. Mrs. Clara Korsch
  109. Mrs. Frieda Köster
  110. Mrs. Hilde Kretschmer
  111. Mrs. Katharine Kubank
  112. Mr. Fritz Kurrle
  113. Miss Bertha Kurrle
  114. Miss Louise Kurrle
  115. Miss Martha Lafreutz
  116. Miss Minnie Lafreutz
  117. Miss Carrie Larsen
  118. Mr. Oswald Lässig
  119. Mrs. Julia Lauff
  120. Dr. Johannes von Luepke
  121. Mr. Frank Markiewicz
  122. Mr. Louis Matis
  123. Mrs. Matis
  124. Mrs. Marg. Matischek
  125. Miss Anna Mellner
  126. Miss Luise Metzger
  127. Mrs. Frieda Neiheiser
  128. Willy Neiheiser
  129. Mr. Adolf Neugebauer
  130. Miss Hedwig Opitz
  131. Miss Betty Pinkel
  132. Mrs. Frieda Preusse
  133. Mr. Carl Hans Raabe
  134. Miss Clotilde Reuter
  135. Miss Anna Richter
  136. Miss Annemarie Richter
  137. Mrs. Vetta Ritt
  138. Mr. Abram Ritt
  139. Miss Anna Röder
  140. Mr. Willy Sander
  141. Mrs. Mary Shannon
  142. Miss Olga Shannon
  143. Mr. Adolf Sloboda
  144. Mrs. Ottilie Sloboda
  145. Adolf Sloboda
  146. Mr. Conrad Schaumburg
  147. Miss Bertha Scheibe
  148. Miss Gertrude Scheibe
  149. Mr. Joseph Schmidinger
  150. Mr. Walter Schoepff
  151. Mrs. Schoepff
  152. Mr. August Schubert
  153. Mr. Curt Schulz
  154. Mrs. Helen Schulze
  155. Miss Kath. Schwarzenberger
  156. Mrs. Lucille Stachadoria
  157. Miss Helen Steinbach
  158. Miss Louise Steiner
  159. Miss Evelyn Steiner
  160. Mr. Hans Stuntz
  161. Mrs. Johanne Stuntz
  162. Mr. Richard Terhune
  163. Mrs. Selma Terhune
  164. Mr. Otto Tobeler
  165. Mrs. Anna Tobeler
  166. Miss Elsie Todd
  167. Mrs. Nellie Turk
  168. Miss Elisabeth Völker
  169. Mrs. Anna Volkmann
  170. Miss Pauline Walter
  171. Mrs. Margaret Ward
  172. Mrs. Juliane Wassertheure
  173. Mr. Adolph Weimann
  174. Mrs. Jennie Weimann
  175. Gertrude Weimann
  176. Miss Johanna Weis
  177. Miss Frieda Wendt
  178. Mr. Anton Wenninger
  179. Mrs. Anna Wenninger
  180. Miss Karolina Winter
  181. Mrs. Amalie Zipf
  182. Mrs. Antonie Zoeller

To Southampton

  1. Mrs. Margarete Lee
  2. Mr. Kurt Kiethe
  3. Mr. Jan Gill

To Cherbourg

  1. Mr. August König
  2. Miss Cornelie König

From Southampton

  1. Mrs. Baldwin
  2. Miss Sara Byrne
  3. Dr. G. Dicus
  4. Mrs. Luise Dicus
  5. Mr. Joseph Downs
  6. Mrs. Margarete Evertsberg
  7. David Evertsberg
  8. Mr. Myer Gordon
  9. Miss Mayorie Mc Dutch
  10. Mr. Eike Miller
  11. Mrs. Miller
  12. Mrs. Mary Miller
  13. Mrs. Florence Miller
  14. Mr. G. Morrill
  15. Mrs. Morrill
  16. Mr. Bruno Ussher


From Cherbourg

  1. Mrs. Lucy Barthelme
  2. Miss Charlotte Bolton
  3. Mrs. Braschler
  4. Mr. Braschler
  5. Miss Emma Brock
  6. Mr. Edwin Brugger
  7. Mrs. Olga Brugger
  8. Mr. Daniel Carr
  9. Mr. D. Carr
  10. Mr. Marius Cedat
  11. Mrs. Wanda Cedat
  12. Mr. William Conza
  13. Mrs. Dalia Conza
  14. Mr. Walter Dreher F
  15. rau Else Dreher
  16. Miss Varda Faine
  17. Mrs. Harding-Smith
  18. Miss Harding-Smith
  19. Harding-Smith
  20. Mrs. Lula Jones
  21. Mr. Ernest Kronen
  22. Mrs. Josephine Kronen
  23. Miss Gabriele McHaffle
  24. Mr. Anill Monroe
  25. Mr. Nathys
  26. Mrs. Nathys
  27. Mr. Joseph Parton
  28. Miss Ruth Rose
  29. Miss Lin Rost
  30. Mr. Robert Sievers
  31. Mr. Schluessel
  32. Miss Pauline Stein
  33. Mrs. Jessie Zebley
  34. Joseph Zebley


Additional Passengers, Tourist Class

  1. Mrs. Pauline Goff
  2. Mr. Almar Hansen
  3. Mrs. Anna Jung
  4. Heidie Cora Kaufmann
  5. Mr. Charles Lack
  6. Mr. Ross Luttrell
  7. Mrs. Anna Melhart
  8. Miss Majorie McIntosh
  9. Mr. Oscar Mathys
  10. Mrs. Adele Mathys
  11. Mr. Johann Stampf
  12. Mr. Alfons Steinhart


Third Class Passengers

  1. Mr. John Adams
  2. Mr. Felix Allenkirch
  3. Mr. Josip Ancich
  4. Miss Andrew Andersen
  5. Mr. Josef Andl
  6. Mrs. Magdalena Andl
  7. Mr. Louis Anisko
  8. Mr. Jakob Anslett
  9. Mrs. Franziska Anstett
  10. Antonie Anstett
  11. Karl Anstett
  12. Elisabeth Anstett
  13. Wilhelmine Anstett
  14. Mr. Otto Apprich
  15. Mr. Franz Art
  16. Marie Artinger
  17. Mr. Erwin Bachmeyer
  18. Miss Liesel Bader
  19. Miss Maria Bangewitz
  20. Miss Elisabeth Bartfai
  21. Mr. Emil Bartkowski
  22. Miss Marie Banner
  23. Mr. Alexander Beck
  24. Miss Genofeva Beck
  25. Miss Martha Beck
  26. Mr. Fritz Beck
  27. Mrs. Rosa Beck
  28. Miss Paula Beering
  29. Miss Agnes Beering
  30. Mrs. Elisabeth Benchert
  31. Miss Elisabeth Benchert
  32. Miss Marion Benchert
  33. Miss Lina Benz
  34. Mrs. Josefa Berger
  35. Mr. August Bernhagen
  36. Mr. Emil Bettmann
  37. Mr. Anton Beutele
  38. Mrs. Frieda Beutele
  39. Miss Johanna Beutele
  40. Anna Beutele
  41. Mrs. Lina Binder
  42. Boodo Binder
  43. Mr. Diedrich Bischoff
  44. Mrs. Mary Bober
  45. Karl Bober
  46. Mrs. Rosena Bock
  47. Mr. Josef Bögl
  48. Miss Emilie Boll
  49. Mrs. Eva Borics
  50. Elisabeth Borics
  51. Adam Borics
  52. Miss Blitabeth Böseke
  53. Miss Clara Brachthäuser
  54. Mrs. Christina Braun
  55. Miss Margarete Brennau
  56. Mrs. Hattie Bronsora
  57. Edward Bronsora
  58. Dorothy Bronsora
  59. Mrs. Hedwig Bruch
  60. Fritz Bruch
  61. Mr. Fred Briickmeier
  62. Mr. Hermann Brutsch
  63. Mr. Ludwig Brutsch
  64. Mrs. Gertrud Buehler
  65. Mr. Anton Buhren
  66. Mr. John Buscher
  67. Louise Buscher
  68. Mr. John Chanko
  69. Mr. Brich Chatorius
  70. Miss Auguste Clauss
  71. Mr. Adolf Columbell
  72. Mrs. Charlotte Conradi
  73. Mr. Wilhelm Cywikla
  74. Mr. John Daux
  75. Mr. Pred Daux
  76. Mrs. Theresia Dieber
  77. Miss Hilda Dippel
  78. Mr. Fr. W. Dohrmann
  79. Mrs. Anna M. Duffner
  80. Heinrich Duffner
  81. Herbert Duffner
  82. Miss Margarete Dull
  83. Mr. August Dunker
  84. Miss Erna Eberhard
  85. Mr. Hans Eberhardt
  86. Mrs. Martina Eberhardt
  87. Mr. Jakob Ebert
  88. Mr. Otto Ludwig Ehwald
  89. Mr. Karl Eichler
  90. Mr. Ferdinand Emanuel
  91. Mr. Otto Emmerthal
  92. Mr. Charles Engelhards
  93. Mr. Josef John Erhardt
  94. Miss Olga Falentin
  95. Mr. Friedrich Fangmann
  96. Miss Pauline Fassbender
  97. Mr. Henry Finger
  98. Mr. Harry Fisch
  99. Mr. Johann Fischer
  100. Mrs. Betty Fischer
  101. Carl Anton Fischer
  102. Josef Victor Fischer
  103. Miss Gertrud Fischer
  104. Mrs. Dora Fracht
  105. Miss Anna Fracht
  106. Mrs. Barbara Franzem
  107. Mr. Richard Frautz
  108. Mrs. Maria Frautz
  109. Miss Anna Freihalter
  110. Mr. Oskar Freihofer
  111. Miss Else Freihofer
  112. Mrs. Gertrude Frey
  113. Mrs. Frieda Frik
  114. Mr. Markus Gammel
  115. Mr. Karl Gass
  116. Mr. Emil S. Gerger
  117. Mrs. Josefa Gerger
  118. Mr. Adolf Gietz
  119. Mrs. Elisabeth Gietz
  120. Mr. Pipus Gilius
  121. Mr. Godlef and Family
  122. Mr. Max Goern
  123. Mrs. Elsie Goem
  124. Mr. Nikolaus Goller
  125. Miss Hildegard Gonseil
  126. Mr. Josef Graulich
  127. Mrs. Frieda Graulich
  128. Mrs. Ernestina Grenzmeyer
  129. Miss Emilie Grom
  130. Mrs. Anna Gschwender
  131. Mr. Gustav A. Guttman
  132. Mrs. Lydia Guttman
  133. Miss Elisabeth Haarmeyer
  134. Miss Anna Harns
  135. Miss Elsa Haas
  136. Mrs. Maria Hackl
  137. Mrs. Gretchen Hagopian
  138. Harry Hagopian
  139. Miss Ruth Hahn
  140. Mr. Dirk Hanssen
  141. Mr. Otto Hartmann
  142. Mr. C. M. Hartwig
  143. Mr. Anton Havlena
  144. Mrs. Emma Havlena
  145. Alfred Havlena
  146. Mr. M. J. Heesacker
  147. Mr. Otto Heide
  148. Mrs. Otto Heide
  149. Miss Emmy Heiderstädt
  150. Miss Maria Heim
  151. Mr. Werner Heinrichmeyer
  152. Mr. Karl Hennig
  153. Miss Therese Herlein
  154. Mrs. Anna Herrmann
  155. Robert Herrmann
  156. Mrs. Marie Herrmann
  157. Mr. Friedrich Hinkelmann
  158. Mrs. Bertha Hinkelmann
  159. Mr. Hermann Hippe
  160. Egon Hoenle
  161. Miss Pauline Hoff
  162. Mr. Alfred Hoffmann
  163. Mrs. Helene Hoffmann
  164. Miss Ella Hogen
  165. Mrs. Ella Hoppe
  166. Marion Hoppe
  167. Mr. Jerry Horn
  168. Mrs. Helen Horn
  169. Mr. Hotze and Family
  170. Miss Helene Hümmerich
  171. Mrs. Mathilde Hundertmark
  172. Hans Hundertmark
  173. Mrs. Auguste Hussels
  174. Mr. Henry Iding
  175. Miss Marie Iding
  176. Mr. R. Ilijin
  177. Mr. Peter Jacobs
  178. Mr. Charles Jacob
  179. Mrs. Mikaline Jankus and Children
  180. Mrs. Wilhelmine Jessen
  181. Miss Theresia Jud
  182. Mr. Albert Kader
  183. Mrs. Louise Kaeprowaki
  184. Mr. Wilhelm Kammeyer
  185. Mr. Vicolae Kapp
  186. Mrs. Anna Kapp
  187. Mr. John Kaufmann
  188. Mrs. Mary Kaufmann
  189. Mrs. L. Katz
  190. Alice Katz
  191. Edno Katz
  192. Mr. Josip Kazic
  193. Mr. Rudolf Kehler
  194. Mr. Franz Kellner
  195. Mr. Jordan Keneroff
  196. Mrs. Nadejda Keneroff
  197. Mr. Josef Kern
  198. Mr. Erhard Kessler and Family
  199. Miss Ida Kessler
  200. Mr. Michael Kettl
  201. Mrs. Anna Kettl
  202. Mr. Henry Kimmich
  203. Mrs. Maria Kimmich
  204. Miss Martha Kindler
  205. Mrs. Elise Kircher
  206. Arthur Kircher
  207. Miss Anna Klaffl
  208. Mrs. Karoline Klein
  209. Mr. Hinrich Klindworth
  210. Mrs. Sofia Klindworth
  211. Miss Meena Klindworth
  212. Christine Klindworth
  213. Mrs. Sofie Klingheil
  214. William Klingheil
  215. Rudolf Klingheil
  216. Mr. Steve Kohany
  217. Miss Martha Kohzak
  218. Miss Margar. Kolanics
  219. Mr. Vinzent Kolita
  220. Miss Anna Körber
  221. Mr. Isidor Korein
  222. Mrs. Sarah Korein
  223. Julius Korein
  224. Mr. Emil Korritter
  225. Mrs. Anna Kraft
  226. Gertrud Kraft
  227. Hildegard Kraft
  228. Mr. John Kraus
  229. Mrs. John Kraus
  230. Miss Ruth Kraus
  231. Raymond Kraus
  232. Mr. Oscar Krupp
  233. Mr. Frederick Kühl
  234. Mr. Pavel Kuklis
  235. Mr. Josef Kump
  236. Mr. Josef Kump
  237. Mr. Paul Lagna
  238. Mrs. Ida Lagna
  239. Mrs. Emma Landon
  240. Mr. Albert Landon
  241. Mr. Heinrich Latter
  242. Mrs. Susanna Lautermilch
  243. Mr. Eugen Leibfritz
  244. Mr. Ernst Leibiger
  245. Mr. Fritz Leitert
  246. Mr. Johann Leitner
  247. Mr. Georg Lensinger
  248. Mrs. Therese Lensinger
  249. Erna Lensinger
  250. Liesa Lensinger
  251. Mr. Vinzent Leserynsky
  252. Mr. John Leszczynski
  253. Miss Amalie Lindenberg
  254. Mr. Valentin Lingk
  255. Miss Aloisia Loevenith
  256. Mrs. Caroline Luhmann
  257. Mr. John C. Lyons
  258. Mrs. Sofie Lyons
  259. Mr. Hans Mahlenberg
  260. Mrs. Amanda Malinowski
  261. Miss Magdalene Mankeviciene
  262. Miss Hildegard Mantwill
  263. Mrs. Mia Mara
  264. Jarvo Mara
  265. Mr. Andrej Markstan
  266. Miss Paulina Markus
  267. Mr. Karl Martin
  268. Mrs. Wilhelmine Martin
  269. Emil Martin
  270. Mr. Wilhelm Mausolf
  271. Mrs. Martha Mausolf
  272. Mr. Herbert Meinel
  273. Mr. Walter Meinert
  274. Mr. Wilhelm Meisel
  275. Mrs. Franziska Meisel
  276. Miss Mary Mensebel
  277. Mr. Richard Metzger
  278. Miss Kalhia Meyer
  279. Miss Elisabeth Meyer
  280. Mr. Adolf Michalowsky
  281. Mrs. Adolf Michalowsky
  282. Mrs. Rose Michatz
  283. Olga Michatz
  284. Mrs. Ona Mieinanis
  285. Miss Anna Miemams
  286. Miss Marica Miladin
  287. Mr. Frank Miller
  288. Mrs. Sofie Miller
  289. Mrs. Barbara Mohl
  290. Katharina Mohl
  291. Mr. Ferdinand Moll
  292. Mr. Felix Moser
  293. Mrs. Anna Moser
  294. Mr. Gustav Muhl
  295. Mr. Karl Muhl
  296. Mrs. Else Muhl
  297. Mr. Henry Muhl
  298. Mrs. Christine Muhl
  299. Mr. Hans Müller
  300. Mr. Otto Müller
  301. Mr. Otto Müller
  302. Mrs. Alma Müller
  303. Josefine Müller
  304. Miss Rosn Müller
  305. Miss Berta Mutter
  306. Mr. Ernst Neumann
  307. Miss Lydia Niemelae
  308. Miss Agnieska Novas
  309. Mr. Oswald Obeldobel
  310. Mrs. Else Oswald
  311. Mrs. Louise Parker
  312. Mrs. Lina Pastyrik
  313. Mina Pastyrik
  314. Mr. Andrew Pazsit
  315. Miss Peczerdik
  316. Mr. Henry Peiss
  317. Henry Peiss
  318. Mr. Alfred Peitel
  319. Mr. Conrad Peter
  320. Mr. Georg Pfab
  321. Mrs. Babette Pfab
  322. Mr. Georg Pfaffenberger
  323. Mrs. Emma Pfaffenberger
  324. Mr. Wilh. Pflug
  325. Mrs. Susanna Pflumm
  326. Eugen Pflumm
  327. Mr. Wilhelm Pieper
  328. Mr. Hermann Pietsch
  329. Mr. Arthur Pilz
  330. Mr. Henry Plate
  331. Mrs. Anna Plate and Child
  332. Miss Elisabeth Pohlmann
  333. Mrs. Anna Poppert
  334. Mr. Ferd. Popping
  335. Mr. Alois Preißer
  336. Mr. John Prochazka
  337. Miss Marie Ptacek
  338. Mr. Arvi Rantanen
  339. Mrs. Anna Reiss
  340. Mrs. Therese v. d. Reith
  341. Edith v. d. Reith
  342. Mr. Willy Rer
  343. Mr. Jacob Retlinghausen
  344. Mr. Kurt Georg Reuter
  345. Mrs. Charlotte Ringel
  346. Mr. Ferdinand Rohrmoser
  347. Mrs. Elise Rohrmoser
  348. Mr. Henry J. Roth
  349. Mrs. Josefine Roth
  350. Mrs. Anna Rust
  351. Miss Rutenmöller
  352. Miss Samorodin
  353. Mr. John Sauer
  354. Mrs. Rose Sauer
  355. Richard Sauer
  356. Mr. Andrew Sauer
  357. Mrs. Marie Sauer
  358. Mr. Paul Seibel
  359. Mr. Rudolf Seibel
  360. Mr. Rudolf Selter
  361. Mr. William Shiontaken
  362. Mrs. Agnes Shiontaken
  363. Mr. Otto Sichler
  364. Mr. Georg K. Simon
  365. Mrs. Linda Sinkunas
  366. Miss Nelia Sinkunas
  367. Mrs. Aloise Skokau
  368. Mr. Crzegorz Skrobotow
  369. Mrs. Michalina Skrobotow
  370. Mr. Leon Skrydloff
  371. Franz Skrydloff
  372. Marie Skrydloff
  373. Miss Elisabeth Sonderer
  374. Mr. Georg Sorg
  375. Mrs. Irmgard Sorg
  376. Mr. Henry Spangenberger
  377. Mr. Max Spann
  378. Mr. Wilhelm Spreder
  379. Mr. Josef Suckany
  380. Mrs. Marie Suckany
  381. Mrs. Bertha Suorsa
  382. Mr. Heino Suorsa
  383. Mrs. Szabo
  384. Mrs. Elisabeth Szabo
  385. Mrs. Julia Szemann
  386. Mr. Edward Szollas
  387. Mr. Mihaly Sztecunice
  388. Mrs. Berta Schaaf
  389. Miss Eleonore SchaafI
  390. Miss Frieda Schattuch
  391. Mrs. Albin Scheerschmidt
  392. Miss Julia Schenk
  393. Mrs. Elisabeth Schilling
  394. Georg Schilling
  395. Miss Margarethe Schink
  396. Mrs. Luise Schmidt
  397. Miss Karoline Schmidt
  398. Miss Emmy Schmidt
  399. Mr. Willi Schmidt
  400. Mrs. Herma Schnaibel
  401. Mrs. Josefine Schneider
  402. Mr. Valentin Schneider
  403. Mrs. Elsa Schneider
  404. Mrs. Anna Schneider
  405. Henry Schneider
  406. Mr. Helmuth Scholl
  407. Mr. Erich Schubert
  408. Mrs. Johanne Schubert
  409. Mr. Josef Schwarz
  410. Mr. Josef Schwarz
  411. Mr. Karl Schweizer
  412. Mrs. Frieda Schwenzfeger
  413. Alfred Schwenzfeger
  414. Miss Mathilde Stader
  415. Mr. Julius Stanke
  416. Miss Rita Stark
  417. Mr. Georg Staub
  418. Mrs. Emilie Staub
  419. Miss Margaretha Staub
  420. Mrs. E. von Steeg
  421. Mrs. Hedwig Stehr
  422. Mr. Kurt Steinbach
  423. Mr. Fritz Stelling
  424. Miss Ottilie Stern
  425. Mrs. Gretchen Sterner
  426. Karl-Heinz Sterner
  427. Margarete Sterner
  428. Mr. Karl Stiller
  429. Mr. Ludwig Stimmer
  430. Miss Franziska Strobl
  431. Mrs. Elisabeth Stroth
  432. Dorothy Stroth
  433. Dolores Stroth
  434. Mr. Fritz Studinger
  435. Mr. Andreas Stumpf
  436. Mrs. Anna Stumpf
  437. Mr. Sam Sturmann and Family
  438. Mr. Nenny Tagavilla
  439. Miss Hanna Tegtmeyer
  440. Miss Elisabeth Thies
  441. Miss Elsa Thomann
  442. Mr. Anton Thomas
  443. Mrs. Dora Thomas
  444. Mr. Karl Thumm
  445. Mrs. Pauline Thumm
  446. Mr. Tilsemeyer
  447. Mr. Arvi Tokkola
  448. Mrs. Aili Tokkola
  449. Mr. Lewis Trubas
  450. Mr. Wilhelm Tschirßke
  451. Mrs. Lena Tschirßke
  452. Irmgard Tschirßke
  453. Mrs. Dorette Twietmeyer
  454. Mrs. Mariechen Twietmeyer
  455. Mrs. Louise Uhland
  456. ngeborg Uhland
  457. Mrs. Marie Ullrich
  458. Mrs. Frieda Urban
  459. ohanna Urban
  460. Mr. Henry Vall
  461. Mrs. Rosa Vall
  462. William Vall
  463. Mr. Imre Vanyo
  464. Miss Anna Viktovicova
  465. Miss Anna Waldhauser
  466. Mr. Hermann Walter
  467. Miss Lina Weber
  468. Miss Elisabeth Weber
  469. Miss Emma Weber
  470. Miss Pauline Weeler
  471. Miss Luise Weidenbach
  472. Miss Theresa Wieduweit
  473. Mrs. Anna Wild
  474. Mrs. Hildegard Wilinski
  475. Walter Wilncker
  476. Miss Marie Wolf
  477. Miss Mathilde Wolf
  478. Mr. Frank Yoa
  479. Mrs. Elisabeth Yoa
  480. Miss Frances Zacharda
  481. Mr. Frank Zaje
  482. Miss Selma Zielinski
  483. Miss Therese Zogmann
  484. Mrs. Marie Zolnierzow
  485. Mrs. Aloisia Zwerenz

To Southampton

  1. Mrs. Marie Loeser

From Cherbourg

  1. Mr. Primo Bergamasco
  2. Miss Hilda Bergdold
  3. Miss Ernestine Blaess
  4. Miss Gertrud Habermann
  5. Mr. Henry Landwehr and Family
  6. Mr. Maurice Mitzelmacher
  7. Mr. F. Moser
  8. Mr. Alfons Steinhart
  9. Mrs. Ellen Schmeisser
  10. Mr. Varelli
  11. Mr. John Weiersmüller
  12. Mr. Edson Whilney
  13. Mr. Clifford Whitney


Additional Passengers, Third Class

  1. Mr. Heinrich Bettinghausen
  2. Mr. Louis Bauer
  3. Miss  Ernestine Blaess
  4. Mr. Sofoclis Costas
  5. Mrs. Iren Denes
  6. Maria Denes


Atlantic Ocean Track Chart and Memorandum of Log (Unused). SS Columbus Passenger List, 29 September 1930.

Atlantic Ocean Track Chart and Memorandum of Log (Unused). SS Columbus Passenger List, 29 September 1930. GGA Image ID # 1e66c277e0



The City of Bremen receives its Overseas Guests at the Columbus Quay, in Bremerhaven, in the European "Station on the Sea-front". In 1 ½ hours by train or 50 minutes by motorcar one reaches the 70 Kilometers distant City on the Weser, the old Hanseatic City of Bremen; the city which, as a cultivated patrician city with its magnificent sites, offers the travelling public beautiful historical buildings and select Hotels and Restaurants, and at the same time, possessing the most modern docks, is the busy centre of an extensive overseas-trade.

In contrast to the everyday appearance of many of the Hanseatic towns Bremen presents an architectural picture which makes everyone feel at home. Century-old tradition has made its impression. The Market Square is the focus of all that is characteristic of this city.

The grouping of such venerable buildings as the magnificent City Hall, the valiant Roland, the Cathedral Spires reaching heavenwards, the golden "Schütting" (Chamber of Commerce) was created from that proud, independent spirit of citizenship which has made Bremen. It was the same energy of tenacious citizenship that sailed the first steamship on the Weser, inaugurated the first regular transatlantic Mail Line between Bremen and New York, created the first commercial submarine and rendered possible the first East-to-West Air flight over the ocean.

But all this has not disturbed the dignified tranquility of the City. The centre of the city is too distant from the docks, shipyards and factories to be affected by their noises. The old moats are still in a good state of preservation and, like a green garland, entwine the actual City with is numerous reminiscences of the German medieval period. Although modern Offices and Administration buildings have sprung up in the City and the Rhythm of Life has become more pronounced, the melody has remained the same.

Even Romance survives and has found an expression as equally intrepid as it is strong, in the Böttcherstraße which branches - off from the Market Square. No wonder then, that many a globe-trotter was captivated with Bremen and meditatively sat in the "Ratskeller" brooding over the question as to how it was that this City offered a feeling of security and at the same time disclosed so much energy, how it was that this City had the best Wines and supplied the whole of Europe with Cotton, has the oldest Buildings, and builds the most modern ships, has Citizens whose residency dates back for generations, and opens up connections to all parts of the globe.


Signal Flags and Sea Markings.

Signal Flags and Sea Markings. SS Columbus Passenger List, 29 September 1930. GGA Image ID # 1e668415c0


Information for Passengers

Letters and Telegrams. The Chief Steward has charge of the distribution of incoming mail.

Letters for passengers will be brought on board at the port of arrival before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.

Before leaving the ship passengers are recommended to leave their address at the purser's office, so that all mail arriving after their departure may be forwarded on to them.

Letters and telegrams may be directed in c/o any of the Company's agents.
Telegrams to be dispatched from the next port are accepted at the purser's office only, wireless messages at the ship's wireless station.

Treatment of Sea-Sickness. Travelers who have a tendency to suffer from sea-sickness have an opportunity on this steamer to undergo an entirely new treatment whereby relief is afforded through a process of inhaling certain remedies.
Experience has shown so far that successful results are obtained in practically every case. Passengers who desire to avail themselves of this new treatment against sea-sickness are requested to apply to the Ship's doctor.

For each treatment, a voucher for RM. 2.— must be signed which, at the end of the voyage must be cashed with the Chief Steward. Persons rendering the treatment are not allowed to accept cash-payments.

Landing Cards. Before leaving the vessel the holder must present the landing card to a U. S. Immigration Inspector for endorsement.

Photographer. The photographer Is entitled to charge for his services in accordance with the tariff exhibited.

Service. Passengers are requested, in their own interest, to submit any complaints they may have to make to the Captain at the time of his daily round of inspection every morning. The wishes of the passengers will be considered as far as practicably possible.

Firearms. The carrying of fire arms of any kind is prohibited by law in the U. S. A. Offenders are liable to heavy fines and punishment.

Money, valuables etc. The purser will accept valuables etc. duly scaled or enclosed in an envelope bearing the name of the owner, for safe keeping during the voyage, but without any guarantee on the part of the Company. The purser will give a receipt on demand.

Baggage. Hand-baggage and one cabin-trunk may be taken into the cabin, but the cabin-trunk must not exceed the maximum size, i. e. 3' 3" long by 1' 11" wide and 1' 1" high.

Larger articles of baggage will be stored in the hold, and will be accessible to passengers at certain times daily. Baggage may not be deposited in the corridors.

Each passenger must fill up a "Customs-Declaration" of his or her personal baggage.
In the case of families the oldest member is entitled to fill up this declaration for the whole family. Blank forms will be distributed on board the steamer.

Pieces of baggage, packets etc., destined to be re-forwarded, for storage, or for delivery to a third party, are to be handed to the Baggage Master who, alone, is competent to receive them.

The Company accepts no responsibility for any article handed over by passengers to other members of the ship's personnel.

Passengers are requested to take care that, before leaving the steamer, no personal belongings are left in their cabins or elsewhere aboard.

Passengers are specially recommended in their own interest to look after their hand baggage upon landing in the port of destination.

Arrangements must be made with the Customs Inspector at the port of disembarkation respecting any baggage to be forwarded under bond to a further destination. Such baggage must be specially mentioned in the Customs Declaration and the value thereof stated.

Baggage to be forwarded by a later sailing must reach the port of destination within three months of the passenger's arrival, and must be included in the Customs Declaration as baggage accompanying the passenger.

Animals. All animals, regardless of size and kind, will be accommodated aboard in suitable quarters. It is not under any circumstances allowed to take animals into any rooms used by passengers or to lead them around on any part of the steamer set aside for the convenience of passengers.

Passengers who are required to observe their immigration formalities at Ellis Island have to exchange the Company's baggage tickets for the Ellis Island metal checks as soon as their baggage has been inspected by the American custom-house officers, and before proceeding to Ellis Island.

Letters for Passengers will be brought on board at the port of destination before the passengers land. In their own interest, therefore, passengers should personally ascertain whether there is any mail for them before they leave the ship.


Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Columbus Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 29 September 1930.

Back Cover, North German Lloyd SS Columbus Tourist Third Cabin and Third Class Passenger List - 29 September 1930. GGA Image ID # 160a174de5


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